1 o Council Initiates New Program Of Seeking Suggestions From Students See Editorial Page 2 Head Athletic Trainer Answers ChargesOf'Over-Playing'Gridder See Lett e rip Column Page 2 Volume 53, No? 18 LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Friday, October 23, 1953 qq!i I F0IH fLCIf)CGfQ f f C Student i O ;2 II n O o o o O Booking Agency, Discussed At Weekly Session What do you expect of your Student Council?" The Council at its meeting Wednesday voted to print this query in the Ne braskan. If suitable arrange ments could be made, student response to this blank would help the Student Council better serve the students it represents. The Outside World McAuliffe, Palestine In News Army Versed In Atomic Info Gen. McAuliffe, new United States Seventh Army, com mander, said that more emphasis will be placed on the training for U.S. troops in Germany. Data on tactical principles and information for greater defense from atomic attack has been ob tained and so the warfare pro gram will be broadened, added the commander. Gen. McAuliffe who observed the Bikini bomb tests is the '"first atomic gen eral" to take command of the Seventh Army. Situation Tense The situation is critically tense in Palestine, reported Maj. Gen. Vagn Bennike, to the Security Council. A council session will be summoned Monday to hear the general's report and decide what United Nations action is necessary to restore calm. Even though matters are uneasy, it is not likely that a major world conflict will result from the situ ation, said the General. Delegates Walk Out The explanation groups have been delayed since Monday be cause of the walkout of the Polish and Czech delegates who were voted down by the Indians, Swedes and Swiss. The two Red satellite members left because they could not win their point in the Korean Prisoner Repatria tion Commission. They proposed that anti-Red Koreans be forced to hear Communist efforts to wheddle them home. U.S. Military Aid As soon as the plans for Euro pean Defense Community are ratified, United States military aid will be sent to Western European countries. Secretary of State Dulles and other top offi cials have been reported as being confident that the EDC treaty which has been stalled for sev eral months will finally be rati fied within the next three or four months. Germany is the only country which has ratified the treaty and if it passes it would mean re arming West Germany. Other signers include France, Italy, Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg. Wachal Named For 'Caine Mutiny' Show Joy Wachal has been named coordinator for the presentation of "The Caine Mutiny Court Martial" Thursday, Nov. 19, at J) p.m. in the University Coli seum. 'Herman Wouk's dramatization of his best-selling novel, "The Caine Mutiny," will be brought to the University by the Union. The production is now taking a 67-city tour of the nation before opening in New York January 18. - WORKING IN conj unci i o n with Miss Wachal are Jean Davis, chairman of ticket sales; Carl Mammei, in .charge of pro motion; and Bob Meehan, in charge of the Coliseum. Assisting in ticket sales are Stan Slpple, organized 'houses,; Nancy Hemphill, mail orders; Leornard Barker, box offices; Clare Hinman, Union booth; and Evelyn Launtzen, Ag ticket booth. BETTY XELEGER is promo tion secretary. Assistants are Elaine Hess, paid newspaper ads; BilUe Croft, Radio-T.V Junior Nobel, Ag; Bill Pyle, art display posters; Fred Daly, fea ture stories; Philomene Dosek, art; Roy Keenan, Lincoln post ers; and Walter Horning, cam pus posters. KK Rehearsals , Skit rehearsals for the Kosmet Klub Fall Revue will begin Tuesday in the Coliseum at 7 p.m. The rehearsal schedule is: Beta Theta Pi, 7-7:40; Sigma Nu, 7:40- 8:20; Zeta Beta Tau, 8:20-8; Delta UpBUon, 9-B.40; Phi Kappa Psi, 8:40-10:20, and Phi Gamma Delta, 10:20-11 pjn. Skitmasters will meet in the Kosmet Klub room, Union, Mon day at 5 p.m. They must turn the eligibility lists of cast mem bers to Marv Stonier by Monday morning. Blanks may be ob tained from him. m KNUS Power When contacted, the editor of the Nebraskan, Ren Rystrom, said that these arrangements could be made. THE CAMPUS Improvements Committee suggested construc tion of a "grievance box to be placed in the Student Union for faculty and students. The sug gestion was approved and action will be taken by the committee. Bill Cannon, chairman of the Parking Committee, reported to the Council that "it looks like the parking problem is being solved somewhat." He also re ported that less traffic tickets have been issued so far this year. Cannon added that students wishing to buy parking permits may do so at the campus police station. The parking board lis tened to two appeals last week; one was not granxea ana one will be settled this week. INQUIRIES INTO the possi bilities of increasing the power of the campus radio station, KNUS, revealed that radio in structors do not want an in crease because the station is used purely for teaching pur poses and not for public service and entertainment. The possibility of an orchestra booking agency, through which organizations on campus could obtain bands, was discussed and a poll of sororities will be taken to find out whether it would be useful. MART FRIEDMAN was ap pointed to the Convocations Committee. The committee re ported that the Honors Convoca tion is scheduled for April 6. Plans for the special student train to Missouri were cancelled, due to lack of student interest Jack Rogers reported that al most 1,000 game tickets had been sold. ' Filings Due Noon Saturday For Vacancy Applications for the Student Council vacancy axe due Satur day noon. Applications are to be turned in at the office of Frank Hall gren, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, accompanied by 25 sig natures of students in the College of Arts and Sciences." Applicants must be sophomores or juniors in the college of Arts and Sciences and have a five average. Rocky Yapp, Council president, said, ''anyone inter ested in student government should file." Applications may also be obtained from Hallgren's office. . INTERVIEWS OF all appli cants will be held by the Council Wednesday and the representa tive will be elected. A vacancy was left in the Council when Jerry Roe entered Law College therefore becoming ineligible to serve as Council rep resentative from the College of Arts and Sciences. Coordinator Assistant chairman of the Col iseum is John Gourley. Shirley Jesse and Dan Grace arc ' in charge of decorations. Weekly Ag Movie Little Egypt," starring Mark Stevens and Rhonda Fleming will be presented at the Ag Un ion Saturday night. The movie, which as in techni color, will start at 7:30 p.m. in the lounge. No admission is charg ed. miversny 300 k Biz Ad Major Recommends Statehood For Hawaii "The University basnt changed much" in the opinion of Dick Roeser, aecond semester junior in the College of Busi ness Administration. Roeser, one of many students drafted while in the midst of their college careers, attended Tour Of Nebraska Scheduled For Students Saturday A tour of several -corn belt; farms in Eastern Nebraska will be held Saturday to better ac quaint foreign -students with cornbelt agriculture. Dale Toops, oo-chairman of the tour, said the group will meet in front of Agricultural KaU at 12:80 p.m. where trans portation will be furnished for the trip. The tour will include visiting1 a dairy farm, a beef feeding farm, and a general crop farm. Toops said this Will .cover about a 80-mile radius and stu dents will be home by 8:80 p.m. ALTHOUGH THE tour, is planned 'especially -lor Ag for eign tudso, Toops said, it is i hoped that .city campus foreign V -.1 'The Play's The An "on stage photograph catches members of "Little Foxes" cast in one of the scenes lifffrMes1 Only 32 Present By BRUCE KENDALL Faculty Reviewer Temple Arena Theater was the scene of what resembled a wake Wednesday night, as tbe.Univerr sity. Theater inaugurated its 1953-1954 season. The complete silence at the end of the first act did not indicate lack of apprecia tion by the thirty-two people present. It was just that the audience was so small that it was embarrassing to applaud. This was certainly not the best performance ever presented by the University Theater, but its first night reception was scarcely deserved. AN EFFECTIVE arena pro duction of Lillian Hellmans skillfully contrived melodrama, "The Little Foxes," may be pos sible, but this reviewer doubts it. The play calls, above all, for deftly applied ham on the part of those portraying its villainous and maladjusted" characters. With the underplaying of the cast, necessary for the intimacy of the arena, the impression was that the foxes were only nibbling at the vines, and one had no fear for the grapes. In the role of the vulgar vixen. Re gin a, Pat Loder happily did not imitate Tallulah; however, she played the part as if she were too much a lady to say the mean things Miss Hellman had written for her. Only in the third act could orfe sense the evil of her character. CHARLES PETERSON coped valiantly with Oscar, a character for which he was completely miscast. At times, he appeared considerably more youthful than Jack Parris, who played Leo, his son. Dale Holt portrayed the rascal Ben on one emotional level, never. having the oily finesse vi tal to the role.' The most convincing character was created by Mrs. Fred Brad ley as Addie, the servant Morrel Clute showed .asitivity in the Phi Chi Theta Pledges Two Coeds Wednesday Phi Chi Theta, national profes sional business women's honorary held its fall pledging Wednesday. Two coeds, Audrey Emery and Kay Yeiter, were pledged in the ceremonies. JEAN ROBERTSON, president, announced at the business meet ing that the organization's na tional vice president, Mies Mary Seymour, will visit the University chapter Nov. 20 and 21. as Changed Little I my Veteran, Hastings College for two years and the University for one se mester before going into the service. He served in the Army for two years taking basic training in Hawaii Only 18 days of his Corn Belt Farms students and native Nebraska students will also go on the trip. Sponsors of the tour are the Ag YM-TW and the Lancaster County Extension Service. The cost of the tour will be the price of transportation. For further information concerning the trip, students may contact Toops at 6-5350 or Joyce Splitt- gerber at 6-5146. Journalism Fraternity Meeting Friday Noon 'Sigma Delta Chj, men's pro fessional .journalism fraternity, will meet Friday noon in Par lors ABC in the Union. A business meeting will fol low the luncheon. i .n illf,;;: llSBtly Thing' of the play presented Wednes day evening in the Arena Theater. Pictured above are: Mrs. Fred Bradley, Pat Loder, Shows First At University Theater Production role of the invalid Horace, and Valerie Hompes caught the spirit of Birdie, but did not give the character the hysterical quality it required. Jean Carol Delong did her usual competent job as Alexan dra, and Clark Rhudy and For rest Smith were adequate in minor roles. TWO DRAMATIC highlights of the play ' were strangely thrown away. One is the point at which Regina turns on her visit ing relatives and shouts, Why don't you all go home?" In this production, Regina spoke the line as if it were a civil and sin cere request. Farmers Fair Elects J unipr Plans Underway Junior members of the Farm ers Fair Board were chosen at a meeting Wednesday night by Senior Board members. The six new members who will help direct the annual Fanners Fair next spring are Kline Appointed To NSEA Office Donald F. Kline, assistant pro fessor of speech and director of speech fundamentals, has been named executive secretary of the Nebraska State Education Asso ciation, effective Feb. L, 1954. Kline's appointment was made by the Association's Executive Committee. He will succeed Dr. Archer Burnham, who will be come research director of the As sociation. A native Nebraskan, Kline at tended Kearney State Teachers College and received a bachelor of science in education degree at the University in 1947. In 1948 he received a master of science de gree in educational psychology. Kline joined the University staff in 1947 and was named associate director of forensics In 1949. ' He joined the University of Mis-. souri faculty as an instructor oi speech in 1950, and returned to the University of Nebraska in 1952 to assume bis present posi tion. He is a member of Phi Delta Kappa, graduate men's education honorary; the American Associa tion of University Professors and Delta Sigma Rho, national foren sics honorary. Dick Roeser, service career were spent in the United States. AFTER BASIC training, Roe ser served in "'casual detach ment," working with court mar tial .cases. It was Roeser's job to obtain information for court martials and to interview the accused persons. Roeser men tioned that in bis job bft met "every type of person. Roeser recommends Hawaii for statehood and stated that the is lands .of Hawaii are -Very ad vanced in -every field,'" and not primitive as many have been led to believe, ' ' HE SAID he thought Hono lulu was very much like Omaha except that it was spread out over more territory. The city, he said, has every modem con venience television, telephone, city transportation. Roeser hasn't had much trou ble getting adjusted again to the life of a student, but said that he had forgotten some of the facts that he had learned in previous courses. However, be aid he thought that his .experiences in the armed service have helped him. Clark Rhudy, Dale Holt, Valerie Ann Hompes, Jean Carol De- Long and Jack Parris. (Ne braskan photo) Might flms The last act scene, in which Regina is supposed to watch her husband die without coming to his aid, was played so rapidly that Regina scarcely bad time to retrieve his medicine, let alone call "for help. With' all its opening night flaws, this production of "The little Foxes" was considerably better than the faculty and stu dents of the University deserve, as shown by their support Wed nesday night Of course, people are waiting until the new Temple Theater is opened. Everyone will be curious to see how the place has been fixed up. Board Members For Spring Fair C a 1 Lemmon, Don Novotny, Charles Watson, Jean Kippe, Chloryce Ode and Elaine Millen. FARMERS FAIR is an annual all-Ag College celebration held each spring. The date set for this year's event is April 30 and May 1. Dale Olson, president of the Board, said committees will be appointed in the spring for each phase of the fair. Tentative plans include a ro deo, parade, carnival, dance and barbeque. uoaaess oi Agricul ture and Whisker King will be crowned at the dance. Typical cowboy and cowgirl will be elected at the rodeo. THE BOARD will work with the Rodeo Club in organizing the rodeo, securing stock, and further details. , Regular meetings are held every Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the Ac Union. Olson said several mass meetings axe being planned to arouse more spirit and stu dent interest HS Institute To On Presidential Discussion and debate on pres- idential elections will comprise the High School Institute program at the University Saturday. Over 110 students from 16 schools will attend the clinic, de signed for people especially in terested in social studies and de bate. The University department of speech, state department of pub lic instruction and Nebraska High School Activities Association are sponsoring the Institute. "THE HISTORY of the Presi dential Election System" will be discussed by Jock Howe, former Director of Debate at Southwest ern College, Winfield, Kan., and lecturer in history at the Univer sity last year. Professor A. C Breckenridge, chairman of the political science department, wID Spanish Club To Hold -First Meeting Tuesday Tuesday marks the first Span ish Club meeting, which well be held to Room 216 of the Union at 7 pxa. The meeting will feature Mex ican songs and movies. Newly elected officers of the club are Scott Chiles, president; Norma Lothrop, vice president; Frank Wells, secretary-treasurer, and Jean Beck, program chair man. m "Suicide Club' Tryouts Planned For Monday Tryouts for the Authors of the Ages radio production, "The Sui cide Club" by Robert Louie Ste venson, will be held Monday from 4 to S p.m. in room 4b, Tem ple building. Students with no previous ra dio experience are also eligible to try out, for parts in the pro duction. The production will be given Oct. 28. Railroad To Reserve Regular Train Cars For Missouri The special student train to Missouri has been cancelled. Extra cars are being added to the regular scheduled train and are being reserved for the rooters and the band. This train, leaving Lincoln at 12:15 a.m. Saturday, will arrive in Moberly, Mo., at 9:44 Saturday morning where busses will take the pasengers to Columbia, ar riving there at 10:30 a.m. JACK ROGERS, Student Council migration director, stressed that the idea is still the same but there has been a slight change in the time schedule which should be noted. Lv. Linco!n-12:15 a.m. Ar. Kansas City-6:55 a.m. Lv. Kansas City-7:30 a.m. Ar. Moberly-9:44 a.m. BUS Ar. Columbia-10:30 a.m. Leaving right after the game: Ar. Moberly-e:35 p.m. Ar. Kansas City-9:00 p.m. Lv. Kansas City-ll:58 p.m. Ar. Omaha-6:30 a.m. Lv. Omaha-8:15 a.m. Ar. lincoln-9:25 a.m. W. T. Albrecht, general agent of the Burlington Lines an- NU Alumni Plan Pre-Game Event A week-end get-together of University alumni in the greater Kansas City area will be held before the Nebraska-Missouri football game Saturday, Jim Pit- tenger, Alumni Association sec retary, announced. A social hour and fpotball banquet will be held Friday eve ning at the Town House in Kan sas City, Mo. Guests will be members of the Nebraska foot ball staff. ELLSWORTH DUTEAU of Lincoln, national alumni presi dent, will be the principal speaker. Bob Paris, Nebraska freshman coach, will show films of the Miami-Nebraska football game. The Alumni will travel by chartered busses to Columbia, Mo, for the game Saturday. Union Craft Shop Held Thursdays The Craft Shop, sponsored by the Union, is held every Thurs day from 7 to 9 p.m. in the base ment of the Union, Room 14. Mrs. Ruth Coleman gives -free instruction in leather work, soft metals and textile paint projects. Some material and tools are pro vided by the Union. Students provide their own material for hand tooled leather belts, bill folds and textile monograming. Series To Cover T. S. Eliot Poetry The poetry of T. S. Eliot will be featured in the second of a series of discussions on contem porary poets in Gallery B, Mor rill Hall, Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. Readers will be Dr. C. E. Pulos and Dr. James E. Miller Jr, as sistant professors of English. The program will include a discussion of Eliot's work. The series, sponsored by the Departments of Art and English, is open to the public. Debate Elections talk on "How Should We Elect the President of the United States?" THE UNTVERSITT of Okla homa and the University of Ne braska win debate on ""Resolved: That the President of the United States should be elected by a di rect vote of the people," at Love Library Auditorium Saturday aft ernoon. In special discussion groups students will talk about "What are the weaknesses of our pres ent system of nominating and el ecting the President of the United States?" Bloodmobile To Visit Lincoln On Monday Campus Quota . A Bloodmobile will be in Lin coln Monday to receive blood from University students. The unit will be stationed at the Scottish Rite temple at 15th and L. Streets, and will be -open from 1 to p.m. Qualifications for donors are; 1. Must be over 21 years of age oi have parents' consent Z. Must weign at. ieast iiv pounds. 3. Must not have given blood, for at least three month. THE PROCESS of donating is brief, painless and rewarded with orange juice, sandwiches, coffee and a small, red metal pin, shaped like a drop of blood. Donation cards are available from representatives in organ ized houses or from Mike Green berg, Red Cross College Unit biood recruiter. Persons may also pick -up cards from a booth in the Union. The cn;'.f r wAv tor .'tober is 70 piats. So ia, auout M ftb Migration Trip nounced, "I'm going right along to see that you're taken care of. Things are going to click just as we want just get the victory!" Saturday Pep Rally Scheduled Mizzou Campus Gathering Site A migration rally, preceeding the Missouri-Nebraska football game, will be held Saturday at Columbia, Mo., for University students. The University ROTC band will be present at the rally, which will be held in front of the Missouri Unionat 12:30 p.m. In a formal statement the rally committee said all students trav eling to Missouri should plan to attend the rally and "represent the spirit of the University by supporting -its team away from home." UNIVERSITY CHEERLEAD ERS will be at the Union at 12:45 p.m. Last year, students attending the unofficial migration partici pated in a rally at the Univer sity of Colorado preceeding the Colorado-Nebraska game. In the past rallies out of town have not been well attended. The rally committee hopes that this year , all students will attend the rally at Columbia. Home fc Club Plans Dinner Wednesday Tickets are now on sale for the annual Ellen H. Richards dinner to be held Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. Speaker at the banquet, which is sponsored by the Home Eco nomics Club, wil be Miss Flor ence Fallgatter, past national president of the American Home Economics Association. Barb Spilker win act as toast mistress. The theme of the an nual dinner is, "Home Economics Becomes You." Mary Jane Niehaus and Made line Watson are co-chairmen for the dinner honoring Mrs. Rich ards, the founder of home eco nomics. COMMITTEE MEMBERS for the dinner are: program, Elaine Millen, Jenny Shilhan; publicity, Madeline Watson, Jan Lindquist; tickets. Pat Graham, Betty Hra bik. Betty Sisson; favors, Jo Malickv. Joyce Taylor; decora tions, Jo Heitoan, Chloryce Ode; hostess, Jean Rippe; food, Bar bara Akeson; contacts, Ardie Young; publicity, Jan Lindquist. Faculty adviser is Dr. Doretta SchJopboff. Miss Lindquist, publicity chair man, said all home economies majors and home economics alumni are welcome to attend. Tickets are $1-58 and may be purchased at a booth in the Home Economics Building. Kosmet Klub Royalty Interviews Monday Monday at 7:30 p.m. is the crucial hour for the hopeful Ne braska Sweetheart and Prince Kosmet candidates. The Innocents will interview Nebraska Sweetheart candidates in the Union Faculty Lounge while the Mortar Boards are conducting interviews in Parlor A- , - - Finalists will be announced la The Nebraskan Tuesday. THREE NEW names have been added to the list of Sweetheart candidates: Louise wens. Inter national House; Barbara Spilker, Love Memorial and Shirley Slagle, Lootois HalL Not Reached Yet , . . 1- 0 3-1 dents have pledged blood. In September only 11 students gave blood. BLOOD DONATED through Bloodroobiles is used all over the world to replace blood lost ia injuries and to fight polio. Gam ma globulin is removed from whole blood to help the fight against polio. Plasma, which comprises 50 per cent of whole blood, is used for treating shock. January Crads To Apply Before Nov, I Deadline Students who expect to qulA? for mid-year bachelor's, test sni advanced degrees or cerufi iiauej roust make application be fore Nov. 1, at the sw.ior check ing office in the Actaumftettioa Building. Hours for regisii wm wi;i from S a.m. to 4 p.n '" ; thruu-lta FriStys, "5 iium 8 - $jm. until oooa a - 1