Pont 2 THE NEBRASKAN WHnesday. September 12, 1956 Voice Of The Turtl Seniors By FRED DALY (Ed. Nti) Tkb h first af rts at cotaaias wrilMa (or TIM bnsksa by Fi- Dsl. Hot hi Art n4 gtl.ae.i. aa4 aa1a Ufor of Ik hm, ll Is kaowa a Tb Vole of ia Turtlfi for roaai aot to cloar to la wrllor or to aaroa Im. Thert U tomethlng about com ing back to achool for the lait time that put a lump In ona'i brow. It meant that In nine ihort monthi one will be able to atep onto the Great Highroad of Life, e: Emotional and Face the World, and Make a Mtrk for Poeterity, etc. Yet, and go to work. It is enough to make a person close his eyes tight and squeeze his fists and run around in circles. It does me, anyway. There is the continual round of parties and feasts that other senior classes seemed to talk about, but that you haven't found yet. There is the feeling of cunning that you enjoy for a few moments when you are under the dilluslon that you have conned this or that professor out of a grade, when in the next breath he flunks you and you are around for summer school for the fourth great year. There is still nine months to go, however. Funny, my throat is lumpy and my brow is damp. Can't under stand it. The Nobraslcan FIFTY-FIVE YEARS OLD Member: Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press Representative: National Advertising Service, Incorporated Published at: Room SO, Student Union 14th & R University of Nebraska Lincoln, Nebraska T1 Nhrakaa it pabllshH Tavsdajr, VFtdnroiar an Friday durlnf the school jrar, xtpt durlnt vacation aaa turn period, and am Issn I pubtliikrd during Anfut, by (tadeat of to Vnlvrnltjr of Nebraska andVr tb aatbortiattoa of th Commit on Studeat Affair a an axprMsloa of student opinion. Publication andrr th Jurisdiction of th Hnheotnmltto on Student Pnhll oatlon shall be frrr from editorial censorship on th part of the 8nbroimnlttr or on the part of any member of the faculty of the I nlvrrslty, or on the part of any penon outside of the I'nlveralty. The member of the Nebraokaa staff an personally responsible for what they ay, or do or aaas to ba printed. February 8, IMS. Entered a second la matter at th pot office In UaeolB, Nebraska, ander th Ml ef Aumt 4,111. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor , Sam Jensta Editorial Pa Editor Bob Cook M snaring Editor Fred) Daly New Editor '. Loot Swltstr Sport Editor Walt HI or Copy Editor Kaaey Cooeer, Sara lone. Bob Ireland, Dick ftharra A( Editor Don Herman meat News Editor Bob Ireland Assistant Business Mnar Do Berk, Larry Epstein, Tom Neff, Jerry Sullen tin ataff Writer Walt Swltser. Cynthia Esehsa. Naarjr Delonf, Mariana Tbytrtoa BUSINESS STAFF Basin Manaor Oeorte Madten emulation Manacer Blehard Hendrlx -J ! Thursday, September 13 a ;i yu are invited frfiSfy I ! l to view Miller's ii ' "My Fair Lady" U f; FASHION SHOW I L M jj 27 AUDITORIUM, Fourth Floor j f l Members of the ji' !;' UNCOLN JUNIOR LEACUE li will model the newest and mott beautiful fashions . . . fashions that 1 1 take their cue from Broadway's Hit "My Fair Lady" ... interpreted by ii such outstanding Designers as: j! if WATTTE CARNEGIE JOHN FREDERICS DAVIDOW I i 9 PAUL PARNES SALLY VICTOR FRANK GALLANT X ANDREW GELLER HADLEY EVANPICONE I! i L Lv 1 j! 8 "AT THE CROSSROADS OF LINCOLN" 0 Nebraskan Editorials: It Won1! Hurt Much After three days at the University, the freshman finds himself the proud owner of several tickets, a red beanie and a well-worn envelope which contains all sorts of marvelous bits of information.- Upon looking in his Husker Handbook, he finds that he is not only welcome at the University, he Is already part of a community of some 7,700 students, all of whom are concerned with his welfare and his Integration Into University life. He may join the Kernels and wear the colors of his school, Scarlet and Cream, and sit In spe cial section at all football games. Not al! things are as pleasant as the Ag Barbecue, however, for New Student Week has been aptly described as "one big, long line." Advisers inform students that within a few days they will have to attend classes and the work will begin. Fraternity and sorority pledges learn the mysteries of the Greek system. They are told that there are good fraternities and bad fraternities and sorority women usually don't go out with non fraternity men, but after all, "its only natural that way." Someone once said that education is priceless and this may very well be true. But, whatever the cost in terms of tickets purchased and hours spent in line, it won't hurt much and after four years. New Student Week is the beginning of four of the best years of our lives.-S. J. Nebraskan Columnists The first Nebraskan columnists for the new school year will appear in next week's issues, including ad ministrators, professors, coaches, students and staff members. A wide range of topics and view points has been established, to cover the University scene from all possible directions. Both students and faculty will express their ideas on the current campus scene, University affairs, world affairs, campus and na tional politics and that ellusive and inspired element known as campus newspaper humor. Also included in the semester's editorial offerings will be the col legiate capers of Worthal, Bibler's Little Man on Campus, and occa sional original cartoons by Uni versity students. All editorials will be written by Nebraskan staff members. It happens every year. A bewil dered freshman girl showed u a day late for her physical, id couldn't understand why no fce would let her into Grant M morial. She lust aot shuttled off to Ellen Smith Hall, that catch-all for the it hapaonod at nu weighty and delicate problems that pop up all the time. Uso Want Ads Model Cleaners and Laundry One Day Service Charg Accounts We'xomi 2-5262 239 No. 14th CHICKEN DELIGHT PHONE 5-2178 FREE DELIVERY We NOW Chlrkea Dslflhl Pinner . , Calekca Urflcht Anaek , Shrimp DrllcM pinner Shrimp Deltrht Kuril . Fish Drtlsht Dinner . Serve ..1.35 ...85c ..1.35 ... 85c .. 95c Open Seven Days A Week 115 So. 25th St !jS New and Used For All Courses' SUPPLIES SELF-SERVICE ART-ENGINEERING KITS-HOME ECONOMICS Complete Stock For All Classes At "Students Busy Corner" 1245 R Lincoln Nebr. V TH offers a New Season Ticket at a New Low Price Seven Plays for only 5.Q0 A season ticket entitles the purchaser to reserve seven seats . . . any number of which may be used at any one performance. - SEVEN DISTINGUISHED AND EfiTERTAIfllllO PLAYS 1. The Desperate Hours by Joseph Hayes 2. The Garden of Aselephis by Oscar Uai.de! 3. Dark of the Moon by Richardson and Berney L The Corn Is Green by Emlyn Williams 6. King Lear by William Shakespeare 6. The Dead Day by Ernst Barfach 7. Harvey by Mary Chase SEASON TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE L'nivrraity Theatre Box Office, 12lh and It St., Lincoln 8, Nebr. Bo Office Open. 8:00 to 5:00 Phone 2-7631 llxU 3263 tod W9 MM afMaaW lataiaala rz3 k ncri teWraWlllal 0 0 0 YOUR PAST PATRONAGE AND COURTEOUS ACCEPTANCE PROMPT US TO CONTINUE OUR "SCHOOL OPENING" SERVICE TO YOU AT 4zJ o BUY USED BOOKS AND SAVE VISIT BILL MURPHYS AND HAVE A FREE REFRESHING COKE ON US. BILL MURPHY'S 33RD AND HOLDREGE (Sept. 13 thru Sept. 20) V ft I' i r W i