The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1957, Image 1

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Cfii7y RaJy
The cheerleader are shown
leading the p re-migration rally
held in front of the Union Wed
nesday night.
The rally did not migrate
University Still Spared
From Asian Flu Epidemic
So far it has not been necessary
to put into effect the University's
extensive plan for handling a sud
den outbreak of flu, according to
Dr. Samuel Fuenning, director of
Health Serv
ices. " ' "" ':,":'l
The latest
report showed
217 influenza
cases, which
a m o n g 8,
000 students is
still not on an
epidemic ba
sis, he added.
How ever,
una J!i auuui Courtesy Lineo'a Star
double the Fuenning
number of cases reported last
week at this time.
Monday's report showed 83 cases
and Tuesday's 157.
A public health nurse and a hos
pital nurse have been employed
in addition to the regular staff of
Health Services, Dr. F u e n n i a g
a i : l l
KK- Names Five
For Fall Revue
Five fraternities' Kosmet Klub
skits have been chosen for the an
nual Kosmet Klub Fall Review
November 22, according to Bob
Smidt, Kosmet Klub skit chair
man. The five houses are: Phi Kappa
Psi, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma Phi
Epsilon, Alpha Tau Omega and
Sigma Chi. They were adjudged
to have the best skits in a field
cf twelve particVants Thursday
night. Judges for the skits were
Smidt, Miss Mary Jean Mulvaney,
assistant professor of physical edu
cation, Jerry Brownfield, Keith
Smith, Bob Slater and Irwin Hatha
way, professor of dairy husbandry.
The Phi Psi skit is entitled "In
side Russia Confidential Hush Hush
Shhh Unexpurgated." It dials with
the problems involved when fallout
from atomic tests starts ruinning
English todies. When Russian vod
ka is also affected, the world
comes to the realization that
atomic tests must be ended for
the common good.
"Three Paupers of Paris" is the
title of the Phi Deit entry. Three
begars of Paris are arrested for
beging without licenses. They be
'What Every Woman Knows'
Opening Might Dram Critical Approval
Copy Editor
"What Every Woman Knows"
opened Wednesday night with ,
superb performance of the light ; fi
but challenging J. M. Bame work. mae lead o Maggie Wyliej had
With all the ceremony of the Hon-! a warm part, and played it with
orary Producer presentation, one j great enthusiasm. Mrs. Blanke dis
exoected a first class production played commendable mastery at
e p , the dialect too. In the third act
to match. This expectation wa . tje
well met. The overall theatrical j teephone callt but this is not a
atmospnere ana uv-.yu.a I
II 1 A an4 vprnt.pd. I
well planned and executed.
Roy Willey, playing the lead part
of John Shand, did a commendable
;. u ti- v.a ovi-eiient pnntrol over !
juu . nc mow, " -
the difficult Scottish dialect, and
seldom deviated from his role. In
his part he said "I've never
cf acked a smile," and throughout
the performance acted the serious j
nart with good consistancy
A few times Willey concentrated
too much on his dialect and it ef
fected a slight unnaturalness. in
the second act, at one time he
. . : . i,4 hut thic '
raised nis voitc iw - i
may not have been his fault. The j
offstage voices were very ioua m approval uy eivuiB mm wc ia,6
the second act, and distracted from ! est spontaneous applause. Gnuse,
the quality of tin on-stage diction, j playing David Wylie, looked the
Willey must be complemented on I part though his beard was too
his expression in the second act red. He was very natural in his
when he had just won an election, j speech and motions.
downtown because of the poor
showing of the University stu
dents, which may have been due
to other University activities or
the cold weather.
said. Instead of ill patients re
porting directly to Student Health,
the nurses make daily rounds of
all University dormitories, sorori
ties, fraternities, and other organ
ized houses to check records and
conditions of the patients.
About 800 students have been
immunized for Asian flu and these
students who earlier attended
training, sessions assist in handling
mild flu cases in each organized
house, Dr. Fuenning explained.
Housemothers and food handlers
also have been inoculated.
The immunized students take
temperatures and pulse of ill stu
dents every four hours; serve
meals and medications according
to standing orders; and record any
change in the patient's condition,
such as complaint of sore throat,
headache, or extreme fatigue and
Any marked rise in temperature
after the fourth or fifth day of
illness or a complaint of chest
moan their fate but come to realize
that Paris is the best possible
place for this to happen giving the
skit a happy ending.
Abha Tau Omeea titled their
skit "Gunfight at the OK Rice
Paddy." After an unproductive
conference ith a speechless gang
j leader, a mob of oriental bandits
: sets out on a robbery. The attempt
j is unsuccessful and upon returning
1 the gang finds their leader has
i been dead while they were sup-
posably receiving his instructions.
Sigma Phi Epsilon presented
'"Final Fling." The skit has a
I Scotch background with two rival
i clans meeting for the annual curl
I ing and drinking match. The rival
ry is at first bitter but friendship
reigns in the end.
"Alababoo and the Asian Flu"
is the title chosen by the Sigma
Chi's for their production. Ala
baboo and his band have the Asian
flu virus locked up in large jugs
and are using it to terrorize teams
in the Big Eight Conference. The
j Nebraska Hiusker finds a serum for
' the virus and emerges from the
' Conference -. hail and healthy
j while rival Oklahoma faints from
i the illness.
He controlled his serious nature
with just the right expression of
excitement. In the third act he
showed a tremendous display of
fair criticism, considering tne oin-
erwise liawiess penormance
Joe HilL nlavine the part of Al-
ick Wylie, received much audience
acclaim for his warm acting of
his difficult part. Hill showed a
marvelous control of his accent,
and his mannerismis were exact,
which did much to make the pro-
auction seem so natural.
Uclick Wvlie's two scheming sons.
played by Bill Gnuse and John
Hall, were two of the best per
formances. Hall, playing James
Wylie, was cast in his pertect
nart .Timmv was hilarious. In the
r ,7 , . . 1
third act the audience showed their
Charles Hunt, Jim Auld, and
Bob Owen were the only band
members present and there were
only 3 spirit signs in the crowd
of approximately 300.
pain is reported to the Student
Health Services immediately by
the "volunteer nurses."
All serious cases of flu are
transferred to the Student Health
hospital, where the University doc
tors are concentrating their ef
forts, Dr. Fuenning explained.
Dr. Fuenning said that the trend
in the past two weeks has been
for the number of flu cases to
rise during the first part of the
week and then taper off toward
the latter part. On the average,
the flu cases have been of only
two or three days' duration.
Dr. Fuenning reported that in
case of an outbreak of epidemic
proportions, temporary emergency
wards will be set up in the base
ment, recreation room, ..and tele
vision room of the Selleck dor
mitory and in the ballroom of the
Residence Halls for Women.
One nurse will be in charge of
each ward, assisted by Dental Col
lege and Pharmacy College sen
iors, nurses in school working to
ward a degree, and Red Crow
and student volunteers.
The Health Services has avail
able on a two-hour notice: 3,000
steel cots, mattresses, and com
forters and 2,400 sheets.
FBI Awards
NU Professor
Dr. James Reinhardt, professor
of criminology at the University,
has received a certificate of ap
preciation for his 11th year of in
structing at the FBI National
Academy m
Washington, D.
C, which was
held last week.
The award
was presented
by FBI direc- 4
tor, J.
4 ?
Dr. R e 1 n-
hardt delivered
two lectures on
"Law Enforce
ment and So
i JU.
Courtesy Lincoln Star
He also has been invited to ad
dress a retraining session for FBI
National Academy Associates Nov.
7 on the topic, "Investigation of
T.nriv Svbil Tenterden. played by
Betty Lester, deserves special
comment on an excellent perform
ance in her third act. Her expres
sion was without flaw and she dis
played a practiced change of
, Bonna Tebo, playing Comtesse
1 de la Briere, did a good job of
her light mood in the third act,
but she lacked the finishing touch
es. Many times in her exits the
audience was' on the verge
of applause, but her acting did
not quite merit it.
Len Schropfer, playing Mr. Ven
ables, left much to be desired in
his interpretation of the character
in the second act, but in the third
act gave a decent performance. He
was a little too distracting for a
supporting role.
The casting as a whole made
the play live, the music was well
suited to the production, and a
general friendly atmosphere was
The honorary producer ceremo
nies added a certain fitting open
ing nisht touch and did not de
tract in the last from the theatri
cal atmosphere.
I hope the members of the Uni
versity community which have not
already done so, talte the oppor
tunity to see this production which
will run through Sunday.
Copy Editor
And away we go!
That's the cry being heard all
over campus as Nebraska students
make ready for the official unoffi
cial annual migration to Missouri
for the Husker-Tiger gridiron clash
this weekend.
Indications are, however, that
this cry will be heard much less
frequently this year than last. In
'56, when migration was to the
land of tall mountains and 3.2,
over 6,000 Husker students and
alumni boarded buses, cars and
special trains to follow the Big Red
to Boulder.
This year though, University
Business Manager for Athletics, A.
J. Lewandowski, reports that only
about 600 tickets or one tenth as
many as were hawked for Colorado
have been sold for Missouri. Since
40 of these were in a block to
Kansas City alumni, that means
only a b o u t 560 were sold to stu
dents. Lewandowski also stated
o BftlBf BEBM
Vol. 32 No. 24
KNUS Radio
Station Plans
New Contest
KNUS has announced a contest
to select an official emblem to be
used on the University radio sta
tion's stationery, advertisements
and other business materials, Bob
Wirz, KNUS staff member said.
A University student carrying
12 hours fs eligible to enter the
contest except employees of KNUS.
The final deadline for expecting
entries will be Nov. 8. Entries
should be mailed to KNUS, Temple
All entries will be judged on or
iginality and neatness. Should there
be any duplication of design, the
earliest postmarked entry will bs
given prior to consideration, Wirz
- First prize - will le a- $10 xash
award and a trophy engraved with
the name of the organization. If
the winner does not belong to an
organization the trophy will be pre
sented to the individual.
One 33 1-3 LP record album plus
five 45 rpm records is second prize
and one 33 1-3 LP record album is
Each prize winner will be inter
viewed on the air at KNUS studios
at the time of the announcing of
the award winners on Nov. 13.
University Theater:
Untried Actors Here's Your Chancel
Editorial Editor
For University students who have
been afraid of trying out for the
University Theater for lack of ex
perience or anything else, an op
portunity has come up which prob
ably won't present itself for many
a moon.
Harry Stiver, an instructor in the
Department of Speech and Dra
matic Arts, who is directing the
second play of the theater stasoi;
said that anyone is welcome to
tryout for the play.
The reason: The play is the hi
larious comedy "Teahouse of the
August Moon" which had such a
striking success on Broadway and
on the screen, and the cast calls
for a great number of people who
can't be understood!
And because there are parts
galore for orientals and persons
other than Caucasian stock, Stiver
is hoping that a great number of
foreign students at the University
will take an interest in the play.
"We'll need about 30 people,"
Stiver said. "And tryouts are
scheduled Tuesday and Wednesday
in the Howell Theater."
Stiver said that most people know
the play or the movie version
pretty well. "This may be an add
ed incentive for them to tryoutt. At
least we hope so," he added.
There are 18 men's parts, eight
women's roles, three children's
parts and Stiver said the produc
tion calls for "one jeep and a
"So it looks like we'll need peo
ple of all ages and all descriptions.
There's even a part for someone
who's rather large the pot-bellied
police chief. He'll have to be a
rassler," Stiver quipped.
Stiver added that there would bs
no rehearsal on the production un
til after Homecoming. The piay is
scheduled for the Howell Theater
Dec. 11 through 14.
I Dr. Charles Lown of the Speech
Department will handle the tech
nicle end of "Teahouse." Stiver
I said that already they have begun
in the east side. That would put
that some 400 tickets still remained
to be sold and could be purchased
at the Coliseum today for the regu
lar Big Eight price of $3.50 apiece.
"They are sections 00 through MM0
Missou Rally
There will be a pep rally In
front of the Missouri Student
Union at 12:45 p.m. Saturday ac
cording to Bill McQuistan, Yell
King. The rally will be held In
cooperation with the University
band, according to McQuistan.
them between the 20 and 40 yard
lines," he said.
Those students who do go will
not lack for reminders of home.
Yell King, Bill McQuistan an
nounced there would be a pep rally
at 12:45 in front of the Missouri
Union Saturday, and copies of the
Daily Nebraskan will be distributed
on the Missouri campus. The Uni
Critics Claim Duke's Music
'Impossible To Duplicate'
Staff Writer
The 1957 Homecoming Dance,
which will feature Duke Ellington
and his orchestra, is to be held
on Nov. 3 from 8-12 p.m. in the
Coliseum, according to Gordon
Warner, Corn Cob president.
Duke, his music and his orches
tra have been, from the beginning,
a package of talent impossible to
duplicate or imitate, although the
ranks of Ellington's imitators grow
from year to year.
Few big bands can claim, as
his can, that it has played in ev
ery part of the United States, Can
ada and Europe to every kind of
audience, young and old, highbrow
and lowbrow, in dance halls and
concert halls, "in theaters arid au
ditoriums . . . and once, in Paris,
in a bombproof shelter and over
radio and television.
No matter what Duke's repetoire 1
for the occasion, it is sure to be
a surprise in experience and en
joyment and certain of acclaim.
Ellington has contributed more
to modern music, in originality,
melodic material and arranging
technique, than any other con
temporary. His manner of writ
plotting the many problems which
the comedy presents.
"It probably means that well
need a large crew for the play,"
he commented.
John Patrick, author of "Tea
house" has written "The Hasty
Heart," "The Willow and I," "The
Curious Savage," and "Lo and Be
hold." "Teahouse" has become so popu-
', 't
r y "sc. . w - .'4
Honorary Producers Named
Honorary Producers for the
1957-58 season were presented
Wednesday night -on the Howell
Memorial Stage.
Since Theater Art, if it is to
become a vital part of the cul
tural growth of the university,
must have-the active support of
the students and teachers, stu
dent leaders who sold the most
tickets in the'r organised houses
were awarded for their effort.
versity marching band will also
attend the game and participate
in the half time show.
The game itself will be a con
tinuation of a long standing series.
Nebraska and Missouri first met
in 1892 and battled to a scoreless
tie. Nebraska's first victory came
in 1897 and since then the Huskers
have managed to dominate the
series. Nebraska holds a 28-19-3
edge over the Tigers. The Big Red
have snaged the last three games
including a 15-14 homecoming
thriller in memorial stadium last
year. Coincidentally, this year is
homecoming in Columbia too.
So far Missouri has shown a good
deal of punch this year. The Tigers
have amassed a 3-1-1 record in
their first five games including an
upset victory over SMU, 7-6. Last
week they whopped Iowa State, 34
13. Iowa State had previously
gained .a tie with Syracuse.
Statistically, the two campuses
stack up much the same. The town
of Columbia, where the Missou
ing In enigmatic mood and quick
silver rhythms has for subtle-byplay
of reeds against brasses, and
piano against orchestra remained
an individual art. His songs are
as fresh today as the day they
were written.
Most musicians agree that one
of the reasons the Duke's music
is as provocative today as when
it was first beaten out in a night
club, is that an Ellington tune is
always ahead of its time. "Soli
tude," "Sophisticated Lady," and
"Mood Indigo" are still new to the
public as are his more recent "I'm
Beginning To See the Light."
Duke, the one composer whose
works always remain as "stand
ards" has always written in a
style and idiom so much ahead
of his time that the listening pub
lic is forever just catching up with
songs he wrote years ago.
Perhaps the compliment which
really feathers the cap of a mu
sician is having the admiration of
his colleagues bandleaders and
musicians who take busmen's hol
idays listening to the Duke as the
standard of excellence.
Downbeat music magazine says
of him: "Duke Ellington, suave,
polished, and internationally
lar, Stiver noted, that it has been
I translated and successfully pro-
I duced in practically every foreign
area of the world.
Stiver explained that the reason
it was not important for many in
the cast to be understood is that
the inhabitants of Okinawa haven't
learned the English language yet
during the play. "So that means
the more gibberish the better."
.3 jr-
Kay Nielson, "Miss Nebraska
of 1957," Governor Victor Ander
son, and Mayor Bennett Martin
were en hand for the presenta
tion. In the back row left to right
are: Gary Rodgers, Sigma Nu
third place fraternity; Mrs.
Charles Weatherford, Masquers
organization; Doris Growkop,
Masquers orgsnizatioii; Dcnald
Montgomery, Masquers organiza
campus is located, has a popula
tion of 32,000. The school itself has
an enrollment of 9,500. Missouri'!
stadium is also called Memorial
and its capacity is also listed as
4u,000. Missou's colors are listed as
old gold and black. Their coach,
who like Bill Jennings is in his
first year, is Frank Broyles.
Husker Hideaway
Dance Scheduled
The Husker Hideaway Dance
will be held Saturday night at 9
p.m. in the Union Ballroom for all
those not planning on going to mi
gration. Tickets are on sale now in the
Union ticket booth and will also
be sold Saturday night for $.50
per person.
The "Collegians" will play for
the dance. There will be refresh
ment. Friday, October 25, 1957
known, continues to draw well,
particularly on college date and
one-niter locations, where people
still come to hear good music as
well as dance to it.
The sounds and the arrange
ments have varied little over the
years and the Ellington personal
ity continues to win admirers."
According to Dave Brubeck, "It '
is the rare artist who has the
imagination to continually meet
the challenge of change. Duke
Ellington who predates swing has
not only met this challenge, but
projects into the future."
Life magazine commented on
him: "Suave Duke Ellington has
been apart from, and usually
ahead of, most jazz fashions since
his start in 1927. His elegantly
shaped compositions, like "Mood
Indigo", sound best when played
by the Duke's own big, growly
voiced band."
The N.Y. Journal American
newspaper summed everything up
in one sentence: "The Duke is
considered a genius by some de
votees while others settle for the
understatement that he is merely
great . . ."
Oil-Painting Show
Slated For Union
The National Association of Wom
en Artists will present thier travel
ing oil painting show in the maia
lounge of tfie Union during No
vember, Polly Doerig, chairman,
Some of the 34 artists and paint
ings to be included are Gibralter
by Thelma Addison, Tropical Re
treat by Mildred Atkin, Free-for
All by Ada Gabriel, Metamorpho
sis by Elise Ject-Key, Ettonville,
Florida by Doris Kreindler, and
Night Scene by Dela Axline.
tion; Mayor Bennett Martin;
Jack Ely, Sigma Chi second
place fraternity.
Front row kft to right are:
Judy DeVilbiss, Chi Omega
second place sorority; Kay Niel
son; Dick Moses, Kappa Sigma
Honorary Producer; Governor
Victor Anderson; Merna Mills,
Alpha Xi Delta honorary pro
ducer; and Eleanor Kessler, Del
ta Gamma third place sorority.