The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 19, 1956, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Fridoy, October 19, 1955
Nebraskan Editorials:
A Belief System
Student Council is considering the possibility
c cluing t ia the manner of selection of Home
eosciC Queen. Ia past Tears, The Nebraskan
has asked for a change in the system, but as
is usual, the only time someone thinks about a
change is in the Fall, and the issue is forgotten
during the second semester.
The pre-requisite for a Homecoming Queen
candidate is that a junior girl be a member of
Tassels, women's pep organizction. That's about
alL The organization chooses five women and
presents them to the student body for selection.
After a hasty gaze at the candidates, those
students who happen to be at the pep rally or
have been required to do so by their house file
into the Union and vote for the young lady who
is to represent the University at one of the most
colorful and important spectacles of the year.
Of the more than 3000 women at the University
bo more than 20 are eligible to represent the
University as Eomecoming Queen each falL
This is not intended as criticism of past
queens. It is doubtful that a more vorthy can
didate could have been selected than Carol Link,
1955 Queen.
But, a change in the method of selection would
at least provide more interest in the choice of
candidates. Relatively speaking, the Homecom
ing Queen election is the least heralded on the
If the nomination of candidates is opened to
the entire student enrollment, it is almost cer
tain that all five women would be suitable rep
resentatives of the University. As the system
now stands, it is very unusual if all five women
are seriously considered for selection. The con
test is usually between two and at the most three
The Nebraskan wishes the best of luck to the
five Tassels who are selected this evening, but
since the Council has brought the matter up,
perhaps it is time for a change.
VJe Like Ike
Let's get something straight.
The Kebraskaa has committed itself to sup
port President Eisenhower and the
picse&t administration in the coming cam
paign and cannot qualify as an independent
newspaper. Neither does it consider itself a
strongly partisan Republican paper as evidenced
by another editorial in today's column.
However, the policy of this newspaper shall be
to influence students at the University to vote
andor support Mr. Eisenbower.
On the state seme, the situation is not as clear
cut as we believe it to be ia the national elec
tions. Got. Anderson and his administration are
ncmisg on their record in the last two-year
term. They have mad progress in some fields
frmf-rig a much needed influx of funds into the
state's mental health program, but many Demo
cratic criticisms strike home.
But so strong support will be forthcoming for
Irank Soma, the Democratic gubernatorial can
didate who ran for the office in 1948, who re
cently stated "I'd love to be governor." Sorrell
has run for one office too many to be seriously
Nebraska's Democratic party needs a repre
sentative of the younger generation of leaders
who are popping up in the party in other states.
George Morris, the Independent candidate,
doesn't really expect to be elected in his grudge
fight against the Board of control and neither
do we.
If any preference is to be shown, it would
probably be toward the present incumbent, Gov.
Anderson, who has directed the expenditure of
funds wisely and seems to be more fully aware
of the responsibilities of state government than
are his rivals.
The Nebraskan believes that the nation needs
Mr. Eisenhower at the bead of the government
for another four years. By the first week of
November, we hope to have presented our case
in its entirety.
Locked Up
Desperate pleas for help un
stilled the 7 a.m. solitudes of
Southeast hall at Kansas State
when two freshman women dis
covered they were locked in their
second story bedroom.
One houseboy and three men
rushed to the scene only to find
that the door was stuck from both
directions. Working with tools
passed under the door, the wom
en themselves could not alleviate
the situation. It took one very
long ladder for entry and two men
pushing and pulling to remove
the door two hours later.
Grief stricken at first about
missing her a.m. written compo
sition class, one of them later re
marked that "there is more than
one way to cut a class."
- -4 4
Or Comic B
''- Book banursg crusades hare cleared the news
stands of many of the more harmful comic
bocks and mothers need cot worry about the
Jnflaeace of the notrso-fanay funnies.
But, new kind of comic book has appeared
that might very well be just as harmful to
. some fe?t segments of the population as the
sex and violence comic is reported to be to the
zsation's youth.
A "funny book' ia full color with pictures of
war sad young widows has recently been is
sued by the XaSonal Republican headquarters.
Generally it is a harmless enough way to trace
the history of President Eisenhower and Rich
ard Xixaa, but it is fall of half -truths and mis
Hn'j, statement.
Local Republican organizations plan to mail
this eomk to areas of stracg labor tmkn inQu
cacc that were strongly Democratic ia the last
election. Bam effective it will be on this teg
sent of the pqpslatarai remains to be seen.
One of the prevelant themes of the comic is
that the Democrats were responsible for the
instigation of the Korean War. While The Xe
braskaa will continue to point out that the
Democratic party has held the economic line
in their time in office through a war economy
and that the Democratic administration's policy
on ending the war was often a bit perplexing, it
is neither realistic or fair to label the Demo
cratic party as the "war party."
The comic book states, "There are four mil
lion more jobs now in peace time than the
Democrats bad with their wars."
When Mr. Eisenhower was informed of the
previous statement be said, "I dont believe
when America gets into war we can afford to
call it anything but oar war."
The Freside&t's forthright repudiation of the
statement should be fair warning that such
dangerously divisive tactics of partisanship are
not to be repeated by members of the Republi
can party.
mpsme 0
I'm not a salesman. . J haven't
any gimmick to peddle or any
repartee with which to keep you
howling. But you might (in all
kindness) call me a standing-room-only
patron of the arts. I haven't
learned anything about the tragic
flaw or the significant flaw or
any of the other flaws which teach
ers seem to tolerate. I can, though.
sit without twitching for two or
I thrM KfBlTC on4 wraj-li o irnn-l !aif
or listen to a good concert.
Whether the ability to enjoy any
of the forms of Art is considered
square (or whatever the opposite
of that colloquialism would be
I've never heard a bebepper re
ferred to as round) really doesn't
Dick Shugrue
bother me. And it shouldn't. Sure
ly, we all live in our own little
worlds surrounded by a clique and
tied together by small talk, prac
tical jokes and, in many cases,
mysticism. This is the plan of civ
ilization (and I don't know whom
I should blame for it.) As tag as
it works and we can still knock
out the fortificatior at Leningrad,
our way cf life will cater to the
little guy and his little interests.
Something is missing from our
age, our way of life, though. Oh,
I'm not saying anything wiser,
"sharper" men haven't been say
ing for centuries. We've lost that
spark by which our minds are
charged to surge ahead and dis
cover tew things, cherish the an
tiquities and defend the bere-and-cows.
I'd put the blame on the pres
ent place cr lack of place of art
in the "average" man's life. Only
through art can he come to un-
f m taut
The most cratrpeasatsag thing about an educa
tion is that it cant be bought. Platitudes like
"yea cdy get cut of school what yoa pat Ma
iV "A food time end s good student dost ga
together," end "the read to success starts on
i3 to drive, are not miMmZlxr to most sto
deols whs have passed through at least the
twtltfi grade cf ary high school.
B'Jt as time f-s aid inmds start soaking c?
some of the socalkd drive handed out freely by
wiseoed did prc&ssors She pgaSSadfts might make
a li3s sense.
We grre students credit for having the fore
sight, hindsight sad insight into the problem cf
what coeisatotes an ed.oct.tion.
Yet ce can never be too premmp&jas. Tar
the spending of four years on s campus, the
speeding of thousands of dollars far sn educa
tion and the spending of one's talents on mesial
eaSslbemcs are si a part of that "ta-purchas-s&Se"
entity, an education.
If that mesas we can bay an edacatka then
wt art either totally fatekmed cr confused
shout he cosax&a&m of the word 1jy.
This week sad bhA, a beg Jaaca ctf the pur
chase prk of edacaitioa is heiag spent ...
rst exams. The frtairsen can mm be "chied
ia" ss to what they can expect for the neafit right
semesters. Kaybe Cbey can get s few tzps on
Lpw to stafy tcA law to take s test sad, more
jjxportaxiS, Law to pass 'A.
Sever hire we frit &st cheatsg in test sad
sl a go&d grade were euestkl to an edaca
tiaa. Qever methods of arZAZrig are encouraged
3 Fj'iis; sot ia I'tirtcka. It might be prenntp
kus to thlk hs ainy words to the wise might
ever ftt to those wise fsj Cury're aiased si.
If ZiX?i:gz4 CLach, to thak Chat scmeaoe
res pmiS&i&zt ceas&zis tad pooders over
skt wisdisa.
The jKtat is, t3 Sodding aside, that exam fci&e
.is 12 txxsi ksportsst time of the sex&ester. That
tet $3& z&eaa fl tects ... it goes far
mry cstssStj to Sears, to search yoer minds
and see what (if anything) is there. Well never
thank the" instructors for the gargantuan tasks
they push onto us. They &m expect us to.
What is expected of us in the growkg process
is a realisation that finding out how to thick
and hew to absorb facts and ideas is important.
When (as and If) this time comes, we mZl (re
portedly) ecjqy taking tests. For those of cs to
whom the tnomeot of discovery hasn't presented
itself, all we can do is study our hardest, "get
on the ball" sad try to pass the exams. After
aS, the good grade wel earned is part cf the
expense of an edaca&oea.
After thoughts
Ask For Joe
"Joe Smith Nebraska's most recent coa
tdhutoon to the catsonal pc&iieal scene, popped
c? in KranCagton, W. Va recently. Ee passed
s bogus check for $38.25. The address be gave
was s vacant kt.
A3 the genuine Joe Smiths in the area were
found to be law-ahidicg and respectable.
Kajhe it is becomkig a fad.
Of Panties
The male sftadezls at Berkeley, California, w2l
prafcahly thhJc twice before staging ry more
panty raids. There was a really big raid last
sprite sad it wound cp costing students tZYA.
That's the sum paid to girls who ed loss claims
with the dean of students office. After the raid
ea Jsj It, the men of the ergaoized livicg
groups around the campus contributed epprcxi-5t-y
I3-S9 per man to a ifcZxz&rcpie tod to
pay for miilidaaa cf , damages. Indiiidaal
daims from tie girls averaged about 139- Mary
were as snsaH as SI, tat at least one totaled
ever $iS9. Kur has the reetitrJim csmsdstet
ficiihed the job of paying. It has new begun
fTjrjal2Eg the rrcperty damage claims of the
various hooses invaded daisg the li-ot.
frrn-rtrsi ixuls old
r.;t.s:'Aure: fi-as&msi Asvertkag frvk,
lEsarrstf J
ftlZf t Cwn U, frsdezt Vsla
Wh & Z
ViJvtr&r f KeSetsfai
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fxncmi STAFF
auMurwr tm tt4 t,ftr
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Sviy ...... jo s . .Art kit- mm. im
v., S-v M VtMw, iMo
tcrraiss kit?
ASttttS'Hbtt'i' Jhm W!,v
Uu77 stAft I JtefX tetrr teaafena
Pan don a
derstand the "average" men of old.
Paintings, yes. But plays, music,
the dance, even conversation and
the way to enjoy them all are
slowly slipping through our fin
gers. The cultured Romans may have
said the same thing about those
peasants who went to see and
enjoy the plays of Piautus. He
might be classified as a script
writer for the Appian Way (some
thing like the colorful Great White
Way of today.) Tastes varied then
as now. The upper class might
hare seen Jimmus Dean as in
"Prometheus Bound" while the
bobby sandalers were seeing the
"Haunted House." Trite, but true.
Piautus nonetheless has been
remembered through the ages.
Maybe the fault lies in the mis
calculation of what art is today.
Perhaps dramatists shouldn't get
the "You - dont -love - me - at
titude." I thick, though, that in
view of the fact that we have
a two thousand year advantage
of perspective of civilizations over
our Roman friends that we should
ditch the mistakes they made and
steer towards the art forms we
know are art. . Jf for no other
reason for the satisfaction that we
can share in ages past and may
be even wring out a few drops
of the Greek culture from the al
most washed out dramas of the
past. No, not that they are actual
ly washed out; that we have let
them hang up to dry sayisg, "Look
how rice and clean modem tech
nology has made these" (we have
actually lost most of the brilliance
of the original tongues) and nev
er trying them, on to see what
a truly thrilling experience it can
be to put on some of the glory
of ages past.
Daily 9:30 to 5:30 D
Thursday 10 to 8:30 V
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