The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 02, 1953, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Poge 2
iusf Befreei? (Is...
In many ways, too many to mention, Sue
served as a morale-builder for the staff. Her
friendly attitude brightened things up when dead
lines grew near and there wasn't enough copy.
Sue Gorton resigned as News Editor of The
Daily Nebraskan this week. Since her first work
n a a incVi min ronnrfAr Sua hn chnwn n pud-
tion for your campus newspaper which few other Bause of her comprehensive understanding of
students can match. She followed Joan Krueger campus affairs, she always had access to news
. as the second freshman woman to be appointed to possibilities. To my knowledge, she had no ene-
the paid staff. mjes among news sources.
The Daily Nebraskan salutes her because of knowiedge, she has no enemies,
her Jong efforts toward bringing the campus a , ,
jLCiuonais praising muiviuuois uikh uciums
trite and ineffective. I don't want that to happen
to this one because I -speak for the staff as a
whole, when I say:
"Thanks, Sue, we'll never forget you."
better newspaper. She worked hard to make
"sure that The Nebraskan represented the campus
as a whole and stayed clear of favoritism. She
made numerous attempts to interest more students
in working for their student paper.
A Stand For The Constitution
If the Stassen denunciation of McCarthy's pression on public opinion when a strong man ap-
latest intrusion into the affairs of the State De
partment is the administration's only comment on
the senator's singlehanded attempt at solution of
the Cold War, John Foster Dulles might just as
well turn over his position as Secretary of State
to the junior senator from Wisconsin.
-A Daily Nebraskan editorial published, in
Tuesday's paper (erroneously accredited to this
pears to be solving the major problems of the na
The World-Herald chooses to ignore the mat
ter of constitutionality in its wholehearted en
dorsement of McCarthy's action. Such a disregard
for the spirit and letter of American government
alone should frighten responsible Americans. If
the constitution is forgotten even for a moment, it
writer) expressed hope that Stassen's criticism can be forgotten again and again each time more
Clliu tile i-rcdl uncut a atuiuuiilYriiitriik ui a tJic iuuo easily.
agreement with Greece would slap down McCarthy
In his attempt to assume executive functions.
But Wednesday morning the answer came clear
and loud: The explanations and denunciations by
the State Department will have little effect upon
a certain segment of public opinion and upon a
section of the American press.
The answer came in the form of an editorial
published in the Omaha World-Herald, the news
paper with the largest circulation, by far, in the
state of Nebraska. Undoubtedly it should be one
cf the most powerful molders of public opinion in
the Midwest
How can the administration effectively clip
McCarthy's meddling wings when a newspaper
editorial says the following:
"The senator's latest adventure was a lulu.
"He negotiated aa agreement between himself
and a group of Greek ship owners, in which the
Greeks pledged that they would not permit their
vessels to deliver goods to Communist ports. The
objective of this move, of course, was to reduce
the volume of trade with the enemy, which is pre-
In this case anyone who expected that explan
ations and cries of "unconstitutional!" from the
State Department would burn the senator's offi
cious fingers has another guess coming. While the
World-Herald does not represent a majority of
newspapers editorially, it does speak the same
language as a powerful group of conservative
1ITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS ..... By Bibler
Russia staged another apparent
"peace" move In the U. N. Wed
nesday night by accepting as a
basis for discussion Western pro
posals on the deadlocked issues
of disarmament and atomic weap
ons . . . Russia omitted phohibi
tion of all atomic weapons areu
ment as a basis for disarmament
which has deadlocked debate
previously . . .
Russia gave its full support
Wednesday to the latest Com
munist proposals to end' the
Korean War, but stressed that
representation of Communist
China and North Korea at the
U. N. is "one of the urgent prob
lems." The House Wednesday passed
and sent to the Senate legislation
establishing title for the .states to
oil-rich submerged coastal lands.
The measure was passed after a
motion to shelve the bill was de
feated 293 to 106. The roll-call
vote oir the final passage was 285
to 108.
Allied and Communist com
mands today stepped up prepar
ations for the anticipated early ex
change of sick and wounded pris
oners and the Communists pushed
their "peace offensive" in various
new ways . . . Preliminary spade
work for the exchange of sick
ana wounaea was none at ran- fTTCDID
munjom late Wednesday when lia-'Lt I 1 CKIr
son officers exchanged data on the
present location of prisoner of war!
camps on each side of the battle
line . . .
a-s--a-asassss. sssswstw-v mm
"I think he's done pretty well he hasn't smoked for a week."
Tariff Law Should
Aim At Free Trade
miTR'S VdTI.'. Tk. flluu maU.
As long as this group of citizens supports Mc- WhwMtM i v,.r FriHav ine vou mib-
Carthy's intrusion upon the duties of the admin- One of the severest tasks to face lished the comments of various
istrative branch of government, there is the pos- the Eisenhower Administration is; students concerning The Daily
thipverv will become lne oeveiopment or policies on Nebraska s latest "ciusaae me
tai ma a.iu unci fioiiuiidi iidutr. jso-caiit'a oaii'i rnujc, x,v
tt . . i . . . i . lArnrA nnirAP u'n in in i nt" 111 n.
the1 AdmSllorrcgnXrof students on tW tremendous assistance that you
need for reduced trade barriers feelings upon tne "pledge, asKea and your stau rcnacrca me
' . . .... - lL:. ..: a U I- tint Attic? Itnnn . . . ii'
Student Mucks Safety
Campaign As 'Childish'
sibility that McCarthy's
bolder and more dangerous to the strength of the
Slate Department and President Eisenhower him
AUF Publicity . . .
Dear Editor:
I'm taking this opportunity to
jexpress our sincere thanks for the
The State Department may be right and Mc- and is generally disposed to moveit-his writer of his sentiments upon university Fund in publicizing
certainly true in ; at direct , There also no the subject. dcni opinion PollL Without
ke is not simply jt the most pointless and space-the help of The Daily Nebraskan
Carthy may be wrong which is
mis case out me mauer ai siase is ui i"j t,w.,;o w.,o;,...
r.r.;a nv.n ic rnnstituiinnaiiv rnrrfH. The ooint tk r; a,i Jwastine nroiect The Nebraskan we could never have had the re
: immicrotinn ,v ...k. .to i '.has taken un in the three years l ,,,w. i.f oio t think- that
is wnom PUOHC opinion uuig. -"- "'-.,,., h.n rarfin It. I noted that" . . ":J . .. .
uenuons are gooa. out wnemer Kr""";ZV " tnV0ml un-.thc following facts will bear mis
lean develop the constructive ""'c"l!
If McCarthy is allowed to keep even one foot statesmanship required to carryjcxPIaine reas" IfVfanHarH
; . . - . x. . thrv: intpntinnc intn pffpotivp ar. I could go over the standard
Thu rsday, April 2, 1953
cisely what the State Department says it ha's been in the door of State Department affairs or if hee intentions into effective ac
trying to accomplish for two years past.
"But when Sen. McCarthy came out with his
own program wow! Such clucking and cackling
you never heard. The Ieftie columnists and com
mentators wailed he had violated the law which
forbids a private citizen to negotiate with a foreign
government, and furthermore he had upset every-
Mother Has
3 Degrees
From NU
Staff Writer
Mother and curriculum direc
tor of Compton's Encyclopedia.
This dual role belongs to Mrs.
Edith Grecer, 1927 graduate of the
After receiving ner nacneior ot
science in education, ivirs. ureer
taught high school mathematics
for a year at Humboldt.
Following this, sne was married.
She has two sons, Jack and Bill.
Both are students at the Univer
sity and members of Beta Theta
Pi. Jack, a student in Teachers
College, is an Innocent and a
member of the student union
Board. Bill is doing his work in
the College of Dentistry.
According to Jack, the younger
son, his mother is one of those
whose philosophy It was, "grow
up with your children." Hence,
the Greer home always was the
gang's hang-out says Jack.
And, giving credit to her Bo
hemian vintage, Mrs. Greer's
rooking is described by Jack thus:
"It can't be beat anvwhere."
In 1932, Mrs. Greer became the
first woman to hold the Richard
son County school superinten
dency. She held this position un
til 1941, at which time she was
named rural and elementary
school supervisor for the state
of Nebraska.
When she left in 1950 to be
come dean of instruction and head
of the education department at
Peru State Teachers College, she
was state assistant director of cur
riculum. Durin? the time she was
employed by the state, she re
wrote the entire elementary
course of study for Nebraska
It was just six months ago that
she left Peru to work for Comp
ton's Encyclopedia in Chicago,
111. Her present work takes her
to national educational convoca
tions and meetings, from which
she interprets national trends In
education. This information is a
vital factor in the yearly revision
which Compton's do on their en
cyclopedia. "While in school at the Univer
sity. Mrs. Greer was elected to a
19aZ: 155 polls rnurnea sparse cnTna nf tuom Phi Beta
Kappa; Delta Kappa Gamma, pro
fessional teaching; Pi Mu Epsilon,
mathematics, and Pi Lambda
u :
j tcdl'lliug.
w n( Mrs. Greer
criticisms such as "Does anyone, publicity
is supported by any fair sized segment of public! " actually change his driving habits; 195j: polIs returned
opinion, he will continue his raids upon the power pj-w Fi.nhm,w .ntivlafter .signing the pledge,?" but; ,ent pnbirty
and integrity of the administration. And he will saiH that snmo kind nf "r.M-il u"' I .L:.' Which onlv goes to prove the Theta. Professional womens
continue until he either dies trying or succeeds ;poini a levei dciow wnicn iar-ichidish "pledge" crusade, then I, Power OI ine P"-"-
iffs cannot legally be cut should; , k i. i,,rm in rnn. I know that vou did a
..t iuiu5v -a hp rpfainprf in thp Rprinrn.-ai i . 1 r: . 1 T." tk n' -j t ,,n work in educational psycnoiog;
and his government frade Agreements Act when it is U"V,n? 10 use up CZ T .VVn' M.'and mathematics, and took Art
Tl ul . tn; 4k tWclnt Ihsratnro ic ! l.j r -: WlUl U. ni . ... " . o , C-ion.oe rontlirompnts -IS WPI
in 'uiuuiciii inuiis i iwiuiii., , cAiciiueu. rscurebciua in e ,3imuM:ii rin iiipmvr. ihnt i nn Hr nr that A
thing which that wonderful State Department had publicly to knock McCarthy back into his place !of Pennsylvania, author of the. . h . l fec, is a waste of help with, don't fail to ask us.
been trying to do for the past two years." to tell him that he is a senator and not the resi-.""''1 . V. .. .. .u student's money money taken Thanks
rrrt ... . . . i ... . i . r .w j . ' '
i r.e ona-neraia aaiiuis mai mvaniiy may oem.
be a grandstander. his methods may be unorthodox Eisenhower would be wise to uiie nis pres- to write into the law a more se-
and on occasion ruthless." but it declares, in effect ent popularity in stopping the threat of McCarthy ivere restriction than it now con-
that if it takes a Senate investigating subcommit- and his tactics before the strong man becomes ;tam;- - , . Wi at ;, was not getting the hoped for re- McCarthy And Legion .
. . . . ,. . v. a . "v v uvw. vi, m4m. . -TVrtM -a ho Mir to iron nnnnnB
well-supported Dy American puonc opinion inai ,,;ff fi(,t,, .i.n.rAc int a ". -
the President will no longer be a match for the fight over what kind of "peril
Wisconsin senator. point" to adopt, the battle lor ex
" ..w '" the paper is tne latest step in.
the "safety" drive, ine weorasKa
probably realizing that the pledge
AUF President
tee to fight the war against International Com
munism, let's forget the State Department and the
True, the administration has declared that Mc
Carthy is constitutionally out of his realm of
power, but such aa argument makes little im-
twa and three column eorv acci-iDear Editor
den pictures. For the past eight weeks your
did her primary
educational psychology
J O.AnAnn ..AS. . . Art e - C Wnll
tne received Dotn ner masitrs
and doctors degrees from the Uni
versity also.
To someone who has contrib
uted so much to the educational
field both at state level and na
tionally goes the tribute paid to
all the outstanding alumni Cum
Ciirvt... rpiilt frnm fJnrthwest
7 i-innnt epp u-hat rvc;ihlp nnr- pHitorials rritirizinff the American' v; .k... m.t
i j . . i- . : v i t , . ern i j m v i" i m . y miuw uiah wim;
The next move is the President's. Let's hope Pana ona iraae as a miumi- e printing these pictures can, Legion and Sen. McCarthy nave college graduates are being
k 9n ,mmmnrnmirc nublic stand for V7V.rVr;.. s. .r7. i serve except possioiy w saiiMj oeen Durning me siarcn unuci
- r. siaics mgy l0f jore lt Miri..studcn.s uho sadistically enjoy collar and at last I feel the ne
me consiliuuonai powers oi me ntsiutuu n.
A List Of Ideas
Under the present law, the vjCjms.
seeing bleeding and mained auto ccssity of refuting some of your
iTariff Commission is authorized.
to determine when a tantr reduc-
The Student Council considered a list of 21
recommendations for possible action" Wednesday
and decided that some of them might be worthy
of investigation.
It's about time.
The Council has finally come to the realization
that it fcas rot tAken one constructive action on its
cwa initiative this year. And filings close today
for new Council members. The Nebraskan has
said before that the Council has spent the entire
year doing nothing and each time we have felt
that we ought to qualify that statement with an
explanation of the fine work done with the Re
gents Bookstore petitions. But, each time, we
have had to say that the Regents action was insti
gated and directed by the administration. The
Council on its own volition has not done one
thing besides normal constitutional duties.
.TJ-.e Nebraskan is convinced that the new ccn
irStutioa gives me students a lot of potential
power their Council representatives did not use
It this year. It teems almost ridiculous to con
sider 21 Council members effered two others
during the discussion recommendations for pos
sible action at this date.
The Nebra'kan has no. idea just what has been
la the heads of the individual Council members
The best possible explanation is that the Council
was willing to wait until business came to them.
We, f . because cf many talks with many fta-
Cr.t nf thp
tion wouia -imperii' me noi.Tesiic m;.j k fh R,,,rH nf stuHmt " " j . .u. .wi.r-.
,.. (w.nJl lriv i.t'""W: - - . vmei .cans anu inn mc suu,ui,i.u
,..,v,.,vu, ....v.. iupucaiions every year is me W ooees of some foreiffn ideo oey.
dent legislators, that this is a fair statement of not be cut below that pomt high engraving costs. Yet I P. R maV not bf sponsored
the situation. But we don't feel that it is a fair? .Lo Com"j sitting beside me in The Nebras- b th Krem!in but thero is a
minion s recommendaaon kan offlce aj x wnte ,5 are 24 in lhA orf,ani7ation necu-
ii.uauun. iresioeni t,iSfnnower recently -jj;.
offered higher salaries than ever
before, there still won't be enough,
men to meet the demand. The re
port showed that the average
Tho Ampriran Teion believes ;startins salary now is $i()4 a
criticisms jn Americans growing up a3 month compared with $235 In
The report added:
"The over-all demand indicates
a special emphasis on technical
smell in the organization Decu- men. JJespiie me snonage 01 en-
pictures m , ,.,,..;,:.;. doctrine in ! tfneering graduates, industry
'11 1 1 iti rjirNc 1 i f 1 1 1 1 1 1 . . 1 v M t : 1 . u .j j . . j
"... . . . "-i 'u Nnrth Korea Kocn tinff pn'.aive
and it w rnM nr,w inus. Ncilhcr the Lincoln or . caii bv these
"" on the pround that Anifnra t .u- t ; i c-. ..k;k 01 p"P'5 raust-a u uilk
hriar niw InA-drv u-Kr h mi ' r .J "'u , ideologies is well known to many
DPar PiC mar. wtifn cm- $uch pictures they consider it in H.t-
taste to Increase
won?eniother countries, notably China and hopes to hire "per cent more
. ! leviiiiitai men. 111c taviiiaiiu iui
non-technical graduates is also up,
but only 8 per cent over-all. and
one third of the companies IndL.
readership ' f" r Jfo n "ted they plan to hire fewer non-
littie touchy on the subject of graduates.
it mese 41 pobsiuiaues, ui ny uum pui-,tcii..y ujjiiuu m n..- gno.jng bleeding
uiiiLm, vuuiu uavtr icii muiiiaivtiuvu 10
There is the talent on the present Council
just went to waste.
ine oniy real auempi 10 co someimrig win ijius io.ju ,r(Kis, ia nic-nin-j poor
that talent was in the parking line. Unfortunately,; foreign competition. Th; Presi-(bv ruch pictures
... . . . .. . .dent set aside the ruling l--mpor-j The br&skai
the t-arkine work has been lied up in adminu-' ;, r, .,t-;.. c,LJ. irte OTsr',
..... , . -""'"',iures were 10 oe iurnisnea iree dv
Irative red tape. Nothing has yet come of a lot would deprive hira cf this discre-a local insurance company yct; .
cf solid investigation. When they looked into the tionary power altogether. ijhey conveniently forgot to men- And Senator McCarthy. Bc-
idea of starting a system of parking fines (instead: d , . . ,tion that Tne Nebra.skan was to cause he would like to sec a few
mv, .f lt(,, i .,rfr,t n"ih' But the real Issue is not wheth- pay tnc engraving costs cf the super salesmen wh- were try-
of Uhc present me.hod of rusticating students .h farjff C.J.(. mprir onc do- pk:.ures. B inrto sell this and other coun-
more than three University parking ickels) and metie industry or another. Anyj How much longer is The No- tries to the Russians where they
making the mall in front of the Coliseum into a tariff law that is adua1e for to- braskan to continue wasting the belong, is verbally lambasted
paved parking area. Council members proved tha Ay' world will in fact, "imperil" istudent'j money and blandly daily, and by whom? The Daily
.. v,-, , ,,v fnr rr.. rn industries. What is reiuired showing its poor journalistic taste . Worker, ceHain liberal groups
iney naa me aoujiy 10 otk uw rBiripu impiu- 0 eonrtroclive statcsmanshin Is bv nrintir.o
ment not a tne'hanifm to prevent anyj LmMin n ihet. rmm) nH
Perhapsis ability was held back by demands industry from being -imperiled." j Magnificent Job, Sue , . . some half Informed editorialists!
study time. Anyone in activities realizes that 'JJ JjJ?JJ nirif ad-i We mnk e n Pak for the never bother with bo'h dej
he must divide
his time between studies and
help imperiled" inlustrie ad
just to the lower tariffs and stiff-
entire Board of Student Publka-of a tAry.
A firw
who couldn't!
1- . ... ... & ,
: . - iv. v.,..! . .k ,- ..r a:.: i iion in savins mat 11 was wiui a i'w ix.",iie
. . .. .. . . u..n it .k. ii great deal of regret that we ac- stand MtCarthy's mticifms tooki
cemr on me uncu 10 spraa ine r "I f rZ'Z rAk t rarf" ptd the resignation of Sue Cor- their own lives. Gui'ty
Something could have been accomplished it Pded trad 2 fcf new$ itor of The Dai!y maybe? Hmm-could be
iratiative had been there.
The Nebraskan hope that
thing uith the list ft now
i.4.Jirt;f VHJl. -ftt-A mm p.wv, ;
the new members might well rpember the recom- if the
mend a lions. D. P.
ic to he -iievvf
j Protecting every dorr-estie pro-i4""- t , , . J. Are his methods ethical? Maybe
djcer and at the same time grant-' To tvttJorw who worked wiih not. Rut the Russians' undercover
e Council will do ing foretrn producers wider acceM,Su on paper, her energetic diplomacy is far from being ethi-
" . . ..... . Ml thu Hi tm &nii devotion to The
TKAf. ic't f American maricci are incom- zy . , - --------- -- " unvn iiiinnuiiure mere isni .. . . Nebraskan wa evidenL iv. r,rr,er,t ..a k ..,.-
. t - A . . 1. rA n It.. r r. .
. "l .kl " , k ' If you wou d apply your edi-
.... . . tinrA lhA a.aiSf ft f rAtnmin cnH Xi' i ' ' .
new tantf law is to be"' . tonal talents (?) to xubiects
effective, then it mut proviie for a"1 to nplct ! "rth term whjch e Pner.ii from
Yesteryear At MU . . .
neater reduction of frad
Staff WHter
Back to columnist Artemus and Ihe lighter
ride cf life In 13. After re a dir. c iat a certain
UJiiVsnaty had had "no unfortunate happemrs to
any ferriinine member f the uderg;adile body."
ArVrmss came forth riih tois bit of frivolity:
"... The strangeness of all thi is that the
chool Quesliwi has no restricliorji corjcemir.
the rjocturnal preambulatioris cf the l;rT ex
They come and g at will; 'he only reqairement
can be made wi'hin that act. with
out im peril inf any domctic in
that futry. are ust about used up.
n the wordc of Mi-hael Huffman.
.k.vt Kcw York Times correspondcrit at
" ' s . J . .V-
barrier a nem&cr ftf 'he Nebraskan
'than is possible under the pres- Jr . . , . '
ient Peipmcl Trade AgrecwnU Z e hat donc, masnificcnt job
Art The tariff eoeeionc mhirh 8nd rtinly hate to lose her.
a.uucni wemoerj oi me
locked and in charge of an attendant, and
they sign in and out
"Can such things be? Very obviously
Pub Board
sides, the DN editorial section
would be far more interesting.
Korean Veteran
Yalta. Cairo, and Polsdam agreements
the dean of women state very emphatically thai
the comings and goings at She University of Ne
braska must be regulated? Anything after 12.3J
is sjjcially and morally toboo? Tre reasoriing. I
presume, !s that olheraise young, unprr.'ieciel
coeds would be endangered. (The naiure of the
endangerir.g boo gey has not, however, been made
is thsi they pass through an entrant mhicn is exactly clear.)
The Daily Nebraskan
nrnr-ratsT tear
Member: Asctat4 OUerUte Pm tertleftat rrea
AaVertiKter Represetrtatlve: !tatfttal AdrertMo Rersdee. lac
424 Ma4is Arc Srm Ymtk 17. New Tart
wor'd' iriff o'-'anf'aton: rOr I fieOOqy ...
OaUlde of the t'rfted Stales .Oar Editor:
It 't4 be reranied a a seri- Twice recently. The Daily Ne
n setback for effort te mail- j braskan has referred to me as
lata an evtai c-onon in j'Vissociate profeMr of organ
IHe nw-C-sriwiii-t wrM If tneology." I want to correct this
rnerr renewed the (before it is too late. !
R-v'-r-a Tra'fe Arre-ments I It is true that 1 attended Sun-v o
etas H i. 'day School lor acveral years. But "',l,r'' r"e"M , r'-T
i Are the American people seems to me that you are en-,Gr' Atm"
the Eiserihower Administration courasing a case of guilt by as-j
ready to face these facta? Ready, socia'.ion. 3!y cotleagues now re- a im-m f cthsoiu in
''not simply to extend the -weent.ler to me as -Reverend." r.'"-f ' tyi jt cn ej th
,law. but to write an JtosttHicrf We arc very sensitive about AT ImT.
r.ew lav advancing us much far- our tjlie. -.-: t.r.t jr
w4 cr m m iiniirri.M mi. m tmn
mm tmm " Cam at w
-. frrmrtit tim vmttto m wnmt m mm m m
ftut4M mmn vim v a
4 wwS. Hitnt'i
f y ft. mi wtiyt ma mi&vmt smwiahi r m 1f.
jut at w at Oimmi . Iki. aMUvwn i"l HiM t. fvtt
awrvoiuat. ararr
" nam i KaWMt
lacy fcgHnri
Ornrw at
tart oia) Eaaat
User toward free tr4e than we
have yet dared to go? That is the
central ifwie of the tariff eonSro
verry in 1951
Ha ai at m
Taa. f'a.4. . ftmr-a . ..... . . ... . Aid TO RCCU
Mmtmrm trm. st wa- A i-VO iRtreasc in tuition and a M,u w
simultaneous removal of
Sincerely yours.
. .... ! . , . j, , ol t-r. a mwwtI oi im Ha ta-.-
""" w o tffa attantvi! u lh j.!h -rod wall
Organ and THEORY i h cij,ff. Simim
' ' - ' r.T-- ! til r f.-.a.r.s5'. a d:s,'jv
liW. Jrwsr VA ir.r- I. - Dalama rmd
cat . tory. La library and similar lee I want to thank you so much erti-n owd
Mwfiidltiw, vtuar n. Cv-attts
Suaw )
xa. amiu. iMwau tl .n.
ttawaaaj. tta-f aa. rtlt lliliaMHW. rVOi i
SJteMW. wtiilM,i. aaa t a"a a. iMa aaia ia. t.faa
Wiu4a MrVn-a. u.r Waft. awb-aa. lia-
aa !. KaOMmu. fa jkaaAa. Ma rt)laapav,
Martta mrmr.
M iatua 1. CWea Catt . tiOTiS to mctt CO:lS.'
has been authorized at the Uni- for the very line publicity The
vernty cf Miami. Tuition will Daily Netraskan gave the College
no be raired from $225 a se-.Unjt dunr.g Red Cross week. , fJSSSIt..
metier to zv a sttneiiir enec- ine stories no! only aided tr.e m im ;'tt tw lw KKit3
live next fail. I boar d members in educaUnc the ia m I; a iiaw-
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'other tr.vatt.'y-corrf-lied col-' lege executive board. 1 ita ot. a rrr...
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