The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 02, 1953, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    Wednesday, December
Page 4
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Makeshift Women's Housing
Pictured above is a room on the the Women's Residence Halls,
third floor of the Sigma Delta Not shown is a closet in the
Tau sorority house. It is oc- lower right foreground. The
cupied by two women for single desk is used by both
whom there was no room in girls.
On The Social Side
New Pinnings Appear
After Annual Holiday
Staff Writer
Kraemer O'Brien
Decemer 28 is the date of the
winter wedding of Sally Kraemer,
Chi O, and Wells O'Brien, Kappa
Sig. Sally, junior in Arts and
Science, is from Colorado Springs.
Wells. Omahant is a first year
law student
Obermeyer -Riedel
The surprise candy passing at
Towne Club Monday revealed the
engagement of Anna Marie Ober
meyer to Ron Riedel. Anna Marie
is a junior in Teachers College.
Ron, formerly a pharmacy stud
ent, is working in Lincoln. Both
are from Lincoln.
Gendler Silverman
Two Omahans who announced
their Thanksgiving engagement
are Goldie Gendler, Dorm, and
Pon Silverman, SAM. Goldie,
senior in Teachers College, is a
transfer student from Smith Col
lege. Don is attending Med
School in Omaha. The couple
plan a June wedding.
Laateaschlarer Barnard
One Sigma Chi serenade Mon
day night was at the Gamma Phi
house where Winnie Lautenschla
ger, sophomore, revealed her
pinning to Roger Barnard. Win
nie is in Arts and Science and
Roger is a Biz Ad student Both
re from Lincoln.
Gordon Sloan
The Sigma Chi's also visited
the Alpha Phi house where Mimi
Gordon and Dick Sloan celebrated
their pinning. Mimi, freshman
ossified Ids
To plac a classified ad
Step 1b Um BmImn Otoe Rmn SO
Stadent Union
CB Mttl Ea. 4226 tor (MM
Ssm 74:13
r?Q.worda ) liar Sdayg 3dcry 4 day 1 wk
MO I tAQ $ .65 $ 45 Sl.CD $1.20
11-15 ST") .SO 1X5 1.25 1.45
10 I .60 I M j U5 149 1.70
il-25 .70 1.1Q j 1.45 ) 1.75 TTS5
2140 j 40 US 1.65 1 2.00 20
Ton A1R Tux. mln M, ueclltnt
UUoa. S2.SO. Fbaut i-8261.
fOR ALK Tax 19" kmc ruetkaDr
Btw. (Ml Chuck Bmttr S-3M.
XOOM TOR KENT (Ingl Unom for
Scntlemu. 3211 Star. CaU (-3170 after
in Teachers College, and Dick,
Arts and Science sophomore, are
both from Lincoln.
Mapes Rankin
Another Lincoln couple to re
veal a pre-Thanksgiving pinning
is Jane Mapes and Duane Ran
kin. Jane, Gamma Phi, is a
junior in Teachers College.
Duane, junior majoring in Phys
Ed, is a Phi Psi. .
Dewey Dutton
The Farm House Fall Party
was the scene for the pinning an
nouncement of Brock Dutton to
Peggy Dewey. Brock, junior
from Scottsbluff, is in Ag College.
Peggy, Lincoln High graduate,
is working in Lincoln.
Opiti Wright
New Kappa and Beta pinmates
are Susie Opitz and Charles
Wright. Susie, junior in Teachers
College, is from Omaha. Charles,
1952 UMOC, is a sophomore in
Law College. He is from Scotts
bluff. Mueller Pecha .
A pre-vacation announcement
at the DG house revealed the
pinning of Nancy Mueller to Bob
Pecha, ATO. Nancy, junior from
Lincoln, attended Lindenwood
College. Bob, Biz Ad senior, is
formerly a Lincolnite but now
lives in California.
Faculty Coffee Hour
Scheduled For Friday
A coffee hour for faculty mem
bers and graduate assistants will
be held Friday from 4 to 6 p.m.
in the Union Faculty Lounge.
There will be a charge of 15
cents for refreshments.
fire FrU
Job avitlibl Walter Job available. Ap
ply Blrma Alpha Ma booM, 732 Mo.
18th. 2-3120.
WANTED Boaboy; caU Blima Delta
Tan HottM. 2-3530.
Help wanted Part time- ecretary. 1
hit. a day 5 day a week, from S:M
to 5:09 P.1Q4 fl an nr. Writ Pot
vnno Dos 11,
41st Annual
Deeembtr 4, 6:09 P.M.
University of Nebraska Cclissum .
Forms I
Shi Freshmen Live In Parlors
Staff Writer
Inadequate dormitory space is
driving prospective students
away from the University.
Catherine Parks, director of the
Residence Halls for Women, said
this in regard to the lack of ade
quate space for unaffiliated up
perclass women in the residence
halls this year.
Miss Parks pointed out that
many women who would stay on
or who would transfer to the Uni
versity from other schools go
elsewhere because of the lack of
adequate space for unaffiliated
upperclass . women.
ALTHOUGH NO exact figures
can be given, Miss Parks said it
is known that several upperclass
women who wished to live in the
dorm this fall changed their
plans and went to other univer
sities because of inadequate
Unperclass women have a
chance to live in the dorm only
after freshman women who are
required by University regula
tion to live in the dorm, are pro
vided with rooms. Forty-four up
perclass women serve in the
dorms as counselors, but few
other upperclass women can be
accomodated in the limited space
There is a definite decline in
the number of upperclass unaf
filiated women who come to the
University. Approximately 150
freshmen women who are unaf
filiated live in the dorm, this and
only 79 upperclass women of that
category returned to ihe univer
sity this year.
perclass women include: Terrace
Hall. Wilson Hau ana interna
tional House. Howard Hall, which
formerly housed upperclassmen,
has been used for freshmen dur
ing the last two years. Rosa Bou-
ton has been closed entirely be
NU Housing Problem
Not Serious-Harper
New Ag Dorm To Ease Situation
Enrollment increases are not
great enough to show a definite
need for additional housing,
William C. Harper, director of
University commercial enter
prises, said.
'Harper, who has .oecn at tne
University for five years, said
that this fall is the first time
there has been "much worry
about accommodating every
able to stay with relatives, he
said, but this year there were
evidently fewer students who
have Lincoln relatives. The
number ' of students housed on
campus may fluctuate from year
to year depending on that fac
tor, he said.
An Ag dormitory ts deiintely i
planned but will not be built
1 J3 Jl' Vff1
H 13 .w WW ftii-, 1 H, '"3fc.
Goldenrod Stationery Store
215 North 14th Street
I ID .. ; , j-u Sit
far the biggest social event of the season
cause of the need for major re
pairs. It also formerly housed
Due to the number of students
who drop out of school each term
for various reasons, the problem
is not as pressing at the present
time as it was at the beginning
of this year.
Freshmen women, unless they
are able to live with relatives in
Lincoln, must reside in Univer
sity dormitories. Three such dor
mitories, Love Hall, Heppner
Hall and Raymond Hall, comprise
the area known as the Residence
Halls for Women.
PART OF the housing problem
this year has been caused by an
increase of 30 freshmen women
and of 60 additional sophomore
women over last year's figures.
The extra students were accomo
dated by rearrangement of ex
isting housing.
The dormitories were built for
370 girls. Additional room was
created by converting the parlors
on several floors into living quar
ters. At present the dorms are
housing a total of 376 women, with
six women occupying parlors.
Rooms are arranged to house
two women. The parlors are nor
mally used as places for women
to gather in small groups, , and
are comparable to an average
living room.
Each parlor is adjoined by a
kitchenette which contains lim
ited cooking facilities used by
some of the women to prepare
quick snacks and occasional
meals. Because three of the 12
parlors are now converted into
rooms, women who reside on
floors with converted parlors are
deprived of the use of the normal
facilities. One kitchenette on th'vrt
floor of Raymond Hall serves 78
WOMEN WHO live in the par
lors do not have regular doors
before the fall of 1955. Archi
tectural plans have not yet been
The proposed dorm would
ease the housing situation slight
ly since several women enrolled
in Ag College are now residing
at the Residence Halls on city
such a dormitory would take
care of approximately 40 women
who are now living on city cam
pus. At the present time, Ag Wom
en students stay at Love Me
morial Hall which houses- 48
women in six groups of eight
women each. Each group pur
chases and prepares its own
Other Ag coeds are housed in
I Loomis Hall.
which can be locked, but have
only makeshift curtains which re
duce the amount of privacy and
of security. Also, those residing
in parlors do not have the regu
lar buzzer system for telephone
calls and for callers, but must
rely on the buzzer systems of
near-by. rooms..
'' However, they 'have full use.of
the kitchenette in which they can
lock their clothes and other valu
ables. Also, the parlors have
advantages such' as more spa
cious rugs and more windows.
Miss, Parks expressed a desire,
to remove all women from the
parlors and into regular rooms
as soon as possible, so as to re
store the conditions to normal.
Other campus houses were re
arranged to take care of more
of the overflow f rom . the 4 dor
mitories. In September, there
were 20 extra women in the
dorm; now the figure has been
reduced to six. A( total of 18
women definitely desired to live
in the dorm, but were accom
modated elsewhere in Lincoln. k
THIS SEMESTER the ruling
was waived for four women who
moved into houses, immediately
after Rush Week,. Those women
who did not have a chance to
live in the dorm did not have
the advantage of Jiving with and
meeting other freshmen and un
affiliated upperclassmen.
In addition, four second semes
ter freshmen were allowed to
move into sorority houses. Or
dinarily, these four girls would
have been required to reside in
the dormitories until second sem
ester when they became sopho
mores. To ease the situation further,
the nine pledges of Sigma Delta
Tau sorority were requested to
move into the house. This was
possible because sufficient room
was made available by the gra
duation Of a .number of members
in June. Although it is generally
assumed advantageous to move
into campus houses as soon as
possible, there1 women were de
prived of the normal "condition
ing period in the dormitories
and will not have a chance to
meet many of the freshmen
women, Miss Parks said.
women who normally would have
been residents of the dormitories
were housed on the third floor
of the Sigma Delta Tau house.
Fewer senior women are enrolled
, charge added
on out-of-town
-.. deliverlet
w Ilk Cif iflll' """"g
NjU hJ In
i n 1J - m . mm . ; w-.. A. . 'W w
Mirk C a -III
. r$3oG0 per couple , ' ,
From C.O.A. members or
booth in Student Union Lobby
Spectators $1.09 (at door)
- 6
Temporary Women's Room
This is a parlor in the Resi
dence Halls for Women, which
has temporarily been fitted
for two University women.
Though not shown in the pic
ture, the room has no door,
this year, which explains the ex
tra room in some of the sorority
Twenty-five other women, who
would have been required to live
on campus under ordinary condi
tions, are living in Lincoln. Most
of these women are new students
at the University. Women, who
reside in Lincoln must stay in
private homes, Helen Snyder, as
sistant dean of women, said.
Most of the women who are
out in Lincoln would like to be
on campus. Judy Milder, a sopho
more who transferred from
UCLA, cited that the advantage
of living in a private home is
that it is easier to obtain food.
She said that the main disad
vantages were taking a bus to
school, being away from cam
pus activities, and not being with
more women.
ENID LEVEY, a sophomore
tranfer student from Ohio State
said, "I think there should be
more sophomore dorms." She
stated that the main disadvan
tages to living in a private home
are transportation and the miss
ing of "college life." However,
she said that it is "like living
in your own home," it is quieter,
and there are cooking privileges.
Another disadvantage . is Jbeing
yy fc..' 'imnmiiii iii mi'11' 1
All New Holiday
Pastel Shades
Malt AMates '
Long Sleeve
Short Sleeve
Wool Flannel
H 1
MftMMBaaaa WaMMittaJMHaMBB
3). Irk.
only a curtain which may be
drawn for a measure of pri
vacy. In the right background
is the door leading to a kitch
enette and space for hanging
away from the library, she said.
Women on the third floor of
the Sigma Delta Tau sorority
house said that they have trouble
studying because it is not as quiet
as the dormitories, because rules
are more strict in the Residence
Halls. The women prefer living
there to living in a private home,
or in the dorm and found it nice
to be on campus.
Schlaphoff Given Post
On Home Ec Division
Dr. Doretta Schlaphoff, chair
man of the University department
of home economics, was elected
to the executive committee of the
Home Economics Division of the
Association of Land Grant Col
leges and Universities.
Dr. Schlaphoff, 1953-51 chair
man of the Resident Instruction
Section of the Home Economic?
Division of the association, wij-,.
serve a three year term, .on tly,
executive committee.
ASCE To Meet
The American Society of C
Engineers will hold a meet
Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Rc
205 Stout Hall.
E Week Committees will be
Dyed to match the skirts In all
new lovely holiday shades. Misty
lilac, lemon mist, aqua and dawn
rose. She'll love to get a set of
these for Christmas. Soft and
dyed to match tlie $weater.
Walking skirt with sliin lines and
2 cluster pleats in front and 1 In
back falling below the knees.
for Gifts!
GOLD'S Sportswear . . . Second Floor