. 1 VI t i; V - h Page 2 The Daily Nebraskan Wednesday, March 27, 1957 Daily Nebraskan Editorials: Parking Cmnmittee A six-man Parking Advisory Committee has been appointed at the University to survey the parking problem and form recommendations, Chancellor Hardin has announced. Now that the administration has decided to do something about the situation, perhaps the student body can get behind the committee and cooperate in as many ways as possible. We must remember, after all, that the park ing appeal board of the Student Council rec ommended the formation of the committee and therefore, the students have some obligation to support the work of the group. The first thing students can do to aid the committee is present to one or all the members the problems which they feel are the most pressing in the parking situation and include suggested solutions. The solution stage is the big obstacle which will have to be overcome. Dave Keene, council representative on the committee has stated that the parking situation is one which ' the students make worse for themselves. He has stated publicly that it is not the University's duty to provide parking places for the people who work and study here. We can conclude from this then that one of the solutions to the problem might be the con solidation of student-faculty parking areas into a "first-come-first-served" space. This, how ver, is merely a suggestion. It is not the University's responsibility to pro vide parking places, then certainly no real harm can be done if parking is restricted to members cf freshman or sophomore (or more) classes. This, too, is merely speculation, and is prob ably one of the most frequent suggestions for improving the situation which the committee will meet. We have complete sympathy for the Advisory Committee for they are faced with a task that is touchy and difficult. They will be called upon to listen to some strange ideas for the solution of the parking crisis. Everything from shuttle buses to five story underground parking lots will be suggested to them. They will hear gripes about the misuse of space and the overuse of space; they will become weary listening to exotic answers to the big questions. But we hope the Advisory Committee will come out of the survey with new hope for the parking situation. Perhaps it is proper for the Daily Nebraskan to make suggestions as to procedure for the board. In the 1 first place the members should hold open hearings over a period of two or three weeks to analyze the needs and facilities. Students, faculty and employes should be en couraged to attend such hearings (if they are established.) From that point the board will be able to work to an equitable solution (or . solutions) of the problem and present their findings to the admin istration for immediate action. Finally, it might be said that the student body and the Daily Nebraskan (which has insisted that students be given a "fair shake" in the parking problem) are grateful to Chancellor Hardin for establishing this board. We hope we will hear from it soon. "Fullest Utilization" The Faculty Senate Liaison Committee pre sented a proposal in Tuesday's meeting calling on the Chancellor to appoint a special group to study ways and means of securing fullest utili sation of classroom and laboratory space. The committee, according to the proposal which the faculty passed, will place the great est emphasis on the use of space between the hours of 8 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Secondly the group will investigate possibilities of using the noon hour to a greater degree. The third time span which will be investigated is the hour between 7 and 8 a.m. Finally ways and means will be sought to make the hours between 7 and 10 p.m. available for classes. The faculty realizes that the University must get along with the present facilities and the present staff for as long as possible. As long as the funds are not available to hire more teachers and new classroom buildings cannot be constructed schedules will have to be tight ened to enable both the present student body and the speculated increase to attend classes. At the present time Tuesdays and Thursdays are not full class days for most instructors or for students. It must be remembered by the students, however, that the majority of the teachers work is done outside of classroom time and consequently he is to be considered first vhen any new schedules are set up. Some points which students probably ought to remember when they are confronted with a new arrangement for class times next semester include: 1) The burden is on the instructor as well as on the student when it comes to inconvenient schedules. Students who make full utilization From The Editor's Desk: A word or tivo of classroom space impossible by trying to cram into the "good "hours or the "good" teach ers are defeating the purpose of a revamped timetable. 2) Many night school sessions now in practice under the heading of "Extension Courses" are conducted only one or two evenings a week. Under the discussed program they would prob ably be expanded to meet a regular Monday-Wednesday-Friday calendar if full utilization is really desired. 3) Late afternoon classes (after 2 p.m. for many students) will have to be accepted as a matter of course. But professors who could be devoting afternoon hours to research will be devoting it to classroom periods, too. 4) The old axiom that only as much is gotten out of school as is put into it will be ever so true under an expanded class day. Those stu dents who are stuck with 7 o'clocks will not be doing the Administration a favor by taking those classes: no favors will be given, either. 5) The new class arrangement (if it happens!) will only be temporary. As soon as the Uni versity can convince the state that education is important and that new buildings, new labs and new staff members are essential to a first class University we might be able to get back to normal. Until the time when the faculty committee seeks (we hope) the help of the students, we can plead with the people seeking an education to rack their brains and bury their pride in finding and accepting new if inconvenient times for attending class in order to attain full utilization of the physical facilities of our University. before you go . . . By FRED DALY Editor The second annual Univer sity Spring Day is rapidly pro gressing from the formative stages to the realm of the concrete as committees in charge of various functions have been organized and have started to operate. Nothing definite has been released as yet as to specific activities, except that the gen eral scope of Friday, May 3, will be much greater than last year. First, the Farmers Fair will be integrated into the spring tvent instead of being an en tirely separate activity. And secondly, no classes will be held either that Friday or the following day, Ivy Day, giving students (and faculty) an all University weekend of a three day duration. ' Spring Day originally grew out of a plan formulated in the spring of 195S after the infa mous and disastrous riot and "panty-raid." Campus leaders and the Administration agreed that some sort of "spring event" should be organized so that students could vent their high spirits in a healthy, non destructive manner. So, on a rainy Friday last May, Spring Day made Its ap pearance on the University campus, and was fairly suc cessful. It was held in conjunction with the Union's Birthday Party, which helped a great deal. The same arrangement is set for this year. Now, four facets of an all University weekend have been set up the Farmers' Fair, the Union Birthday Party, tradi tional Ivy Day events and the new events introduced by Spring Day. At last the Uni versity is finding itself with spring rites rivaling those of the University of Colorado and Iowa State. This schedule of activities takes the Ivy Day weekend out of the realm of the "activity" world where it has come to lie. There are now events of interest to every student, if he will but take the time and effort to take part. This Spring Day is some thing that the University has needed for some time. Per haps it will help snap this institution out of the lethargy that has become so much a part of the campus attitude. Spring Day also gives the University a chance to mean more to students than purely academic subjects or a rat- race of extracurricular activi ties. It will give them a chance to enjoy themselves as part of a University commu nity and not merely as cogs in a great machine. Balloting in the NUCWA mock state elections was high er than expected, according to early returns, if one uses previous elections this year as a standard. There is something about politicking, mock or real, that makes people want to go out and elect somebody. Congratulations to Milton Caniff for one of the longest basketball games on record! And what I want to know is, what's the score? The Interfraternity Council will elect next year's officers tonight in their second elec tion of the year. Please, gen tlemen, elect people you would like to keep on regular. It got a little confusing at times, and set a pretty terrible prec edent. The snow is going, and with its going comes the damp, and with the damp comes colds in the head. Life is just one damned thing after another! The Daily Nebraskan FIFTY-FIVE YEARS OLD Memben Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate ire Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated ' Published at: Room 20, Student Union Lincoln, Nebraska 14th &B The HatSr Nebraska hi po Ml shed Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday durlnc the school rear, except Curing vacations and exam periods, and one issue la Fibhhed anrtvf A wrest, ay students at the Unlvenrttr f fr'iraka trader the sathorizatiea of the Committee m Student Afteira as an expression of etndeni opinion, frubllcaoone ndr the jurtsdietlna af the Snbeemmlttee an Umitmt Publication eha.ll he free from editorial aomoreaip ea the part of the Snbeammltte a oa the part of any nmbw of the faculty of the Unrremlty, ar an the part af any person) eutslde the Enlrertity. The awmlxrs of the Nebraska! stuff are personally re- MKv.tnie for what tbe say. ar do or cause t be primed, February g, IH6S. Entered u serond rinse matter at the poet offlee la Liacula, tfebraeka, under the act af A UK tut A, Itlt. EDITORIAL STAFF editor Fred Daly Managing Editor .jack Pollock Editorial Face Editor... Dlek Bhuttos New Editor .........San Jones, Bob Ireland Sports Editor Bob M artel Copy Editors. ............. .Art Blaekman, Carole I-rank Goorge Moyef, Boa Warnoloskl Night News Editor Bob Ireland Ac Edit. Walter Patterson Staff Photographer................... Date Lewis Office ttecirtary.. Julie DoweU Society Editor aa FarreU Reporter Judy Bteter, Marilyn Nlssea, Mlnnetter Taylor, Diana Maxwell, Bandra W'halen, . Dorothy Hall, Dlaana (lease. Bill Cooper, Bill Wilson, Gary Feterson, Mary Pat terson, Deauna Barrett, Emmie Limpo. Staff Writers. .. ..Nancy belong, Cynthia Zschau. Bob Win, Gary Bodgars, JoAnn Gabboroa. Stan Wldman. BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager., , George Madsea Assistant Business Managers Larry Epstein Tom Rett, Jerry eelletia CtrenUUoa Manager. ......... .. Jack Mont l TALKING ABOUT 1 (SPRING WELL, I NOU.UJELL NEVER HAVE ANY MORE SNOW! MERE I AM.ONLY FOUR VERS OLD, AND I'LL NEVER &EE SNOW AGAIN n (jOMAT about next IliWTCOITUCPF 'I I BE ANOTHEG WINTER. I DIDN'T .YUU KNOX): Vthepe 1 f.ili f 7SCP H 1 I ThtOUSHT IT WAS 502T OF A ONE -SHOT DEAL! 3-27 the iconoclast . . . Harlan Miller, who writes "Over the Coffee" for the Des Moines Register, has been threatening for years to write a column on sex. Every day Iowans . pick up their morning newspapers with baited breath; unfortunately, they put them down with a disappointed Mgh. Miller has not yet gotten the nerve to confront his readers with to delicate a subject so early in the day. Some wrong thinkers are even beginning to suspect that the sex-column suspense is only a de vice to keep the adolescents inter ested. Until such time as Miller un leashes his boudoir bulletin, I have a few carefully chosen ob servations as a war correspondent in the battle of the sexes. First, fraternity formals tho' oustensibly planned by the men must really be devised from a dis tance by women. Because at a formal of any kind the fair sex has a distinct advantage. Most girls look as tho they were born to wear formals; indeed, some look like they should never be seen in anything else. But no man who has ever lived has managed to look natural in a dinner jacket. Tuxedos, by their very natures, make any kind of normal activity impossible. I remember the first steve schultz The views expressed by Daily Nebraskan columnists are their own and do not necessarily re flect the views of this paper. lime I ever wore a tux I was under the impression that it was functional; before the evening was over, I had torn the pocket and lost two jacket buttons. (People who rent men's formal wear look askance at this sort of thing j Second, until the other evening I thought that the most astute re porter of American love life was Brother James Thurber, the noted Ohio Phi Psi. He has written and drawn hilarious situations which perfectly represent the tyranny which women have always held over men and which they might have been' able to conceal had Bro. Thurber never lived. (Is Sex Necessary? was the most influen tial book I ever read, but the com mittee which made the controver sial survey didn't ask me.) But Thurber's brilliant commen tary has now been excelled. Harp er's for March printed a monu mental report called "American Youth Goes Monogamous." You might look into this thing; it Through These Doors... Recently the Senate and more specifically Senator John Kennedy have had a merry time cutting up the career of Dave Beck, president of the teamsters union. The acts of hoodlumry committed by the teamsters make the facts turned up by the Kefauver crime investi gation a distinctly second rate production. If organized crime real up" they ought to take lessons from the teamsters. A political science instructor of mine once said that congressional investigations usually don't un cover any new information but merely bring facts already known to the attention of the public. This is probably true in the case of the teamsters. While I was still in high school, I remember reading an article in the Readers Digest about Beck and the tactics of his teamsters. The how the teamsters forced a large metropolitan trucking corporation george moyer into accepting the closed shop into their firm. t The teamsters ordered drivers on small feeder lines supplying the big company not to deliver any cargo to it. This viscious secondary boycott soon had the bog company on its knees. In addition, individual drivers were terrorized until they surrend ered to avoid a vendetta against their families. They naturally con cluded it would be better to join the union than see their children hospitalized. Unions were originally founded to secure the workers from the abuses of the trusts. But the trusts have long since been legislated out of business or broken up; The unions themselves have ac complished much in the way of constructive labor laws. The Amer ican worker enjoys the highest standard of living in the world because of them. Letterip Any letters sddressed to the Letterip column will be printed If they sre less thsn 200 words In length sad are typed double spare. Pes name may be used ea any letter escept one wklrh criticises aa Individual sad all material sent to this roluma will be kept ea file la the office af the Dally Nebraskan. To the Editor: Mr. Schultz, your supercilious columnist, overstepped even his self-proclaimed omnipotence Fri day in attacking David Happily, the poet whose work has often appeared in the "Campus Green." Schultz's attack was vicious, un principled, and groundless. He offered no criteria for his criti cisms; rhather he simply opened fire in a scatter shooting manner, without sighting any specifics to which he could tie his accusations. I can sight no instance to paral lel Mr. Schultz's gall; it is without equal in literary criticism. Moreover, Schultz has contradic ted himself in this attack. He has as the champion of culture on the campus. He has contemned the collective brain of Nebraska as a cultural desert. He has castigated the Student Union for their at tempts to provide an oasis. And he introduced himself by attacking the acting of James Dean; this from the creature of Asclepius who could not sustain his role for three acts, and who only left his audience with a bad taste. During all this time he has tak en care to promote his native Iowa. Readers of the Nebraskan can only reply by asking Mr. Schultz why he doesn't go back where he came from. But the point of this letter is might well ask where Schultz er red, since he so obviously did. Ad mittedly Happily's poetry lacks form; but Mr. Schultz must re member that it is the legitimate function of the poet to mirror his world. And since the present day world is so formless, Happily writes accordingly. There is prece dent: Walt Whitman was compar ably formless, but even the self confessed psuedo-intellectual Icon oclast will not dare attack the great Walt. So far as lacking wit is con cerned, Mr. Happily's poetry cer tainly does not suffer here, either. It is incisive and cleverly stated. Mr. Schultz would not these quali ties if he were capable of any thought other than the most su perficial. And Mr. Happily has readers as even Schultz will have to admit after reading this letter. We may live in a cultural desert, Steve but we like to be 'Arabs in such fertile sand. J. L, Harpstreith FASHION . . A. I See It by Judy Kamey Your NU Representative to GOLD'S Advisory Board The no-iron shagbark cot ton in this casual skirt and blouse has that tweedy look. Black threads give green, blue, red, tan or gray shag bark a rough, nubby texture. The sleeveless blouse is simply styled with pointed collar and a fly front. The straight skirt has a self-belt and handy pocket. You'll find this mix and match outfit perfect for wear to class and so easy to take care of. Both the skirt and blouse for just 10.95. See our other matched skirts and blouses in the Sportswear department, Second Floor of Gold's. U ! - I should be woh a long, long bull session. Matter of fact, one of my little friends tried to borrow it to show to his current date. Briefly, the article suggests that pinnings and ring exchanges are not made in Heaven. In fact, it infers that they are primarily caused by the local draft board. Last, the attitude toward sex which is reflected in' the Vargas girl confuses me. Obviously, this girl's uh physical attributes art? so exaggerated as to be impos sible. If this is so, why do men go ' mooring about after contemplat ing these impossibilities. This is worse than becoming enamoured with a pin-up wearing a wedding ring. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibfe'r "1 SAIP- IF I'M TO 0 THE FACULTY CHAPERON FOE. . THIS PAN IV LIKE THE LIGHTS TURNED UPA LITTLE mm Bci saiasa. (Author ef "Barefoot Boy With Chttk," tie.) ADVICE ON ADVISORS Recently I made an extensive tour of American cam puses, interviewing students and selling mechanical dogs, and one of the most frequent complaints 1 heard from undergraduates was, "My faculty advisor doesn't really care about me." Everywhere I went I heard this same cry. (Indeed, at one university I found 15,000 students jammed in the field house chanting it a cappella.) But I am bound to say, dear friends, that you are wrong. Your faculty advisor does care about you. The trouble is, he doesn't know you. And no wonder ! How do you expect him to know you when you see him once or so a semester? Get to be friends with your faculty advisor like, for example, Alpine R. Sigafoos, a sophomore in timothy and silage at Texas A. & M. Alpine R. Sigafoos appeared one night in the living quarters of his faculty advisor (whose name, by a curious, coincidence, was also Alpine R. Sigafoos). "Good evening, sir," said Student Sigafoos. "I am come so that you may get to know me better and .thus help me solve the vexing problems that trouble me." 1 U us Me thtec fkb6es? f "And what are those three packages you are carry ing?" asked Advisor Sigafoos. "This," said Student Sigafoos, holding up the first of the three packages, "is a carton of Philip Morris Ciga rettes, which come in long size or regular, and without which I never btir. It is, sir, a smoke beyond compare full of fresh, natural, unfiltered flavor that delights the taste, salves the soul, and turns the whole world into one long vista of peace and greenery. Try one, sir." "Thank you," said Advisor Sigafoos, lighting a Philip Morris Cigarette. He puffed appreciatively for an hour or two and then said, "And what is in the other packages you are carrying?" "I-am rather a complex fellow," safd Student Sigafoos, "and I don't expect that you will get to know me in a hurry. So," he said, holding up his second pack age, "I have brought my bed-roll." "I see," said Advisor Sigafoos, not entirely pleased. "And what is this third package?" "Well sir, I know that occasionally you will be busy with other matters and will therefore be unable to spend time with me. So I have brought along my gin rummy partner, Waltar M. Handzlik." In the next two years Advisor Siga foos, living cheek-by-jowl with Student Sigafoos, got to know all of the lad's personality traits, his hopes, his fears, his drives, his quirks, his aspirations. At the end of that time, armed with true understanding, Advisor Sigafoos con cluded that Student Sigafoos's basic trouble was that he was not really cdllege material. " So Advisor Sigafoos got Student Sigafoos a job with the North Star Hockey Puck Corporation where today he is head of the puck-packing department and a happy man. Advisor Sigafoos is happy too. He has time again to pursue his studies of Trichobatrachus robustus, the hairy frog. At night he plays gin rummy with Walter M. Handzlik. OMax Shulman, 1987 Our advice to $tudentsand to faculty too and to anybody eltm who' looking for a $ueetheart of tmokei to try new natural Philip Morrh, made by the tpontort of this column. - ae-.-A--r--r ,,- f l-eBHHJ 8jiMiH I . laajllygS1jWNfV'?--' '