-.1 Ml . s 1 4 n .4? 5, 1 "-'ir si ft it V Page 4 THE NEBRASKAN Friday, December 18, 1953 v early 100 Student bod Donors Noted RCCU Officer Praises Effort 'Made By 3 University Groups "Nearly 100 Uninverslty stu dents are now eligible to wear the little red pin signifying they have give blood to the Red RC Groups Entertain Children Singing Santa Gives Presents By BARBARA CLARK Staff Writer Orphans and hospitalized chil dren in Lincoln will have a mer rier Christmas because of the Bed Cross College Unit. Phyllis Cast and her committee took gifts and provided entertain . merit and refreshments Thursday " afternoon for the children at White Hall Orphanage. Another party was held Thurs day evening at the Cedars Or phanage. Marty Morrison and her committee plan to teach square dancing to the elder girls, read stones and lead the children in games. Orthopedic Committee, under the chairmanship of Carol Gil lette, gave a party complete with gifts, candy and Santa Claus at the Orthopedic Hospital Wednes day. Charlie Ferguson was a "Sing ing Santa" and distributed gifts to all the children in each ward. Committee workers helped him distribute Christmas candy and cookies. Following the opening of gifts, the workers entertained the chil dren by reading stories, writing letters and playing games. More than 35 children, six-years-old and up, are entertained in a sim ilar manner by Orthopedic Hos pital workers each week. Judy Joyce is chairman of the party committee. Her assistants are Shirley Scott, Pattie Ellis, Sara Carveth and Patty Loomis. Santa Claus accompanied Itha Frost's committee to St. Thomas' Orphanage Tuesday. The group told Christmas stories to the chil dren and led games and carol singing. The Children's Activities Com mittee of Red Cross gave several parties for girl scouts and brown ies lately. Games, carols, enter tainment, and gift exchanges made up the round of events. Ginny Wilcox is chairman of this committee. Cross," announced Mike Green berg, chairman of the blood re cruitment committee for the Red Cross College Unit. 'The drive for college students to give blood began in October and has continued each montn as the mobile blood unit visited Lincoln. - The major University drive was during November, but the drive for February will be the biggest," Greenberg contln ued. DURING NOVEMBER, 59 pints of blood were donated. This was the largest amount of blood given in recent years, according to Red Cross records. Close to 100 people registered to give blood, though, and only 10 were rejected. The remaining students, num bering nearly 30, did not keep their appointments. I he Reel Cross reported that many people sign up "for a joke" in spite of the great need for all the Dlood that is obtainable. "We only have room for so many people," Red Cross offici als commented, "and when peo de don't show up for their ap pointment it makes It hard on those who are giving and de creases our efficiency." OF THE ten that were rejected during the month of November, the majority had failed to have their parents authorize the do nation, as must be done for all people under 21. The Red Cross wanted to ex press special thanks to three University organizations for un usual participation in the blood program. "Delta Alpha Phi, the newly reorganized veterans fraternity, NROTC, and Marine Science students gave 40 of the 59 pints in November," Greenberg said. "This is a very unusual thing. More organizations should sup port the program as these stu dents have." Anderson To Give Recital Dec. 30 Robert Anderson, University graduate, will give a voice recital in the First Lutheran Church Pec. 30, at 8 p.m. Anderson won the National Voice Audition at Carnegie Hall a few years ago and in 1951 sang the bass solos at the Bethany Col lege Messiah Concerts in Linds borg, Kan. He is now director of vocal instruction at the Women's College, Pittsburgh, Pa., and a member of the New York City Civic Opera staff, singing the main bass parts in several fa mous operas. Anderson is now a resident of Pittsburgh, Pa., and New York City. Rubbish-Filled Shed Burns ' On NU Lot A fire broke out early Thursday evening in a shed behind an old apartment house at 514 No. 14th St. The shed, formerly a garage, but used for many years as a dump for rubbish and garbage, was on ground that was, recently purchased by the University. All occupants of the apartment house had moved out some time ago. The building is now empty. The fire was first spotted by Clarence Sedan, caretaker of the building on the corner of 14th and "S" St. "I just came down to fix this boiler," Sedan stated, "when I spotted that old shack on fire." The report came into the fire department at 5:56 p.m. and by 6 p.m. the fire department said the blaze was under control. Five rigs answered the one-alarm call. By 6:15 the blaze was out. Exact cause of the fire could not be determined, but the fire department said the shed had been filled with old rubbish. "By the way," said the Speci alist, "the fee for my advice is ten dollars." Scotchman: "That's O.K. Doc, I'm not taking your advice." Exam Schedule Uhnratni? damns meerlna for Moral continuous knn on on nr tnn dart all !"( for esamlnalinna at followsi Clauses meeting on Monday and Tnesdar ahall be esumined on ih di.lt schedule (or lha find kour of their laboratory me at luri MtdiaMtar or Tharsdar classes oa the tarond hoar of their mcrllnm I rldur or Halnrday dawes on tha third hour. Unit lamination have bran scheduled for all sections in in tollowini sublet li Business OrsunlMllon .1. 4, it, 141, 147. IOOi ICronomla II, tit. ton, ll.1i Kdurallna (II, 2 U.K. J.1.11 M.H, I. Ci I nilUh It, I, t. , 4, loot lloma Economies 41, 42. 1'reiicl. II, 1 .1 1 Hpanlth At, 8.1 Mathematics II, 111, 41, tltfl. 14, 1.1. I., 42. 10(1. 107 Hoeerh . If students have reeulartr Hhadulrd examinations conllMlne with tha above epeelallr arranaed srlwriiile. arrangements to lake such specially scheduled esamlnalinn at another lima should ha mailt with tha department CMcrrned on or before Jan. IN. for esamplei If a student la scheduled for an anamination whlh conflicts with a specifically scheduled esamlnaiinn In French, arreaasmenls ihould ba t made lth f romanca leaeuase department to laka such Franco (suiiilnatioa at anoihar lima. v ATl'KDAV, JANUARY Id 1-4 a.m. All sections of FnslUh A. (This etamlnatlnn Is fl an at this tints la order thai students maklai sufficiently hlsa scons may laka the asamlnatloa la English 11 for' (radii.1) t-S p.m. 'wue meellna 11 a.m. Classes meeting TtKHDAV, JAXt'AKV 1 a.m. Tuea.t Thuri., Nat., or a ay ona or two of Ihese days. 4 -m. five or four days, or M on., Wad., Frl., or any ona or two of these days, WIOONKhlMV, JANUARY 2(1 Poe Conducts Survey Of Personal Values 9-11 a.m. All teclinna of Kngllsh B. 1 ICollseuml All sections of Business Orsaiilialloa iftO All sccllons of Koallah Kill ' ( lasses meeting at 3 p.m. 'J'aes., Thurs., or ellher one of these days. 1-9 p.m. All sections of M.W, 1, All sections of lloma Kcoaomlcs 41, 41 , All sections of Business Oraaniratloa 11 (Coliseum! i All sections of Business Oraanlratlon 141 M'ollseuml All sections of French II (HH Audi, IS (Burnett H2t All sections of Hpanlth HI, Morrill Audi, S3 (Hum alt , All sections of Klectrlcul Engineering 133 All sectloas of (speech 3-211) -11 a.m. Classes meeting at 1 p.m. 1-5 p.m, 4ias.es mealing at 11 a.m THVRHDAY, JANUARY 21 fiva or four days, or Man., Wed., Krl., or any one or two of I bete days. Tues., Thurs,, Hat, or any ona or two of these days, FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 11-12 a.m. Classes meeting at S p.m, five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Frt.. or my one or two of these days. 1-5 p.m. Classes mealing at 4 p.m. Tues.. Thurs,, or either ona of .these duyt. liaises meeting at I a.m. Tues., Thurs., Hal., or any ona or two of these days. -It) a. 11 a.m.- 0-11 a. S-i P. ii -12 a. IS p. 11 a. 1-3 p. 1-5 p. 12 a.i 1- 5 p.i 9-12 a.i 2- 5 p. i i. All sections of Mathematics II, 111, p.m. All sections of Mathematica 14, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1,1 41. 10,1 (Coliseum) 15. 17, 42, 10(1. 107, 16. MONDAY, JANUARY 2,1 . 4'lasses merlins at 1 p.m. Tues., Thurs., or ellher one of these dnys . ( lutws meeting at II p.m. flta or four days, or Mon., Wed., Krl., or any one or two of these days. I lasses meeting at 5 p.m, ile or four days nr Mon., Wed., Krl., or any one of these days. Classes meeting at 5 P.m, Tues., Thurs., or either one of these days, Classes meeting at 7 p.m. Tues., Thurs., or either one of these days. Classes meeting al 7 p.m, .Mon., Wed., Krl., or apy one or two of these days. TUKHDAY, JANUARY 29 All sections of Kconomlcl If and 11 (Coliseum) All sections of Fconnmics 1 113 (Coliseum) Classes meeting at 2 p.m. Tues., Thurs., or ellher one of these days, . Classes meeting at a.m. five or four days, or Mon., Wed., Krl., or any or Iwo of lhet days. WKDNKSDAY, JANUARY 17 a. Classes meeting al II a.m. five nr four days, or M on., Wed., Frl or any one or two of these days, n. All sections of Business (Irsanlallnn 117 (Coliseum) All sections of Kducatlon HI. ol (Coliseum) n. AU lections of Business Organization 3, 4. Till KHI) AY, JANUARY 28 Clataea meeting at t a.m. five or four days, or Mon., Wert., Krl.. or any one or two of these dart. Clasws meeting al 12 noon on five or four days, or Mon., Ued.. Krl.. nr uny ona or Iwo of these days, s. Classes meeting at 10 a.m. Tues., Thurs.. Hal., or any one or two ol these das. FRIDAY, JANUARY 20 i ('lasses meeting at 111 a.m. five or four days, or Moo., Wed., Frl., or any one or two of these days, t. All sections of Ivnvlltb 1 All sections of Knglish 3. 4 All sections of Kconomics 11.1 Music Department Program To Promote String Instruction In 4 Public Schools A new pilot plan has been be gun by the University music de partment to revitalize interest in stringed instruments. Once a week, Louis Trzcinski. a qualified violinist, is sent to Wil ber, Nebraska City, Seward and Norfolk public schools. Trzcinski is a transplanted New Enelander who organized the Southeast Kan sas Symphony Orchestra and has taught in both Kansas and Colo rado high schools. THE PILOT plan is now in its sixth week. Students are in the midst of learning fundamentals- correct stance and positions. At each of the four towns, the instrumental teacher sits in on the sessions, aiding Trzcinski and observing teaching methods. After a year of instruction, Trzcinski will turn the class over to the school instructor. Trzcinski will then travel to an other section of Nebraska to be gin similar programs. This is the first part of a long- range plan, which it is hoped, will lead to the development of sym phony orchestras in small Ne braska towns. At the present time only 12 schools m Nebraska have string instruction. TWO OF the founders of the plan, Emanuel Wishnow, profes sor of violin and conductor of University Symphony Orchestra, and David Foltz, chairman of the music department, feel the pro gram at least will lift string in terests out of its doldrums into an active, positive program throughout the state. Others at the University who had a part in formulation of the pilot plan were former Chancel lor R, G. Gustavson, Bruce Nic oll, chancellor's assistant; Dr. K. O. Broady, director of the Exten- sion Division through which the program, is offered, and Rosalie W. Farley, Extension Division coordinator. University Of Chicago Law School Offers 1954 Graduate Scholarship Applications for a full tuition scholarship to the University of Chicago Law School are avail able in the -office of Dean Walter E. Militzer. This scholarship is for a student graduating from the University in 1954. The deadline for applications has not yet been established by the committee, but the selection must be made by April 15. Details of the basis for selection has been left up to a committee to be set up by Dean Militzer. The applicant must, however, meet the requirements for admission to the University of Chicago Law School. The scholarship provides full tuition for one year, and is renewable, upon satisfactory completion of the year's work, for the last two years of the Law School course. Party Scheduled For Band Tonight A Christmas party for all band members will be held Friday at 8 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. Each band member may bring as many friends as he wishes, Don Lentz and Jack Schneider, band directors, announced. A fee of 50 cents will be charged for refreshments. ' Wesley Poe, guidance consult ant for Junior Division. and Coun seling Service, has developed an Inventory which attemuts to measure the personal values of students in various colleges of the University. "I fncl norsonal values are im rmnnnt in mnkintr decisions and I am trying to find the relationship between these values ana tne values which tend to be renre' sented in the various areas of study," said Poe. , FOR EXAMPLE, he said that students in the field of social work are thought of las having relatively greater pnuantnropic tenHenrlea. On the other hand. students in fields such as philo- sopny ana science iena 10 piate a. relatively greater emphasis on intellectual values. In surveying personal values of students, an attempt will be made to deter mine whether there are typical patterns of values for students in different areas of study. Tests have heen eiven to several hun dred students in the University. a POE WILL analyze the tests by means of various statistical tech niques. The results will be an nounced next spring. Primary purpose of the inven tory is to determine individual values. Poe hopes to apply these tests which will result in indl vidual counseling of students. Poe said this should prove useful be cause it will indicate the personal values of the student and make the Junior Division better able to assist students in selecting th. college he is best suited to enter. O. W. Green To Address Ag Meeting O. W. Green, head of the re gional soil conservation district in Lincoln, will speak at Ag Col lego January 14. The meeting kwill be held in Room 244, Agron omy Building at 7:30 p.m. Green also handles person nel work of other USDA offices besides soil conservation. This meeting, jointly sponsored by the Block and Bridle, Agron omy and Ag Economics Clubs, is one of the several that will be held during the year. Each meet ing will be sponsored by the departmental clubs on Ag Col lege. Speakers will be chosen for each meeting and topics will be varied to hold the interest of all students attending. Subjects concerning various timely indus trial operations will be discussed, Dr. Ephriam Hixson, faculty di rector, said. Dr. Hixson emphasized that' the meeting was open to all stu dents and not only those who are members of the clubs. Nagaty Lecture Professor Nagaty, will talk on the subject, "Intestinal Flagel lates of Man," on Friday at 11:00 a.m. in Bessey Hall. Dr. Nagaty is a visiting Professor from the University of Cairo. Don't rely on reindeer Don't employ a sleigh lust speed your season's greetings SI ' in tne very nicest way No matter what else you do.. .say by TELEGRAM to (MOM 121 South 10th St. Telephone 2-6894 me QUICK WHEN YOU USE (baih J)habJkcuv Classified To place a classified ad Stop in the Business Office Room 20 Student Union Call 2-7631 Ext. 4226 for Classified Service Movrt 1-4:30 Mon. thru frl THRIFTY AD RATES No. words lday 2 days 3 days 4 day l',week 1-10 $ .40 $ .65 1 $ .85 $1.00 $1.20 11-15 I .SO I .80 1.05 1.25 1.45 18-20 I .60 .95 1.25 j 1.50 1.70 21-25 .70 1.10 1.45 1.75 1.95 23-33 J!0 j 1.25 j 1.65 2.00 2.20 ROOMS FOR RENT BOOM FOR RENT Single Room for gentleman. 3211 Star. Call 6-3170 after 6 p.m. f OR RENT! Three rooma, semi-basement apartment. fSS. Utilities paid. Chil dren accepted. No peta. 6-9395. jiTiOMMATS WANTED: Foreign atudent would like roommate to share nice ;--rlvte apartment. 7-1069, 2-S&36. LOST AND FOUND FOUND Maroon A ellver monogram pen, cloe to Andrews Hall. Come to tha butitrtasa orve of The Nebraskan. XOST Tan "feather purse loat Friday In Andrews Hall. Reward. Call Barbara ia-k. Phone 2-120. rTDE "WANTED VAVTEO "W-la to Florida over Xmaa Holidays, Will aiiare expense, driving. Fnon S-75S. ' f, l ie warned to New York and back. Will share txnenae. Contact He- br&i&an k:";i'-o trfiice. . . RIDE WANTED Wanted Three rldern to California dur ing Holidays. Share expenaea. Leaving Sunday, Dec. 20th. Be back Jan. 4th. 1953 Buick 4 dr. Phone 3-64S4. References desired. RIdera wanted to Birmingham. Atlanta, Columbus area. Call Mel Bates 2-6846. RIDERS WANTED: Denver and return. Leave Lincoln Dec. 19, return Dee. 30. New car. Share expenaes. Phone 3-1S76. WANTED : A ride to Seattle over Christmas vacation. Call 6-6491 or xt. 3218 after 6 p.m. WANTED Ride to Chicago or Cleveland, Ohio. Call 8-8046. MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL REDUCTION for students. 32 per month. 6 day week, Kiddleland Nursery. 826 N. 26; 6-3846. 1 x o , .- i ii 1-lllHlMlliMass.Traam ti.n-i.-il. n I am .mm i. ...-m.-.li i u I 1 v ! 1 j Again, in 1953, they've made a survey audit I N A a,. xw f of actual sales in mote than 800 co-ops and J - v " I I campus stores from coast to coast And again, I ' I Chesterfield tops 'em all. ! v , Qnly Chesterfield gives you proof of highest I 1 1 ; " v, quality low nicotine. Proof that comes from J ( f actual "tobacco tests" in which all six leading 1- 4r t - - is , brands were chemically analyzed. ' J ' ' ) - (My&r ( Y Cheiterfield'i Perry Como Show.. All J 7 ' I ' 5 1 ,he Top Tune$ on TV Now on Radio. SSB-. ' - I I- s h 1 TV-CBS Network Radio-Mutuol f S. : ' Jf A' I Network. j ' M) fL ,2 I jitfsaai, 'iaMaxmxmmii-. tttm.t . j-.. f I. s - M B I r I I I M II I i i X 8 . . . I I 1 B F H I " M II I fill! i i y i 8 i rrh i a . 1 1 n i a u ; in r . A-J JCUt JLJULS I v i - f. e - i r - wl. .... j w - s st w m t vf lit,'! V - ' 4 r- o ' ' V f I) fjflW rtTifM1.r4aaa WMV-JWtWW'" t