The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 12, 1957, Image 1

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    For 'Good Books'
See Page Four
Professors Lisr
Vol. 31, No. 47
Tuesday, February 12, 1957
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Concert To Feature Trombone Octet:
A varied concert featuring the
University Collegiate Band and
the Varsity Men's Glee Club will
be presented Sunday, Feb. 17, at
4 p.m. in the Union ballroom.
Admission is free and the public
is invited to attend.
The 80-piece band will be under
the direction of Dean Killion, for
mer band director at Sidney high
school and now instructor in music
Coed Follies:
Finalists Interviews Set
For Ideal Nebraska Coed
The five finalists for the Ideal
Nebraska Coed will be interviewed
tonight at 7:15 in Parlod A of the
Union, according to Barb Britton,
publicity chairman.
The Ideal Nebraska Coed will
be presented March 4 at Coc.
Follies. The other candidates will
also attend Coed Follies both
The finelists include: Yirgina
Hudson, Gamma Phi Beta Senior
In Elementary Education; Joan
Huesner, Kappa Alpha Theta
Junior in Elementary Education;
Janice Davidson, Chi Omega
Junior in Home Economics;
Open Filings
For Board
Filings opened Tuesday for Coed
Counselor Board and wUl continue
through Friday, Feb. 22, according
to Jody Chalupa'Newmyer, pres
ident. Application blanks are avail
able in the Coed Counselor room
in Rosa Bouton Hall and at the
Ag Union.
The Board consists of six sopho
more members, eight junior mem
bers, and two senior members. To
be eligible for membership on the
Coed Counselor Board a candidate
must meet the eligibility require
ments for participation as stated by
the University and have a weighted
scholastic average of at least 5.7.
The Coed Counselor Board helps
with the orientation of new stu
dents, coordinates upper and un
derclass women's interests, and
sponsors such events as Penny
carnival ana c incuuam m
Book Sale Set
For RE Week
A special feature of Religious
Emphasis Week is the religious
book sale set up in the main cor
ridor of the Union, according to
J. W. Upright, chairman of the
book committee.
Books for all faiths are avail
able, including some on marriage,
student relationships to the cam
pus, prayer books and Bibles, ac
cording to Upright.
Noted authors whose works are
on sale include Richard Neibuhr,
Elton Truebiood, C S. Lewis, J. B.
Phillips and Kevin Harrier.
Exam Announced
For Civi! Service
A competitive Civil Service ex
amination bat bees announced for
Traffic and Transportation posi
tions with specialization in Air,
Water, Rail and Highway.
Conditional career appointments
will be made as the result of this
examination of Federal Agencies
throughout the States of Missouri,
Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Minne
sota, North and South Dakota.
Complete information regarding
this examination and application
forms may be obtained from any
Post Office in which the examina
tion announcement is posed; from
the Army Board of U. S. Civil
Service Examiners, 420 Locust
Street, St. Louis, Missouri; or from
the Region! Director, North U. S.
Ovil Service Region, St. Louis,
The salaries will range from
$3670 to $7570 a year.
Board Of Control
Plans Meeting
fce IFC Board of Control will
meet on Wednesday at 7 p.m. to
discuss the action the IFC took jn
removing its officsrs, according to
Thurston Phelps, president.
Pbelps stated that all of the in
formation available would be
called in for the discussion and
that be hoped the IFC would have
a more definite statement after the
at the University.
The Glee Club, composed of 56
members, is directed by Dale
Ganz, assistant professor of voice.
A feature of the program will be
a trombone octet, playing Trom
bone Troubadours by Bennet. The
octet is composed of: Darwin
Dasher, Larry Mackenstadt, Rich
ard Tempero, Bob Coonrad, Gary
Welch, Annabell Blincow, Morris
Evonne Einspahr, Loomis Hall
Junior in Home Economics, and
Carol Smith, Alpha Phi Junior in
Horn . Economics.
The girls will be judged on the
basis of poise, personality, ac
tivities and scholarship. No set
interview schedule will be fol
lowed. Cold Weather,
Cloudy Skies
Are Expected
Comhuskers can expect colder
temperatures to replace the un
seasonably warm weather of the
past weeks, as an expected cold
front will move into the state Tues-
d a y morning
and spread
Lower tem
peratures and
cloudy skies
will result, ac
cording to the
Lincoln Weath
er Bureau.
Rain is not
expected t o
come with the
chilly temperatures, however.
Lows Monday night ranged
from 22 to 30 degrees in the
eastern parts of the state and from
20 to 25 in the west.
Highs Tuesday will be from 40
to 50 degrees.
Offered Grads
The National Electronics Con
ference has established a $2500
fellowship for graduate study in
The fellowship provides for one
year's work at the master of sci
ence or doctor of philosophy level
at any of eight colleges and uni
versities participating in the con
ference. These include Illinois Institute
of Technology, Northwestern Uni
versity and University of Illinois
as sponsors; Michigan State, Pur
due, Michigan, Notre Dame and
Wisconsin as cooperating institu
Applications are avail
able through the office of the Na
tional Electronics Conference, Zi
E. Randolph St., Chicago I, EL
and must be submitted before
March L The offer is open to stu
dents at all colleges and univer
Dr. C. E. Barthel Jr., confer
ence president, ' said the decision
will be made upon excellence of
past scholastic record, participa
tion in extra-curricular activities
and the quality of the proposed
study program.
The National Electronics Con
ference and Exhibit will be held
October 7-9 at the Hotel Sherman,
Wesleyan, NU
Coeds Offered
Two scholarships of f 100 each
are being offered to undergradu
ate women, one to a University
student and one to a Nebraska
Wesleyan student.
Any girl with a high scholastic
average wbo expects to be grad
uated in June or August of 1938
or 1959, and who can present evi
dence of financial need is eligible.
Application blanks may be se
cured at the Division of Student
Affairs office or at the Home Eco
nomics office on the Ag Campus
Nebraska Wesleyan students ci2y
pick up theirs at toe office of the
Dean of Women,
Elliott, and Robert Smith.
The band numbers will include:
My Hero by Straus-Alford; Sym
phony No. -1 in E-Flat, by Sain
Saens; Fandango, by Perkins;
Tannhauser March, by Wagner;
Zueignung, by Strauss; Caribbean
Fantasy, by Morrissey; and March
of the Steel Men, by Belsterling.
The Glee .Club program includes:
Lift Thine Eyes, by Logan; The
University Events Calendar
February 1957
Changes in the calendar, or events to be included in the calendar,
should be scheduled in the Division of Student Affairs office, Ellen
Smith Hall. )
Feb. 10-14 Sun.-Thurs. Religions Emphasis Week
Feb. 11 Mon. Late fees for graduate students beguj
Feb. 11 Mon. Basketball Missouri in Lincoln (
Feb. 13 Wed. 7 & 9 p.m. Film Society Capitol Theater
Feb. 13 Wed. Coed Counselor Second Semester Party
Feb. 14 Thurs. 7:30 p.m. Faculty Recital Student Union
Feb. 15 Fri. Charter Day
Feb. 16 Sat. noon Last day for registration and payment of fees.
Feb. 16 Sat. 9-6 p.m. Hungarian Stndent Project Committee
Feb. 17 Sun. 4 p.m. Collegiate Band Concert Student Union
Feb. 17 San. 5:30 p.m. World Student Day of Prayer Service
Feb. 18 Mon. Basketball Kansas State in Lincoln
Feb. 18-19-20 Mon.-Wed. History Dept. Lecturer, Dr. Henry David
Feb. 19 Tues. 11 a.m. Convocation Dr. Henry David, Love And.
Feb. 20-Wed. 7 & 9 p.m. Film Society Capitol Theater
Feb. 22-23 Fri.-Sat. University Debate and Discussion Conference
Feb. 22 Fri. 8 p.m. Dunninger, Master Mind Coliseum
Feb. 28 Thurs. 4 & 8 p.m. Audubon Lecture Love Library
Committee Slates
Debate On Tuition
Proposals to triple tuition at the
state normal schools and double it
at the University are scheduled for
public hearing Tuesday afternoon
by the Education Committee of the
State Legislature.
The hearings are open to the
public and any interested person
may attend, according to Senator
Don Thompson of McCook, head of
the committee.
Senator Terry Carpenter intro
duced the bills. LB 409 would hike
the tuition at the normal schools
to $240 and $120 per semester for
non-Nebraskans and Nebraskans
respectively. At the present time
the fee is $60 per semester for in
state students and $10 more for
LB 410 would double the tuition
at the Unjversiry to $36 per se
mester for non-Nebraskans and
$130 for Nebraskans.
Approval of the bills would rep-
Review Slated
Miss Marjorie Leafdale, assist
ant professor of English at the
University, will review the book
"The Organization Man" by Wil
liam Whyte, Jr. Wednesday at 4
p.m. in the faculty lounge of the
A native Nebraskan, Miss Leaf
dale, received her Bachelor's and
Master's degrees at the Univer
sity. She taught at the University
of Michigan before joining the
Nebraska faculty five years ago.
The "Organization Man" tells of
the clash between the individual
istic beliefs man Is supposed to
follow and the collective life he
actually lives and bis search for
a faith to bridge the gap. The
book follows the organization man
from bis pre-induction training in
school ' and college to his further
molding in the Organization it
Sales Start
For Tickets
To Shows
The University Coliseum will be
host to mental telephist, Duninger,
Feb. 2, according to Marilyn Neek,
Tickets are now on sale in the
Union and at Gold's.
Of Dunninger, Walter Winchell,
columnist, has said, "Dunninger is
the telephatic wizard who takes
thoughts right out of your cranium
before you have a chance to mouth
Prices for main floor, $150;
lounge, $150 ao $1.25; balcony,
$1.25 and $1.00; main floor raised,
$1.00 (for students only).
Mail orders will be accepted by
addressing the Student Union, Uni
versity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Ne
braska. A stamped, self-addressed
envelope should be enclosed. All
checks should be made payable to
the U. of Nebr. Student Union.
Courtesy Sunday journal aad Star
Constant Cannibal Maiden, by Do
nate; and Soon-Ah Will Be Done,
by Dawson.
Harry Grasmick of Lincoln is
Glee Club accompanist.
Shown above (left to right) are
tromonists Bob Coonrad, Gary
Welch, Morris Elliott, Annabell
Blinchow, Robert Smith, Larry
Mackenstadt, Richard Tempero and
Darwin Dasher. '
resent a departure from present
policy under which the Board of
Regents sets the University tuition
and the State Normal Board sets
the rates at the normal schools.
Both of these bodies have commit
tees studying the tuition problem.
Both boards are expected to ob
ject to the bills.
Agitation for increased tuition
developed after the University
asked for a 5Vt million budget in
crease. Services Offered:
'Work Bay' For Hungarian
Student Proecf Planned
Approximately - 500 University
students are expected to donate
their time and labor to raise fund3
to bring additional Hungarian stu
dent refugees to study on the
An All-L i n c o 1 n, All-University
Work Day sponsored by the Hun
garian Student Project committee,
will be held Saturday.
The students will offer their serv
ices for odd jobs in the community.
They will charge no set rate allow
ing employers to evaluate the
worth of the job, according to Mar
ijane Craig, Work Day chairman.
Student organizations, sororities,
fraternities, and independent bouses
Norris Chosen
City Religious
Council Head
Joan Norris, junior in Agricul
ture and a member of Delta
Gamma, was elected president of
City Campus Religious Council
Feb. 8.
Other officers are vice president,
Dick Tempero, sophomore in Arts
and Science and a member of
Theta Xi; recording secretary,
Mary Bradley, sophomore in
Teachers and a member of Gam
ma Phi Beta; corresponding sec
retary, Connie Berry, junior in
Arts and Sciences and member of
Pi Beta Phi, and treasurer, Betty
Parks, junior in Agriculture and a
member of Kappa Delta.
Charles Kiese, sophomore in Arts
and sciences, and Dave Rhoades,
sophomore in Teachers were
nominated as representatives to
the Student Council.
Phi Delta Phi
Elects Wright
Charles Wright, junior in the Uni
versity of Nebraska College of Law,
was elected Magister of Phi Delta
Phi, professional legal fraternity at
the University, it was announced
Other officers elected were: Don
Sampson, exchequer; Daryi Ha
mann, clerk; William Mooney, his
torian and Thompson Snyder, so
cial chairman.
To McheSS's Charges
Closed Hearing Scheduled On Controversial Case
Four members of the University
administration have responded to
charges made by Dr. C. Clyde
Mitchell, former professor of, agri
cultural economics and chairman
of the Department of Agricultural
Those responding to Dr. Mitch
ell's allegations were Chancellor
Hardin, Dean of Faculties A. C.
Breckenridge, Dean W. V. Lambert
of the College of Agriculture, and
J. E. Selleck, University business
A closed hearing of the Univers
ity Faculty Committee on Priv
ilege and Tenure will be held at
2:30 p.m., Feb. 21, in room 107,
Law Building. The hearing will not
be open to the press, David Dow,
chairman of the faculty commit
tee stated.
The pending case of Mitchell
before the Committee on Academ
ic Privilege and Tenure, involves
the charges of Dr. Mitchell that
his academic freedom has been
Mitchell called for an investiga
tion into the specific causes of his
removal from the chairmanship of
the agricultural economics depart
ment. The first hint of the possible de
motion of Dr. C. Clyde Mitchell
from his position as chairman of
the department of agricultural ec
onomics came on April 12, 1956.
Rumors reached the Nebraskan
that the decision, called "irrevo
cable and final" had been an
nounced at a staff meeting of the
department of agricultural econ
omics held shortly before spring
vacation. Persons in attendance
said the demotion was due to "out
side pressures" which were not
clearly defined at the meeting.
On April 17 the rumor was con
firmed when W. V. Lambert, Dean
of the College of Agriculture, an
nounced after consultation with the
Chancellor that a successor to
Mitchell was being sought.
The reason given by Lambert
was "to strengthen beyond pres
ent levels the research and ex
tension programs in agricultural
economics." The Dean denied that
his decision involved Dr. Mitchell's
The Nebraskan wrote to many
outside sources concerning the is
sue. Returns indicated a high de
gree of confidence in Mitchell's
ability. Certain professors pre
viously connected with the Uni
versity indicated that the stand of
are being asked to recruit workers.
The goal for Work Day is $1,000,
Miss Craig said. All profits will
go into the Hungarian Student Proj
ect fund which now stands at ap
proximately $1,600.
Persons wishing to employ stu
dents may call 2-4328 at any hour
of 2-2079 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Calls for jobs will be taken Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Miss Craig said jobs will be as
signed to students in advance with
two students being sent on each
job if possible.
IFC Meeting
There will be a special meeting
of the IFC Wednesday at 7 p.m. in
the Union for the purpose of hear
ing Rabbi CiPipckem and the Rev.
Mr. DeLapp speak, according to
Dick Reische, temporary chairman.
This is not a business meeting
and all fraternity presidents may
'Difficult To
Copy Editor
Sara Laszlo, the University's
first Hungarian refugee student,
is a charming 23-year-old girl,
who is very eager to learn Eng
lish. For a girl who has only studied
our language for three weeks at
Bard College in New York, Sara
is quick to pick up English words.
She can understand her instruc
tors and is able to converse slowly
in English with others.
Sara carries an English-Hungarian
dictionary with her at all
times to look up words she doesn't
understand. She thinks our lan
guage "is very difficult to learn".
Attending school in Dunas
centgyorgy, Hungary, she studied
chemical engineering with other
Hungarian and Russian students.
Before escaping over the bor
der to Austria, Sara participated
in the demonstrations. She later
escaped with her 'cousin and his
family during ' the night without
her parent's knowledge. Her par
ents are still in Hungary.
Sara came to t'ie United States
by plane from Austria and stayed
first H
the Nebraskan that the removal
was a moral violation of academic
freedom was in part true and that
similar situations existed in other
colleges of the University.
On May 15, the Chancellor issued
a statement in which he denied
that the University had in any
case violated the spirit of the prin
ciples of academic freedom.
On May 23, Mitchell issued a
special statement to the Nebras
kan saying his academic freedom
had been violated. In six points,
he claimed that repeated attempts
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Courtesy Lincoln Star
Annual Event:
To Discuss
Cosmo Club
Show Plans
The tenth annual spring show and
dance will be planned at the first
second semester meeting of the
Cosmopolitan Club which will be
held Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in
room 316 of the Union.
All members of the club are
asked to attend to make committee
reports and to receive new com
mittee assignments.
Plans for the annual spring
show and dance are to be complet
ed at the meeting.
This event surpasses all events of
the Cosmopolitan Club in work re
quired. An oriental theme is the
subject. A combo, folk and song
and song acts prepared by students
from fifteen different countries will
provide the entertainment.
The foreign students from each
country work together to prepare
the skit for the show.
Only those acts judged as best
will be retained for an hour's pre
sentation at the floor show.
Dress rehearsal is set for Febru
ary 27 at 7:30 in the Union.
Tuition Hike
Debate Set
Terry Carpenter, state senator,
and Frank Barrett, junior in law
collece, will debate Legislature Bill
410, proposing the doubling of Uni
versity tuition on Thursday, at 730
p.m. in Room 316, Union.
The program is sponsored by the
University Young Republican Club.
Carpenter sponsored the contro
versial bill in the legislature and
Barrett is the chairman of the
student group opposing the bilL
A Questioning period open to all
members of the audience will fol
low the debate.
angaria Student Thinks English
Learn'; Likes
"I was treated nicely and liked
the camp very much", Sara said
in an interview Monday. From
New York she took a train to Lin
coln. To the question, which did
she enjoy the best, she answered,
"the plane".
She is very nappy with Interna
tional House and believes the Uni
versity students are "very friend-
Second Hungarian
To Arrive Tuesday
The University's second Hungar
ian refugee student is to arrive in
Lincoln Tuesday night.
. Karoly (Charles) Nemeth will be
met by members of the University
Hungarian Student Project com
mittee, which has raised funds to
bring him here to study.
Nemeth, 26. is a native of Acts
Kcmarom Megye, Hungary. The
resettlement agency sponsoring
him is Church World Service.
He plans to take pre-medical
courses at the University and will
live at Cornhusker Co-op, men's
cooperative house.
had been made to "tone down,
modify and even to censor my
publications." He said he was ad
vised "to resign my position and
move elsewhere, assured that I
would never get a salary increase,
and that I was on the Regents
blacklist." He maintained that
"In Feb. 1955, because of con
tinued controversy over my views,
I was told that I was going to be
relieved of my chairmanship."
It was reported on Dec. 14 that
Dr. Mitchell was not planning to
return to Lincoln to appear before
the Senate Committee on Academ
ic Tenure and Privilege, but that
he would inform David Dow when
he made his final decision.
The unconfirmed report said
that Mitchell might be able to
get leave from his present job,
working with the United Nation
Food and Agricultural Organiza
tion in Mexico City, in February.
RE Week:
As Religious Emphasis Week
moves into its third day, discus
sions and meetings are scheduled,
Tuesday's schedule of events in
clude: 6:00, Mass, Newman Catholic
Student House, Father Cowley;
6:30, Mass, Newman Catholic Stu
dent House, Father Cowley; 7:30,
Mass, Newman Catholic Student
House, Father Cowley; 9:00, Cof
fee hour, Presby House, All Speak
ers; 10:00, Worship and Medita
tion, ALL Student Houses.
12:00, Lunch, Faculty Christian
Fellowship The Rev. DeLapp;
12:00, Coed Counselor Board,
Rev. Weber; 12:00, Zeta Beta Tau,
Rabbi Tick tin; 12:00, Gamma
Lambda, The Rev. Hetzler; 12:30,
Worship Service Cotner, Miss Will
ingham; 2:00, Meditation, New
man Catholic Student House, Fa
ther Cowley; 3:00, Worship, all
Religious Houses; 3:30, Lutheran
Student Association, The Rev.
Hetzler; 4:00, Coke Hour, Cotner,
Miss Willingham; 4:00, Y.W.C.A.
Dr. Thompson; 5:00 Corn Cobs,
The Rev. DeLapp; 5:00, Agr,
YMCA Cabinet, Dr. Mrs. Havice;
5:00 AWS, Father Cowley and The
Rev. Weber.
6:00, Dinner, Selleck Quad, Fa
ther Cowley; Girls Dorm, Miss
Willingham; Alpha Tau Omega,
Dr. Thompson; Theta Xi, The Rev.
Barker; Sigma Delta Tau, Rabbi
Ticktin; Sigma Phi Epsilon, The
Rev. DeLapp; Brown Palace, The
Rev. Hetzler; Loomis Hall, Dr.
Mrs. Havice; Beta Sigma Psi,
The Rev. Weber.
7:00, Ag. YWCA, Dr. Mrs. Ha
vice; 7:30, Lutheran Student As
sociation, The Rev. Hetzler; 7:30,
NUCWA, Rabbi Ticktin; Love Li
brary Auditorium, 7:30, Father
Cowley; 7:30, P. E. Club, Dr.
Thompson; 9:00, Selleck Quad,
The Rev. Weber; 10:30, Chi Ome
ga, The Rev. DeLapp; 10:30, Del
ta Gamma, Dr. Thompson, 10:30,
Alpha Phi, The Rev. Weber.
Having received many requests
to repeat his presentation on,
"The Eternal and Love, Sex, Mar
riage", delivered Sunday evening
at University Lutheran Chapel, the
Rev. E. P. Weber, student pastor
at Purdue University, has an
nounced that he will speak on the
same subject at Selleck Quad on
Wednesday at 9:00 p.m., which
will be his second appearance at
the Quadrangle.
ly". Sara is taking seven hours of
Speech, English and Physical Edu
cation at the University and it is
hoped she is able to carry a full
load next semester. She wUl zon
tinue studying chemical engineer
ing then.
Her favorite foods are hot dogs,
ice cream and potatoes. To the
question whether she enjoyed U.S.
movies, she replied, "I couldn't
understand them".
Sara plans to become a US citi
zen and will take out her citizen- -ship
papers la the near future.
She would like to visit Hungary
but not to live there again.
Sara is very eacited about meet
ing the second Hungarian student,
Karolyn (Charles) Nemeth, who
will arrive tonight at 6:40 p.m. af.
the Burlington Station.
Plans for Spring vacation for
Sara have already been taken
care of by the Mortar Board's
Foreign Student's Tour through
Nebraska and a visit with Bar
bars Sharpe in Omaha,
at Camp Kilmer in Kfw York
where she act clher Haagmimk.