The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1956, Image 1

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Vol. 30 No. 17
Avery Series:
Lecture To Feature
Industrial Scientist
Dr. Randolph Major, former Ne-
braskan arid retired scientific vice
president of Marck tt Company,
pharmaceutical manufacturer of
Rahway, N.J., will deliver the
seventh annual Avery Lecture
Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. in
the Love Library auditorium.
Topic of bis speech is "Indus
try's Contribution to Medical Pro
gress". The public is invited to
Recently appointed professor of
chemistry at University of Vir
ginia, Dr. Major obtained his Bach
elor and Master's degrees from
the University. He completed his
Doctor of Philosophy degree at
Princeton University in 1927. An
honorary Doctor of Science degree
was conferred on him by the Uni
versity in June, 1949.
He is the recipient of the 1951
Industrial Research Institute
Award. The award is given an
nually to honor "outstanding ac
complishment in leadership in, or
management of, industrial re
search which contributes broadly
to the development of industry or
the public welfare."
After serving as instructor and
research associate at Princeton
for two years, Dr. Major joined
Merck & Company, in 1930 as di
rector of pure research. In 1936
he was appointed director of re
search and development; in 1947,
vice president and scientific di
rector; in 1953, scientific vice
president and in 1956, scientific
adviser to the Merck Sharp &
Dohme Research Laboratories.
Dr. Major is former chairman
ef the Committee on Chemical
Warfare of the Research and De
velopment Board of the U.S. De
partment of Defense. He is a di-rector-at-large
of the American
Chemical Society and a Fellow and
Councillor of the New York Acad
emy of Sciences and a Fellow of
the American Association for the
' Advancement of Science.
He is an active member of the
Committee on Research of the
National Association of Manufact
urers; Merck Institute for Thera
peutic Research; American Soci
ety of Biological Chemists; Amer
ican Pharmaceutical Association;
and Chemists' Club.
1 The Avery lectures are support
ed by a fund established through
the University Foundation by the
The first in a series of three
programs entitled "A Gallery of
Poets" will be presented at the
University Tuesday.
Three assistant professors of
English will read and discuss
"Kumor in Poetry" at 8:30 p.m. in
Gallery B, Morrill Hall Art Gal
leries. Taking part will be Robert
Knoll, Dudley Bailey and Gene
Hardy. Poetry will be from the
works of William Carlos Williams,
John Crowe Ransom, Ogden Nash
and others.
Karl Shapiro, assistant profes
sor of English, will read from his
own poetry for the Tuesday, Nov.
27, program.
The third program, to be held in
December, will feature "Bardic
The programs are being present
ed by the Department of English
and the University Art Galleries.
is.'i-'.vs-'';' :,'.-':...
Queen's Attire
The cape and crown' of Ne
braska's Homecoming Queen are
put into order for Saturday's
coronation by Hanna Rosenberg,
vice-president, Mary Sue Her
beck, secretary, and Shirley Mc
Peck, president of Tassels. The
Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star
Palladian Alumni Association in
honor of Chancellor Samuel Av
Irevious lecturers were Judge
diaries S. Lobinger, Dean Bur
ton W. Marvin of the University
of Kansas, Dean J. William Buch
ta of the University of Minneso
ta; Francis A. Flood, Dr. Chris
L. Christensen, Vice President of
the Celotex Corporation, and Paul
Babson, President, United Busi
ness Service of Boston.
Foreign students and their Amer
ican friends in the Cosmopolitan
Club at the University will cook
and serve at an open-house In
ternational Smorgasbord Sunday.
Fifty foreign cooks will prepare
the food in the Union kitchens
Saturday afternoon and Sunday
moreing, according to Valida Jan
sons, president of the Cosmopoli
tan Club.
Tickets for the smorgasbord are
available from the Cosmopolitan
Club members and from the of
fice of Dr. Lucile Cypreansen, fac
ulty sponsor, in Room 102, Tem
ple Building. Reservations will be
taken until Saturday noon.
High Temps,
Rain Expected
Through Week
The rain hitting Lincoln and
most of Nebraska Monday morn
ing is scheduled for a repeat per
formance Tuesday.
Considerable thunder shower ac
tivity is pre
dicted through
Tuesday in
most of west
ern Nebraska.
Little eastern
movement of
cooler air is
The five day
outlook calls
for showers
and thunder
storms over
the entire state Tuesday and
Wednesday with one-half to one
inch of rain.
7 il'l
Queen, who was elected Oct. 19
in an all-school election, will be
presented between halves of the
Nebraska - Missouri game. She
will be crowned by Carol Link,
last year's queen, and escorted
onto the field by Don Beck,
Homecoming Calendar
Friday j
Alumni Board of Directors ... ..Union 3 p.m.
Pep Rally 17th & Vine 6:45 p.m.
House Displays R, S and 16th, 7 p.m.
Saturday .
Parade Begins 14th & Vine, 9:30 a.m.
Alu rrini Luncheon. .Cornhusker Hotel 11:30-12:45 p.m.
Football Came .Stadium 2 p.m.
Queen Presentation Stadium halftime
Open House Orgaized houses 4:30 p.m.
Dance Coliseum 8:30 p.m.
War Threatens:
Israel Launches
gyptian Attack
Israeli military forces launched
an attack across the border into
Egyptian territory Monday night
and established positions near the
Egyptian town of Kuntilla.
Located on
the Sinai pe
ninsula", Kun
tilla is approx
im a t e 1 y 40
miles north of
Arabia, accord
to Israeli au
thorities. Egyptian
warships in
cluding two
uuujrcia c Coartesy Lincoln Star
reported head- David Ben-Gurion
ed toward Israel by security offi
cials of the Israeli government.
- The authorities said the vessels,
five or six in number, left their
base at Alexandria Monday morn
ing and, so far as it is possible
to determine, are moving toward
In what officials label the biggest
Arab-Israeli war threat since 1948,
Israel has mobilized its reserves
and the United States has begun th
evacuation of some of its citizens
from four Middle East states.
President Eisenhower has sent
two messages to Israel Premier
David Ben-Gurion, cautioning him
to avoid acts "which would en
danger the peace." According to re
ports from Washington, Israel had
mobilized from 150,000 to. 200,000
men along her frontiers.
Jordan, who has a defense al
liance with Britain, may become
involved in the present action.
Britain recently sent a few more
new Hawker Hunter jet planes to
her base in Jordan.
Jordan also has separate treaties
with Iraq and with Syria and Egypt
but has made it plain recently
"that she places her chief reliance
in the latter pact.
Since the dismissal of Glubb last
March by King Hussein, Jordan's
relations with the west have fallen
off considerably.
Traffic and business in the Israeli
side of Jerusalem have been hamp
ered considerably by the move
ment of troops and materials.
The state department has noti
fied some 8000 Americans in Egypt,
Israel, Jordan, and Syria to leave
for points of safety.
Over 1700 missionaries, teachers,
newsmen, and businessmen are
located in Egypt.
Israel, bordered from all sides
by Arabian countries, secured her
present territory by virtue of a
peace treaty in 1948 after she had
Rag Press Club
A Rag press luncheon will be
held Friday noon in Union Par
lor Z, according to Sam Jensen,
editor of the Nebraskan.
No press luncheon was held last
week due to Migration.
'r rr J
Kefcratkaa Pbt
Yell King. Finalists, all junior
members of Tassels, women's
pep organization, are Janis
Davidson, Sandra Kadlacek, Don
na Sawvell, Janice Shrader and
Nancy Tucker.
Tuesday, October 30, 1956
defeaetd a combination of Arab
Since 1948 continual reprisals
have occurred between Israeli and
Egyptian forces.
Until Russia began sending arm
aments to Nasser, Israel always
over Egypt. Since relations have
been especially strained between
the two traditional enemies.
Dinner Set
The annual University 4-H club
scholarship banquet will be held
Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Un
ion, parlors X, Y and Z.
The theme of the banquet, which
honors all 4-H freshman scholar
ship winners is "4-H and Your
Fortune." Principal speaker will be
John Orr, assistant state leader
of 4-H and YMW, according to
Jean Bennett, banquet chairman.
Also on the program will be a read
ing by Sally Miller, LoomLs Hall,
and vocal selections by the AGR
Representatives of the scholar
ship donors will be on hand to
award scholarships to ths students.
The scholarships ai d recipients ar
Ljncpln Junior Chamber of Com
merce scholarships: Sharon Cram,
Keith Glaubits, Mary Guidinger,
Sharon Wilson, and Cynthia Noyes.
Ella Husted Frisbie scholar
ships: Larry Hendrix and Robert
KFAB Timely Public Speaking
scholarship: Pat Wright.
Farm Underwriters scholarship:
Blaine Erickson.
Carl Raymond Gray scholarship:
Maribeth Powell, Marilyn Mass,
Shirley Lange, Larry Davis, Al
berta Dobry, John Chapman, Har
old Johnson, Lois Shaner, Alma
Heyermann, Garry McDonald, El
dean Kauffelt, Norma Hughes,
Mary Ann McHargue, Marjorie Jor
son, Lloyd Langemeier, Diane Lee
Russell, Eugene Cook and Gary
M. N. Lawritson scholarship:
Robert Paine.
National 4-H scholarships will go
to Marilyn Mass and Pat Kuhr.
The students are all freshman at
the University of Nebraska except
Miss Noyes who is attending Ne
braska Wesleyan University.
Tickets can be obtained from the
ticket chairman, Paul Yeutter or
from the 4-H office.
Mary James
Borden Grant
Mary Katherine James, Senior in
Home Economics, was awarded a
$300 Borden Company Foundation
home economics scholarship for
Presentati o n
of the award
was made
Thursday at
the Home Eco
nomic club's
a n nual Ellen
Richards din
ner. The scholar
ship is granted
annually to the
senior in the
Home Econom
Miss James
ics department at the University
who has the highest grade average
during her first 3 years in college.
She is majoring in vocational
homemaking education, and at
present is practicing teaching in
During her freshman year she
was recognized for high scholar
ship by election to Alpha Lambda
Delta, first-year women's honor
ary. She also is an officer in
Omicron Nu, home economics hon
or, society.
Senior students receiving awards
from the Home Economics Club
were Kay Skinner, Margie Ed
wards, Shirley Richards, Ann
Thoenes, Marian Sokol and Ro
gene Lees.
The theme of the banquet was
"Our Platform for the Future
Home Economics."
Mrs. Betty Dow, associated with
the National Dairy Council in Lin
coln, was the featured speaker.
Rev. Peter Raible Delivers Open
Letter Opinion Of Administration
Copy Editor
Charges that the University fac
ulty is "discouraged, sick at heart
and fearful" were made by the
Rev. Peter Raible, pastor of the
Lincoln Unitarian Church in an
open letter to Chancellor Clifford
Hardin delivered Sunday morning.
The Rev. Mr. Raible said that
during recent months he had spok
en with many professors in many
departments and that they gener
ally reflected these views.
The Lincoln minister stated that
there are always those who would
constrict the free search after
truth. He said, "They say you
may go so far and no further."
Raible added that such people
would besmirch a whole univer
sity if it does not give way to
their desires.
"But what cannot be accom
plished through public attack can
often be achieved through the back
Nebraskan' s View
The Nebraskan comments on The
Rev. Peter Raible's letter to Chan
cellor .Hardin in an editorial on
Page 2.
door through Insidious infiltration
of a type similar to Communist
subversion. It is precisely the dan
ger the university now faces," he
"Through a scrupulous regard
for honesty, through your public
statements, through your private
acts, you can easily chase the
goblin of fear from the campus."
Raible was directing the advice
to Dr. Hardin.
The chancellor was called the
"most important man in the state"
in the sermon. The Rev. Mr. Rai
ble said that since the policies
followed by the University will no
doubt be the "single, most influ
ential factor in the future of the
State of Nebraska" the place the
chancellor plays is foremost.
Commenting on the State of the
University address made by Chan
cellor Hardin Oct. 4, Raible noted
that the chief problem of the school
today is not the parking situation
or the building program but the
maintenance of the highest of qual
ities of faculties.
He quoted Hardin as saying, "I
have said that I consider the
maintenance of a quality teaching
staff the biggest and toughest
problem which the University fac
es." Raible then stated, "Like many
citizens I am saddened by the
blithe way we talk about super
highways at a million dollars a
mile; but look on such a figure
for faculty salary increases as an
outrageous sum.
Ultimately, though, salary is
not the most important factor in
attracting fine teachers. . .The
single most important thing for
any faculty is a very simple thing
the atmosphere a university pro
vides. This atmosphere of a uni
versity involves the morale, the
significance, and the freedom
which each instructor and profes
sor feels here."
Raible concluded that the pro
fessor is so precious that we should
allow no orthodozy, no pressure,
no temporary goal to silence or de
base him in the free quest of
truth. As a precious person, obed
dient to the dictates of his own
conscience, he must follow the
conclusions blazed by bis own
stt'dy, he added.
He ended his Sunday sermon
stating that the faculty only wish
es to do that to which they have
committed their lives to seek and
teach the truth, wherever they
may find it, according to their
highest inspirations and with their
greatest ability, answering only to
Talent Show
Auditions Set
This Week
Tuesday is the last opportunity
to sign up to audition for the Stu
dent Union Talent Show to be held
Nov. 11 at 8 p.m. in the Union
Ballroom, according to Bob Handy,
Union activities director.
Auditions will be held Wednes
day and Thursday, at 7 p.m. in the
Union Roundup Room. Ten final
ists will be selected to perform at
the show.
Trophies will be awarded to the
first three winners of the contest.
The trophies will be on display
in the main lounge of the Union,
Friday. Judges for the show will
be Earl Jenkins, assistant profes
sor of voice, Sam Jensen, editor
of The Nebraskan, and Bruce Ken
dall, assistant professor of speech
and dramatic art.
Harold Friedman, member of the
Union General Entertainment Com
mittee will be master of cere
monies. Ag Dance Lessons
Free dance lessons sponsored by
the Ag Union Dance Committee
are still open to new students, ac
cording to committee chairman,
Don Herman.
The last three lessons will con
sist of entirely new steps. The
next class will be held Wednes
day from 7 to ( p.m. in the Col
lpge Activities gym. .
Courtesy Sunday Journal and Star
the honest questioning of their own
The Rev. Mr. Raible said Mon
day that his letter was not to
be construed as an attack on the
administration. 'It is the view of
a citizen and a minister, whose
task it is to seek continually aft
er truth."
He said that the solution to the
Entries Announced
The lineup for this year's Home
coming Parade has been an
nounced. A total of 23 floats will
be included in the parade.
The first six units will include
Mr. Cora Cob, the color guard, the
University Band, the cheer lead
ers, the Tassle float with the 1956
and the N-Club float.
Competing floats in the order of
their succession are: Phi Gamma
Delta, "Tiger Hunt"; Delta Sigma
Phi, "Delta Sig Big Top"; Brown
Palace, "You Ain't Nothin but a
Hound Dog"; Builders, "We See
Victory"; Selleck Quad number
one "Mew Zoo"; Delta Upsilon,
"The Alums are Expecting Vic
tory." Terrace Hall, "De-feet the Ti
gers"; Delta Sigma Pi, "Thrash
Those Tigers"; Selleck Quad num
ber two, "All That's Left of the
Tigers"; International House, "It
Means the Same in any Language,"
Farm House, "Huskers at the
Helm"; Towne Club, "Stalk the Ti
gers;" Varsity Dairy Club, "Ti
ger Fodder and the Husker Milk
ing Machine"; Student Union,
"Squish"; Alpha Gamm? Rho,
"We're Uo for the Tigers"; Loom
is Hall, "Just Like the Good Old
Days;" Ag Men's Club, "Hold that
AdelphI, "Melt the Tigers"; Al
pha Gamma Sigma, "Cage the
Cats"; Pioneer House, "Pete's Bot
tling Works"; and Theta Xi, "Dey
is Done". Also included in the pa
rade will be the Navy, Air Force,
and Persh.'"S Rifles Drill Squads
from the University, Theta Chi,
and the 1936 Homecoming Queen
Judges for the parade will be
Mary Jean Mulvany, women's phy
sical education instructor, Robert
Kr.oll, English professor, and
John Sulek, Agriculture Engineer
ing professor.
Floats will be judged on appeal,
originality, welcoming the grads,
labeling, resourcefulness, effort an
Competition will be divided into
three divisions,- men's, women's
and honoraries. In each division
a permanent plaque will be given
to the first winner, and a travel
ing plaqye to the honorable men
tion winner. The awards will be
presented at the Homecoming
Dance, Saturday evening.
The parade will begin at 9:30
a.m. at 14th and U, proceed east
on U to 16th, ' south on 16th to
?, west on O to 11th, north on
11th, to R and east on R to 12th
where it will disband.
There will be Cobs and Tassels on
the Mall to help the entries line
up. Each entry is numbered, and
they are urged to appear on the
time they are scheduled.
The judges will be on the marque
of Penny's Department Store. Or
ganizations are requested to drive
Begins ivat
In Moscow, Soviet foreign minister Dmitri Sheplov declared that
Russian solders would withdraw from the war torn city of Budapest
in Hungary if the Hungarian rebels laid down their arms.
Shepilov declined to say whether Soviet troops would be pulled out
of Hungary entirely if the rebels would surrender. Eye witnesses in
Budapest said the Soviets had already begun to evacuate the city leav
ing an estimated 3,000 dead and, 20,000 wounded.
A crowd of cheering Polish Catholics greeted Stefan Cardinal Wyszn
ski as he made his first public appearance since being released from
house arrest by Poland's new regime.
Ike's Health Good
After spending part -of Saturday and most ol Sunday undergoing a
"head to toe" physical examination at Walter Reed Army Hospital in
Washington, President Eisenhower was declared in "excellent health''
by his doctors. Mr. Eisenhower left immediately to start his campaign
in the south.
problem will not come by bicker
ing back and forth. "The citizens
of the state should take more in
terest in the University; the Board
of Regents elections; and the ad
ministration of the school."
He noted that students, because
they "are here today and gone
too soon" cannot get a sustained
interest in the problem.
"They can be a chief influence
through their parents who must in
turn stand foursquare for free
dom. Students, in the long run,
can see . that a similar lethargy
on the part of the faculty never
reoccurs in the future."
The minister said that he had
been at the University of Califor
nia when the loyalty oath was
introduced on that campus. "That
institution is still feeling the re
purcussions of that oath. A poorer
quality instructor will result at any
school where the freedom to think
as one chooses is squelched."
The Rev. Mr. Raible said he
is seeking a public statement by
the Chancellor on the rights and
privileges of the University staff.
Chancellor Hardin, out of town
Monday, could not be reached for
comment. Dean of Faculties, Adam
C. Breckenridge, declined to com
ment Monday.
slowly because driving too fast
past the judge's stand or following
float too closely will reduce the
chances of a fair appraisal.
Itemized expense reports must be
turned in to Nancy Tucker, pa
rade chairman, 1531 S St., before
6 p.m. Friday. Organizations fail
ing to turn these reporst in at this
time will be disqualified. The maxi
mum expense is $25.
AUF Drive
To Solicite
In Omaha
This week the AUF drive will
move to Omaha, Gail Walling,
chairman of solicitations of the
professional schools announced.
The committee, consisting of Sally
Wilson, Judy Blackburn, Mary Hu
ston, Anne Pickett, Susie Swingle,
Nancy Tucker, Judy Lundt, and
Holly Hawke, will go the Medical
School in Omaha to solicit for
Sally Carter.'chairman of Inde
pendent bouses, said that speech
es are being made this week at
Pioneer House and Brown Palace
"to inform all the students of the
importance of their donations and
the purpose of AUF."
"The solicitations from the Girls'
Dorm should be finished up this
week and the fraternity and soror
ity donations should be coming in
soon, Bev Buck, publicity chair
man, said.
The drive ends November 6.
Mizzou Tiger,
Contest Signs
Rally Features
Shakers, noise makers, team
support signs, and cremation of the
Missouri Tiger will be featured 8t
a special Homecoming Rally
Wednesday evening, according to
assistant Yell King Larry Epstein.
Starting at 6:45, team supporters
will meet at the Carillon Tower
and then proceed down 16tb street
to the Union.
At the Union, a replica of the
Missouri Tiger will be burned in
effigy and the Tassels will pre
sent a skit.
Trophies will be awarded in two
divisions for the best team support
signs, according to Epstein.
The Mens Dorm, Independent
Houses and fraternities will com
pete in one division and the wom
en's houses in the other. Signs will
be judged on originality and ap
I peal.