i 1 1 3 Paqs 2 The Daily Nebroskan Tuesday, February 19, 1957 Daily Nebraskan Editorials: Crses, Crises heryvihere The University of North Carolina is facing a crisis in student initiative," according to The Daily Tar Heel, NCU's student newspaper. The reasons for this situation are numerous, the paper said. They include a parking prob lem, higft prices m Chapel Hill, the college town, a too-small Student Union and a general letdown in violations of the Honor Code, con sumption of alcoholic beverages and unwilling ness of students to discipline themselves. A few of these problems are familiar to this ampus. The parking problem here is certainly difficult one, and is not improvirf. It is prob ably one of the most important facing the Ad ministration at the present. The University plant is also crippleo" by a small Union. This problem, however, will be solved with completion of the new addition, .which Will put the Union on a plane with other student activity centers in the Midwest. ' There is not the drinking problem on this ampus that once existed, probably due to the lamping down by the Administration in the last few years. Any drinking is done very much underground. One thing, however, that strikes a familiar note is the general idea of "student initiative." While students aren't as restless or disregarding of authority here as they apparently are at North Carolina, there is still something lacking. Some people, as they wave their little pen nants, call it "school spirit." While not as ex treme as Die for Dear Old Mossback, school spirit could be defined as a certain pride in the school and willingness to carry out the aims of the, institution. v This campus has, in the last few years, tend ed to don a "don't give a damn" attitude about things. School . spirit, fight-team-fight, concern about the University . and general interest in campus events has tended to go along with this attitude. There is, of course, no dictum that says a student must be crammed with enthusiasm for his school. This woud be insulting the average student's intelligence. Still, the apathetic attitude assumed by many of the student body toward things outside their own particular little worlds is really a bit silly. It is no disgrace to be enthusiastic about scholarship, activities or functions within the campus realm. It is even somewhat amazing how students pass up things of interest like theater produc tions, Union-sponsored festivities and even ath letic events. These events are sponsored for the student and for the University. They are here for the asking. ' It is impossible and illogical, of course, to race about telling students how much they are missing out and how they are not using their University facilities to their best advantage and how narrow-minded they sometimes be come about stepping outside their little per sonal circles. All one can do is point out the things available to the student, and sit back and wonder. You really shouldn't be afraid of having ' a good time. 'A Major Crime' From a "small minority" at the Florida State University who are working "for equal indi vidual right's and human dignity" have come the charges that a grave injustice has been done on that campus. A letter from the group states that a graduate student was suspended from the Florida State University for exercising "a right inalienably granted by the Constitution of the United States; the right of free speech and assembly." The student, it is claimed, invited three for eign students from Florida A and M University, a Negro institution, to attend a Christmas party. The president of FSU commented at the time, the letter continues, that "the presence of Florida A and M students was perfectly, all right" and that the president imagines it will all blow over. The charge from the student group continues that since the incident, wluch was the main charge against the suspended student, he has been "active in the support of integration as ruled by the Supreme Court in May, 1954." His activities consisted of: . . 1) Support of a Negro minister as candidate for city commissioner. S) Being outspoken for compliance with the decision of the high court and has urged inte gration in the schools and bus systems. 3) Maintaining his convictions and refusing to allow the actions of narrow men to thwart his belief in the promulgation of human rights. 4) Attending meetings bf the Inter Civic Council, a Negro organization which has been campaigning for equal rights under law for some months in Tallahassee. The student "minority" charges that every attempt to bring this issue to the American public has been covered up by the university administration and the unsmypathetic press. They conclude, "You must as students, and Americans raise your voices in protest to this shameful action by those who seek to further their lends with no consideration of the rights of others." The letter was unsigned. A few things might be taken into considera tion before we as students raise our voices in indignation. In the first place, we have seen only one side of the situation; we have been given no word on the scholastic status of the student in question, his status in complying with university regulations, nor his status as a social member of the Florida State community. We believe in the frights of man. But we be lieve that a man who challenges that rights are beingviolated- must 'be willing to stand up for what he believes. The "small minority" which has sent the one sided particulars to the Daily Nebraskan has acted, undoubtedly, in good faith. The American tradition, however, stands for the right of both sides of any question to be heard. We feel that as objective observers of the situation (if it's really as grave as the group would have us believe) we must weigh the issues all the issuesinvolved in the case before we say "a grave injustice has been committed." If the student minority at Florida State Uni versityor any other University believes so sincerely in the rights of the Individual, it will recognize that we can neither condemn the ad ministration of that school nor the press of Tallahassee until we are presented the facts on both sides. We will stand up for the individual In his fight to enjoy the freedoms guaranteed in our Con stitution. We cannot stand up for any masked issue. When we speak as individuals, we speak with the conviction that we are right and do not fear to be identified with a cause. Lincoln spoke with the conviction of an individual fighting for hu man freedoms; he did not act without knowl edge nor did he ask his fellow Amerirans to act without first knowing the cause for which they fought. , We stand behind the Florida State minority in the right they have to make a charge. But we further stand behind the reserved right of judg ment which can only follow due process of law. mnvwstmuj Vs. Streiujih The Daily Nebraskan continues In the tra dition of offering editorial comment on the vital Issues of the day from leading Ameri can newspapers. Today's comments were tak en from the Chicago Daily Tribune. The senate investigations subcommittee has criticized the military services for failing to prepare American troops for the cruelties of capture by the Communists. But it says that the "brainwashing" to which captured Ameri cans in Korea were subjected is no new, mys terious, and lrrestible psychological technique, but It is simply a process of progresssively weakening an individual's physical and moral resistance. Sen. McClelian, chairman of the subcommit tee, said that so many misconceptions had purpose of the report primarily was to strip the term of its aura of mystery and terror. The senator's estimate of the dread aroused my the term is not overstated, for it is not so long since James G. Miller, head of the Uni versity of Michigan's Mental Health Institute, recommended that every American soldier who possessed military secrets be supplied with cyanide death tablets against capture by the Communists. The most effective reply we saw to that suggestion was offered by Duane Thorin, an American soldier who was captured by the Communists in Korea and who neither collabor ated nor cooperated with his captors. His ex periences are recounted in the book, "Ride to Panmunjom." Thorin said that Miller misunderstood the communist objective, which is to treat prison ers, like all others, with a view to gaining pos session of their minds as convinced believers in communism. v Said Thorin: It is mainly by psychological means that a mind can be brought to submis sion to the communist will, and it will be the objective of the Communists that any such mind not be impaired to the extent that it loses its value to its new master. As to the idea of cyanide, Thorin inquired, "Who do we send to make a man take the pills?" The Michigan psychologist's proposal forces an immediate choice between suicide and collaboration, without providing a cause for which to di. But the choices are not so limited or drastic. As th former communist prisoner says, if a man is willing to accept death, as he must be to swallow the pills, he is psychologically prepared to resist and sur vive. This GI's answer to "brainwashing" is that the American captive must have faith in God, which reinforces the best in men and overcomes the worst, and that he must have the will to resist, born of conviction in -himself and the righteousness and decency of his country's cause. The Daily Nebraskan FIFTY-FIVE YEARS OLD Member: Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated Published at: Room 20, Student Union Lincoln, Nebraska Mth&R Th (tafljr ."fitjrlfn I published Monday. Taewlar. fVetnaaaajr ana trtiiay 4rid( the whonl ear, rerpt ' 6urtiK aratinn and ratal period, and on Unum t Pfli!itH4 during Avcaat, rr ilud-ni of th I nlveelr? f srk mler tnc Buthnrlratlon of the mnmltle tm ent Affair a na enreln of to1ent opinion. Fublirattaff tmafrr th ,urtdl-tln of the hnbwnwnlli mm riMa fnMlraikm shall he frr from editorial rrnf rmi an the JHtrt f th ueBmittt nr OH tH art of a member f th&faenHv of the I nlveinlty, or aw tea part f mnf ferin outoMr the t'nlvrrnltv. The. mwitie-ra of tre Khrkan tf f ar perwnailj re MMmiihte for what th ar. or do or ram to b apntr4. February H. Ir.6. i.j-rf d a ! nd ! matter at th pewt nffir tm tAmrwim, rietoraitka, under tha art at Aaftint 4, 111. EDITORIAL STAFF fCdltor Fred laly MHnm"ln r.dltor J ark 1'ollorlf l.dllurlul fata KdlUir Wlrk Khimrue. . r dltom. . . . .Kara June, Hon Ireland 4onrtn hdltnr. .1 .. . Hah Martcl Cony Editor Art Hhwkman. Carole. Frank (irons Mayer, Hun Warholnskl AC Kdltor .IMrk ftendrta Htff I'hotocranrier. ., Oala Lewie frftlr Herretary. . .Julie' Dow ell Mr lit New Kdltor .Art Nlaekman oeltY Mllor Jaa larrell Staff Writer . . Nancy tlel-on. Cynthia Ktrhau. Bob Win, Oary Kodfftr, Jo A no (iabhoroa, Man Wldmaa. Report!- Judy Sleler Marilyn Men. Mlnnetter Taylor, (nana Maine. Sandra VVhalen, Dorothy Hall, IManna (tea. Kill wiper, HIM HIIon. Oary fetennn, Mary Hat ter win, Ianna Barrett, r.mmy ltnniio. BUSINESS STAFF HiMtneM Manaver brorr Mad) (Irrigation Manaver dark Norrt AMlntaot fiunlnr Manager., Larry I illn Tern Neff, Jerry hrlletla y fiVM FIl'BEETI40VEN TOOK) THIS REBUFF . I 'm 1 1 A prs " 'FOR ll'EEKS AFTEPWAED ME IDAS EXTBEMQY UNHAPPY.... " CiVtttLV"f.aMlrtH I g.2e hou) could Anyone be beetmov'en amd nct be !-,appy? round the prickly pear.,. On May 28, 1956, the University Liaison Committee . reported to the Faculty Senate that it was, in effect, investigating rumors of discontent in the Colleges of Arts and Sciences and Agriculture Chairman William Allington, pro fessor of botany, told a large group of faculty members in Love Library Auditorium that ". . . the Liaison Committee need not wait for specific Investigation or study before its machinery may be ac tivated. As stated in the by-laws, the Liaison Committee may con sider any matter affecting general faculty relationships within the University." "At this time, on the basis of some information," the report con tinued, "the committee is engaged in studying aspects of these rela tionships and will in course report specially to the facutly upon such problems." (The committee based its author ity to initiate investigations upon Chapter III, Section 3, part b of the Regents' By-laws which states, in part, that the duties of the Liaison Committee shall be: "to represent the faculties of the Uni versity upon any matter involving the general interest of the faculties, and to convene for the considera tion of such matters upon call of the chairman or upon request in writing of three members of the committee.") ir Late last spring Herman Ander son wrote these words in a lead story in The Nebraskah: ' 1 "The conditions which produced the demotion of C. Clyde Mitchell as chairman of the department of agricultural economics are dup licated in other departments in the University, a group of pro and former department chairmen told The Nebraskan in personal interviews." He explained that this was the consensus of nearly 50 professors and administrators, who represent ed a crossection of 15 different departments in the University and with whim The Nebraskan had conferred personally. Further substantiation to these charges came from statements is sued by such prominent University professors, as Dr. Fred Beutel in journalism, Kris Kristiansoh and Ernie Feder in agricultural eco nomics, Dr. Don Moore and Dr. Yerbert Jehle in physics and Dr. Edgar Johnson in history. Dr. Moore, in a statement short ly after he resigned as acting chairman of the physics depart ment, said: "I have reluctantly come to the conclusion fhat the present administration of our Uni versity is not concerned with the free enterprise of ideas at either the level of the department chair man or the individual staff mem ber. ft tr -ft In January, 1957, the Liaison committee submitted the following report to the faculty Senate: "The committee Invited sug gestions from faculty members who might have grievances rela tive to academic freedom prob lems or any other problems concerning faculty-admtaistrsl-ive relationships. No academic freedom problems were brought to the attention of this commit tee for Investigation. One case, involving Prof Mitchell, was of ficially taken up tvith another and more appropriate commit tee." ir it Ct Did the Liaison Committee in vite suggestions from representa tive group of faculty members? Did it invite suggestions from only those who would give favor able answers? Did it invite suggestions from Professors Jehle, Johnson, Beutel, Swindler, Feder, Moore, Kristian son? Did it invite suggestions from anyone? ''The point is simply this. Wheth er these various charges made last spring are right or wrong, whether they are with or without foundation, whether they are "fac ulty members washing dirty linen" or not, they nevertheless reflect badly upon the University. The wishy-washy, virtually meaningless report of the Liaison Committee does little to either clear the air of the University publicly or resolve the fears its supporters have pri vately. Only a well-sampled, thorough ly representative investigation by the proper faculty committee, ap parently in this case the Liaison Committee, can clear up the situa tion effectively. If, after proper investigation, the charges are substantiated in fact, steps should be Immediately tak en to rectify the altuation. If, on the other hand, the allegations are groundless, a public statement should be made denying them unequivocally, and dispelling all doubts created thereby. It appears to me that these charges of administrative weakness and outride pressure still stand, In their singular and accumulative effect, and that Uie innocuous re- bruce brugmann port of the Liaison Committee, like the plea of official ignorance by the University administration, the relative silence of the Nebraska press and the childish jibes" of ' last semester's Nebraskan provide neither substantial refutation against nor proper explanation of the charges which have been ,made and the rumors which continue to persist in two of the University's important colleges. It is with this in mind that I urge the Liaison Committee to continue its investigation, in ac cordance with their report of last spring, the evidence Of discontent in the Colleges of Agriculture and Arts and Sciences. pandoria . . . . What's all this talk about "Day People" and "Night People"? Last summer Jean Shepherd an all night disk jockey in New York City declared an all out war on the advocates of regular hours, who he said were bound by "their switchboards and red tape, time tables and official lists." I jumped on. the band wagon at that time and preached before the entire population of College View that I was from that day on a " night person. Shepherd prodded his followers into asking for a book called "I, Libertine" which was nothing but myth. But the demand was so great for the book that he and a fellow by the name of Frederick R. Ewing wrote it. And it has rlnn wnnrlpra nn tht stands. John I Crowell has a copy which is avail able for the asking. - "V Hit V'- ! THE SEARCHING LIGHT I suppose the real reason I went on the night people jag at the time was that the end of the first four years was coming to a closo when I heard of Shepherd's ad venture and I felt I tat letw--needed a change. I'm just sorry more peop didn't get on the bandwagon at the time. I've had a ball being a night person and I've tried in vain to convert many others. I think there's more to tha idea of being a n.p. than just Dick Shugruo keeping a strange schedule. A fel low once told me that Indians ate when they were hungry. I took it for granted thaat he was right and I was impressed. The point of the thing is that an Indian or a night person is an in dividual, thinking when he wants, creating what he wants and acting as he sees fit. Night people could sleep from 12 to 6 like any other red blooded American. But they can also stay at some thing that is hard to do and find an answer without becoming fati gued. I'm not bragging, mind you, Many's the time I have put my self to sleep with my methodical pecking at the keyboard. But I enjoyed trying the new way of life. Any more t suppose that I am a night person because I have found out , that It's a fine way of life. After midnight I can get the best programs on the air; work in peace and quiet; meander around the house in my BVD's and raid the icebox without fear of reprisal (til morning.) A fine old philosopher (he had white hair and wore dark glasses, anyway) told me that heaven would be like earth-life to a fish: we can't understand it. To thost of you who haven't given night life a try, I highly recommend it. Don't ask foran explanation of the joy of a spotted sky or an unobstructed drag-strip down Nor mal Blvd. I can't tell in words what a fine time's to be had when the conversion is made. Blind Veterans eligible for VA AID ARE ACCORDED F(?EE" pom of choice- BETWEEN D06 GUIDES AND OTHER METH ODS BY WHICH BLINDED TO PLACE llll i Tor fait Infornrattaa raatart raar wrial VKTKftANS ADMINISTRATION afar outside world gary rodgers Israeli Ambassador Abba Eban called off further diplomatic con ferences in Washington with Sec retary of State Dulles about Is rael's withdrawal of troops from Egypt. President Eisenhower issued a new appeal to Israel shortly after Mr. Eban rejected Mr. Dulles' plan for withdrawal of Israeli troops from the disputed territory. The President said, "The Uni ted States has renewed its plea to Israel to withdraw 'in accord ance with the repeated demand of the United Nations ... to bring about a state of affairs which will conform to the principles of jus tice and of international law. . , . this, the United States believes, should provide a greater source of security for Israel than an occu pation continued contrary to the overwhelming Judgment of the world community." , Israeli Foreign Minister Golda Meir said that Israel would with draw its forces from the Gulf area within an hour if the United States would guarantee and "protect the rights of all powers" to send ships into the gulf. To this Mr. Eisenhower said he believes Israel has been provided "with the maximum assurances it can reasonably expect at this juncture, or that can be recon ciled with failness to others." The situation in Egypt has been that of continued crucial nature to the world affairs. . .the Israeli troops may not be withdrawn from Egypt for sometime. But, as the President has said, "this country will strive to remain true to, and support, the United Nations in its efforts to sustain the purposes aud principles of the Charter as the World's bast hope for peaxa." I'jifli mo I icq rcf nonQ During the presidential com paign of 1928 when.Al Smith was running against "Herbert Hoover, a group of men (one was Charles EVans Hughes) composed o mem bers of the "Committee of Good Will Between Christians and Jews became frightened at the hate which was being generated to- ward Smith by certain segments of the population. They formed the National con ference of Christians and Jews and appointed Dim Everett R. Clinchy to run the organization. Denying white supremacy, this group of prominent citizens became the antithesis of the Ku Klux Klan. "Its purpose was not only to dissolve the Klan's hate," Dr. Clinchy said,, "but man's hate against man no matter where it was found." Th- founders were neigher pro nor anti Smith, but they were shocked at the venom which was being directed at the nation's only Catholic nominee for Presi dent. This week is Brotherhood Week. Brotherhood and the family of man are not matters of belief or faith, they are fact. It is im possible to logically assert that any man is naturally inferior in any respect to any other man. Most of us will accept this staetment, but do we practice It? At the risk of preaching and sounding clerical, I would like to examine humor and vulgarity, laughter and senseless derision on the University of Nebraska sam jensen campus. What do we laugh at? It has be come almost socially un-accept-able if we don't at least smile at what might be termed "suggestive humor." This makes up at least half of the campus humor. Perhaps a quarter of the laugh ter which has become contempor ary might be termed really humorous and the kind of thing we could mention at the dinner table. And She remaining jokes and sayings concern race and religion niggers and jews. And though we don't recognize the inferiority of minority groups in theory, we propagate what might as well be fact by laughing and reciting the story of the illiterate Negroe or the stingy Jewish business man. We are products of our environ ment, but it is possible to change this environment if we recognize it for what it is . . . And this is what it is, it is taking advantage of the group that can't strike back and it is an attempt to climb a social ladder on the back of mem bers of human-kind. And what about Dr. Clinchy and his group? Quietly and tactfully they wrestle daily with such prob lems as Negroe pilots on com mercial airlines, a subur in Rich mond that excludes Jews, and by asking a literary society how literature could be served by read ing a paper on the immorality of the Medieval Popes. Let's add again ". . . with charity for all." to "With make towards none . . ." LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Bibler )2sTw mm "JN CONTRAST-POMS 600A.RTIE PUSlN'JfW ..THt..