Wednesday, October 9, 1 957 ii The Daily Nebraskan Editorial Comment Bitter Asltes Paqe 2 r? wi 1 nru i t 5 r-J No Jokes, Please Back In 1949 there was a rajh of cartoons in the Daily Nebraskan chiding students who cheated and professors who were quite lax in their handling of the honor of their students. One cartoon showed two professors watching a big lug looking at -some papers while prof. No. 1 said, "He was too dumb to pass the course so I made him the reader." Another showed a prof speaking with a stu dent and saying, "Bad news for you, Smedly, Ernest Hemingway has been stealing the plots from your compositions again." Still another showed two frantic looking young men taking a test as one whispered to the other, "Gimme just any old used answer you dont want." Well, these jokes are just as funny and just as pointed eight years later as they were that summer. Now that exams are upon us and the fresh men have received their first dose of college testing we might look to ourselves and decide whether education is worth it all. Jt'i a common piece of information that you only get out of a .course what you put into it. In fact it is so common that it's tossed out the window with the carefree zest of a collegian every time some earnest prof suggests studying. Those who have gone through some tough courses and found that it's impossible to "snow" the teacher or to drag crib notes into the class have really been met by the challenge of higher . education. They come across one of the facts of life and that is when you start skidding along you're bound to get a burn on your skidder. There's a lot of talk about getting a student tribunal on this campus. Some students and faculty members would like to see the first move come from the faculty members. Others would like to see the students take the responsibility .into their own hands and first accept the re sponsibilities of adulthood and second put them into practice. It all adds up to this: College's value can be measured not in the number 'of facts any man accumulates over a period of four years but in the total amount of responsibility one has been willing to accept in that time. Fancy offices and activities might give about a quarter of the total responsibility any man can absorb. The real test and the bulk of the acceptance of responsibility comes in how a man can get his work done and how he can put across an idea he has worked out for himself. Applying this mystic thought to our every day lives we can work to develop our own honor by studying hard and taking a test honestly. Instructors, too, have a grave responsibility to . their students not to create a scandal by letting cheaters go unnoticed. No matter how "crummy" it might make a prof look to his students by pinching a guy or gal on the ear and turning him over to the dean, he has that job to do and it must be done. We rather look forward to the day that "heralds the honor system on such a large cam pus as this. We look forward to the time when students will work fairly in an exam and get the grade they alone have earned. But, like we say, it is a joint job of teacher and student. Both must want to make it work. Both must realize that an education, a prepara tion for the no-holds-barred struggle of adult hood, is not a joking matter. End of sermon. Asian Flu Symptoms and final confirmation of any disease are widely different. And so now that the Student Health officials have recognized symptoms of the Asian Flu, it would be well for the students at the University to observe a couple of facts about the so-called epidemic. First of all there is no definite evidence that the ills going around the campus are Asian flu cases. The health officials state that the cases "make us feel" this might be the bug. But nothing is definite. Second some motherly advise might come in handy here. It is well known fact that resistance to germs can be built up by getting plenty of rest and by eating the proper foods. University students have a reputation for being chaotic livers. They sleep and eat when they can fit in those vital activities. Now that there is a threat of the Asian flu, students are just going to have to resign them selves to going to bed earlier and eating the right food. Thirdly it might be pointed out that the Uni versity health officials have prepared plans to take care of the persons who do get the flu. We would hate to see a rush on Student Health. They have plenty to keep them busy and so we advise that the proper channels be notified. As we understand it there have been meetings in all houses explaining what should be done when as and if the symptoms of the Asian flu hits a particular house. See the man or woman in your house responsible for the flu cases so that immediate action can be taken and lives may be saved. We have been told that the greatest danger in Asian flu comes when the flu itself is over and the weakness during the days after is at its height. During this critical time persons con- tract such things as pneumonia and from this a death may result. Finally there is no need to panic. Students should remember that because of their difficult schedules they are probably more susceptible to the disease. That means that instead of panic common sense should reign. For those disgruntled persons who object violently to paying an increased tuition this sage advice of Bill Vaughn of the Kansas City Star might be apropos: The cost of going to school is rising, but personnel managers report that the cost of not going to school is going up even faster. If educated people are really at a premium we might thumb our noses at our blue collar friends and say, "Well, ole foot, we're getting to the top a helluva lot faster than you ever dreamed of." But we're too nice to do that. We'd just as soon accept humbly the advice of the chancellor of this University which was that we should take every advantage of our Going Up education rights now because we'll need it in the future. Apparently standards are skyrocketing along with the tuition and the cost of books. What passed as adequate education for a physician or a school teacher 23 years ago just won't pass now. In some fields of special education the four year requirement of education it jumping to five years. Masters degrees are in demand now more than ever before. So it seems that the dollars and sense put into education are well worth it. Those who are ready to drop out of school might take another look at their plans and at the opportunities for this special generation be fore they take the dive. from the editor First Things First. . . by Jack Pollock The age-old gimmick called the prod is due postponed. If the faculty doesn't want to give ' for a student sharpening session. University this privilege back to the students, they should students Tuesday (as last semester last year) be honest enough to admit it on the Faculty were shunned yesterday at the Faculty Senate Senate floor. meeting. The vote gives the student an opportunity to No discussion was held on the privilege of stu- express his views in a concrete manner, rather dent voting on faculty committees. The motion than giving a mere opinion his only method that students be allowed to regain their vote of expression now that has no actual backbone, on faculty committees last semester found it Allowing students to yote on committees deal way to the table of the Faculty Senate. ing directly with student affairs and public Evidently the "table" was cleaned this past invests giyes decisions of the groups the summer 'and apparently no item on student we,ht of Pmion from bolh tne faculty and Toting was submitted for the Faculty Senate students- agenda from the office' of student affairs. 11 is of vital interest to the faculty, students According to Faculty Senate protocol, no item and the University that decisions reached in on the agenda, no discussion. these comnllttees come through the honest ex- , . , . , . .. ,. ...L . . change of views from both sides. Without the Certainly student voting wasn't omitted be- . . , ., . , . , x , tiv iv ! ujij vote the student s side is not fairly represented, cause of the length of previously scheduled . . . .. . . . ., The students waited patiently last semester, events on the agenda the meeting took less . , . . . , , . than half an hour. " e re stlD waiting' But w "penin.? our prods. In their neglect of allowing students to regain The university of Wyoming Cowboys current their committee voting privileges the faculty thirteen-game winning streak in football is the have far from strengthened faculty-student iongest in the history of the school'a football relations. teams whirh riate back tQ 189fi And some -m Repeatedly last semester the Daily Nebraskan the Cornhusker state were feeling their oats presented reasons why students should be al- because the Huskers sported a two-game losing , lowed to regain a vote they ence had. Repeat- streak in the "57 season. So who was second edly the item was postponed and postponed and in, the Big Seven in 1954 and 1955. Daily Nebraskan FIFTY -SEX FEARS OLD " V number of tfee. farulrr of tbc Cnlverslty, M mm the Mart ot an person outside the University. Tbs Slumber: Associated Collegiate Press aasmher. the Kebraakaa staff am penwuuir - . epoasibnj (or what the? Mr. ar a canes es be Intercollegiate Prtas arm ma. Februur s, mm. ... . . , Subscription rates at S2.M pat semester or 14 far Representative: National Advertising Service, the academ year. Incorporated . aeroni elaas matter at the port vffla. la . . . . , . . ' Wohrnska. amder the act at Aamst 4. 1S1. ruMlshed at: Eoom SO. Student Union editorial staff Lincoln, Nebraska Editor jark roiioek 1 it, a. a 1 Editorial Editor Dirk Sburrue ifU K Manaclnr editor Hoa W&rholuskl Taa BaHy Kebrsnkaa la pabUnhad Monday. Toesdar. fporte Editor Bb Marte! ffaoneater and Friday dartnt the school rear, exre-pt ""y Editor Rob Ireland ebiel), urtnf vacations and exam rnnnde, and aae Mv m Carole Frank, Ooorjte Moyer, Gary Rodfers. Ernie Hlnee awollohod dun of intiw, s? etneVnte of the t'Mversttf .,,., mt Nebraska ander the aatburtutiea ot the Commute Bl SIS ESS STAFF an Rradent Allaire a aa ernrrwiloa of ttxtrat onlalon. Buelneet Manarer irrrt Sellrntla FablmttHHn andi-r the lortedirtloa of the Suhrommlrtro Aeeletant II unmeet Maaateai ..Ism 'eff, btaa kartman, as fcHident Pnhllrstlna (ball he free from editorial Bob Himidt tmmmnMu aa ta part mt the Subcommittee at aa tarn CirculaUoa TlVatiafls ,,,, raj pin-at at urn l?w'' lyle . hansen The.Plcbian Clod rex menuey One would think that the issue of woman's rights and woman's equality is about dormant but it is still a very vital and lively issue. It has been and continues to be of such importance that there has been a substantial increase of. the number of women over men who are under care for having taken drugs and tranquilizers. This equal ity and rights thing is a cover up for a more basic problem: what is to be woman's new role in our society? It takes considerable practice and training to acquire any deep sensitivity and skill in handling human relations. The woman of years gone by was prepared since the day of birth to have such an insight and sensitivity. She was expected to be gently, kind, tact ful, and submissive as well. By the same token, men were prepared, since the day they were born to be aggressive, tough physic ally, and to be able to adapt to the competition in making a living. These two ways of life lacked something as everyone realized. They lacked each other. A man did not gain a really sig nificant insight into human be havior because he had to spend his time learning how to make a living. This is not to say that he could not or would not like to. I say that he didn't have the time or preparation. He had a weak ness. By the same token, the wom an could not stand up under the rigorous competition of makmg a living. Again this is not to say that she couidn't have learned to stand up or that she wouldn't have liked to learn it. She didn't have the time or preparation to learn it. She had a weakness. I point this out to illustrate how man and woman together made an admirable family unit. What the one lacked, the other could provide. They were, in effect, two highly trained experts pooling their resources to live a good life, have a happy marriage, and raise well adjusted children. There is a trend today toward the sexes acquiring viewpoints which were characteristically strictly masculine or feminine. Ul timately I suppose that this would lead to a point where men and wo men will share the same view points. This would mean that they had about the same training and preparation. So we end up with two amateurs instead of two experts. A person can't learn everything. Just how the person of that era can be both a man and woman and be really excellent at both is beyond me. The standard of com parison to declare excellence is in my opinion the comparison I draw here between the time when the roles of men and women were separate and distinct things and did not bridge into each other. These two amate'urd are going to be mediocre. They are going to have a mediocre marriage and mediocre children. I would person ally rather see the woman come into dominance in our society as long as there is that distinction be tween the sexes. To get back to the present, the woman who says that she would feel useless if she didn't know how to do some kind of work would probably be quite honest about it. She needn't feel that way, though, if she had a fair understanding of what a marriage is and what is necessary to maintain it and what is necessary to the upbringing of children; She needn't feel use less if she had an understanding of the absolute necessity of her femininity and it's viewpoint and talents to marriage and family. As for women, 1 think that they should have every legal right that a man has. I also think that they should have equal opportunities to have an education and hold jobs. I hold this opinion because in God's eyes all are equal and who am I to take -exception to this. It seerns that my last week's column aroused a bit of commo tion, thanks to my very able col league, Steve Schultz. This ado may have been partially caused by a certain amount of misunder standing and or misinterpretation on the part of those of you who read my first column, particularly Steve. t First, of all, I want tQ assure you that I am not in favor of a complete overthrow by the Inde pendents regardless of what I said previously. First, because it would undoubtedly lead to an irreparable split in the campus from which we might never recover, and sec ondly, because a good, healthy competition of the two segments of the campus populous will yield some of the best from both. Mind you, I don't picture the campus heroes mounted on their respective magnificent chargers armed to attack the opposite hill with all the violence that is im plied by that type of . readiness. But rather I do picture the campus embodied in united, enthusiastic pep rallies, and All-University Ivy Day, a Kosmet Klub Fall Revue with participation from ALL or ganized males, a crowded Coli seum to hear a convocation, and similar scenes which this campus hasn't seen for quite some time. The road to this goal need not be spattered with nasty slams and violent accusations as it has at times in the far-gone past, but they always do manage to appear. (Incidentally, I'm glad to hear that our IFC is once again in agree ment within itself. Possibly this was one of the first hurdles which had to be overcome on the long road. Now that it has been cleared, let's see what happens. I- agree that rivalry should be the substitute for feuding, but where is the line to be drawn? Perhaps I was a bit. too free with my words, "the kill", last week on this subject, but sometimes it stimulates tha blood (in several people) to let off a little steam. (Now it seems to be, who has the most steam?) However, the real proof of the pudding will never be found in these cloudy, redundant spaces of print, but can only be found in action. Action which is more than just attending certain social func tions, composing cynical Letterips, or resigning from a point of dis tinction to fight an old American tradition, but rather a big of good, constructive participation (and consequently, competition) in groups which actually do make a significant difference in the ex istence of a healthy campus. The Galley Slave dick shugrue I guess they're right. That is about being able to see the Red Satellite. Someone debunk ing the debunker said that you could see the satellite if you looked in the 1 i g h t right time. Then some one else said that you couldn't. Sci ence with i t s strong arm' of k n o whow declared you can't see it. 4 So being j u s t -a little irri tated with such ments I went out Tuesday morning at 8:40 a.m. to get a glimpse of the thing that's making Russia look like big cheese with the little moon. Nothing visible. Of course that takes into consideration that it was kinda cloudy and Omaha was the passing over spot. I might suggest that the scientists polish off their spy glasses and put them on the shelf for a while. It's time the U.S. quit trying to explain away the Red's achieve ment and get to work on bur own pedantic state- satellite (which, of course, has to be bigger and better.) The science which the United States goes at in such awkward ways would probably be a lot bet ter off if it were allowed to come into the open. Roars come up from every circle that the U.S. is just too secretive to make much of a headway in science. The scientists don their white robes, trim their goatees and de clare that true science has to be shared so that imperfections can be detected by impartial witnesses and experimenters. "If it Isn't shared, then it's just a play thing," one commented. Amen. Terrible Terry has gone to work and we'll be expecting big things from him. The job is to discover if there ' are any tax equalities which may exist under the various classifications of property and if the state's tax laws are being en forced. I wonder if this includes a look see into the padding of tax returns on the county level. You know, if one is hiding a washing ma chine in the basement or has a mink coat in the closet and a Lord Elgin in the dresser drawer, he might just forget to list it. 'Mil mi i vl f. -. . I - - - i - - ii - - ' W J ' ;,'v i - M:- t XT V - s Jfit ; 4 y I f j ''. J: - " '.- : - - vjt i t J , . " , i- i 1 i liiUmi ii -tJl - 1 -' - - Jf? SV" 1 X A J mmt Ike lea X n Vl' ea.N.,.s 5?,, Nebaufcle. 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