The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 21, 1956, Page Page 2, Image 3

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PriHnv September 21, 1956
Nobraskcn Editorials:
Mi Trident And Met
Modern football stadiums are somewhat simi
lar, in design at least, to the amphitheaters of
ancient Rome. Several thousand years ago,
gladiators would push their way through the
swinging doors of these arenas into the shouts
and cheers of Roman citizens awaiting the after
noon's entertainment.
The future of these gladiators was, to say the
least, somewhat uncertain. A few managed to
retire after 10 or 12 years and their names
are recorded on a small forgotten tablet.
Tomorrow afternoon, a fellow named Pete
Elliott will push his way through the doors of
the University Field House and walk the cinder
track to the center of the arena known as Me
morial Stadium. He is assured of his first vie-
For Rabble Homers
A recent video classic showed a horde of
collegians somewhere in California storming a
county jail and lynching two men accused of
Collegians have always been associated with
rabble rousing and vice-versa. To an extent
we have to be rabble rousers; and to an extent
we have to be willing to be a little exaggerated
in our views, political and otherwise.
Not too many years ago, Lincolnites drubbed
a measure which would have given the city a
great boost toward better schools. Certainly a
lack of information and probably a dirth of
interest halted any progress in that election.
About 8000 eligible voters the total population
cf the University turned out to vote that spring.
Registration for the coming election is in
progress. Many University students will be pre
paring to cast their first ballot in the election.
The animation for which collegians are famous
can be put to very good use during the next
month and a half.
The youthful counterparts of politicians in
Lincoln will be pounding pavement and doors
in order to get out the vote.
Opportunities galore are available to get
behind a political flag be it Democratic, Re
publican, Vegetarian or Pogonian; sometimes
they literally throw themselves at collegians.
It is more than possible, more than just prob
able, that Nebraskans University students in
particular will take advantage of the power to
campaign and vote.
If we are going to be rabble rousers we want
to be active for something constructive. What
ever that will be is up to each young man and
woman to decide . . . certainly enough possi
bilities are available to suit the most finicky.
Action is relative. Rabbles are relative and
the power to rouse people into rabbles is rela
tive. This is an added feature if you're look
ing for features in the campaign.
Bull sessions, mass meetings and thought are
all free. Registering to vote is free. Even cast
ing the ballot doesn't cost a penny. If University
people are looking for a bargain (and what
penny-pinching senior, sophomore or professor
isn't) this business of voting is it.
We don't think it's necessary to pound into
anyone's head that the bargain in Democracy
(which must be vaguely familiar to everyone) is
the beslest in the world!
vis And The Greeks
When the term "The Hellenistic Age" is uttered
what came immediately enters your mind? Elvis
Presley of course. It seems that a southwestern
art professor has discovered an amazing likeness
between Elvis and some of the great gods. In
fact the professor even called Presley a "dead
ringer" for a Greek god.
This gallant leader of squirmism (the philos
ophy of all rock and rollers) has been described
by an art professor, Dr. Harry Wood of Arizona
State College, as having a strong resemblance to
the famous Greek statues of Apollo and Hermes.
Wood goes on to state that "the tv itch and twist,
after all, made Greek art popular in Greece."
The only remarkable similarity ever noticed
In Elvis was a distinct analogy to a bound dog
of which he so fondly sings about. The Hellenistic
Age supposedly contributed some of the greatest
cultural advancements in all history. Could it be
that one of the great Greek sculpters saw a
LSA Staff Increases:
vision in the sky one day fully equipped with
Elvis and company madly plucking away on his
guitar and shouting blissfully into the night?
Some well-known historian should certainly in
vestigate Greek historical data and endeavor to
verify this premise. If a Greek sculptor did see
such a heavenly vision think what significance
it would have. The rock and rollers of America
with their proclaimed prophet Presley could
start a new intellectual rennaissance based on
Greek traditions and the like. Elvis could put on
a toga to replace his current garb and lead
people in Grecian chants.
Of course some modification would be in
order. The standard Presley practices of nervous
up-heaval would be in tre grated into the cere
mony. Then we of America could call our cul
tural rebirth "Heart Break Hotel Hellenism."
Elvis and his merry minstrels could modify
their guitars into a sort of psuedo-lyre and the
Greek movement would be on.
7 he Religious Week
Two new assistants, Mr. and Mrs. Ted
rritschel, have joined the staff of the Lutheran
Student Foundation.
A seminary intern from Wartburg Seminary
in Dubuque, Iowa, Fritschel has completed two
rears of theological training. He is a 1954 grad
uate of War&urg College in Waveriy, Iowa.
Nancy Fritschel attended the University of
Colorado for two years and was graduated from
Wartburg College in 1555.
The couple will assist She Rev. Alvia M.
Petersen, pastor cf the Lutheran Student House,
in ministering to students of the National Luth
eran Council attending the University.
Meetings each Sunday of the Camterbury
Club, the Episcopal Church's organization, at
:39 p.m, is open to all students.
At the meeting this Sunday the recent ordina
tions in this diocese and their meaning will be
informally discussed.
Baptist d Disciples of Christ
Student Fe3owtfeip
ran r
Friday: 7:30 p ra,, AH University Center Night
Sunday: $ pa, supper, warship and forum
en the topic "You Bet Your life."
Wednesday: 12:39 pjn-. chapeL
Lo&beraa SLcdest Heme
S3 N. lfci
Friday: 3 pjn, AU-UnaverEly Night.
Saturday: Post game coffee and coke.
Sunday: 19 am, Bible class; 11 am-, wor
ship: 3 p-UL, picnic (meet at Student House).
Wednesday: 7 p.a, vespers; 7:30 pjn choir.
IslrfiwJirt SuwSrat Bmcc
hi; &
Friday: Friend! Friday Nile, Room 315 of the
Student Vmsm.
Sunday: 5-7 p-d-. Fireside Discusska of the .
topic, "Who's in a Student Koase.
Tuesday: 7:39 p.m., STE rush parry; 7 p.m..
Kappa Phi meeting wish discussko on "What
East Thoa ia Thy Hands?"
333 No. 14
Friday; S p.m., party.
Sunday: 5:30 pm., forum with panel discus
sion on "What Counts Most in College" with
Bruce Brugmann, Bev Deepe, Ginny Hudson,
Jim Feather and Sam Jensen.
Monday: 7 a.m., Bible study group.
Wednesday: 7 p.m., vespers.
South Street Temple
201 and Soot
Friday: t p.m., services (student night). Ser
mon on "Sharing in Experience.
121 k H
Sunday: 11 a-Di-, worship. Sermon by Peter
Raihle on "Will the Eroken Body be Healed?";
5 p.m.. student group. Dr. Alan Bates will speak
on The University Community." Transporta
tion will be provided from the Union lobby at
4:45 pjn.
University Episcopal Chapel
34$ S: 13
Sunday: 9 a m.. Holy Communion; 11 a.m.,
morning prayer and service; 6:39 p.m., Canter
bury Gun.
Tuesday: 19 a m.. Holy Ccmmunioc
Wednesday: 7 am Holy Commmkm; 10
ajm.. Holy Cbmmunkm.
Thursday: 19 a.ra.. Holy Communion.
Ucirersily Lathers Chapel
(Sfisfowi Synod)
15th k Q
Friday: 5:33 p.m., Gamma Delta
(meet at Chapel).
Sunday: 1,9:45 a.m.," worship; 5:39
Gamma Delta supper followed by
"Christianity and Conwrnianisro."
Wednesday: 7 pja. choir rehearsal.
Thursday: 3:39-5:39 pjrt, coffee hour.
Newiaaa CaihoUe Center
1602 Q St.
Sunday: Masses at I, 9, 19, 11 a.m. and 12
booh; supper at 5:39 p.m.
Weekdays: Masses at 6:45 and 7:15 a.m.
The Nebraskan
FOTT-riTE TEAES OLD tmt thmt auw t tm .ffv
Member: AseSted CoHefiaie Press . o 4.111.
Xsiercs&eglate Pre EDITORIAL STAFF
fepresestaare: naJsaJ AJvertuasj Service, LniiJ
Iewpa4e UMai'V'i' ". " '."'.. ".. "..111". ,i
fif.taft aa; swa , &aes ,wm ivm mm rr4 djt
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LXftCMB, AelratX.a UtteMU IMok fefcactv
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ji - nw&tmm m kr ttumrm t rMka Mr ttmll Hrtttn .......... Wj HmVtmtr. ffMkit XwfeM.
ten ikbrix.n tsar .MaaaMr 46na Xmmrf Ilmim. Mr Thlii
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... mt mm m mu t mt jmntoC ivvnajj a, thii. Lmwrf mmwmm, Turn tl, "'
by Dick Bibler
tory and will leave the arena with his trident '
and net intact.
But the story of the gladiator and the story
of Pete Elliott bears further similarity in that
one victory and one contest is not enough. Both
the gladiator and the Pete Elliott go forth again
to fight the next in the long line of changing
More often than not, the story of the gladiator
would end with the combatant lying in the blood
drenched sands of the arena, the victim of a
slip of the net or the thrust of the broad sword.
And what of Pete Elliott if he doesn't win all
his contests? If he is a good fighter and puts
on a colorful show, perhaps the fans will display
the sign of "thumbs up" and give him the op
portunity to fight again another day or another
Off Campus:
Kansas Students Can
Choose Course Load
Superior students at the Uni
versity of Kansas with heavy class
loads can now work faster for
their degrees. The University Sen
ate has said in effect that a stu
dent can take as many courses
each semester as the student can
convince the faculty he or she
can handle. The Senate is com
posed of senior faculty and deans
and is the all-university governing
The Senate regulation on maxi
mum enrollment limits undergrad
uate course loads to 15 per cent
of the total number of credit hours
required for graduation. However,
the faculties of the various schools
may exempt superior students
from the requirement.
The 15 per cent rule, which had
prevailed for many years, set the
maximum loads in most colleges
in the university at 18 or 19 credit
hours a semester, and up to 21
and 22 in engineering curricula.
American Universities and col
leges will turn into "four year
country clubs" unless they revise
their admission procedures to
place greater emphasis on mare
deserving students. This warning
was issued by Robert E. Iffert, a
research speciist with ihe U.S.
Office of Eduction.
"Such a revision will go a long
way in easing the enrollment prob
lem which most institutions are or
will be facing within the next dec
ade," Iffert said. "At present,
there are two types of admission
policies in general use. One is
the open door policy whereby any
student with a high school diplo
ma is admitted; the other is the
'peep hole policy' whereby admis
sion is granted to anyone with a
prep school background or some
thing of equal social value.
"The student who knows what
he is after instead of entering col
lege because it is the thing to do
will be the best student in the long
run." he said. Along this line, If
fert struck out at scholarship
funds. "Many students have the
wherewithal to start to college, but
do not have the accumulation to
stay in college. The student who
uses the funds he himself has to
start and then demonstrates on the
college campus he is a good stu
dent is a much better investment
than the student who is lured to
the campus as a reward for the
good grades he earned in high
Sam's Tailor's & Cleaning
Prating While You Wait
On Day Service
242 No. 13th St
it happened at nu
A sophomore decided to drop
from the football team and was
immediately approached to partici
pate in his fraternity's intramural
"Heck, no," he replied. "A fellow
could get killed playing with those
One of the five new women stu
dents in the law college was stand
ing in the dean's office when a
senior walked in. He took one look
at her and said, "It will never
work; it's just a fad!"
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