me All-Independent Football Team On Page 3 WW Six Hundred Students To Participate In Annual 'Messiah' See Page 4 . Vol. 31, No. 30 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Wednesday, December 5, 1956 Union Tonight: Annual AW Auction Features Pledge Safes The annual AUF Auction will be held Wednesday In the Union Ball room at 7 p in, According to Jeanne Elliott, AUF president, this year's auction has been cut down because of the time element. The committee Is going to try to run the auction fast er this year than it has been run previously. Miss Elliott said freshmen .will rot be late until 15 minutes after the auction according to Carol Link, AWS president. ' Fraternity and sorority pledge classes will be auctioned off as well as NU's Misses Nebraska, Diane Knotek and Shari Lewis; various coaches including Pete Elliott; Frank; Hallgren, Associate Dean of Student Affairs; A. C. Breckenridge, Dean of Faculties; and Chancellor Clifford Hardin; faculty members as bus boys; and the Activity Queen and her at tendants. The auction will also- Include some .special events including throwing a pie at Sam Jensen, Nebraskan Editor. ,The Activity Queen will also be crowned at the auction, Finalists are Nan Carlson, Nancy Copeland, Nat Johnson, and Jackie Miller. IFC: Afeiv York Convention Renort Due An IFC meeting will be held Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Union. President Sam Ellis and Secre tary Bob Schuyler will present reports on their trip to the Na tional IFC convention in New York. ' Plans for the coming Christmas Party will be discussed. It will be held this year Dec. 13t and preparations have begun for this year's party. Nominations for the position of vice president of IFC will be open to fill the vacancy of Bob Cook, former vice president, said Ellis. A letter from the Faculty Com mittee On Student Affairs concern ing thex recent IFC Resolution which was, submitted to Chancel lor Hardin has been received by Ellis. The letter will be read and discussed in the IFC meeting Wednesday night said Ellis. The resolution was presented as a letter to Chancellor Hardin fol lowing the withdrawal of a pre vious petition by the IFC to the Committee on Student Affairs. The IFC had previously asked the faculty group for the reinstate ment of the annual IFC Ball at the Turnpike Ballroom. . The Resolution was referred to the Committee on Student Affairs by Chancellor Hardin. The Committee's letter to the IFC is the first action which has been taken since the resolution was first sent on Nov. 13. A report from the IFC Public Relations Committee will be re ceived. The committee was set up to aid tLe Council's public re lations setup. The Committee, through the co operation of the University Public Relations Department, will begin informing the people of Nebraska of worthy deeds performed by fra ternities. The IFC feels that it is essen tial to get across to the parents of Nebraska a positive message through the newspapers of the state regarding the accomplish ments of the Interfraternity Coun cil and individual fraternities. Other committee reports will be pfC.ented at the meeting. Following is the list of organized houses which will participate in the annual AUF Auction Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. jSpecial groups to be auctioned are not included in the listing. Tickets are 2 cents. Barn Comment Martin' Mob Who SMf Homelcsr Wert Shot Don At Boys Fluffy ToMt Mechanical Men Powder 'n Faint Slant hter on 14th New Queen Flying Fortres Ihrlee Wrty Mereercd Monkey! Morbid Mob Questionable Taatt ' W hat lit rommutera Widest Hip Constant Study Road Runner Omaha Annex Buck 'n Buckle Squared KnUht lohnny's Friend . lnne Ontra House of Yesterdnj Carvln Marvin Double Croat We Tried Ike rusher Heller illerby Winner Mr. Feepe- W'lshuwell Political legacy pTeiveofner Crowded Coiner Small group but worth It Premium quality Pep helper with wide (election Ocean blue group at good price Strong young men, wide variety , Mixed weight In good quality Home of the boy who cried wolf Beflned Uttle group Conveniently close to onion Huge variety produce good result Top quality despite wing Famous group spawn new crop Added number, added strength Talkative lot, but top quality . Beeent trial can't hurt famous mea Consistent quality ' Station vehicle add Interest Famous group with top new crop Move In time adds mora than Bin Home of the Ag mystic Widely praised young thing New set of Ivy gentlemen H-nors for enthnailsm Wit eonqjer all Boon the whistler leave Artistic backdrop for athlete Home of the poor man' Maehlavelll New name for the sweetheart lot " Good little moppet of top quality Big political activity In Heartbreak Hotel Two way proposition Noted for second generatloner Convenient location with view A noteworthy win Steady group with prospects Uttle group stands well on own feet New crop avenge Triumphant Irt Judges for the selection of Ac tivity Queen are Linda Buthman, Cornhusker, editor; Charlie Trum ble, Cobs Treasurer; John Fagan, Innocent j vice-president; Jack Rodgers, Assistant Professor of Political Science; Dr. James Mil ler chairman of the English de partment; and Dr. Stanley Ross, associate professor of history. Rev. Rex Knowles, AUF advisor, will be the auction moderator. Tickets for the auction may be purchased at the door. Two 'Cleared': NU Arson Inquiry Continues Questioning ' of ' NU students in connection with a fire at tempor ary K is expected to begin Wednesday or Thursday, accord ing to Lincoln Fire Inspector Ros coe Benton. Benton and arson investigator G. W. Germain of the State Fire Marshal's office questioned other persons associated with activities in the building Tuesday. Nothing new has developed since the discovery of undisclosed "ad ditional evidence" Monday at the scene of the fire, according to Germain. A can of inflammable liquid was found near the fire scene, one of five set in down town Lincoln Saturday. Police yesterday apparently cleared two men by lie detector tests. Results of both tests con cerning connection with the fires proved "negative." Police Chief Joe Carroll said the field of suspects "is narrow ing by a process of elimination." The police checked whereabouts of known arsonists and questioned several others, all of whom ac counted for their activities on Sat urday, according to Chief Carroll. No additional officers have been plated on duty because of the out break of fires but some officers "have been assigned to concen trate on the case," Carroll said. A fire Tuesday morning at 12:10 a.m. at the Agricultural Chemis try building on Ag campus was definitely not connected with the arson cases, according to Lincoln fire department officials. Faulty wiring in an electric motor caused the latest Uni versity blaze, the second within a three-day period on the campus and the fourth within the past two weeks. Snow Flurries To Accompany Mercury Drop A cold wave predicted Monday will finally hit Nebraska Wednes day and con tinue Thurs day, according to the U.S. Weather Bu Predict e d snow flurries and occasional drizzle will cover all but the southeast ern part of the state. ' Lincoln recorded a record high of 66 Tuesday and the high Wednes day is expected to be in the 40's. Three inches of snow is ex pected in the Panhandle by Wednesday although the rest of the state will experience only scattered snowfall. .V V' sill ft i 4 Governor Approves Plan Governor Vict opAflderson'' looks over plans for the Hun garian Student Project with Barb Sharp, project chairman and Nancy DeLong, committee member. Gov." Anderson pledged full support and commended Uni versity students for initiating the project. . . 'The governor also gave om mittee members a $23 check to be used in connection with the project. Chancellor Clifford Har din told the committee that, he would present the request for a tuition waiver 'or establishment Rag Luncheon: Hardin To Financial Chancellor Clifford Hardin will speak to the Rag Press Lunch eon at its weekly meeting Friday, according to .Sam. Jensen, editor. He will explain the financial diffi culties of the P U n i v ersity in regard to the current con troversy over the bud get. The Chancel lor is attempt ing to gain an increase o f $5.5 million in t h ,tj .Univer- Courtesy Lincoln Journal sity bud get... Hardin Governor VT c t o r Anderson re turned the budget after the meet ing of the Budget committee last Thursday, asking that it be trimmed to the barest minimum. Hardin replied that the budget had already been cut down as far as possible. He stated, "I cannot in good faith tell the people of Nebraska that the problems of their Uni versity can be reduced or solved by changing the totals in the Bud get." To this Governor Anderson re plied that he would find it difficult to present the increased tax bur den to the people of Nebraska, considering that some of them have been without income for the past two years because of the drought. But Hardin said that the increase was the smallest that the Uni versity could possibly ask for. Singers: Beadell's 'Snow'Score Scheduled An original composition by Rob ert Beadell of the Nebraska Uni versity Department of Music will be performed by the University Singers and soloists, Leon Lishner, bass and Jack Snider, french horn, at the annual Christmas Carol Con cert, December 9. The composition, "The Snow Lies Thick," was written in Au gust and September at the request of Dr. David Foltz, director of the Singers, for a work which would feature Lishner and the Singers. The words were taken from a modern carol written in Old Eng lish by Geoffrey Shaw. Beadell chose this text for its simplicity and beauty, and because he felt teat its spirit and mood are appre ate for the program of traditional carols. The Carol Concert will be pre sented on Sunday, December 9, at 3:00 and at 4:30, in the Union Ballroom. Admission is by ticket only, but free tickets may be ob tained now at teh Union Main Of fice. Faculty Members To Attend Meeting Two home economics" faculty members at the University will take part in the North Central Regional Nutrition Research com mittee meeting Wednesday through Friday in Chicago, 111. Dr. Hellen' Linkswuer and Dr. Hazel Fox, both associate profes sors of home economics, will re activities and help plan forthcom ing research for the North Cen tral region. -J A,. -: ":: Of scholarships Io the Board of Regents. It is hoped that not ' less than two and not more than ten Hungarian' Refugee students can be enrolled ft the University next semester. Members of YWCA, AUF: ahd CCRC are working in con4ection with the project, started; after a resolu tion suggesting the project was introduced in a meeting of the YW city campus, cabinet. Ad visors to the committee include v Dr. G. W. Rosenlof , Internation al Student Advisor; Dr. Rex Knowles. (See story at right.) iseuss Problems The University Alumni Associa tion has pledged their support to Hardin in an effort to "acquaint the people of Nebraska with the need of the increased budget." Sam Jensen, editor of the Ne braskan, has stressed the need for all students to. support the Chan cellor in his drive, and for as many people as possible to at tend the Press Club Friday. All members of the Nebraskan and Cornhusker staffs, reporters and workers, members of the Board of Publications, heads of Boards and Innocents are invited, Union: i.. :,U t Bridge Tourney The annual Intra-Campus Bridge Tournament sponsored by the Union will be held Dec. 15 at 1:00 p.m. in parlors A, B and C of the Union. All organized houses are being sent letters and entry blanks for the tournament, according to Pat McWilliams, Publicity Chairman These entries are due Dec. 6 in the Union activities office. Each house is allowed one bridge team and two alternates, an nounced James Porter, who is in charge of the tournament. Prizes will be given for first and second place. i A traveling trophy with the name of the house engraved on it, and a permanent plaque will be given for first place. Two decks of cards with the house name engraved on it will be given as second prize. Rules for the Bridge tournament are as follows: Students entering must be carrying '12 or more hours and must meet University eligibility requirements. Any or ganized house or approved campus organization may be represented in the tournament. Both members on a team must be from the same organization. President or adviser of organiza tion must sign entry Wank. Cards Show NU Scenes The University Cosmopolitan Club is selling Campus Christmas cards again this year . according to Valida Jansen, president. Three campus scenes ara avail available; two of the Social Sci ence Building and one of the Muel ler Tower. The Club has sponsored this activity for the past four years. v Profits from the card sales will go to both the Lancaster County Society for Crippled Children and the Cosmopolitan Club activities fund. The cards are available- at the Nebraskan Book Store, Peden's Book Store and at 102 Temple Building. The price ranges from one to ten dollars a box.' The Crippled Children's Society vas chosen to share in the profits because of the Society's interest and support of the - Children's Speech Clinic, Miss Jansen said. The Clinic in turn gives individual and group training to foreign stu dent in the use of spoken English. Last year's sales were double that of the first year. Hungarian Aid Knnirr- ka Ten Hungarian refugee students might study at the University next semester if planning by Univer sity students can be quickly and effectively implemented. Definite plans originated follow ing a resolution in . the City Camp us YWCA which expressed the de sire to take specific action in re lieving 1 the plight of- Hungarian refugee students.- The resolution, presented by Barb Sharp, YW membership chairman, was unanimously passed by the YW Cabinet on Nov. 26. . . Miss Sharp was named chair man of the central committee of nine students and four advisors, appointed by the YW executive board. This committee will act as a coordinating body for all stu dent and faculty organizations wishing to participate in the proj ect. Although action originated in the YWCA, Betty Wilson, YW ex ecutive director, emphasized that it is hoped that this will become an all-University and all-community project. All University Fund and City Campus Religious Council have dis cussed taking definite steps to aid in the project. Other organizations and civic groups will be asked to participate in the project, accord ing to committee members. Governor Victor Anderson pledged his support to the project terming it "a wonderful program" and donating $25, the initial con tribution for the project. The Governor told Miss Sharp and Nancy DeLong, committee member, that University students should be commended for instigat ing this "worthwhile program." "It is an important part of our peace program to help oppressed people as much as possible," the Governor said, and added, "This is something we can do without buying their friendship." The Governor emphasized that he wishes to be kept informed on the) progress" of the undertaking. mm turn me comminee memoers that "If there is anything I can do to help, feel free to call on me." "Our most important considera tion," said Miss Sharp, "is that we be able to guarantee transpor tation, books, tuition, room and board, clothing and maintenance costs before Christmas vacation. She added that it is hoped these students, or at least a portion of the number,- can be enrolled in the University next semester, Members of the committee in addition to Miss Sharp are: Luci 'Moon' Opening: Theater rant Af( Players' By DICK SHUGRUE Copy Editor In 1942 "Dark of the Moon" was chosen as the best poetic drama and presented the Maxwell Anderson Award. Now we are all familiar with poetic license. The term is used to explain such plays as "Winter set" which have very complicated plots and used to rationalize the "off stage" movement of such plays as the last one the Univer sity Theater attempted. However, no license, no explana tion, seemed necessary to add to the enjoyment of "Dark of the Moon" as the University Players presented it Tuesday evening. I like to think of a play as a complete unit, however, and when ever any faults in the technical production of the drama "konk out" then some of the enjoyment, some of the train of thought need ed to- tie a poetic drama together, are lost. Harry Stiver, a newcomer to the staff of the drama department, this year did an excellent job with costuming, light plots and all the elements which go into making the visual picture more real. Some one .of the witches, however, must have gotten into the control booth and flipped off the lights twice and twisted the volume control knob of the recording, machines. I'll clas sify, these flaws as opening night jittery fingers. On the other hand, the technical elements of i the play were ex tremely important and utterly charming." I can't explain what Stiver did the results are on the Howell stage. Dark of the Moon involves the desire of a witch boy to become human. A conjur woman grants the wish with the stipulation that if the woman he wants to marry is unfaithful to him within the year he will be changed back into the witchboy. Ron Hull, listed as a producer director of KUON-TV, did a tol erable job as the witch boy, John. Offered: r fp Switzer, assistant chairman; Dr. Rex Knowles, Presbyterian-Congregational student house pastor; Dr. G. W. Rosenlof, International Student Advisor; Betty Wilson, YWCA executive director; Miss Kate Field, member of the YWCA Advisory Board; Margo Hornady, committee secretary; Phyl Bon ner, publicity chairman; Sonia Sievers, finance chairmen, Sally Flannigan, Terry Mitchem, Jan Lichtenberger and Mary Bradley. ' The committee is planning to request that the religious houses on campus, through the City Camp us Religious Council, attempt to underwrite the maintenance costs, estimated at $40 per month pet student, said Miss Bradley, com mittee representative to CCRC. Bookstores will be contacted in the hope that textbooks will be donated for the students, accord ing to Jan Lichtenberger, chair man of 33 workers investigating this possibility. The committee is hoping to work with Panhellenic and Interfratern ity Council, Miss Sharp said, "to find housing and board for these students." She pointed out that if these two groups would consent to assist in the project, it would not be the project of a particular sorority or fraternity to house these students, but rather that the two organizations, as a Whole, Christmas Party: nfon To Bnvif.G; "Rudolph's Rendezvous", the Union's annual Christmas Party and Open House will be held on Dec. 12 from 8 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. in the Union, according to Judy Decker, chairman. Santa Claus will hand out free gifts in the front lobby of the Union to all students attending the, party. Tuffy Epstein and his combo will provide music for dancing in the ballroom while the Tau Kappa Ep silon combo will play in the Round Up Room. Roger Wischmeter will accompany on the organ the Sin fonia as they sing Christmas carols. Also a brass group will play Christmas songs in the Main Lounge. "Christmas Rhapsody", "The Littlest Angel" and "The Night Be fore Christmas" movies will be shown in the Faculty Lounge while the Music Room will be open so that students may play their fa asy Production Rated Top Performance 01 1 This impression may stem from the fact that I feel poetry cannot be stereotyped. And since many of the characters of the play are just good old country bumpkins, Hull's reading at least in the first act followed the style. Bu( he was a human, too, and played the role well. Jacquie Miller played Barbara Allen (the folk tale of that name being the basis of the play) as I have never seen her perform be fore. She might be remembered for last year's work in "Madam Butterfly." And yet, if one (like me) hasn't seen her since then one wouldn't recognize her. Seasoning has done Miss Miller a world of good. Her emotion, her face, her hands, all make the play live, I believe. This play has opposite poles. On one hand it is the deeply touching story of a strange love. On the other hand it is a cross section t, Len Schropfer, as the Conjur Man, advises Ron Hull, who plays the Witch Boy, not to be- come human in 1 the University would support the project. The committee is planning to solicit civic organizations in -Lin coin, and perhaps out-state, to un derwrite the costs of transporta tion for the ten students-from tht port of entry in the United States, Miss Switzer said. The transpor tation costs have been estimated at $60 per student. AUF board and committee mem bers are planning to contact Lin coln merchants to see if they would be willing to contribute clothes and miscellaneous articles for the project, said Terry Mitchem, com mittee representative to AUF. In a board meeting last, week, AUF discussed the project and pledged full support, although it was point ed out that additional solicitations on campus are not permitted un der the AUF constitution, said Jeanne Elliott, AUF president. In regard to scholarships or the waiving of tuition for the Hungar ian students, Chancellor Clifford Hardin assured the committee that he would be "delighted" to pre sent this matter before the Board of Regents. The next meeting of the Regents will be held January 5. Any campus organization which wishes to pledge support to tht project may contact the YWCA office in Rosa Bouton Hall, Miss Sharp said. vorite Christmas records. Bingo will be played in Parlors A and B and Christmas wrappings and gift-wrapped packages will be displayed in Parlor C. A window scene showing roof tops, tree tops and Santa and his sleigh, in the background, with a real chimney front will be ja tht main hallway of-the Union. In the chimney will be a tack for presents such as food, clothing and toys. These presents will be presented to needy families in Lin coln for Christmas, University students may donate gifts which are in good condition and wrapped by dropping them into the sack. AWS has extended hours for women to 10:30 p.m. so that they may attend the All-University party. Everything is free, accord ing to Bob Handy, Union Activities Director. (and, as I said, a stereotype) of the mountain life. It's folksy. Da vid Meisenholder as the preacher leads some fine hymn singing and gets some well earned laughs, un cle Smelicue (notice the stereo typing in the style of the name) is a big laugh provoker. He was played by Don Sobolik and looked very much like another University Theater personality with a hat on. Dallas S. Williams, director of the University Theater, put the show together dramatically. I might mention freshmen Sally Wengert, who played a graceful (no pun) , witch, , and Judy DeVil biss who was a surly little, sinner named Edna. They both did well and we can hope to see them again in the theater. Despite the flaws in the show Tuesday night, I b e 1 i e v e that "Dark of the Moon" is the best thing the University Theater has attempted this year. . Kcbraakaa PheU Theater production of "Dark cf the Moon" which will be at the Howell Memorial Theater through Saturday. .. .. ;