Pens t THE NEBRASKAN Tuesday, February 28. Mcbraskan Editorials: i Recently, a Nebraska editorial pointed out tbat, according to all available information, at Wart one-fifth of the University population con- " ls5f of married students. Since information on married students is incomplete and does not Include marriages since September, the figures art obvious!? higher. During an Independent survey in which forty couples were interviewed personally, nearly all of them indicated a desire for activities which would fit their needs and interests. At present, they pointed out, the University offers few organisations of this kind. Investigation of this problem showed that there are no University sponsored activities par ticularly intended for married students and their wives. The question invariably arises, "Why dca't the married students themselves start a club?" The answer might be indicated by the fact that most of those interviewed said they did not know mora than one or two other student couples and had no way of getting acquainted with others. Items in college papers from other schools show that various types of clubs and facilities Fine Record One of the largest intercollegiate competitions f the year took place last week on the Uni versity campus. University teams came out on or near the top, and compiled a record of 25 wins and vt losses. It is doubtful if anyone knew very much about it. This competition was the 16th annual Univer sity Intercollegiate Debate and Discussion Con ference, which drew lis teams including more than 300 indiv'dr kjg from $4 schools in a nine state area. 'or dot ten One-Filth are provided at other colleges and universities At some, there are clubs for wives based on those colleges in which the largest number of married students are normally enrolled, such as Engineers Wives, Geolcgy Wives, Voc-Ag wives, to mention a few. Other schools simply have a student wives club. Some of these plan activities for couples, others seemed to be confined to wives. The Student Unions on some campuses seem to be active in providing facilities for married students. Some plan "Pot Luck" suppers, others provide baby sitting services during special events, with volunteers from various groups do ing the sitting. It is obvious that not all of these ideas are possible or practical at the University. The ad ministration has already taken the first step in the proposal for the first units of housing for married students. This was one of the things the interviewed couples pointed out as one of their most pressing needs. In addition, it should be possible for the Uni versity to make a study of the situation with an eye toward seeing what else can be done either by the University itself or by recommen dations to some other group such as the Union. First, it is necessary that the University take cognizance of the number of married students and the problems they face. It must be determ ined what kind of services these students want, because it will do little good to initiate any program which they will not support. It would seem that the problem is not so much that the administration does not care about its large married student population, but rather that it does not realize bow great the problem is. If this is the case, the University should find out. L.S. The University bad one of its finest debate records, emerging with superior ratings being given to six individuals and three teams. Tbe six University teams compiled their 25-5 record ia six rounds of debate against top college teams in the area. B was tba largest debate tournament ever held at the University. Even fraternity bouse dining rooms were conscripted to provide rooms for the teams to debate. Responsibility far the conference rested on Donald Olson, director of debate, and Brace Kendall, director of forensics. They did a fine job, and the University should be proud of the tournament it sponsored. , The conference also pointed cut the high Qual ity of the University debate squad. Their ex cellent record ia this tournament is a good in dication of this quality. 2t also shows tbat perhaps &e University is spawning a team which bring a little prestige back to its school outside the more commonly recognized athletic circle of competition. The only thing wrong with the success of Che tournament is Chat no one outside those im mediately concerned was aware what was go ing en. The fine record of the University's teams wil go largely ennrvtimi, The success of tbe tonrnanient means little to anyone other than the students from a nine-state area who took part. So, a round of polite applause to the debators. They did a good job. Maybe nobody else cares, but the squad is certainly aware of what they did. Maybe that self-awareness of a fine record is SWard amnqgh ia itaelL F.TJJ. 'Much Deserved' It isn't customary for basketball to be over shadowed, even temporarily, in tbe winter months here at Nebraska. Especially when Kansas University, and tbe colorful Phog Allen, come to town. But such was the case Saturday as tbe Uni versity track, swimming, gymnastic and wrestl ing teams put on excellent performances before Corahusker fans. It wasn't that the basketball game Saturday night was that bad. (The game was close, all the way, even though the Huskers suffered a disappointing second half.) It was just that four other University athletic teams displayed some of their best exhibitions of the year. Tbe track team, coached by Frank Sevigne, showed definite signs of promise and improve ment as they smothered South Dakota, $1-13, in an indoor duel meet is tbe afternoon. Also in tbe afternoon, HoUie Lepley's swim ming team out-splashed Kansas University, 52-32, to avenge an earlier loss and gain their third win of the season. Coach Jake Geier's gymnastic squad, ranked as one of the best teams in the Midwest, turned in a sparkling exhibition between halves of the basketball game Saturday evening. The wrestling squad, highlighted by Dan Brand's spectacular pin, showed its best per formance of the season in dropping a close match to a strong Iowa State Teacher team. A3 in aQ, Saturday was a pretty good day for University athletics, shedding some glints of light through the long overcast skies of the athletic program. And, if nothing else, it's refreshing to End our fine, but onpublkazed, minor sports program getr ting some much deserved recognition once in awhile. B. Unit MAN ON CAMPUS by Dick Eiblcr q Bslisv In Gods, s Don't Die' And Gcd Gsot, when I was very young -eVsey last year I met a god. Be didn't look much like a god, but I knew be was one, because She educators called form mad. He was small, and stooped, but 2as bead bung high. Eis yssaaid, "iTtat are you?" and bis bssrt replied, 1 know. Thorn pmkie said be was weotrie. "Look oat," fibey said. 12 ruiB you. Be thinks. He teadhas TratSs; be"s dangerous. U2a wia bis bands. luB ados questions. Ee insults L stupid, fbe ignorant. Ee reads books. Ee is a poet, a jsrj&et, a madman, Look out; be's peculiar. OTe arc afraid f MmJ" Feeds?. From the Latin ""pe csSsries,' swaning '"belonging ts esa's private prcperry.' Ten, i was peculiar; bis soul was lis own, Ee sever sold bis soul; is fv It rwry. Bat yea know. It was fasry; She snore be gave, & mars b bud. Peculiar. Be bad a bouse; I saw at once. 3 was t-2 ti books ami pictures 9si miaac Eat I Shank be Hived la rsssa. Ca he campus. And Chit ksot was &23 c books, too. And papers; there were papers everywhere ... on desks, tables, floor ... even on the cot. Cot? That" where be was supposed to rest. But be was too busy to rest On the walls of She room bung two pictures, one a huge oil by Brace Conner teary artist), the other a drawing by Corbaa 3Le- Given' 'em Ell Pel Cinad genius?. He loved those pictures, and their odd creators. Teaching," be said, "is wonderful. My students .gave hose grand things to me. I daal know why And I darft suppose be did. Ee bated sham, this god-man .did. He was out .of step with the times, He loved beauty, goodness, truth. Ee bated pre tense. Some say be bated poor students and basketball players. Better la say, be bated lary TntririK, shriveled beans and static being. He sew tbe infinite so man,, and wept at our incapacity to fliKfrnprritfti between finite and infinite. He worked to open leaden eyes; be pumped bis own lift's blood into petrified, un willing veins. E was discouraging; but be said, "One good student makes up fur all the farmers and soda jerks and garage mechanics and baEkethaU players. Just one good student," I knew fens for only one short, intense month. I saw a god; I had never seen one before. iSome say be was a devil; bad they seen before?) Ee bad faults, but I bad Dot the time t find them. Or does it matter? We don't believe ia gods any mare; progress, yes (security, stability and economics; gods are obsolete. Gods, heroes, geniuses, teachers, prophets, call them what you wall-: cal them inaauTemeut, obsolete and call in warn. Then one day, because be could not be sfiH, stubborn old Oris Stepanek's great heart burst, and he died. Some sighed relief, others shrugged, and we . . . well, we believe ia gods, and gods dont die. The Nebraskan TTTT4TVE YULES LD ISes&Ers JjsxDcitttei CtQegUts Press tstxttuZtCxi Press Zx$mi,2Tii K&&1 A&vete&t&nt Serrkse, FslSslif i at: Itswsa , JKsfe CMn 2t;3t A VsltvenStf f Ketrstssa N ?tiihm to w!Km f wwxtK?, WAwwAnr mnt f - of urtuf wmI vmr, mwi yMr vlkflMtam , vt ; utmttai chr ttHwit jMwmiira ua iH nr CjtwiMnn-ttiie mm ,uo"rt Ttifcni -- - of fKkiMttWtmireine mM tmitt fui)tt- , - t if 1wr trmrn mmtmmump Gb 8-v .'wmrt-. m m nr jwef mttw nmilMV ' - p j-.y., , m mm tmrt S mm ." pasomttl:jr mminmaiim tar mmt tut ItlJL s. tost W-tmrmm tMrnvaa o LAHHUn. Jtvianwk.. mMMv cite m LUIJtiUAL. ST ATT KWlwr MMwrtnc CiOnar ..... Sww l.tfitijr iMrtm r anur Mas Cxqif tAUun . . - Imtagrmiw -1tntr. Mwnt (mar. tariaa SUiww, fcuk (hm Vilit w t.Otu . . . fWk Cwuk l( t.ttvtur ..... ........... WtlJtaT ittitotu .)MiMkM uu)V wvtun. M.nrir ttHiliMf. trtmM- tirlmk. C-irtart tmetom. IK Mum. fc1Mtrwt; LAuas Lnt. k toman, fat fmw. Shwhv ltjunt, lURMiw 1t?'wa. w aJrwiA. fat Ixnw, ftama lirmtRil J?oc fnusunwii. Im Win. EUSTVESS STAIT CUKPENEP WITH EXTEA LAKGE CLASSES THIS TE1?AA. Nehroshon LeHerip -The Miragi clear quagmire, Hi fan and i'm painting again auburn in a bowl of straw it's the berries again, hung my famous reproduction of pilsener's "a la mode" in the attic beside the life size portrait of pound, huzzah for ezra, in chicken feathers and betal juice, ray oat said he saw "even man in" at the nickelodium and hartshorne pence was murthered coulourfouly while playing the keys of the grand the "unfinished tune" was he playing very conveniently for the coulourfoul villiane, lance legree, smote him with a Chinese water orush dedisively and hart fell upstairs to lave the tell-tale stains from his greatcoat, it was much too coultoured for the proles said ray and he then fell up the stairs to feed his white mice ray's new medium is ground white mice and he is doing well on a huge canvas of a still of mountains us ing real cement, albert's pottery is truly arty and coulourful and auburn and i enjoy to spit redman in ours and what do you do with yours since it wouldn't go through the front door i would suggest you fill it with water and let poor - 1 Nebraska Features Abstract Columnist Dear Mother, I certainly enjoyed your vis.i last week-end. I'm glad I could find 15 minutes in my crowded day to devote to you. It was difficult but I think I owe it to you be cause, of course, you are my mother. I wish you could have finished the tea I brewed before they came along rather pettily en forcing the "no-womaa-rule." Oh, about the ashtray full of cigarette stubs you saw on my desk I noticed that you discreetly averted your glance. You see, my room is rather strategically located and everyone comes in just to deposit his cigarette after be has ascended tbe many long flights of stairs and feels tbe nico tine playing havoc with his heart. And Mother, dont worry about the fact that my eyes showed signs of dissipation I had studied long and hard the night before, and besides my room-mate with his desk so near mine, blows smoke in my eyes and makes them blood shot. Our school paper is running a capital column now. It's by this very abstract fellow. I wish you Tha Parvenu could read it. I tried to find it to quote to you, but there was such a dearth of Rags that day that the only one I could find was draggled, lying on the Student Union steps spattered with catsup and snow. Part of the column runs some thing like this though: "The Ralph Mueller carillon tower blurps forth gobs of (some kind of) jam$$$stop. ez-ez-ez-sis-boom-bab Winter I s Acumen In, Lhud sing Bravissimmo Then he says something about Greek columns; I dont know just whose be is talking about, but be seems to be showing a modicum of journalistic prejudice. He also seems to be very wor ried about his average, but then who isn't this time of year? My room-mate and I are going to have a couple of non-independent boys down to dinner one night this week we're waiting for a tasty menu to be posted and we're going to clean cp tbe room. uncoultoured uncoulourfoul raffish cuuujcii a wuu ui n. smiui-witson's tone poem is to be presented at the centre threatre on the morrow and i feel i must attend for it will surely be coultoural and coulour roul. i sold my latest and have be. drinking the finest muscatel vended by a coulourfoul gypsy ovep on the right bank, i have been contemplating an egg for the last few fortnights and to think I've evolved from an ape, amoeba-spawned, has upset my delicate balance and i have lost my coulour and can jnly manage hideous canvases in blacks and charcoal greys, mv witch doctor advised bleeding and calisthenics but i fear i am on the brink and falling falling falling down, london bridge's falling down, the postal dept has accepted my rough of a design for the tupencer and i shall achieve world fame for the mails are continental and do go through and a man's best friend is a. auburn and i received a postal from max and he's painting bridges in brooklyn and sculpting in bee's wax and eatings lotus blossoms and riding riding riding an exceedingly white stallion ever onward, i did a canvas last week using vinegar and salad oil and se risen it's thick and contoured and tasty and goes quite well with chianti or malaga. 111 send you a piece of it to sample, it is good to hear you do not like jacques frought. be has one in olive oil and bread crumbs at the march show which is very coulour foul and tasty but i dont like frought either and the "members' too because be doesn't wear a loin cloth or a beret or a beard and belch frequently, balducci says, "ngodio." To the Editor: The above calama is a aefen siv cvBBterattack aimed at the "Image caluna in the Friday, Febr. 24. issae of ywtr stadent Journal, Tbe Nebraskaa, which is fast becoming a literary mon ster. My column is rigtaal and ansyBdicated and I release It yoar tender and Wring care. D with U wnat yns wish, bat think before yea act, j. r. nr-n t Seniors in Mathematics Physics 4 s t 4 The California Division New of Lockheed Master's Degree Aircraft Corporation Work-Study Program announces its .Additional irsSmmzikm mzy be dbt&m&d iz&m j'our Placement Officer or Dean of the EngS famg Sdboo! or by wttinig E. W. Vet Lacriers, Esmpkment Manager and Chakman of the Master s Degree Work-Stady Program. IcrLhff J California Dhiuoa sts2 mesbers will visit this caspas soon aad wi3 be hzppy to ditcoEs yotx role m she program 'i yea. Tht progiWK fnohissyou t& attain a Master's Dtgrte k A3 gaining important practiced experience on the engineering stag of Lockheed A bereft Corporation Tht prcgrzra h otdiosi Yoa carry at least six coils per semester at tie Uciversijj cl 4 California at Lot Acgeles, University of Soothers California or other approv&d culvers&es. Yoa work three dayi per week on Lockheed esjineericg or sdentiSc assigniseaii. Yoa are paid 35 of a f uH-tima salary daring the school year. (Salary and work oa a fall-time basis daring school smnsser vacations.) Eligible are U. S. citizens who are gradnaiiBg wjjh a BjS. degree ia Aeronaniical Engineering, Mecharical Engirjeerisg, LTectri cal Ecgineericg (Commmsjcalious or Power), Ma&emalics or Pfcytics aod tneshers of tht Armed Services mho possess appropriale degrees and are befog dicharged. Tuition, fees and books for a maxicjEra total of 35 vnhs of fc3 linie study are paid by Lockheed. Travel and moving allowances are provided those residing outside the Southern California area. 1 5 f r i I" California Division Masters Degree Work Study Program Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Burbank, California iMhmM Wanacw ........ - . fnHHrpt .... i tut. 4uM MnrM. Itua SUotaarS Stadias