The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 07, 1955, Page Page 4, Image 4

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Page 4
Tickets 'Goi n g Fast'
Brubeck Began Jazz
Combo In
Ticket sales for the Dave Bru
beck jazz concert to be held in the
Union Ballroom Jan. 18 are going
'quite fast," said Judy Caplan,,
Union activity director.
Brubeck will give performances
at 4 and 7:30 p.m. Matinee tickets
are $1, and evening tickets may
be purchased for $1.50 or $1.25.
The jazz combo, which last
year won Down Beat magazine's
popularity and critics' poll and
Metronome Magazine's 'All-Star"
Big, Barbed
Bite Hard
It wasn't all sun light and swim
ming pleasure for Cornhusker vis
itors in Florida for the Orange
Bowl as one scratched and bumpd
Nebraska band member will testi
Freshman engineering student
Don Holyoke from Hastings came
back with legs, arms and torso
a criss-cross of painful scratches
after a short, but sharp encounter
with underwater- barnacles grow
ing on pilings of an ocean front
pier near St. Augustine, Fla.
Holyoke, drummer in the band,
was one of many Huskers who
made use of Florida's miles of
beach front to ride ocean waves
as they came in. He said he
had gone out "quite a ways" to
practice his surf riding when he
heard a call for help. "I looked
in front of me while I was com
ing in," he said, "but didn't see
anyone. I thought maybe I just
imagined hearing the call. But the
voice came again louder this time
with some other people joining in.
"This time, I looked behind me,"
Holyoke said, "and saw a group of
people standing on a pier. There
were a lot of people pointing down
at the water to one of the pilings
under the pier. When I looked
again I saw a fella I knew hang
ing on to one of the piers. I swam
over to help him, but couldn't
get him to let go of the piling he
was hanging onto.
"Then it happened," Holyoke con
tinued. "A big wave broke just
a little way away from us and
swept me under the pier and into
the pilings which were covered
with these sharp barnacles. I avoid
ed the first few pilings, but I was
Sting so fast that I finally hit one
a them allmost head on.
"I put my arms around it to
keep from going farther, but that
didn't keep me from getting pretty
well cut up."
Holyoke said that no more big
waves, at least as big as the one
that pushed him into the pilings,
came along.
"A boy from St. Augustine was
In the water by now, and we
managed to help my friend out
of the water onto the beach.
"They took me to a hospital
St. Augustine," Holyoke said, "and
the doctors started to work on my
cuts. First I got some tetnus
shots (the barnacles were poison
ous) and then they poured al
cohol over all my cuts. Then
the doctors put some sort of 'goo'
over my arms, legs, feet and
Holyoke is now wearing slippers
and short-sleeved shirts to make
his "latticed" appendages as com
fortable as possible. He says his
cuts should heal up in a matter of
International Performer
Pmppeteeir Cindlycfs
fylarioiraeffle Cyirse
Interested in puppets? If so,
register for an extension course
in puppetry taught by Marjorie
Shanafelt, assistant to the director
of the Morrill Hall Museum.
The third session of the pup
petry course will open the first
Monday in February. Miss Shan
afelt instructs her students in the
art of constructing and manipu
lating the different kinds of pup
ets and marionettes.
During the last summer school
iession, Miss Shanafelt presented
a shadow puppet show, "The White
Cloth of Fantasy," as a part of
the Summer Artist Series. She
manipulated her shadow puppets in
a composite fairy tale and shad
ow circus featuring both animals
and people.
Cloth Screen
She said that the secret of shad
ow puppetry is the use of a light
behind a white cloth screen which
is 60" wide by 34" high. The pup
ets are manipulated by long wires.
The simplicity of the set can be
magnified by the use of music,
' theatrical dimmers, color wheels,
spotlights, duplicate, lights which
cast double shadows.
Miss Shanafelt explained, "I am
ti-vine. with these shadows, to in
troduce something that teachers
can use toward an idea of great
er beauty in the classroom." She
added. "When I perform before a
croup, I attempt to adapt the
ta the needs of the
I' ' " O ' - .
Basically a string puppeteer, Miss
poll, has Brubeck at the piano with
Bass Player Bob Bates, Alto
Saxophonist Paul Desmond and
Drummer Joe Dodge.
Described by many critics as
the most exciting new jazz artist
at work today, Brubeck has de
finite ideas about how his audi
ences should behave. He feels
there should be no loud joking or
talking while his group is per
formjng. He has been known to
leave the bandstand in the mid
die of a number and threaten a
noisy customer.
In the past five years, fans of
the combo have grown from a
small West Coast clique to a
coast-to-coast crowd with Bru
beck's main popularity existing
on college campuses. The first
Columbia record made by Bru
beck and his group, "Jazz Goes
to College," for four months out
sold any single album by any
other pianist.
By the time he was four years
old, Brubeck was playing the
piano. While studying to be a
veterinarian at the College of the
Pacific at Stockton, Calif., he be
gan playing jazz piano in night
He played in Army bands on the
Coast during World War II, and
then, in 1946, he decided to be
come a composer and studied at
Mills College. But instead, he
formed his own quartet in Cali
fornia in 1951 when American
jazz was being revived.
In regard to his ambition of
being a composer, Brubeck said,
"I have yet to find the composer
who I think is happy. In jazz you
can perform what you compose.
When I get inspired, I'm the hap
piest guy in the world.'"
Goodwill Visits
To High Schools
Planned By Ag
Trips to Wahoo, Mead and Te-
cumseh " ' 'schools have been
planned i Builders public re
lations ( n i 1 1 e e during the
month o. . ...luary.
Chairman Bill DeWulf announced
that the purpose of these trips is
to put forth the advantages of the
University, and the Ag College in
particular. A coed and a male
student will accompany a faculty
member on each of the coming
visits. The first trip will be to
Wahoo Tuesday, January 11th.
Mrs. Keeler, assistant professor
of vocational education, DeWulf,
Larry Connor, Sharon Egger and
Linda Buthman will make the trip
to Wahoo. DeWulf said that 6nly
three persons will go on succeed
ing visits.
Panel To Discuss
Foreign Tongues
The importance of foreign
languages to the citizens of the
United States will be discussed at
the meeting of NUCWA Tuesday
at 7:15 p.m. in Union Room 316.
Members of the discussion panel
are: Charles W. Colman, associate
professor of Romance language;
Lloyd D. Teale, associate profes
sor of Romance language and
John Winkelman, assistant profes
sor of Germanic Languages.
Foreign students are especially
invited to attend, said President
Sharon Mangold.
Shanafelt car. work with as many
as 100 shadow puppets at a time,.
She added that, in addition to
beine used for entertainment, pup
pets are now used as therapeutic
devices, and for educational work.
Miss Shanafelt has been working
with marionettes for approximately
21 years. She said, "Puppetry
is an avocation for me I use
it as an expression of art, in
stead of music, painting or sculp
ting." She has given special programs
all over the country. Among Miss
Shanafelt's shows in Europe were
request performances, which she
gave at the Palace in Copenhagen,
Miss Shanafelt refers to her
home in Lincoln as "The Puppet's
House." The room in which the
puppets are displayed is called
the "puppeteeria," and it's walls
are covered with approximately 175
puppets used by famous puppet
eers. Her marionette collection
has included as many as 250 pup
pets. Recently she sent a selec
tion of them to Puerto Rico for
the purpose of aiding enthusiasts
and prospective puppeteers there.
The first records f the use of
shadow puppets date back to 121
B. C, and since then they have
been used in some form in nearly
every country. Puppetry reached
a height of popularity in France
during the reign of Louis XIV
when everyone went to the shadow
Chinese Art
Nowadays shadow puppets are
cut out of cardboard. However,
Your Chunk
God Has A Place On Campus
Church Editor
Methodist Student House
Sunday 3:00 p.m. Kappa Phi
Degree of Light; 5 p.m. Fireside
Club with a discussion on ''Be
liefs of a Protestant."
Student Fellowship of Baptists
and Disciples of Christ
Sunday 5 p.m. will be a supper
and fellowship meeting. Dr. Wil
liam Brill of the University stu
dent health service will speak
on "What It Means To Be 'Nor
mal.' "
Tuesday 7:30 p.m. the study
group will discuss "the Unfolding
Drama of the Bible."
Wednesday 7:30 a.m. chapel
Lutheran S TUDENT House
(National Lutheran Council)
535 North 16th
Friday 7 p.m. visitations.
Sunday 10 a.m., Bible Hour;
11 a.m., worship; 5:30 p.m. LSA.
The topic for LSA on city cam
pus will be "Bible Forum on
Prayer" led by Pastor Peterson.
There will also be an election of
officers. On Ag campus the topic
will be "Are Creeds Necessary?"
Election of officers will be held.
Monday 6 p.m. Grad Club.
Wednesday 7 p.m. vespers;
Parade, Game
NUers Brave 'Mist'
For Rose Festival
Staff Writer
Rain-drenched Nebraska s t u-
dents who attended the Rose Bowl
returned with one conviction
rain or no rain they wouldn't have
missed the parade or game for
"I loved it even though we
walked miles through puddles to
our ankles," Lil Kitzleman, sen
ior in Teacher's College said.
"The parade was one of the most
beautiful and elaborate produc
tions I've ever seen," Audie Jones,
sophomore in Teacher's College,
Snarled Traffic
It was necessary to feave at
7 a.m. in order to find a parking
place within 8 blocks of Colorado
Boulevard, where the five mile
parade marched, Miss Jones said.
Traffic was snarled ana crawling
at a snail's pace, Miss Kitzleman
said. Her party was forced to
walk to the stadium through ankle
deep puddles.
Britain Opens
To Americans
British universities in England
and Scotland offer American stu
dents an opportunity for study
programs during the summer of
Fields of study to be offered
during the six-week summer ses
sions will include English history,
literature, art, music, drama, phil
osophy and politics. Graduate
students and qualified juniors and
seniors are eligible to apply for
Expenses for the six weeks of
study will average approximately
$200; travel from $340 to $470. A
few scholarships are available
which provide for the remission oi
part of the tuition fees.
Further information may be se
cured in the Graduate Office, So
cial Science in.
the peak of their beauty was seen
in China in the early centuries
where they were made of colored
transparent skin, the coloring
process of which is a lost art.
Most of the shadow puppets
used in modern times are solid,
black, projected figures, but Miss
Shanafelt's shadows are based on
the beauty of the old Chinese pup
pets. The figures are translucent
and a glow of color is created
by the use of vari-colored papers
and plastice.
A charter member of the Pup
peteer of America, Miss Shanafelt
has been a member of the group's
council fon the past two years. The
purpose of the council is to make
rules, solve the problems of pup
peteers all over the nation and
publish a quarterly newspaper en
titled "The Journal."
Miss Shanafelt will demonstrate
shadow puppets at a special booth
and give people attending the con
ference an opportunity to observe
her techniques.
Open Seven
' 115 So.
t PHONE 5-2178
Free ,
Lincoln, Nebraska
7:30 p.m. choir.
St. Thomas Aquinas Chapel
Sunday masses 8, 9, 10, 11,
12 a.m.
Weekday masses 6:45, 7:15
a.m. with a daily Rosary at 5
Religion classes Tuesday and
Thursday at 11 a.m., Wednesday
and Thursday at 7 a.m.
Friday 2 p.m. Graduate Club.
Wednesday 8 p.m. and Sat
urday 1 p.m. choir 'practice.
Sunday will be the Communion
Breakfast at the Mayfair Grill
following the 9 a.m. mass. The
guest speaker will be A. B. Winter
of the political science depart
ment. South Street Temple
Friday 8 p.m. sermon on
"The Life of the Early Settlers."
Tlffereth Israel Synagogue
Friday 8 p.m. regular week
ly service.
University Lutheran Chapel
(Missouri Synod) 15th and Q
Sunday 10:45 a.m. worship
and election of assembly officers.
At 5:30 p.m. will be the Gamma
Delta supper and meeting with
the topic, "Consolations of Wor
ship" by Prof. Rosel of Seward.
There will also be election of of
ficers. "My brother-in-law explained
that Pasadena had an inadequate
drainage system, which seemed
painfully obvious to me," she con
tinued. Dignitaries Present
Both girls commented on the
dignitaries present at the parade.
Chief Justice Earl Warren, Roy
Rogers, the Shah of Iran, Tab
Hunter and Hopalong Cassidy were
a few of the participants in the
Film star Ann Miller, wearing
a pink mink stole to match her
gown, rode on one of the floats.
Art Miller of Omaha rode in the
parade on his prize-winning Palo
mino parade horse.
It is the second- time both girls
have attended the Rose Bowl fes
tivities. Miss Kitzleman attended
two years ago when Wisconsin
played Southern California and
Miss Jones saw the Nebraska Rose
Bowl game.
Raincoats Sold
"It was a thrill to see one of
my Theta sisters on the Big Ten
float, she was ' Miss Michigan,"
Miss Kitzleman said.
There were raincoats on sale
during the game. They were Army
surplus panchos, a cape-like gar
ment used by. the cavalry. "I
bought one, and the khaki paint
ran all over everything," . Miss
Kitzleman said.
The announcer kept referring to
the rain as a mist, Miss Jones
said. "The statement was inac
curate, because I have never seen
such a downpour," she continued.
People slept . in the streets to
see the game and parade, she
added. One family even built a
fire in the gutter to arm them
selves, she said.
.Miss Jones listened to part of the
Orange Bowl game in the car, be
fore the Rose Bowl game. She
said they walked from the parade
to the stadium in high-heeled
shoes and rested in the family
car, which had been parked at
7 a.m.
Horse Costumes
Miss Jones' party entered through
the wrong gate and walked around
the entire stadium before they
reached their seats.
Halftime performances were
very elaborate according to Miss
Kitzleman. The Southern Californ
ia Band - members wore horse
costumes to carry out the Trojan
theme. They formed a merry-go-round,
with band members repre
senting the horses.
"Even the trip home was not
free of rain" Miss Jones said.
"I had planned on retuning to a
clear Nebraska and no rain from
clammy California, but 20 min
utes outside of Kansas City all the
passengers on the plane were
awakened and told to fasten their
safety belts.
"We were entering a severe rain
storm and the stewardess claimed
it , was a safety measure. We
bounced the rest of the way to
Lincoln on air currents," she con
cluded. Beginning Debate
Five University debate teams
will attend a one-day invitational
debate conference for beginners
at 'Hastings College Tuesday.
Those, participating in the con
ference are Joan Vecera, Darrina
Turner, Kay Williams, Diann
Hahn, Connie Hurst, Barbara
Sharp, Frank Tirro, Roger Watt,
Dick Andrews and Bob Frank.
We Now Serve
Chicken Delight 135
Chicken Delight 35
Shrimp Delight
Shrimp Delight g5g
Days A Week
25th. St
While Hunting Sailfish
rsU TrodflDDces
Staff Writer
One small cry of triumph was
heard from a few Nebraska root
ers New Year's Day, in spite of
Duke's victory in the Orange Bowl.
Nebraska unofficially beat Duke
in deep sea fishing.
Led by Jerry Miller, who acci
dentally performed' a feat rare
in Mimal fishing circles, a Ne
braska contingent of three over
whelmed a scrappy one-man Duke
team, 12-0. The Duke team be
came ill during the contest and
had to lie down.
The great event of the day came
College Art Featured
faculty Works Included
In Morrill Hall Exhibition
Exhibitions of art works of Uni
versity faculty members and old
master drawings and prints from
England will be held until Feb.
6 at the Art Galleries in Morrill
Members of the Art Department
will have their recent work on
exhibition which exclude paintings,
sculpture and ceramics.
Some unusual works being ex
hibited show the college technique.
(Collage, a French word, means
pasted or plastered down.) Rusty
pieces of metal have been used
and different colors of rusty metal
combined with black and white tex
tile paints form interesting pic-
Of Livestock
Judging Slate
The Junibr Livestock Judging
Team has been announced by
Coach M. A. Alexander, professor
of animal husbandry.
The team will leave for Denver
Thursday to attend the National
Western Livestock Show. The live-,
stock team is made up of Jack
Aschwege, Larry Connor, Stanley
Eberspacher, Gerald Schiermeyer
and Allen Trenkle.
The carlot team will consist of
Eberspacher, Schiermeyer, Tren
kle, Charles Tomsen and Duane
Trenkle. The wool team will be
composed of three of the follow
ing: Lonnie Wrasse, George Hart
man, Duane Trenkle, Aschwege,
Connor and Tomsen.
The team will judge carlot
classes Friday, all other livestock
classes Saturday and wool Sunday.
They will return late Tuesday,
Jan. 18.
Hmim... fcn wwint.i,., ... 1 L. . ,, ,
"Always sometiiino new
"Different types of work appeal to
different men," says Donald O'Brian
(A.B., Indiana, '50), in the Traffic
Department with Indiana Bell Tele
phone Company. "For me, I'll take
a job that keeps me hopping. And
, that's just the kind of job I have.. ,
"You'd think that after two years
I'd have all the variables pinned down.
But it doesn't work that way. When .
you supervise telephone service for
thousands of different customers whose
Don's enthusiasm for his job la pretty typical of how
most young college men feel about their telephone
careers. Perhaps you'd be interested in a similar oppor
tunity with a Bell Telephone operating company, such
as Indiana Bell "... or with Bell Telephone Laboratories,
Western Electric or Sandia Corporation. See your Place
ment Officer for more information.
. . .
when Miller landed a 36-inch Wa
hoo while fishing for sailfish. The
Wahoo is rarely caught around
Miami, and Miller's fish was the
twelfth one caught all year.
Capt. Jack Germaine, leader of
Miller's party, said the Wahoo is
"a very rare fish" around Mi
ami. It is also reported to be
a very strong swimmer, having
been clocked up to 50 miles per
The Wahoo is a dark-blue food
fish (Acanthocybuim petus), of the
Sqombridae family and the Per
comorphi order. It spends most
of its time around Florida and
tures. Sand has even been em
bedded in the paint y give the
pictures a different texture.
One display is made of a
weathered board with metal piec
es nailed onto it to form figures.
There are a . number, of modern
paintings in the exhibition having
varied color combinations.
An informal tea from 3 to 5 p.m.
Friday will open the annual facul
ty exhibition.
The exhibition of old master
drawings and prints from the col
lection of Hans Calmann of Lon
don, England will ;open Sunday.
The 35 original drawings and prints
will be for sale with prices ranging
from $30 to $300.
Arranged "primarily by the Iowa
University Student Art Guild, the
collection was planned to be ex
hibited at three universities in this
order: University of Iowa, Uni
versity of Nebraska and Univer
sity of Manitoba.
The art works date from the
15th century to the 19th century
and include some of Ruben's and
Tiepolo's masterpieces. The pur
pose of bringing such an exhi
bition to the University is to cre
ate interest among students and
art collectors.
Scholarship Fund
Competition Open
The 1955 Tri Delta General Schol
arship Competition is now open.
The deadline is February 25.
Scholarships are awarded to
women students iri the 96 colleges
where there are Tri Delta chap
ters. They may, or may not, be
fraternity members. The amount
of awards included in the competi
tion will not exceed $200.
Application blanks are available
at the office of the Associate Dean
for women, Ellen Smith Hall.
A Campus-to-Career Case
needs are always changing, there's
always something new coming up.
"I started with Indiana Bell in 1952,
after two years in the Army. My train
ing program exposed me to many dif
ferent kinds of telephone work cus
tomer contact, personnel, accounting,
operations. I saw a lot of jobs which
looked as interesting as mine. As
much as I like the kind of work I'm
doing now, I bet I'll like my next spot
even better."
Friday, January 7, 1955
By Landing Wahoo
the West Indies, some peupio
it the peto, but not to its face.
Still fishing for sailfish, Miller
augmented his catch with a small
tuna. Earlier he had caught four
kingfish, one weighing 30 pounds.
Leaping Trophy
Dick Pickett, who matched Mil
ler's bag of six fish, caught what
was acclaimed by Capt. Germaine
to be "probably the largest sand
perch of the day." The sand perch
was 12 inches long and was caught
while Pickett was fishing for sail
fish. Because of the relative rareness
of his Wahoo, Miller has decided
to make a trophy of it. "I'm
having him mounted in a leaping
urve," Miller said.
His trophy will cost only $1.33
an inch. Pickett declined tQ have
his prize preserved.
Tom Healey, third member of
the Nebraska team, caught no fish,
but immortalized himself earlier
by falling through a hole in the
floor of an old castle into tha
ocean with his clothes on.
NU Recital
To Feature
4 Seniors
Donald Kitchen, Donald Mattox,
Yvonne .Moran and HaroldWelch
will be featured in a senior recit
al at the Howell Memorial Theater
Jan. 12 at 4 p.m.
Accompanists for the recital will
be Beverly Ross, Shirley Mc
Peck and Barbara Yokel.
Soprano Yvonne Moran will sing
"In quelle trine morbide Manon
Lescaut" by Puccine, "Mein schon
er stern" by Schuman, "The Lone
some Grove" by Bacok and "Song'
by Sammond.
"Elegy, Op 24" by Faure and
the Allegro movement of Stamitz'a
"Concerto in D Major" will be
played on the viola by Har6ld
Donald Mattox, baritone, has
chosen to sing "Vittoria, mio core"
by Carissimi; Brahms "Wiegen
lied" "Life" by Curran, and
Dvorak's "Goin' Home."
Donald Kitchen's piano selec
tions will include the Allemande,
Sarabande, Gavotte and Giguer
movements of the "French Suite
in G Major" by Bach, "Prelude"
by Rachmaninoff and "Polka" by
Harold's Barber Shop
223 North 14th
lYt block i South of
Student Union v