The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 16, 1957, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Poge 4
From Husker Roster
The University of Nebraska foot
ball squad, in addition to the three
losses already suffered on the
gridiron, has been inflicted with
another setback the loss of fleet
footed Benny Dillard.
Dillard who was injured in the
opening game of the 1956 season
was voted another year of eligibil
ity by the conference leaders and
is only a sophomore in that re
spect. Little Benny Dillard has paced
the Huskers so far this season be
ing top man in the rushing de
partment. Dillard has traveled 105
yards in 24 carries to net him an
average of 4.4 yard per carry, al
though be did not see action in
Courtesy Lincoln Star
Benny Dillard . . . booted from
Husker grid squad.
last week's eame with Pittsburgh.
When the Huskers traveled to the
Steel City the Mt. Pleasant speed- j
kin was suffering a flu attack
and could not make the trip.
Head Coach Bill Jennings of the
Cornhuskers commented that Du
lard had been dropped from the
Eleven State Champs
On ISC Frosh Squad
Eleven state champions are list
ed among the 35 freshman
wrestlers reporting to Coach Har
old Nichols of Iowa State.
The list includes three men who
won two state titles: Bob Esqueda,
Vinton, who won his titles in Wis
consin; Micky Stewart of Webster
Groves, Mo.; and Don Webster of
The other eight state winners are
Bob Duvall, New Hampton; Otto
Boles, Parkersburg, W. Va.; Larry
Hayes, Des Moines; Dave Jensen,
Charles City; Gordon Loy, Cresco:
Ron Meleney, Britt; Jan Schwit
ters and Bob Wall, both of Iowa
In addition, Nichols had another
plum drop in his lap when Arnold
Haugen's dad became a member
of the Iowa State staff. Haugen
was the Southeastern conference
champion at 157 pounds while com
peting for Auburn.
J , -
Intramural Football
Wednesday, October 16th
City NE Beta Theta Pi vs. Sigma Chi
NW Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. Sigma Nu
SE Alpha Tau Omega vs. Delta Tau Delia
SW Delta Upsilon vs. Phi Kappa Psi
Ag East Theta Xi vs. Phi Delta Theta
Ag West SAE vs. Kappa Sigma
Thursday, October 17th
City NE Beta Sigma Psi vs Pioneer Coop.
NW Pi Kappa Phi vs. Delta Sigma Phi
SE Brown Palace vs. Cornhusker Coop.
SW Tau Kappa Epsilon vs. Zeta Beta Tau
Ag East Delta Sigma Pi vs. Alpha Gamma Sigma
Ag Weft Farm House vs. Ag Men
Ag South Acacia vs. Sigma Alpha Mu
ttwtssarftwIwrtMA - l -1
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I squad because of his failure to at-
tend classes and also for discip
i Unary reasons. Jennings would say
1 no more but the move is undoubt-
edly going to cause hardship in
finding a suitable backfield for the
j grid mentor.
Last summer the Huskers lost
Frank Nappi, left half for the
team last year, and now the loss
of Dillard is going to place Jen
nings in dire need for backfield
Doug Thomas will probably have
to fill in the speedsters shoes at
left half although last Saturday
he played almost the entire game
at the quarterback slot in place
of ailing Harry Tolly, regular
quarterback. At the left half posi
tion Jennings can also use Gene
Sandage who has been playing a
fine brand of ball but lacks the
speed to fill the position capably.
Jim Hergenrater, sophomore, will
probably carry on at the right
half position.
The booting of Dillard came at
a bad time for the Huskers as
they play host to a large Syracuse
team which is rated 40th this week
in national football ratings while
Nebraska lags farther behind in
the 84th position.
Jennings listed quarterback Har
ry Tolly and end Mike Lee on the
questionable list for this Saturday's
game with the Orangemen. Other
Husker gridders on the partially
disabled list include tackle Jim
Moore; guards Art Klein, Stu How
erter and Don Kampe; tackle Don
Olson; ends Max Martz and Bill
Hawkins; halfback Larry Naviaux
and fullback George Cifra.
Rlf ffC KOCISf
1 s-wvji
t Five Letter men
Bolstered by five returning let-
termen. but missing their number
one performer of a year ego, Colo
rado's cross cduntry runners
should be "improved but maybe
not as much as the rest of the Big
Eight conference teams."
That's the way Coach Frank
Potts, who begins his 31st consecu
tive year as head of the Buffalo
thinclad department, figures things
out as the harried harrier season
"I think we'll be better than we
I were last year," comments Potts,
i "But I know Kansas will be on top
like they always seem to be. And
Nebraska and Oklahoma figure to
be greatly strengthened by some
great distance runners off last
year's frosh team. And Oklahoma
State, which will be competing for
the first time in the conference at
the cross country championships,
is always tough. So even though
we may be better we could finish
well down the line. That second
place we fought so hard to get
last year may be out of reach even
though we'll be trying to climb all
the way up."
'I V ;
Dick McCashland, junior from
Geneva, Nebraska, receives the
the Week award for his outstand
ing defensive piny against thi
Pittsburgh Panthers last Satur
' "A ! ' K ' ' "
Courtney Quips
by DEL
The other day I was thumbing
thrn.KTh thp "fiffirial NCAA Foot-1
ba.l Guide" and I happen to run
across the rules of the game. j
As I read these rules I wondered i
how anv game could be extracted !
with the rules set up as in this!
book. To me. the game would !
have to provide at least one team
oi lawyers 10 imerprei some oi uaii i uuuwuig u. cu ww,
these laws governing our collegiate j that is . somthing I have always
pastime. i wanted to know and now I can tell
The first general rule I came grandchildren about it when
across as I thumbed through the!1 become of age to devulge
rules is Article 1 of Section 1 of j these Profane whisperings to them.
Rule 1 which states as follows: Another rule I came across is
"ThP .ram Khll hp nlavprl hp.
tween two teams of no more than j from ."Rules of Petting- and have
eleven players each on a rectangu- j incorporated into the football
lar field and with an inflated ball j rules-
having the shape of a prolate ' "Tackling is grasping or encircl
spheroid." ing an opponent with a hand or
Well neranallv T don't know lar"1" says ArticlA 1 Section
exactly what a prolate spheroid !
; Kt f m tr;.je ; !
is but one of my friends who is !
rather intelligent stated that this i
prolate spheroid was the shape of i
the foothall now in hsp. sn I trnP.c
there has been no infraction of the
rules as far as that rule states.
In Article t of Section 9 of Rule
2 I found that, "A muff is an
unsuccessful attempt to catch or
recover a ball, the ball being ;
touched in the attempt." In this j
respect I have been in err. I have
.ETsan n fab ra ni
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LllliliW-.lillrlilH1.fflli)ilH,v-t''-" -t""'-i P, " .' 4t .-P 1, . 7, i IB ii m I, m.t,M I !
Complete Coast to Coast Facilities
Individual Instruction from Experts
Sun Room Steam Room Massage
mmimi health
The Daily Nebraskan
. jf ? ;
Courtesy Sunday Journal and Sur
day. Dick drew praise from the
Panther opponents as well an
from Head Coach Bill Jennings
for his tilt play.
always said it was something else
other than this definition when the
player "muffed" the ball. I would
explain further but the defuution I
originated isn't really the type that
should be set in print.
In Article 1 of Section 18 of
the same rule I found and earth
shaking development. "Passing the
one that I thought might have come :
24 in R,uleA V th'S uUle
correctly I believe there h
correcuy i oeueve mere nas oeen
a tremendous amount of tackling
gomB " th,e camPus other
than on Ivy Day
..1 .1 1 1
Open Bowline; Saturday and Sunday
24 Lanes Automatic Pin-Settert
920 No. 48th
Over $5,000,000 worth of equipment
Unlimited use of our facilities
Proven Guaranteed Results
Dick McCashland Earns
The Week
Dick McCashland, junior from
Geneva, Nebraska, has been se
lected by the Daily Nebraskan
sport's staff as tht Star of the
Week for his fine defensive work
in the Pittsburgh tilt last week.
Dick started as a fullback last
year in the middle of the season
but he was shifted to the center
position to bolster the line. Dick
has particularly been praised by
Head Coach Bill Jennings for his
offensive blocking and his line
backing on the defensive play. . .
Last week in Pittsburgh Dick
came out of the game huffing and
and puffing. He was battered and
bruised from the stalwart Panther
line that had pushed him around
the entire afternoon and he flopped
himself 'down on the Cornhusker
bench. But when fellow Husker
Jerry Brown came limping out of
the fray, Dick was the first to
leap to his teet and ask Jennings
if he should go in for Brown.
McCashland did re-enter the tilt
and personally staved off another
possible Panther touchdown with
his game ending pass intercep
tion. Giant tackle Jim McCusker of
the victorious team, who is bidding
To Host
When the Scarlet takes to the
field this Saturday with hopes to
gain their first non-conference win,
they will be meeting an opponent
rated 40th in the nation this week.
Nebraska has met Syracuse
Orangemen a total of seven times
and have won four of these while
losing three. The last time the
I two grid clubs met on the Same
field was in 1929 when Nebraska
squad slipped past the Warriors
of Syracuse, 13-6.
In the other six outings of the
two teams Syracuse won in 1917
by a score of 10-9. One year
lapsed and the Huskers again took
on the New York club, this time
edging past them 3-0. Three years
later Syracuse Orangemen again
slipped by the Cornhuskers by a
field goal, 9-6 and the next year
held the Huskers scoreless and
won 7-0.
The next meeting of the two
I took place in 1927 when the Scar
: repeated tneir win the following
yar, 27-6.
j The injure-ridden Huskers will
f e Syracuse "JJ"8;
"rday ' '
I tlme lu 81 ' UU p-
Football Ticket
All students attending the Sat
urday Syracuse football game
must have both their football
ticket and their student Identi
fication card, according to John
Kinnier of the Innocents Society.
Fraternity. Sorcity & Organiza
tion Letterheads . . . Letters . . .
News Bulletins . . . Booklet!
. . . Program
312 North 12th. Ph. 2-2957
Phone 6-1911
$15.00 Month
'.lr ' KIW!4 t
A A a-"
PHONE 3-8526
I 1!
Award For
for All-American honors, had this
to say about the Geneva lad.
"He looked real good out there,"
said the burly 241 pound lineman.
"McCashland was all over the
field making tackles always in
our hair," McCusker added.
Last Monday the Husker coaches
praised Dick in the same fashion
in which the Pitt players lauded
the versatile junior. After the
movies of the game last Saturday
were, shown, Jennings said Dick
played exceptionally well, not only
at Pittsburgh but all fall in pre
vious games as well.
Dick was also a star in his high
school days in Geneva. He played
halfback and fullback in his prep
days and won letters in football,
basketball and track. He also won
a place on the honor roll and was
a member of national honor society
scholastically in high school.
The members of the Daily Ne
Want Ads
Kreih clfcari for Plnnlngs CLIFFS Lln
dell Hottl, across from the Cornhusntr.
For Sale: One navy officer's blue uni
form and one dress overcoat. Size 37
Phone -9(8S.
H'ante4t Roomate to share ultramodern
apt. in Piedmont dlst. Must liave sports
cr exclusive Ivy League wardrobe.
Apply In peraon to Steve Davis or
Len Tasaone who can be aeen around
cimms anytime.
Sfe details in Next Tuesday's Rap.
i V J
Chuck Weod, Theta
Xi on our College
board odds another
trophy to Ivy Shop
fashion. College
Hall's new Corduroy
Suit, Loden or Ante
lope fine wale cordu
roy, with leather, but
tons and piping.
College Hall Suit, $39.95
Wednesday, October 16, 1957
Star Of
Panther Play
braskan take great pride in
congratulating Dick McCashland
on his fine play and earning the
Star of the Week award.
john wayne -janet loch
Mfcwprai wit fix hak coma
Let's get a
haircut today
Bill Murrcll's
Barber Shop
15th A "P" Street