The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 09, 1956, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Friday, March 9, 1955
Pecs 4
International House:
M faculty Club Drive
Dram 232 Members
The Religious Week
AS p.m., Christianity
TYe Faculty Club Membership i The grcr'p now living in the house
J-ive wss completed Monday with " ? be moved intact to another
. . m - - - ,. jui iijiuu r ti luar m lui u l 11 r i ...
a trtal memaersmp zsz Pa vhen , do, addition' T " , V? p f'
members. Charles Mier, mem- completed, be said. . i?urc,h-
ber of the board of directors of! Margerr PolzkSl. Internatiooal I5"' Rv-
Luncheon Cub, aa- House president saw that the func
tion ot the international House in
" vut. fnn;rn entente huvwo st corner manei AJoncav inrouEu
Faculty members bave indicated j ?riente, , UniIed staiew would 3 Friday "SO P-. during Lent,
tneir interest in the organization!, . .rwi l! if 'l for- kj v mi,
Sfident religious houses will fol- j Tuesday:
; low their regular schedule of wor- j course.
i ship services, study groups and j Wednesday: 7:30 p.m., Lutheran
J Lenten devotions during the com-1 instruction class; 9 p.m., interna
j ing week. tional study group.
Speakers at the Lenten Devo- Baptists and Disciples ef Christ
tional Services will be Rev. Donald j Student Fellowship
Bliss, Monday; Miss Janice Os- 1237 R
'borne, Tuesday; Rev. Donald Ro- Sunday: 5 p.m., Fellowship din-
Kadlecek: ! Dutch Editor:
NU Studenfif-requifi
To Attend
To Speak
the Faculty
nouaced Thursday.
j The devotional services are held"
Sandra Kadlecek, sophomore in
ner. worship ana lorum. i Teachers College, will represent
Tuesday: 7:30 a.m., chapel; Nebraska in the annual Cherry
service. Blossom Festival in Washington.
Xewtnaa Club
1(0! Q
Sunday: S a.m., 9 a.m., 10 a.m.,
11 a.m. and 12 noon masses.
Monday through Saturday:
icm. uwr iri w-j j b cu ai au iih -1 jaj
and hav paid one-half of the first . . students P, housed in larir- Sunrfav, s 30 to 7 30 n m forum. ! and 7:15 a.m.. weekday masses.
year's dues, according to Miller, j j.,, . ..v, i ,e. r. c nt, ' Religion classes: 11 a.m., Tues-
In addition, the faculty really j , , . ,
j.. ,, The Interaniional
" ' vX wrre as living quarters for bytenan Churc!
can mew, exchange ideas and oe-j . 'r. . . . . vnndav- 7 a
,aintH -h the differ- ,fle Present residents, she added, Monday. 7 a
You Must Be Born Anew" with
n o 1 1 Re- J013 Waser of the First Pres-
byterian Church as speaker.
m., BiDie stucy.
D.C.. April 3-S.
Miss Kadlecek was selected to
attend the naeeant by the Nebras
ka Ballroom Association. She was'
notified Tuesday.
Activities of Cherry Blossom
Princesses d urine the festival will
day and Thursday; 7 p.m., Tues- include a parade, a style show, the :
day, Wednesday and Thursday. Festival Ball and a congressional
Lenten devotions: 5 p.m.. Sun- Reception for all 48 delegates.
France is now the trouble of
Europe, according, to Louis Fre
quin, editor-in-chief of De TSelder
lander Press, Xymegen, The Neth
erlands. Theta Sigma Phi and Sigma Del
ta Chi, mens and womens journal
ism honoraries, are sponsoring a
luncheon for Frequin at noon to
day in the Union. There will be no
planned program but just an in
formal get together so that stu
dents may have a chance to talk
to Frequin. .
-Frequin, a guest of the Univer
sity of Nebraska School of Journal
ism Thursday and Friday, said the
French are a very difficult people
and that they would be better off
to work toward a united Europe.
Frequin said that Germany is
economically important for H o 1
land since it provides a market
for a great percentage of his na
tion's exports.
Uircpersonal contact, provided JStt
bv the club, Mier said. ' - T , !
group has learned of new develop-1
An estimated $60,000 wid be re- , pnm rAifw, k- ",
!uired to remodel and fu i internaUcnal House to a faculty
present International House which club onlr by reading the news
as oCered as a club center. papers bv aav information
if sufficient interest in the project r bv adniinistratkm.
was sbown. to tae lacuiry uy cnan
eellor Clifford Hardin and the'
Board of Regems, be said. i
Dr. MiHer announced that the ;
quarters are hoped to be ready ;
bv Sej 1957 He went on to say, i
Throurii the University Founda-j
. . . Scholarship
. . . Slates
(Catiaae4 frm Page l.
Tuesday: 7 p.m., Sigma Eta Chi.
Wednesday: 7 a.m., cabinet; 7
p.m., vespers.
I'miversity Lntheraa Cbapel
15th & M
Sunday: 10:45 a.m., worship with
celebration of Lord's Supper
5:30 p.m.. Gamma Delta supper.
Wednesday: 7 p.m., Lenten med
itation; 7:30 p.m., choir rehearsal.
Thursday: 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., cof
fee hours; 7 pjn., doctrine group.
12th H
day; 5 and 8 p.m., Wednesday and
7 p.m., Friday.
University Episcopal Cbapel
24S N. 13lh
SunSay: 11 p.m., worship
ice; 4 p.m., Canterbury s t u d y
j groups; 6 p m., canteroury da
J Wednesday: 7 a.m., Holy Com-
!mumoo; 7 p.m., Lenten service,
7:30 p.m., choir rehearsal.
South Street Temple
j Friday: 8 p.m., services.
I Sunday: 10:30 a.m., religious
school; 8 p.m., worship.
I was quite thrilled to have
been seiectea to represent e-
braska and I think the trip will be
fun, interesting and informative,"
serv- j she said.
Miss Kadlecek is a member of
WAA Board, Coed Counselers, pub
licity chairman of Tassels and
Kappa Alpha Theta.
Jane Carpenter, 1953 graduate,
was the last University student
to represent Nebraska in the Fes
tival. Miss Carpenter is also a
member of Kappa Alpha Theta.
student group meet-Ua . T
leJvin Boykin, adminis- VYGriT IQIKS
Sundav: 11 a.m.. worshin serv
:.r::r z s aM Dr. Meivin
urpywr Cron Ihratw f HOT H.i-a! Tinrnln
c ,ii.g the quarters c a-j Jumort risajTlg for board posi-!and Dr. Art Kramish. Chief of " D I !i if -i
rersly has made available lor xiLr kvm ni jww Wfl rOllUllOri
Band, and i CA: Joan Hatnaway, "Religion and Mental Heaitn. j Tyiajtioa has an affect
fiis purpose.
Future plans for the present resi
dents of the International House
are not definite, according to J. C
Colbert, Dean of Student Affairs.
To Discuss
Shell Design !
3ABW treasurer, VHEA secretary,
Kappa Phi and Home Fx Club;
presiden of Wilson Hall, Presby
House; Gertrude Sokol. BABW
board, Ejme Ec Club. Newman
Cub and Student Council.
Sophon?ore nominees include Jan
Davidson, Tassels, Coed Counsel-
Air nollutlon has an aSect on
Transportation will be provided ' o;aat growth. Dr. Frits Went,
from Union lobby at 4:50 p.m. jjplan". physkologist at the Cah
Wesley Found alio h fornia Institute of Technology, said
1411 R . Wednesday night.
Sunday: 9:15 to 10:15 a.m.. mora-1 Dr Went, national lecturer for
ing devotional services; 5 p.m., ! Sigma Xi. national society for the
sapper; 5:45 p.m., forum. The sub- ! encouragement of scientifk: re-
Sect "Baotistn" will be discussed 1 search, srmke at a oublic meetinc
ors, BAEW Board and Baptist Sta-; r-v. tlovd Bliss of the at the Lnivers::v.
Si. James Methodist Church, Lin- He said that important fanda
coln; 6:45 p.m.. worship. , mentals of plant growth have been
Tuesday: 7:30 p.m., Kappa Phi f discovered by growing plants under
cabinet aid STE. ; many different artificial climates.
Wednesday: 6:30 to 7:4a a.m.,
morning breakfast and devotions.
Speaker will be Rev. Tom Perkins
i Delian Union
! Delian Union urges all of its
student members and associates to
attend the official, social meeting
and party March 16 at 7:30 p.m.
dent Fellowship; Mane Gerdes,
Tassels Home Ec Club treasurer?
BABW Beard and 4H Cub; Sue
Hmkie, Red Cross, Coed Counse
lors, Prsby House and Sigma Eta
Chi; Sharon Hocker, YWCA. Coed
Counselors. Sigma Eta Chi trea
surer. Alpna Lamoaa ueita ano ;i rf Lakevaew Methodist Church
Prefby Hwise.
thin shell J?J Teachers College. Gamma Delta
rf V sad WAA: Barbara Packard, soph
Tbe seminar planned to present fttaon Ag College, orchestra,
the known facts is this oew field j Xapr)a Vpjja j,!a and Towne Qub;
of cement and concrete technology , 3&ve pipst sophomore in
m-iil consist J a series c six i TMrtm CoHeee. Tassels. Coed
The firs University seminar oa
Lincoln. -Latkeraa
Sttutet Bwe
535 V. It
Sunday: 9:30 a.m.. Bible study; i
9:30 and 11 a.m., worship serv-
ices; 5:30 p.m.. LSA supper, Bible I
study and program.
Classified Ads
tM f-fflmw34 m InwritT pro
Fr Jiifcll Old -"jrtir' :)tt flw..
' FTnatf-POTL Pawm Z-2Z feweif-onre 0 m.
Friday, Mar. 9
nam philips
and his orchestra
Dancing 9-12
Adm. IJS9 Per Cup!
Couples Only
Your best move to make next to'
check fixe outstanding opportunities a very
particular engineering senior is sure to find
at the Radio Corporation of America, world
leader in electronics.
An RCA engineering management repre
sentative will be on campus
Monday, March 12
See your placement officer now for your
appointment Ask him, too. for literature
with the down-to-earth facts about RCA
Eta Chi and
weekly meetings, urograms to i Counselors, Sigma
be presumes in omana on j&anaay Tcrmle cjajj.
and repeated in liacola on Tues-:! jina Wolf, sophomore in Ag.
Say- : H&mt Ec Club, Gamma Delta and
Mii9 Ketchum, Jr., consulting i Yourg, sophomore in Ag Home Ec
engineer from Denver, will discuss Oiub, A? Interdeaominational, 4-H
TMa 5aje3 CcjnsJructkm in Jhe j dub and Love Hall.
UnitJ States and Abroad st the j On the slate for sophomore board
txr sesskans. These meetings, '; positions re Doris Eby, freshman
March 11 and 12, will be cpea tojia Ag, Uoion, Home Ec Club and
She Dublic. Ketchum. an amixxity Towne Coh; Sandra FoelL fresh-
on the design of thin sneJl and
tcided plaie structures, recendy re
turned frcm Mexico where be an
sperted Eiaijy buMings of these
The ther five sessions have been
planned for structural and arcb
iedural engineers. One of the pur
poses of the seminar is to Sim
plify the technical complexities in
man in Teachers College, YWCA,
Canterbury Club and Towne 'Club;
Lorraine Haggart. freshman in
Ag. Home Ec Cub, Builders and
4-H Club.
Phyllis Powers, freshman iaa
Teachers. Towne Club; Vesta Shay,
freshman in Ag, Ag Union commit
tee. 4-H Club, g Interdenom and
YWCA; Pat Sherman, freshman
design previously attributed to thin ; tb Arts end Sciences. Builders and
shells so that more value can be j Towne Cub; Rose Wiggins, 'fresh
derived from the "concrete do3-: nan in Ag, 4-H Cub and Pre
lar. I O-cbesis; Frances Werte, freshman
The sessions will be beld on j in Arts and Sciences, Gamma
cnwscutjve Mondays, March 12 ! Delta and CnicBi eommitoee.
through April 16, at the College Miss Aoderson, Coed Counselors
t Medicine Uarth TLaboratory Am-' maninee for president, is a mem
phithe&ter in Omaha. The Lineoln ; her f Bed Cross Teoard. Aqva
meeTinES to be beld on consecutive i ouettes, Alpba Lambda Delta, Pi
Taesdsys from March 12 through
Apni 17 m-m be ta Eoom 237. Fer
guson EilL AJ3 sessions trill be
from 78 to 1 ua
The seminar will be sponsored Alpha Lambda Delta, secretary of
by the University CoDege of En- YWCA, pi Lambda Theta and pres
gineermg and Ar-eMecture and the , ideat of Alpha Xi Delta. She was
Lambda Theta ad BABW presi
Miss Chalupa. also on the slate
for president, is a member of
go) laiiN
Ejrtensian Pivision m cooperation
with the Portland Cement Association.
lSKb ideal Nebraska Coed.
Counselors Board slate has cot
bees announced.
MWiiwjiiMJ"''wjLnw,'Mjwiiiwi'iiuiw'r''miiiM' 8wcgrMgy1BBgK'., ,aHH,iwW'tHnmm,l.iMlul'i' A
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The new dot it made to crwe
soaorimunj (distance Jf the Ttang
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