the Ivy Day Interfraternity Sing Should Be Sponsored By IFC, Nebraskan Editorial SaysPg. 2 Huskers Meet Mizzou Friday; Recent Victory Over l-State Encourages Team See Page 3 Vol. 55, No. 40 IT Lincoln, Nebraska Friday, January 7, 1955 1 Greeks May Sponsor Contest AoDdoirsoirD V; LINDQUIST lp? lllllilll " f vllliiilllllll ',vi?t&jf ill,... .Jllllf Mil IlllllliillllSll I lilBilllllll 'tn mangold HUTCHINSON QJlTDCu IHlyfcliioEnisini Marlene Hutchinson, Sharon Mangold and Janet Lindquist were elected presidents of Ag YWCA, City Campus YWCA and the Home Ec Club in a general elec tion Thursday. Glenna Barry was elected vice-president elect of Ag YWCA Lou Lingren is the new secretary of the Ag group and Carol Thomp son is elected secretary of the City Y. On the Home Ec Club slate Lee Lingren was elected secretary; Commencement Plans Fred Seaton Named Mid Term Speaker Fred Seaton, Assistant Secretary of Defense in charge of legislative affairs, will be the principal speak er at the mid-term commencement exercises Feb. 5 at 10 a.m. in the Nebraska Theater at 12th and P St Approximately 275 seniors will graduate. Each graduate will be given two tickets for parents and relatives. Rev.. Charles E. Tyler, pastor of Hillside Presbyterian Church in Omaha, will act as chaplain at the exercises. He is past mod erator of the Synod of Nebraska, Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. Dr. Leroy Laase, co-chairman of the Faculty Senate Committee on Commencement and Honorary .Degrees, said "Rev. Tyler was selected as an outstanding and dis tinguished minister in the state of Nebraska." Seaton was selected interim United States Senator by Gov. Val Peterson to fill the vacancy left by the death of Sen. Wherry. He was a state senator in the unicam eral legislature at one time. He is a member of the Seaton Pub lishing Co. which has newspapers Third Potluck For Professors Slated Sunday The year's third "Pot-luck with the Profs" will be in the Ag Union Sunday from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Spe cial entertainment will be pro vided by the Alpha Gamma Sigma trio, consisting of Lonnie Wrasse, Norman Reed and Kendall Atkins. Joyce Taylcr is student commit tee chairman. Committee mem bers include: hostess, Lou Lind gren; name cards, Jan Lorrance and Lee Lindgren; entertainment, Mervyn Schliefert; setup, Dick Hubbard; guests, Althea Blunn. The faculty chairmen will be Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Dowe assisted by Messrs. and Mmes. Jack King, John C. Dean, Kris Kristjanson, Roy C. Lipps, C. W. Nibler, J. H. Pazur, Leon Chesnin, Mrs. Helen Warner and Josephine Brooks. Builders Interviews Interviews for Builders' Board positions will begin in Union Room 313 Saturday at 9 a.m. Students who signed up pre viously for interviews are re minded to be there at the ap pointed time, Muriel Pickett, presi dent of Builders, announced. throughout Kansas and Nebraska and is publisher of the Hastings Tribune Dr. Leroy Laase, chairman of the department of speech and dramatic art, will act as master of ceremonies. The program for the exercise will be announced lat er. Degree candidates will receive a letter of detailed instructions concerning graduation procedures during the middle of January Members of the Faculty Senate Committee on Commencement and Honorary Degrees include officers, ex officio members, other faculty members and student- members Dr,. Laase -and - William Foxwell, professor of mechanical engineer ing, are co-chairmen of the com mittee. Shirley .Thomsen is sea retary. Ex-officio members are George Rosenloff, dean of admissions, and Chancellor Clifford Hardin. Stu dent members on the committee are Jack Rogers and Muriel Pick ett. Faculty members complet ing the committee are: Paul Mead' ows, professor of sociology; Jose phine Brooks, associate professor of home economics; C. W. Smith, nrofessor of agricultural engineer iig; Walter Wright, assistant to the dean of Arts and Science and Merle Stoneman, professor of school administration, AWS Names Seven Follies Traveler Acts Seven Traveler Acts were chos en Wednedsay night for Coed Fol lies Feb. 28 and March 1. The acts include: Jacy Mathie son, tap dance; Norman Bossard, vocal; Sandy Mahaffey, Barb Coonrad, Barb Yokel and Mary Ann Burcum. trio and accompani ment; Kappa Alpha Theta, western melodrama; Sandra Lowenstein, accordion; Joyce Stratton, record pantomime, and Dabs Jelgerhuis, dance. . The winners were chosen by faculty membera Mary Jean Mul vaney, Elsie M. Jerons and Dallas Williams and AWS members. These acts will appear between ekits at the Coed Follies. All seven will appear both nights, and the one winner will be announced the second night. There will be a meeting of the competing Traveller Acts Febr. 16 at 7 p.m. Marion Sokel, treasurer, and Ma rie Gerdes, historian. Treasurers for the YW organiza are Sarol Wiltse, City, and Mary Sorenson, Ag. District represen tatives are Twyla Riley, Ag, and Martha Glock, City. In addition to YW activities, Miss Mangold is president of .NUCWA. Miss Hutchinson is a member of Student Council, vice-president of 4-H Club, BABW Board, Ag Re ligious Council, Coed Counselors, Phi Upsilon Omicron and Voca tional" Homemaking Education As sociation. Miss Barry is a member of NU CWA Board, University Theater, Student Council and City Campus Religious Council. Miss Reeves is a member of Home Ec Club, president of Ag Interdenominational Youth Fellow ship and vice-president of Ag Re ligious Council. Miss Lingren is a member of VHEA, Phi Upsilon Omicron and also on Home Ec Club Council. Miss Thompson is active in Coed Counselors as a board member. Miss Wiltse is a member of WAA and Cosd Counselors. Miss Sorenson is a WAA repre sentative, a member of VHEA and Coed Counselors. Miss Lindquist s activities in clude past Home Ec Club histo rian, secretary of the'Ag YWCA, Farmers' Fair Board, VHEA, LSA, Regional Executive Board and Ag Religious Council. Miss Sokel is a member of Home Ec Council, Newman Club, VHEA. Applications For Nebraskan Due Jan. 12 Interviews for positions on the second semester Nebraskan staff by the Committee on Student Pub lications will be Jan. 14 at the Union. Applications are now available in the Nebraskan office or the Public Relations office, 1127 R St. They must be submitted to either office before 5 p.m. Jan. 12. The Pub Board announced final arrangements for interviews will be announced later. The following positions are open to applicants: Editor, s(5 per month; News Editor, Managing Editor and Editorial Page Editor, each receiving $45 per month; four Copy Editors, $35 each; Sports Editor, $45; Agricultural Editor, $20; Business Manager, $60; four Assistant Business Man agers, each receiving $20 plus commissions, and Circulation Man ager, $50. Foreign Student Tour The second foreign 6tudent tour, sponsored by the Student Council Foreign Students Activity Com mittee, will be Saturday. Any foreign student may attend. The group will tour the Lincoln City Mission and KOLN television station. They will meet at 1:45 p.m. at the Union. . The first foreign student tour visited the State Capitol Building. 3vy Soongj lyDooDg IT Kosmet Klub president Al An derson presented his organization's view on the current KK fraternity song leaders' dispute over regu lations governing the 1955 Ivy Day Interfraternity contest in an Inter fraternity Council meeting Thurs day afternoon. " Anderson said he thought the re cently distributed petition, signed by some 20 fraternity song lead ers, indicated "an unwillingness of song leaders to lead singing under the new rules rather than an unwillingness of Greek organi zations to take part in the conlpe tition." A show of hands revealed that no fraternity had discussed the petition in meetings. No Desire To Dictate Anderson noted that KK members had done their best to get opin ions from members of Greek let ter organizations before making the new rules. However, Bruce Martin, Sigma Chisaid no mem ber of KK had contacted his fra ternity before the new rules went into effect. , Anderson replied that this was an error on his organization's part but added he was at a loss to see why originators of the petition and individuals who backed it did not come directly to the KK to inquire about the possibility of having the rule changed rather than threatening to boycott Ivy Day Sing. He emphasized the fact that KK had no desire to dictate to fra ternitites on what they could or could not sing. Anderson pointed Student Council - out that KK had based their de cision to make a change in the rules with this idea in mind: "All competitors in the men's division of the Ivy Day Sing are fraterni ties; why shouldn't fraternity songs be sung." He pointed out "any organization or group can sing a popular song, like . fraternities have been doing, but only frater- Committee Established To Investigate Ivy Day Due to confusion concerning Ivy Day, the .Student Council set up a special committee in a meeting Wednesday to investigate Ivy Day. Dan Rasdal, in presenting the motion before the Council, said no one seemed to know where the final authority of Ivy Day was and how it is financed. He sug gested that a committee be ap pointed to investigate these two Symphony Program Wishnow, List To Play Violin, Piano Concerto The University Symphony Or chestra will present its 86th annual concert with Eugene List as guest pianist in the Union Ballroom Jan 9 at 8 p.m. According to Union officials, 900 tickets to this concert have been given out with no admission charge At 5 p.m. Friday any tickets which have been returned will be re distributed. Varied Career List has had a varied career since his. musical debut at the age of 10. After "his debut with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Or chestra he received, at the age of 13, a scholarship to study under Olga Samaroff Stokowski in Phil adelphia. Later he won wide ac claim after two tours in Europe and several full-scale recital tours in the United States. List is probably best remem bered as the "Potsdam Pianist." He was summoned to play pri vately for the Big Three Church ill, Stalin and Truman in Pots dam. Concert With Wife He opened his 1954-55 fall sea son with the Philadelphia Orches tra in a joint concert with his wife, Carroll Glenn, at the Wor cester Music Festival. Highlights of his present tour include appear ances with the New Philharmonic in two separate Gershwin nights, with the Denver Symphony, the Oklahoma Symphony, the Provi dence Philharmonic, the Spring- Coffee Named '55 President Of Ag YMCA Marvin Coffey, junior, was elected president of Ag YMCA in an Ag campus election Thursday. Coffey defeated Russell Lang. Lang, a sophomore, will be first vice-president of the organization. Others elected in the Thursday race include Bill , Reed, second vice-president; John Burbank, sec retary; Lonnie Wrasse, treasurer, and Bob Lubruska, district repre sentative. Coffey, who will serve for the next two semesters, is a member of Agronomy Club, Alpha Zeta, Ag Interdenominational Youth Fellow ship and Farm House. field Symphony and the Blooming Symphony. Emanuel Wishnow, professor of the violin and conductor of the university's 70-piece Orchestra, is a personal friend of List. At List's request, Wishnow will play the solo violin part in "Concerto in F Minor for Violin and Piano." Guest Conductor Other numbers on the program will be "Overture to Russian and Ludmilla," "Concerto in F Major for Violin and Piano," "A Night on Bald Mountain," "Prelude, Choral, and Fugue" and "Piano Concerto in C Minor, No. 2." Besides conducting the Univer sity Symphony for 11 years, Wish' now has been the guest conductor of the Omaha Symphony Orches tra for three years and the guest conductor of the Lincoln Symphony. From 1936 through 1950, Mr. Wish now was concert master of the Lincoln Symphony, and this winter is the sixth season he will be ap pearing in a ' series of chamber music recitals in both -Omaha and Lincoln. . College Advisory Group flvomra Marr Stromer, senior in Arts end Sciences and Innocents So ciety president, will fly to Wash ington, D. C, Jan. 28 tc repre sent the University on President Eisenhower's special Committee on Intercollegiate Problems. Both Domestic and International. , Stromer received a personal let ter from the President or Dec. 7 appointing ' him to the commit tee. He is one of five students selected from universities repre senting geographical parts of the nation. the other four delegates were chosen from Princeton University, University of California at Berk ely, Northwestern University and Southern Methodist University. In ternational representatives on the committee were chosen from uni versities in France, Germany, the Philippines and England.. The purpose of the special meet ing is to ob tain student opinion oh the today's college graduates t o face world problems and t o compare e d u c ational a d v a ntages, both domes tic and for eign. Stromer The students will follow a skele ton outline of discussion set up previously by the President. Stromer said the President was probably attempting to get directly at the student opinion by ques tioning actual students rather than rely purely on administrative and faculty opinions. Upon arrival in Washington, D. C, Stromer and the other four U. S. students and four foreign students will attend a special re ception at the White House where they will meet the President and his Cabinet. The committee will confer with Sam Brownell, U.S. Commissioner of Education, and meet representatives of both the Senate and House of Representa tives. Following the formalities, the committee will meet with the Pres ident to discuss current educational problems. Stromer will return on Jan. 31. Stromer's other activites include: vice president of Masquers, Kos met Klub, Corn Cobs, past Stu dent Council member, president of the Red Cross College Unit, National ' Collegiate Players, re cipient of Purple Masque and mem ber of Pi Sigma Alpha, political science honorary. Stromer is maj oring in speech and political sci ence. Commenting on his appointment to the special committee, Stromer said. "I feel it is a great privi lege to be asked to serve on this committee and hope that this com mittee, if nothing else, can help create a feeling of co-operation between students here and abroad." Ag College Days To Be Jan. 14-15 For Ag College alumni, home economics graduates, parents of students, and friends, Ag Days will be Jan. 14 and 15, Dr. Franklin Eldridge, associate director of resident instruction, is in charge of the program. The pro gram will begin at 12:30 p.m. Jan. 14 with registration. At 1 p.m. a film, "Football Highlights of 1954," will be shown. In the afternoon, Dean W. V. Lambert will speak on "Recent Development in Teaching, Exten sion and Research at the College of Agriculture." In the evening, Chancellor Clifford M. Hardin will speak on the "Future of the Uni versity of Nebraska." The main speaker of the two day program will be Kirk Fox, editor of Successful Farming Mag azine. His subject, will be "The Role of Education and Research in Agricultural Progress." He will speak at 2 p.m. Jan. 14. The program for Jan. 15 will feature a ham dinner at 6 p.m. The Farmers' Fair Board is in charge of the dinner. Also fea tured on Saturday will be open house by a member of campus de partments and a number of pro grams and exhibits. Members of Ag Builders have volunteered to act as guides for the various ex hibits. According to Dr. Eldridge, Ag Days are being held because "we felt therewas a need for us to be in closer contact with Ag College alumni and the parents of Ag Col lege students. In the past there has been an organized agriculture program to which people from all over the stafe were invited to par ticipate. "Farm and Home Week was held in years previous to the or ganized agriculture general pro gram. A number of colleges still have Farm and Home Week which emphasizes all the different phases of home economics and agricul ture., When these programs were discontinued at' the University, it left a need for some type of pro gram." ' questions and also to look into the Ivy Day Sing. Rasdal said that it is "of vital concern to the Council and is of all University interest" to find out more about Ivy Day and see if it is being run efficiently. The special committee, which has not been announced by the Student Council, will be composed of Coun cil members and will report to the Council. The committee will ask organi zations and people on campus for information about Ivy Day, but it is planning no immediate ac tion. On the question of finances, Rasdal said he understands that money for the preparation of grounds comes from the Univer sity Assessment Fund, but that it is not clear who assumes the other expenses. He Jhought that Mor tar Boards may pay a large part of them. Rasdal said he wants to find out where the final authority for Ivy Day and the Ivy Day Sing lies. The committee will try to find out whether any final respon sibility has been designated, or whether Ivy Day and its phases is governed by tradition. In the past,, the Kosmet Klub has had control over the fraternity Ivy Day Sing. Next week the Council will vote on a motion presented Wednesday by the Elections Committee to ask the University to provide more election punch sections the first of next year. The Elections - Committee also recommended that the Council change elections rules, eliminat ing that section which requires a faculty member at the polling place of each special election. This rule was recently enforced when a Council committee used it as a partial basis for invalidating the Election. A further amendment to the Elections Rules presented by the Elections Committee would pro vide for the automatic validation of any special election if that election is not invalidated within 60 hours after the votes are counted. I nity groups would logically be In terested in singing their own songs." IFC Sponsorship Sigma Nu representative Tom Woodward moved that the IFC sponsor the Interfraternity Sing for 1955. After being seconded, the motion was tabled until the next regular IFC meeting so that fraternity representatives could discuss it in their respective or ganizations' meetings next week. Woodward said his motion was made in an attempt to, "bring the Sing competition under IFC regulation so that all fraternities would have a voice in making up the rules. "This would avert another peti tion outbreak," he added. Prior to discussion, IFC presi dent Bill Devries congratulated members on their showing at the children's party held in the Union before Christmas vacation. (Some 80 children received gifts and entertainment at the party). De vries gave Walt Wright, IFC trea surer, and Dick Reische, Beta Theta Pi, special recognition for their work on the project. Ivy Singing Began 29 Years Ago In light of the recent controversy over the type of music to be sung in the fraternity singing competi tion on Ivy Day, the Nebraskan has compiled a brief history of the Interfraternity Sing at the Univer sity. The annual Interfraternity Sing held each spring on Ivy Day origi nated nearly 30 years ago. A fraternity song contest on Ivy Day was first held in 1926. Ivy Day itself originated In 1893 when the senior class gave a boulder to the University as a memorial gift. In 1908, Ivy Day became more than a strictly senior affair because of the tapping of the Innocents. All classes were dismissed and it was made a Uni versity holiday. Another sponsor of an inter fraternity sing V-S-! the IFC who sponsored a fraternity song con test before the Interfraternity Ball in 1930. Similar contests were held in the early twenties. The Interfraternity Sing as it is known now is promoted, managed and sponsored by Kosmet Klub. Now, with the co-sponsorship of Mortar Boards, both interfraternity and sorority song competition is held each spring. The Innocents Society, the cause of the current prominence of Ivy Day, was founded in 1902. Kosmet Klub was born in 1911. The Outside World By FRED DALY Staff Writer Ike Appeals For Cooperation President Eisenhower appealed to the new Democratic Congress to cooperate with him lest the "paralyzing indecision" of divided govern ment interrupt America's "heartening progress" toward peace and prosperity as the keynote of his generally optimistic State of the Union message Thursday. Eisenhower told a 'joint session of the House and Senate that the condition of the U.S. is eood and getting better. He was hopeful of continuing progress" toward durable peace but admitted that the current international situation is "merely world stalemate." The President gave his only major surprise in the 6400-word mes sage in a request to Congress for prompt federal action to relieve an "unprecedented classroom shortage" in the nation's schools. On the negative side he warned Congress against any attempt to scrap the flexible farm price support law enacted last year. Stock Market Continues Decline The rousing bull market in stocks suffered its worst setback In four and one-half years Wednesday as tne reaerai neserve the amount of cash necessary to buy stocks on margin. Wall Street analysts called the action the immediate psycnoiogicai iacror in we stock msrkct brfiflk, Rhnr nrices fell at the start, improved a bit around midday and then slumped sharply in the late afternoon. By the end of the session, losses ran to around $5 in some areas. The Associated Press average of 60 stocks dropped to $152.40, down $3.40, the worst decline since June 26, la&u, wnen me Korean war started. Volume piled up fast as the ticker fell as much as 15 minutes behind in reporting transactions. For the day turnover totaled 4,640,000 shares, largest since June 27, 1950. Anderson Inaugurated In his inaugural message to the State Legislature, Victor E. Ander son, 27th governor of Nebraska, outlined a program of "sound self government" for the next two years. The new governor stressed efficiency and economy in state administration. The message appeared to bear out Gov. Anderson's earlier observa tions that he does not expect to be a "crusading" governor. It backed up his repeated promise to take a businessman's view of governmental administration. Anderson told the lawmakers he intended to work with them as a team member. He did not recommend any specific legislation. ? PanamdcPolice Hold Suspect Panama police held a 34-year-old U.S. citizen incommunicado Thursday in connection with Sunday's slaying of President Jose Antonio Remon. They were questioning at least 70 suspects in the gang-style murden Police said they picked up Martin Irving Lipstein tentatively described as a schoolteacher from New York at the airport 24 !.ours alter Remon and two other men were shot to death at Juan Franco race track.