I : 7 I ' Poge 2 i ' i Friday, February 22. 1957 The Daily Nebraskan - Daily Nebraskan Editorials: ,VN u: iCACL lUERn'OEFFER., JZ1'. V.LCT HAZ E-lLoTEIM. AfO C'CCUTS; ry iNfC'APASABLE jcf-ir-j'. 2c::lasctnik! REALLY? THOSE ARSPGETTY FAMOUS NAMES... WHERE M YOU EVE HEAR ABOUT THE.U? z'zz IJI'STNOUJAADSV I :8 I i - 'ft S 3 4 I -1 :1 ' . y d I ft i t From all external appearances, the debators who will swarm over the University campus today and tomorrow will be just a group of selected eggheads visiting Nebraska to win awards. , To those organized houses which will host the debators, the young men and women from all over the country will seem like quiet, well dressed, well-mannered students who are in earnest about wttat they are doing. Early this afternoon, some houses will have six people in a room, four debators and a judge along with a time keeper. This is the way most debates are conducted. This is the way Nebraska's debate tournament is set up. But to those who know anything about tourna ments as they are held elsewhere, the Nebraska tourney is something special. In the first place, students from the campus are asked to act as timekeepers ( who are a nonentity in many tournaments). Fraternity and sorority houses will be used for the early rounds of debate. Top entertainers from the University will offer their time and talents to give the 250 students and instructors a breather from the hectic pace of five rounds of debate plus various forensic activity. Nebraska's tournament is one of the biggest in the country. Forty-six colleges and univer sities come to our campus for the event. Ninety teams will be competing. But what's more important than numbers, is the fact that Nebraska has an efficien tourna ment. Every element of the campus whi5h is called upon to cooperate in the two-day confer ence gives a helping hand to the hard-working speech department. . We can be proud that so many schools re sponded to the invitation of the University to attend this tournament. The acceptance indicates a number of things about the respect our campus has both as a fine host and an intellectual stimulator. A president of one of our state teachers col leges said that he was proud of the fact that people attended the tournament his school spon sored. We, too, can be proud of the fact that we are called upon to-ost such a fine group from our country. N The success of the debate tournaments in the past or of the state high school basketball tournament or the state high school speech fes tivalhas depended heavily on the complete cooperation of the students and faculty of the University. In the past they have made our University an institution remembered for its hospitality. We trust that the representatives of the 46 colleges here this week end will retain that deep re spect they have voiced for our University by accepting our invitation. , Committee Action The Committee on Privilege and Tenure con ducted the second of its hearings yesterday con cerning the charges made by Dr. C. Clyde Mitchell, former chairman of the department of agricultural economics, that his academic privi leges were violated. Since the hearings are being held in closed sessions, the public and particularly the press has no idea of what is being said. All anyone knows is that top University officials have ap peared before the committee, and that a few students have been called in to hear whatever information they might have to offer the committee. The Daily Nebraskan is very much interested in the outcome of these hearings, partly because last spring's editor brought up the whole mat ter, but especially because anything which might reflect the University in a bad light should be cleared up, one way or another. The outcome of the hearings and the final de cision by the committee is only a matter of speculation by those interested enough to reflect on the issue. The best thing that will come out of the affair is that it most likely will be straightened out. This should be a relief to everyone, including Dr. Mitchell. , George's Birthday Remember the good old days when George Washington's birthday was a holiday? It still is for the banks and public workers of our country. And well they deserve it. But the birthday of the Father of our Country is important to us even though we must drone away in the same pattern of life for the rest of the week. It's important to a student newspaper, for we recall the tribulations he underwent for the basic freedoms which are the right of every man. Washington believed in the freedoms he fought for. And our admiration of him stems from the fact that we are grateful to him for taking up our cause. A college newspaper such as the Daily Ne braskan owes something more to Washington. We owe him our thanks for making freedom of the press a reality. On many campuses over the country the free dom of students to express themselves through a newspaper has been curtailed. It won't be here as long as we do our jobs fairly and ac curately. A newspaper is only as deserving of the free dom from the control of the faculty as it makes itself. The Daily Nebraskan cherishes the trust placed in us by the administration to reflect the views of the studerits and to criticize the offi cials of school and state. Our prayer is that we will continue to be free to search for the news (although it may be de nied) and to print the truth. Deadline Saturday is the final day for students to make application for scholarships for the fall semester. For students who have a 6 average and who are in need of financial assistance, this warning might be in order. It is often claimed that no scholarships are available in the various fields a student migat be working in. However the wide scope of the scholarships rejects this misconception. But a scholarship program and the competi tion for awards can only be as interesting as increased applicants will make it. We congratulate the University on its program of awards and to the people of the state who have made the getting of an education a reality for hundreds of young men and women. Flie Religious Week Baptists and Disciples of Christ Student Fellowship 1237 R Sunday: 5-7 p.m., supper, worship and play "Good and Evil" presented by students. Wednesday: 12:30 p.m., chapel service Thursday: 4-5 p.m., coke hour. B'nai B rith Hillet Foundation Friday: 8 p.m., worship at South Street Temple, 20 & South. Friday: 8 p.m., worship at Congregation Tif ereth Israel, 32 & Sheridan. Saturday: 8 and 10:45 a.m., worship at Con gregation Tifereth Israel. Christian Science Organization " Thursday: 7-7:30 p.m., worship in Room 315 of the Union. Lutheran Student House . 535 No. 18 - Sunday: 9:30 a.m., Bible study; 10:30 a.m., eoffee hour; 11 a.m., morning worship; 5 p.m., LSA cost supper and forum "Summer of Happi ness" with discussion of summer projects and conferences. Tuesday: 7:15 p.m., non-credit course "The Lutheran Reformation." Wednesday: 7 p.m., vespers; 7:30 p.m., choir. Thursday: 7:15 p.m., Christian doctrine class. Methodist Student House 1417 R Friday: 7:30 p.m., Friendly Friday party. Sunday: 5 p.m., Wesley Fireside Dyn-a-mite; 5:45 p.m., forum "Religion and-Civic Responsi bility," 6:45 p.m., worship: Wednesday: 8 p.m., Bible study. L.1 ft i rmlwn Letterips Newman Catholic Center 1602 Q Sunday: 8, 9, 10, 11 a.m. and 12 noon, Masses: Weekdays: 6:30 and 7:15 a.m., Masses. Presbyterian-Congregational 333 No. 14 Sunday: 5:30-7:30 p.m., forum "What is the Church?" led by Verlyn Barker. Monday: 7 a.m., Bible study on the Book of Revelation. Tuesday: 8, 9, and 11 a.m., course on "Life and Teachings of Jesus." Wednesday: 7 p.m., vespers; 7:30 p.m., "Non Christian Religions of the World" study group. Thursday:' 8 and 9 a.m., course on "Religion and Literature;" University Episcopal Chapel 346 No. 13 Sunday: 9 a.m., Holy Communion; 11 a.m., morning prayer; 6 p.m., Cantebury Club supper. Tuesday: 10 a.m., Holy Communion. Wednesday: 7 a.m., Holy Communion; 7 p.m., choir rehearsal. Thursday: 10 a.m., Holy Communion. University Lutheran Chapel (Missouri Synod) ' 15 & Q Sunday: 10:45 a.m., worship; 5:30 p.m., Gamma Delta supper followed by topic "Prob lems of Science-Scriptures" led by Dr. Paul Zim ' merman, president of Concordia, Seward. Wednesday: 7 p.m., choir rehearsal. Thursday: 3:30-5:30 p.m., coffee hours; 7 p.m., doctrine grou. The Daily Nebraskan FIFTY-FIVE TEARS OLD EDITORIAL STAFF Member: Associated OoItefUto Press i.-.V.V.V.V.V.:V.V.V.V.V.p.P Intercollegiate rress Editorial Pace Editor Dick Shncrne Representative: National Advertising Service, Editor. Sara Bob iKiana -j Sports Editor Bo Martel incorporated Copy Editon Art Blackmail. Carole Frank Published at: Room 20, Student Union Georra Moyer, bob warhoioshi Lincoln. Nebraska Editor i Hen&rix ... . Staff rhotorrapher .Dalo Lewis 14th & ft Offleo Secretary Julia DoweU Night Newt Editor Georro Moyer The Dally Nebraska Is published Monday, Tuesday, Society Editor Jan FarreU Wertesstoy and Friday durin the school year, except Staff Writers! ... .Nancy DeLony, Cynthia Iichau, Boh dormsr vacations and exam periods, and one Issue Is Win, fiary Budrers, JoAna Gabboroa. mtMti-hed diu-ln August, by student of tba University Stan vVldman. iSSS!SS!: a? hnoa;tuJen?onTn!on! RP"re -.Jd7 Sleler HarOy. Nlssen. MlnnrtteT (urtfnt Affairs a an expression of student opinion. Tvin niiu u.iu.n RuHra whin Motion. ndcr ttja l"' 'UZZZ Dorll' IToVni', an Student I'uinlcatiuna shall be free from editorial VM M. p." eenorhlp oa the part of the Subcommittee or on lbs 1 LZ nTlarri "TmmiTT inT part of any membe? of the faculty of the Inlverslty, or tenon' 1,,nn RTTrtt- Emmie Ltapo. en the part of any person outside the University. The CTArP members of the Nebraskan staff are personally re- sponsible for what they say, or do or cause to be Business Manager George Madsea printed. February 8, 155. Circulation Manager ;Jack Norris Entered as second class matter at the post offlna ha Assistant Business Manarert.... Larry Epstein Lincoln, Nebraska, under th act of Aucust . 1811. Tom Neff, Jerry SeUetla To the Editor: 1 offer my hearty congratula tions to the interim IFC officers and to the very cordial atmos phere which now prevails over business meetings of the IFC. With full faith of the officers an assured consequence, we of the fraternity system look forward to to a fruitful operation of the IFC in all phases which promote the best interests of the University. We as fraternity members are granted the right to exist on this campus through the grace of the Board of Regents and we have a duty to show them that we can live up to this challenge. It is very true that many of the things accomplished through the IFC have never been realized over the state as community improve ments. When we take a critical view of IFC activities, it is evident that the program is two-thirds self improvement and only one-third community improvement. In the main our IFC has only three activ ities which are 1) Rush Week, 2) IFC Ball (hopefully awaited this year by all members), and 3) the Orphans Christmas Party. I propose an increase in the number of community improve ment activities. Among the ac tivities could be included an offer to help the RAM organize or help in any way in the Association of University Residence Halls Dis trict Conference to be held here April 4-6. Another important func tion could be full fraternity support of the city campus YMCA and the benefits derived could be im mense for both organizations. I have full faith in the ultimate goal which ell fraternities are striv ing for as I know that fraternities were organized for very idealistic purposes. I propose that all fra-"" ternities search for the true mean ing of their fraternity ritual and " constitution and decide for them selves what it requires of them in university life and life as alum- . ni also. Mark Clark Use Rag Want Ads ran THE VEAR'S MERRIEST MIX-UP OF SONGS LOVE AND LAUGHTER y: ; few lvtr jLT"Sv rMs:-. No One Can Be Perfectly Free Till All Are Free -l iiiujiigamuiiy : iff 1 'J iiW ,v Courtssy tUFfAXO, EVENlNw NEWS You Are Invited To Worship ST. PAUL METHODIST CHURCH ' 12th and M Streets. Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. Sermon Topic: 'Building Christian Character" Church Study Classes 9:45 AM. s Radio Ministry Every Sunday ETAB 9:00-9:15 A.M. KFOR 11:30 A.M. Ministers: FRANK COURT, RALPH LEWIS, SAMUEL BEECHNER DONALD BLISS WESLEY FOUNDATION KEEP YOUR SUNDAYS SACRED THROUGH THE HOLY HUSH OF WORSHIP! The LIFE The LOVE, The LEGEND of America's most famed and feared outlaw! Daringly told, step-by-step, bullet-by-bullet! ., in rrnn-nMriTTT f 1 ' 1 '-"".iii...l.MJ;4.pi.li.i.iiiiii hi i I l""J ' L -t Color By De Uis 022) ( I riK.KUa5eop r UNGE Robert VAGMER Jeffrey KU.'fTER Agnes MOOREHEAD I VrSTAVrSKm TrlHWCOlM L Off, furvuE Com'on Down lust For Funl Y, 1 2014 V Pint kn it x-- i 1225 'N' STREET U 1 Af JT COLOR U PHONE z.3fy B Xr Qj ' OBLUX (Authtr ef "Barefoot Boy With Chtik," tie.) DIARY OF A COED MONDAY: Prof Pomfritt sprang quiz in English lit th;s morning. If Shakespeare didn't write Canterbury Tales, I'm back in the steam laundry. . . . Lunch at the house turkey hash. Question : how can we have turkey hash when we never had turkey?... Smoked a good, natural Philip Morris after lunch. Yum, yum ! . . . Played bridge in the afternoon. When game was over, Mildred Olliphant stabbed me several times with hatpin. Must learn weak club bid. . . . Dinner at house lamb hash. 'Question: how can we have lamb hash when we never had lamb? . . . Smoked a Philip Morris after dinner. Good O ! - no filter, no foolin'l . . . Chapter meeting at night. Motion made to abolish capital punishment for pledges. Motion defeated. .y. Smoked some more Philip Morrises. Natural ! Dreamy ! . . . And so to bed. TUESDAY: Faculty tea. Spilled pot of oolong on Dean of Women. She very snappish. Offered her a Philip Morris. Still snappish. Offered skin graft. No help. . . . Dinner at Kozy Kampus Kafe 14 hamburgers. But no dessert. Have to watch waistline. . . . And so to bed. WEDNESDAY: Got our marks in English lit quiz. Lucky for me Shakespeare wrote Canterbury Tales! . . . Date with Ralph Feldspar. Purely platonic. Ralph wanted . to talk about love trouble he's been having with Mady Vanderklung. I said things were bound to improve. Ralph said he hopes so because the last four times he called on Mady she dumped vacuum cleaner bag on him. Smoked Philip Morris. Yummra! Dinner at house-bread. That'i all; just bread. . . . And so to bed THURSDAY: Three packages from home laundry," cookies, records. So hungry I ate all three. . . . Quiz in American history. If James K. Polk didn't invent cotton gin, I'm in big trouble. . . . Had afternoon date with Erwin Trull, pre-med. Nice boy but no loot. Took me to see another appendectomy. Ho-hum! . . . But we had Philip Morrises afterwards. Goody, goody, gumdrops ! ... Din ner at house. Big excitement Vanessa Strength an nounced her engagement. While girls flocked around to congratulate Vanessa, I ate everybody's mackerel. . . . Then smoked a good, natural Philip Morris. Divoon ! . . . And so to bed. v gMIII IN " 'I- PJ .7 ,:tpy a II I t - Wf -( I a. w 11 I t.V it tM ...A V: A. wMMs9 tri9i5SJ wok mew $ee2notker sppettdecwfitf FRIDAY: Got our marks in American history quiz. Was dismayed to learn that James K. Polk did not invent cotton gin. He wrote Canterbury Tales. . . . Odd! . . . Lunch at the house bread hash. . . . Philip Morris after lunch. Grandy-dandy ! . . . Spent afternoon getting dressed for date tonightwith Norman Twonkey.' Norman is tall, dark, loaded a perfect doll! Only thing wrong is he never tells girl where he is going to take her. So I put on a bathinfe suit, on top of that an evening gown, and on top of that a snowsuit. Thus I was ready for a splash party, dance, or toboggan slide. ... So what do you think happened? He entered me in a steeplechase, that's what! SATURDAY AND SUNDAY: Days of rest, play, quiet, meditation, and - aaah ! Philip Morris !... And so to bed. ' , , , . ' W Max Shulman, 195T Coed and, of courie, eds too in your busy catnpug week, a companion ever-constant, ever-true, and' ever-tcelconie is today's new, natural Philip Morri Cigarette, made in regular and long size by the sponsors of this column. s " i