The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 20, 1957, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Monday, May 20, 1957
Daily Nebraskan Editorials:
The Daily Nebraskon
I y ftl. I '1 1 1PEOPli CCME. AND
Lt week tht Daily Ntbraskaa offerti tht
atudenfc council torn suggestions on the parking
tommittee'a report which, wt (eel, will bt dis
cussed earntatly by thi mem ben of tht council
Cartful consideration of tht council'! work is
tht put year hu brought to our attention that
many of tht programs which hart been presented
la tht council thia year hart not had a chanct
to ripen either in tht minds of tht students or
In thoat of tht administration.
In tht first plaot wa suggested that work be
furthered en allowing tht students to vote on
faculty committees. Thia motion on our part
la mostly out of the hands of the council. But
since one of the vital functions of the council
should bt to convey the feelings of the student
body to tht administration and faculty continued
work should be done in this area.
Tht motion that students be allowed to vote on
the faculty committees at the present time has
found its way to the table of the Faculty Senate
and we'd like to aee it get off the table and re
ceive tome action. It'a up to the students to prod
the administration into considering the right of
tht student body.
Yea, prod. Not ignoring the respect due to the
administration we, as taxpayers and purchasers,
as it were, of education, have a right to get the
most for our labors. And so we should be getting
a stronger voice from tht council on this matter.
Next there is the question of teacher evalua
tions which has been one of tht pet projects of
tht Daily Nebraskan thia year. We believed that
a University can become bogged down because
tht treea block the forest. A man may write a
hundred fine papers every year and still not be
a good teacher.
So if an evaluation can throw any light onto
those area in which a teacher is falling down
it cant help but be effective. We see why no one
should object to the evaluations as proposed by
the Nebraskan under tht conditions wt sug
gested. Those were that the evaluations be ob
jective and that they bt completely voluntary.
Now it is up to the council to make a formal
study of the evaluations and present to the ad
ministration a recommendation for a series of
Tht neat thing which an effective council
must do is throw its weight around in getting
the students a voice in the most valuable teacher
award. We can hardly see how the vote of a
fellow teacher can be an adequate evaluation
ainct the "fellow" rarely sees his colleagues in
tht classroom.
Here again, first the study and then the rec
ommendation must bt made to insure the proper
atmosphere of responsibility.
The biggest job the council will have on its
hands next year ia tht tribunal. Now it ia our
feeling that the present tribunal is so weak as
to be pathetic. It is relying on the mercy of the
administration to be operative, must lesa effec
tive. ' But the administration has indicated that it is
willing to cooperate fully with a tribunal (or
whatever it should be called) in furthering the
democratic process on the campus. That co
operative statement itself should encourage the
council to develop a charter for final presen
tation to the regents which wouldn't be an in
sult to their intelligence.
The Daily Nebraskan is not claiming that the
charter hasn't a great deal of work behind it.
But anyone can see that the charter as it stands
at this moment ia a lily-livered document
crutched up by the good will of the administra
tion. The council can do a fine job by revamping
it by finding out what part of the job of the
division of student affairs should be handled by
the tribunal. For example, it has been suggested
that the tribunal wouldn't handle cases involving
drinking or "morals." Definition, please.
Then the body-elect should discuss with stu
dent leaders and student body members in gen
eral what the feeling towards specific tribunal
powers would be. That, we think, would give a
pretty solid ground for starting the job by the
middle of the first semester.
Minor points like eligibility and reappoint
ment can and should be worked out in execu
tive sessions.
The more we look at it the larger the job of
the council for the next year seems. But it's not
too big to be handled if the group doesn't get
bogged down in politics and does obtain a clear
definition of the duties of the officers. With
those aids to representation, the council should
have no trouble at all.
made a permanent part of the extracurricular
activities on the campus.
During the next school year it is hoped that
there will be at least two more student convoca
tions. They will be planned in coordination with
the administration and the All-University convo
cations committee. But they will have the will
ingness and the cooperation of the student body !
behind them.
The committee which handled the Kennedy
convocation has scheduled an evaluation meet- j
ing in which the good annd bad points of the
convocation can be discussed. The results will
be drawn up and presented to the administra
tion. Let's hope that the officials of the University
will look with favor on the proposed student
From all indications Saturday's first student
sponsor ad AH-Univeresity convocation was a tre
mendous success. The crowd was well above the
number tht committee had planned to entertain
and tht Union said that twice as many people
were on hand as had been prepared for.
Senator Kennedy stated that the reception by
tht University group was "the finest we have
had all year."
" And he meant It.
The Daily Nebraskan believes that the show
ing Saturday is an indication that there will be
increased student convocations on this campus.
The administration could well observe the num
ber of students who had an interest in the oc
casion and could respond favorably to the sug
gestion that student sponsored convocations be
From Th Editor's Desk:
A word or two
before you go . . .
Br FRED DALY (he results. By next fall, when rum to keep him happy while
XdHor school re-opens, the Mitchell en route home from his old
Tht faculty Committee on charges will have largely home to the CU campus.
Academic Privilege and Ten- hecn forgotten as the campus .
urt has finally indicated that ta itself for a new year. The Universi ,
it will armountt the redt, rf J n v involved in campus beau-
it. hearing, on the charge. - ed in the matter will bt gone. There .g ?
madt against tht Univer.ity B met to know the com-
by Dr. C. Clyde Mitchell, one- m.ttee ha. finally formulated n
time chairman of the Depart- report oa the MitchcU hear- s
ment of Agricultural Econom- not nice, however, J
4c. to learn that the student body inaicate- " very Ptty,
,c . ... . , ... and makes the school look
Tht committee, however. d the public at large will "institutional."
hu said it will release these be kept from learning the
finding, ctdy in a cke ses- result, of these hearings until But what I want to know is
.ion of tht Faculty Senate. m. time in the dim future. hy are these said lawns
This is to allow faculty to A. the main reason for the "eemmgly " a constant s at e
consider tht rtport before it taistenca of the University, f being mowed? Granted,
receives widespread mibii- ' rih' "ow they must cut' but " u
receive, widespread puou their gd uule hard to Usten w , Iec.
Thia closed meeting will be ministration, and if this ad- ture with a mowing machine
held sometime before the ministration merits criticism. -n-PPing and snarling out-
close ct tht exam period, but The people of the state of de the window,
after remilar classes cease. Nebraska, as taxpayers sup- This may seem like an ob-
Bec.ust of this, most student. Porting this University, have -cure point and not really-
will be zone or graduated e?"al right to learn of worth complaining about, with
when the case is finally th tate of University the Mitchell Case foremost in
opened for public scrutiny. The result, of the Mitchell many persons' minds and the
The result, of tht commit- , hearing, are not a matter of Jtate f the world today so
tee's hearings have been pa- inter-administrative concern. fouled up, but when they start
tientl awaited for long Students are expecting to running those fool machines
months by interested faculty of the committee report. m somethine ought
and students. It hu been the nd r relatively sure of t bt done,
general opinion that the only ?aining this knowledge: but
way to clear up the cloud when? Someone asked the other
hanging over the University day: "Why do you spend so
brought oa by the "Mitchell Onward march the legions much time in your column
Cast" wu to sea what the of our Mijtown civilization rambling on about gradua-
committee found out. students at the University of tion?"
But now, apparently, the Colorado recently gave their Well, for Pete's sakes, isn't
bulk of tht University', stu- newly-acquired buffalo mas- that the main reason we all
dents will never really 'know cot a shot of tranquilizer se-' came here to graduate?
The Daily Nebraskan
Ucntbtrt Associated OsHefiata Tress H(tor .
latereellttiatt Press mmmihc Editor Jack ronom
Repress tativa: National Advertising Service, editorial ran editor Dtek snugrue
iBCtrporated tiaws Editor KM Joaea. Bab Ireland
Fcbllssti at: Room 20, gtadtai CJaioa Editor Bob Mrtn
LbUSOln. Nebraska Copy Editor Art Blackmaa, Carole. r"ranli
litkAI Ooorfo Mayer, Bob VVarhnlosliI
rxr -iu mi"
rrimmtnt--' Wa Sari aa Whool W, af Edit. Walter Paltarsno
Sarins- TawaOeas Md porhxhi, and on In to Si aft t-aotarrapkar ...Uaic Lewie
ZgDHrtitd tartaa Sara, fcr ataaeaaa at tfe UalTuarta HUet aeentari , Jult Dowell
I limk aador tfe MtborUatlaa t ta CaauntMM 4oclatF Editor aa FarrrU
St AMalre cs ts aKaraacloa of tudrat opiatea. metnUH Pinna Maxwell, Mary Patterson,
FaMtoaWaaa ' " iaftadietlca af k Sahcoanalttca P.mmle Llmpo, Kelta Smith, Bob
aat Stadea rokUeatloM ahaM be froe froa aditvrlal Grimmit. Sam Hall, Jaik Carlln.
aanwialr a ta part of the Seeeoainilttee or oa taa MUie fonxb. Larry Krlllnoo
ir pT, rrz tri r'itLr-tZ . )d
all ra at tk Kearaakaa (iaif an enaaiS r- Rodfera. rltaa Mldman.
amawNa what tb maj. ar S ar aaaaa o a BUSINESS STAFF
'satweHpidoa rata lira KM ear MMWatw ar 14 tar Bo.Iwm M"r-r or Maa
m far. Aaalatant Buslaes Manacer Larry Kpnteln
aaSaris m -M M a aaot m M ro K.rf. dr, H,'n.
tannrni. Jt.Hraaaa, mmtn aa aat af AacaM A. lttt. Ciraalatkai ataaaiw daek Kiarru
by Dick Bibter
In the days when editors were
fearless and young people rioted
almost at the drop of an insult
philosophers were inclined to call
collegians rhe "Lost Generation."
Whether that was fair or not men
like Mencken and his school of
cynics directed the thought of the
Those were the days of the roar
ing twenties. And it's never said
too often that "bathtub gin, speak
easies and jazz" were the motives
for living.
.Maybe those days are returning.
Time Magazine this week had
story in the press section about a
man in the East who it running
a good old-fashioned yellow news
paper; communists are rt ported lo
be in filtrating (lie fraternities;
young men in the namr of peace
are protesting against the ROTC
everything indicates that a re
birth of lost generation is about to
Now the American Mercury toos
come out with what it terms "The
College Forum," in which it sug
gests that youiig people voice their
views on the present society and
present "unsociety." We'll need
more of this to put the present
apathetic men-of-campi on their
feet, however.
I'm inclined to believe that a good
old-fashioned riot is important to
the health of the intelligentsia.
I'm not talking about the kind of
riot which the University was so
unfortunate as to be host of a
couple of years ago. And I don't
even think that the type of riot
over the parking crisis in 1948 is in
The kind of riot which the stu
dent should undertake ia a Ghan
dian form; the subdued type. But it
must have a purpose and it must
be one which has a true signifi
cance. Now the Peace Institute at the
University of Wisconsin which the
Daily Nebraskan discussed Friday
has a point whether you
agree with it isn't the point which
it feels is important to the present
student. And when it is willing
to strike in an effective manner
and to present its view before the
public in a sensible fashion it
should be commended for its sen
sibleness. When riots are held just for the
sake of rioting the democratic pro
cess is interrupted. We receive an
interesting pamphlet from the
Kohler Plumbing Company of Koh
ler, Wisconsin, which decried the
violent strikes it hss been inflicted
with in the past months. Kohler
suggests that a free enterprise
cannot exist where violence is tol
erated. We doubt that violence is tolerat
ed or ever was by the leaders
of organized Unions. This dis
counts the muggings condoned by
the dress workers in New York
or the fights over the rights of
haulers. Nevertheless violence has
given to organized labor a bad
And tliat same name has been
tossed left and right at the Uni
versity student. We have lost face
witt'. the public because we just
couldn't control ourselves.
On the other hand if the student
population could get a cause and
present some sensible arguments
to an administrative body and still
not receive a sensible reply there
might be cause for those students
to "strike."'
Strikes must be conducted in a
civilized manner. Nothing is ever
accomplished by violence except,
perhaps, bad worse feelings
on both sides of the fence.
I sense that students have be
come somewhat more rational in
their judgments in the past few
Dick Shugrue
years. But they can never hope to
conduct a good "riot"' unless they
have proved that they are respon
sible beings.
What's the next step? Probably
to give this students the opportun
ity to show that they are decent
and totally rational human beings.
They can't win any friends by
slamming themselves and their fel
lows around the streets. And the
chances are good that students
would never have to riot or strike
of they had been listened to in
the first place.
Civilization might not remeber
us if we are calm and peaceful
but it will respect the traditions
which we have safeguarded by onr
Now the next step is gaining the
respect of our elders so that the
days of the roaring twenties won't
have to come back. Wt needn't
think that all is lost just because
we can't drink ringed bathtub gin.
Christopher stood at the top of the steps
And watched for carpet sweepers.
His clothes were ragged and his eyes were bright
He said brothers were their keepers.
But Christopher's sights were more than machines
There are men and women who run 'em.
And when Christopher spotted a likely man
He threw out his eyes and picked up his hem
Declining to wait for the steps to rise but
Falling to greet the oncomer.
Christopher's words were as strange as his works
But his purpose was easy to see.
He stood as a welcome in mat-walled house
To Speak with people like me.
Kea Landal
Egyptian Men
Three Egyptian men and a beagle '
Guard my table day and night.
Their chests face me, but their
ocre legs look north.
Each Egyptian Man looks north with
Eyes long and black.
Each holds a staff of holocaustical
Nature-gifts for gazing.
Their names are carved in figures
Which curve and point with deep
Meaning never to be mine.
I can't see the dog's head; it remain
On Neb-Hebet's tomb.
Joaa Landigaa
Wallpaper Men
If each little man who stripped the walls
With steam irons and hoses and sweat
Could stop for a moment each time he mixed paste
And study the spots of intricate greays
Looking for newness in colors and thoughts
He might learn more about colors than goateed
Men who smock their ways to success.
The Mail Boxes
There were eight rows up and nine
And one slot right in the middle
Was filled with papers wadded up.
They never use it; it stood
Up and gathered specks of dust which
Piled to collect.
with malice
towards none...
- - sam jensen
Dear Dr. Hardin:
I am about to terminate my
academic undergraduate career at
the University of Nebraska. Speak
ing for my class, I should like to
express a complaint, if I may.
It is not that I haven't enjoyed
my four years or that I have any
doubt that I have received the
finest education available at a very
low price (education is becoming
more expensive, I understand). It
is not that I don't have the high
est regard for you, your staff and
the faculty of the University.
But, I do most decidedly object
to the impersonal manner in which
my classmates and I have been
Did you know for instance that
over in the IBM division, no one
knows me as "Lefty" Jensen
most decidedly not, there I am
18802. How would you like to walk
into an office and have 'someone
say. "Good Morning 18802. How
is your accumulation grade aver
age?" And then, Saturday, I received
a letter from your Dr. Hoover,
if you could call it a letter. At
least when they draft you, they
begin the message with a "greet
ings and salutations" and close it
with a facsimile signature of
Dwight D. Eisenhower. This com
munique began "This is to i nform
you . . ." and it went on to say
that unless they send me a form
1876905436734-B-17, I will probably
graduate June 10.
Reading on, I discovered that I
was to pick up my name card
after I had put on my cap and
gown (which I was to rent from
some local non-academic entre
neur) I was to march with my
Classified Ads
WANTFD: Two rlderf to Loa Anrelei.
Leaving June S. Inautrt Lynn Schot
tler. 2-9.
Traveling Eait to Plttaburgh. Pa. Want
two or three persona to share expanses.
Will consider paaaengers part way.
Leaving May 80. Phone M40 after
6:30 P.M.
Am driving to Calif. June 10. Will ault
plans and data to riders however.
Contact Rex Menuey. Room 7321 Bel
leck Quadrangle.
LOST: Gray hard cardboard S ring
note book. Reward. Call Nancy Delong.
Wa Repair Lighters. Cliffs frnoka Shop.
121 N. lata.
classmates past the Carillion
tower, if it doesn't rain, and give
my name card to someone in the
Coliseum so that they will know
I was there.
Now, I have been to many movies
and newsreels where it shows the
president of the university giving
each man a diploma and shaking
his hand. I though this was rather
nice. But, I am to pick up my
sheep skin at Love Library after
the festivities are over. I sup
pose there will be a table, G-M,
where I can pick it up from .the
wife of some faculty member who
is trying to get a few extra
shekels to send the baby to Prince
ton. I would suggest that you get
rid of the commencement speaker,
whoever he may be, and instead
take an hour aand a half, if nec
essary, and give us our diplomas
with a smile of if this isn't pos
sible; have the Deans of the CoU
leges hand out diplomas to their
This is the last time, any
one, will ever heard from me
in these columns and it
has been nice. So, in clos
ing I would like to suggest
a senior class motto . . .
Want Ads
Little man on Campus
by Dick Bibtei4
" VjePi -