Page 3 Parties: 3 : f i - " .i im""T ; 5k. 4" I EI 5 fi-mmxminTm'At" law library Added nit ltfh ' IT"' ""if Courteiy Lincoln Journal The new library addition to the Law College building, now rearing completion, will contain six book stack levels and a base ment. The addition adds about 30 feet to the west of the pres ent structure. Like the new ad ministrative wing, the law li brary is financed by a one-mill tax levy. Teachers College Wing Courtesy Lincoln Sur ... i .V AA AAA kirk tltf Will ffrTSt in nHmin. should do awav with the tempor- istrative wing to the Teachers istrative offices and provide for ary wooden buildings now em College building has progressed additional classroom space on ployed for administrative offices as far as the main steel work. the third floor of the Teachers and Teachers College class The wing will be four stories College. When finished, the wing rooms. n n l6)ynll Prog ITS) DTD SAwf One of the largest building pro grams in the history of the Uni versity, involving over $6 milliion is unfolding on the campuses in Lincoln and Omaha this fall, ac cording to John Selleck, Univer sity comptroller. Plans call for an additional $1, 100,000 to be spent enlarging the Student Union at 14th and R. Build ing will begin sometime this Feb ruary. In addition to Lincoln-Omaha con struction, the University is also building new office buildings and laboratories at the Agricultural Ex po iment Stations in Scottsbluff and North Platte. The building projects are valued at $160,000 and $150,000 respectively. Buildings under construction on the city campus include a $550, 000 Student Health Center to be located at 15th & U. According to Selleck, the building will be completed sometime late in 1957. Approximately $850,000 is being i I "nil x.rrt. . xtaum . v' - i I ' ' I v?Vi2s " " I ninmm-, I" I f i I Uunesy Lincoln journal spent on a new Administration Building presently under construc tion at 14th and R. The old Ad ministration Building, located at 12th and R, will be used for aca demic purposes after a complete rennovation. A $750,000 Pharmacy Building being erected at 14th and Vine. The Pharmacy college is presently located on 13th street, directly adjacent to the Social Sci ences Building. The Law College is adding a new library costing $250,000. The structure will be part of the Law Building at 10th and R. $480,000 is being spent on an ad dition to the Women's Dormitory at 16th and S. The wing will house approximately 125 girls. Parts of two floors of Andrews Hall are being converted into X- ray and surgical rooms for the Dental College. Building costs for this project total $65,000. Over $750,000 is being spent on a new biochemistry building lo cated on the Ag campus. A married student housing project is also under way on ag campus. Building costs are esa mated at $400,000. Two new dormitories, one for men and one for women, are being constructed on ag campus at a HandyAnnouncesUnion First Semester Schedule cost of $850,000. The Women's Dorm will house 65 and the Men s, 235. The Colonial Terrace Housing project for faculty members was eliminated this summer. The building is valued at $350,000 and will house 36 couples. The highlight of the building program in Omaha is the new $1,- 000,000 Nurses Home which will be a part of the medical school. A $350,000 Service Building is also being constructed on the Oma ha campus. According to Selleck, finances for the building program are com ing from the income from the new dormitories, the State Build ing Levy, a $3,750,000 bond issue, and a $10 increase in student fees. Last year, as a part of the building program, a new psychi atric hospital was completed in Omaha and a school, University High, was built in Lincoln for $1,-000,000. A full nroeram of events Is again being offered University stu dents by the Union Activities com mittee. The Union will offer free Sun day night movies in the Ballroom nt 7:30 D.m. No admission will be charged, but a student identifica tion card will be required. Three Union-sponsored dances will be held during the semester. The "Football Frolic" is sched uled for Nov. 17, the "Homebodies Hop" for Oct. 27 and the "Final Fling" for Jan. 18. All of these dances will be held in the Union Ballroom from 9 to 12 p.m. A coffee hour is planned after football came. On Oct. 17, a special Parents Day Coffee Hour will be held, twiner awav eames. Pigskin Parties are scheduled. At these parties running accounts of tne games will be given ana reircsa montc will hp served. ypo Hanre lessons will be of- ferpH t.n interested students of all ability levels. The lessons are scheduled for Oct. 17. 24 and 31 and Nov. 7 and 14. They will in elude all types of dancing and will be held at 7:30 in the Union Ball room. The Paul Bley trio will present two Homecoming concerts on No vember 2 in the Union Ballroom at 7:30 and 9 p.m. The annual Union talent show will be held Nov. 11 at 8 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. Tryout times will be announced later. The All-University Fall Sym phony will be presented by the University Orchestra In the Coli seum on Nov. 18. The Madrigal Singers, under the direction of Da vid Foltz, will present a Christmas concert in the Union Ballroom on Dec. 20, at 7:30. The Union Christmas Decorating Party is scheduled for Dec. 4 at 7:30 p.m. "The Union has arranged a fine schedule of activities for the fall semester,". Bob Handy, Union ac tivities director, said. "We urge all students to take advantage of as many of these programs as possible." Sinfonia All men interested in Sinfonia, men's music fraternity, are invited to attend a smoker for prospectivt pledges Sunday at 2 p.m. in Union Room 315. Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia presents concerts and is composed of nonmusic as well as music majors. KEENAN Employee Placement Professional job Placement Full And Part Time Ph. 5-3549 1042 P St. PltUVTING FraUraity. Sorority. & Organisation Lttttrhtadi . . . Lotion . . . Mow Bulletins . . . Booklota . . . Programi GRAVES PRINTING CO. 312 North 12th Ph. 2-2957 Physical Education Uniforms Reversible T-Shirts, ea $2.25 Scarlet Shorts, pr $1.15 All Other Aeceuoriet Available Girls Spalding Saddle Oxfords Brown and white, black and white, $10.95 GERRY'S SPORT SHOP 1321 "P" Strttt Lincoln. Nebr. GOING UP Construction on the Teachers College wing forms a background for Nancy Campbell, Ward Klingebill and Elizabeth, Frederickson. University Chorus Singers Trials Set Students interested in vocal mu sic are invited to register for Uni versity Singers or Chorus, Dr. Da vid Foltz, chairman of the depart ment of music announced Tues , day. Tryouts ars required for Singers and will be held in the Music Building, Room 101, September 17 19, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Singers meets at 11 a.m. Monday, Wednes day and Friday and carries one . hour of credit No tryouts or permission is re quired for the chorus, Foltz said. I Coal Crest Twin Links i 220 N. 48th Welcomes Hack the Old and Invites the New Students And offers jou and your friends an evening of wholesome and relaxing entertainment. Groups of 12 or more 35c Open afternoon and evenings daily PH. -6-5058 ALL IN A DITHER OVER REGISTRATION? WELL HERE'S A CHANCE TO LET MOM & DAD KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING AT THE "U" SUBSCRIBE TO THE "NEBRASKAN $2.50 per semester $4.00 per year "The Nebraskan" Room 20 Student Union - . - maim iWWB PW a ooooooooonon nnnannnn-nnnnnn p o o ra Pi ) 5i o LJ TO COMPARE OUR PRICES WITH OTHERS FOR WE KNOW YOU CAN SAVE MONEY WHEN YOU BUY BOOKS FROM US- WE STILL HAVE A GOOD SELEC TION OF USED BOOKS IN STOCK SO P F 'Ml win XL p5) V7 u uw uw u rn Li (S..LQ) L) 17 O i . EH L,J o o