The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 05, 1957, Image 1

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    (7 (7
The tommittee on Student Af
fairs voted Monday to open its
hearings to press coverage and to
any interested persons.
The Committee's decision came
after an interview with Fred Daly,
Daily Nebraskan editor, and Sam
Jensen, first semester editor. Jen
sen first made the request to the
committee last semester.
On announcing the Student Af
Action 'Postponed'
On IFC Ball Petition
Two members of the Interfrat-e'-mty
Council, Dick Reische, pres
ident, and Bill Dahl, treasurer,
rjet with the faculty committee on
student affairs in an open hear
ing Monday to discuss possibili
ties of an IFC Ball.
Formal action on the petition
which called for an "IFC Ball to
be part of a fraternity weekend
to be held either the weekend of
May 11 or 18" was postponed un-
til more definite facts are pre
sented. -
Reische and Dahl will meet
with the committee on student af
fairs Friday at 3:40 p.m. to dis
cuss the request further. The hear'
ing will be open to the public.
The IFC petition called for the
Ball to be in conjunction with a
"fraternity weekend" which would
also include an IFC Banquet for
fraternity presidents and alumni
on Thursday night at the Univer
sity Club and an open-house dance,
sponsored by the Junior 1FU, in
day night.
"The presidents of the fraterni
ties comprising the InterfraternLy
Council will be held responsible
for the actions of their individual
members," the petition read.
Members of the committee ques
tioned Reische and Dahl about the
location of the proposed dance
which, according to Reische,
would be held at the Turnpike Ball
room. Committee member, -Arthur
" Ward, stated that he feared an
unfavorable precedent would be
set if the University permitted the
IFC to hold an official function
off campus limits. Current admin
istrative rules forbid University
functions from being held outside
of the Lincoln city limits.
Dr. Bertrand Schultz, who is a
t student affairs committee mem
ber and a faculty advisor of the
IFC, stated that be and the other
Council advisors' Dr. William Gil
liland and Bill Orwig, were "100 "
per cent in favor of the IFC week
Committee member, Robert
Knoll, cited the proximity of the
proposed fraternity weekend with
Spring Day which is tentatively
scheduled for April 26 and Ivy
Day, May 4.
Reische stated that the "IFC
didn't want to plan an event which
would conflict with Ivy Day and
Spring Day."
The privilege of having an IFC
Union Display
Features Work
Of 23 Artists
Twenty-three pictures by thir
teen of the artists whose work
appears in the Ladies' Home Jour
nal are on exhibition in the main
lounge of the Student Union now
and will remain there for the
month of March.
The artists whose work is in
cluded in this exhibition rank
among the top flight illustrators
in the country today. They are:
Harry Anderson, Walter Biggs,
Joe Bowler, Paul C. Burns, the
late Pruett Carter, Robert G. Har
ris, Morgan Kane, Joe de Mers,
Al Parker, Alex Ross, Haddon
Sundblom, Jon Whitcomb, and
Coby Whitmore.
"These artists must have great
painting ability and the equally
important ability to assimilate the
author's mood, and carry over
what has been written," stated
William E. Fink, Art Editor of the
Ladies Home Journal.
Adm. Forrestel
Visit Slated
Plans are being made for the ar
rival of Rear Admiral Emmett
Forrestel, commandant of the
Ninth Naval District, who will vis
it naval acitivites in Lincoln on
Wednesay, according to Capt. A.
E. Hare (USMC) assistant pro
fessor of Naval Science.
The Admiral will have luncheon
at the Corhnhusker Hotel with
Governor Victor Anderson, Chan
cellor Clifford Hardin, Captain
Donovan, and other local civilian
and military dignitaries.
After visits with Gov. Anderson
and Chancellor Hardin, the Admir
al plans to visit the Naval ROTC
Unit at the Univeristy, the Naval
Reserve Training Center and the
Naval Air Station. He then will de
part for Omaha by p'uie late
Wednesday afternoon.
YMCA Meeting
There will be a meeting of the
Student YMCA , on Wednesday at
4:30 p.m. in the Union, accord
ing to Steve Everett, chairman
oi the Student YMCA.
Anybody interested in fireside
chats with professors is urged to
attend, stated Everett.
fairs Committee's Monday deci
sion, J. P. Colbert, Pean of Stu
dent Affairs and Committee chair
man, said the body had "granted
the request of the Nebraskan made
last semester to hold open hear
ings of the Committee on Student
He added that the Committee,
like all similar bodies, reserves
the right to go into closed exeeu-
Ball was taken away from the
IFC in 1955 by the office of stu
dent affairs.,
Last fall the IFC unsuccessfully
petitioned the office of student af
faire asking permission to have
the annual affair reinstated.
Beauty Finalists
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Finalists in the Cornhusker Beauty Queen contest are: (front row from left) Kay Nielson, Elaine
Eggen, Charlene Anthony, (second row) Jody Carlson, Reba Kinne, Carolyn Torrence, Rita Jelinek,
and (back row) Mary Jane Coe, Frances Van Houten, Sharon Quinn, Sandra Schlaebitz, and Mary
Hepperlen. -
.The Nebraska-University Com
mittee on World Affairs has re
served the senate chamber at the
state capitol building for the Sat
urday morning meeting of the mock
session of the Legislature, accord
ing to Steve Everett, publicity
There will be a mass meeting
of all persons interested in the
NUCWA project this Thursday at
7 p.m. in the Union," Everett said.
"Any group wishing to be rep
resented in the mock legislature
can apply for a legislative district
at this time," Everett continued.
"When districts have been as
signed, they will be allowed one
senator, as many lobbyists as they
wish and the right to nominate
a candidate .for Governor, Lieu
tenant Governor or Secretary of
"We hope to encourage the writ
ing of bills that concern us, as
students. Each senator will be
allowed to write as many bills as
he wishes," Biff Keyes, vice presi
dent, said.
Thursday and Friday meetings
of the mock session will be held
on the University campus accord
ing to Keyes.
Tobacco Secondary:
The body's own safeguard
against lung cancer, a built-in bul
let-proof vest, is no match for air
pollutants resulting from the Ma
chine Age, a leading national path
ologist said at the University of
Nebraska Monday evening.
Dr. Paul Kotin, assiciate profes
sor oi pathology at the Univer
sity of Southern California, said ir
ritants in the atmosphere cause
the top layers of the membranes
lining the lungs to peel off, ex
posing the bottom layer where
cancer starts.
He explained that normally the
respiratory tract and lungs can
expel cancer-causing agents which
are inhaled. "Air pollutants, how
ever, interfere with this resistance
and modify the lining of the lungs
so much that cancer producers are
able to settle in the lungs.
This means that the bullet, or
cancer producer, is aimed direct
ly at the body's susceptible parts,"
Dr. Kotin explained.
Both synthetic and natural smog
appear to cause the peeling
away of the puter lining of the
bronchial tubes in experimental an
imals, he pointed out.
Rats, rabbits, mice, and guinea
pigs breathing articifial smog in a
laboratory have shown the same
sequence of change in their, lungs,
ur. liotin toia the audience.
'Even bronchial tubes of small
animals put outdoors on a smog-
gy day in Los Angeles deteriorate
in this way."
And, be added, more than 100
Blamed F
tivc session. The philosophy be
hind this right, Colbert said, is
that the Committee "has respon
sibility of making decisions."
The Issue was brought up last
semester by Jensen in letters to
the Student Council and Subcom
mittee on Student Publications, He
appeared b e f o r e the Student Af
fairs Committee on several occa
sions to express the views of the
paper on opening the meetings.
In a letter to the Student Coun
cil last semester Jensen said, "It
has been the policy the very pur
vol. 3I,ino. w LINCOLN, NEBRASKA
Kosmet Klub:
South Pacific Tryoyis
Set For March 9, 10
Persons wishing to tryout for
a lead in tne Kosmet Klub pre
sentation of "South Pacific," may
purchase a copy of "South Pa
cific" music at Walts Music, Store
or Dietze Music Store by. pre
senting to them a "Permission to
buy slip".
These slips may be obtained in
the Kosmet Klub booth in the
Union from 1 to 5 p.m. each after
noon this week, according to Jerry
Brownfield, publicity director for
Kosmet Klub. The price of the
music is 60 cents per copy
Kosmet Klub is not furnishing
the music for tryouts because of
a difficulty with the Music House,
which cannot get material to us at
this time
Those trying out for baritone
should purchase "Some Enchanted
Evening," tenors, "Younger than
Springtime," Altos, "Bali Hai,
and sopranoes, "I'm in Love With
A Wonderful Guy" or "A Cock
eyed Optimist."
Tryout schedule for "South Pa
cific", Saturday afternoon: 1-2
p.m., male leads; 2-3 p.m., female
leads: 3-4:30 p.m., chorus; 4:30-
5:00 p.m.t dancers.
Tryout schedule for Sunday: 1-
1:45 p.m.. male leads; 1:45-2:30
p.m., female leads; 2:30-3:30 p.m.,
chorus; 3:30-4 p.m., dancers and
4-6 p.m., callbacks.
All of those who are trying out
or CTgucgf
human autopsies in the Los Ange
les area have shown a similar re
sponse on the part of the lung
lining to irritants.
H- explained that although cancer-causing
agents have been in
thu air for centuries, it is only
within the last 50 years that they
have become important in lung
Air pollution by industry, automo
biles, and the machine age in gen
eral are primarily to blame for
this change, he said.
"there is at present no convinc
ing evidence that tobacco possesses
the necessary qualifications for the
start and promotion of lung can
cer," Dr. Kotin said. "Excessive
smoking appears to play only a
secondary role in the increase in
lung cancer rates."
His one-day visit to the University
was sponsored by the Institute for
Cellular Research and the depart
ment of physiology, through funds
made available by the Cooper Foun
dation through the University of
Nebraska Foundation.
Faculty Graduate Club
The Faculty Graduate Club will
have a guest speaker at a special
meeting Triday at 8 p.m.
The speaker will be Miss Evelyn
Caha who Will speak on Europe.
The special meeting will be held
in the Union Faculty Lounge. The
regular coffee hour will be held
at 4 o'clock Friday.
pose of existence of the Nebras
kan to attempt to get all news
which affects any element of cam
pus life.
"We believe that since the stu
dents of this University are so
vitally tied up with the decisions
the committee makes, the students
have a right to know what those
decisions are."
Jensen's request was first ap
proved by the Subcommittee of
Student Publications, a subcom
mittee of the Committee on Stu
dent Affairs. In a resolution issued
NebnskM Phut
for a lead will audition by singing
one of the above mentioned songs
and reading lines of Kosmet Klub
choosing. Chorus members will au
dition by interview . and possibly
singing if the director so desires.
Dancers will audition mainly by
Chorus members need not fa
miliarize themselves with specific
music, according' to Brownfield.
Two Teams
From NU
Tie For 3rd
Two University debate teams
tied for third place in the Women's
Division of the St. Thomas De
bate Tournament Saturday.
Nancy Copeland and Sara Jone,
sophomores in Teachers College
and Arts and Sciences, were de
feated in the semi-final rounds by
St. Olaf College. The team of
Sandra Reimers, senior in Arts
and Sciences, and aBrbara Bacon,
freshman in Teachers College,
were defeated in the semi-finals
by Eau Clair Colege.
In preliminary competition. Miss
Copeland and Miss Jones won six
out of eight debates and ranked
sixth out of thirty teams. Miss
Reimers and Miss Bacon won five
out of eight debates and ranked
In the men's division, Jere Mc-
Gaffy and Dick Shugrue won five
out of eight debates and did not
qualify for the final rounds.
Thirty teams were entered in the
women's division and sixty in
the men's.
Miss Jones and Miss Coneland
defeated St. Olaf in the finals
last year to win the tournament.
Estes Carnival
Set For Friday
At Ag College
- Pirates- Paradise" is the theme
of Estes Carnival which
held Friday. t 8 D.m.. in the A?
College Activities Building.
ine carnival is sponsored by the
Ag "Y" and proceeds will be
used to help finance students who
attend the annual Regional Con-
ference of the Student Christian
Association next spring.
Two traveling trophies " will be
awarded to the best booths carry
ing out the theme. Prizes will be
awarded to the girl and boy in
the best costumes.
Co-chairman of the carnival are
Janet Johnston and Marvin Kyes.
Radio Society Meeting
ine university Amateur Radio
Society will meet at 7 p.m., Tues
day at the Military and Naval
Science building.
The first of a series of radio
training films will be shown and
plans for E-week will be discussed.
Anyone inte rested may attend.
mm',tl tn iM Ik t&m m tei ''Wn u imw
Dec. 17 the Subcommittee said:
"In the opinion of the Subcom
mittee the need for free and open
discussion is best served when
committee hearings are open to
press coverage and of free access
to all interested persons."
Members of the Faculty Com
mittee on Student Affairs are:
Martin Alexander, Professor of
Animal Husbandry; Alan Bates,
Associate Professor Sociology; J.
P. Colbert, Dean of Student Af
fairs (chairman); William Hall,
Director of the School of Jour
Follies Score Again:
The twelve finalists for Corn
husker Beauty Queen and the Ideal
Nebraska Coed for 1957, Joan
Heusner, were presented Monday
night at the intermission of Coed-
Follies Varsity Visions".
Beauty Queen finalists, who were
selected from a group of some 50
candidates, are:
Charlene Anthony, who is a fresh
man enrolled in Teachers College,
a member of Red Crass. Union.
Tiampuline Club' and Alpha Chi
Sophomore in Home Economics
Jody Carlson, who is a member of
Builders and Delta Gamma.
Mary Jane Coe, who is a fresh
man enrolled in Teachers College,
a member of YWCA, Trampoline
Club and Delta Delta Delta. .
Elaine Eggen, a member of Or-
chesis. Red Cross, ACE, Builders
and Alpha, who is a sophomore in
Teachers College.
Mary Hepperlen, who is a soph
omore enrolled in the College of
Arts and Sciences, a member of
Tassels, Union, Orchesis, Build
ers and Delta Gamma.
Rita Jelinek, senior in Teachers
College, is a member of Red Cross
and Pi Lambda Theta, AWS secre
tary, Nebraska Sweetheart finalist.
Activity Queen finalist,. Ideal Ne
braska Coed finalist and a mem
ber, -of. Pi Beta-Phi. ' . " "
Reba Kinne, sophomore in Teach
ers College, is a member of Union,
Symphonic Band, Sigma Alpha
Iota, YWCA cabinet and Chi
Carolyn Torrence, a member of
Coed Counselors and Alpha Chi
Omega, is a sophomore in Teach
ers Colleg".
Frances Van Houten is a junior
in Teachers College and lives in
Terrece Hall.
Six of the twelre finalists will
be crowned Queens in the latter
part of May by the 1956-57 Corn
husker yearbook, sponsor of the
Joan Heusner, Ideal Nebraska
..Coed, was presented by Carol Link,
president of AWS Board.
The five skits included Pi Beta
Phi doing "Rythms of Tahiti,
which describes three American
girls in Tahiti who argue over the
merits of jazz as compared to
Tahitian music.
"Martian Madness" is the name
of the Kappa Kappa Gamma act
which dexcribes some people on
Mars looking down on Earth and
planning to visit it.
Gamma Phi Beta's skit, "Mili
tary Madness" is a satire of the
University ROTC program.
"Wizard's Wonderland" is the
Delta Gamma skit, which is the
Jones To Speak
To ASCE Chapter
Dan Jones, head of the State
Irrigation Department, will speak
on "Irrigation in Nebraska" at
the Wednesday night meeting of
the student chapter of the ASCE.
Discussion of E-Week is also on
the docket, according to Jim Sou
ders, program chairman. Refresh
ments will be served after the
meeting, which will be held at 7
p.m. in Room 305 Stout Hall.
Shakespearean Production Slated:
University Theater Readies 'King Lear'
Tht University Theatre will pre
sent King Lear by William Shakes
peare March 12 through 16 at the
Howell Memorial Theater.
Dr.' Dallas Williams, director of
the theater, who is serving as di
rector of the production, said that
the show will be one of the most
difficult , productions the student
members of the theater have un
dertaken. "But," he declared," the show
is shaping up well. We have been
in rehearsal for four weeks and
we will have a series of full scale
productions beginning Friday."
The play, which has been termed
ose of the most difficult Shakes
pearean dri-mas, is the fifth play
of the current University Theater
Dr. Williams said that the part
of Lear will be played by Sidney
Laplan, a graduate student in the '
nalism; W. C. Harper, Director of
University Services.
Irwin Hathaway, Professor of
Dairy Husbandry; Elsie Jevons,
assistant professor of commercial
arts; Marjorie Johnston, Asso
ciate Dean for Women; Robert
Knoll, Assistant Professor of Eng
lish; Mrs. Ruth Levinson, Assist
ant Professor of Physical Educa
tion for Women.
C. B. Schultz, Professor of Geol
ogy; Helen Snyder, Assistant of
Dean of Women; Mabel Strong,
Assistant Professor of English; A.
tale of animals on a zoology ex
cursion. Alpha Omicron Pi's act is en
titled "Bop Versus Long League,"
which shows a classical music
group at work.
The three curtain acts included
"Diamonds and Dames," which
shows a group of chorus girls and
the presents they receive from the
men in the front rows.
Kappa Alpha Theta's skit, "The
Progress of Pecos" has an Indian
theme to it.
"Pool Halls of Ivy" is Alpha
cm umega's skit, which depicts
No More Tickets
The tickets for Tuesday night's
performance of Coed Follies have
been sold according to Karen
Drydon, AWS board member.
a mother walrus and her baby as
they discuss the campus situation.
The six traveler acts which were
presented between the skits and
Joan Heusner Wins
A7 C Ideal Coed Title
Joan Heusner, 20-year-old jun'
ior in Teachers College was re
vealed as Ideal Nebraska Coed
Monday evening at the opening
night of the annual Coed Follies.
She was selected by a commit-
tee oi students and taculty mem
bers on the basis of scholarship, j
poise, personality, appearance, '
and participation in activities. f
The 1957 Ideal Coed has a Uni-1
versity scholastic average of 83
per cent. Her activities include: !
president-elect of Athletic Federa
tion of College Women; vice pres
ident oi Aquaquettes, women s
swimming club; treasurere of
mittee of the Red Cross Board;
Athletic Association; and member
chairman of the orphanage com
of Pi Lambda Theta, women's ed
ucational honorary society.
Both of Joan's parents attended
the University.
Other finalists were: Janis Dav-
Women Buyers
Offer Scholarship
The American Women Buyers
Club is again offering a $750 schol
arship for one year of professional
graduate study at the New York
University School of Retailing.
Further information can be ob
tained by writing to Saul Pulver,
American 'Women Buyers Club, 225
West 34th Street, New York 1, New
Honorary Slates Smoker
Alpha Zeta, agricultural honor
ary, fraternity, will hold a smoker
Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in the Ag
Union Lounge, according to Wil
fred Schutz, chancellor.
Sophomore, . junior and senior
students who scholastically rank
in the upper two fifths of their
respective classes are invited to
Psychology Department.
Bonna Tebo plays the role of
Goneril and Jacquelyn Miller
plays Regan, the elder daughters
of Lear. Cordelia, his young daugh
ter is played by Phyllis Chard.
i Charles Weatherford plays the
Earl of Gloucester and Charles
Richards and Bob Wells play his
Others in the cast are Bill Wag
ner, Joe Hill, Eric Prewitt, John
Crowell, Charles Alcorn, Len
Schropfer, Bill Baker, Robert Grif-
Tickets On Sale
The box office of the Howell
Memorial Theater will be open
every day this week from S a.m.
to S p.m. to accept reservations
for the next University Theater
production, K f n g Lear. The
Theater is located in the Temple
B. Ward, Associate Professor of
Vocational Education; Lylt
Young, Assistant Professor of En
gineering. Dean of Men Frank Haligren is
a non-voting representative on the
Committee, and represents Dean
Colbert on the Subcommittee for
Student Publications.
Subcommittees under the Com
mittee on Student Affairs' are the
subcommittees on student organi
zations, social affairs and student
Tuesday, March 5, 1957
curtain acts were: Sally Wengert
and Marcia Elliott in a dance en
titled, "Rock'n the Joint;" Sylvia
Rigg singing "Mountain Girl;" a
trio called "The Bluebells" con
sisting of Helen Hockabout, Pru
and the Gamma Phi Beta Junior
class in a chorus line called "A
Case Study." Pat Alford played a
piano solo, "Colors in Sound," and
Catherine Nielson and Edythe Mor
row danced to "Modern Jazzline."
Judging the acts were Mary
Jean Mulvaney, Dallas Williams,
Dean Killion, Robert Handy, Hazel
Anthony, Ruth Levinson, Florence
McKinney, Elsie Jevons, Rober-t
Hough, Ester Meacham, Max Wit
taker, Leon Lischner, James Pitt
ger and Robert Schlater.
Coed Follies will begin at 7:30
p.m. Tuesday at the Nebraska
Theater. First, second and third
place awards for the skits will be
awarded after the performance.
The Ideal Nebraska Coed and the
finalists for Beauty Queen will
also be presented.
idson, junior b the College of Ag
riculture; Evonne Einspahr, jun
ior in the College of Agriculture;
Virginia Hudson, senior in Teach
ers College and Carol Smith, jun-
ior in the College of Agriculture
Hard To Take
But Prediction
Says Moisture!
Raincoats are in season, for a
Lincoln is due for both rain and
light snow the Weather Bureau re
ports. Rain is 'scheduled late Monday
afternoon fol
lowed by light
snow during
the night.
This is the
general condi
tiotn forecast
for the next
five days;
about .10 to .25
f an inch of
in the Lincoln
area, according to the bureau, will
drop to about 25 Monday night.
Tuesday high is forecast at 35.
With a bit of optimism, forecast
ers note that a storm now off the
west coast "could cause heavier
rail, or snow in this area about the
middle of the week."
Temperatures Tuesday through
Saturday will average from four
to eight degrees below normal.
Normal highs are from 45 east
to 48 west and normal low range
from 20 to 22.
A slow warming trend will occur
Friday and Saturday, the Bureau
fin, Noel Scboenrock, John Thomp
son, Lyle Wathier, Bernard Skal
ka, David Thomas, Kirk Easton
and Don Montgomery.
Stephany Sherdeman is the pro
dudon manager for the play.
John Thompson is the manager
of the scenery department, Noel
Schoenrock is the costume depart
ment manager, Norman Francis
is the manager of the hand and
stage property department, Karca
Peterson is in charge of the light
ing department and Jim Copp is
manager of the sound department.
Dr. Williams said that the play
has been cut from the original but
will be produced in three acts with
18 separate scenes,
John Girie who is working for
his PhD. in Sociology planned the
dueling sequences and instructed
the actors. Giele is coaching tht
feacini team at &t University.
t v