THE NhASKAN Wednesday, April 13, 1955 Nebraskan Editorials Miliary Maneuvering The new Army ROTC drill schedule to be come effective next fall will certainly present a big problem to the campus. Although Colonel Diestel feels sure the fra ternities and co-ops will be able to adjust their meal schedules to meet the new drill time, he may not realize just how big a job this will be. And not only the fraternities and. Co-ops are effected. Many University men are work ing part-time as hashers in the dormitories and organized houses. The new drill time will not only put these living units on the spot but will also prevent a male student from ful filling his hashing job. The important thing for the Military Department to realize is that some of these hashers need the. money they are making and even though the drill would take up only one day a week, those "one-days-a-week" add up to much-needed money. Also effected unfairly would be those stu dents who have 11 o'clock and 1 o'clock classes. With the noon hour filled when will these stu- '1984' Review Today an informal book review fill bring to student attention a much-discussed novel by George Orwell, "1984." Thomas Storer, associate professor of phil osophy, will review "1984" at 4 p.m. in Union Parlors A and B. After his interpretation of the book, there will be open discussion. "1984" is Orwell's frightening prediction of what the world will be like in the next 40 years. In his advanced socialistic world, Big Brother watches the movements of every person. Even thoughts are controlled by Big Brother, and men reduced to near-machines. Orwell's prediction holds a shuddering fas cination for the world today, which is threat ened by a Communist government determined to make his prediction come true. No one could read this story of a cold, mechanical world without counting his blessings that Or well is only spoofing so far. Whether or not you have read "1984", an hour, spent at this review today will be well worth your time. The close parallel between 1984 and the real 20th Century is unmistakable and appalling. . "1984" will make you think. M. H. Nfew Commandments Some charge that the West has never been able to found a great religion, such as Chris tianity, Judaism or Mohammendanism. Yet the following "Ten Commandments" may disprove that belief. To this we might add: "Cynlsm, ambition and selfishness, these three; but the greatest of these is selfishness." , "These are the words that we found graven on a tablet of Hammermill bond. "I. Money is the Lord, thy God. Thou shalt not let anything stand in the way of acquiring it "II. Thou shalt not speak of Money, thy tiod, in an unreverent way. "in. Remember to keep wholly to thyself the fruits of thy labor. 'IV. Honor thy commission and thy paycheck. 4V. Thou shalt kill competition. 4X Thou shalt not commit adultery noisly. Vn. Thou shalt steal only when thou canst sot beg, borrow or swindle what thou desirest. "VIII. Thou shalt bear false witness only If it implies some personal gain, if that one about whom thou bears thy false witness is definitely un-American. "IX. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife exclusively, for it is wrong to be discriminate. "X. Thou shouldst not covet thy neighbor's goods, for if thou hast that good old American get-up-and-go thou will have a newer car, etc., than be has." K. N. dents eat lunch? According to most health standards and the University policy the noon hour is reserved for the simple necessity of of eating as it should be. Psychologically a. break at noon between morning and afternoon classes has many vir tues and although a minority of students would be effected, still it is important that not even a minority be subjected to an unfair rule. Of course there are two advantages to hav ing the drill at noon. One is that during the fall and winter months the temperature at noon would be more condusive to keeping warm than at 5 p.m. when the sun has set. Another ad vantage would be that after the noon drill, students would have the rest of the afternoon free with no drill to break up any plans or activities. However, the inconviencies the new drill time will cause to the many residence halls and houses on campus, the men in Army ROTC themselves and disruption it will cause in any normal person's meal schedule outweighs any merits the new time may have. It seems very out-of-line indeed to ask so many people to adjust to an unnecessary sit uation just to please one branch of the ROTC Department. J. H. B. Untapped Potential In Tuesday's Nebraskan an article under Cam pus Circuits, reprinted from the Daily Tar Heel of the University of North Carolina has a moral for the University of Nebraska. Campus politics at North Carolina are con sidered by both administration and student body an ideal laboratory in which students can obtain practical experience in politics. As was cited in the article, North Carolina has turned out many state governors, Congress men and a U. S. president. i This can be expected if a university turns out i students who have at least a working know ledge and stimulated interest in politics. As important as politics are in the life of the av erage citizen just as influential as grocery prices it is only logical to assume that the average citizen should be better informed about politics before he assumes the responsibility for participating in them. This is one phase which the University has sadly neglected ani compared to other universities which . support and encourage campus politics, the University of Nebraska turns out politically naive citizens who have not been given the opportunity to explore the dynamics of politics in action nor encouraged to do so on a practical basis. The nearest contact to actual politics a stu dent at the University has is through news papers and occasional speakers who seek to stir a politically potential student body into action. Politics, on the college level can serve a great purpose in preparing students for their roles after they graduate. And only at the college level can students achieve any adult type of political education. If the Administration and the student body would bury the idea that politics on this cam pus would have to be Greeks versus Independ-ents-an idea which has been perpetuated out of boredom and not actual controversy-and re alize the valuable experiences which are being kept from the students, this University would benefit in the long run. J- H. B. Never The Twain From the Yale News "U-Notes" comes this brief announcement: "Student-faculty cocktail hour Wednesday from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m." The announcement was small and undistin guished. It is interesting to compare the liberal East with the conservatism of a Midwestern state university. LITTLE MAN on campus by Dick Eibler 1 IhlSli IfSf -If "She's getting up off the sundeck now Whose turn to phone her next time.?" The Self-Governed More Independents May Join Activities By LOUIS SCHOEN Campus Circuits Development Of Conscience Receives Inadequate Emphasis From THE DAILY TAR HEEL Univrsity of North Carolina The college undergraduate of today, says Pres ident John Sloan Dickey of Dartmouth College, "is different, faced with graver issues than we were a generation ago, more responsible in his decisions, and much more lonely." Needed from the colleges, as mentors, writes Mr. Dickey, is a heavier stress upon the de velopment of conscience. The tendency lately has inclined too much the other way toward the development of competence by specialized studies. These disciplines whose age-long pur pose has remained the cultivation of conscience have, in light of the need, failed to receive due emphasis. But "it is the job of the college (and the liberal arts) to keep competence civilized, President Dickey .says and adds: I am increasingly persuaded that the cause of wKral education will not be overrun by vo cationalisra If the college holds to its birthright and remains committed as a matter of purpose to serious concern with the issues of con science. A concern for the choice of good and the rejection of evil in an Institution of liberal learning quickens nil humanistic studies and prevents our increasing reliance on the physi cal and social sciences from .mothering those Intuitive insights which both produce and spring from goodness la man. Recently we heard of a religion teacher s com plaint hat certain books of The Bible-notably the Book of Job can't be adequately taught, the reason being the difficulty to create in students the tragic sense of life. The tragic sense of life, too broad a concept to treat here, is one broad area of conscience; the great religions, the great systems of rational ethics, are parts of conscience; taste and the feeling for beauty are parts of conscience "borrowed from the total store of human woe and joy," in Mr. Dickey's words. The tradition of civility," for which Walter Lippman sees a crying need in the western democracies, is a part of con science. As the undergraduate moves from his pe culiar role on the campus to peculiar role in the world, the development of conscience by contact with humanities and other liberal studies may be the last, best hope. Dartmouth, put ting action behind their president's idea, -has set up a Tucker Foundation; its purpose is best expressed in the words of the man for whom it is named, spoken some years ago: I make no . . . plea for any formal religion, but I do plead now as always for the religious spirit ... Seek . . . moral distinction. Be not content with the commonplace in character any more than with the commonplace In ambition or intellectual attainment. Do not expect you will make any lasting or very strong impression on the world through intellectual power without the use of an equal amount of conscience and heart. Tho Nebraskan FITTT-SSCOVD YEAR t&a&Sten Associated Collegiate Press tstercoilegiate Press Ecpresjais&rei National Advertising Service, Eaeerpofsted Wh y.hnwkan It publish oy atudente of the Ini wnsftjr a KeDrbaka mW the uthoriZBtUm of the Com n&ie oft Kiunt Aftrirt ma m wpwhIw of etaoeirt opinio. FnbilcctUnia nr the Jnrtedtetloo ot the Bub owmmimao a Student rtttillcattoM ekall oa fro from editorial oeaMWitbip oa ttw port of the eubeomralttae, or on tme part of nf member of the taeautr of the Lnlvfr ify, u oa the port of aajr penoo outeide too Dnlvonity. The (swwtwra' of the 5rbmku staff euro aareoaalljr e sponVisS lor what they ee.T, or do or esnno to be printed. mur'a fioteTooar'a Htm of tho Jiobraakao to oa ftrfi taaoe, ae may fal eaa plainly ae, any and all tnrMr prlatKd In (ww atarioa tfcanta am u!y gntnertottmi rmo an ft a eeowrter, SZ.50 awiled ot (3 fat the colleee rear, (4 mailed. Howie ewl Ac. Pmi Uotwd three U a week darina e erhool rear etcatmae and roaiimrtkm oertooa. Oae aooe " daria Aaaaat or die 1trB ot raato n trxrruioa of the miDinee oa otademl biK-anoae. Nebraska. aaiMr ao ot Conareee. Mare I"T. EDITORIAL STAFF Keiieriat Pan Editor Martaairnt bailor .... r-ewi lL)m Beorta MHor ....... don ttai I'taini tajr NotkJ Marhinne rhuura litck rellmaa Cow Editora rred Daly, Knet Henfcie, Saw J num. Warilro Mitchrll A I Kdiwt o '""T" Kit Main Editor Marilra BUSINESS STAFF . Cbet Ktnaet Bra Hftainnt. Barbara r.'irfce, Ueara Madera. Andy rioe awl Bixineaa Maaaam Cinaiattoi, The question has probably en tered many minds whether the Student Council action to limit in dividual leadership responsibility and activity participation is likely to bring more students par ticularly inde p e n d e nts into activities. It is an en c o u ragement to stude nts who have avoided activi t i e s because they believed them to be subject in many cases inevitably to Greek control. Dm fcmu manv indeDendents will respond by enrolling in activities and filling out the membership ros ters which in some cases may De cut drastically as a result of the new regulations? Tn this snace the first week of the semester I evaluated the three 'groups of independents at the University independents per se, dormitory independents and co-op independents. As I noted then, the independents per se are almost exclusively persons who either (1) have not time for activity parti cipation due to requirements of part-time employment; (2) have no interest in organizational work of any type, or (3) feel that stu dent activities are insignificant, and that their time is better spent by limiting their extra-curricular interests to activities of impor tance to the community, nation or humanity at -large. Because of this, probably few independents per se may be expected to partici pate in any future years in Uni versity activities. The same may be said for many 'dormitory and co-op independents. There has been some indication of increasing organizational inter est among dormitory independ ents. Leaders In the men's dormi tory organizational structure say they have made increasing efforts this year and with some success to interest more dormitory in dependents in campus affairs. The dormitories have seemed to be a stronghold for the belief that Greeks inevitably have controlled activities and leadership positions. Perhaps increased response to these leaders' efforts may be ex pected in future years. It appears now that a gradual but definite increase in activity participation by co-op independ ents may be expected. There has been a slow increase during recent years, as evidenced the successful co-op demand last semester for representation on the Student Council. In this group also has lain a deep-seated belief that Greeks in evitably control campus activities. With the increased opportunity for .broader control of activities, there fore, increased participation by co op members is almoat certain. Furthermore, the co-ops in the past two years have shown in creasing interest in rising to the challenge of fraternities in both economic and social competition. This year for the first time in their history the co-ops, through the Stu dent Co-operative Assn., are pub lishing a brochure to be mailed to oil now students 6f the 1955-56 school year, propagandizing the benefits of organizational life in general and of co-op life in par ticular. (I hasten to assure that the booklet in no way libels fraterni ties. Yet H points out reasons why co-op independents prefer their type of organization to the Greek type fraternal organization.) A principal point of emphasis in this brochure is encouragement to prospective co-op members to par ticipate la activities once they have entered the University. Such encouragement has shown up also In the past two years la the propa ganda which some of the Individ ual co-op house hare sent to pros pective members. And the encour agement is not forgotten once a student becomes a co-op independ ent. Co-op leaders are increasing such encouragement to members of their organizations. It appears definite that if the new regulations on activity partic ipation are enforced, and control of activities is consequently broad ened, an annually increasing num ber of independents will partic ipate. There probably will be no enormous immediate influx of in dependents into activities next fall. It will be gradual. But it will, I be lieve, be certain. Quick Quips A woman went to a doctor to complain about her husband's de lusion. "It's terrible, Doctor, she said. "All the time he thinks he's a refrigerator." "Well," consoled the medical man, "that isn't too bad. Quite a harmless delusion, I'd say. "The delusion I don't mind, Doc tor. But when he sleeps with his mouth open, the little light keeps me awake!" A frantic mother rushed into a doctor's office, dragging a four- year-old by the hand. "Doctor," panted the woman, "Is this child capable of performing an appen dectomy?" "Why, my dear, lady," answered the doctor, "don't be silly! Of course not!" "See!" screamed the nother. "Now you march right out of here and put it back." Student: "Have you a book called 'Man the Master of Women'?" Salesgirl: "The fiction depart ment is on the other side, sir." Sehneid Remarks- Some Vacations You Just Can't Handle . By STAN Since September I have been looking forward to this vacation anH finallv it came. First day, quick like a bunny, to the golf course. Quick like a bunny, wop, lost my grip on my mashie and it flew into the lake. Anybody here want to buy a mashieless set of rubber shaft golf clubs? . . . with caddy? I wrote a book over vaca tion called, "You Too Can Be a. Duffer." won heinor a lock at heart I broke out the old tennis racket and headed for the courts. On the first ,i-w which was too powerful to describe, twaaang. Anybody here want to buy a gutless tennis racn- et? I wrote a book over vacation. 'Power Tennis with Mashieless Rubber Shafter Golf Clubs." n,r this time there wasn't too much left but poker. I called the niH crane together and the game was on. Floyd Floyd didn't know too much about the game, in iacv he never played poker before. He handled his cards poorly. His face tnWmnhprl his everv hand. He bet recklessly and held his hands so I could see them. Being a shrewd poker player at heart, I saw this as my opportunity to make a little easy cash, l piayea my illv I bet wisely. I read his every facial movement. I peeked at his hands. He won t lnst $42 no. I wrote a book over vacation. "How To Win at Cards . . Cheat." Time for a little out door social- I and called the eang. exceDt Flovd who was at a poker party, and we had a steak fry. I told the butcher I wanted a pretty t?ood Diece of steak that you could really dig your teeth into. One suited for a golfing, poker playing, tennis playing fool. He only caught the fool part and sold me a slab tho cacroii rrmr of India. The of beef that must have come from price of the steak was $2.98. While the steak was cooking on the out door fireplace the boys and I had a short cocktail that developed in to a long cocktail and then several long cocktails. One hour and forty five minutes later I saw the most expensive piece of warped, shrunk en, black, mutilated, crusted, cnar-coal-burned, half-inch of coal black Hostess: "Our dog is just like one of the family." Bored Visitor: "Which one?" Coed to mau at telephone com pany complaint desk: "Nobody ever calls me." Sign over a television set in a bar: "When the screen doesn't look blurred anymore, you've had too much to drink." He only drinks to calm himself; ' His steadiness to improve. Last night he got so steady, He couldn't even move. Some people discuss politics (kings like politics) some, religion, there was a religious person who became all hetupovernothing and made a big fuss about his dogma. I sat in quiet cynicism contemplating interpolating copperplating just waiting bating dogma. some people say bygodhtereisnogod and stick to their dogma. I am happy with my ideas which are not dogma. a frelnd I met thinks that the world is in a gradual state of decline because of too much much too much dogma. says lie: a preacher said all are wrong all tbey have it evil dogma. I don't like I won't believe I hate . . dogma. I know I am right everyone else speaks only dogma. SCHNEIDER steak that I have ever seen in my life. I wrote a book over vacation. "Solution To Outdoor Cooking... . . . t Eat At a nesiaui am On Friday the phone rang and a picnic was under way. A date says I ard I did. Being a good guy I took my car. Everybody went except Floyd who was at steak fry and everybody got into my car. We headed for Pen Woods like every young student should and oh we were having good fun. Everybody except my date who was griping about a tennis racket some guy sold her. The racket didn't have any strings. (Schneld strikes again.) We started down the gravel road at about a minus four MPH and around the curve comes this car at about 50 MPH on my side of the road. Man what a grouch. Poweee. We finally got my date out of the glove compartment and crawled out through the horn to see what happened. The guy that hit me was one of these real neat guys. Royce with three or four aerials all with squirrel tails on them. He wore a black leather jacket with 27 zippers on it, jeans with a gold chain hanging from the pocket, sideburns and a mustache, a motor cycle hat and a white scarf thrown casually around his kneck. My car turned from a four door sedan to a Crosley. Marlon, the guy in the other car, walked up to me twirl ing the gol chain around his greasy fingers and said, "Care for a chaw of tabackee?" We helped him pick up his teeth, got another car and had a wicked time. My date walked around all night bent over double. Have you ever been thrown into a glove compartment and got all the way in? I wrote a book over vacation. "Driving Made Easy . . . Fly." What's more fun than vacation? School. Happy three days after Easter egg. PRINTING Fraternity, Sorority, A Orgaaication Letterheads . . . Letter ... Newm Bulletin! . . . Booklets . . . Programs GRAVES PRINTING CO. 312 NortW 12th. Ph. f-295? Si (Author ef "-Bartfoot Boy With Cheek," tie.) SCIENCE MADE SIMPLE: NO. 3 Once again the makers of Philip Morris, men who are dedicated to the betterment of American youth, have consented to let me use this space, normally intended for levity, to bring you a brief lesson in science. It is no new thing, this concern that the makers of Philip Morris feel for American youth. Youth was foremost in their minds when they fashioned their cigarette. They were awari that the palate of youth is keen and eager, awake to the subtlest nuances of flavor. And so they made a gentle and clement smoke, a suave blending of temperate vintage tobaccos, a summery amaLgam of the most tranquil and emollient leaf that their buyers could find in all the world. And then they designed their cigarette in two sizes, king-size and regular, and wrapped them in the convenient Snap-Open pack, and priced them at a figure that youth could afford, and made them available at every tobacco counter in the land. That's what they did, the makers of Philip Morris, and I for one am glaJ. The science that we take up today is called astronomy, from the Greek words astro meaning "sore" and nomy meaning "back." Sore backs were the occupational disease of the early Greek astronomers, and no wonder! They used to spend every blessed night lying on the damp ground and looking up at the sky, and if there's a better way to get a sore back, I'd like to hear about it. Especially in the moist Mediterranean area, where Greece is generally considered to be. Lumbago and related disorders kept astronomy from becom ing very popular until Galileo, a disbarred flenser of Perth, fashioned a home made telescope in 1924 out of three Social Security cards and an ordinary ice cube. What schoolboy does not know that stirring story - how Galileo stepped up to his telescope, how he looked heavenward, how his face filled with wonder, how he stepped back and whispered the words heard round the world: "L'etat, e'esmoi!" Well sir, you can imagine what happened then! William Jennings Eryan snatched Nell GwjTine from the shadow of the guillotine at Oslo; Chancellor Bismarck brought in four gusheri in a single afternoon; Hal Newhouser was signed by the Hanseatic League; Crete was declared off limits to Wellington's entire army; and William Faulkner won the Davis Cup for his immortal Penrod and Sam. But after a while things calmed down, and astronomers began the staggering task of naming all the heavenly bodies. First man to name a star was Sigafoos of Mt. Wilson, and the name he chose was Beteigeuse, after his wife Betelgeuse Sigafoos, prom queen at Michigan State College from 1919 to 193L Not to be outdone, Formfig of Yerkes Observatory named m whole constellation after his wife, Big Dipper Formfig, the famed dirt track racer. This started the custom of astronomers naming constellations after their wives - Capricorn, Cygni. Orion, Ursa Major, Canis Major, and so forth, (The Major girls, Ursa and Cams, both married astronomers, though Canis subse quently ran off with a drydock broker named Thwaite Daphnis.) After naming all the heavenly bodies, the astronomers had a good long rest Then, refreshed and brown as berries, they undertook the gigantic project of charting the heavens. Space is so vast that it is measured in units called "light-years." These are different from ordinary years in that they weigh a good deal less This, of course, is only relative, since space is curved. As Einstein laughingly said, "Emc2." SLL?68 th Tm astronmy pretty thoroughly. But before we leave th s fascinating topic, let us answer erne final question: Is there life on other planets? The answer is a flat, unequivocal no. Recent spectroscopy Iiwi ? ?roei bernd doubt that the atmosphere of ths SiL JL t " f aut0.0 harsh t0 penn5t the cult of the delicate vintage tobaccos that go into Philip Morris Cigarettes And who can live without Philip Morris? ' eUi atMUaaa. I tKTeHlr ,"m"',fce ,fce tt"M"' rf,y anr.-U brought 1712 HUAm, 0frHIUP MORRIS erenL-vho feel fold rcg enjoyment in their product.