The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 28, 1952, Image 1

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    PBK Dinner
J.Phl Kapp dinner
neethyr will be held Tuesday
at 6:15 p.m. In the Union. Dr.
-i . Georl professor of bac
teriology, will speak on the sub
ject "Researching Abroad."
VOL. 52 No. 31
Voice of a Of of Midwestern University
'Outward Bound'
Ticket reservations for the
University Theatre production,
"Outward Bound," are avail
able In the theatre box office
12:30 to 5 p.m. John Toich,
director of the play, urges stu
dents to get their reserved tick
ets as aoon as possible.
in Ag Juniors
idced Mondav
J Six Ag college juniors were neWtAri hv the onniAit mam.
?S? TLtl?e Fe'a F Bard Monday night according to
ion uutiru manager.
The new members of the board are Beth Rohwer, Mari-
j Buwn opiiKer, uaie uison, Jim Weber and
Dale Van Vleeck.
Miss Rohwer is majoring In
home economics journalism and
is a member of the Home Eco
nomics club. Builder' hoard
and Chi Omega sorority
Miss Larson is majoring in
home economics and is a member
of the Home Economics club, Ag
Union, and Alpha Chi Omega sorority.
miss bpiiker Is a member of
xxjve nan and the Home Econom
ics club. She is majoring in home
, Olson who Is majoring in dairy
husbandry is a member of the Ag
.ec jooara, varsny Dairy club,
uu Aipna uamma itno iratemity.
A major in general agricul
ture, Weber is a member of
Corn Cobs, Builder's board.
Block and Bridle club and
Farmhouse fraternity.
Dale VanVleeck is majoring In
general agriculture and is a mem
ber of the Union Board, Block
nd Bridle club and Ag Men's
The junior members are car
ried over and made the senior
member on the board for the fol
lowing year the manager said.
This group of 12 individuals
are directly responsible for the
'53 Farmer's Fair which will be
held some time In April.
The senior members of the
board are Don Leising, manager,
Marilyn Bamesburger, JoAnn
Meyer, Joyce Kuehl, Bill Waldo
and Art Becker;
The facultv adviser committee
lor the board is headed by Prof.
manes Adams.
NU Linemen
Listed For
AP Honors
Jerry Minnick and Dennis
junanuel, defensive stalwarts on
the Nebraska team, were nomin
ated for the Associated Press All-
America football team Monday by
me Rocky Mountain regional
uoura, --
The board, comnnsed nt rhot
Nelson, sports editor of the Rocky
luuuuiain news; jonn Mooney,
sports editor of the Salt Lake City
Tribune, and John Steele, sports
caster for Radio station KOWB in
Laramie, nominated Emanuel and
Minnick along with Jim Stander,
224-pound Colorado defensive
tackle, Don Peterson, Utah Full
back, and Del Ray Campbell,
Utah State's junior fullback.
Minnick was nominated last
Week for his outstanding play
against Penn State.
Young GOP
To Convene
Thursday Meet ing
Last Before Election
Republican Headquarters in
downtown Lincoln, on 10th street
between O and P, will be the
meeting place for the Young Re
publicans Thursday at 7:30 p.m..
Dan Tolman. president, an
nounced today.
The meeting will be the last be
fore elections Nov. 4.
Plans 'will be completed at
the meeting for the car pool
which will function on election
day. Students and Lincoln Re
publicans will pool cars to
transport any Lincolnites who
lack transportation to the polls.
Committees will be working
this week on pre-election cam
paigning such as calling all
Lincoln Republicans to urge
them to vote and scheduling the
transportation for the car pool.
'The night before elections the
Young Republicans have planned
a Paul Revere Ride. This Ride
will entail the distribution of
campaign literature throughout
Lincoln in a house to house last
campaign effort.
The winner of the "youngest
voter" contest will also be an
nounced at the meeting.
Committee chairmen will con
tact the members of their com
mittees for specific duties and in
formation regarding the plans for
the coming week.
P.M. Headlines
Staff Writer
Lewis Orders Miners To Work
WASHINGTON John L. Lewis ordered striking tnft nl mln,
ers to go back to work Mondav. The chief of the United Minn Wnrlr-
ers saia work should be resumed pending government reconsider-
auon oi me $ a day pay raise which the industry approved. The
ya&a oiauiuzauon poara naa trimmed tne raise to $1.50. The in
dustry and the union have jointly appealed the WSB decision.
resident Truman had appealed directly to Lewis to get the
miners back to work. Sunday night Truman called Lewis and Harry
M. Moses, president of the bituminous Coal Producers Association, to
,yuws uuM i-uiuerence. jiso mciuaea in tne meeting were Econ
omic Stabilizer Roger L. Putnam; David Cole, director of the Federal
mediation service; ana Presidential Assistant John R. Steelman, Tru
man's specialist en labor problems.
Truman's statement following the meeting indicated possible re
versal of the wage board's position that miners should be granted
only a $1.50 a day pay increase.
He said Putnam "assured the nartles that serinns nnrf
consideration would be given" to the joint industry-union request for
a review of the waee board's rulinc. In addition, he sniri Mn tat
the operators "are prepared to start paying immediately the $1.50 of
me wage increase now allowable ana to set aside available for pay
ment to the miners when and if approved" the remaining 40 cents
per day, retroactive to Oct. 1.
Stevenson Attacks McCarthy Speech
Adlai Stevenson declared Sen. Joseph McCarthy would make "the
liiuoi judgiuuceni oi an smears or an times." Mccarthv mnrfe a na
tion-wide broadcast on Communism Mondav niirtit. TTa"
---o-- v-rv-utvu itiai.
Eisenhower was "getting on the wrong bus" when he said he would
u w in an euon to ena tne war tnere. Ana he insisted the
war would be settled in Moscow not Korea.
Sunday Stevenson expressed concern over the "concentration of
leuerai auinoruy over our lives.
Allies Accused Of War Crimes
lied soldiers of war crimes and demanded the release of all "so-called
German war criminals." He spoke at the first postwar reunion of Hit
ler s SS (elite guard). Ramcke, a paratroop general and one of the
most popular German wartime leaders, told the SS men they had been
fighting for their fatherland as well as any other German soldiers
miu mat wereiore, an aeiamation oi tneir Honor must stop."
au tnose Ainea oincers and soldiers whb bombed German
cities are also war criminals," Ramcke said. "If our soldiers are con
victed as war criminals then it was also a war crime when the Allies
bombed unprotected German cities and when the Allies now invent
Tuesday, October 28, 1952
Honorary Commandant
To Be Presented Dec. 6
Forty-eight Universitv women have been aDDroved as candidates for Honorary Com
mandant by the Of f ice of Student Affairs Win Cady, Military Ball publicity chairman,
announced. m
All candidates filed individually for the position, and were selected after eligibility
had been determined.
Requirements for eligibility
are a 5.5 weighted average and
graduation in June.
Candidates, their college and
affiliations are: Beth Alden,
Teachers; Mary Ann Kellogg,
Teachers; Janet Kokjer, Teachers;
Lois Ann Miller, Teachers; Jan
elle Mohr, Teachers; Nancy
Farnsworth, Arts and Sciences
and Barbara Hershberger, Teach
ers, all members oi Alpha Phi.
Marilyn Bamesburger, Agricul
ture; Artie Wescott, Agriculture,
Bloodmobile Hits Lincoln
To Collect 70-Pint Goal
AUF Donations
Phi Kappa Psi has donated 100
per cent to the All University
Fund, it was reported by the AUF
board. ... . .. , . . . .. . .. ,
The Mobile Blood Bank will be
in Lincoln on Tuesday at the
Scottish Rite Temple. Shirley
Murphy, Blood Donor Recruiting
Chairman, announced.
The goal for the Lincoln area
has been set at 70 pints of blood.
This goal will be reached if all
those who pledged to give a do
nation are able to keep their ap
pointments, she added.
Miss Murphy sid that the need
is very great and urged all those
who had filled out a donation
card, and had been contacted by
the Red Cross Office to fullfill
their appointments.
Harold Hill, Lancaster County
Red Cross chairman said that his
office had received special -award
pins for all persons who had do
Speech Instructor Wins Scholarship
Lucile E. Crypreansen, assistant
professor of speech and speech
correction at the University, has
been awarded a $1,350 Elks Na
tional Foundation scholarship to
finance graduate work in speech
pathology and special education
at Syracuse University, N. Y.
Lincoln Elks Lodge No. 80 ex
plained that these scholarships are
awarded to qualified graduate
students in the field of speech
pathology and special education.
The awards are in connection with
the Cerebral Palsy program of the
Elks National Foundation
The scholarship was awarded
to Miss Cypreasen on the basis of
letters and documents submitted
by her to the National Foundation
during September.
Writer Gets Wisdom Teeth Pulled;
Tells Impressions Of Student Dentists
Feature Editor
This is the story of two teeth
and a quotation.
I don't remember the author of
the quotation or just what he
aid, but it was something to the
effect that in order to make writ
ing live you must have lived the
The teeth belonged to me, and
In order to give you the illusion
of pulling teeth as you read this,
I had them pulled.
In reality the stcry Is about
the group of students who spend
the last two years of their col
lege careen on the third floor
of Andrews Hall In the domain
of the Dental College and their
Occasionally there is an over
flow of men in white Jackets at
the coffee machine on first floor,
but for the most part they stay
within the boundaries of third.
When they come downstairs they
take off their white jackets and
lose their identity as dentists. They
also lose their titles, for upstairs
they are referred to as "Doctor."
My first acquaintance with
the Dental College tame with a
sore "wisdom tooth," "third
molar" or "lower right eight,"
whichever you prefer. Having
been given to understand that
perhaps the Dental Clinic could
help, I allowed ten minutes be
tween classes and presented my
self at the information , desk.
Emergencies, that Is anyone who
doesn't have an appointment,
are handled between 1 and 3
p.m. The lady in a white uni
form behind the desk picked up
a microphone and said sweetly,
"Doctor Soandso, patient."
After a brief pause Doctor So
andso put in an appearance. He
used the usual right-this-way
technique, led me into a room
equipped with 60 dentist chairs
and parked "patient" in one of the
usual type. He looked at the of
fending tooth and said "hum,"
while another student dentist took
notes on a clipboard. Two X-rays
later he announced that two teeth
would be pulled in a dumdnstra
tion the following Thursday morn
ing, "upper right eight" and "low
er right eight," that is.
Having' four teeth of that type,
all equally useless, I asked why
class isn't ready for the other side
yet," I was informed.
Students who are about to be
graduated to take over dental
eare of the general public In Ne
braska do work in dental sur
gery and the more ordinary as
pects of dentistry in the clinic.
Before any actual work is done,
the patient Is asked to sign a
statement which says in effect
that he is willing to undergo
any risk that may be involved
and will not take legal action
against the clinic if anything
goes wrong.
The clinic is a non-profit unit.
The charge made is not for ser
vices, but only pays for the ma
terials used. A good deal of pa
tronage comes from University
students, perhaps because wear
and tear on the budget is less and
the location is convenient.
The "family" dentist in the old
home town may have clapped a
bib across the front of the pa
tient s shirt, administered an an
esthetic and pulled the tooth, but
at the dental clinic the session
takes on the earmarks of a major
The patient gets the same bib
that the home town dentist puts
on, plus a sterile towel, put on
with sterile forceps. In addition
(Continued on Page 4)
nated one gallon of blood to the
itea uross.
The pins have the usual drop
of blood design, but have a gold
star in the center of the drop.
Miss Murphy said that there
nave Deen no members of the
"gallon club" as yet, but a special
event is planned for the first Uni
versity student to join the elite
circle. t.
The hostess was talking to one
or her guests as the two sat on
the lawn listening to a chimps
"Beautiful, aren't thev?" re
marked the hostess.
"Pardon?" inquired the guest.
"I say, they're beautiful, aren t
I'm sorry. " roared the cuest.
"but I can't hear a word for those
damned chimes."
Nancy I
think there's
e o mpany
Sally How
do you know?
Nancy I
Just heard
Mama laugh
at one of
Papa's jokes.
K ver
again! So
long as I live,
I'll never ask
marry me."
"Why? Did she say no?"
"No. She said yes."
"Your methods of cultivation
are hopelessly out of date," said
the youthful agricultural college
graduate to the old farmer. "Why,
I'd be astonished if you got even
ten pounds of apples from that
So would I," replied the
fanner. "It's a pear tree."
Mock Voters To Ballot
Oct. 31 In Three Places
The All-University Mock elec
tion, sponsored by the YMCA and
YWCA, will be Friday, Oct. 31,
Neala O'Dell and Mary Stromer,
co-chairmen of the election have
Voting time is 8 a.m. to 5 p.m
at the City Union, Ag Union, and
Ag, Giy Union
Plan Dance
On Halloween
Ag and City Unions are jointly
holding their annual Haloween
dance, complete with jack o'lan
terns and black cats, from 'J p.m,
to 12 p.m. Saturday in the Union
Informality is the keynote of
the dance, according to Delores
Carag, co-sponsor of the Union
social dance committee. Girls may
wear jeans to the dance if they
Music for the dance will be fur
nished by Jimmy Phillips and his
combo. Intermission entertainment
will be furnished by Union tal
ent show winner, Marilyn Lehr
and the Aggie's trumpet trio.
Joint planners of this dance are
Jack Nelson, co-sponsor of the
dance committee and secretary,
Marilyn Lane.
Tickets for the Haloween dance
are 44 cents and may be purchased
at the door.
Ag Box Social Set
For Sunday Night
The date of the Ag Box Social,
Ferguson Hall and 15 minutes
after the pep rally at City Union.
I.D. cards are necessary to vote.
Anyone wishing to vote in ab
sentia should get their ballot in
the YWCA office at Ellen Smith
Hall from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Wed
nesday. Approximately 1100 voted last
spring in the mock election. Neala
O'Dell commented that a much
larger vote is expected Friday
Election procedure will be con
ducted as nearly as possible like
those oi the national elections.
No registration is required be
cause the University is considered
a city under 7,000 population.
February Set
For Teacher's
The National Teacher Examina
tions, prepared and administered
by Educational Testing Service,
will be given at 200 centers
throughout the United States on
Saturday, Feb. 14, 1953.
At the one-day testing session
a candidate may take the Common
Examinations, which include tests
in professional information, gen
eral culture, i.ngiisn expression
and non-verbal reasoning; and
one or two of eight Optional Ex
aminations designed to demon'
strate mastery of subject matter
to be taught. The college which a
candidate is attending or the sys
tem in which he is seeking em'
ployment will indicate whether he
should take the national Teacher
Examinations and which of the
Optional Examinations to select.
Application forms and a Bui
whose proceeds will go to the letin of Information describing
AUF Ag campus goal, is Sunday
in the Recreation Room of the Ag
This is the first event spon
sored by the All University Fund
limited to religious houses and
students on Ag campus.
In keeping with the old-fash
ioned box social tradition, all
girls who attend will bring dec
orated boxes of food for two. The
boys will bid for the boxes which
will contain the name of the girl
who brought it.
registration procedure and con
taining sample test questions may
be obtained from college officials,
school superintendents or directly
from the National Teacher Ex
aminations, Educational Testing
Service, P.O. Box 592, Princeton,
N. J. Completed a p p 1 i c a -tions,
accompanied by proper ex
amination fees, will be accepted
by the ETS office during Novem
ber, December and in January, so
long as they are received before
Jan. 16, 1953.
and Cecelia Pinkerton, Teachers,
members of Chi Omega.
Susanne Bryant, Teachers;
Adele Coryell, Teachers; Julie
Johnson, Arts and Sciences;
Dody Newman, Teachers; Joy
Nixon, Teachers, and Janls
Schmidtmann, Teachers of
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Priscilla Jones, Teachers; Kath
eryn Grabill, Teachers; Nancy
Norman, Teachers; Judith Palma
teer, Teachers; and Lorraine
Westphal, Teachers, candidates of
Pi Beta Phi.
Ruth Raymond, Arts and Sci
ences; Nancy Klein, Teachers;
Virginia Koehler, Teachers; Dam
eris Riddell, Teachers, and Sydna
Fuchs, Arts and Sciences; can
didates of Delta Gamma.
Joanne Kieldgaard. Arts and
Sciences; Ramona Laun, Agricul
ture, and Amy Palmer, Teachers,
are tne .appa ueita candidates.
Joan Krueger, Arts and Sci
ences; Joan Hanson, Teachers;
and Joann Finney, Teachers,
are Gamma Phi Beta can
didates. Anita Lawson, Teachers; Mary
Ann Nelson, Teachers; Nanci De
Bord, Arts and Sciences; Gretchen
Hein,. Teachers,, and .Darlene
Stephenson, Teachers; are the
Alpha Omicron Pi candidates.
Betsey Lieber, Teachers, is the
Alpha Xi Delta candidate, and
Ruthann Lavine, Teachers, is the
candidate of Sigma Delta Tau.
Jean Loudon, Teachers and
Jeanne Vierk, Agriculture, are the
Alpha Chi Omega candidates.
Darlene McQuistan, Teachers;
Sally Murphy, Teachers; Pa
tricia Rogers; Shirley Schon
berg, Teachers, Marilyn Howsel,
Business Administration and
Lucille Hilger, Teachers, Delta
Delta Delta.
'Big Show To Play
4 Supplementary
Acts At NU Nov. 5
Tickets are still available for
the "Big Show."
The show, which contains such
headliners as Stan Kenton and
company, Nat "King" Cole and
Sarah Vaughn, and is supple
mented by other seasoned per
formers Stump Stumpy, George
Kirby, Teddy Hale, The Conga
roos is purported to be one of
the biggest attractions of the year.
Seats are still available for $3,
$2, $1.50, and $1. Tickets can be
obtained at the Union box office,
Walt's Music Store, Haun's Music
Co., or by sending a mail order
to Box 1, Union, University of
The show, to be seen at the
University Coliseum, is sponsored
by the Union.
Applications Due Saturday
For Draft Deferment Test
Deadline for submitting appll
cations for the Dec. 4 selective
Service College Qualification Test
is midnight Saturday.
Applications postmarked after
that time cannot be accepted
the National Headquarters Se
lective Service System in Wash
ington, D. C. announced.
Students are to mail their com
pleted applications to the Educa
tional Testing Service at Prince
ton, New Jersey.
To be eligible to apply for the
college deferment test a student
must intend to request deferment
as a student, be satisfactorily
pursuing a full-time course of in
struction, and must not have pre
viously taken the Selective Serv
ice College Qualification Test.
Atomic Energy Exhibit Will Open Sunday In H Science Building
An atomic energy exhibit pre-1
pared by the U. S. Atomic Energy
Commission and the Oak Ridge
Institute of Nuclear Studies will
open its Nebraska tour in Lincoln
The exhibit is designed to
further understanding the de
velopment and possibilities of
atomic energy. Several Nebraska
newspapers have joined with the
University Extension Division
and local school systems to
sponsor a state tour of the dis
play. The showing in Lincoln is being
financed by the Lincoln Journal
and the' Lincoln Star. The ex
hibit, which requires about 7,500
square feet of floor space, will be
set up in the Military and Naval
Science building and will be open
through Thursday Nov. 6.
Other , Nebraska cities on the
shows itinerary are Norfolk,
Scottsbluff, North Platte, Hastings,
and Beatrice.
The exhibit, sponsored by the
National University Extension
Association, contains more than
30 sections devoted to various
phases of atomic energy.
- , , il i iv
in agriculture. This division will
explain and
With the use of
radioisotopes, agricultural scien-
actually produce I tists are now able to follow the
path of fertilizer from the soil
into the plant.
Another display will show how
electricity may someday be gener
i :.
" WS-vf rs .f
Included in the exhibit is an
atomic furnace in which uranium
atoms are split every few seconds.
Another section of the exhibit
they couldn't all be pulled. "The is devoted to atomic energy uses
r ? " ' n " j
i - -T I 'wf -4
V -i ;' T li
I .
ATOMIC POWER PLANT . . . This arrangement
of pipes and tanks Is a simplified illustration of
the way an atomic pile might be used to produce
. Courtesy Sunday Journal nd Star
electricity In the future. The exhibit will be
shown in Lincoln Nov. 2 through Nov. 6.
ated by nuclear furnaces. The
effects of atomic bombs will be
featured in another section,
The Oak Ridge Institute of Nu
clear Studies is a unique organiza'
tion in American education, ac
cording to a news-letter from the
American Museum of Atomic En
ergy in Oak Ridge, Tenn.
The Institute, composed of 30
southern universities, is an arm
of the U. S. Atomic Energy
Commission. Chartered as a
non-profit educational corpora
tion in Oct., 1946, the Institute
has a contract with the AEC to
conduct higher education pro
grams throvrh use of the re
search facilities at Oak Ridge.
The traveling atomic energy ex
hibition appearing In Nebraska
is one of these programs.
Among the first programs to be
established by the Institute, the
letter says, was a radioisotope pro
gram designed to teach research
scientists how to use the man
made "tracer atoms" which today
constitute the principal peacetime
benefit of atomic energy.
The Institute now is under
taking a study to determine the
value of radioactive materials in
the treatment of cancer, the
letter continues. ,
The exhibition in Lincoln is
General Hershey emphasized
that increasing manpower de
mands make it important that
each draft-eligible student who
has not taken the test do so as
soon as possible and that stu
dents academic year will
end In January 1953 should take
the December 4, 1952 test so
they will have a test score in
their cover sheets before the
end of their academic year, t
which time their boards will
open and reconsider their cases
to determine whether they
should be deferred students.
Students eligible for deferment
as an undergraduate student are
those having a score of 70 on the
test or specified rank in class.
These ranks are set at the upper
half of the male freshman class,
upper two thirds of the male
sophomore class, or . upper three
fourths of the male junior class.
Students accepted for admis
sion or attending a graduate
school prior to July 1, 1951
satisfy the eligibility require
ments if their work is satisfac
tory. Graduate students ad
mitted or attending after July 1,
1951 just have been in the upper
half of their classes during their
senior year or make a score of
75 or better on the test.
General Hershey also stated
that the standards may be raised
at any time necessary for man
power demands.
Union To Sponsor
Bridge Instruction
Students who would like to
learn or improve their game of
bridge have the opportunity to
do so.
Free lessons are being offered
each Wednesday at 5 p.m. in the
Union. Classes are so divided to
give everyone individual atten
tion according to their knowledge
or bridge.
Jim Porter, assistant professor
of architecture, is the instructor
oi cnarge ana open to thelfor the classes.
Anyone Interested may attend.