Page 4 Lebanon Plan: ' Cooparafive Planning Vital Says Dr. Heagerfy the minds of many Ameri- Dr. Heagerty, a prominent edu cans, national planning as veil as I cat&onal and civic leader, said the bedfellow with freedom," Dr Frank Heagerty, superintendent of Lebanon, Mo., schools, said Mon day afternoon. But, he said, planning is neces sary and must be a cooperative effort and not super imposed by j one person or group. He spoke on the topic. "A School and Commwajty Get Together." t , , Ik wax&mm i Dr. H eagerly Xr. Fraiik Keagerty.who was the main speaker at the Pares! Teacher Cociereace last week, is stjperi&LsaSest of Schools at LeteMB, Mo. He receives Ms Doctor EdaasiiaB degree from the Craversity of lt&ssam at CoJirail where be has been a risJfej prcdesscr ia tbe iasnamer sessions far tbe past six years. He is Director and past preside eff tie Missouri AssacliSoo of Srhaai Administrators, and xs a SEuraaber of fae Advisory Cc .xsie to sa Presidcat of tie Asaerir3 Assacltknr &l Sxltsdl AHjinliratGirs. La Le&ason, fee is Diredar of SSse City Park, acad bas sen! as a Director of be OiariieT eff CoosiBeince amd f &e Couzfiy Pair aiA Kort AsRaoiitkoL McLaughlin Tells Meed For Af jr d A way bo easure a strong UxuteJ j u itaougk aviailoB ecaa toj ta our cla.esraL)i!, Lt. CdL iSarli1 aSclaugSilia, omauuaflex f tbe US. Air Fjyrce Eferre Cea ter al Ies Mmaes, sali Fiiisy. AjK3ricss must fcsra ii jas partaikc if airlaaet ax 12 Ejjril BearBfid tit importaooce sff tiie fleet, be s2. UietttenaTi ColaEid MiLat'bliD participiitea in J3ae Uiurersity Air Age Warksb-jp Friagy. He tfiiS Sbe woiiaihop fibat aur-;! planes lasve iBEreasci 3j coafiSctl betwetaa det)ltgie by Janxtgicg pe- pie icla tlwBtr cteutast. He sail jt i i necessary Iw tle Aaaericas j people is worfc wis3 be people around worU ia rdw that tly acay iiaSkrstaijti or waj cf l;VJ21g, Ax3 he stressei tkat fee dfTelo? tnesl air power iacludes aJ! ptoses ariatioa, cwoaoercisil, mZsLvrj and prtraSe. "Air ptwer is is the isaa4 he Amwicaa ciliaeo. 2t 3k l J2w. Kiia5s taea aztd est a ms tMnes, he cmclid- CJ ossified Ads WitrAifS: so riier t Tmia F:i, XdfcJLa. tbe afusr- 1 j; I basis for d,eainp with Ib niih.if as "A Sucker Is Born Every I Minute." This, he said, was re- placed by the slogan, "Build A Better Mousetrap," followed by "Sell Them," and '"Keep Tber Informed." The present-day techniques, h. lidded, rest on "Participi ion." He called the advisory commits?' j or of the main techniques. '"Modern civilization has brougt i marvelosas advances in material 1 - " a . ! s crstem whar-h rill mb! ron joy tmese advances. "The system ws3 not likely de basac diutsiral,' economic, spiritual. and political sj stems." Players '56: ICUON- V Ori An ambiikii2S series of television dramas bas been completed at KUOX TV, tie Ujaiversaty edjca-! tianal television staiioo. Called "Players "j," t3ae programs were Krodoced a alienoaJe Saturdays,! swell as crews asd viewers 1 feour & "live" dransa- a half i I Ever V&&m " er,a2 Tl)en at 9 3 a.m. ti director jmpul senpt aa oneaal aiap- a -sjjsy" aad "Kay jtatoa. Hans Czirsstiaa Andersen s 3 ' .v- , t i "The Emperor's Sew Ctotbes" was i tbe prejaiiere production. Several of A. A. Milne's works were also adapted. The draroas were axased at both adults aid chudrea. Talent aad crew were stadests in raiU. rele- ririoa asd theater at the C I . . , IT7-TV- T?,1??' at e Cvery. wa, proiacer ute senes. a tigjst two-week sc-bedUe, Tto weeks before air tiasse tbe script j ss- coacpleted and doaLicaled I Prodjcaioa ptrsaaxxi were as signed at lias tiase. These imluideJ sua asfiahtarx prodater, unit man- atr, announcer, set designer, cos-1 1 fescue manager and script girL Slj-! 9 deics were se-ierted oa tbe visit f prodactkra experiejace. FiiaiaXy eaiy Saturday m&nimg &e sets, props, costoses and tal- Bndge Tourney Planned Tuesday Tbe A3- Sasanaer S&vxA BriJge Touriiamexjt will be bel4 TuesSav ia Dxiicnj Parlors ABC at 4 p.ns." AH participants ecu registfr" tiit-jr liames and addresses n theji biHetin board ia tbe Uzuoa Ailiyi- Iks Office beiore txnua TijMtjr i Two trophies wHJ be awarded ta Jiie wkoiL-jg team. Tbe trophiet are w on display is tbe Mais Lcange tie Uiaaa. CHRISTIANOS PIZZA PIES WE CATLR TO PARTIES rorsM sio turn & tizzrx SfSOTJ & CU7SUS $1X3 - Kr 4-11 Crery Day 0rJ Taeadaya lit x, a . ' FREE DELTERY fH. SUMMER NEBRASKAN time man on Campus Completes ma! Urorno jj eot were tr'amsported to the studio, I MJces were placed. Isgfits posi- tioaaed, the set pat i-p and the ac tors and actresses alerted. A last roraste run tliroMgh for camsenEsen to check aaeles. llzbA tails wlach reqpaired last mia'jte ScbeckiES was held. C? W WWJ IIC AMI, The foUowLog balf-bossr dramas were presented: !Aa asaptataon Itans csnsuan Asdersea's "The Eacpercc's New MmnJr -r. v . 7 V" atd New We Are Sex. Adaptation etf JoLa M. Syr.ges ty rk v(Te tjij -jbe BeSaxwcr"' and Tle GoadDla.- Dr. Flick also JJWjOJV Prfiissl-OmceHe! Testis $intk& mm mrmm mmtit m oppoaTunmES ima mierATtm $2300 Up art wirr rt(vrs ia?mr, stri nan $375 Up $5,000-$! 5,CQ0 112 r Hz by Dick Kbler Series roarams titled "Fanny tbe Plate's Holiday asd adapted for television by stu dent John TerriB was an fcsterest nxg fastasy in tbe musical world. Seven puppets of animated mus ical instruments told this dellghtr f-al story. Tbe audio portion which included original musk "was taped, j Dr. Flick bas described tbe se- lies as "experisnerctal productions! usvolviEg drama, dramatic read- cgs, poetry, danciisg arai n5usic. Directors for KUOX-TV were RonJ Hii" and Korris Heioeman. Jack Mihrk&e is statka manager. wdywu 0 dagLj Vis FOI ' jSi : WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR BOOKS USED ON THIS OR ANY OTHER CAMPUS Thursday, Jufy 26, 19$6 Vogue Writing Contest Open To Seniors Vogue magazine is announcing the start of its "Prix de Paris' contest. Using Vogue as a textbook, con test competitors must complete two quizzes of four questions each, based on actual editorial prob lems. The first quiz will appear in Vogue's College Issue (Au gust 1); the second will be in tbe December issue of tbe magazine. Those who satisfactorily answer both quizzes will be eligible to write a $SOO-word thesis on one of tbe topics in Vogue's Americana Issue of Feb. 1, 1957. Only seniors are eligible to ea ter the contest. Entrants should be interested in writing, publishing, advertising, merchandising or dec orating. First prize in the contest is $!, 00 cash, or two "weeks isParis, flying both ways, all expenses paid. Second prize is S0O cash. Each of ten honorable mention winners will receive $23 cash. Winners of first and second priz es and the ten honorable mention winners will receive top considera tion for jobs of Vogue, Clamour, House & Garden. Vogue Pattern Book and Vogue Knitting Bo&k. BOiS BARBER SHOP cmt CUTS Ml Cm SPECIALTY ph. s-sm 1315 P STREET 1