Pegs THE KEERASKAN Wednesday, November 16, 1955 Ncbrcskan Editorials: Closing TI12 Bmdi It's a&ast tez that mj of os ESnxteatt, fi&e xy, aitmTTfttiiT-gaaB and press take w&at eiLed a secccd sdber loci at this nthe caJ Tic Ereadb, Tie Breads between fp:Wft sad teirri5,iiargaaa ia this UsCTersiSy. A breads. &xs exist. & is a faneads between be cassral spgrtrrss cf the Ua-nersirj-. This treat is a gsa. 2t is ndt a wfrcaem Tiere is a big cSSereatc between She two. Ssipy stated, this breadb is caused fry isis- Redaced to nance snBpje Sana, the breads u caased by a Isri cf eSecSjire csmnaamCTttaaa be tmaea be parties to the breads. We jptstt areaY workigf and taTjrg tngsber. TGere gamg ef aa crar era lErect&an, onsware cf Hie etchers prf'iiww, rrmrT7r to ranogtuae tfbe gaud She CSfafT 4fcHow St Urarg It's mat bard la &ananstrie this frceaA. Leak at the cgadfflaa cf tfhe past year. The fioaar paQey: a same fitadeat arsnaes;; wots tfhe ransom far iff- stiSsael einJiarcieiQEat, h'Jt the argTament is, Wfry didn't w know vital tM gtsng to bappesa? Wty cndmTt we knew there wbbMI be secret pcSnesiei!? Wty didnTt we know. . JS . The party raid: Kit $eqc fiiadsrlt argues wilfa the meed to expell anfiwaflaEli inwdbrad, and certainly mo cme jL&ed the ridtj btt the students "Wly was at handfofl as cjtacKy? Wly Che students ge-aiiirrtittBd withoiat paying sasne part cf She damages? Winj dadtrtt we knew, before Che people oiA-state, wbat was Dt csaua twfc No sane stndeflt argues ih She Saca3y's rhl to dhange the ealemdar, brtt fee argument wa&,' wermt we tolfl WBEsesSbsag wss gaiing to StEjpra? Wt& && we iceve to waft so banS to be hsxri. t&ongh. tfbxik gx&wst. we Skslly wenei)? Aain, wly diflBl we Smeary The EX Shwr: So etce xross tSbst ifhe sfeww WTts perffiflt Bat stoteats wnaate wlby bii treat sb cjuitMy, anfl tflaey aik, TKby wrerenTt aro7 gnrnibwrs ait tfihe ihcnr? 1Kty wac mne lEtser, an.tfhor StiH pittEcST aamur-mout, so snwr-sr-fdl? VClgr dtdclt we tov-vW wbs eacqg to 9 She Ihrearfb taanlt. The bresdb cf imiB xi!'T,Tmi?Tr atcxS poor (coininu&uuiQXL 3wwt bmir do we dlcae tthis teeadb? F5rs!t, we try to da tfbe rmitfie We try la BQ5erfiU6iii eac2i ccier. Bast bCTr? Let's start Tbe arerafe sftadesit, fibe ax wio sS next to tu3 ia hl IS e'eixk clitss on Mimdcj', aaals to hear tfbe CLsaoeiilisr. Bat tfce rta?rfrT is busy. Be Las a &xg 6 aad is d:crg it Tbe ChaTinenar siicrJd encaaaer etfa'M-ilhg a Suae cf tie UicrersTr speech. Tias seeidt f3Mpli be ginea mesr tEbe end cf t&e laat senes- xsum to Hi CzrrKTsrrf at aa aUB-CiMWgsiity cssd vccaJMia vizO, ef.kssses dismissed. Xa prepare far fcis addtess, lie ttrtj per mi'iTwit Jeani i-twill ifo CaBwersily. Ee mrf Beant vtat ins pnsflaiieaais ajt Wst aooitt tfh pciie cf sSuodtcot st2S-$&te&&' tcobcSL, f race to SaaoUSy cmrnamJUiees, aa boaar sysScaat and KteniES cf ifcis EiaJaape? WTihiit abaurtt oar armiB ? Wly da we lose gsicd prrffssars? Wlij do we fasre bm&jie at tbrarSxog tug lnarofs aid gaad teadbers? Wiiat abciQt llihe bsDlk&iig prcjgTanii? W5jc?e do we fed tfiae imsaory? Benr bard is it to gstt? jbb4 buildings aine kj be bcit axd vbst tnrrTlrf-nCTt ftHim?ii1l be bssDlt? Wlsatt is tube irate cf tlihe imtrfyaaTm ia Sbe CiBTerRit?". a ttax-sparlxd, silage mmvorsr? Wait do gnecle ins he statte cxjp&rtt qqs? These pm&3eims. Tbty cafl fmr imateaall uBaflarStEiiffiaiE. bcit Situs is a naribnaloas tBfejg aaaless fit is demJlt iih in real bRnmss. Emanst Kibe naol tone wweJks. The KfeSaraakaiiii is gating to rem a setm-s cf ipwrM editoriEli deihrmg aitin tfihe cjoef&mns jiaSt raisfiiL These eidiianitis criurallj am?7E. They i3 traose CjiKSuiaBE. They wjH ant to kxnsm wiy. They wIB be iiWrrariTif until laui Star (he stodeEfts amd, at is aauped. Sir Ifihe esUse Vxeverety. Tins edrtariaJl serikx will axtocajpaiiE a morsirsg S:.iffie cf tihe Cn;wrsiPy aiwB by She Chso. ceHot- It mSl rsuse mhe cjaefituaos sSmteiats acne asking.. Et wM 0ve he lUiinrarsity a masted Snr dlosing Iflae bneada by cinniirig fflne daors uatw dLosefi, by dmiQiHaraciLrsg wnflErfiiEnSirtg mctr darmiaztf by iredhtii)KiiQg itaes cf oimiwimranrat- This is tine tn-rr She breidb cam be dlmsed. This lis benr we cbjd ttii-e mrn ICbe cutnreoat coess and maaiSse if it a befiter TDowrsi!yj D. F. Mi ' Grade Average Poor Criterion 1 . . . Can Hardly Waif Eatrmmmiag 5s safleed a msMe at'r It brings out the goad an the OBhrsi', sfmrtlirg stunts and alumni amd SaoibaH ans soaring cm bei&ftts cf siligliCj imaucliiii Ca-nhufikar spiral ssd im&kii)g j'rcerjitane fedl ririher ,ptrod iirtside. It sends staflents snurrjiing aniJt asff tfiheir IhaaewT ms& durms to ttaiU msr home .fiiiyalini sand iSoatfc. St sends Cabs atnd Titseis atnd tihwr Beailes and tChe refit cf ihe tegWHfyefl stiacieiit lituSy stiiteiflitnciEg tfihrongii he fifiefils ait rsHies. 3K faring "&e alams ai'Jt iff tfihair Smmflrana ff OEdmary Me amd sends ttfaem wlhtpping dtxwai to laBoiilD to see tfhe Ctorataflaars w5hig) tfihe tor ItJhnings out aS ff ffihese tfihings Mift do so mndh to 4urher good and fine feelings be aroe&n Etuflents and Sacubj-, and makes cine isher lad !he lis a student att tl UaOTerEitj. 2t aOfiB bnqgs ottt t&e Pa XT' and the Ebs Dfik. Juat mdbafty tows, bat Shey (came mm, axtyKny. They did a ff&thsr $bo& jjab cf coming melt, too. A witQe ihfiaf dff dinnirigfodeBgned pasters were circiilated wsr She catrajw. siT-ifg 2ur aiH to atgrse tfhat "They got tfhe KoBmat BQUia,, Ifihey Cttt tffae 3TT Ball, but tthty woe'U at as!! Ya!t The jueBtion 3 iff ""toy" dhoiud at tfhe Eho EtEOJa-s and tfbe Fi STs, t woM ""they"" do wjcib tfham? Or wtcnM "'tfbey' want tfhem an tfhe Ssret plane? Or does anyone wiidt tfhera? 2t"s sari cf caEtfiifiirig, att tfkneK. JLifTraBy. ne Ey'Stic pair did a ceal lure jjtib cf jp&ioting aip siowiJks atnd tfhe sides nf Ihuiid angs and distcihuting tiiuidbilk. They shwild ibe pmnjilimBTttBfl (qq tfbeir '" ihow of (orgiinaatJiQii Nice Gesture St was a mioe jgeurs, 1b iarft iit was aEa:ac)j &at The Kfihra&isi! lias 'teefi ncaitrRgAD. The stufients vane adsed lor tfh&ir opmiaB cm a iraat ter cf vMt interest to tfhem featoes to be an cluded a-ibe mew TDiiiau aMitiaa. There was me jrBeui 5or She ICakaB do ftus tCliere woiM pnitothV toen sno crifii cueob aT they Siad arat An crpertt consultant lhad Sieen Mrsd to nei-iae cm plans 5 or tfhe buMing.. But it makes m xlifirnue lmt lis aiftrasaiite. wisSt is needed in the ojunion cf some exsx?L, or eeii What cottier cttiltage ami cms 1;? 2f iit is mA wiost .ctuflena at the tDjarswraity w' as j&jr tDiikat. Fartunatdly, She daion ttK& siognkantse cf this last- The survey iinsir.uciea' tfhe stufleiii to auiEv ar on liit their cxwai personal rueetk; ii msts mat or'jotial xted&. Ti Hatter will mo dojiht atke be ffamufiewd fia Imul elecLiao cf features to Ibe onduded. 2Siit tfhe students hwe been xen their sey The 3KelraakaiJ can skCj Jhope that the .utu cleat, 5ar tfiieir part, icar-faUi thoii to the iKns an the survey, auid that the tDnms,, Jur iiix isa will cartdiily cvalual tfhe students" itndisiitianc cf their wants and meeds. utih cansideraduoii i the students ats iin6 rMiaH parsons laeds to be fimwimased nfl tfiK f tiiiaa sftioiild be cromnteiided iter i& atolaon itn caTieiStiag tuem-l . amd spirit, atnd their ine ciaaitrihiiioi to cjnrpus spirit, nrrj'iiUciKni and idsxnaratkm. Bdt at its doiibifii! iff scyone motioed thema mucli ifiois wfsSsend. Cf crairw, their bandhiUs wne meafl, and peqpte said,, That's mjjgMr" And thet they Sorgat, becanaie JSidhrarika wm a S'JitfbiuI gaxoe,, and the bansc decaratims twe ffhtitng tup al msr the plaoe and a realy fine BansmoBiming wtikend wats Broiling mafinriiy into biglia igear- Sa, all there memaims as to wnit enpsrfy iuntl BHsit Epria&, wb&o the Fj Xii's and toe Kho Etett" will ame out again, racing aCtang the dar& straets. their bnuahes draping and t&iacr Janes tti&sd in sTy grins. And the catmpos will sleep cm,, mnaorare cf tfhe great things ttfaking plane tunaar tfheir wery winfltws. We can bardly wiaiL-T. T. D. it Finally Came We can 0 borne mvw.. St SmaTy sntwtrfl.. And mat ctae cf those little piMy tfhings that sputters down aibaut moan and lies around cm tfhe grass for a-m'hlk, loukiqg emihanraeaed, be Sore iit anelts away by duck, This as a irea1 ttimw snow that Mpw atnound an tfhe wind beJore iit reached tfhe gyuund.. It kept craning down for a sgood wluk, too, and at louks like it ituht stay around 5or awMe. St (oertaMy its good to see at. St snakes things lock I3k winter atrtound mere,, wliidh nealy w;a&n'U the cane Hast year. lLa&t winter at emeu ireadied tfhe point wmere students Iri-ong as Wat ern 3tibratika Culorado and Wyoming cMn'lt Ihwe to plow througn ttilitsarSs and mtanecir cwter acy moads wery anudh,. St sort tff took the fun out cf $oing bwrit. ue w can fso bome mow. The way things asne slayaing a, we osiigut een have a "mioe, deep lilahket cf snow by Oaristaaas.. Thane nmigltt even be a Utttie Heft ewer Sor JIanuary, AB cwiar tfhe campuE students louked out cf their windw amd wne auildly surprified to see ffii beswajns sliding dowjo (an a w'iufitte ,ff the wind through the trees around a Ohrasry.. Tiiey could see the casr Sights tojaitning thraugi the wliite bamg and tfiie Saint iine cf a street Kiut. The snow could lhiwe,, perhaps., waitied ituatil tfite (Dklaliama gums was tpw., but impj'hc our souttiem meiglihars arau'U aised to a Sine 3Re toraaka SaU day. St wqb'U Ihurt to boptg aigwiay, ti,, on go the storm muut ami! the statrwes and the arasgr surpliw foul weatiter jsar, and tkie Ctoaraiy student body anoswes out into the wiute gism cf tfhe irst ireal snow., like so mmaiy putlry ililtle boys amd girls stutnpinf along tto ward Mnderga'iten, the ugut'cilas3k rua anaes by an a wiiirl ff stean breath and low suutter ixngE att tfiie piiik dtntin. Qr the ney dawjo, as iit amiaUy appears.. DaiiU (tiooiuliUB about iit, pl&a&e. St anvy be isolder than a buSalc s jknuUkles iin a snow batik, and there anay be finaflt Sorjaiing cua your ear Utibes., but iit its O.Kv juat the same. And we can aill $e borne So; TuaufcsigHring, Wiutar lhas camw.. And w'jho,. i ltl maaw cf any saiitted Aunt (Qtfiherine,, bTrowd axq' Sur-iiined gloves'! . - Th3-Nebrns!can fTFIY-FXST TIXES CIS 3e9sSas iarf C'SeSto Ft&ila&rf t: sn U, l.tBeM ITaikni ,OMaii 3Bi&rtSk J1 -;!lt M WMWItt (BttfM ai af.ii 4KUUH -4--. Kf tll WIMIMIK! lKlt , ,,,.. 4V .ttU Suf f 3nWltS 4 ,.OIWU ! iiu atuJiiurictkinNi tf CmlKw io-ntt .! j . .. HmnHiMiM w mii fvaumt wu.ii -w w -wi nKlmwMH nmHniiu un e i , , ? ,.... mint. w " w i" w WHWtwr s jltf -tWT 'MMIVfll w n sl ww .,B(fI.. ftt -tmitu wwiiw 1 w -SMUBr M WHi"H 4 UTmr' , ttHtrh. , ,., .....i , K.nit .mnt mM . Hw dt tiu p Uwwb i-Mnxmu, !UttU M IMS .t JtEU 4.VJJI. IXTTO'IIIX. fTATT CftHw ...... .i.-.. tt4IHuft -! XidtMV . HtMUMISMiac ftifUIW .. w.'.Va. OHUX (WUmnw ..timur HMuiKfniHiii Uw t.antno JtiHif iMMi. tiuw MUMar -uv fcw 4hc IMtnur .. ...Jhw tiwatnar Bmshhww lir,tap Winn). mi) nnxxir. tLmmmyv itoutimc. w ? frnon tilU 41lnu. AitMV (tmnirnU. 4Mft ikMMnill. UI t,mmH fmtmr.m IM-M ttmniMiiv . Jtaok wiiu Wtttennmr 9'1. tHtwat, il, m"nim, 4v- 1 l,nK, iViwr ftiuliMitm. Wwm o' iiwtiwv wim, Cjh .. titul tunniuu, rcroxss f T,JT CiinuiiwHMi ..,. ivti Mk Wei, ecw ttal lasaee lias tri- ispLed, Virtaae La faoe reward ed asd be Good his sbsws facJz lite a red-aced eris-aaisl ia the cf iganraace asad carrcpCiin, I caa get bad: to lie tssaal bcrrn tripe far wtidi I ana so celebrated. I assmne ysm, I diial tmoctnoe t&e ETi:iD idaj cf tihasssxads cf teess-aj.-rs Ssy wasSnig txmm f w. fnrces cf EtjL One beoDaaws a mattaDee ids! by diiutScj lug c4 cetests to ssniBDc, sao ixLjssriacat paints far a Tery Itacg term Or at ueastt tcfiil! tiae hes&e fa the esfidaraal pataje is 3ed. The Jjaestaom cf a graiSe xverage far anjritaes seessts sei)sA, biat it dul remnind eowerycese cf aae iEjpsStice cf Aaawi caos eidnacatukOBs w&idlii ciecs cf ms. Tisat inEjsiiEftitaoc cccadennis ttbe co ttzre idea cf tfihe girade average as a f sctge cf iace mjraoe and profii dfflEicy. Et seexcA to ncue ttSjatt dsftfirsnsixiiixg a stQdQt"s sliiLill amfi brilukaxioc fry Ihiis CEEiaaBilaJawt arerngK or fry has aTfirupe mi ccrtaio twiarsfs is oust ciiiijy wide cgaeui to big emars. but also a BttHe vnsHiar. Oetam, ttihe ffeQcwr wiito a Hcnrer anerif is imadb sninre afflfflfrgeat and fSrawat. tbam SEtme clJ wSin a arEra'e. JjMlt as radstauAnot ffrann Snpmeering Coge dtaesnlt TEUii cine ltffl eingMwer, so an ciigfrttr mine anneraix mmaike a s$o ikis. One tbiing, oonosiiBiatlly SdbjI grades isay raeis is jssore weU raasSed scholar &aa l&e tresge. Oftea femrWiff vino excel ia cc tfiracg, say MatSi. -tare tiesr arer as tacpedaed by rrgili or Els tory courses. Yet. tikis dses met mexa tber wm&A issale ncatiie Kattxaaats iaferiar to t&e feSbw tii & Mt aTerafe. Hat is sgraesJfeg tlsat JnEtsiEiess es aad gradsate srtoaSs ma mp scSfldl axd cisufe recwds. Al iVcgJi it is alwajrs a safe bet &at stsxtests wtA frii averzx are batf d-w(orSter$ and cf alKe afer Mge iaCimre. at daes ik mean Bsteoessairiy tlhat stnidti sttivciEilts are tbe best cmes to tire cr to H1"' far gradaate work. Too cfteas, a tojHrated persean is ex'li3d(d fjiiQJiisB gun&sttiiciiits b imSiit to hxve becKose t&e ocTy crierim wrA wiarla to jfiuSge Mm is tffe de cF3Te one o" grade average. TKuS . 'igjfhvrBffp 2S atsnmesi!! ttDnat caa sieticu be cfecsji, at appears, in the pneaesS ram!iewcirk cf efiftaca tticot roffJUy gradt&OB is detteff1 inioied fry a senics cf aeSisj-nxs-Eed tiiEsi. St cam cmty be Icibed fry gettkg &E2t jtbArs, so t&at ciae craas sat cob tic cf ttbe prcihiesiiL Bsf ttftss? EcnpGrltacSt fttiTT to tneuiEieEEiihwr 2S that grade avesafes are deoej fcw iiseasiiriiiEig starts. Wamstiomi OanreMX yams kaaow, SauM!Ma wemral ttjkoes beSore wseks 3Udl Prbe for Lktar-attixc. -" V-'n i-' auf il 5 Drive The AEF anttioa tarrnigrf w2II another AD Oai'versity F'janfl dnhne. Bttt already ACT iBaeardbeni aire worried about the dniw tar taestt yaar. Far this year tfihe casgoqpi was melt m siaoDestfiill as im the past &ar the irs4 tone iin sensraH Shears, it wIQ fall far shart cf rm&mi its goal The caltectian sf anoaey is mew an easy task. Attd the gwal this jwtr-was EULJBWtp ffiSESifleraftty tegbar than it bad ever been be fore. This was a big bwast foam last year's goal cf IKilW and sne bard 2y juEtriiiefl by the sm&H ancreade iin enraH;iitHt. Etwwiwr, AST bad beem awer5y cptanaiiSiK because A3CF bad been (OoiisiEtBaSiy raing ewer at ipaiil tuaKttiqg fiHHiH) on IBi and in IB. But tins year AIT bad set ats jf.aal too Mgk. En fact,. AIT eeti imaie ikidiuding a gusas att the Tele Of Two 'Cynics irfBtunns foam the aac&m tvaigbl. they did mat ewes ciifeat as maudii last year.. fiorae aneKifaers asne blaminj this cm the cra'e iawiJ and the me-w, earyijaiing pourf iin asiking ffsr anoney wlhitJb AIT thought to try ffibis stear.. ILaat sar a lot cf bard Seeung and sesfirftineat !had been created among' students beuauae cf the strong saaial! preasMne put iwpon them to ajwe:. Ttiey jiegardefi AIT as a maaey-ratlhing pain in tic metSk. AIT, being a student (Organisa tion, atatiral w a m t fi student jgtfxfxtWuli So, moping students would donate iin iheti&r spirit tikey ijtswte Sor diatrity' sake cfliher than because tttey wer liih-pneeaurjad. AIT tried to atuk, mot demand,, do otations. The aaew "'spirit df AIT" SeKt- mrefi.-: LlLiees socual pissaune an bouses to spwe a speruSjc ctuota. X. Bouse ffiQlkesiiota done eo- ttireHy by battse inepreseilta ttiiws. The AIT SDexcber wbo spdke xn eario baase at tbe begiaitittiiig cf the drew fofl mat tUie oskctiiiins ats ia the jsajst- gsronjps iMft sslitci)- KB? AUSJ 10 A inm mm mum Dos"! la dtat "dsw'Sf fe3 ikc; dftKHs j-tiai irjfe -in idaw ff wifflti. fOiTas "Sttttiiij dt lrabt:v, Ti&f a 3Dar Jt wiiksmtaJ lb a few cantcra, yau'X be yaur mxzcoZ heat,., wvjfe rts-ake , , ailes? Tour Swssx wI2 tRtS yasi Jicffite A wa&saea; as .a.if as (case. 15 XX-HCTS, 35c ,H' tauiBte 4 f " "WHU""1-J tCMX eliminated, since maiEiBafitians were based cm l!WS dartariums ffrni a . baase, -Tfeis as the first year low-gares-sstre selling was afficjmptod. Per baps, iff ctan&EQUBd. at wHE draw aitone imaaey amd jgood wall as wel as gsatting stodsnts insed to the idea cf jgzving jpst becauBe they wjent to. Cto the dflher baad. per baps ssanfteuts wmi gpve at ail iff they aneffil ianwd by ssoiaS pressure- UlaHt ACT" nmeirtihers ,ateeSy baw dended (opimons m wthether to streffi gaud wi2 or a return to a 'jpro-!sr-eliie''" polKy in next Sar"s GEnqpesgn. There are candi dates Star meet year"s itdoet cm boib sides cf the tissue. Tie polity wbscb wIU f.uifie AIT'S campajga meKt year de pends lupon the autnoene cf the eiec tians this wtk. NOW! 3' f i Quick Quips " - a Tbere was a yocct lacy lmsnea Brsgit, Wbsse speed was csadt faster fcaa Se set cot cos day, la a relattre way, j And retansed on ta preKJOs . . . the better to eat ytm wUSi nsy dear wdS. Tie man!: "It's not so easy to fad E22e grts tbese days." Fred says a rodger is a gsrl who does3t care beymd wioem Eteaas sbe fires, or else she's th kiad of sirl who bates poverty worse tiiaa sta. Wosaaa Yoke on pboae: BeBa atv! at. Uis Red Ridinr i are yoa Earry?" Hand readied into ber basket, 1 Man: "!& especially, lady, but drew foeta her r aad shot Bse Tm a lac way tnxa heist bakL" m 1 .iiJ'v i r.rLt (Jittw "Bmrmfmt Bw Wit Cki? - HOW TO BE A BMOC Aej man who wisfces to be a BMOC yew sfeow nse ooe wfe cfeesm't amd 111 sIjupw yoa a misspeBt yoath wJ do we3 to f ol sm the few sxmp&e miles lilted below. Tfee Erst rajmisite of a EMOC is. of coarse, a letter ia athletics. This presents co great probleai to tke big, tie stroag, aad tie faiolkxag. Bot wbat do yoa do if yoa are a posy little chap wita a ewxDcxYe c&est and nsnscies like talkrw? IH teS yoa what yoa do: Toe go to the Bearest letter store, boiy a letter, sew ft cm yoer sweater, asd wear it. Tfeik. perhaps, is oot strictly etliical, bet effaces are alia tiat asybody wCl qieatioa yoa sboat it. If soowoeie should, yoa have a perfectly logical cxptaaa tkn. Siscpfy say, "That T oa isy sweater does sot staad for Iowa. It staads for I circa." "... Or. That T does cot staad for TriBcetoa. It stasds for -Poorly.' ". . . Or, "Tkat WJLL does not stand for "CTas&izgtoa and Lee It stands for "Withered aad LtBtpy.". . . Or, "Timt TXT does ws staad for "Sowing Greea.' It staeds for Baf Gagreooss. " Sa. y see. getting ti kStw-sweaier h bo larye task. Bit titat is eri5y a part cf BMOC-ood. Aaoter, aasd esraaTy ifsportasit, part is to joaa tSse rig&t fnteralty. Let me egrpbayae-the right fraSTtcty. Jemiaf ti wrvmg f ratereity is wctm tlaa jmxMt no f ratereity at aX How caa yoa be sere that tke fraJertity yoa y&n it fee rigH ex&e? Very smjly. Jsst atk tie nsslizg ciairaaa. After aX wty absdi fee lie to yoa? Osce t&e EMOC is ertah IMid in tbe ri frxter Ecty, t&e meet step st to get t&e rigit girL A BlfOCs girl ssst be beattifsl, iAjIy. aiid go w3 vha aJMssssts. Cir5s aikiwetutx t&is de seriptiiaB are a&sitteSy aot eajy to fad. If ysa s&oeJd dlsocwrtlataSt&essiiz&Se gir! co yser ra,?"yEs arc awreaiy attacked, do sot detptir. Tbere are sercnl tMcgx yoa caa do. Y&a can. ffxw exaaspik, rot ytJET t&roaL Or jam caa pack ec ef t&c Jess aatraeSwe bdiies ea caatBs, w3 ber, dress ber ia kosri pasts, asd tell everybody she is aa ex dhacre stBdect frees Idas- ' ludL CA fScr I kscw ia wdhwJ Eardtaca: Eifafoos Icy Eaane-dii jiat tial. After sewtral sfssacen fee dkcawertd to lis surprise t&ai he loved t&c girL Today tlcy are kay cnarraad asd ra cue cd t&e bsggeat Tcrtssa beHm m Urn Crsnc, Iaws.) We me sew at t&e jnestK: fT&at does EKOC mbsHimI And ttlhe au&rwer bs mew FMLip SCrris, of ttrtu! Aj-i'jfy-tig tsaa cm caaspass r tSSe yfji' iff lyr VtSQESt&aB 0a liittSHe wnsas-axyWfy w& at aWe to decra bctawea iana asd gmSe dwsRiws K-ew PtSap If wrk Gestae is t&e wsri for Plp JC.turrit. ( ActtiaJJy, cf ctn. isn't. Cifntt is t&e wwd for PSbaEp Ifxrrk. Bit f mSSs azr3 aaKralty ti ffkfSss lM.v&Tf. t&e 2satc&, cJif, pSeaa raf -ii Zxwr. t&e b7 bora a&J cMkay snfirterei tckoous, t&at Ffrgfy iffflrr-J6i ogiy FMliip 2.yrri-briips ysn. TW aalwr TUE iw va m sbw mmU-n , v wiarf Jfcwrj; uwu CCtTf Ciais fUsht ycxi c&n't sordj ref tot X ii fit esest! i .- 3 f-r-w k tb 1 V Sc& Gcsva cad EuS Tisstjcss bt v2drMrf fecit wi5s feci csrp;i c5r. Trf Ssr as:rt Iry Scci ibr c2ba or cisSa tsm. Be a Gblira let?. Z'Sw cscTfirt cedar crjd hjaj c vacr to cy S a i tlsda to fevt d-ri Dec tm-A, iodic csul e3 irsci p'wzx 1 IT JTLa litis Hs trr' cr i-. r.,rw licii 5t7I v.f. bsci