The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 27, 1953, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    Xfonfoy, 3uTy 27, 153
The Last VJord
As is the custom which every editor ,iolh looks forward to
and regrets is their final written word on their last edition.
It has been a pleasant and worthwhile experience to edit the
Summer Nebraskan. It has not been an eventful summer there
were no challenging election issues to be settled, no planned safety
programs to put across, nor were there any dramatic campaigns
lor women's rights.
However there were many wonderful people to meet, many
mistakes the 'Summer Nebraskan has profited from, and many
amusing incidents that have taken place . . . All serving as re
minders that it is a privilege and invaluable experience to be
a part of such an institution, to be able to serve it and share
in its offered opportunities.
Firm believers in "you receive as much as you put into any
thing" the Summer Nebraskan has sincerely tried to issue a pub
lication which the University could depend upon and enjoy.
Whether we have succeeded has not yet been established.
There has been little or no reaction from you, the students and
faculty, on the caliber of our publication.
Whatever the feeling is, the Summer Nebraskan news staff
which mainly consists of two people, has tried to handle its re
sponsibility in as intelligent and appropriate a manner as possi
ble. As a former Summer Nebraskan editor said "If we have suc
ceeded how lucky we are. If we haven't how pleasant it's been
to try." J-J-
Goodbye Dr. Gus'
Wednesday the helm of the
University changed hands.
The outstanding educator that
has been serving the University
for the past seven fruitful years
will turn the tiller over to
equally capable hands.
Dr. Gustavson has described
his tenure at Nebraska as seven
of the most happy years of his
life and they have certainly been
seven of the most happy years
of the University's life. A visitor
" to the campus seven years ago
would not have seen the , new
Engineering building, Ferguson
Hail, the new agronomy build
ing, the meat laboratory or in
sectary on Ag campus, or the
rew dorms, both those built in
1946 and those in construction.
Thic irrpat humanitarian has
contributed far more than ma
terial structures to our Univer
sity. His strengthening of the
general morale and his ability
to instill faith in competent in
structors to "stick with it'will
not soon be forgotten.., He" has
also been instrumental in ex
panding the whole general scope
of education, as the extensive
research program newly, inau
gurated. Another project of, no
small effort or effect has been
his success in the field of public
relations. He has been able to
get news and ideas 'of the .Uni
versity to the people of Ne-:
braska and has accomplished the
even harder task of receiving
their support. The recent ap
propriation of the legislature is
sufficient proof of this..
In spite of his many accom
p'ishments, Dr. Gustavson has
insisted on being regarded as
"merely a symbol of what is
. being done by the University."
By personal demonstration, he
has taught us all the lesson that
the higher we are placed, the
more humbly we should walk.
Upon leaving, the Chance'lor
made several suggestions for the
future of the University. He said
that time has come for educa
tion to concern itself with the
emotional stability and the ethi
cal development of students, as
well as with the academic train
ing. "It doesn't do much good,"
he said, "to produce a scholar if
he cracks up."
We hope the University will
heed this wise advice and the
other suggestions for our future,
because Dr. Gustavson, upon
leaving, is not leaving a desk,
a chair, and a pencil and paper,
he is leaving a working UniverJ
sity with a ruture. tie is inter
ested in that future.
We want Dr. "Gus" to know
that we --are also interested in
his future, and wish him god
speed and happiness in his new
job. We know he will give to it
the same determination and
ability which he has given to us.
C. J. S.
Sunny Advice , . .
Blessings 'xn thee, Girl or Man,
Cultivating a coat of tan;
All agleam "with grease and
lotion, .
Simmering beside the ocean;
Slowly turning, bit by bit,
Like a steak on a spit.
First you'll redden, girl or
Then as like as not you'll blis
Then and I know how you 11
You will itch and scratch and
After which if you don't
Blotch or streak or merely
You'll be tanned a golden
Ready to return to town,
..Back to studies in the dormi
tory shade,
There to be admired and lade.
Northern Exponent
Weekly Wisdom
The man who cannot wonder, who does not habit
ually wonder ... is but a pair of spectacles, behind
which there is no eye.
-Thomas Carlyle
Summer Nebraskan
Fiftieth Year
r,y. Aceortlnjl to Arttele II La. t declared policy of the Board
re T"?,SP JT,.. T M ftO "rne"ter. 42.50 per seme.ter mailed, or
5' Vb"Jh.Pt.nUe vear mailed! Blngl. "copy ae. Publl.hid dalljj during
$3.00 for the eolteRe $UJv Saturdays, vacation. nd examination perloda.
iFdfflrFSn l week.. Entered Second Ola.
E I. TITpJt OffWe In Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Conpremj, March 8.
TnpXx rZTJxi A for In section 1103, Act of October S,
19171 authorized September 10, lTonlAlj
Buslne. Manager
Cynthia Henderson
" . . . h. numma N.hniak..
For any information npmms " " ,
all Bummer Nebraskan office Monday or Tuesday afternoon or evening.
For Information jegarding bUBlneaa or advertising call Chet Singer at the
Vebr&ukan office.
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