The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1957, Image 1

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News Editor
The Faculty Committee on Stu
dent Affairs voted Friday to allow
the Interfraternity Council to rein
state its annual IFC Ball, tentative
ly scheduled for Saturday night,
May 18, at the Turnpike Ballroom.
Action came after almost two
hours of discussion Friday involv
ing members of the committee and
executives of the IFC.
In a prepared statement, the
Siident Affairs Committee stated
that they had "voted to allow the
Interfraternity Council to hold an
IFC Banquet, and also to hold an
IFC Ball on a weekend at the Turn
pike Ball Room.
The Committee statement con
tinued that the following stipula
tions concerning the IFC Ball were
to be fulfilled:
1. IFC must obtain a signed
statement from the management
of the Turnpike that the manage
ment will cooperate with the
University with respect to Univer
sity regulations governing social
affairs. ,
2. That the IFC will provide po
lice for the dance.
3. That the officers of the in
dividual fraternities will sign a
statement of agreement to help
police the dance.
IFC executives Dick Reische,
president; Charlie Fike, vice- presi
dent; and Bill Dahl, treasurer,
presented the council views to the
Committee, which met in open
session at Ellen Smith Hall.
Council president Dick Reische
stated that he felt all fraternity
presidents would support the de
cision of the Committee on Stu
dent Affairs wholeheartedly.
"Action will be taken if fratern
ity members start to drink at the
dance," Reische added.
Dr. Bertrand Schultz, faculty ad
visor to the IFC and a member of
the Student Affairs Committee,
stated that the Council wished to
show their good faith by staging
a successful dance in compliance
with University rules.
During Friday's discussion which
preceeded the , committee's deci
sion, Reische stated that the IFC
would be willing to sign a pledge
of good faith with the student
affairs office.
Dean of Student Affairs, J. P.
Colbert, stated that he "felt the
committee has shown by its actions
that it stands ready to work with
the students at all times helping
them develop a satisfactory social
and activity program within the
framework of the laws of the state
and rules of the University."
Reiche and Dahl met with the
Committee on Student Affairs
March 4, at which time discussion
was also held concerning the pos
sibilities of reinstating the dance.
The IFC petition to the Commit
tee called for the dance to be part
of "fraternity weekend, involving
an IFC Banquet Thursday night
at the University Club, and an
open-house dance Friday night,
sponsored by the Junior IFC."
The privilege of having an IFC
Ball was taken away from the
Council in 1955 by the Office of
Student Affairs.
Last fall the IFC unsuccessfully
pettiioned the Office of Student
Affairs asking permission to havt
the annual dance reinstated. "
Housing Code
See Page Two
Lost Art
Of Fencing
See Page Four
31' N- 62- LINCOLN, NEBRASKA , , Monday, March 1 1, 1957
T 4 4
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Production Readied
Members of the University Play- Called by some the finest of the
ers ready production for the stage Shakespearean plays, the produc-
presentation of "King Lear," tion will be the first attempt in
scheduled for Howell Memorial five years to stage a Shake
Theater Tuesday through Friday.
Lincoln Selected
Delta Sigma Head
Jerry Lincoln was named presi
dent of the Delta Sigma Pi at its
last meeting.
Other officers elected were sen
ior vice-president, Jerry Rounsa
vell junior vice-president, Richard
Meyer; treasurer, Louis Lenhart;
secretary, Don Koester; chancellor,
Francis Kruse, historian, Maurice
Lynch and house manager, Darrel
The fraternity held its profession
al dinner Feb. 25. The guest speak
er was James Ebd, the busi
ness manager of KOLN-TV.
Special SC Committee:
Students Give Ideas
Of Budget To Senators
Some 43 University students.
working in conjunction with a spe
cial Student Council committee,
have been meeting with their state
senators for the past week and dis
cussing the proposed NU, budget
The special "legislature Com
mittee" of the Student Council,
which was formed to investigate
what University students might do
to express their own views to their
state senators, is working under
co-chairmen Dave Keene and John
According to Keene the commit
tee obtained a list of all students
enrolled in the University last
semester. From this list, Keene
stated, the committee selected a
student from each legislative dis
trict whose responsibility it was to
make an appointment with the
senator from his district.
Pershing Rifles:
Reba Kinne
By Military
Reba Kinne, sophomore in
Teachers College, was named Hon
orary Commandant of Pershing
Rifles at the annual dinner dance
Saturday night at (he Lincoln Ho
telBallroora. Miss Kinne is a member of the
YWCA Cabinet, Student Union
Activities Board, Sigma Alpha
lota, the University Symphony
Band and Chi Omega sorority.
Other nominees for the title of
Honorary Commandant included
Pat Arnold and Joanne Bender.
University Film
Given Award
A University film, "Highest
Ideals," has won an honorable
mention award in national inter-collegiate
The Screen Producers Guild,
sponsors of the competition, had
announced earlier that the 39 min
ute film had been selected as one
of ten finalists. A color-sound pro
duction, the film was produced by
the University department of photo
graphic productions.
"Highest Ideals" is the story of
the Pershing Rifles, national honor
ary military fraternity which was
founded at the University in honor
of Gen. John J. Pershing who
taught ROTC at the University.
Anthony Gorsline, former Uni
versity staff member, wrote and di
rected the film and Gerard Schae
fer, another former staff member,
was production supervisor.
k iLv"" "
The first Shakespearean play
presented by the University The
ater in the past five years will be
staged this week at Howell Memo
rial Theater, beginning Tuesday.
Continuing nightly through Satur
day, the play, '-'King Lear," will
be directed by Dr. Dallas Wil
liams, assistant professor of
Keene stated that almost half
of the senators have been con
tacted and that practically all of
them will have talked with stu
dents by the time of the Budget
Committee's hearing Wednesday.
"This program is not a lobbying
one but rather designed to share
with senators the student's own
views and to gain a better under
standing of the senator's views,"
Keene emphasized.
"Students were not presenting a
pre-prepared statement from the
Student Council but expressing
their own views of the University
and its needs to their senators,
Keene added.
Each student working with the
committee was provided with an
enrollment list front his district
plus some suggestions and ideas
concerning the University's needs,
included a the brochure pro
vided by the Student Council were
statistics from a recent survey of
4286 students taken during regis
tration in January concerning the
proposed tuition raise and the Uni
versity budget.
The phamplet stressed that each
student should express his "own
views concerning the University
and its budget."
Members of the Student Council
committee besides Keene and Kin
nier, are Joanne Bender, Noma
Wolf, Bev Deepe, Mary Houston,
Don Beck, Art Weaver, and Bruce
Picks Goodwin
William Goodwin was named bat
talion commander of the Midship
man Battalion by Captain Dono
van, USN, Commanding Officer,
NROTC Unit and Professor of Na
val Science.
Goodwin, who will have the rank
of captain, is a senior in Teachers
Named to the rank of lieutenant
commander, the executive officer,
was Leland Jones a senior in Busi
ness Administration.'
The three company commanders
are: David Thomas, a senior la
Arts and Sciences; Paul Streich,
senior in engineering;, and Ron
Blue, senior in Arts and Science.
Each will have the rank of lieu
tenant. Selection for these key positions
is based on excellence in scholas
tic performance, aptitude for the
service and demonstrated leader
ship qualities, Donovan explained.
1 f
For Howell
'I "V
A , d
Nebraska Phot
spearean drama at the University.
The play deals with the problems
of love and evil faced by the King
of Britain and his three daughters.
Lear Slated
speech and dramatic art.
Curtain time each night is 8
Sidney Kaplan, a graduate stu
dent, will play the lead role.
Others in the cast are: Bonna
Tebo, Jacquie Miller, Phyllis
Chard, Charles Weatherford, Bob
Wells, Joe Hill, Eric Prewitt,
John Crowell, Charles Alcorn, Len
Schropfer, Bill Baker, Robert
Schoenrock, John Thompson, Lyle
Walthier, Bernard Skalka, Don
Montgomery, Charles Richards,
Bill Wagner, Robert Griffin, David
Thomas, and Kirk Easton.
In the play, the King of Britain
divides his realm between two of
his daughters, who later abuse and
treat him with disrespect, while
a third daughter who really loves
him is left with nothing.
Dueling scenes were staged by
John Giele, a graduate student
who coaches the University fencing
The production staff for King
Lear includes:
Stephany Sherdeman, produc
tion; John Thompson, Anna Meyer
and Diana Peters, scenery; Nor
man Francis, Lyn Greenberg,
Kathleen Schmutte and Lyle
Walthier, stage and hand prop
erty; Jim Copp, Bill Askamit, Joel
McComb and Mary Thompson,
sound; Noel Schoenrock, Duane
DeHart, Myrna Mills and Judy
Devilbus, costumes, and Karen
Peterson and Bob Butcher, lights.
Tickets On Sale
The box office of the Howell
Memorial Theater will be open
every day this week from 8 ajn.
to S p.m. to accept reservations
for the next University Theater
production, K I a g Lear. The
Theater is located in the Temple
Wiock Legislature
eetina Sehedu
The second mass meeting of
interested participants in the
NUCWA mock legislature will be
held Tuesday at 7:30, in room 316
of the Union, according to Biff
Keyes, NUCWA president.
Groups may register for districts
at this meeting. Although many
districts have been assigned, some
are still available. This will be
the last opportunity to apply for
one. Tne granting of a district
allows the group to elect a sena
tor and an alternate.
They may also nominate one per
son for each of the three elected
offices, governor, lieutenant gov
ernor and secretary of state, be
sides any number of lobbyists.
The final all-campus elections
will be held on Tuesday, March 26.
Later this week meetings will be
held to acquaint the senators and
lobbyists with their duties and
obligations. A state senator and
registered lobbyists will address
the respective groups. , Afterwards
a question session will be held.
What " constitutes a group? If
the students belong to an organ
ized house, fraternity, sorority or
co-op house, they will represent
that organization. In the case of
independent students who do not
live in what is known as an organ
ized bouse, five or more interested
ABB Woinroejnis Spriimg ISecflTOGiis
ScBiedlyfled Por We
The annual All Woman's Spring
elections will be held on Wednes
day in the Union from 9 a.m. to
6 p.m. and at the Ag Campus
Union from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Officers will be elected for. Coed
Counselors, Women's Athletic As
sociation, Barb Activities Board
For Women and Associated Wo
men Students.
All women who wish to vote
must have their Student I.D. Cards
with them and must vote for the
number specified on the ballot.
Coed Counselors
The nominees for the office of
president of Coed Counselors are
Joanne Bender and Marilyn
Miss Bender, junior in Arts and
Sciences, is on the Calendar and
Final Exams committee of the
Student Council, Layout Editor of
the Cornhusker, Panhellenic Com
cil, a member of Alpha Lambda
Delta, Delta Phi Delta and Delta
Delta Delta sorority.
Miss Waechter, junior in Teach
ers, is a member of A.C.E., Y.W.-
C.A. cabinet, Tassels Secretary, Pi
Lambda Theta and Scholarship
chairman of Towne Clu She also
served .as secretary .of the Coed
Counselor Board.
WAA Nominees
There are two nominees for the
presidency of the Women's Athle
tic Association. They are: Joan
Huesner, junior in Teachers, trea
surer of Kappa Alpha Theta, mem
ber of the W.A.A. Board, Red
Cross Board. Pi Lambda Theta,
A.C.E., AFCW president and Ideal
Nebraska Coed.
Sonia Sievera, sophomore in Busl
ness Administration, member of
Kappa Delta, WAA Board, Red
Cross. YWCA Finance chairman
and Hungarian Student Project
treasurer, is the second nominee.
Nominees for Secretary include:
Janet Dworak, sophomore in
Teachers, Alpha Phi activities
chairman, WAA board, Orchesis,
PE Club and AWS board, and
Karen Krueger, sophomore in
Teachers, member of Alpha Omi-
cron Pi, cheerleader, WAA Board,
Coed Counselor Board and New
man Club.
The two nominees for treasurer
include: Billie Prest, sophomore
in Teachers, WAA board, Tassels,
Cornhusker Section Head and Kap
pa Kappa Delta, and Sally Wilson,
sophomore in Arts and Sciences,
WAA Board, AUF assistant, Build
ers, Aquaquettes and Kappa Alpha
Nominees for president of BABW
Board for the coming year are:
Sue Hinkle, junior in Teachers,
ABW secretary, Student Council,
Pi Lambda Theta project chair
man, Sigma Eta Chi chaplain.
students will constitute a group.
"The way the plans are de
veloping, this conference promises
to be as exciting and colorful as
the Mock Political Convention last
spring," according to Betty Parks,
The first session of the legisla
ture will begin March 29 in the
Union, and the second session will
be at the capitol, Saturday,
March 30.
Gustavson To Give
Graduation Talk
Dr. R G. Gustavson, former
chancellor at the University and
now president of Resources for
the Future, Washington, D.C.,
has accepted a invitatioa to ad
dress the University's 86th an
nual commencement exercises
June 10 at the Coliseum.
Dr. Gustavson served as chan
cellor of the University from
September, 1946 to July, 1953.
P. Goldhammer, professor of
physics at the. University of Dela
ware, will discuss "A perturba
tion for Bound Nuclear States"
Tuesday at the Pbysics Colloqui-
Voting Booths In Unions
Outstanding Coed Counselor and
Women Residence Halls and Marie
Gerdes, junior in Home Econom
ics, BABW Board historian, Home
Economics club secretary, 4-H
club, VHEA and Love Memorial
Senior board members nominees
include: Margot Franke, junior in
Home Economics, Home Econom
ics Club, Farmers Fair board and
Love Memorial Hall; Bonnie Mal
lette, junior in Commercial Arts,
member of Aquaquettes, P.E.
club, Kappa Phi, Red Cross and
Towne Club, and Mary Jane
Phelps, junior in Teachers, mem
ber of Tassels, BABW Board and
Towne Club.
Junior Board members nominees
j.. 6iiin.ini.mi
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Elections Wednesday:
Thirty-Four May Queen
Candidates Nominated
The finalists for May Queen
will be selected from these 34
women candidates on Wednesday,
in the Union. Junior and senior
women only are eligible to vote.
The 44 candidates for May
Queen are: Pat Alvord, Zeta Tau
Alpha, Pi Lambda Theta, Mu Phi
Epsilon, Alpha Lambda Delta,' NU
band sponsor, Singers; Shirley
Bazant, Kappa Delta, Red Cross,
WAA, Physical Education Club,
Newman Club, Pi Lambda Theta.
Patty Branch, president of Pi
Beta Phi, Biz Ad Council; Pearl
Bremer, Kappa Kappa Gamma,
APHA, Kappa Epsilon; Carol New
ell Blore, Teachers College, Chap
lain of Delta Delta Delta, Mu Phi;
Kay Christensen, Alpha Omicron
Pi, Union Senior Board, Teachers
College Senior Board, Pi Lambda
Marilyn Christenson, Alpha Omi
cron Pi, vice president, Teachers
College; Charlotte Benson, Sigma
Kappa president; YWCA; Mary
clare Dodson, Alpha Omicron Pi,
Teachers College; Polly Downs,
Alpha Phi, Union Bo&rd,' Beta
Gamma Sigma, Alpha Lambda
Delores Fangmeier, Towne Club
president, Pi Lambda Theta, Ger
man Club; Carolyn Galley, Alpha
Omicron Pi rush chairman, Teach
ers College; Emily Hemphill, Chi
Omega, Coed Couselor Board,
AWS vice president, Pi Lambda
Theta vice president; Mary Sue
Herbek, Teachers College, Coed
Counselors Board, Tassels, New
man Club.
Arlene Krbek, Delta Delta Delta,
Arts and Sciences, Kappa Alpha
Mu, Theta Sigma Phi; Mary
James, Delta Delta Delta, Agri
culture College, Omicron Nu presi
dent; Barbara Jelgerhuis, Delta
Delta Delta president, Teachers
College, Theta Sigma Phi, Kappa
Theta Alpha, Pi Lambda Theta;
New FiSms
The Bureau of Audio-Visual In
struction has added the following
material to the film library. "Un
derstanding Our Universe," "How
of Things: the Elephant," "Nature
of Things: the Camel," "I'm No
Fool With Fire" and "I'm No
Fool With a Bicvcle."
include 9 girls from which six will
be elected to the board.
They include: Diane Baum,
sophomore in Engineering, Tas'
sals, ASCE, Nebraska Blueprint,
Newman Club and Town Club;
Nadine Calvin, sophomore in Home
Economics, a member of Tassals,
Home Economics Club council,
BABW Board, 4-H club and Love
Memorial Hall.
Others are Doris Eby, sopho
more in Home Economics, Home
Economics Club treasurer, BABW
Board treasurer, Ag Union com
mittee, Coed Counselor, Alpha
Lambda Delta and Towne Club;
Sandra Foell, sophomore in French
and English, BABW Board, As
sistant treasurer of YWCA, Coed
V- "V
-V ' 'I ,V .W" :J
N'rbraskaa Pfcoi
Rita Jelinek, Pi Beta Phi, AWS
Board, Activities, Pi Beta Phi,
Teachers College; Beth Keenan,
Kappa Alpha Theta, Arts and Sci
ences; Mary Keys, Gamma Phi
Beta, Agriculture College, Theta
Sigma Phi, Phi Upsilon Omega,
Gamma Alpha Chi; Janet Kuska,
Cornhusker Associate editor, Del
ta Gamma, Home Economics; Sue
Rohrbaugh, Alpha Omicron Pi,
Teachers; Barbara Rystrom, Kap
pa Kappa Gamma, Teachers, Pi
Lambda Theta president; Coed
Counselors; YWCA.
Trudy Scriven, Delta Gamma
Masquers secretary, Teachers Col
lege; Kay Skinner, Alpha Chi
Omega, Agriculture College, Gam
ma Alpha Chi, Home Economics
Club and Counsel; Judy Snell,
Delta Gamma, Teachers College,
Pi Lambda Theta; Betty Stout,
Alpha Xi Delta, president, Teach
ers College, Coed Counselors.
Margaret Swanson. Pi Beta Phi.
Teachers College; Nancy Taylor,
Alpha Omicron Pi, Teachers Col
lege;. Gail Walling, Delta Gamma,
Arts and Sciences, Builders secre
tary, AUF Board; Cynthia Lon
brough Wilcox, Gamma Phi Beta,
Teachers College, Physical Edu
cation Club; Rhe Yeiter, . Alpha
Omicron Pi, Teachers College.
Spring Fever
Attacks Mar
Study Attempts
Students can expect the warm
spring weather to continue for the
next few days, with no let-up in
the sudden attack of spring fever.
Partly cloudy skies will accom
pany the anti
studying sea
son and a few
light showers
might mar the
parties. The
sun will rise .
at 6:28 a.m. to
morrow and
will set at 6:47
p.m. The highs
will range
from 58 to "65
degrees in var
ious parts of Lincoln and the low
are expected to be from 28 to 35 1
Counselors and Towne Club.
Phyllis Hansen, sophomore
in Home Economics, member of
Tassals, Home Economics Club
council, 4-H club, Ag YWCA and
Love Memorial Hall; Patsy Kauf
man, sophomore in Home Eco
nomics, Home Economics Club,
Tassals, Ag Union, Newman Club
and Loomis Hall are nominees for
junior board.
Marilyn Jensen, sophomore in
Home Economics, is a member of
Home Economics club council, Ag
YWCA, 4-H club and Love Me
morial Hall; Donna Miller, sopho
more in Teachers, is a member
of Tassals, BABW Board and
Towne Clube. and Roberta Swit-
zer, sophomore in Home Eco
nomics, member of Tassals, Hom
Economics club. Union Commit
tee, Ag YWCA cabinet. Gamma
Delta and Colonial Terrace.
Sophomore board members for
BABW board include 9 freshmen
which 6 of them will be elected
to the board.
They include Pat Everett, fresh
man in Home Economics, a mem
ber of Red Cross, Home Economics
club, Ag Umon and Towne Club;
Dorothy Glade, freshman in Busi
ness Administration. Union. Gam
ma Delta and Towne Club.
Other nominees are Alma
Heuermann, freshman in Home
Economics. Home Economics Club
council, Ag YWCA and Loye
Memorial Hall: Rosalie Jacobs.
freshman in Arts and Sciences, a
member of French club. Union.
BABW worker, and Towne Club;
Diana Maxwell, freshman in Journ
alism and Daily Nebraskan re
Harriet Murnhy. freshman in
Arts and Sciences; Judy Phipps,
freshman in Business Administra
tion, Union and Towne Club;
Sharon Sterner, freshman in Horn
Economics and Resident Halls for
Women, and Sylvia Steiner, fresh
man in Teachers, a member of
YWCA, BABW worker, 4-H club,
Kappa Phi, Wesley Foundation and
Howard Hall are other nominees
for sophomore board members.
AWS Nominees
Associated Women Students nom
inees for president include Karen
Dryden, junior in Arts and
Sciences, a member of Union board
and pledge trainer of Delta Delta
Delta, and Sara Hubka, junior in
Teachers, a member of Builders
Board, AWS board and vice-president
of Delta Gamma.
Senior Board Nominees included
Jo Ann Devereaux, junior in Ag
riculture, WAA house representa
tive, AWS house representative.
Gamma Alpha Chi, Aquaquettes
and president of Pi Beta Phi; Sue
Hinkle, junior in Teachers, secre
tary of BABW, Sigma Eta Chi
Chaplian, Student Council and Coed
(Continued on Page Four.)
Rules for the 1957 Ivy Day Inter
sorority Sing were announced to
day by Carol Link, president.
All groups who are planning, to
participate and have not yet made
plans should do so immediately,
she said.
All organized women's houses,
except honoraries, having at least
eight and not more than twenty
five singers including the director,
may enter. All members must car
rying at least twelve hours this
semester and have passed at least
twelve hours last semester, she
No professional person may assist
in the preparation of the song, she
stressed, although non-professional
alumae help may be used. Tb
director of the group must be ac
tove in ths group ehs represes
Mid must be a regularly tnroUd
student in the University. .'
Medleys of songs, songs longer ,
than five minutes in length,' or
songs used last year rMy irai fc
used, Miss Link emphasised.
All groups must remain sfk-r
their participation on Ivy Day f ar
tecAli bjr tne judges, she eUfeL
Iwy Sing
Hules Set