The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 08, 1956, Page Page 4, Image 5

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    Page 4
Tuesday, May 8, 1954
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13 DonDioceonts ArmnxoxuioTiced
is- ,.
lx "in T V
fc U f- M J w j j I
a ZJd V
Nineteen Jun-f1
lor women)
were masked
by members of
the Black
Masque chap
ter of Mortar
Board and the
traditional 13
sew Innocents
were tackled
)y their prede
cessors during
the Friday aft
ernoon Ivy Day proceedings. The
Innocents also named three honor
ary members. They are Arthur
Westbrook, retiring director of the
School of Music; Robert Simmons,
Chief Justice of the Nebraska Su
preme Court, and Governor Victor
Virmnta Hudson nt Lincoln, president
Teachers College; president of Red Cro
arexary of Studen, touncil and , Tmem
Collet TnJVerS'.'!; .nX Board. Teachers
Crl Link irf Aim .... . . .
Hauler of Mr. .id Mri'lT 01-'
Jf'T'" Student, vice president of Delta
'TAKr ,nl m-"-1" (. Wilber- relary,
rTJJ i Mr.. Clarence C
?lu": Teacher, College: president of
wca and Pi Lambda Theu
Sarol Wiitue f Falls Cit. treasurer
t. ? ,r- Mrs- hS;
Tchers College; vice president of YWCA,
K'ttf AUUe"C AS8"-: mem-
.t,',ntA,',!J 5"SW Wff. historian.
an(hter of Mr. ard Mrs. J. G. Elliott
?fte'JCUege: Weident of All t niver
Jity rUnd; vice president of Builders;
-TJIM",r,7 Kappa Kappa Gamma;
ember of Pi Lambda Theu.
''" t Fall, Cilr, pubUcity
enairman. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
uam A. Buthman, College of Agriculture:
Hi.rasin editor of Cornhusker; pledge
'r,Df; ft Kappa Kappa Gamma; mem-
i Aciatea women stldems Board;
""""J" jupna K.m, advertising Honorary
ana rai Lpsilon Omicron and Omicron
-n, noK economics nonoraries.
t mrm Andersmi f Lmrela. daughter of
mr. ana Mrs. wiuard c. Anderson; Teach
ers College; vice president of Coed Coun
ors; past president of Barb Activities
raemoer at Ked cross Board.
Aquaquetse, Pi Lambda Theu and Towne
caartaer Crarttn f Lhir.l.. daoghier
u. ana airs. Jonn u. Campbell: I each
era College: president of Alpha Phi; mem
ber of Associated Women Slulents Board
bo vena i-m Deita,art nonoarary.
Beverlr Deeae f Carl Mm. daughter of
mr. ana Mrs. Martin Iieepe, Ana and
Science; president of YWCA ; vice presi
dent of Iniversiir Council for World Af-
raars; president of Theia Sigma Phi, worn
as honorary journalism fraternity; mem
ber suMeni council and Alpha Ai belts
Marcaret Edwards af Aunsrs. daughter
f Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kdwards; College
f Agricalturei vice president of Women's
Arhietie Asm., aecreurjr of the Ag txecu-
jv Board: member of Farmers' Fair
Bflard. Home Ee c.& Owincil, YWCA Cab
ce and Chi Omega.
Melra rakrabraeb mt Ctul ldanal.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto A. Fahra
braea; Teachers College; president of
Builders and we president of Alpha Phi.
Jase Jeffrey of Smittatield. daughter of
Vr- and Mrs. Norman Jeffrey; Teachers
CoUase; president of Women s Athletic
Aaatci member of Student Council and
Kapp tappa Gamma.
Diaae Kaatek of Liaeeia, dalgnter of
Mr. sad Mrs. Wayne Reese; Arts and Sci
ences; treasurer of Builders: member of
Smdefrt I'mon Board. Pi Beta Phi and
FM Soma lota, professional music sor or
is) She was named Miss Lincoln litis year.
Ma-ley Mr Peek at Geneva, daarhter of
Mr. and Mr. Leslie McPeck; Teachers
CoUem; premlem of Tassels; president of
Alpha OmicroB Pi; treasurer of Surma
JHpha Tola; member of Lmversitjr Stnxers.
Dsretiir Kerotajr of Ciarksva. daughter
af Mr. and Mrs. Joseph. J. Novotny: Ag
College; president of Phi Upsiion Omicron
and of Gamma Phi Beta; vice president of
fWilders; member of Student Council. Vo
cational Home Economics Assn., c'niver
aatr Srasers and Coed Counselor Board.
Shirley Richard of Orleans, daughter of
Mr. and Mr. Beid Richards; College of
Agriculture: rresutent of Home Fx Club
and of Love Hall: member of Af Kseeutivc
Board and Vocational Horns Economic
(I ansa Ussaaherr of lweela. daughter of
W.r. and Mrs. L. E. Bosenberg. Arts and
Scieace, vice pressdent of Tassels, of Barb
Activities Board i r Women, and of
Town) Club.
hoe notimaas of Freaseat. daughter of
Cr. nd Mrs. J. R. Simmons; College of
ASricsidre; vice presideiit of Ag YWCA.
and of Kappa Delta; member of Student
Council,-Phi Vpsuon Oniicroa and Voca
taonai Home Economics Asn.
Marian lM M Leap City, daughter of
Hr. and Mrs. Philip Sosol. As College;
rresideat of Barb Activities Board for
Women, vice president of Home Ke Club
o4 af Vocational Home Oonomirs Assn..
; I ,-; If I r - J
fmmmw -t-- nsmtefum ;'mmtmimmt mixttmiismK i&mmmmmwiwemm
tout if imfliiriiiriiiiWiiiW'iji lBIWI"ni1 111 r -rmiiiwniriiiu nil
secret- ry of Associated Women Studenis
and of Phi I'pwlon Onucroa; member of
Laiversrtr 4-H Club.
Thirteen Junior men tackled foo
membership in the honorary are:
a Efrhi of Lhsreln- arrsident. ana of
tfr. and Mrs, Jam Kill, enrolled in the
College of Business Administration, he is
treasurer of All University Fond, secretary
of t& luierfratemiij' Council and a mem
tvr of Koamet Klub, Student Council, and
Sol tttita Theu fraternity.
Jafca fags of Macel. vice president,
on of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fagan Jr.
A Cojiefe of Engineering and Architecture
arqdent, he is treasurer of the Nebraska
He Prmt, monthly publication of the cot
teg, and a member of Student council,
t nstneertrif Cxecittivc Board. Kosmet
Kioo and Beta Theu Pi fraternity.
Jfc HeliKW at Geneva, secretary, son
f Mr. and Mr. O. . Nelson. He is pres
ident of Com Cobs, men pep organizs
txim; vx president af Theta Xi fraternuy;
mMnber of Kosmet Klub and University
njwtr. and a board member of Builders.
auiet service organiMUoa. He is enrolled
in the Coitese of Art and Sciences.
Charles Trumble af Pamllion. treasurer,
tern of Mr. and Mrs. Hartand Trumble. A
.j!iee of Agriculture student, be is treas
urer of Com Cobs, treasurer of A F.neca
ee Board, vice president of Farm Hons
fraterimr. and a member of Student Conn
ed. Binders Board and Alpha Zeta. honor
ary scholastic fraternity in agriculture.
Artey ! af lieWitt. sergeant-at-arms,
vii of Mr and Mrs. Wilisrd Wsldo. F,n
rot! in the College of Agriculture, he is a
fwtee f tne student Lnion Board of
2r BuiMers Bard. Aloha 7.t. J
k'.ant K'iub and Alpha Gamma Bho
. Mm BelnwMif f limslla. son of Mr. and
Sunday Journal and blar
Simmons Sokol
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
Mrs. Harry Belmont. A College of Busi
ness Administration student, he is secre
tary of All University Fund and a mem
ber of Kosmet Klub, Builders Board and
leu Beta Tau fraternity.
Bob Cook of Lincoln, son of Mrs. Jessie
L. Cook. He is president of Delta Tau
Delta fraternity and copy editor of the
Nebraskan. student newspaper. He is en
rollel in the College of Arts and Sciences.
Fred Daly ef Seottsbluff, son of Mr. and
Mrs. F. T. Daly Jr. Enrolled in the College
of Arts and Sciences, he is editorial page
ediotr of the Nebraskan and a member
of Sigma D e t a Chi, men's professional
journalism fraternity, and Beta Theta Pi
Bill DeWulf of Cedar Rapid, son of
Mr. and Mrs. August DeWulf. A College of
Agriculture student, he is vice president
of Builders, secreWrv of Corn Cobs and a
member of the Student Union Board of
Managers, Ag Executive Board and Farm
House fraternity.
Jim Feather ef Graaada Hills. Calif.,
formerly of Lincoln, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Feather. He is president of Farm
House fraternity, ag editor of the Nebras
kan and a member of Kosmet Klub, Var
sity Glee Club, University Band and Alpha
Zeu. He is a College of Agriculture stu
dent. Doyle Hulme ef fair, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Hulme. Enrolled in the Col
lege of Agriculture, he is president of Uni
versity 4-H Club, secretary of Alpha Gam
ma Rho fraternity and a member of Corn
Cobs. Ag Executive Board, Alpha Zeu !
and Farmers Fair Board.
Sam Jensen ef Lincela. son of Mrs. i
W. T. Spelts. He is vies president of All j
University Fund, vice president of Beta
Theta Pi fraternity, managing editor ot
the Nebraskan and a member of Sigma
Delta Chi. He is a student in the College
of Arts and Sciences.
Marshall N'eisen of Kimball, son of Mr.
and Mrs. C. E. Nelson. A College of Busi
ness Administration student, he is secre
tary of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity and
a member of Kosmet Klub. University
Band. N Club. Varsity Wrestling Team
and Alpha Kappa Psi, professional busi
ness fraternity.
Day Allracls
Over 1360
Over 1300 students came out
in the rain and mud to participate
in the first Spring Day.
Winners of team trophies In
the spring day competition were
Teachers College in the faculty
division, Love Hall in the women's
division and Phi Delta Theta in
the mens' division.
Runner-up in the faculty section
was Ag College followed by Busi
ness Administration and the Col
lege of Arts and Science.
All place winners who didn't
pick up their ribbons during the
day get can them from Don Beck
at the Alpha Gamma Rho house.
Individual faculty event winners
were Chancellor Clifford Hardin,
baby bottle contest; ping pong
push, Jake Geier; pie eating, Dr.
LaVera Small; peanut pushing,
Dorothy Hanpeter and baseball
throw, Donald Warner.
Women's team event winners
were Pi Beta Phi, costume relay
race; Signs a Kappa, tug-of-war;
and sack relay, Loomis Hall. '
Men's team event winners were
Beta Sigma Phi, tug-of-war; char
iot race. Sigma Alpha Epsikm and
push ball, Phi Delta Theta.
"A Good Teacher $ Agmcy"
School Service
Established 15i8 se-vm the
Visinu.-i V-Ji.ey to the Wast
oost Enrol! Kow.
579 Stuart tldf , Lincoln t. Hell.
i 1 nfl -il. i HSisi , i
and tht quivering excitement of
James M. Cain's great best-seller
ms;pmvi nut v
liC 1;
Inside World
Dr. Edward Lewis, Chief Verte
brate Paleontologist for the Pale
ontology and Stratigraphy Branch
of the United States Geological Sur
vey, will talk on his recent work
in Cuba, Thursday at 8 p.m. in
Studio B. Morrill Hall.
The talk is sponsored by Sigma
Gamma Epsilon, honorary earth
science fraternity. Refreshments
will be served following the lec
ture. Theta Sigma Phi
Names of eight new pledges of
Theta Sigma Phi, women's honor
ary and professional journalism
fraternity, were revealed at Ivy
Day ceremonies Saturday.
The new pledges are Linda Buth
man, Barbara Brittin, Beverly
Buck, Pat Coover, Marguerity For
ney, Marilyn Heck, Barbara
Sharp, and Ruth Rosenquist.
Coed Counselors
There will be a Co-ed Counse
lors mass meeting Wednesday at
5 p.m. in the Union Ballroom.
Chairman of the meeting will be
Natalie Johnson. The speaker will
be Rex Knowles.
Pease Bindery
127 South 19th
Phone 2-1303
Two Day Service on Binding
Master Thesis
DANCING 8:3012:30
Adv. Tickets on SaJ
Maun's Music
Adv. Tickets S1.50, Door $2.00
Haun's Music, 219 No. 12th
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The flying U. S. Air Force is a team of men who command the aircraft and men
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Graduate -Then
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