The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 28, 1956, Page Page 2, Image 2

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    Pace 2
Thursday, June 28, 1956
Dibs Comments:
Summer Nebraskan Editorials:
- A , '
lll-Ste?e ... .Beginning
All-State will close Saturday and the 305 high school students will
return to their respective home towns. This in effect will be the real
beginning of All-State, not the end. . I One of the most interesting ex
These young people will return to their home towns fUled with a pi of versatility in this coun-
art. They will return ready to make a more valuable contribution to J1." .T By tf,evaI
their community and high school because of the training and en- . V , '
eouragement they have received here. Pa- "habitants of Bethelehem
They have been given opportunities to compete with other young c"7Sch hem
nJi. from n K. cfVf. I"1 manuscript. Now, as bakers,
' .. . . ... ..... housewives, steelworkers, and
woe iKAe-woruiy ia is uiai mosi o . inese siuoenis nave paia ineir stenographers, they meet once a
own expenses and tuition For some, this has been in effect a double year to commemorate the old mas
expense, since they might .have been working instead. Rather, they ;fK k-.,;.,i
L? .f ?J?2!LY?L?t !"Tmr, 8 llTJ! f Prunent. of many of his works. This has
""cul-"' - Wi s i """"'s- become one of the outstanding
e h uie university w neorasaa are proua w mis nne group i spring tourist attractions in Pa
ot au -waters, we nave seen examples 01 tneir accompnsments in
weir various concerw, reciuus, exmoiuons ana piays. Some of the most thorouehlv en
It is to be hoped that many of these students will choose to return I joyable reading I've done in a long
v uic uuivtrrwij u ncurassa aiier mgn scnoai iot runner stuay. wnue nas Deen Margaret Truman s
But whatever they do, we feel confident that they will go back autobiography. This answers to
to their communities and high schools better able to make a valuable some extent the many questions
comrobution to the cultural life of the community because of. the I about the personality and friends
tune spent here.
And so, good by and good luck to the 156 All-Skaters.
. A Pause To Consider
Gaest Editorial by Den WaJtoa A magazine of the highest caE
mWt I K Aiwt -wrttfta MAMMVn 4
A fsiJiil ekctiw jtar U I !J ciUo particularly , puj, rcrTon J h
French Magazine
Intrigues Columnist
I of the famous woman. Whether you
agree with her political views or
not it is impossible sot to be fas
cinated by her many wonderful ex-
I periences.
when unforeseen events can change the picture in a matter of moments.
tion is Realites, Le Magazine De
Before the President suffered his heart attack in Denver last year I France. To illustrate one of the
R appeared likely that be would sweep through to victory after a quick recent editions contained amomr
nomination at the Republican convention. I other things a characterization of
Immediately after the attack it, seemed that be would not seek Hugh GaitskiH, "One of the top Brit-
another term. But after a period of hospitalization and rest, be an-1 ish Labour leaders, some of
nounced to the nation that he would run again. I Jacques Fata s latest creations,
Todav. Mr. Eisenhower is recoverine from the second major at- some Ter wcU written fiction, and
lock upon his health in the past year. Some doctors said that had be
aot undergone the emergency operation which was held in the early
morning hours at Washington several weeks ago, the President would
have died from gangren resulting from his attack of ileitus.
Now, again, the nation awaits Mr. Eisenhower's decision. It ap
pears that be has not changed his mind about running.
The Republican nomination can stQl be his by acclamation.
But, there is some doubt that be can wm the presidency is a
breeze as be no doubt cou&t have a year ago,: or even several weeks
Recovery from tLe heat attack seemed complete (as "complete" C Z-L IZ. .731, - 7.u .t.T!
r VZ rt ststance of several very able "volunteers." who deserve a vote of
an outstanding section with color
r e p r o ductktns of Fragonard's
works. Subscriptions are avail
able to Americans, for $12 per
Someone I've also been able to
follow somewhat in Realites has
been Manessier, a contemporary
French abstract artist. A non-fig
urative painter, be attempts to in
terpret emotion rather than re
produce nature. His painting of the
rising tide gives one a feeling of
the spasmodic uneveness of the
long arms oi the ocean as they
shoot along the beach or bound
against the rocks, rather than
rphotobraphic image. Manessier Is
a leader in his trend to translate
feeling through a brush.
Several of the teachers at
Colorado University have banded
together to form an emergency
Committee for Occasional Si
lence. The first thing this commit
tee has done is to install a sound
less record in the Student Union
jukebox. For a nickle one can now
purchase a record full of silence
Overheard several jazz enthus
iasts talking about Friedrich Gulda
a 25 year old Viennese pianist. It
seems that he is not only a lead
ing jazz artist, but a classical con
cert pianist as well. He made his
American debut as a classical
pianist in Carnegie Hall in 1960
and since then has been leading a
small improvising jazz outzit
the City. He is one of the chief
opponents of the opinion that jazz
is not music or art, but only rhy-
I read this advice to week-end
travelers awhile back. "Make
list of the clothes you will need
wd a list of the money you will
need. Divide the first list in half,
multiply the second list by two."
'Sub' Explains
fine health.
Then came the ileitus and with it naturally, also came all sorts of
It is hoped that the regular editor will be able to be back on
oTar Tc year, i U;3t hih ' iU Ugh
appearing in this issue. Blame the flu bug andor 15.
wonder if Mr. Eisenhower's body could bold up under the - turmoil
of another term.
MM. 1 I 1 1 ! ' 1
mere rausi oe may woo wouia sk w vote iot nun wno are now i f i ft
thinking that it is unfair to hand him the burdens of that high office I 1 1 LLIZl
There must be many who would not be willing to take the chance.
All this creates a new atmosphere surrounding this election year.
It's easier now to End Democrats who think they might win than it was
a mot i i ago.
The lu "jublicans probably can't win without Eisenhower, and they
know it. So once again the pressure on the President to run will be
If be says yes again, his party can not sit back and relax as it
Blight have week ago.
Tbe voters will have to be convinced that the risk they would take
with Eisenhower would be worth it. And one of the risks which will
come with Ike (it seems certain) will be Nixon. That might be just
too modi risk for numbers of American voters.
The Republican Party could do well at this point to stop and con
sider this when they choose Ike's running mate (if be runs) in August.
3 Records for the
Price of 2, plus lc!
Shop Daily 9:30 to 5:30 lj
Thurtday 10 to 8:30 j?
The Summer Nebraskan
Editorial Staff
Editor .Judy Best
r mness Staff
Business Manager ...Jerry Kisses
For feiorxaaiioa concerning advertising or editorial matter in The
Summer Kebraskaa call 2-7631, University extension 4225, 422S, 4227.
V mo J
tmnz::i smwt mm & c;::cr:$
imuisa aimi & sausacs
S?AC!:im & tllATSAUS $1X3
TUmn4-lX Every Day CSosed Tuesdays
Ic Premium Safe
Buy the first 12 inch, Long Play, Mercury for the
regular price of 3.S3. Miller's will then give you a
coupon, which, with lc, will entitle you to a third
Mercury LP at the time you buy a second record
For 7.97 you receive 11.94 worth of Mercury Records.
(Coupons mre gooA until 31 tt of August)
TVNE SHOP. Third Floor
Women Go
To Lengths
In Fashion
Summer fashions among the fe
male college set are both longer
and shorter this season. '
Swimming suits have lost their
bare look' with the innovation of
the m allot style, giving a longer
more glamorous look to the wear
er, bubihe wearer must contribute
a near-perfect fignre to make the
outfit complete.
Jersey is a pouular fabric for
swim suits, with Lastex running
a close second.
The formerly popular pedal-
pusher has gotten lost In the still
strong interest in Bermuda shorts.
and new this year, the very short
short. In high fashion Is (he short
short accompanied oy a matching
bolero top. Jersey is also a fash
ionable fabric in shorts this year.
With the warmer months and
transition to .fall clothes ahead
many wise coeds are Investing in
black cottons with white trim. Es
pecially popular are dark cottons
with matching jackets, for coolness
now and more warmth during the
fall months;
for the
1223 m atre-st