The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 23, 1955, Page 2, Image 2

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    Wednesday, March 23, 1955
Nebraskan Editorials
Somtihing fJeiv In SC Elections
With SJudect Council elertkms coming up,
& is time for the student body to take stock
of events of the past year sad apply any
eonelasMBs they may have to the results
they wish to tee after elections.
The caaapus knows, for example, that the
. Student Council caa no danger be classified as
. a do-ccthing organixaUca. The members have
asserted a great deal of authority and managed
to get their thumbs irto many pies. This is
' what has been cried for ia the past years,
asd whether student bcdy resents it or not,
increased Council activity is here to stay.
Moreover ia view of the co-ops' anxiety
to be represented on the Council, and the ob
jection raised by the new defunct Faction, it
looks as though interest groups win be playing
a part ia Student Council activities next year
wherever there is a opportunity to do so. How
j&asy of the Council's decisions of the coming
year will be of a nature that special interests
arc involved ia remains to be seen. Intertra
ter&lty Council announcement that it w21 at
tempt to get as many of their Greeks as
possible into Council positions, opens cp new
pa$sa223es. fecial group interest will not be
shown merely by Greek rs. Independents
ejoestxms, but also may be shewn ia special
Jaterests of other types.
These two points-1, that e Storied Council
w-3 be doing more thiags effecting students,
and 2, that welfare of smaTer groups rather than
the stedent body as a whole will be served by
rejjresestives-orJxast sharply with the Sta
cks Council siinatiaa off a year or two ago.
What this amounts to is the possibility of a
great deal of controversy by virtue of the fact
that the representatives individually wl be
more irnpertant. Use Council members w3 no
longer be considered as a whole; it wil be con
sidered from the stand pec of this member
or feat.
Ia past years, election of Council members
could be viewed in a different light. If a person
was well-known, it could be assumed that he
had become wed-known through holding offices
which proved his relative ability to be on
Council. Outside of the one-sided pressure
brought to bear by the Faction, this was the way
elections went A student knew & minority of
the candidates running; he voted for these be
cause by the time the ballot was placed before
him, be found he knew nothing about the others
This is a condemnation of University eiec
tioasin general, but its effects will be felt in
the Student Council as never before.
It may be necessary at last for students to
devote a little time to discussing candidates
and whether or not their vctes in the Student
Council next year are going to give rise to a
great deal of griping.
One of the best things that could happen to
this campus would be a forcing of mare than
passive interest ia the Council membership and
what it is doing. The IFC does not necessarily
have the election nicely in a bag. If, as rumor
has it, independents in the dorm are beginning
to org ariie, they will supply sooce sort of
threat to the Greeks. Where this leaves women
candidates remains to be seen.
The important thing is that if the Council
actions are goirg to effect students as greatly
as they have besua to this year, students can
not afford to vote ca representatives without
knowing a Utile about all of them. Student
Council caa no longer be snetbing by which
actMtyHrninded students fill ia to get that last
AWS point before being ever-pointed. It is
no longer, a busy-work orgaaiiatioa or the
floor for oratorical shewing cff.
This is something to keep la mind as Student
Council candidates are announced and the bal
lot set up. KX
On I'Jilh The Show
7i shew does ga on, at the CriversiSy cf
Rehraska. And both Kasmct and University
.Theatre are to be commended fmt a season
which is almost certain to end ia financial,
dramatic and x&uskal success.
TrccibJe pel ia Its nose last seeing when
TTiflvq&Sy Theater pneposed a new pLa? to Kos
raet JCab. St all began fire years ago when
Kssmet 33s& agreed to sell Universiy Theater
season tackets i retaana for technical aasd d
rer&cal aid via the K3aa"s spring imscaL
Tbiffl last year Theater decided it ocwld do!
break even wxiwat an additional prNJortjan.
Kasiaet Kkibs sjsraaguShow was to be added
to the fiaar Theater prcifec5ns aad ixidkided
ia fee season ticket. Ia aadisra to jeffisg targets,
3k wodd endtawriie the entire ptrtgram.
Bob ifierafcers did mot agree. They beSevel
persans whs wocM nsaay irrj separate tickets
to their shew would met care to pay tie ex
pense cf season tkkeSs which iodaded Theater
prod-jc&ns. They beSeved tbe mew HempcE.
Theater woaiJ aot attract as maxy maB-Om-Irandty
persons ss wodli She Xebrasfca Theater,
which also has a larger capacity. Al ia am, the
Theater propoKal waa considered aa "toreas-
Oampnsrmises failed, and the two grcwps split
with Theater officials predicting "aasuriraouat
atue difScuSaes' for KK ia prodaciEg its mus
ical As yet, however, dfficuSties seem minor.
The ccramesadafele thiE as that Theater is
assasfeig KK, ia spite cff last year's tfisreats.
Bqpfpmeit, sugestians aad criticism have been
dlfered freely to the Kind. KK officials have
expressed their gratitodo over the cceperataaa
given them by Theater, and s3 are Jacking for
ward to a saaccessfsd aad es&ertaising pre
seialtatiaa of ""BJociner GirL" University Theater
cooperated with the mMssic deparbnerA to pre
sent The Conssar as the additional prodsactiaa,
and Shis grorip, too, is ejOTricg a year off
achievemerit ia the entertainment fieM.
One serioas pncSitenn remains bonrever. What
is to be d4x about the expesse off bavisig the
KK shew at the dwmcwa theater? Boca-use
the show is a University pnodaactkm. The SCe
braskaa thk&s it reascsnahle ffmanriaCy and
ksicaHy tLhat the show be presented ia Bevel
TbeaSar, a UniversSy feESSksg. It is hoped that
Eosxoet KM and University Theater may
reads aa agreeraedt efflrsrerning this. As regards
the remaiAr off the SBtamtiosa, this year's
airangeaaMJiait off indepeiadeoce pitas ffrwsdly co
cperatm seems the best. 5LM.
Campus Capers
By Bruce Conner
"IH be darned if III split ia twe white that gay's watchlag me
threagk tite mkroscepe.
"The Self-Governed"
Judge Hand Urges
Moderate Spirit
It was good news that the banner
headlines in last Friday's Nebras
kaa heralded good not only for
independent students but for the
entire University.
Dissolution of the "All-University
Party leaves the uitra-Gfeek in
terest without aa official vehicle of
expression. It relegates this inter
est to a status, comparable to that
of the extreme independent inter
est, which despises everything and
everybody that is Greek.
It is proper that aeMher mt
these extremist interests sktld
have the paver of pctitical ae
tim waira the Factwa possessed
iOegaSy aad wit the illegality
achieved f its ewa iaitiative. Far
wfeea sack pewer is placed ia
sack kaads, the spirit f nedera
tiea s essential to a democratic
saciety mj easily perish ia the
cwaseqaeai tarma ef partisaa
TQificatMas aad pruMts freaa
the pwiiig nterrsts.
The great Judge Learned Band
has placed the spirit cf moderation
ia its proper coajporary perspec
tive. He wrote:
"... I think ... that a society
so riven that the spirit of modera
tion is gnat m cxzt caa save; that
a society where that spirit flourish
es, ro cvrcrt reed save; that ia a
soceity which evades its repocsa
bSty by thrusting cyiaa the courts
the we twe of that spirit, that spirit
will ia the end perish.
"What is the spirit of modera
tion? B is the temper which does
ek press a partisan advantage to
its bitter end. which caa noder
stand and wH respect the other
sade.whach feels a. wmiiry between
al cisixess real and & the f a
cSicsas prodari off propaganda
which reoogsMs tbeir tsmnsatm fate
and their coaamaa aspirataans ia
a wtsnd, whirh has faith ia the sac
redness cff the iskdMiuiaL Iff yea
ask me bo such a temper amd
such a faith are bred and fostered,
I cannot answer. They are the last
flowers of civiliiation, delicate and
easily overrun by the weeds of our
sinful human nature; we may be
even now witnessing their uproot
ing and disappearance until in the
progress of the ages their seeds
can once more find some friendly
Another Nebraskan columnist has
been denounced for presenting chal
lenges to the student body. At the
risk of similar denunciation, I must
point to Judge Hand's warning as
one of innumerable challenges fac
ing this and every other college
student body, not only in this coun
try, but ia the free world. Our gen
eration must off necessity be will
ing and prepared to accept trouble
some problems and make weighty
decisions which are being willed to
us by our fathers. The college popu
lation cff today wi3 bear the bulk
of the weight of these decisions of
tomorrow. Unless we practice mod
eration ia our actions, responsibility
ia our decisions, today when they
are cff relatively minor importance
anless we face today's challenges
how caa we expect capably to act.
decide and face the raonumental
challenges off tomorrow?
tftaMwtabl ret. KiprlKcl. Phon
Kaon for rnt. 3311 Starr, mpk.yd
woman or nature atudanu WITS altar
Want Ads
By SpJtimg
Brown A White
Black & Tiite
mi i st.
NemJqmmrten For Ml
Spmiding SforU Good
We3-dressed man, cigar ia hand,
f aSing through the air from aa
airplane: Gad! That wasnt the
washroom after aSL"
A deaf TOata entered a church
wish aa ear trumpet. Sooa after
she seated herself, aa usher tip
toed ever aad whispered, ""Otoe
toot, asd out you go.
If you've watched them oa
the course, you've probably
thought: "Boy, if I could
just get my game down lit
Constant practice b the answer, of course, but getting the best
from your equipment is just as important, too.
That's where Spalding TOP-FUTE clubs have the edge.
They have more to offer in precision balance that gives aa
absolutely uniform nvfeeHiih every dub ia the matched set.
That's the secret of Spalding SYNCHRO-DYKED dubs.
And, it win pay off for you from the first round. YouH main
the same shots with new uniformity. The perfect balance of
these dubs lets you swing through the ball with conSdcnce.
Without "fchoking-up or "compensating." You get the baS
away deaner, longer, and with more shot control.
These are the dubs that have lowed kmdicsps by es muck cr
IS: Spalding synchro-dyned TOP-FUTE dubs. Your Golf
pro has them now. And, now's the time farytw to start pkying
better goifl
Harlan Appointment Opposed
For Reasons Of Self-Interest
Ftrar UiiSed State sentftors IssSt vi op
posed Site apm&meat cf John Marsha! Harlan
acs assaciate Justice cf be VS. ScfrezDe Coart.
Vbe ant ttx& a Bepdttlkam joined Ctsree Bea
enmts ea fie senate ju&riaTy comTrxint.!e to
vat tsgmiat canSTmifiiam c a Btribt5cxa may
fce ammmal, bat !he reascm given 17 She group
saraed to sppraaca a maclir cf inoocal thiri-fcg-
Sea. Hermaa !Te2Sar C4ahl VHtteJ artdmrt
Bjelaa iMtenme f Baataaw Hee4 ff2ia&
wiEOi fit yierSk Antir Vmhm )emmSam and
tbe CSawasa Absocum far tlim UJSL Sen. Wei
tssr tS&es&s sffwses be ppcrmm f be Uaiiudd
Kfi&ais sad adtadks mrxsmzntitm rtEaity.
EarlEa repStifl to ifhe ""dharpe feat im aemr
chafed ssy sneexings cff he KArC and ht tos
Ey canaeKSiaa via the OI Assncistinn was to
itsad one cf &eir cadktsi parties and to
finb&e $2L
Sea. Vsilfcer evlteaSy taeSevs Chift aEirj'ane
wa przZesnet ca interest is anitraitiaDiJ af
fsfirs is m& to be a sreme cenrt jastaoe.
S 5s fibic 3"pe cff emrirark ishiiimg wlridh
pmm&s am A2 Cap; to rktoiik & thgizj cff
&e tS Sensie.
States IsEmm Q. Eagltsnl O-ll and
CSia D. Jttmfitoa (fflSL rraeniberld ffihst
Harlffils g?anii'aher tiad btxa a sapresae court
Jar sad wr-ate S5 (daaseatang cprmm is. tfi
tesrKe Is equtu deasnan on segregfitiiaii
ssisiy yeasra aga,
Greafter JBsS-iruxre: can JsEriy fee fimapned
Cbaa &g cff t&rae mm w las Seit &nt Earlaa's
raM rim wnrid he m. awiraixle o ifeea.
VSm is sas5petant to ifhciSe wMbar a tSBaE"
tifclid aire whiilly corractt m mat?
HSsr is ztfrft ia tae "spfwrsfye but eusfl'"
1sSz3am hs& to twe corpEiisnre wia his dso
M as a ntHSkuBtacKi for .fie Sdiestt SaffirM
psei la Sim eaastry wroM seem to be &e feejjfttt
S reaxKjaed far Sm. T'Zi.a-q Lasgar CD-35JD-
to tfSxr the irassit astmcmiSisg CoaliSrsiliiwhaci'.
EktIks ffa&bd to MESL Sec Lcxtger dedarel
thai he was &eal cff harlTig jjrii.ts roca e$t
era spates fM the Sajnciae Ccnrl tench, and
he TOalS vote agaisst ary sppcihce wto was
not a usSiTe scm Snora a sanallksr, xafieiiaii sttfte
sadh as 2?a5h Dsikdta. Harlaa is ffrcvra Xew
Ixier ar vet Bartsa wmM wuie a great
jterSfat is i2kna to tut he a mem a rootber
C be Xw Twi CSrcnit Ctart f Appnis
fcnt mftpm&Sim to tis sptiHt-mnA to rhe saretne
msst mniM mam fwcii&aiy have tea rectei
M Ms aaal KaS5raaoas for Che ptL ,.
The faar sMsSfors ipgsareiiQy Haai EJtJe to
y aboJt Eaates' joffial aMSty; dilaer m&t,
as mM Sbew critiazeS ftas reSpasi, Ms teste
ia Sties ar las brand cff cigars. T!he Kew York
Heralfl-Tsaiaae reparto tfeat HariEB was "jpraBt!!
pnammcnagy by r5rreseaitaXirvs cff bar assatii
ttaons, bat was craanaefl as a "torHywarldHr" by
These serts&ars repnesaztefl, intiteaiS ctf be
irtenesit cff ttiae rmtkm, ttfbe jHsnttreflt cff a
majority. Loyalty to mac's beliefs as a vsnikhiag
wirfcae, tout tCbe a5siisitiiam cf aa beb2wh8 jaaijad
banSJy beniilSs Che adranoe cff reaaaaL
Cliff's Smoke Shop
ffum im wt
m x. im
asm m. ftssam
Ltsafer Sefour Five KcfaJr
Sasfer Cards
Now on Display
Larpe Selection
EaiSev April 19 C tccc
SIS NorOi Ulb SL
You can expect more than normal wear
in these $oft-to-thetouch flannels
made with "Orion"
A Square Beef
E almastt seems a sane iEtfep ttfhjit JfttihraSai
actts ttkKase plates cff tfihe fdtee wffl bear tSbe
StaTieuaeait, "The EedF Sljj'," ca ttbeaa.
Kcft too miffldfe cpposiuiasi Basis coss Scsritih
to fihe prqpoBfil exneptt Ernani a Sew fcog pn
daDBrs wiha mmiM Hie to see tSbe jptaifis read,
"The Merit State..""
tod aUtataiS) aJbene to bwsm same rearitaooa
to ssiaffire cv-s mm tfihe cm&dTm wSb. ifflwsne
iiHii'U tos mudb csutiEiKm to a beef dogasi on
tSae stRtea Fedtarjjrtsisr BoesaBe siiates.
HITS by Phocisix
TctiI l&tm &&t meSL Sis:Jw5ffM
OxIlwba-imscI wbH tar Eeriwc Xa4
wssr btm s swL aw it's ftsSoiwd 4 fv
4' .
. .... u
a&tsqpm Iraof er ... hempt
51 A iv
& ;
ftntr " " "S i I
IUb Nebraskan
X&te? JLmtxLuiisi CtZsStS fresa
st4sCj Frew
wmoiT t .!M t.fip mm avoHOMwMnll t
.n -I n fin fiutMmntantm.
:;: - .tar vnst m MS. v Am. a ane ta c
- "i.
r !m pan. mmm 4.
. ! MSSM l" 49W ;"' II ! iMnnai mn 4M
. s xir-'twA mum k momnm. Ititn a. "'.
f ttTYMW ....
CtttowM fmr CCinr
v mnm"v f.-onar .........
3-n 4irfSttw ...........
Wflfll S'S(tttBf ...........
Dim biimm
U tlmilHI
( 4fenr nt:i.
"w Vir nl
5t XMUtt.
mmmrtm .. . mmm Wmntm, Mmimt im.
JNtavtmiK. Unarm tgummm. MUc turn,
" 'ir 'iltnw. n1iu wWnuw ".
KSkt. OtMtnm. tn fcaWM"t, n turn
r-tinL. fcuwiipuwi. ia Ciwn. Mtanaa ot,
csd lea r S.'T
lien's C2JfcfH3r
Jlof ee Seees-dl 3FJ.wr
It is rzs earcest fecf tLat aa occasional coJamn of ctlst Eftt
pJeased joa enousrli to ctale yoa arast to dip it out asdi keep it.
Bat Fm sure ti,at bemf preoccupied with more iaeportast tltios
like geitizig down to breakfast before josr roosa-eate eata
a3 tie iBaraalade tie itspils fcas passed aad been foryotten.
So I as pleased new to report tJat tie isakers of FkHip Morris
Cigarettes, bless tie;r corporate hearts, nave psMisbed a bcokkt
eaTed MAX SOtOIAN RETSfTED, wtkh costaias six cf
Esy favorite colfflBstas, along with some brasd new material, al
cf ttis profusely SSastrated z2 of tiss available to yoo gratis
wisea voa by a cospJe cf packs cf PfeUip Morris at jmr favocita
tobacco ctmnter ca or E-ear josr c&stpm.
Btrt this is not t&e cc!y news Pve got for too today. FcBowfeg'
yoa wiU fad a ro&cds? cf isews feignlignta frota casposea to
coct try over.
Sevtoera Reserve Usuverairy
Dr. WSSard EaJe SIgafoos, bead cf tite departcsest cf aa
tircpcJcgy at Soothera Reserve Uttrrersity asd isteraatimTy
known as as authority 00 primitive peopJes, retarded yesterday
f rata a focr year scieattiSc cjrpeditioo to tie headwaters of tfca
AsoaiflJE River. AtaoEg tie naazty EEterestiisg usessemtoa of Lis
joo nsey is bis own bead, sircnk to'ti sir cf a snstuqoaJL Ha
reftcsed to reveal fccw its bead s&rinkicg was accoEBplisaed.
Teat's for sec to knew sad you to tmd out." fee said with s
tixy. bet sascy grin.
pMJTtfcerB Reserve Usshersity
Dr. MajBdrSI GIbbost, head cf tie deparSsaett cf loolcgy at
Nortiera Eewrve University aasd kaowa fa ycerg acd M for
his work oa prasaies, ainocsced yesterday tiat be bad received
a grant cf tMJQmjim for a twelve year stady to deSermia
precifeJy hew eucJs fen tiere is in a barrd of EKsakeys.
Wiatever tie reralSs f Dr. Glbtxm's researcies, tits cada
is already knwwm: wEafs wore fca tiat a barrel cf momkeys is
a pack cf Phillip Morris. There's test aad cieer ia every paZ.
detigit in every draw, oooteatt aad w3-beirg ia every f eecy,
fiavorfEl elkwdkt. Aisd, wiafs wsre, tils nserrieat f cigarettes,
kirrg-sire asd regnslar. coshm ia tie exds&ive Pi2ip Morris
Snap-Opeaa pack. A gestie teg ss tie tab aad tie package pops
cKlgiEgSy cpea. A gestae pmh ca tie cpea pack and it s3es.tjy
Mds iSseJf back, sealimg ia tie savory vintage tobacco ft3
yea are rea-ir to snace again.
Eartera Rewert e Usuverairy
Tie aEEffial rt-eetirg cf tie Amerkaa PiikJcgksl Isstitcta.
he3d last week at Eartcrs Eeserte UEtversity, was easlfe!!i4
by tie readir.g cf two divergent mmognks ccfacertirg ti
cngiffis of earty Gtik "nsmes." as letters cf primitive aJ;4abet
Dr. Tristraa tatircp Spteea. fa-eed far tmd wide as tie
discroverer cf tie Rigi Germaa CoEsonajit Shift, read a paper
in wiki he traced tie ongisss off tie Old Wesdisa resse "pt"
prEoer.d 'nktt" to tie isid! Leslie nrse "gr" (pro
wwsmced -albert") . On tie tier hand. Dr. BJciard Gnsaertad
TwosLkey. who, as tie wbole worU knows, trssslated Tks F&fsmm
Gem feto MiddJe Riga Bactriaa. coetesdad ia his pafer list
tie. Old Wes&i rsae ,Mpt" derives f ma tie Low Erse rsat msf
CproaiiBcd ""gr").
Fei L? ff88 m tiat Dr. Tweclsy
feaa2y asked Dr. S-eea if he wcsld Lke to step isto tie yr
Kasnm a4 pst oa tie gfcrcs. Dr. Spkea accspted tie dLaZezz
proopCr. tart tie coetctt vai Eerer held becaias tier wr
co soves ta tie gytssisaftiaas tiat wesM ft Dr Twcsakey
(Tie reader is doci'Jcss f isdisg tiU hard to beifcrc a
Jtera Reserve UEivemy is ceJeirated tie Jexgti sad breadti
cf tie laad f or tie sire cf its gyre coSectica. Eowerer, tie reader
ked to reaesLier tiat Dr. TWley has eztraordiy
sma3 ids asd arc. Ia ftd, te rpet tie lut war works
ta sa3 areapSa-t. where he received two Navy Awards
asd was wid-y Laik-i 4, a "cy Ltj:.e