J Paas 2 THE NEBRASKAN Wednesdov, April 18, Nebraskan Editorials: Several facts stand out in the recent demotion of Clyde Mitchell as chairman of the department of agricultural economics: 1. Jio member of the department denied (and The Nebraskan contacted all but one professor far the department) that the Implication of "out aide pressures" was brought out in the special meeting before Easter vacation as influential in the administrative decision to relieve Mitchell of his chairmanship duties. 2. Several professors in the ag ec department have told The Nebraskan in specially arranged interviews that they were "certain in their own minds" that "special interests outside the Uni versity" have influenced Mitchell's demotion. 3. Mitchell has beea subjected to the severe opposition in the past, notably attacks from the Hall County Farm Bureau and Regent J. Leroy Welsh of Omaha. 4. Many powerful political organizations and farm groups have been displeased with Mitchell's policies which he has presented in his many speaking tours and personal trips throughout the midwest. These "outside pressures" can never be proven. Yet, the indications are so unavoidably strong that they cannot be denied. First of all, in applying this material, it must be remembered that removing an administra tive official is not, in and of itself, a legal abridgement of academic freedom. . But nevertheless, it must also be remembered that removing an administrator because of "out side pressures" or the influence of "special interests" is a moral abridgement of the spirit of academic freedom and the principles upon which the integrity and future of our university and every university rests. Moreover, this action is nothing more than a clever ruse to officially discourage the inde- if ling Y ho Liberals' pendent thought of a university professor while carefully avoiding censure by the American Association of University Professors, which handles only cases involving academic privilege and tenure (neither of which is vested with an administrative official.) But whether or not such action is legally, morally or ethically justified, or whether it can continue to slide .by the jurisdiction of the AAUP, the effect which such administrative action can impress upon a university is irremedially dangerous. . y In the specific case of Clyde Mitchell his views liberal, but far from radical have been offi cially discouraged by the administrative demo tion which he received. But in the larger and more important sense, the right of free speech, the right of dissent, the right of free inquiry, the right of a University professor to speak freely without the fear of losing his job or his administrative position has been seriously endangered at the University. And it is becoming distressingly apparent that this atmosphere is prevalent not only in the agricultural economics department where proc essors have been very hesitant in talking about the Mitchell case but has impressed itself deep' ly upon other departments and colleges here at the University where similar administrative changes have taken and will be taking place. The questions which remain before us are in deed serious. Is the University weakening to the sociological pressures of conformity, is it becoming politically compatible with the special interests in the state, is it seeking to identify itself with the arch conservatism of the traditional Nebraskan? In short, is the University of Nebraska trying to stifle the independent thought of its more liberal professors? B.B. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS Athletic Focal Point University athletic squads are preparing them selves for the focal point of the spring season, All-Sports Day. April 28 has been selected as the date of the annual affair. A complete schedule has been set up for the Saturday, starting with a baseball game between Nebraska and Offutt Air Base at 10 a.m. and concluding with a swimming exhibition at 5 p.m.' Sandwiched in between these events are tennis and gymnastic matches and a track meet pitting the varsity against the freshmen. The highlight of the day-long affair is the varsity-alumni football game which will allow Husker fans to witness two factors which will probably make this year's festivities the largest crowd drawer in the history of the event. First, Nebraska followers will receive their first look at a football team coached by their recently appointed mentor, Pete Elliott. Secondly, Elliott's squad will be facing a sea soned group of alumni, including such former standouts as Bobby Reynolds, Tom Novak, Fran Nagle, Bob Smith, Charlie Toogood, Moon Mullins and a host of other all time greats. Ed Weir, former track coach and AU-American dur ing the golden decade of Cornhusker football will kick extra points tor the- Alumni. All-Sports Day has been built up to one of the top athletic events of the year to Husker followers outstate. Nearly all of the Nebraska high schools send representatives and the Uni versity coaching staff invites all top prep athletes to be the guests of the department in viewing the events. If anything is lacking in the All-Sports Day program it will not be the prowess of the ath letic department; it will be the support given it by the student body. B.C. Toward A Better Council The Nebraskan, in a campaign for better Student Council representation, is inviting all candidates to submit platforms to the paper, citing their beliefs on student government, and their opinions on campus issues. These platforms will be published in The Ne braskan's editorial pages. They should be brief, to the point, and the opinion of the candidate, not any particular group with which he might have connected himself. The Student Council is the only medium through which students can actively participate in the governing of their affairs. So that the students are well-represented in this vital me dium, it is only logical that those candidates which are the most interested and the most qualified be supported. If candidates arc interested in the Council as the main student governing body, and not as just another lucrative activity, it is expected they will try to voice their platforms before the voting student body. It will be interesting to see F.T.D. Functions Of An Honor System Student opinion on the possibility of integrating an Honor System into the University's academic program will be polled in a student vote May 7. Student feeling on the honor system and on a student tribunal is being sought by the Student Council. If the vote should indicate that general student opinion is in favor of an honor system or a tribunal, or both, the Council would recommend to next year's Council that plans be drawn up providing for the development of these cystems. These plans would be subject to approval of the administration. In order that students might go to the polls better informed on the functions of the honor ytu and the tribunal, The Nebraskan pre sents this second in a series of editorials. Today's editorial will explain the purposes and workings f an honor system, based on those at Stanford University and the University of Vir ginia. At Stanford, the honor system rests on the earrying out of a "Fundamental Standard" by the students and the faculty. This standard assumes that persons in the university have respect for order, morality, personal honor and the rights of others. If this basic code is followed, the school assumes thero is no need for heavy restrictions or supervision. By obeying the Fundamental "Standard, each student will act in accordance to bO school rules, both academically and in his relations -with other students and faculty. The Honor Code for classroom work and exam- nations follows this at Stanford. Students art expected to follow the Code, and see that others do so. Ttey pledge not to receive aid on examina tions, class work or reports. The faculty mani fests Its confidence in the students by refrain tog from proctoring exams and by accepting a student's word that his work is his own. The Stanford Honor Code is enforced through "eoHfctlve responsibility. The university believes Uratrthe success of their system results in trust of students and professors with each other, re sulting in mutual respect and friendship. The Virginia system works the same wey, in that students pledge that the work they hand in is their own, done in accordance with re quirements as laid down by the professors. There is a slightly greater emphasis, however, on student support of tbe system. If a student sees another breaking the code, he should in vestigate, and report the matter to the Honor Committee if be believes his suspicions are based on fact. Cheating at cards, lying, falsifying checks or identification or cheating on debts can result in expulsion from both universities. Stanford and Virginia have faith in their honor systems. They believe a greater respect for personal honor and the honor of the school is built up by adherence to the honor code. By putting the greater part of the supervision of the code itself with the student?, it becomes each student's personal responsibility that the code is Maintained. If an honor system were to be planned for this university, it would most likely be along the lines of the systems at Stanford and Vir ginia. In case of breaches of the code, violators could be sent before a purely student tribunal, a com bined student-faculty board or a faculty super visor. They would then be dealt with as violators of one of the University's prime rules. The actual success of an honor system would rest with the students, however. To make it work, each student would have to pledge not to break it himself, and to either warn or report anyone he would see violating the code. In voting on an honor system, the students of this University will have to realize this responsi bility. Support of an honor system -would go far beyond a student election. It would extend through an entire academic career. It would be a student's responsibility to his school, his fellow students and to him self. F.T.D. The Nebraska.! FIFTY-FIVE YEARS OLD Kr-mlwr: Associated Collegiate Press IatercoBeclais Press r.:;".' ccrr.sthraj National AfJverKaiss Service, lcofgwati"J s , IM?.S,s!ia utt Boom , Biu&mt Union ' , lilb At R Vnlvmlty of Nebraska Useela., Krhrana i. ,..!., fc, p.to!!0 Tncrtmy, V6tttlni .n4 it nm ') pOlihibH flu ring ,t w- r.- tfcis i r.'i ru'trtr of WfhmSM '!lr , wKirl, !!( Hl ftttMtont Al!H ; f . , . n f ft."ll m.i. .?!. jrtbittnlt4 imr , , , xt 4 i'm w!tmini in patting. Pmmi- , ,, , f n Vn ?in t'.riHl nmr tsip M tit ( 4-t t m tm i pnn ef ntty ... , ... f . . ? Jit n'-..-r.-'r, MI tHS (HS"t ' l i . . . . ft.. .i-..r'-y, ntMiiwn nf iim iw'l r" t.rfc'H"v rwif wv l.hF (., w t ..! t4. frtwfur , IhM. ... ' KnUnt u Mcond ! matter M th pout fflni to Lincoln, Mefenaka, wider tttm met ef Aaruat 4, lilt, EDITORIAL STAFF Bd'Uir Brum Braf mtnn EdHnrlaJ Pave Editor Pre Daly Maa Kdltor Sam imtm fl-mrn E'tttm tnfij (Inri !wrt ttdftor Hn Hreltiima I nwy Ktfitnm. .. .Bob Conk, Aflra Ifrbek, Bart Hilary, tjeetgnrnm Mwlr.r. A JMltor , NlKbt Mewi Editor WHfrM rtrata ,, . Kltl (look Wohraiaksa Jjtaff Writrni Cindy Ztthaa, Walt Blow, Hunt 4imr, Walt Hwltir, Bob Martnl. trtrii: Mitnnr IiIaiiii, Marianne Thrfwona, Owirite MntM, Bob Hln, Jllrh J'almer Julie lwlt. BUSINESS STAFF -.mewl Manarar tu't BuriiMM Manafen , H . Olreulatlna Manager fleam Madaen Mlrh Neff. HI! I P!1wrll. lunula Hurt!. Don Krk f ., Diehard Head 1 9 jo by Dick Bibler CRTHKFS FORESTfc'-I MM PECIDf TO60MDW UMgf K flBME SS. Nebraskan Letterip Mitchell Unjustly Demoted To the Editor: As a senior in the college of Agriculture, I would venture this: Professor Mitchell is being un justly demoted because he has been out of tone with prevailing socio-economic concepts concepts that add slack to the thing called "social lag" and inhibit the guest for new ideas to cope with the prob lems confronting agriculture and the nation. Will he be out of tone tomor row? Is it logical that we can know if our conclusions are correct con clusions? I believe that men like Professor Mitchell are to be cher ished rather than rejected. If we do not provide such men with a suitable environment in which to work an environment of academic freedon then what pur pose is there in uttering the word "freedom''? If we must acquiesce to the con trol of our educators by special interest groups who have vested interests to protect, then we have lost the most valuable prin ciple upon which a university is based. In my opinion it would seem that the decision to demote Professor Mitchell is in direct conflict with the principle of maintaining an at mosphere of academic freedom within the confines of our Univer sity community. Such a conclusion, if correct, suggests that the highest principles of our Institution have been placed in jeopardy. This is an unhappy turn of events and one that de mands our serious confern. In view of the controversies that have arisen with regard to Pro fessor Mitchell, during his tenure here at the University, it can be reasonably inferred that his de motion will have the effect of warning other faculty members of the dire consequences of freely discussing their convictions on is sues that are controversial, especi ally if their convictions in any way deviate from the "accepted" consensus of opinion prevailing within the state. Dean E. Bucy Vice-President, Ag Economics Club Explanation Needed To the Editor: It is too bad that the willful person responsible for the "pres sures" and subsequent firing of Dr. Mitchell could not have been at the honors convocation Tuesday. Dr. Frank Baxter said, "The wise man must not knuckle under to mass pressure and be reduced to a statistic." This was the main idea that this noted educator pre sented to the coliseum convocation which is very applicable of the Mitchell case. Dr. Mitchell saw his duty as an "institutional economist" and de clined to be reduced to a statistic when the outside pressures de manded it. Dr. Mitchell will be long remem bered bv the many students of agricultu. -i economics regardless of any kind of pressure exerted be cause of his challenging lectures which provide a stimulus of thought both inside and outside of calss. Still many facts of the case'are vague and covered with the dirt of politics. What of the graduate faculty and thefr repeated refusal to admit Dr. Mitchell membership on that faculty even though the chairmen of departments are usually the first to be admitted? This outright denial of what might be called seniority and the purposeful blindness to Dr. Mitch ell's capabilities known nationally, and yet not rewarded by the facul ty, should be explained. A Student Behind Mitchell Speaking Freely To the editor: This letter is in response to many inquiries I have had in re gard to the Dr. C. Clyde Mitchell case. I have been accused of being the un-named College of Agricul ture senior who has been making statements to the press but with holding his name for fear of re prisal from the administration. I am not that student, and I am sure that both the Chancellor and the Dean are above reproach when it comes to letting the students concerned with this case may speak freely without fear of reprisal in this University. Dr. Mitchell is an outstanding professor but if, as Dean Lambert stated, the reason for the demo tion of Mitchell is true and a new chairman is being sought to stim ulate beyond present levels the re search and extension programs in agricultural economics, I am frankly for the demotion of Dr. Mitchell. However, if Dr. Mitchell is be ing replaced by a new chairman, who is afraid to speak his own opinions, I am certainly not in favor of the demotion. The agri cultural economics department's progress under Dr. Mitchell's lead ership has been excellent. It perhaps can be even better under a new chairman. Dr. Mitch ell is an excellent teacher, but progress cannot be made unless research and good teaching go hand in hand. Frankly, when I first heard the rumor to the effect that Dr. Mitch ell was being demoted, I felt it was primarily due to pressure on the administration. I do wish that the administration would have made a statement when they knew this rumor was going among the students, but of course, they must have had their reason for a denial that this ru mor was false. Now, I am almost sure that if Dr. Mitchell and the new chairman will continpe their stimulation of the. students' minds in the socio economic fields, I feel that it is not a case of academic freedom in this demotion but a case of better ment for the University. I feel that the students in he agriculure college have shown their maturity by the rabid inter est they have shown in this case. Let us continue this mature out look by thinking before we act. Frankly, if this move allows Dr. Mitchell more time to teach more classes, the students in the College of Agriculture will stand to gain in being able to discuss and dis agree with such a thought provoling man as Dr. Mitchell more times in their college career. University I'm behind you whatever your do just as long as the freedom to discuss and dis agree is allowed. If, in this case, the new replace ment is not an ultra-conservative person, who believes that the fields of agricultural economics should be only a study of land, efficiency, etc. instead of a mixture of pol icy, new economic theories with the above, I am sure that we as a University still allow the basic free dom of inquiry. Richard Johnson from the 2nd District Richard Johmoa Who Will Be Next? To the Editor: Although Dr. Riesman's lectures last week seemed to cause some slight embarrassment to at least two of the people who appeared on the stand with him at various times, his perceptive comments on academic pressures were coughed away and flutteringly ig nored with the publication of the recent hatchet notices against C. Clyde Mitchell. The "good people" have spoken, the barometer has sensed Bnd a teacher is gone. They didn't like Dr. Mitchell, or they were told that they should not like Dr. Mitch ell, and they did their duty. Their duty was clear: While the pressures were hot in 1953, pro tect him and pacify the faculty with a few platitudes on academic freedom ; but when things have died down, when the faculty isn't look ing, then quietly begin the remov al. Probably nothing will be done. The faculty will sit quietly and call tHeir own fear and cowardice academic respect and aloofness. They will accept the cheap ex cuses, the hair-splittings, the trick ery of glib administrators. But which one will go next, Mr. Professor? A - Dlniurbed Student -was y jr Columnist Need; Paper's Defense My column last week brought in' the usual flood of congratulatory letters, and I spent the weekend frantically trying to buy all the acid in Lincoln. One can't take too many precautions now that col umnists are in season. This is my day to tell you about all the important campus issues, and no amount of wheedling is go ing to stop me, so you may as well give up right now. And if you will excuse me for a moment, I'll slip into the wings, change my makeup, leer at the chorus girls, and be back on stage in a flash. I see that the Pi Xi's met last week, and this reminds me that it shouldn't be long until another is sue of the Pixie Press is on the doorstep. I wonder who will be Jess Jesting lucky enough to gain mention on those pages this year? Golly, I hope I make it, Mummy loves to see my name in the papers. As far as a.. Honor System at the University is concerned, I'm for setting one up right now, be fore finals. Concerning my own qualifications, anyone will "tell you that the merest hint of an affront to my honor is enough to make me gather up my possessions and flee for the border. But the affair that is getting the biggest play in the papers is the case of C. Clyde Mitchell. I am glad that Mr. Mitchell is being so well defended, and nothing gives me greater pleasure than seeing the Chancellor and a few Deans on the ropes. Yet, I feel that you might have found someone in greater need of defense, namely me. Why, com pared to the treatment I've re ceived from this University, Mr. Mitchell has been handled like touring royalty, but no one has risen as my champion. Picture a man with the looks of Montgomery Clift, the wit of H. L. Mencken, the grace of Gene Kel. ly, the strength of Charles Atlas, the song of a lark, the head of a st-.te, the birth of a nation and the ghost of a chance; picture such a man, I say, and you may have C. Clyde Mitchell but you wont have me. Why this brawny University should pick on me is a puzzle in monstrosity. In my present condi tion, I can hardly operate a can opener, let alone perform all the tasks set upon me. I wish the editors of this paper would consider my situation, and tn rnv case a little publicity. I havent even had time to go into u aiaing for Ivy Day. At A 61 INSURANCE POLICY HOLDER., ITS UP TO YOU TO KEEP VA INFORMED OF THE BENFFICIARIES YOU WISH TO RECEIVE THE PROCEEDS OF YOUR POLICY AND HOW THE MONEY IS TO BE PAID THEM Ti fell laferamtiMi eont year anreat VETERANS ADMINISTRATION eAce rvith m V I v- (Author "Bartfoot Boy WitK Cheek' etc.) PHI BETA KAPPA, I LOVE YOU! Once there -was a Chi Omega named Alfreda Pectate who was beautiful and well-formed and wore clothes of the most tasteful cut and smoked the gentlest of all cigarettes r- Philip Morris, of corria.'-and had, in addition to these admirable qualities, a brain so massive and retentive that she used to read the Britannica just for kicks. Alfreda had one great ambition: to be elected to Phi Beta Kappa. Consequently she was all a-dither when she heard a rumor one night that a man from the Phi Beta Kappa selection board was coming over to the Chi Omega house to interview her. Being all a-dither, Alfreda sat down and lit a Philip Morris, as she always did when she was all a-dither, for gentle Philip Morris, as wise Alfreda knew, is comfort to the troubled, balm to the beset, and a haven to the vexed. But gentle Philip Morris, as Alfreda, with her mighty intellect, was well aware, is not only a cigarette for times of .stress and strain, but also the perfect accompaniment to happiness and light For gentla Philip Morris is sunny and cheery and jolly and merry and yummy! All this Alfreda, with her giant cerebellum, knew. By and by there came a loud, masculine knock on the door, and Alfreda, composing herself, went to answer it "Won't you come m? she said to the man outside. "I am Alfreda Pectate." ;And I am Ed Fester," said the man, entering with a friendly smile. Ed had found that a friendly smile was a great asset in the Venetian blind game, which happened to be Ed's game. He had nothing to do with Phi Beta Kappa; he had come over to see about a new blind for the house mother's bedroom. But, of course; Alfreda knew nothing of this. "Xio sit down," said Alfreds, "Thanks, hey," said Ed. "But I can't stay long." Of course " said Alfreda and proceeded without delay to demonstrate how wide and comprehensive was her learning. Deer, she said, "have no gall bladders." i iwiliBM ' ,e.i4. fixCt "dm, ke lm Ho Salt iOgJerS. "Is that so?" said F.H whn . ..... deer had gall bladders m naQ Del,eVefl ':Hmm,"nBS Ef A,frCda' " P-5ti-" AlfreFdartnight' Contraction oi 'fourteen nights,'" said "What do you know!" said Ed RaZdtJI1 !" frbidden t0 h n America nag said Alfreda. "That is not true. It is perfectly nroner to wash an American flag." penecuy proper to I'Learn something every day," said Ed The smallest fish in the world," said Alfreda "is the Pan daka Pygmea which is under a half inch when full Train - How come they buried that Jonson sitting up?" said Ed. "OhVSd. d WC8tmimiter Abbe;," .'aid Alfreda: 3i27fiS SeT her hand 8aid Alfreda- window?" 4 HVW bifir i8 your house Cher's eofsshef" Cheek MWe11' th8t' way it' goes she sighed "You work and slave and study and then they tch you on a trick question ! ... Oh, well, thafJ life I guess" Forlorn and bereft, she rose and shambled to her bed and fell upon it and wept for several days. But finally IhVnulES herself together, and today she is wifh Eyrd inS MS CM ftktiimu, W4 ii'sfiffisa.'S i i