The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 31, 1953, Page Page 3, Image 3

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    Tuesday, March 31, 1953
Pagt 3
i a r i
v, mm
Two Ramblers N
To Top
Two Taus Gain. Fraternity W
Honors; 25 Names Mentioned
Independent five;
42 Listed
Independent All-Star Team
Bill Thayer Ramblers F Jim ClarkNavy ROTC
Chuck Jensen Pansies . . . . F Al Aderv-Nebraska Co-op
Ralph Weddle Ramblers C Cordon Pejsar Soph Dents
Virg Gottsch Hoopsters G Bob Boesiger Dorm Bullets
Claire Johnson Fliers ,....C... Harlan Skinner Lutherans
HONORABLE MENTION: Kremke Hoopsters; R a n k i n M Street Boys;
Betcke Fliers; Bell Voc Ag; Yelkin, Powers Rockets; Hutchins Holdrege "A";
Satterfield Methodists; Woolman, Pierson Parasites; Rolston Ramblers; Van
Berg Jokers; Best Soph Dents; Petersen Ag Men; B. Luther L u t h e r a n s;
Frates Uni Aggies; McAfee, Dickens Phalanx; Haas Pansies; Worth Que Balls;
Johnson Heagy Manor; Strasheim Mustangs.
By BILL MUNDELL These two men were, the top
Intramural Sports Columnist vote-getters among the 162 men
A grand total of 32 men ganedwho received votes. Weddle, who
recognition today as members of
the 1953 Intramural Independent
Basketball All-Star team. Men
from 22 of the 43 competing In
dependent teams make up this
year's squad as chosen by the
teams themselves.
The champion Ramblers lead
the way with three men named,
two on the first team in the per
sons of Ralph Weddle and Bill
Thayer. '
Loses AfCAA
Semi Match
led the Ramblers to their cham
pionship climb from his center
position, was the individual top
man, getting a unanimous vote
from his opponents. Thayer
missed equalling Weddle's feat by
one vote.
Joining these two champions
among champions on the first
team lineup are Chuck Jensen of
the Pansies, Claire Johnson of the
Aden led Nebraska Co-op to a
similar league standing and to
two playoff victories before fall
ing before the Pansies.
Pejsar was the top scorer and
offensive therat for the Dents as
they won their league and then
lost in the tourney quarter-finals
in an overtime game with the
Skinner was the scoring threat
for the Lutherans, a team that
can boats of the top won-loss rec
ord of the year. Both the Luth
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
DON BOLL ... A Husker
standout in the center of Ne
braska's defensive line last fall,
Don Boll has signed a contract
to play professional football
with the Washington Redskins
next year. The 240-pound riant
is the 19th player to sign a
Washington contract thus far.
Fliers and Virg Gottsch of the'era.ns and tne champion Ramblers
Nebraska's senior heavyweight
star wrestler Ed Husmann lost other guard spot
a referee's decision Saturday aft- named Gottsch as the top man
Jensen was man around whom
the Pansies functioned in their
drive to league honors and the
tourney semis. Their record for
the year was spotted in 13 games
only by the champion Ramblers.
Johnson was the spark of the
lowly Fliers who made the play
offs only on the luck of the draw
ing, but his opponents recognized
his superb playing ability and
heaped praise upon him In the
form of their votes.
Gottsch joins Johnson at the
His opponents
finished the season with 13-1
Boesiger was the mainstay of
the Bullet aggregation that im
proved greatly towards the end
of the year. He led his. outfit
to a surprising win over Nebraska
Co-op in the league finale to help
the Bullets squeeze into the play
offs and then ran wild in the
tournament until meeting the
Following these ten stars come
a total of 22 men who gained an
honorable mention on the strength
of their votes from their oppo
nents. All 22 were given the men
tion because of the closeness of
ernoon to Dan McNair of Auburn of a good Hoopsters outfit that! u ,h L 7 f th
in the semifinals of. the NCAAwon their league and lost in thei, "frence between twer, v-
mirgln" , . final tabulation.
Five more teams named their n ii.i...!i.. ah c4
State College, Pa
The Husker football star, who
At- TT I'll. A 4l tl A. ?!.-
won me u uue oi mosi vaiu-Mii jjcummcrs iu uiu s""" team will be namprl Thnrsrfav arH
able Nebraska Football Player" j aJn ,'1". ''ajjc i wflb made u of e top stars
lor uie mat. iiu sscdsuii, was me aim m nutrn w icui asua vu-ujj
NU Frosh Win
Practice Tilt
The Cornhusker freshmen out
classed the varsity baseballers,
10-9, Saturday afternoon on the
NU diamond in a practice game
filled with frequent substitutions.
Coach Tony Sharpe used four
varsity and two frosh hurlers.x
Dick McCormick, Ray Novak,
Pat Wallette and Fran Hoffmeyer
toiled on the mound for the var
sity unit, while John Woods and
Dick Geier handled freshman
pitching duties.
Due to a rough field under
going repairs prior to the open
ing of the current season, several
errors spoiled the play.
Leading batters for the varsity
were Beb Reynolds and Ray No
vak, while Bill Welker sparked
Fraternity 'A' All-Star Team
Bob Bachman Phi Kappa Psi F Bill Giles Phi Delta Theta
Al Blessing Alpha Tau Omega F Dave Brandon Sigma Phi Epsilon
Fred Longacre Theta Chi C Ted Connor Sigma Chi
Ben Leonard Sigma Chi G Pat Mallette Sigma Phi Epsilon
Dave Jones Alpha Tau Omega G Larry Dunning Sigma Chi
HONORABLE MENTION; Bjorklun, David Pioneer House; Bunten Sigma
Nu; Frei, Andersen Phi Kappa Psi; Don Cunningham Acacia; Spain Tau Kappa
Epsilon; Smaha, Harrington Beta Theta Pi; H. Jones Alpha Tau Omega; Ander--eon,
Hansen Sigma Phi Epsilon; Dannehl Beta Sigma Psi; Thorsep Theta Xi;
Roper Phi Delta Theta.
lone Scarlet entry in the meet.
The Ogallalla strong boy de
feated a pair of opponents Fn.
ntrY fh. f? KpHhcV1"0 the Fraternity "A" Inde-for the frosh at the plate. Rey
were voted to the forward berths, I Dn1 i.L1(,. .:t ,u u1 i
J T. ' . 11 f 1
V. uJu I;!1 -iStar teams.
pendent and Fraternity "B" All- holds hit the only home run of
day in the first two rounds of and Bob Foesiger of Dorm Bui-
National Collegiate Athletic As- lets and Harlan Skinner of the
sociation wrestling. Lutheran Student Association hold
Husmann dropped Dick Beyer .down the guard spots.
of Syracuse in the first round, Clark led Navy to the top of
then decisioned Bernard Lloyd of their league and continued to
CCNY, 15-5, in the second round show his wares in the playoffs
for k decisive victory. until stopped by the champions.
Colorado Sports Editor
Says Buffs Lack Titles
EDITOR'S JfOTE: The faltoirlns wlllortal. wHltn by CmtTAm Dally apart 41
wr Rtmi Irlt. inMrr ! bki column "Radiaa aVIwem The Mart" ca March
14, rntttlrd "lvt's Wat (Unwlhla." It' ai to haow hm al Nrbraaka that trrm
thnath wr'M la a Hat ulama la ww apart, the Nkr trama both pa aaa
rrvat ban bm abta to captarr amiM Bit hm rrvwrn far Nrbrka. la lt and
lM, X' tfama rm ca-rhanaiaa la baakHbaJI a a champtoa labaarball. rrrt-
II at aa timrk.
One point cii a Colorado
sports in general. Why has not
Colorado won a Big Seven title in
anything since it entered the con
ffrpnrf fivA vcarn airo?
According to the Big Seven ; kncw how to drive for shots, the
rules on subsidization, this school j ou have to shut
has just as many privileges as
the other six members. Why then,
cannot Colorado ever win any
thing? By process of elimination
(since we are just as capable of
attracting good players as the
next team) the answer lies in the
training of the athletes, the sports
know-how relayed to the athletes
and, finally the supervising of the
players on the diamond, football
field, basketball court, wrestling
mat, in the swimming pool, et
Who does this teaching and
supervision, among other duties?
The coaching staff. Therefore, the
quality of Colorado teams lead
one immediately to believe that it-j
is the fault of the coaching stall.
Further down the line It is the
coach sent in the second and third
Colorado scored only 18 per
cent of its floor shots in the sec
ond Oklahoma game. If Bebe Lee
their eyes and pot from without
as they apparently did. No
amount of words, however, will
alleviatethe situation. Seems all
Buff fans can do is sit and wait
'the day.
Mike Milligan To Join
Nebraska Grid Staff
Head Football Coach Bill Glass
ford announced Saturday that
Walter (Mike) Milligan has been
named line coach to replace
Ralph Fife, who resigned his posi
tion last week to become head'
coach at Mount Lebanon High
School at Pittsburgh, Pa.
Milligan, will join the Nebraska,
staff early in April.
Milligan possesses wide experi
ence in the major collegiate field,
ence on young men," Coach
Glassford said. "I know from per
sonal experience the Impact he
had on me as a college student.
"He keeps in close touch with
every lad in his squad. I know
the Cornhusker players and the
followers of the team will learn
to appreciate and respect him as I
"This completes what I believe
W all.. I 4 1 1
Net Team
Opens At
Wichita U
Sports Staff Writer
With th Iwinnlriir sif IK roeru-
fault Of the school offltialS Who lnni wmu-m nnlv a fnw iavir
choose coaches and their assis-jawBy tne netters, under the tu
tants. telaee oi Coach Ed Hieeenbotham.
Without beating around the arc bugi)y DrCDarinz for the corn-
He has been line coach at Purdue to be the best coaching staff in
University the past two years. ithe land, with Bob Davis, Ray
He was head football coach forjProchaska and Bob Feris," Coach
three years at his ' alma mater, Glassford said,
the University of Pittsburgh. j
Prior to thafhe was an assis-jCDOrs Great Thome
tant at Pittsburgh when Coach "reaT morpe
Glassford was a player under the Dies Of Heart Attack
late Jock Sutherland. J ... .. . .
-,., . . , All-time All-Amencan sports
Milligan also has served as angreat Jim died Satua
assistant coach at Florida, Tulsa jat Wilmington. Cal., after a heart
and Southern California in addi-j attack.
tion to his service at FittsDurgn
Intramural Sports Columnist
Two members of the fraternity
"A" and All-University champion
Alpha Tau Omega cage team lead
the 1953 Fraternity "A" All-Star
Basketball team. Al Blessing at
forward and Dave Jones at guard
are the Tau representatives on
this year's honor array as a total
of 25 men received mention in an
actual vote by the competing
teams themselves.
Blessing and Jones were named
as the main reasons the Taus were
touch all season long by the Tau
opponents. It was also their ter
rific performances in the playoffs
that helped the ATO's to the All
University championship.
Joining Blessing and Jones on
the 1953 first team are Bob Bach
man of Phi Kappa Psi at the other
forward post, Fred Longacre of
Theta Chi at the center spot and
Ben Leonard of Sigma Chi at the
other guard position.
Blessing, Longacre and Bach
man were the top vote-getters on
this year's "A" lineup. Leonard
and Jones were not far in arrears.
Bachman iwas the scoring cog
of the Phi Psi aggregation that
lea the ratings most of the season
and entered the playoffs as one of
the two remaining undefeated fra
ternity "A" teams. He hit them
from all angles and especially
showed his wares on the pointed
end of a blazing fast-break. He
was slowed in only one game of
the year, that in the Phi Psi de
feat at the hands of Sigma Chi,
and then he dunked a total of 17
Longacre was the Theta Chi
basketball team. With Fred in top
form the TC's were nigh unbeat
able despite an inexperienced club
around him. He turned in the top
individual scoring mark of the
year with a 40-point total against
Tau Kappa Epsilon, but perhaps
his greatest day was the opening
round of the playofis m wnicn ne
nearly led his mates to a stunning
upset of highly-favored Phi Kap
pa Psi.
Leonard was votea as xne Desi
of a whole host of Sigma Chi
stars. This marks the third straight
year Ben has claimed a first-team
berth on an all-star outfit, the
previous two outings having been
named on the fraternity "B" all
star lineups.
Just a shade behind Leonard in
the voting and from the same
team comes Ted Connor who
paces the second team at the cen
ter post.
Connor had his ups and downs
throughout the season, but when
he was at his best, the Sigs swept
past all opponents.
Teaming up with this Sig on the
second team are Bill Giles of Phi
Delta Theta and Dave Brandon
at forwards and Pat Mallette and
Larry Dunning of Sigma Chi at
the guards. Dunning's appearance
here makes it three Sigs among
the top ten men
Brandon and Mallette were
named as the reason the Sig Eps
madt it to the frat "A" finals for
the third straight year. Brandon,
playing center for the runnerups,
was overshadowed only by Bless
ing and Connor at his best form
during the hectic cage season. He
was top scorer for his outfit with
the jump and turn shot his spe
cialty. Mallette missed a possible first
team berth due to a back injury
just before the playoffs, but until
then he was a terror to Sig Ep
Giles practically single-handedly
led the Phi Delta to surprise
after surprise In the tournament
after the Phi Delts had barely
made the playoffs.
In addition to the ten men
tioned, another 15 gained enough
votes to garner an honorable men
tion as a total of 131 men received
at least one vote from their op
ponents. Biggest surprise of the voting
was the failure of Hobe Jones of
the champion Taus to make a
higher rating. Jones was perhaps
the top individual performer of
the playoffs, but suffered In the
voting betause he was not suited
up during the first-semester's ac
tion. '
Thursday will see a total of 40
men named to five teams and an
honorable mention in the 1953
All-University basketball team.
Husker Golf Squad To Open
Against Wichita Wednesday
the players did not complete their
qualifying rounds. These included
Bob Russell, Tom Kissler, Tom
Weeks, Jack March. Bob Volz and
Ted O'Shea.
Big Bevo Booked
For Better Foes
Bevo Francis, 6-9 scoring wiz
zard for little Rio Grande Col
lege of Ohio, will get a crack at
the official national basketball
scoring title next season.
His 1,954 points scored as a
freshman last year were ruled out
because his school played mostly
junior colleges, vocational schools
and service teams. The National
Basketball Coaches Association
passed a rule that only points
scored against four-year, deg"e
granting colleges should count.'
Newt Oliver, Rio Grande cage
mentor, has lined up 20 senior
colleges for next year's sched
ule. The Ohio school played before
an $18.75 crowd in its first game
of the season, and closed with a
$5,100 gate in the final booking.
Big Bevo's scoring average was
50.1 for the season of 39 games.
Four University golfers leave
Tuesday on the southern trip
which starts Wednesday against
the University of Wichita at
The Cornhuskers will meet
Tulsa, Southern Methodist at Dal
las and Oklahoma A & M at Still
water on the southern swing.
The golfers played 54 holes to
qualify. Erv Peterson, only letter
man on the squad leading the list
with a 72-76-73221. The hottest
finish was provided by Louis
Roper who scored two birdies on
the last two holes to nose out Tom
Tolen by one stroke. The qualify
ing scores:
Erv Peterson 72-76-7S 221
Roger Gohde ... 80-79-75234
Dick Lauer 84-77-78239
Louis Roper 81-85-75241 ,
Tom Tolen 82-80-80242
Bennett Martin. . .84-78-85247
Jay Benedict 83-83-83249
Gary Shields 88-76-85249
Emil Radik 88-82-81251
Coach Bob Hamblet believes
there will be some changes in the
team personnel as the season pro
gresses. Several of the qualifiers
were just beginning to hit their
stride, he said.
Because of the weather some of
buBh, we just don't have the best
in our coaching ranks. Incident
throughout the fall end winter
ing contests,
The main object of this prepa
ration is the trin to the South-
nave ica many to dcucvc inai wc jnrjs where the nctters will op-
are not even mediocre m tn is re- poe four squads In five days.iMiir'a i-.v
Pct. Furnishing this top-notch rompe-kni in fi- a, uw th l.. ......... t. tin..v.:. -
Frnka-Milligan regime.
MiUigan returned to Pitis-
and Purdue.
Milligan played his high school
football at Aliquippa, Pa., in
He played two years at Kiski
Academy and entered Pittsburgh
in 1927, playing on the freshman
team. After a year's layoff, he
returned to Pitt and lettered three
years at guard in 1929-'30-'31.
Milligan became an assistant at
Pitt in 1934 where he served as
freshman coach and helped with
the varsity guards, one of whom
was Bill Glassford.
After four years at Pitt, he
joined Josh Cody at the Univer
sity of Florida where he stayed
three years. He then helped
Henry Frnka at the University of
Tulsa for five years, starting in
That was the golden era for the
Golden Hurricane as Tulsa teams
were In the Sugar Bowl twice
and appeared In the Orange, Sun
and Oil Bowls once each during
It was five
The Olympic decathlon and
pentathlon champion of 1912, he
excelled in every sport he at
tempted, and was known far and
wide as the "immortal American
Indian athlete."
Extra Large Selection
Goldenrod Stationery Store
21 S North 14th Street
Dal Ward had one of his better tition will be crews from Wichita.
football years. We never looked Oklahoma. Southern Methodist
better than in the Oklahoma and Oklahoma A. It M.
game. We did not look worse than I Leading the squad on their
in the first half of the Kanw southbound trek will be Mike Hol
Statc game or in the Missouri yoke. Holyoke, number one man
game. On the whole, however, it on the squad, is the only letter
was a fairly succwtsful go. man on the team.
burgh an 1946 as line coach. In
1947 he was riarwd head coach
and served three years.
He then coached the line for
Jeff Crsvath one year at the Uni
versity of Southern California and
at Purdue.
Milligan is married and has
one daughter who Is a freshman
at the University of Michigan.
"Mike hia a tremendous influ-
Main Feature Clock
iva frala fcr rtmmtrn)
Varsity: "Peter Pan," 1:38, 3:34,
5:40, 7:40, 9:52. "Bear Country,'
l.oo. z;3R, s:0, 7:10, 8:1 C.
But now for a look at the most The other four men needed to. , v,. v.
AX all t,- ..,.1ln ...ill ""
banketbalL Praised as a likely bc decided by a ladder tourna
contender for the crown before .merit among the squad members,
the season began, the stumbling The positions as of March 25 were
Buff crew ended so deep In t the, filled by Frank Redman, Roy Col
cellar that Its rapid flight down-'son. Warren Andrews, and Jim
ward broke several water mains. jCampbell in that order. Redman
Here the last two aforemcn- and Andrews saw varsity experi
1 toned points apply ports know- ence in lf'5l while Colson was a
how and superivsion. The five , member of the 1852 aggregation.
ih. w. r-,:Vt,A if trmufh The chances for a successful
they had never been taught any seawn were dealt several severe Ule: "Ewana Devil," (3D),
plays: If so the players were not iwjowc wnn tne iwe or two iciut-2:50, 4:40, 6:30, 10:10.
reminded of them curing lnej""';
game. At the most inopivrlune'nnron Tatom i joined the marines
moments. in my opinion, the .while Harrington to experiencing
jwood, frosh numeral winner in
1952, was los' to the team for the
Isame reason as Harrington.
I The final traveling squad for
' . L. . . -. . . V. . ...II h. . .
iue Kansas jaynawKer. ; "J riaei by the ladder tourney on
f distance man Wes ,an,f-Monday Marcl 30
run the fastest sprin medley ever roach' Hicfenbo'tham has ar-
rewded Friday to beaoiine me rsngM, w0 pr9clJr, mi,tches for
Texas Relays. ... lh aud refore the opening of
.i - i . m.- . -in
Santco Stars
In TU Relays
as eWW Wliocais. oy """"'"j tUm ,,.w iH(r ro in rutins.
for varily s"-ol are Jim Collin.
of 25 yard.
varmy snois arc .urn jiunw,
1 J? i lTZ jVe event Kidd snd Stu Reynolds. The
i? T 1iriU" 6i?U J! is7 r.iS'frwhman contender are Glr?n
just 40 xr.jr.uU after the f w fariihj1ii Barker Norm
of the word-shattering wrJntJLKt. Marrta 1 J er.
vi we recoro-ari-iiiTjiuK .... r... i t-v,
K-Sli,t' sprint star p''wriwh , i
the ladder
v.u ..- -r.v,.i.. if the e.Hnr ouwoe crw. i
"'NM w LiJi; rii j - .
rri. Both men are ujg vying -t
A'.1-i... .
" warn. uvut "'I. ;,u .v.- ..r!nm.n.
Seven champion in their e'tm.jawn
lace on
m-mmkh itrir.!
rn.r ixi4s p. m.
fcVCrfaay t
- mm mfwemmnmjn I
H Ma4taa .... f
tw .... II .
IWtm Hmritm ...
.hr nr. at
1 :- - Ai l i44 ;l
(Daily TkhhajJiwh
To place a classified ad
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ttma I I 7m, mrlul. KnrIM Wnj
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1 in 11 lm'hj, Ijurftr fUfmrt Am
nutMt4. firm KarMM, er.mfli. T Vut
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1 K 1'A. avulh 7aU ;) an4
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VvAUun. TV, t int.
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hiUHKM it H.M1 vl nt ratura lm
Utirtnt Vwiatlun, 2
Want 1-2 tuttm. Urnaia irwih pimltiivt,
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GOLD'S Toiletries . . . Street Floor
"Everything'! Rosy
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11 A.M. to 2 P.M. and
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