The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 14, 1958, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Pooe 4
Methodist Student Hons
Friday, Feb. 14
6 pjn. Wesley Weds Pot Luck
upper at Ag Center
Saturday, Feb. 15
t a.m. Work Party
Sunday, Feb. 16
5 p.m. Supper and forum "Nu
clear Testing and Disarmament"
7:15 p.m. Inter-Protestant World
Christian Student Day of Prayer
Tuesday, Feb. 1ft
7:30 p.m. Sigma Theta Epsika
rush coker
Wednesday, Feb. 19-
6:30 a.m. Coffee and rolls
7:15 a.m. tnten Services "Why
Have Lent in '58?" Rev. Darrell
Patton, speaker
Lutheran Student House
Friday, Feb. 14
7 p.m. Visitation to nursing
Sunday, Feb. IS
8:30 a.m. L.S.A. Cabinet
9:45 a.m. Bible classes
10:30 a.m. Coffee and rolls
11 a.m. Morning worship
5:30 p.m. L.S.A. supper
6:15 p.m. L.S.A. program "World
Tay of Prayer Observance'
Tuesday, Feb. 18
S p.m. Church council
8 p.m. Membership class
Wednesday, Feb. 1
7 p.m. Vespers
7:30 p.m. Choir
Thursday, Feb. 20
7 p.m. Basic Christian Ethics at
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
Thursday, Feb. 20
7:45 p.m. fellowship at Student
Ag Interdenominational
Friday, Feb. 14
6 p.m. Wesley Weds Pot Luck
Sunday, Feb. 16
6 p.m. Movie "The Broken
Mask" and worship
Newman Club
Friday-Sunday, Feb. 14-16
Central States Province Newmai;
Club Conference at Kansas State,
Manhattan, Kansas
Sunday, Feb. 16
Masses at 8, 9, 11 a.m. and 12
5:30 p.m. Newman Club Supper
Tuesday, Feb. 18
8 p.m. Choir
6:45 and 7:15 a.m.
Religion classes
7 p.m. Tuesday, 'Wednesday,
7 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday,
. 7 p.m. Tuesday (Ag Activities
Legion of Mary
3 p.m. Monday
8 p.m. Tuesday (Ag Activities
Baptist-Christian Student
Friday, Feb. 14
7:30 p.m. Valentine Party
Sunday, Feb. 16
4 p.m. Dr. Ferre's installation as
Dean of Cotner College, Love Li
brary Auditorium
5 p.m. Reception
"Wednesday, Feb. 19
7 p.m. Vespers
Thursday, Feb, 20
7 p.m. Cabinet
University Lutheran Chapel
(Missouri Synod)
Sunday, Feb. 16
10:45 a.m. worship
5:30 p.m. Gamma Delta supper
Tuesday, Feb. 18
7 p.m. Christian Doctrine Study
Wednesday, Feb. IS
7 p.m. Lenten Service
University Episcopal Chapel
Sunday, Feb. 16
9 a.m. Holy communion
11 a.m. Morning prayer and ser
in on
6 p.m. Canterbury Club
7:45 p.m. Evening Prayer
Tuesday, Feb. 18
10 a.m. Holy Communion
Wednesday, Feb. 19
7 a.m. Holy Communion
7 p.m. Choir
Thursday, Feb. 20
10 a.m. Holy Communion
B'nal B'rith Hillel Foundation
Tlfereth Israel Synagogue
Friday, Feb. 14-
8 p.m. Evening service
Saturday, Feb. 15
8 a.m. Morning services
South Street Temple
Friday Feb. 14
8 p.m. Evening services
Sunday. Feb. 16
9:30 and 11 a.m. Morning serv
ices 4 p.m. Cabinet
8:30 p.m. Supper and forum.
Bpneksr Mrs. J, R. Salsbury, Pres
ident of the National Council of
Presbyterian Women
Monday, Feb. 17
7 a.m. Breakfast and Bible
study: John
12 p.m. Luncheon for Miss Bars
WyHe, missionary from Thailand
5 p.m. Contemporary Theology
Tuesday, Feb. 18
7:15 p.m. Sigma Eta Chi
Wednesday, Feb. 19
7 p.m. Vespers
Ob 70th Between A ft Sooth
PI) one Early for Reservation
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The Home Ec Style Show, slated for Sunday
at 3 p.m., will be held in the College Activities
Building on Ag Campus.
Sponsored by the Home Economics Club, the
theme of the show has been named "It's a Wom
an's World."
Graduate Speaker Stresses
;A Look At Ourselves'
Theodore Blegen, Dean of the
University of Minnesota Graduate
School, called upon educators to
look at themselves and to seek
ways of strengthening the work
they are doing.
Speaking at the University's
first Graduate College lecture on
Wednesday afternoon, the promin
ent educator and scholar said:
"Whenever crisis comes, some
people look for scapegoats, blam
ing everybody except themselves,
bewailing the passing of the mthi
cal good old days, and especially
in the educational world, hurling
charges at echelorjs below or above
their own.
"It is an old game, but the road
of educational statesmanship is to
Heads Named
For E-Weck
Valasek And Boning
Given Top Jobs
Committee heads for the 46th an
nual E-Week have been announced,
according to Stan Kaimaii of the
publicity committee.
E-Week, to be held Thursday and
Friday, April 24 and 25, will be
supervised by over-all co-chair
men Ray Valasek and John Bon
ing. Herbert Bates, Associate Pro
fessor of Chemical Engineering,
and David Olive, Associate Pro
fessor of Electrical Engineering,
will be the advisors.
E-Week is conducted by the
College of Engineering and Archi
tecture to show students and the
public what the field of engineer-1
ing involves and the educational
opportunities it offers.
Co-chairmen Named
Each department names co
chairmen to supervise its depart
ment's activities. The co-chairmen
are: Dale Heermann and
Marvin Bishop, agricultural; Steve
Saylor and Karlis Dzensis, archi
tecture; Winifred Wortman and
Junior Meier, civil; Alvin Konpik
and Ron Lantz, chemical; Jerry
Hildreth and Clyde Lebsock, elec
trical; Clinton Spindler and Charles
Yungblutt, mechanical and J i m
Weaver and Rod Clifton, engineer
ing mechanics.
The schedule for E-Week is ten
tatively an open house from 2 p.m.
to 10 p.m. April 24, an engineer's
convocation at 11 a.m. April 25,
a field day with a picnic that after
noon and an evening banquet.
Administrative committees in
clude: Jim Jacobs, treasurer; Gary
Cadwallader, secretary; Stan Har
gleroad, banquet; Bob Peters,
contest; Harry Dingham, convoca
tion; Doug Thorpe, field day; and
William King, inquiries.
Others are: Ray Traudt, pro
gram; Bob Hyatt, ribbon sales;
George Fisk, sledge; Glen Dutton,
traffic; Wayne Lorenz, window
display; Denni Johnston, tours;
and Bob Smicit, publicity.
Rixstine Jewelry Mfg. Co.
Phone 2-3810 1108 P St.
Tommy Tomlin
SAT. 18
Adm. 90c Dancing 9-1
Creative blisses
look at ourselves, in whatever area
we occupy., and build strength
where we need strength, with
minds open to thoughtful criti
cism." Recommendations
Applying this principle to Ameri-1
can graduate schools, he made ,
these recommendations:
Concerted effort to increase the !
number of trained scientists a n d j
technologists without confusing ba- j
sic science and engineering and to
strengthen the quality of such
Concurrent emphasis on hu
manities and social sciences. "The
road to strength in the kind of
country and world we believe in
is many-laned. We need an Ameri
can education of balance, not im
balance. Survival is vital, but
many kinds of architects are need
ed in building peace," he said.
More stress on the interrela
tions of fields and disciplines.
Improvement of preparation of
college teachers with emphasis on
subject matter but also recognition
that the study of the learning proc
ess itself is respectable, hardhead
ed, and toughminded.
More basic research and train
ing for basic research.
Future Growth
Earnest study of the problem
of educating college teachers for
the demands of the 1960's and
1970 's.
Better and earlier identifica
tion and encouragement of h i g h
nntentinl talent nnd n hif pvrian-1
sion of scholarships and fellow
ships. "President Eisenhower's propos
als are good, but they have neither
the compass nor the magnitude
needed for our future," Dr. Ble
gen said.
Graduate schools must train
much larger numbers of students
if we are to come anywhere near
meeting national needs.
A revision of rules and regula
tions that are no longer relevant
to modern graduate study.
Better goals in the clarity and
excellence of scholarly writing
coupled with more training of writ
ers to carry to the people the
findings of science and scholar
ship in this age of mass commu
nication. Readiness to open new fields
of study as need and the march
o' knowledge reveal them as im
portant. Geier On Coininitttee
J. C. (Jake) Geier, gymnastics
coach at the University has been
reappointed to the NCAA gymnav
tics rules committee for a term of :
four years. 1
...... -i . .I..-. v. Ant ti-v at aneed
record in the fantastic Douglai Skyrocket, ay Test
Pilot Bill Bridgeman, author of The Lonely Sky. A
special B 29 dropped me like a bomb at 30.C00 feet
I turned on my rockets and climbed to 40,000 . . .when
suddenly all power failed. Rocket power, cabin pres
sure, heat-everything went-and the window frosted
over so I couldn't see. Finally I got the radio going on an
emergency Dsttery .
plane talked me aown to a ouna janum
or YOUB Clot hev-at any altitude-try new Colgat
Instant Shave. It's ihe quicken, eaieit way to shave
ever, no matter what razor vou use. Smooth, tool Shaves
your whiskers, saves your skin. A great shave buy for
the tough-beaid guy I
Colgate Instant Shavo
llittm K Hie il ClpmH SaorMnxl wllti Sill MatnW
Mlworfc tvMfcdoy anrnimM. Cfcai vaitr mmrnt If Maw mn4 -mtutm.
The Doily Nebrcskon
1 t -
1 f .
7 rr;v., i
Portraying their part in the "Woman's World"
are from left) Ethel Oeltjen, Deanna Brier, and
Sharon Wilson. Each member will model their
own creations.
The show will be open to the general public,
according to Mary Vrba, general chairman.
Council Vote
Changes Selection
Student Council members voted
unanimously Wednesday to move
the selection of the Spring Day
committee up to Nov. 1 in order
to allow for a more thorough in
vestigation of Spring Day and a
possible better planning job.
Dwaine Rogge, member of this
year's committee, made the motion
and it was passed without dissen
tion. Rogge also stated that it is
hoped a big-name band can be ob
tained for Spring Day this year.
Main objectives of the Student
Tribunal Committee were outlined
by Dave Keene, chairman of the
committee.- Keene said his com
mittee hopes to aid the council in
the method of selection of commit
tee members. They also will assist
in the setting up of methods of
procedure for the Student Tribunal
as soon as the addition to the Tri
bunal Charter is acted upon by the
Herb Friedman, chairman of the
Parking committee, annojneed
that appeals were being receied
at the average rate of four or five
a day. The major appeal comes
from a student who objected to
receiving a parking ticket for park
ing behind the women's dorm on
the city campus. The student pro
tested that there are several va
cant places behind the dorm that
are not being used.
Dr. Robert Bertram, chairman
of philosophy, Valparaiso Univer
sity in Indiana, spoke to the coun
cil on conformity. Dr. Bertram
appeared in connection with Religi
ous Emphasis Week Seminar in
progress at the University.
Charity Vote Begins
Faculty members are being con
tacted so that they may vote for
charities for next year's AUF
drive. The Faculty Drive will
begin March 10.
Students may vote this week.
The polls are located in thf
Union. Five charities will be cho
sen by the poll.
Eastern Magical Society
240 Rlvington Street
New Tork 2. N.T.
. . ana a puoi ik a
. ,, . , 11 t "
Theatre Sprites
'Outline Undaunted
By Production
A few little difficulties aren't
stopping "Ondine."
"Ondine" is the University The
ater's production scheduled for the
first week in March. But already
these things have happened t the
Two cast members have left
school and, consequently, the cast
of the show.
Fire Formals
Busy Socialites
A week end filled with activities,
Including five formals, three date
dinners and other parties and
dances will keep University stu
dents busy. Queens and attendants,
who will be revealed in the Tues
day social column, will be named
at several of the weekend festivi
ties. Friday
Delta Sigma Phi formal, Uni
versity Club.
Kappa Alpha Theta formal, Lin
coln Hotel.
Kappa Sigma formal, Cornhusker
Sigma Kappa pledge open house,
3-5 p.m.
Falladian Society program, Tem
porary J.
Alpha Xi Delta, Valentine pledge
Delta Upsilon formal, Lincoln
Gamma Phi Beta formal, Cot
ner Terrace.
' Sigma Alpha Epsilon "Bowery
Sigma Alpha Mu dinner-dance,
Lincoln Hotel.
Sigma Phi Epsilon, Pledge
Sweetheart Party.
Alpha Xi Delta-Alpha Gamma
Rho, jam session, 3-5 p.m.
Pi Beta Phi tea, 2-4 p.m.
Delta Delta Delta date-dinner.
Phi Gamma Delta date-dinner.
Chi Omega date-dinner.
BEGINNING MARCH 1 you can make appointments
for tout haircut up until 5:00
O CALL 8-3416 O O
' II
The case of the typing paper
that erased without a trace or,
Typewriter Paper
It's a cinch to "rub out" typing errors
and leave no "clues", when you use
Eaton's Corrasable Bond Paper.
Never smears, never smudges be
cause Corrasable's like-magic surface...
erases without a trace! (A flick of the
wrist and a pencil eraser puts things
right!) This fine quality bond paper
gives a handsome appearance to all
your work. It's a perfect crime not to
use it 1
For Thesis
Complicated technical aspects
of the Jean Giraudeu comedy
drama will necessitate an entire
week of technical rehearsals be
fore the show is ready for the
Selection of the music for the
show is becoming a hide and seek
venture for sound manager Judy
But despite any of these difficul
tiesor the thousand and one
which face a director. Dr. Mar
garet Servine, who is directing
this show is very pleased with the
cast and the work being accom
plished. "The play is a real challenge to
the actors," Miss Servine noted.
And it must be, for the genial
staff member of the Department
of Speech and Dramatic Arts de
scribed some of the characters as
real '"Ondines," or sea sprites.
"This show needs -careful study
and interpretation which reflects
the true feelings of the perform
ers," Miss Servine explained. "I
think the cast is learning that the
major task of the actor is to be
sincere," she added.
The chorus of sea sprites is
under the direction of Dorothy
Maxwell of the Women's Physical
Education department. These
Ondines must learn new, graceful
dance steps for the production, ac
cording to the director.
. . . don't miss
& his Orchestra
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Fridoy, Februory 14, 1953
the treasure Is
The steady erem-th f the
University of Nebraska Fona
dation has a secondary value
not s very secondary after
all in its effect a contribu
tors. This lies in the reaction
of jift en rh-er. Ne proverb H
truer than Jesus' aphorism
that Vhere your treasure Is,
there mill your heart be also."
Nebraska alumni, parents
of present' an J former stu
dents, public spirited citizens,
well-to-do people huating for
places to plant their money
where it will yield pood re
turns these and many others
have through the years made
hie r little rifts to the uni
versity, some for designated
purposes,, ethers, free, of
strings. In the Foundation
they have a mechanism to
sucpest objectives and corre
late gifts so as to increase the
ultimate value in dollars and
cents. The increase from year
to year testifies to the appre
ciation such an apparatus is
Unattested but quite real. Is
the effect on those who bring
their offerings for assignment
and. distribution.. One. may
make a handsome g-ift to an
institution from any ot sev
eral motives. He may be pvsh
cd. may want to keep np with
the Joneses, see his name i
an honor list or assaug-e b'.s
conscience. The money is wel
rome and will be used. But it
is after the money has been
given that its objective be
gins to rank higher in the
mind. Everybody who takes
his few or many dollars to
the foundation will eventually
find himself feeling greater
interest hi the University,
often a wider and deeper in
terest than he himself had
anticipated. This can be as
valuable as money to the
beneficiary institution; its
value to the person is beyond
From an editorial In the
( Iinm!n Journal
"Supporting the Foundation
Means Supporting IV. U."
U of N
106 Love Library
Lincoln, Nebraska
' (V;