The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 10, 1957, Image 1

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Sco Pago 2
Sco Pago 3
Vol. 31, No. 80
Wednesday, April 1 0, 1 957
FTN el If
a mm
. Bennett Cerf, noted humorist,
publisher and columnist, will speak
before the All University con vie a
tionNThursday at 11 a.m. in the
' Coliseum.
All classes will be dismissed for
the convocation.
Cerf will lecture on such topics as
Cerf To Receive
Admiralty Award
Governor Victor Anderson will
present humorist Bennett Cerf
with an Admiralty In the Ne
braska Navy at a special Cerf
Luncheon to be held Thursday
at 12 noon in the Union, accord
ing to Bob Handy, Union Ac
tivities Director. .
Guests at the luncheon will in
clude Chancellor and Mrs. Clif
ford Hardin, Mrs. Victor Ander
son, poet Carl Shapiro, Robert
Knoll,' Associate Professor of
Englsh, the Convocation Com
mittee of the Union and the Uni
versity Convocations Committee.
The annual Panhellenic legacy
weekend, will be held at the Uni
versity April 26, 27, and 28.
The theme for this years legacy
weekend is "Somewhere Over the
-Rainbow". The theme will be car'
ried out at the style show to be
held Saturday afternoon for the
Legacies at the Selleck Quad
rangle Ballroom.
The legacy weekend committee
Include: Carol Dahl, Kappa Delta,
entertainment; Lucette Make
peace, Kappa Kappa Gamma,
style show, Mary Lou Pittack Berg-
hel, Kappa Alpha Theta, script
commentary; Janice Larson, Zeta
Tau Alpha, refreshment; Carolyn
Kelley, Chi Omega, publicity;
Carolyn Galley, Alpha Omicron
Pi, Decorations and Jackie Miller,
Kappa Alpha Theta, style show
YMCA Plans
Special Group
For Chaplains
The University YMCA -is spon
soring the foundation of a discus
sion group of the chaplains of
campus organizations, according to
Stan Hargleroad, chairman.
The purpose of the organization
will be to bring the religious
leaders of the various organized
houses into a group so that their
religious problems can be shared
and solved, and to coordinate and
facilitate the religious programs in
the houses, Hargleroad said.
The tentative program calls for
weekly meetings throughout the
remainder of the school year.
Hargleroad said the student pas
tors of the University had en
dorsed the program and will at
tend the meetings to act as re
source leaders.
The group will begin by discuss
ing the problems "How not to of
fend a member's faith in our deal
ing with religion in the house,"
"How to get members to think in
terms of religion in their everyday
life," "How to maintain and
promote a truly Christian environ
ment in your house' and many
others that will be formulated
The first meeting of the organ
ization will be held Thursday night
in Parlor A of the Union at 8 p.m.
Navy Releases
Cruise Plans
For Middies
Naval ROTC midshipmen- at the
University will participate in 'two
training cruises this summer, the
U.S. Navy Department announced
today. - ..
' Regular midshipmen freshmen
and juniors at the University will
take part in the cruise consisting
of the battleship USS Wisconsin,
cruisers USS Boston and USS Al
bany and eight destroyers.
Leaving June 10 from Norfolk,
Va., the Nebraskans -will visit Chi
le, Canal Zone, Cuba and Puerto
Rico, returning home Aug. S. This
cruise also will participate in the
Jamestown Festival International
Naval Review with 80 ships from
27 foreign countries.
The second cruise will involve
University juniors who will leave
Norfolk, Va., July 8 aboard the
. cruiser USS Des Moines, 12 de
stroyers and destroyer escorts.
Liberty ports will be Quebec,
Canada and Boston. The cruise
ends Aug. 7.
"Modern Trends in Literature and
lumor", Changing Styles in Am
rican Humor", "What Are the
Movies and Television Doing to
Jterature Today", "Authors I
iave Known" and "The Publish
ng Business Today".
As president of Random House
Publishing Company, Cerf has
been responsible for the publish
ing of such books as "Guadacanal
Diary", "Thirty Seconds Over
Tokyo", "The Snake Pit" and
"Don't Go Near the Water". His
27 years in the literary field have
given him a comprehensive1 view
ol the literature of the times.
In addition Cerf is the author of
seven best selling collections of
humorous stories including "An
Encyclopedia of Modern Ameri
can Humor", "Try and Stop Me",
"Shake Well Before Using" and
"Good For a Laugh".
Cerf's start in the publishing
field came after his purchase of
the Modern Library Series in 1925.
Immediately he began to trans
form the series into a set of modestly-priced
classics available to
the public.
Cerf appears weekly on the tele
vision panel show "What's v My
Line". His visit to ttie University
campus is sponsored by the Uni
versity convocations committee.
Bennet Cerf i
To Participate
In Discussion
An informal panel discussion
will be held Thursday from 2:00 to
3:00 in rooms 315 and 316 of the
Union in order to give University
students, faculty and administra
tion a chance to meet and talk to
Bennett Cerf.
The participants in the panel dis
cussion will be Cerf, Dr. Otto Hoi-
berg, Chairman of University Ex
tension Division; Karl Shapiro,
professor of English; Marilyn
Heck, Chairmen of the Union Ac
tivities Board; andDick Shugrue,
editorial page editor of the Daily
Monday: . ,
Women To Invade Campus
or MCW Conference
Approximately 400 college wom
en will invade the campus Mon
day for the twentieth semi-annual
conference of the Athletic Federa
tion of College Women. The wom
en will be representing 132 schools
from 36 states, according to Miss
Sally Wilson, publicity chairman
for the AFCW conference.
Discussion groups will be cen
tered around the theme of
AFCW Crossroads To And
Through 40." Miss Wilson stat
ed that the gathering is to further
athletics interests and activities for
girls and women according to the
highest. and soundest standards of
sports' and recreation.
Dr. Harriet O'Shea, associate
professor of psychology at Purdue
University, will be on hand to act
as consultant for the entire dura
tion of the conference. She will
head some of the discussion groups
on the topic of "The Challenge
of the Leadership Role.".
The delegates will be using Uni-
Norris Elected
University 4-H
Club President
Joan Norris, junior in Home
Economics, was elected president
of the Univer
sity 4-H Club
Miss Norris
is president of
the City Cam
pus Religious
Council and a
member of
Delta Gamma
Other newly
elected 4-H of- Courtesy Lincoln Journal
ficers include: ' NORRIS
Gerald Rainforth, junior in Agri
culture, vice-president; Beverly
Shepardson, sophomore in Agricul
ture, secretary; Robert Volk,
sophomore In Agriculture, trea
surer; Mary Seberger, publicity
chairman; and Mary Vrba, fresh
man in Agriculture, song leader.
Council Filings
The deadline for Student Coun
cil filings Is 5 p.m. Wednesday
according to Harry Dingman,
elections chairman.
Application blanks should be
turned into the Office of Stu
dent Affairs, Dingman stated.
s.yV '
Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star
University graduate George Cap'
pen has been selected as speaker
for the annual All-Engineering
College Convocation during E
Week, according to Bob Jameson,
E-Week publicity chairman.
Campen, manager of the Ceco
Steel Products Co. branch division
at Denver, will address an 11 a.m.
convocation April 26. All engineer
ing classes will be dismissed.
A 1944 graduate of the Univer
sity with a degree in Civil Engr
neering, Campen was editor of the
engineering magazine Blueprint,
a member of Student Council and
active in the American Society of
Civil Engineers.
After graduation, Campen en
tered the Navy and his tour of
duty included a teaching job at
Harvard. In 1947 he began work
with the Ceco Steel Products
Co. and was promoted to sales en
gineer in 1949. In 1952 he was
promoted to his present position
as branch division manager.
. Each year a prominent engineer
is invited to speak at the All-Engr-neering
convocation on subjects
which might be of interest to, stu
dents seeking engineering jobs.
versity High as the scene for their
discussions and they will be housed
in the women's residence halls for
the duration of the conference.
The AFCW membership original
ly started with twenty-three
schools in 1917 but has grown to
approximately 300 member schools
today. Colleges and universi
ties from almost every state in
the Union are represented in
The officers of the organization
are president, Pat McPherson,
Smith College; conference chair
man and president elect, Joan
Huesner; treasurer, Sarol Wiltse;
program chairman, Pat Arbuth
not; housing and registration
chairman1, Margaret Edwards,
Tennessee University and publicity
chairman, Miss Wilson.
Assisting with the conference
will be Karen Krueger, Billie
Prest," Carolyn Edwards, Sonia
Seevers and Karen Flaherty.
Monday will be devoted to regis
tration and will give the women
time to move into the residence
halls and get acquainted. Tuesday
will be devoted to discussion
groups which will be general in
character and Tuesday night there
will be a' banquet at the Corn
husker Hotel ballroom featuring
Miss Margaret Killian, Professor
and head of the Department of
Home Economics at the Univer
sity of Omaha.
The discussion groups will con
tinue through Wednesday and
there will be a picnic at Pioneers
Park Wednesday evening to end
the official pary of the conference.
. Thursday morning a business
meeting will be held followed by a
closing session with reports of the
discussion groups and a confer
ence summary.
Recognition Night
Scheduled April 23
The annual Union recognition
night will be held April 23 at 7:30
in Parlors AB and C in the Union,
according to Kay Deppen, chair
man. -
This year's theme will be "Union
Terriffic", which is based upon a
railroad theme. v
Recognition night will honor the
Union's outstanding workers, and
the outstanding service cup and
the distinguished service key will
also be presented.
The new members of the Union
Board will be introduced, and the
new chairmen and their assistants
will be announced.
Staff Reporter
Governor Victor Anderson ex
pressed confidence ' Tuesday that
the legislature "will make an ef
fort" to bring the University budg
et increase up to his 3.2 million
dollar budget recommendation.
This was Governor Anderson's
belief when contacted by the Daily
Nebraskan in regard to the Legis
lative Budget Committee's report
ed cut of one million dollars from
his 3.2 million dollar recommenda
tion. !
)riginally the . University had
requested a 5.5 miBion dollar in
crease over the amount appropria
ted for the 1955-57 biennium.
Governor Anderson stated that
the Budget Committee had report
ed to him a cut that would not ex
ceed the necessary amount to
cover salary increases for the
present staff, which would be 2.2
million dollars.
Beyond that it is not definitely
known how much the committee
has cut. "Since the staff is the
backbone of any university, it was
my primary interest to see that the
present staff, receive a salary in
crease," stated the governor.
He went on to say that he does
not know the feeling of the legis
lature on this subject. "They have
not taken any position and prob
ably will not until they have the
Willey, Sherdemang:
Roy Willey and Stephaney
Sherdeman have been chosen as
the leads in the play "Harvey"
to be presented at Howell Memor
ial Theater, according to Dr. Mar
garet Servine, director.
Willey and Miss Sherdeman will
play the parts of Elwood Dowd
and Veta Louise Simmons respec
tively in the Howell Theater produc
tion. "
Willey is a transfer student ma
joring in speech in the College of
Arts and Sciences. He has appeared
in several other theater produc
tions this year including "Dark of
the Moon" and "Corn is Green."
Miss Sherdeman is a junior in
the College of Arts and Sciences
majoring in speech. Her expe
rience has been mostly with the
Communisty Playhouse in plays
such as, "Time Out For Ginger"
and "Picnic." She also had a bit
part in a University play last year
entitled, "Mary of Scotland."
The other members of the cast
and their parts include, Dixie Lee
Helms as Myrtle Mae, Claire Coop
er as Mrs. Chauvenet, Pat Patter
son as Ruth Kelly, John Crowell
as Wilson, Keith Williams as Ly-
Lily Parade
To Feature
Girl 'Bunnies'
No, you won't be seeing advance
publicity people for the Univer
sity Theater's play "Harvey."
Those girls who will be swarm
ing (like rabbits do) around the
downtown Thursday are partici
pants in the Lily Parade to help
support the Lancaster County
Crippled Children's Society.
Dr. Lucille Cypreansen of the
Department of Speech , and Dra
matic Art said that girls from
the Kappa Kappa Gamma and
Chi Omega sororities plus student
clinicians in speech therapy will
be the "bunnies" for the fund
She added that the girls will
canvass the downtown area Thurs
day from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Funds from the Crippled Chil
dren's Society help maintain the
Speech Therapy and Pre-School
Clinics of the Speech Department,
Dr. Cypreansen concluded.
British Offer 12
Grad Scholarships
The British Information Service
has announced the availability of
twelve scholarships for graduate
study at British Universities.
The awards will be made to stu
dents of either sex who must be
a United States citizen and who
are under 28 years of "age.
These scholarships will be made
for two years and may be extend
ed for a third year. They, carry a
stipend of 550 pounds a year or
750 pounds for a married man.
They are not subject to the United
Kingdom income tax.
Application forms may be ob
tained by writing directly to the
British Consulate-General, 720 N.
Michigan Ave., Chicago 11, 111.
When asked if he intended to
fight the measure when it reached
the legislative floor, he said, "It
is not my responsibility to fight
it. The 'law provides that I make
recommendations only. My meas
ure is simply a framework not the
final word. It is entirely up to the
legislature to determine how much
is to be appropriated."
Senator John Beaver of the
Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star
man Sanderson, Bill Baker as Dr.
Chumley, Jane Baucher as Betty
Chumley and Clancy Croft as Judge
Dr. Servine announced that the
assistant director for the play will
be Diana Peters.
Mary Chase is the author of
the play which ran on Broadway
for a number of years starting in
1944. Dr. Servine stated the play
was "one of the ten longest run
ning plays ever on Broadway."
The leads of the Broadway pro
duction were Frank Fay playing
the part of Elwood Dowd and
Josephine Hull playing Veta Louise
Rehearsals for "Harvey" have
already begun, Dr. Servine stated.
A ;V J
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Julius Stone:
Soviet Aggression Test
Unacceptable To World
An Australian professor of inter
national law sees the Soviet Un
ion's insistence on a rule-of-thumb
test for aggression as a political
campaign to further interests that
are by no means those of man
kind as a whole.
Dr. Julius Stone of University
of Sydney, delivered Tuesday eve
ning the second of a series of
thjjee Roscoe Pound lectures at
the University.
"The zealous promotion of defini
tions may not always mean any
great love of these ideals," he
asserted, "just as opposition to
definition does pot mean any lack
of love."
The United States, he pointed
out, is opposed to the enterprise
of definition.
He particularly questions the
clause of the Soviet's proposed,
definition, which declares that na
tion an aggressor Wiiich commits
the act of:
"Landing or leading of its land,
sea or air force inside the boun
daries of another State without the
permission of the government of
the latter, or the violation of the
conditions of such permission, par
ticularly as regards the length of
their stay or the extent of the area
in which they may stay."
Dr. Stone said: '
"As between movement of NATO
Forces in NATO countries, and
those of Warsaw Pact countries,
this category of aggressions seems
fair and sensible on its face."
But, he said, it is in the satel
lites, so important for Soviet de
fensive and offensive powers,
where struggles are most likely
to arise between two governments,
one puppet and one not. 1
Dr. Stone explained that when
the Soviet's definition was drafted
Soviet troops were present with
the permission of the government
concerned, "that government be
ing acceptable to, if not dominat
ed by, the Soviet Union.
"By swallowing this part of the
Soviet definition, therefore, the
Powers would give their blessing
to Soviet military domination of
these countries.
"They also would brand in ad
Budget Committee stated, "The
University is not being cut; they're
being raised. They always talk
about being cut. Every session
since 1947, they've had an in
crease." "Progress is being made at the
University," said the governor,
"they've' received an increase each
year." "This years proposed in
crease is one of the largest in the
school's history."
According to the Lincoln Jour
nal the committee said it had rea
sons for cutting the school's re
quest and had used a formula to
Committee Report;
The Faculty Senate tabled a mo
tion by Donald Dysinger, cnair
man of the Committee on Com'
mittees which was presented to
the Senate at their meeting on
Tuesday. '
The recommendations included:
(1) The Committee on Stu
dent Affairs be dropped as a
Senate Committee and be re
constituted as a University
Committee on Student Affairs,
in accordance with the By-Laws
and Rules of the Board of Re
gents, (2) The present committees
on Commencement and Honors
Convocation be dropped as Sen
ate Committees and be reorgan
ized al a University Committee.
(3) The Senate Committee on
Committees be required to de
fine to the Chancellor, on his
request, the areas of responsibili
ty of these University commit
tees as well as the member
ship of each; and make nomin
ations of faculty members to
fill vacancies on such commit
tees in the same manner as
Senate committees.
(4) These University Commit
tees shall be directly responsible
.to the Chancellor, but shall make
an annual report to the Univer
sity Senate for informational
(5) On those University Com
mittees which deal with Student
matters, the students should be
allowed to vote.
Miller said, 'More is involved
vance as the crime of aggression,
the only recourse that might some
day be open to themselves for as
sisting peoples held down by So
viet forces, after the clear over
throw by the people concerned of
the Soviet-supported regime."
In conclusion, Dr. Stone asked:
"Why should Western countries
condemn themselves in advance
as aggressors if they should ever
decide to aid peoples who have
clearly rejected a Government,
which then is kept in office by
the naked power of Soviet arms."
Dr. Stone, who is now visiting
professor at Harvard University,
will deliver the final lecture, "The
Aggression Notion and the Future
of Peace Enforcement," Wednes
day at 8 p.m. in the Love Library
The public is invited to the lec
tures, sponsored by the College
of Law and members of the Pound
Lectureship Committee.
Van Overbeck,
NU Lectures
Two noted lectures, Miss Mari
Sandoz and Dr. Van Overbeck, are
scheduled to give talks at the Uni
versity Wenesday and Thursday.
Miss Sandoz, a Nebraska-born
author, will speak on "The Indians
of the High Plains" at the annual
joint dinner meeting of Sigma Xi
and Phi Beta Kappa to be held
Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the
Union ballroom.
Members and non-members may
attend the $1.50 per plate dinner.
Reservations should be made with
either Professor McCashland, 108
Temporary C, or Professor Van
dersall, 209 Andrews Hall.
Dr. Overbeck, will give a public
lecture on Thursday at 7:80 p.m.
in Bessey Hall Auditorium on
"Plant Hormones in Agriculture."
He is an authority on plant hor
mones and is head of the plant
physiology department of the Agri
cultural Research division of Shell
Development .Company, Modesto,
Ity S
guide it in trimming the gover
nor's recommendation. He added
that the Budget Committee had
more time than he to review budg
et requests tnd he had no idea of
what the formula consisted.
Early in the year, the Univer
sity had indicated that it might go
to the floor in its fight for mora
funds if the Budget Committee ac
tion was unsatisfactory.
Should the tentative committee
report prove final, a stiff floor
fight for at least the 3.2 million
dollar figure recommended by the
governor will develop, the Lincoln
than is apparent and more timt
should be devoted, to discussion
and exchange of ideas."
After the motion was tabled, sev
eral professors commented in the
discussion that the students should
be allowed to vote on the Commit
tees. Herbert Davis Professor of Dairy
Husbandry, "it has been noted in
the past that general relations be-"
tween the Faculty and students
has not been what one would de
sire. This is due, in my estimation,
in part, to the vote situation on
the Committees. Students on com
mittees right now have the same
status as second class citizens.
This should be remedied."
Robert Knoll, Ass. Professor of
English commented, "The last few
years the students have been in
valuable on the Subcommittee on
Student Publications of which I
am Cr air man. They definite
ly should be allowed to vote."
Ruth Levinson, Asst. Professor
of Physical Education, while com
menting that students should be
given the vote, added this rec
ommendation, that the Student
Council designate just one per
son for the Committee and have
the Council responsible for that
person. "The Chancellor shouldn't
be shouldered with the responsibil
ity of choosing alone," she added.
Also presented to the Senate was
the report of Marjorie Johnston,
chairman of the Committee on
General Scholarship Awards.
She reported that in the academ
ic year of 1956-57, 492 scholarships
had been granted, totaling $55,
673, which "was $11,980 more than
last years scholarships.
Three hundred Regents scholar
ships to Freshmen were granted.
Seventy-eight Donors Scholar
Scholarships to upperclassmen and
seventy-one Donors scholarships to
freshmen were also granted.
The Chancellor closed the ses
sion by commenting on the Budget
He said "The situation will
improve. All is not lost as yet.
However, it will probably be a
month before the Legislature dis
cusses the budget on the Hoar."
"I would like to add that the
Board of Regents and myself em
phasize that first priority will be
given faculty salaries and the
teaching work load. I can't at this
time make a guarantee, but I will
say that these matters will be
our first consideration."
Annual NU
Premed Day
Set April 27
The annual Premed Day, will be
held April 27 on the Medical Col
lege campus In Omaha, according
to Eugene Powell, premed advisor.
Junior and senior premedics,
prenurses, students interested in
X-ray and medical technology and
interested faculty are invited,
Powell stated.
Registration for Premed Day
begins at 8:30 a.m. in the Main
entrance of the University Hospital
in Omaha. Tours of the campus
and discussions will highlight the
event, Powell said. Lunch will be
available at the Medical College
"All students who expect to at
tend should sign the list on the
bulletin board at 306 Bessy Hall,
before April 13," Powell an
nounced. Singers To Appear
In Own Creations
The female members of the
University Singers will be sport
ing a new look at their spring
concert Sunday. The girls will be
wearing new dresses of their own
The dresses were selected lor
the group by a committee of threa
tof their members. They were made
specially for the singers by Tailor ,
Crafters of Lincoln. '
The dresses are of black velvet,
teen and their motive is dignity
through simplicity.
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