'Outward Bound1 Cast M7jj5-' 111 r """" Voic ol a Greal Midweslorn Unireisily LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Thursday, October 30, 1952 VOL. 52 No. 33 DVDH i nlH0S 0 II THE CONFLICT . . . Playing the part of Rev. Duke is Ken Cle ment (left) with Jack Babcock (center) playing The Examiner and Al Hazelwood (right) in the role of Mr. Lingiey. (Daily Ne braska:! Photo by Del Harding.) n..iMi..pmiai ii Hi iiuiinii i, .minim minim mill II nil I nmmiiliuilill imiilim nil .mil .11 ill ' SJ f l ' tk iff t ft AY - - : v '1 ' V 1 1 V- Pep 0 UQQti Car Lot On Mall Proposed Council Votes Shirt Emblems A motion for tearing out the mall across from the Coliseum on the University campus was pre sented to the Student Council Wednesday as a solution for the student parking problems. The motion to convert the mall into a concrete parking lot was accompanied by estimated figures on the cost of such a movement V LOVE ENTERS . . . Ular Sirk and Lynne Morgan will play the parts of Henry and Ann respectively, the romantic leads of the University production of "Outward Bound." (Daily Nebraskan Photo by Del Harding.) -,l, , . III! - I I J V W 7 i I - .1 Is v- ' V - ,. if , , t , , 1 1 i..,i.in. ... I illnnil Mir illl.n.hi.iiiW-ltfeVJftl NU Tieaf r e Production Successful By HAL COHEN Staff Writer Last night's performance of Outward Bound marked the initial University Theatre produc tion in its three-play series. The play is a "serious treat ment of after-life. However, it is not devoid of comic ironies which evolve, quite naturally, from the situation presented. Playwright Sutton Vane uses a smoke room aboard ship as his setting, wherein he places a group of mixed human person alities who come to the realiza tion that theirs is no ordinary trip. Tha nlnv mnvp: alnnff smnofhlv. each scene revealing something aoout tne passengers, dui h is noi until the final "examination" scene do we know them com pletely. The play, directed by John TVJaVi aM tVio anHiVnnp until tVlP final Mirtnin ramp rinwn I Khould say until the lights went out since there is no curtain in this arena nrnriiirtinn. There were moments in the direction where the move ment could have been more fluid since the actor's face is infinitely more interesting to the audience than his back. But. on the whole, the theatre goer, no matter where he sits will not be disappointed. There is a complete black-out follow ing the examiner's exit. Might I suggest partial dimming of the lights so as not to break the continuity of the last act. Black out breaks the tension created. Althnnpli thora -arp mnmr rnmip w.w.w - points in the play, I would say mar noi an or xnem nave Deen examined by the actors. But that did not prevent Marion Uhe from being successfully funny in what might have been a completely dis tasteful characterization. Ellie Guilliatt is amusing and human with slanted posture and gleam in hfr pvpc Anrf T.nrnp TVTnrcsm in the last scene of the clav indi cates that she is a sensitive actress. . r - Playing opposite her is Illars jr iik Ann!.Mi!AH Sirk. Emotion Is behind his words, TOY UlM AppiiCGTIOnS To B h Your Student Council . . . T 1.1.. -i.I UrailniiDiliir nftdftinnn 1) solicited volunteers from its membership to help conduct an election. 2) moved, seconded and passed a motion pertaining to special identifying emblems, blouses and shirts for its members. 3) heard a motion concerning the parking situation and moved, seconded and passed that the motion be referred to a com mittee for study. 4) appointed the committee. 5) moved, seconded and passed that the meeting adjourn. osen irriaay Vote To Follow Mizzou Rally Directory Distribution Set For Mid-November Late Rush Week And Telephone Changes Cited As Reasons For Postponement rru C4i,i-,f tVy-qMi-v -m Via rlpnt. Dirprtnrv addresses are ob J. UC JLUUUll. J-illVVUi J " x - out in approximately two weeks, Gained, it necessitated re-locating Nita Helmstadter, uireciory eai-iine jjieuges iu nuu uui mcu i- maneiii, auui esses. The Lincoln Telephone and a,. cniH WAinpsflav. xilc ouuixldi-Ktai x ijiitmer and the number of cars that would, hasn't set a definite date, but the be accommodated in the space. Idelay is due to the late fraternity There would be room for ap Telegraph Co. is altering four ex changes, therefore transforming proximately 500 cars, and the ex pense $50,000 or more. Arenmpnts in favor of the mo tion were that the mall was sparse UCictJ' IS UUC IVJ U- lun, uaiv.i'u.j o 1 ' ' ( jL i 1- j v. rqntra iha mimhprc nf Kpvprfll nt tne or' in phone numbers by the Lincoln ganized houses on campus. These Telephone ana leiegrapn -o. new numucia, wnn As fraternity rush weeK wasni out uec. i, jidve ran put i.. i-.ij lio fVio npvv Stndpnt Directorv. MlSS lieiU UIlLiX 1 tglOLl OUUll, - ' i -t 3 - .u Uolmct'ifor caiil on PYnlanatinn tion were mat me mau was sparse iresnman men siuueius gave men nmuwuiu .... ---r- in beauty and was actually of .temporary hotel addresses on the concerning new phone numbers iv,- iT;,T.ei',r it Uooictr-citfrin -fnrmc Ac thrisp arp will be on a mimeographed sheet mwe use iu uic whih-hj. . - - would allow more parking for the sources from which their Stu- in each Directory. . . , ,i i I TVia trannff nf fratPmitV pledges and research in telephone numbers has taken time. There fore, the Student Directory copy was sent to the printers later man 1 . . . . CM miVill COO lOUL-Ul-tUWIl 1X1 muiuaii tsu- son and relieve the campus park-lyCr TO DlSCUSS ing problem. One factor brought up against "Uficf c Sin nit xerrCG the motion was that this wouldl - a" . " eliminate the practice lieia ior the University ROTC. "y continue in the Union booth and eatternedefeRokv SnF: ThV topic organized houses unUl the deliv- ESTnd Bib ?elte C Means v. ...i .,j v-f Me. u. t.i r'L! A clnrlont rlUpnmn will hp. Was expectea, sne S31Q. - student Directory sales win fnminiftpp Yflnn. Eldon Park and Bob Peter sen for further study before any action is taken. The Council voted on uniform blouses and shirts for the Coun cil members. Emblems consisting of the University seal with large black letters. SC. will be worn on the pockets. These will be worn! on Council meeting days Friday Deadline Set Delta Chi Initiates iUdl iUCCl t wailCl iJtl s ' ' ffram The meetings are held weekly in Room . 315, Student Union, 7:30 p.m. Rev. Ord Morrow will begin a series of three messages for thejKuska, and Lyle Denniston. A month of November starting Nov.lshort business meeting followed 6. J the service. although in his first scene he is barely audible. AI Hazlewood achieves a great deal of sympathy especially in his last scene when he asks for a "second chance." Dick Mam delivers his lines smoothly, but physically it would nelp nun to be more relaxed. In a difficult role IVes Jcnsby brings to the stage a creditable characterization Olson. Jan Schmittman, Paul ...... IT XT1 'T.n XTr,l Tf-Jf.To 1 Jost his job alter all. Ana jacKiV-ie'1"s uiu, Babcock handles the final scene cijPhil Mesner, Paul Rohan, Darrell the play with a firm but gentle iDegrew, Uve Kapsi, Wilson hand when need be. j Strand, Pat Lindgren, and Doris More lighting for the showiCarison' I would help some of the noticeably! Although four students from dark areas of the stage. This es-jDoane and two from Wesleyan r.;nib ... rr tV,o- 4V,a oMn arp alcn pointr fin the bus. there move away from the center and!is still room for four or five more rto not en riown. siuopms to po on ine iriij. All annliratians for the YW YMCA sponsored seminar in New York City Nov. 34 to 16 must De submitted by Fraiay noon. Sin r TuesdaT. two more stu dents have applied for the trip, making a tentative total of 17 students. Students who will probably make the trin are Don Pieoer. Jan jSteffen, Jean Steffen, Pat Keis- ters. Alma Ackerman, Barbara Siema Delta Chi. professional journalism fraternity, held its an nual initiation m Burnett nan ax 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. The new members are: Chuck Beam, Cal Five finalists for 1952 Pep Queen will be presented on the Union steps during a Missouri rally Friday night. Names of the five Pep Queen candidates, selected by Tassels from their sophomore and junior members on the basis of pep, per sonality and contribution to Tas qpls. ars beinff kept secret until the announcement Friday. The 1952 Pep Queen will be chosen in an all-campus elec tion in the Union following the Missouri rally. Students may vote from after the rally until 10 p.m. Voters must present identification cards as proof of eligibility. Th new PeD Queen will be an nounced at the Homecoming Dance Nov. 15. Tickets for the dance may be v,f!jineH fmm anv Com Cob or Tassel and at booths in City and Ag Unions for ?3. Ralnh Marterie. whose band is noted for swing music, according to Lincoln disk jockeys, win iur nish Homecoming Danote music. Barbara Hershberger, 1951 Pep Queen, will reign as Home coming royalty during the Minn esota game. Miss Hershberger was selected Pep Queen in an all-University election last year. Two Homecoming rallies, Nov. 12 and 14, are on the agenda be fore the Minnesota-Nebraska game Nov. 15. . Four Elections Friday will be the big politi cal day at the University. Four campus elections have been scheduled. Included are YMCA-YWCA mock election, 1952 Pep Queen, Ugliest Man on Campus and Honorary Commandant. UMOC Candidates r. M. Headlines By SALLY ADAMS .1 . . ismfmrnnrr 1 " 1 III1 THE PLOT FOEMS . . . Two regulars In University theatre, Wes Jentiby and Marion Vht play leading roles as Tom Prior and Mrs. Cliveden Banks in "Outward Bound." (Daily Nebraskan Photo by Del Harding.) thf rTr.IIFST' . . Preparing to make their most gruesome grimaces at tne cimpr4.iun ! ZtZZ ?SSd winThe Ugfiel" Man On Campus title are 11 of the 14 Front row left to right are Norm Ganger. Sigma Phi Epsilon; Mike Lawlor. S.gma Chi; Don Kogef. Tan Kappa Epsilon; Jim Munger. Phi Delta Theta and Sheldon Green Zeta Beta Tau to right. Jack Aschwege, Farm House; Ed Husmann, Pi Kappa Phi; Jim Tangdall, Pion eer H ouse, Sterling Olson, Alpha Gamma Eho; Charles Wright, Beta Theta P. D.ck Cbmr f. AlP ha Taa Omega. Max Kennedy. Delta Tau Delta; Charles Wroblefeki, Theta XI and Jim bthn.eder, bigma Alpha Epsilon are not pictured. Red Cross Unit To Elect Blood Donor Of Month Elood donors are needed lor the next bloodmobile stop at the Corn hu:;ker Hotel on Nov. 17. The bloodmobile will process donors who can meet these re quirements: be between the ages of 21 to CO or 18 to 21 and have parents' consent; weight at least 110 pounds; and have not made a contribution within the lasl three months. The Eed Cross blood donor committee at the University has taken the name of Beta Delta, and will function under this title during the Bloodmobile stop, and for the remainder of Four Elections Scheduled For Friday i i -i 4- vc the year. Beta Delta will choose the most worthy blood donor of each cam paign he "Beta Delta of the month." The award will 0 toj the donor who gives blood him-j self, and who recruits the most blood donors for the month's drive. Anyone who wishes to take part in the contest must keep a record of the names, telephone numbers, and addresses of the people they recruit. The list muKt be left on the bulletin board in the Eed Cross Office in the Union before Nov. 10. The University quota has been set at 70 pints for the next cam paign, and reaching the quota will require the active aid of all those who are willing to do their part in this 'all-important program. Donation cards are available at IFC Picks Deputies, Admits Fraternity - I uonauon euros are bviujcidjc ji The Interfraternity Council-the KOTC building, City or Ag voted TueBday to admit Alpha j unjonK( Lncj murt be filled out Phi Alpha, a Negro fraternity, into und mailed Nov. 10. Council membership and also se-i lected its representatives to the . TMatinnui ifc conference. Union Dancing Lessons Two delegates and two alter- Postponed Until NOV. 1 1 ' only 'dri nates have been named to attend i i . ( . lutu-b " vfiihrr is There will be no Uiuon dunce, cars lb the conference. If the vratntr lbi ...,;., i;Jiklahomi Bush Asks Removal 'Scientist Barriers' entist could come to this country for short visits. Bush, president of the Carnegie Institution, said "an established professor of an out standing institution should be cleared auiomaiicauy even ra is. & Communist. He told the Presidential Commission on Immigration policy that Congress should welcome scientists irom omer lanas wiwe i rs " iir-r I n. desiring to keep out "the wrong people - Fourteen UMOC l5lX HC rinO llSTS "With the present allegaUons by Russia before us," he said, "1 lUUHCCii ' ,v leel Inat we aJl unaemana xne campit-te utrrcawij u advance on all phases of biological science." T3....U ,.i, 4 r.mici-inn rilHincr Vi5irinPK nn the M.cCar- XUMI fclJUlVC lJ tiiC jiiuiLAae.vt wwu c- i f i i ran-WaJter Immigration Act advising them to revise it to exempt :to iee whkh ;4;.-t f-.m -Micvl'j cvdpm rcriiiatinP immigrants. ftLit-ii LaUD A-i Vili Wit "O Prison Guards Released MENDAR, ILL. Three guards held as hostages by mentally ill convicts in a prison riot were released Wednesday when Lt. Gov. Sherwood Dixon agreed to hear convicts' complaints. The second up- . . . , a W, .L... rjnrf.Vii .in Tki.fi rum rising in two flays nroK.e oui luesaay ui uic frjuuun Most of the 300 inmates were returned to their cells. But 38 of them -irmfri with kitchen cutlery seized the guards as hostages and barri caded themselves in the mess hall. Seven other officers were still Hostages oi rnmai.es in me ea&- ii v. ,-, MnnHat. Tin fipmands have been made by the prisoners. In an uprising five weeks ago, prisoners demanded better food and heat and complained against harsh discipline. A legislative investigating committee held hearings but the report has not yet been made public. Ike Says Enemies Misusing Document NEW YORK Gen. Dwight Eisenhower said a "top secret docu ment" on Korea is being used against him by his political enemies. He only identified it as a "top secret document of the American De fense Department." , . . Campaigning ior uie secona any in jicw i M ihat American foreign policy should be overhauled so that this country is not "forever . . . caught in this Korean trap, lighting the real enemy's second team "We must prepare me A-oreans io oucuu - --- ; - , . miW t!3 American forces to serve their "true purpose" of pro- nedy, Delta Tau Delta; Jim Mun- , . r ..... m 1,)" ,.r44V, o or. ccs OIT Hhl J J P 1 I 3 1 lit Ld . JXIUIIH f'aurer. Sirma Phi Epsilon: Shel don Green, Zeta Beta Tau; Charles 'MockNationalVote To Begin At 8 P.M. The Union, the AS union, ana Nominees Compete To Come From 48 tnaay, me siuaenm win vove twuuu ".,"," w.;n T,ia where see which of the seleded can- 'mandanl will be held Friday Irom '""" ." -vLi. didates is "The Ugliest Man on a m. until 6 rj.m. in lhe Union L-arnpus. :t..,w t nwi ,-,rMiH:ilf.c. FririHv from 8 The Xinaiists. nominees 01 men s stuaeni j-ijiojjd - v..;, 4u; organized houses and cooperatives : these candidates, six finalists will ing to vote ir, i atei '6 their that contributed 100 per cent to be chosen by the All University b Hoi irom 4 Pep Queen Another Friday election is that if the 1952 Pep Queen. Story appears elsewhere on this pase. election. The ball, which offers the mu sic of Eilly May, will present the Honorary Commandant along with nesday, at the YWCA office in Ellen Smith Hall, election official said. The only requirement for voting is that Etude Us present j..- t rni n iheir I.D. cards. line jjjffcjutiji uic ivn. . . Commandant win be chosen ny iuc w l. r the COA from the six finalists incentive for students to main before the balL tain an interest in candidates and Win Cadr. chairman of ihM?Jr czwpzign issues, said Keala Honorary Commandant commit-IO'Dell ? co-,rman o fe elec- urges students to oe sure,"- o- ballots are marked cor- are iw yuun w vvw ATTF ar- Mike Lawlor. Sigma Chi; JacK tee, Aschwege, rarmllouse; Memnge r ai -;H; X.nd how a real Olson, Alpha Gamma Kho; varies .recuy. ix x - u - ' f.m-tions. Wright, Beta Theta uon itog- "c ""-"i "' - ers, Tau Kappa iLpsuon; Jim TangdalL Pioneer House; Ed Huss- man, Pi Kappa Phi; Max Ken viding "the great mobile reserve of the free world" with air and sea support wherever ana wnenever neeaea. No Rain In Sight MIDWEST The two-month dry spell is hurting crops and in creasing fire hazards in Nebraska. Weather forecasters however pre dict that no ram is in sigru xo ena xne uruutm. ..coa 'dribbles of rain since &epi. i. ine woim. m Laj i . i n!1L-tnrS Dnrt lii'fH nek in Texas. Kansas. he conference. If U.e weather JL .vni.SSahoma. Colorado and braska. Even ifrnoisture came, it would such triat tne represemauviro v.i- . ik- -trio late to save roucn oi ine winter wneai auu f00' not drive, the delegates only will to Debres Carag co-chairman of.bv Xe hazards have caused the elosing of two state parks vAl Wilber, Ceresco Students Qualify For Advanced English attend. 1h r,Dfi:il Dancp Committee. Li'K sons will resume Mov. 11 and con- Tiie delegates are Ted Jan?.t'.B':ti throueh Nov. 18. "ia Ivm? rifi F priU m hi e A dancing in the Round-Up Is nal . ' a e Lur ry Am-Sor, Phi'alHo being postponed because of Ki 'pa Isi and Bob HancbrooMhe Halloween dance Saturday Delta Tuu Delta. evening in the Union Ballroom. aid one division of the Nebraska national forest, in otner states A my xroops and national guardsmen were called out to help fight 'y J a. .a or..j in lou-ni: and farm homes. In fires sureaainE iruni - - - - - - Wrst Virginia 450 fires have burned 100,000 acres. In Kentucky 77, DOO acrfs have been damaged by 200 fires. Nearly 50,000 acres were hurried in 1 ,500 fires in Mississippi. - . r . - 1 . At - I ' l a don tireen, -eta Jieta j au; unaries University Iresnman irom wu- seewon, cnsiuu Wrabletki, Theta Chi; Jim Snyder, KT jmd Ceresco high schools have Tb. students from Wilber high Sigma Alpha Epsilon; and Dick 'beaten the "law of averares. One- 6chooi are: , Betty Searcy, Eonnie Wiristopn. Aipna lau w nunarea F" AIt... Robert Porkop and TJor- a. vh Irvine man Cizek. Tlie former Wilber to hook something for the last six ! .n of freshman English. ftudenU agreed that tor ur h,.r ..aK .rinino pinnmiiv at his i .h, .hiithM was due to theu" high school Eng lish teacher, who "taught us grammar and more grammar." Betty and Bonnie Lou Nelson from Ceresco, composing the Ce resco high school praduates, slso qualified for English 3 setting a 100 per cent record for their high school. hours, was sitting doomilv at his task, when a mother and her small son cyme along. "Ot-T cried the youngster, do let me see you catch a fish." Addressing the angler, the mother said severely, "Now, don't jyou catch a fish Ior him until ne Jsays 'Please!'" Thf nKua.1 n&ttern established by the University's experience tables hows that only one out of four freshmen qualify for tbie advanced section, English 3. Tw out of the four usually meet the average standards for English B, while one-fourth are usually as signed to the "below averaie"