Priday, October 29, 1954 Lincoln, Nebraska Page 3 You can win this pipe. Medico Football Forecast Home Team ( ) Nebraska ( ) Duke ( ) Michigan ( ) Kansas St. ( ) Texas Visitor ) Missouri ) Ga. Tech. ) Indiana ) Kansas ) SMU Home Team ) Colorado ) Iowa ) Purdue ) Minnesota ) California Visitor ) Oklahoma ) Wisconsin ) Illinois ) Mich. St. ) UCLA Total Points Scored By Winners ( ) NAME PHONE ADDRESS (College games of October 30. Coupon due at Nebraskan Office by x o m. October 29. Entry dox in iront ot door 01 JMeorasKan omce.; Contest Rules 1 The object of the The Nebraskan Medico Pipes Football Forecast is to select winners of 10 college foot ball games to be played each week end with the total points scored by the combined teams to be used to break ties. 2. The games are listed on the official contest coupon. Place an "X" beside your forecasted win ner or a "T" if you predict a tie. Leave the blank opposite teams you predict to lose blank. 3. One may enter only one entry blank per week. The contest win' ner will be published Tuesday of the following week of the game. 4. All postponed games will be eliminated from the contest. 5. No member of The Nebraskan is eligible to participate in the contest: otherwise the contest is open to all Nebraska University students and members. The Pause That Refreshes innesola's McNamarras Here Are Your Winners I to Cal I Colo. I Drake I Duke I III. Minn. Navy K-St. I Texas Wise I date UCLA Okla; Iowa St. Ga.Tech Purdue Mich1StNotreD: Kansas SMU lowa Howard VanrTf .710 UCLA fOkla. Jowa"St.JDuke lPurj MinJ2: Notre D. K-St. j Texas Wise. Chet Singer .690 UCLA Okla. lowa St. Duke Purdue Minn. Notre D. K-St. I Texas Wise. M. Kreitman .668UCLA "j0kla- jjowa St. Duke Purdue Minn. I Notre D. I K-St. Texas Wise. Bob Zuber ".650 Cal Okla. jjowa St. Ga.Tech III. Minn. I Notre D. K-St. Texas Iowa C. Freidman r.650TUCLA fOkla. Iowa St. Duke JPurdue Minn. Navy I K-St Texas Wisc. "M.Steinberg .610 f UCLA j Okla. Iowa St. J Duke j Purdue ( Minn. Navy I K'St I Texas I lowa Dick Reisch"f.590"UCLA Okla. lowa St. Duke Purdue Minn. I Notre D. K-St. Texas Wise. D. CampbelMO f UCLA Okla. lowa St. Ga.Tech fPurdue j Minn. Notre D. K-St. I Texas I wisc Dick Watson f.570 fUCLA OklaL Jowa St.JDuke JPurdue fMichSt IJMotre D. I K-St. SMU Wise. Sherm Nefsky f .570 fUCLA fOkla. fowa St.Ga.TechJ Purdue j Mich. St. Notre D. K-St. I Texas Wise. f. Woodward" .570 UCLA fOkla. f lowa St. Ga.Tech f Purdue fMich.'St. Notre D. K-St. Texas lowa IHldflskeirs Uinideircfegs Hoi Toger Tolli"; mm n V Hlnked; Tw ILoinieinnieini Laydled Oafles By MAX KRIETMAN ' Sports Staff Writer A capacity crowd of 35,000 is expected to jam Memorial Stadium tomorrow for the important meet ing' between the Missouri Tigers and tlie Nebraska Cornhuskers. Coach Don Faurot, in his 29th year at Missouri, is considered the father of the famed split-T. Saturday's game will see the mas ter and his machine in action, plus his favorite passing weapon, the spread. This offense is used te great advantage by Faurot, as there are three expert passers in his camp. Passing Game Vic Eaton, starting quarterback, Tony Scardina, number two signal caller, and halfback Jack Fox do the fliDDine. Scardino led the con ference in passing as a freshman in 1951. Since then he has been Praise AfU Forward Wall By "COKE" FRIEDMAN Sports Staff Writer Guess by this time most of us are sober enough to be able to read this column, and I think those who aren't (those lucky fools) are not missing anything anyway. (I should get 100 school support on this statement.) Wonder what the boys from Boulder especially those under 21, will think of Nebraskan when they visit here next year, after having spent a delightful nine months just within walking distance of the "pubs". Hallowe'en Cards Have Fun SEND A FRIEND A SCARY HALLOWE'EN GREETING G0LDENR0D STATIONERY STORE 21S No. 14th Cant say anything about school spirit after the way the students cheered and yelled at the C.U. game. Hope all those students' aren't Just "fair weather friends." Your reporter was one of the unfortunate few that wasn't able to make the trip to Colorado. Had to go up to Minneapolis, Minne sota on official business. Stayed next to the Phi Gam house, home of Bob and Pinky MacNamarra, and talked to some of Bob's and Pinky's frat brothers. They said that Bob and Pinky had great respect for Nebraska's line, and thought that this year's team was one of the best Nebraska teams that they had played against in recent years. With the close of this column comes the end of "The Pause That Refreshes." Time for the "old Coke" to start studying. See you at the game, "COKE" i i Again Wah Disney unfolds the broad canvas of America . . . presenting vivid, throbbing adventure to be seen at least once..., and remembered forever! r in i "1 t;tv i BEGCLAK PRICES STATE THEATRE NOW SHOWING rv ri n r11' JI1"H rTJ OUR FALL BOOK SALE (IVOW IIV PROGRESS) EXCEPTIONAL VALUES (Pocket Reading 8c ea. 1075c BOOK STORE m snaps mmE AND TO OUT-OF-TOWN EVENTS I Take a Greyhound and SAVE money! Frequent der-r-tare, make it easy to leave and return when you want to. CHARTER A GREYHOUND Kmp the gang togetherf TouU enjoy your trip Bor with your own private Greyhound! Play fames . . . .ing . . . Hop only when you choowl Arrange your own schedule ... the irates rt amaxlngly low. Ask for details about Charter trip. Check these LOW FARES I 1. North Platte 5,25 2. Denver 10-05 3. Kanaai City -50 4. Des Moinea 4-30 5. Chicago 10'2 Pius Ta V i Courtesy Lincoln Journal CHARLEY ERYANT plagued with injuries. Eaton then took over the quarterbacking for the Gold 'n Black. Fox, a south paw thrower, has played with the second team for three years. A good passing game can very well be expected from MU. Eaton and Scardino have thrown 61 passes, completing 32 of them. The Tiger running game has been divided pretty evenly. Half back Ray Detring is leading the Bengals with 120 yards gained. Bob Bauman, Scardino, and Fox have all been close, with 93, 80, and 73 yards. Fox is the leading scorer with 21 points. Bauman and Jack Hunter are next with 12 tallies. For their outstanding play last week, guard Charlie Bryant and tackle Don Glantz were selected as all-American candidates. Both men have been playing stellar rolea in the success of the NU line this year. Glantz is game captain this week. Courtesy Lincoln Bur DON GLANTZ w hat have VICEROYS got that other filter tip cigarettes haven't got? X mwt v THE ANSWER IS 20,000 FILTERS IN EVERY VICEROY TIP Inside every Viceroy tip is a vast network of 20,000 individual filters to filter your smoke over and over again. You get only the full, rich taste of Viceroy's choice to baccos ... and Viceroys draw so freely. Yes, you get Viceroy's remarkable new tip . . . with 20,000 individual filters . . . plus king-size length for only a penny or two more than cigarettes without filters. WORLD'S LARGEST-SELLING FILTER TIP CIGARETTE New King-Size Filter Tip V Only a f .nny or Two Mere than CiaaroH.. WUhout Filer. Question-Hoiv to Spend Sunday Evening? Get a Date EAT AT TILLWS See a Good Show THE STUDENT PLEASER Cheeseburger Sandwich and Crisp French Fries 44c CAFETERIA 1325 P STREET VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! X S1EIES for Prince Kosmef rr- i t kT s ' 1 i r " ! " A I) il l May we collar you soon... in a smart AHE0V With 90 of a shirt's style up in the collar, the man who wears an Arrow Radnor is smarter than a wet whip. Choose a Radnor Button-Down (above), a regular Radnor, cr Radnor "E" with eyelets, shown at right. The Radnor "E" is also available with French Cuffs. They're all Arrow ... all easy on the eyes and on the budget Arrow Radnor . . . smart-looking and perfect-filting . . . in broadcloth prices start at $4.50; In oxford cloth, $5.00 white or colored. ARROW snmrs & TIES l!NMRWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS CASUAL VEAR Phone 2-1071 Addr.ii 320 S. 13