THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday. Jonuory 16, 1953 0' n J lf4,LI Page 4 . ( f i ! . I' 4 Campus Policeman's Car Lacks Parking Sticker Campus "r are Ibfsfli human; Tt was a ciBamts TinLiceaiian. and. siaspicioafi, & Daily JCebras-' The iMwsman explained 13a e Jcaaa ytatf traernber discovered in Jiehraskam's sarvrx ttibe park-' investxgatmf irking tkumwiis ung situation andl the lUbulalion parking prribkaa rats might cite ana eonaraarts, ;cn loiaiacnis jma. tuckets, the rstia between ttbe naamber eil JsfIiP 5 ' Tj (dramatize the OVS University's; Ta aewsmaa was tihulMinr the member f student cr$ in facarty PrUnjr lt C and the ciamber f tirk-ts ta the lt. Jbj as he was markinc the column tadicatiitg a nr with sticker AVD XO TICKET, 'a vic trim behind the ii-vestii-atnr sad deal? asked. Wliat are yea ifliacr" "WU, dnai mark that ear,'' the (pop said, "'It's mine. I just got it and ihaveht bad time to put rutins slicker tn it.'" i The iNtUoemu was pera- ! tit-e in evplaiirinjr Ilk problems j ia issninc tickets. Bat wbea the newsman took a fnctnre of the cli assninc a parkins: tv-kft, i the klfcer demanded that the JJehraskan representative shew his n card. He aisa took the fellow11 address aad. telephone miimher. -JaiHSt (draft want cnutsaters1 messing around tthe University,' tie erplauaeo. The invest! ratcsr his tnwsslagstjaa. r cantamjei tui, f 7 i jr. i . A 1 f , 1- - 'i v " n 1,,,,,, m-W-X, LW-- 11 "iLI"-1 - I -O - s " , " - " j TICKET TET ... Thi ffeDwr, pnrhaps 3a wfler to Ilmtb from ibeinc: Sate 3 lis 11 ,ork, parted his car ia a xestrirtei wnrnnr Area jwte4 Jby a re line a the wh if the jwctnre aw in wAnr. Bmhjw the spot was just wst rf the jvilii Ibeadvuarinrs Ihe m-ifl iprDhaWj fcave a little ananila carfl tnti im (one rf his wiBflshieli wipers before clas as wrw, XATKTX TIGHT ... Snnwone rlw was oa a hnrrj- whea Jir fl out the jiartiinc lot ata-nos the street east nf Anarrws. His car, as faifiirted ahore, Jilmsks the mnly evit f nr the ovsmaiiiiAer if the cars in the jiituril area. TmtQ nmeOw similar last minute parking ev,tf.fl oa the Vtatm l"t tretfnentlj- tj-ine aq a aarje inmiher T atitninobLkes. sSjuiAesnt pariliss pemals aswS Jhe Twaniber I staaient patrtin stalls. ApproxhialeSs 1 T 4 $ stoSenl pnrmits Ihay been issaaefl (Has year lor 3057 stalls. The Jarulty pari- aifli SS5 penauts ijshmuS fee 151 stalls, Bat these fitures m mt rt wal whit a recent survey il the casepis xlife departmeat darted fram Dec IS t 19 at the bears f S,l anl 11 a . ed rmmluHTeiy that aa ar crace f 11! Btar&ins' saaHs were empty each bear Ea itedeat Turkinr areas. Most ffif the VAcamcies anew fiinmiS im the TStSk Street paiKing' let west I tthe StBiSiunn aaail in the tthree lots uear Eaacrott, SdhciriL The IDA Street Biai. wiUm stalls id arint Ithe ithree IbaasieSl insnirs uf tthe flay aSaraij H'H saar TTyr.fl week. Bancroft lots, total ans 3.51 stalls. aweragBfl J6 vEaaB-cies. 'he T Stpeel partdug .area, Jj- iCBteia ast I Andrews HaB. av-, isragefl mly empty spaces jaaj 'txauT mihile the IDrurm Unit was packed, arveraging cmHy one -a-prawd the Stoflent Ccmnnil icanqr. jiDec ID. as am IShe Saaads et TDn5- The niEDahfjr ml ar.aIU.ible JpacieE.'TOsiJy lawyers htSxi ttested ffoni ion irampus stoeets m:as ailso at !!-rRlr' EminiiTOim carxj She hnurs tV ttT -i.. n. , ji,1 rKtennea m a far eadnrse-i ,,- j , -A i --v- X J i f ; f ; . , i - t i"t , f1 ir..TtC U 4j n -.! . if : x xs s - 9 JWSS&) JftaMlaili:S&; TTS COMMOX ... The caa&pas PIm say that feQsws like the mac above are the mast freim& citfesAerc. The car carries a starker all rickt hat ifs a stnoeat ftemut aai the Trhirle is aurked ia a facalty lot. If s as sixeple as ABC. IX wae rrtt A. the wrac slicker, m are apt t hive B. a ticket. SXXXXGTS BXXJXTTVG . . . Despite the crass mt Artrers that there are m prklnt spit, brre are three mt then bi a Baarratt let at II aarn, awe f the twaest hoars f (he U. The let at the time lxad a aiamher T aCher rarast arras. Of cwarae. drrrers ert ta waJkiae a craple at" Hutis ta clacs. r - University Lawyers To Test Legality Of Parking Fines i rTF ur-m wi-sfaeif ft, win- s , (cm asnth ifies irtf Kibe street H tOiere Iffanmaty eamtrffltee Riots In '48 Recall Parking Problem As 'Potential Dynamite' For Students Ji. snamge oor parting stalls adlnntwe (double iparfcefl the IJniversity is mnt smBr-eTr an! 12th .and K Streets. icaflamie imierfimi mnr rnn. 7h !tudents ideQated tires iff ttwt tow (crs ffram iidemansta-Etiniis the city aff lirnctflni uS!uiea jpereniutmy me 3KU-.ltWB pdline serlt M 3,., End here studHKIs safherad.. -"- rmeuis. jr-oiice ntaea uear spas loomiw TainioroemeETs ito anarch in 1me 3a the light cff pRiJt (events She .and icEQed (tuft the (City Fire De- r.ajirtril Ibufldinc There She Drowd parking problem appears ;bs po- partment when itt Jbecame .evident! n j,: ttmtial afcuamite far TDnlwrsity hat the .rawd would not (fliisperae. T,ourefl a(P tfhe Cajttttfl arteps aafl. Students, ; "'As SUOph C ffas., plininfra- i:-tn anain IhaH, wihere (dhantf! The onfamouE U48 parking vr'utt ' 3her from She tdnnoln Jonrnal, ol -Te waul TaT ireplaned tfhe rrr xnp.fl ite snap a smanre 411 rt. stands as ttestimarrr. AJ1 parking shortage problems since the an .cident are (dwarfed Iby tfhe 1B4B n-ebeliion, 3)Ut iecauae eff She riot 4hey perhaps Tecerrc greater iiin pnrtance tthan tthey would arfher wise Teceive. The Daily Xehratikan, in a Special edition jJubliHhefl May . 1P4R, the Jlny After She riot, reportefl Hhe cmdident tin ithis . amuiner: Harry Ooejrlein (hulfltnc a tn dent, Upiectie ati.liiuwi gmrihed Fax antn the mruiHer and said, " we dont want any id Siiiitures takenT ""The Ibombs ssparkea She (crowd. iinto action and within ;s Sew ahm-, utes the tenthuKiastic rmbb af ibetter: :than 2.DDD ibegan a anardh which -carried ifhera feam H:2th oind K ttai the police .tation. Troni the po-i "Tear gas, tthe ILincdln n-iot lice station students marrihed to1 squad -and ihe City Tire Depart- :the City EaU and then mp Street, merit were not (enough "to disperae lo the State Capitol ibuilding. i a milling (crowd af artudents iriot-i "Chants (Of "We want parking'' sing tin protest .against -,No tPark-'Iired !the mcib ;as they progressed irng' angulations ;Ht 12th and E through ihe Sown, iblocting traffic Streets Priday cmorriing. and (causing (cfflioe workers tto ,ap-i "The riot ibegan when police- ' pear art the windows iin ;nn eiort! ifliredtefl tow strutiks .attempted to to watch (one 'ol the tow icrpwdi ' I 4650 Parking Violations Caught By Campus Police of "Te want parking. "The ira'Fwd sat 41m the Hoar dt the IhaHs (off She CnpitcJ while a delegatian teff IT students iiKBued1 the pa'oleat itgainBt 0 parMng regulatioif to (Eoe. T,al IPetersonJ "The swernur told tthe renre sentathes ifhat the CHuutiielliir littfl She primary jjurtafiirifion urt'er tthe riniverslty parking , prnblem. He c(miinned Iby say on? thai tthe county herif was ; tthe seonndury authority and that 9iis iiEfiiir., aided Iby the ! stale miiiitia, was tthe 3aKt resiirt mf authiirity.."" j A solution Id the Tirdblem int aweraged (tir4y 3.6 empty stalls Am- imnemtL' ung a smgie mnur. ineHe streets liricliided 12h Street Sroira R fas' Tine Streets amd the nur streets; trtmning eESt ainfl west between: She CcxLiae.ctm atnd lLiwe Obrary. Tabulated fcy Jinnrs, tthe artfoi, cnniprisinc 3HB spanes, iveracni R empty stalls at 9 aaa. 'Zt at in ajm. and 2 at 11 aan. The streets, with IiPl spares, the vttr "Ty sbfrtced, lhad vacajDeies at S aan. aatd arain at I B aaa, tmt Zi at 31 aaa. 3Hmpty stalls were annre jprera-, lent dm FViday tthan amy &5har rmder the systeai pinspowl Iby the jparkint cwnzmiXUte of the Ciinraca. a parkxar hnart wald be esta.hlished a bear and rale na aS jparttef vaiAi tims. The board wwall be cwib VHised ff a tnfinnt ffirom tiity campus. nne tan Ac. a anem ber df the tkpanhine fanttlty, a aami)er f the a&mnmJj'nA'mT f Bfialty aaid a campus aw&ne f liiier. The mEfiner kii1 Sib 5 m ote. flates mtea fhedx cases wctuM be IhearoS. ladlaaefl ia Che fumrcrc mt the Board wmaM be the pvwwr aa fine ay stnAeuX, faratty mearbrr r empkryee f the ITairrenaty ffusnd railty mS three r more ftarkxnc; Tiila.r(S. ffiates wHuld be trried mm the first and Mvtw&d traritaaawns. bnt the fine ftnr eac& vumixtg tUfifcet wild be f U Axy TMaator cwsld wajnr Ms rictit to be beard and Jay bis fine by anail r ia jfrriKE jury timr vmxM the &alr cd" bis bearing. Tbe fine wwald be ea!tid and fteraed atomattralEy of Che TM&aifcur sbjniH taa t ajpear r pair be fine by waimnr btf.Rne the ifiate nil bis besrtiate as EuOed ca The Daily Xiebraskaia, The Ititiar.fl wcmild atIifio Sasw ttihe pcnuer to meccimmenfl ttflaat tube The stadent tEnemhers &3 1he Iboard wnulfl lbe arnpaianted ftxr ttibe .(DhancsillHr send a Bettter wiifito mttf- iT 1T nT 4 r,, luae,piB tthe arprawaU d Shat (en-ganazB-illhe (fteEM a tthe .eofflrpe tuff anrr! sennoa Ibelore Christ- aon. The faculty tmemhers would .lacuHv wikiattv ar tko tthe Ibead off mas vacatjem. The studenl lots !h 3!rrintm.i Um h wu-zrm nf m1i. .iiui lident ASairs, ilialk to mirsr a tEine ttwiied wittirr. Under tthe prtipioBefl S3leinn tthe D C uftajs idilur tthe tliiine is Iwififl atnd; hnHTtfl TtttHltiyifl imft ffTtciinn IJi-'S'Sn fhut ai if,nrrT- tritt' Trnct!,r IV, mrth1' ' wane 336 amd 33 spots mjien., tre-'IDa 1:1,865 IParkmg -iclati;rnr-1 Stuidetils wnulld ftiwne ttibe nightt sttudtaat Awtk T JT tw. .spectfete, to tthe lots amd IT amd tmtnnllaerk. students sjrito arppeall She (decifiianE wff tiihe KlLia ffUMife; aieL waT 3 6 nn the streets. .-employees ait the meueftt oaf ttheKoard to tthe Studsm OauncaJla Lflefl Sl'! TETetni, rT.r.JJi vri'irr amd ana aOl Eases azmtSv- Vacstttj inimbfirs amd Hnilwt " 'rZ (tues an tthe Bats atnd 3.5 mi the rr iv,,.! '...t , ,lT r.. r: 'i.'r;L,Raia ffiMcnrflel ats mot feaaEtae i arveragfid 3 SB Tracandies isadh rhour with street atreas thas-ing '29 emp- xies. Parking Solutions Not New "Thane's rotsKflaiHag aww maaSnr tBae ljsmm fflEngiatt (Bwsnrraae ffine peraaa- mtaat ffiEiTkamg ptrsfiaiiem. Fitir j&emrHy SB jnears TCMersiSy sSmteatt fcarW toeen vesaetl fcy a itffJlfcicsll sncouafie dJ sftaJlK. Pnr .ineaiiflF SB years 3rMersi3y staad itemits Baawe SasHtn mtamnang mg wfc3t I at same smggesticBas fnr at3tori lattinm asff ttlhe jarafttono. raiw!rr the 161 mrifca riki. me ml the first saccectMoic ta ease crawded cradilMixts. was tsunami atatd reraTrtanfmt mt parks&r atfrcosts. The adaa as etTmtied the anesl faS was aS nrnt ifieoaaral w2k the avessct SFS&ean. staeets. Monday appeared anii)fit",nntiaB deemed congested wjto cnrily esto-a spots submit to tthe DaOy JSeiaratikaii a Hhe ttmae aaff tthe atpjwal. F'ailume ttol. When t&ie systan was sf up. (mli ff3 IPoranns b Ihawe menejuefl , appear sat tflans ttane would menderij1 ckw&t paraxiEUea ttaae btoree w mane ttitikets atnd ttihe jtthe attttnamatic atnd ralid. The;pinm tEines aidratntrei tfti year P MrKahrta WilhFmiie llwoiad le ffinal ,,saww)). And. ais tfihe Ccnrad bac v J I i Wl VCI B7 i CZ s ir JiiiLZi UWS , A2 antnier menerxmd mir'k-'stirEePtiei. monw Ttrw titng tunes mnosr ttaris a'snen) wntflfl lie jplanefl in a Student Caunca s:iho;arjtiJ5) 2nnd. SrihrilarsEhiips; wi.,.. -u- t,k m-.... jiu n j;EikBa flimuin tuus Damn wwtua me ii0l" ",u J ue "5:j.aE TcaKen ttuc tto a uegia ipitciialem ann xantfb an Oienry enmity as & ITtanMng tthe P,wnarsh:ip ff tthe'iawaataefl to stoihamonec jjnmicBS i in She streets. ft. rlcfCevJe Withdraws Ranch Oiler To University VEtrBity experiment station to trandh. seniors tm tfihe bants nS. meed, serr-! pariang was art tofliat " J. m& : MAwnZ -" itin -e ,inff ftour SfcudHMt CntmeJI mrnnW though .a (committee rrepreRentingl Through TueRCtay 8huu parking stufleitt Affairs, an tthe eane oT violation tickets had ibeen assuedi tutleiim, .or tto tte CJbaniieHnr., toy the campus policean overage; an tthe case .of ffaculty nmembers ml more tthan ttwD tticketE Sor (Cacth1 .unj Cnicversity employees. rr;,, ni-, n,nr- ' -T uTtiier .ucxion us (cicterminGu -a-agnierE wno maveni eom- the adminiBtration. jplcted iheir second semefiter reg- ;rt Urihn C Furrow ,tff tthe' Set- "ErRwr ;aHsMed Iby ttwo;iRtr"tmn Iby .edneBday (evening infnlLwJfl policemen, ose aa anne to tpull ttheu a-rom 11.75 to 200 students, tfucultySe fHSUE.etE ?D rer tmembers and employees ihave "nnneJldSfi- They B0 d ibeen Teported to tthe .administra-!11 1C- d 'towaa an xion tior tttiree mr nnore tuckets into a sdhBaarsltiij) fimfl. Ia Che IMC seamtfti Ear a!5 tfiimal aiarlflnr stalls xMtSuer atmexouaf sribrlua nrujTprsd ap mwmww) ff tthe Culimrnm ant3 at a ipwrkanr tot TThe idea was fiisRScded bnt atgqteared accaa this year ia Ssmfieat CdnimiiL .IV rimrwrMn.rr 44 m Students, Saciitty ;and &raMBtrfr eff tthe are smcerelr fateful to Mr. Mp-'ima ttw!J ffnDttt?r W)tli! saeaat tf tD.tihimirty iptiliae. tfihe ;tion was appointed. Conditions i,anc-t1, WJharew irus (oSer to jgiw IL-ehue Sur lius ttugh iin krihoonp tfh hn-ruh ni, Knnpwfled rrmrrimi' i&J A cimui?Ve a,fimmat uf the nnuney reneStned finnm jusrkinr lEines, turfttner with the Hist tf sdhularknip ivtupieans for tthe e w a ii a e year wnsAd tie sub miiUefl t tthe Dally yhraskca ma she tto: at ay uf atUMwec ia May. - w uur uu.14.Ei iiiiviux.,1 She jurtiperty to tthe Cm.versrty.wiiihing to serve Mebniska and, were improved the Itjllowing Sail ii,e m n,tn w, ?ne -erBrty,:wi!ihing to ser When 400 aiew packing irtalte wre!16 irTBa 'ma mm ,wusn " acnciitturaa lintereEtK. Tibiis added to tthe tthen (exiGting IjOOu. il!!?11011 110 14,6111151116 sdbjart ot eon-prcyeat eotfld lhswe rraeant imutlh ; i - Z- ,." niur ubie. we atre very sorrv r, i - - ' e imE tfhe atandh .as that (dircumRtanttes (have arisen to .Cte MyoerrJ KegiStrCtJOrl 811 perament statian ihnd ibecniblock at. I Ihope Kebraskans .up-1 Vm r,..1J 'l'm ST ,BtJ"Bidfirtl0l 5or several preciirte tthe -nrtreme tnenejrnsfh-! liO e 1-Ompieted today il-morrtlis., lbut mo (definite action (of She ipSer trtf 3x. mdEdh-ie:" ii Foriy (Df ttheHe tthree-violation eases 'have jiriHen since (Christ anas Tvacalion. furrow "estimated ttlat tthe . anrmt eonunon campus parking nftenfie as student rpartciug iin a lanulty ant. Euckintr iinte stall " and 3arking on a irefl iine irate aemmfl and Hiird, the said. . The survey eonducted iby Fur row's police (department indicated Ithat Sliere was an average ot IB astuflont ears iin tfaculty lots au (each Til tthe tthree tbUBieat liours iff the (day (during tthe surveyed week. There was an iBverage ef an ore than 11 empty stalls tin tthe Uots each linur. The lour Hots liave '251 iBtallsJ) A (duplicate (Copy mf eurih pui'k ilng wiointion licket dHBued is ffiled fay permit tnumber in tSgt IFur yow's Ifice in Temporary L liuch number ihowever, lis (CTdhb 311ett with tthe tname (Of tthe ttlrivor fl rthe ear. When -a. (firhrer treoeives a Shtefl lioket, ails itioknt "envelope 3s vmnoved Srom tthe tlUe and igilaced nn ihe snnrearrt's (deHk. A import mf ithe ttbme wiolwtiDiw 3 tthen made tto tthe Dean tff Your Church EirnKT ;lOTBESrT 3XDIT6E iiunfliiy, 5 3in-Coal sujuioit; J !p.m-.Joiitt meeting with iCA mer Student Mnuse, spedker Sam iDlbKon, (Dniverslty T1V1 .nenretary, m Effefltjve tCltizenithip. COTWElt STOliLTCT EOI.'FX Sunday .1) ai.m. simper ait IBaptutt Student lElouse: fC p., jjoint tree eliing,, :Sam (Gibson. arwaKer. axsx'.TBame.T stijiiekt jhoxike Sunday .S 3.m Weaiey T'lre lue, .speulcar Dr. James Hein luirdt, ""Cun (Criminals He lioha- iligma Ttiflta Xpallon. WedneKdiiy, Tl jj.m. Weslrv rworithip. j DuHy masses, (0:45, 7? :'IB mm. Sunday anassefi, B, D, 110:311, mini) m.m iEDnlenaimis btffoTe .all mui'fTCS. finturdny p.m, coiv 4c3.iiou5. T'uesdajt, TT.'uD p.m. din cuimimi rilUh. Time nrrungRfi iin 4l,HMuu iar iiustrurttion. j : fltormy weather ;and .adviHe stu dents an ease mf accidents. 'ling. cards today. All Students Wishinn help with schedules imay receive tt today .and Saturday art the Military rand JRavtfl Science Eufld- QUICK RESULTS TrVHEN IfOU USE (Daily. Qfafajz&huv Olsssitisu ids To place a classified cd Stop 3a the Eua iQZZkwKa28 loxrt Wi38 JSos. Xlirv f ri TKRimr AD RATES a-XD 1) $ (41) i 415 il Utt il UM il CUP ai-at tl Jib i Jto 11 ij i isf 11 lut JlB-aO i m i .J6 i 1.28 il IJQ i up il JTB 1J0 j 1H i 1.76 1J tnaP ! JSO il g& 1.C6 i iitK XZU ROOMS FOR REHT KOOMS FOR RENT itEN WA.VTI1I ,iiTfW, .uim 'law. (Cull i-l'.'A'-.. .litem iiuoni. iUii LOST 4.0ST il!im4. mti .ImitiwiiRHitQmMi. Uiitwii UTiim UimMiiMMlvwi .tmrr tlw tmiini ,(.m iMtiu. ildiii l.imunwi, -a;nr, , l.ttPT Hum unci vMllto icus .oiituhim: Rluawn mill Dtuflk flimtttw tmimnin ;vmt. triiiimiln nioTTIiiiK lM.wm Surtti nml iMiliiu (Jtll lnnm:. aiutU JflUoi, KM Si- SVi. J'luiiet Zi-iMJI,. mt IHfcriJy to cEnanpe aesffly fta itn tthe SnreHeeu'ble ffutture. ;i I'hutt,, aiSftmngh parking .ureas am ,(.ne mum moraa o(r ILwne Ijibrary win Ibe eliminated wifhai a snort time., am ertenfled Heft east (iff An (ftrews Haltt jihatfld antane ttham enmo pensaie Sot tthe Hobs. Mul f if Kn ULIN to buy your Purchase from: Any Tassel Any Corn Cob Co mh us ker Office in the basement of ths Student Union o aaw.'nv.Kifr. B',-7i.':WJVa(.'-" ... ;fS'"