.-3 , Pose 2 f - THE DAILY NEBRASKAN EDITORIAL PAGE To The Council One of the most important and cmtroversial ... jwnn era tbe Student Council agenda this after noon m be the airing cl all kinds of pinions oa a petitacai passed Monday night iy 24 wctk'j ot- gnirataanj and residences to rid caar campus f - tidfcet-ballDling elections. fSrial action can be taken by tie Csun- cl n the petition sauce the sponsor of the plan are asking thai their proposal become an amend- meat to the CouadTs by-laws. Amendments to - the by-law must be presented to the Ccraaril one Caaaeil to rate eae way or aaaiher. The whale paint af the elaase is far the speasars af the ae tiUsa to pet all their cards aa Use table aad. if the CeaarO vales it dawa. ta teS those orgu iuUen sa affected what ta expect after Jam. 1 and aba to hope. perhaps aptiaaistiraTry. that the individaal errtairitiaiTS, desires af can didates far their eieetktts, will change their rat fat BicUkodf themselves. Leiferip i As I See f . . . Dear Ed. lor, To, 1 See It As Yoa Wednesday, November 1 9, 1951 The views expressed by columnists and let ter-writers on this page do not particularly rep resent the views of The Daily Xebraskan. Allow roe to make an apology to you sir. I can read2y see wbere you are definitely correct. (I refer to your Letter! p of Nov. 18), Cer tainly your slams st me were justified. Eow could I have ever summoned up the call to criticize : two Just Around TYo Pinmngs, Engagement Feature Week End Romance To start oat with the romantic Rich glorious erours. How ever, sir. could I ask one thir.g 'or change, we have some The Nebraskaa would lie to repeat its eii- oS roa- lreiaf' blJ' announce. In the first place. Cyn- last week Kathleen -Pickles" Dill passed pickles at Interna Uanal Hobs to aanoance ber enraxezoent to Dale Winder. week and srted cpoa at their next meeting which, toriil plea far Cauadl approval cf the plan. Su 7m lcmreT 7ms!r i5ss4 en. tvja Hyoke. Kappa Alpha Tbeta rradaate ttadniL ia view I Thasksgsvint varatiHa, will be Dec 3. Several special iBtnrsts wftl be represemted at Uiic afteraeaa's aaeetiBg caest at the toeet tof aad CavarH aanaberi tbentselvea. It is Tbe Daily Xebraskaa's siacere 4 (hat aS naswx aerrtand'mrs tbat feave crapped xp ia retard to tbe prtitiaa bk'h was siraed by II sararities ad II iadepradeiit wvnea's arrasiiataeas aad reia&e&res wiS be clariSed at tbe mre&ng. This wriler is confident that all persoss coa cerTsed with Shis issaie those on both sides of our campus prfljtipa? lame, reaUze that most cf our elecSaaa procedures need drastic revamping, UZsej persons, fnrhiAmg jicse who are the an griest at what they caB an attempt to form a a cskOTreraexit would restore prestige to several of our campus titles, would f oree the iiscoictjau aaoe cf those projects vhase only merit is the ejection of a queen, would save the student and the alumni pocietbook, would make University elec tkHDj the expression of student opinion net mere ly money-making and interest-promoting devices. Ta the Stadeat CawacO: listea carefa&y to btb sides af this iwae. Had the tratb wbea a Hnderrtandiwg canes p aad da wbat yaa raa to strabtea act tbls aadeai prablexa af tkkeA-baOatiBc-CJt. Good Emphasis Sly article at which raa vebemeaUy replied was aat aiaaed at tbe rwa arraaiiatiaas which yaa sa ably defended bat at Mast aetrrities as a whale (this sbaald briag nare dertsfre cries af pratost fraia tim wbere). It was jeet that these twa aamipateat Traatrifiam (af which yaa are a aeaBber af batik) are readily aaderstiadible by tbe aafartaaate adghted reader af mj Before continued argumentation Jet me here interstice this thought. I d.u not intend to carry on a Sued Pa pin of Bob Keymolds. And Jan Steffen Don Koriaek's combo farntshiEg the music. The dance was held at ,the Sig Ep house Saturday mora. ling from 7 to 10 am. Air org those who managed to make it to a Sally Murphy, Tri Del!, passed '.img weekend, three houses inan- Amidst the rush of Homecom- dance at that early hour were; On the night f Dec 2. a soda! taBcSon wil iu, iw-r-,. w wamar's SactiDin, adnut that name plan could be tike place cm oar campus that is something nrv the members of your crown but tsromghi JxwQa to make cw campus eterSans fair- University students. A staadent csommittee Pf&Sib!y by the majority off the er, mare represeniatfve and inane w,orihlulE. beaded by J.oy Wachal is planning an aU-Univer- h h 'ft ? f - -a- The yiehntBkan, before sgdfical3y ststing tbe ttkose partidpaxiis in anter-ooIteEiaie sports. A I m It - MiniflMHU r i fAH I. fAlll ... aSHCBKa. CaBSJra aWKL pvpcwiB. nw li- saty athletic hanauel purpce cf which is to honor Vrin-itw v . -i der mix well aad the rendt is a raad time. Caferiar the Pi reasons wy it is badabog this amendment, wraald 17k tt emphasize that the petitiom is Just exactly what It apesrx to be. There are bo smctering lartan representing vested inlfiresls in this peti- tiaa. It is simply a sincere attempt to answer - with ac&oa the traditional criticism f bought elections. Jairj persons bsve voided one rather vshe- one and bapes that the plan sets precedence far ZDent objection to the petition. The last clause f uture years. It seems like rather an xthletir-de- I the proposal saj-s that, if Council turns it dmsTi, eniphasis, at least in the student eyes, to bring & will g.o into effect Jan. L That it. 12 the Coun- the big business world cf athletics cLown to the . d does sot make tbe proposal as amprviSment to lerel where students can honor their University's its by-laws, the 24 organizations having signed it athletes. A limited vamber af ttckets is beiar aald amaitr Che stadent bdy tbraagh tbe resideaees aad ah to facalty laeaabers. This is the first time that aa all-Uiuvenaty aparaach has beea srd ia arder to baaar UniversKy a&lrtea This writer feels that this idea is an excellent little &eemphaong. N'aw to caatiiaae with the baad. The laaaceat da bat ya I Bob Russell and Sally Jo Speicher; itilo Brabec and Jeaa Loudon; Jack Graff and Julie Johnson; Ted Kratt and Rani Andreson; Jan Langenberg and Mamie Samson; Jack Konegni and Mary Jean Rarpstreith; Lee l Schneider and Margaret Rayburn; Rjtv W2ert and Diarj Vr.:ir- arsd Bill Shreck and Nancy Jofca- son. At a Saminie dinner before tbe Hornewnuiiig dance, the following compiles were among those pres exit: Ma Liptan aad Micky Kab aer; Ira Epsteia and Caaaie PUU; Maaay Dwerkia aad rtsyilis Bernsteia aad Daaay Facel and llaaica Jaffee. Jimmy Pfcillips and Lis corsto played for the informal rally night party Friday. Tbe AGE'S have announced that they have five new actives John Kappa Phi's party are (left to right) Ekhard Scholia, Jiae Brawa. Karrea Barr. Clark Spriaxmaa, Dalares Doaaran. Sim Kirk. Eaaersaa laks. Barbara Kaaa. Baaaid Pewers, Aaa Shaalis, Daaaa Taaagblat aad Daag Benry. ri(tniTirr that this "Sjaaiar- candv to anaounre ber pjnninig aged to find time to plan some HaiMSffj". J&hn Stone, Jack Korris, hi" rwes mm farther thaa ia- t9 Laurence Crockett. Alpha f aoi parties. Tbe Sig Ep"s held,. Boa Peterson and Esgene Lun tmrmumg the sSadwete ac to pp Roanoke. Va. their annual breakfast danre, mith 'deen. shetrhes af their display er hadgiar the vartoas dasptays. 'As I See If aaythiag warth sjwertay waald be warth ia- 1 veatiratiag to aseertaia that fJU FJ&rfiani . ". ril refuse to Euhmit candidalies or tb,ose elsr tians wbere the winner is chosen n the basis cl lidsel-balloting. This cdaase is tbe one Ctuag that gres the entire petitiua fame. Of eaicrse. na n wants to appear ia tbe ligbt f f arcing the S&aAest Tbe KNebraskaa tMipet far tbe ssaereas af thii teci-baatqrtteC The ewaimittoe spaasariag it bat worked bard aad lnr to snake it a saereat. The rest is sp to the stadeot bady mm to ats to baaar these persons that bring anarh psblkfty aad ananry to aar fJaweraity SJE. Notes On New York Caere were aa flaws taverred. Graatted that this year the aaaia (aalt f the arhedalmr prahaWy cw to the klak aeleebag to seeare eaaagh ugttls to prartkc ia the Cli seaoa befare the aetaal aradae ttoa. t . emmXi this by aacy chaaMe be that aac" that araae af which yaa aa glibly speak? If sa. sir. that is eaacfiy af what I aaa saeakiac. . . the little "aa" that pap p breaace cf iarasa pVrse ptaaniag. Too ennliiiue v.our crxffiade J "teutiiig tbe man Awn" m again j The comabined sswority pressure .(ETcaap abich is iaw atlemptTng to :torce fiarioiugh mandatory AH-Uni-!versity elections for certain cam-! pas bcaiors has brought to the f.oreffrDt, throcgh their cwopera five efiorts, a probJeai wnich haf !been a this &txap"s tor a 'time. This prabJeai eeaters araaad the fact that the Siadent Caaa c3 Casmattoa daes mat have . effertaal eaatral arer oayu j electtoas. The coEsJatutaon nly states tfhst Lett erip weakBeaf aad hare atteaspted to da sawartbiar aaot it. This is a very eauBmeBdahSe mevrmrtit aa their part bat thT are at fir iag aayaae else aaj-thin; to say a boat ft. They say that if this prapaai it nf carries thrwerh, they mitt refane to sahnit raa didates.' Tkit a as evitleatSy a-rittea ta to pat teeth acta their proposal, bat they are vat the least bit eanceraed ahavt tbe argaairataoat wba tbrte electies fed abact it. The prableia is Bat ia hermt ia the Bx-tbad af electiaa bat ia the central af them. II the Student Cwamril would put in scott. permarieEt coctnol -er all vofeg cm campus whSra 'was fpecifk: and not geueral, the problem would be solved perms neatly, withsjut fcarariiBg the r ganitatkpes who rpssnsor these eter&Es. AT miLLER S ,i;ktiij..!iiUj.ii.dUiij....iUiiiilii:...i4utkbhtiuti;jiiLii4iiiHM.iiUiiid'i nlmas ta ratiea. There are the Metraalitaa Opera Cmnpasr. Caratgie Ball. Eadie City Ma sk BaJQ aad a lung tui tit fcr Itimale theaters. Bat tbere are Creay Tlarrys. the Blue Pata, Chuck's and the Banky mb. toa. The pevple af Sew Trk live ia griacy tene ments, adrnltcaJ bnl attractive Lang Islaakd bmaef aad bnge apartments alwog the Badcaa Civer. Fad at every tctesuriptioa it York, Tou can eat sukh-aki and drink sake at SXW TOES This is a city f blaring borns and burned looks. It is a city f plush might clubs and two-bit dires. 11 as a city wbere everyt'h.ing important either starts, ends r passes through. ICpw Tork is the borne f the Uodgers, the CiantE, the Tankees, the ILS.S. United States, wwli banking, smash stage plays, a peculiar ac cent, extra-tall buildings, the Statue cf IJhertx, tbe United Rations and American culture. Ta see Sew Tark, yaa ride ia subways, bases, elevated trains, hawse and buggies r maybe yaw walk. Wbea yaa see Slew York, yaa see grea anoubers af fteaple att ail bnnrt f tbe day aad sUgbL three rivers avnd aa aeeaa, anonided p lieemen, Maerc Cimblf, BttcketCeBer Center, lite Bmwery, aacaeot cbnrdbkes, famous graves, Chester aad xmbelievable aflvertisements. 3Sew York it ltmn of friendly people who are used to tourists. If you stand an a corner tuod look confused, a natjve will .ask if be can belp. Despite the incessant confusion I burry, everywhere. The most lamous hattle-grounfl if tbe Hear Yorker usuaDy bas a smile. Timet Sguare where hundretSt f tons f water Most cities are mixtures .of people, but TCew pour vsr the black-long Bond Clothes display. York is the greatest Her people are mixed in A huge Camel billboard blows real smoke rings. size, temperament, nationality, .occupation and look. rationalizmg that the burden will tbe duties f the Student Council be barn enily by a sew. . . If taaere rjecnocs unEr. eusuji oc; .are SB persons in a fraternity and sl To anniwmce filing and eles thit number is multiplied by C . . tion fates only 2tt0, a measily 3UQ, will bearj b. To superti'se all publidty lor the burden and. arier all. they filing and election can arrange fbejr time so as wmi c Ta arrange lor the poUm? to Cunk out. Perhaps ot flunk placer, and to supervise tbe ballot-' out. - . but some f ias would like ing to roaintaia a semblanoe f an j d. To tabulate the baHols ia the average. Slight I & a little ra-:-3resent of at least one faculty available in Sew 'tianaiaung along this point? Take adviser. your wn case, sir. m'.ouia your e. Ta seal the ballots atria latxu- CUrriculum and TOUT future Caneer 'tsirjn snA &mrrr Itrupm . 9 the Japanese Miyako, try pHafl aad shish kebab be tbe same bad yoa done a little ulty adviser lor safe-keeping lor at the Golden Horn x have tortillas, ejicbiladas :more stucH-ing aaa not so jnrct a thirty-dgy period. and tachos at XBcniEL There are thousands f "f'' "L.'VJ' tTo amaotmt the-compleie re - . . ... As to your Irtfle innuendo about 'suits f the eiectioa to the Eteirs- cafet featuring loragn lood and thousands more tOaOSoia. . . thanks lor the Sebraskan. specializing in purely AmericaB dishes. Most -ompl immt . . Bemember. Jus- g. To supervise all ther elex-' places .do not stop with Just serving good and i"06 Jl00 M ibJjJDfl tunes she tions f general Unh'ersity inter- diflerent lood; ISew York restaurants probably sees more than be with 2&-20 est amwoved brtheSfadenl VIEiOn Who (Cant orirt 1nr roiwicH h-gve more atmosphere per tabic than any others the trees. JSe bard feelings, UxA Tim could easCr lead to apathy in the country. jAnocymout, but you must re- on the part f the Student Coun- a cuura. . . jva a m" we cu selections Crruttee m the p- The bjg battle od Manhattan Island is be- j LAiJfT tveen ndvertisers. They compete lor attention . NUBB Wedaeeday Alpha CbJ eratioB f these elections. Tbere bave b earner wtH iti' af lrf 'iiiir vatec The swrarttM have rewaraiaed this 1 mm 4 i A pudgy Horist said lhal be voted lor Eisen- bower but wonders -what the general m-iH do in Korea. A debonaire attorney said that he is a registered Bepuiliean but. voted lor Stevenson. But now that it is ovex be said, "we must all get behind the country's choie," Informal chats fl.ta Hew Yorkers f H economic levels sseem to indicate that aearly everyone here is trj'ing to un derstand what it going on in the world. One id lafiy wearing a shaggy coat and a dirty muslin bandage around ber left leg, was reading the Hew York Times o an elevated train. Entertaimnem ia Vew Turk vark iron) fab- - - ! Ajyna tiu nteeuar. V'rrrwrt t ,v i 0UV The lights in this small area bum deep into the Sto house n J'nA inghl shouting the messages f several hundred; 1"W Caaaaifsaiaa Leadersbia 215 ISorft &a4 fashion's newest rage uarmfstl g net I of floret! end 3 vr t to wear them! V Lutii St (W tati pi wl ww tttmc faauumi4 t5 Straw ... txaawut, acg)'wanK, tiirar'i advertisers. Although it may nut seen like it after tbe trta, Sew lark does have bargains to after taurislc. The biggest and one of tbe beat is the iO-uiiiuitt ride aa tbe Stales ltOaad Ferry. Tbe fare is a sickl eatb way. Oa this trip a tbe majesty of the city skyline, tbe eKpanae of tbe oueaa and the strength of the Stalae of liberty are available m well as a taste of ship travtd. CerUdhJy liiere is only one city like that mam moth metropolis. Ji-F.. Training Southeast Eoom. Ellen iG&Henra fitafionm fniftd, nVlil, aramlflr mmcnt rti,t W ira, ki4-fittnL, What Hrd. imaO, Margin Moles QiHtGandtna laurneiVests. - ' artiti eT va i r "1 Or,V afyrri rf wi vi-a bright note this week. The Department of Agri- boosted its estimate a tte state's Journalism Cold Heys Terry Barnes, Lyle Den- iston, Cal Zluska, Ehirley Murphy and DtJbert nodgrass. Cold Jleyf are given in recognition .of s'-holastic achievement during the first year in the School f Journalism nd mark a high level of achieve ment in 11 Held f reporting. million bushels. The estimate Is now 2ei,6C,000 or ft bushels an acre. The .crop .rates as the sixth largest .in Jlebraska's history. Jf s a corny state. QUICK RESULTS WHEN YOU USE Classified flits Hew York Bound . At Ibis writing 28 University students wiE be wB on their wsy toward Jlew York lor Hie United Jations seminar trip. "VTbiie at Hew York they win tsn& a yarty lor student of the various UJtf countries. Jttiougli missing seven .clays of school and flomeeoming weekend, group will gain lor themselves and their state high recognition In ln lemetional rela tions and a lasting bond of ,un tsleraianding. V'crd To Jhst rise ... For fhmw atudento wba are sot aeyuainted the iM-aeedures of the Lincoln City Council, tat following law iluti as orduutnoe increaflbig fim Jiv:w bs-w violation by minors from f.50 to fist tjitit be of interest The F1U0 fine plim to minor pnrcbaaing aicoholie beverages, agidast 4salers selliug t minors and aaginsl miii'M purthmmint alcobolk liquor for minora, Cr,s trlH Spot .rc'ot Hi ominous predictions eonoerniiig tevSbi, JJebraSks's agricultural scene has one ' Jfi& (Daily VtebhaiJwuv rzTTY-nxnr rtxt Weafher Assaclsted Colier1tt press iitterevUeglata Press EUTTOEUUL ffTATF m Myi.ai miinia atjto Catw. o m aw a' ih mm mm polmr t inn tuimi mm umiiiin. inlir k Irnnniiw at w twa rtmiW numi aw hhi f w SM, ar m m Mn l aar t a bnrtw l.KMmf. tmt aw mm mH t tm ltw Mk9u m piiihimi irwamM aw aai aw mw m m m mmi k w , mi itMHfi mhm aw SIM in im Sta oaHMa r Mr m wIm w, s ala. aa w m. auM fiy rSriraS ?XHHTTiirinriTir ""' mmmm mr mm AMtmmm ml airtwi aw nmm f Mr 1"W'M. WH JUMt M aw r -t m Ummm. mmmmm. mmm M m Ummnm. nuttm t, J". mm m mmuu mm mi mu w toa uwa. turn mt l vmvm ml I nan a. f" tt fnin m iu. iwa. j ammmmw l.'IIMr aa .fn-n ir I "'""' ''' mm MMa, fcNn. To p!sc o d&rttlHed ei i Offlsa ftaasa 28 faaptosb tUalast CaJ flai S-?2 Caa, 4S24 far CLaaai- Eesw 143 $b, f&n frt THRIFTY AD RATES o. wqraa i tcty 1 oa-yi j t toys 4 ary, j lb-I6 1 j it IU j lt-2t I Alt JS& I 12 I Zin j JM um uti tiii DaT 19 i 1.71) 2ii LOST & FOUND tm ( turn al yhf iwei viiM. nu aijpu jihwtut v V tima 495 B&aaaBBssjr inii. r '-iT 3 WaI S . atair tiae ti&tr'm a r Che B wi luicr aw dim bvdi aMCther GLOVES... Firtt Fbor 1 a!!i!lll!!3ffll!R!!:'.i Exclnlvely Ourfe! For the men of rr,T5 MR! rOAUATC IiJjWtjflJ for oxjv 5odL Vurrhm . JrJ.1 f V IX 1 S. ' 1 r-J !!T. r a I lAMfJ l ItW HMUMW tKMW.;UU Ttel WZUK wS'jvjtm' "i. u . UMUIi(. u A3JV, Mwriiuuv UIfll Ut MflL Ta trihwt Sm IUMm. Ml --- ruiullad Km mm. In. . a 1 "M bH, awaar Am. Lmim rai IU. if Though! atMMl ab.ru 3 iUkl attut, MH7 AlMmHl, aluit, irmrwuf Muna iuw nam. una awn), !, MiMttra EL' KNEES flATF ihu. w lii awsurttr 0. v v mi. Jwtwji. Tiin;x ya FOR SALE vrw lUi. UM awuw ix'.'tr C'j'Jji&Z, never liaif btlievel. an km,U pint fuui vi. J Lr. mi. imuur tftrn. jwuiauat, &ti HMt m mm ml zttt, RIDERS WANTED j lummxnnl or -xxarr imgm 1m iImw Immrnm timt &m W U sAA U, rW (OUi aW ex d ar4M awtr U prWJ Tijr rhk auade apwyy fr , . , fw TOU . . . awe fully aUHitwd, brtO or auhdues sannw tW ait op beauUfiiUj J Cmmc a4f . aad aat miLLER C PAtflE o TK'ATT AI CLT KLSLXTS! 'AT TKI CfcOKtSAjj UHZ&jr A jbUi iMW at4alHr ommMMM JftHVW ssIflrsWBtsjajl j