The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 14, 1952, Image 1

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    Student Pictures
Unaffiliated students, are re
quested to call or come to the
Cornhuskcr office In the Union
basement to make an appointment
to have pictures taken for the 1953
Cornhusker. Pictures are being
taken by Colvin-Heyn Studios at
222 South 13th St.
Graduate Students
Graduate students who are
expecting: to take reading- exam- '
inatlons In foreign languages at
10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 25,
must secure a permit in the
Graduate Office on or before
Wednesday, Oct. 22.
Voice oi 4 Great Midwestern Unlv.rt.'.'y
VOL. 2
Tuesday, October 14, 192
it3 rx
Additions To House
670 University Men
it happened at nu
A younf coed was snapped
out of her class-daze when her
English instructor asked, "Does
nature show liking- towards
"Well," the student replied.
"It's like 7 up it likes you if
you like it."
liodgef u
The University Monday won ap
proval from the Federal Housing
and Home Finance Agency for fi
nancing a $2,000,000 men's dorml
tory project on the Lincoln city
The agency's action was an
nounced in a telegram to Chan
cellor R. G. Gustavson from Ray
mond M. Foley, administrator of
the FHHFA. The Chancellor re
turned Saturday evening from
Washington where he had sought
to speed negotiations for the fed
eral loan.
The action of the agency
clears the way for the Univer
sity's Dormitory Corporation,
operating with authority from
the Board of Rerents, to pro-
. ceed with construction of three
dormitory units and a dining
Total cost of the propjoct Is es
timated at $2,100,000. One hun
dred thousand dollars of the total
is for furnishings, an item not in
cluded in the federal loan. W. C.
Harper, director of the Univer
sity's commercial enterprises, said;?
the loan request was for the con
struction only.
The new dormitory units will
house about 670 men. Added to
the University's three existing
units, they will provide accom
modations for 920 men students.
At present about 2,000 rrien
students rent room off the cam
pus. This figure is exclusive" of
those living at home, in fraternity
houses, and in the existing dormi
tory units.
The dining hall which will ad
Join one of the new dormitories,
will accommodate all men living
in the dormitories.
The financing plans approved
by the FHHFA, a branch of the
Federal Security Administration,
call for a. federal loan to the Dor
mitory Corporation. The loan
bears 3.01 per cent interest and
will be retired within a 40-year
period by revenue from dormitory
John K. Selleck, University
business manager, said private
loan sources could offer only a 20-year-repayment
period and quoted
higher interest rates.
are already
and Selleck
Mother: What was your Sunday
School lesson about, dear?
Johnny: About a man named
Mother: What did you learn
about Solomon?
Johnny:Our teacher said he had
300 wives and 7000 cucumber
About this time of year we
are reminded that colleges are
fountains of knowledge where
students gather to drink.
"Moderation and self-control,"
said the pyschology professor, ad
dressing his class, "can be applied
to our everyday lives. Observe, for
example, the fly which has just
lighted on the tip of my nose. I
do not swear and blaspheme; I
merely say in a quiet tone, 'Go
away, fly, . . . My Gwad! It's a
The Wea
t h e r m a n
again advises
coats. Tem
peratures are
expected to
drop with
clouds o b -scaring-
sun that
helped to
clear up
blues y e s -terday.
Judge: You
Architects' plans
virtually complete
said construction bids will be
called as soon as possible, prob
ably within 90 days. It will take
about two years to complete the
buildings. -
The new units will be built in
an area approximately two blocks
long Dy one block wide on. jNortn
Fifteenth Street between U and S
Streets. With the exception of one
lot, the University now owns all
of the land. Title to the unpur
chased lot will be obtained at
once, Selleck said.
When the new units are fin
ished, they will give the Univer
sity a large quadrangle facing
an inner court. The three dor
mitory units built in 1946 and
1947 were constructed to face
the court interior and the new
units will complete the plan.
All three new units will be built
of brick with stone trim. Floors
will be asphalt tile and clothes
closets and dressers will be built-
in. Acoustical ceilings will be used
in the corridors, communal areas,
and in the dining room. Heat and
electrical service will be supplied
by the University's central plant.
The new construction will
provide 335 rooms for student
housing, two men to a room.
The dining hall and kitchen will
be located in a one-story struc
ture with basement and will oc
cupy the central portion of the
The three new units will be lo
cated as follows:
1. A three-story dormitory, 176
by 42 feet, to accommodate 186
men will run north and south on
the east side of 15th St. The north
end of this building will be near
15th and U Sts.
2. A three-story structure, 180
by 42 feet with the one-story din
ing hall and kitchen space, about
128 feet square, attached on the
east. Entrance to the building
will be at Fifteenth and T Streets.
The first floor will be used for
administrative offices, lounge
space, and quarters for the head
resident. The two upper floors
will be dormitory rooms for 96
3. A large three-story U-shaped
building, accommodating 438 men.
The west leg of the u, bacicea to
15th St., ,will be 155 feet long; the
base of the U, backed to S St.,
and the east leg, running north
and south, each will be 240 feet
long. .
Coffee Hour
To Feature
Voters' Film
Thirty-One Groups Select Candidates
tor Prince Kosmet, Nebraska Sweetheart
Thirty-one students were chosen
Monday night by their respective
organizations as candidates for
Prince Kosmet and Nebraska
Thorn Snyder, secretary of Kos
met Klub, said that 18 candidates
for Prince Kosmet and 13 for Ne
braska sweetheart had been
turned in by 11 p.m. Monday
night. Tuesday is the last day that
organizations may file applications.
Syndcr said that finalists will
be selected on Nov. 6, Instead
of Oct. 16, as was previously an
nounced. Mortarboard will choose the six
Prince Kosmet finalists and the
Innocents Society will select the
six Nebraska Sweetheart finalists.
Prince Kosmet and the Nebras
ka Sweetheart will be chosen by
popular vote at the Fall Kosmet
Klub show.
Persons attending the show will
be allowed to cast one ballot
ticket as they enter the Coliseum.
Snyder emphasized that each
person attending the fall show
on Nov. 20 can cast only one
ballot-ticket for the Sweetheart
and Prince. This, he added, was
to keep organizations from buy
ing up tickets for the purpose
of electing the candidates rather
than for seeing the show.
The candidates for Nebraska
Sweetheart are: Donna Folmer,
Alpha Chi Omega; Marlene Rees,
Alpha Omierom Pi; M a r i 1 y n
Brewster, Alphi Phi; Betsy Ueber,
Alpha Xi Delta; Beth Rohwer, Chi
Omega; Grace Burkhardt, Delta
Delta Delta.
Ruth Raymond .Delta Gamma;
Aggie Anderson, Gamma Phi
Beta; Phyllis Colbert, Kappa Al
pha Theta; Marilyn Lehr, Kappa
Delta; Barbara Bell, Kappa Kap
pa Gamma; Charlene Katz, Sigma
Delta Tau; Beverly Taylor, Sigma
Candidates for Prince Kosmet
are: Charles Anderson, Acacia;
Filings Open
Oct. 16 To 21
Senior Coeds Eligible
For Honorary Title
Filings for Honorary Comman
dant of the 1952 Military Ball will
open Thursday, announced Win
slow Cady, vice president of Can
didate Officers Association.
Filings must be made with the
Dean of Student Affairs, stated
Cady. No filings will be permit-
Joel Mead, Alpha Gamma Rho;
Paul Scheele, Beta Sigma Psi;
Jack Greer, Beta Theta Pi; Tim
Nelson, Delta Sigma Phi: Arnie
Strasheim, Delta Upsilon; Joe Ed
wards, Farm House; Ed Berg,
Kappa Sigma.
Irv Thode, Phi Delta Theta; Joe
Good, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Ira
Epstein, Sigma Alpha Mu; Don
Picper, Sigma Chi; Andrew Bun-
ten, Sigma Nu; Pat Mallette, Sig
ma Phi Epsilon; Bernie Goodman.
Tau Kappa Epsilon; Paul Laase,
Theta Xi; Leonard Singer, Zeta
Beta Tau; George Prochaska, Pi
Kappa Phi.
Jim Buchanan and Adele
Coryell reigned last year as
Prince Kosmet and the Nebras
ka Sweetheart.
AWS Activities Mart Slated
For Wednesday Afternoon
AWS's annual Activities Mart
will be held Wednesday, Oct. 15
at 2:30 p.m.
All University coeds interested
in working in the various campus
activities may sign up at this time.
Information concerning the
purpose and function of each or-
Is Guest At
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson is
one of some-115 college presidents
and vice presidents who will par
ticipate Wednesday in one of twoj
Air Force ROTC orientation con
ferences at the- Air University,
Maxwell Air Force Base, Mont
gomery, Ala.
Dr. Gustavson will be accom
panied by Lt. Col. A. C. Jamieson,
AFROTC Commandant at
Brig. Gen. M. K. Deichelmann,
commandant of the AFROTC pro
gram, explains that the purposes
of the conference are:
First, to acquaint educational
executives with proposed changes
and improvements in future oper
ation and administration of the
Second, to review the new
course of instruction to be inaug
urated in the 1953-54 school year.
ThirH tn pmnhasi7P nlans to Ss-
conduct a carefully developed'
ROTf! nrnpram whirh will be mil- fN,N
tually beneficial to the supporting
institutions and to the Air Force.
ganization may be obtained from
the booths representing them at
the Mart. This year the Mart is
designed to inform coeds about all
the' activities, not just the ones
in which they are interested.
Organizations participating in
the Mart are: Tassels, WAA, The
Daily Nebraskan, Cornhuskers,
Coed Counselors, AUF, Builders,
Presbyterian-Congrational Stu
dent House, Wesley Foundation,
Newman Club, Red Cross, and
Home Economics Club. Other or
ganizations will be represented if
they turn m their fees to AWS.
This is the first year that stu
dent denominational houses have
had booths in the Mart.
Freshmen women may take an
active part in activities after
Donna Elliott is in charge of the
Activities Mart.
y p
Regents Request $20817,838
For Next Two-Yea r Period
An increase of slightly less than
$4,000,000 was included in the
1953-1955 budget submitted by the
University Board of Regents.
The budget asks for a state tax
fund appropriation of $16,356,003
for the two year period.
The total budget requested, in
cluding state taxes, federal funds,
endowments -and estimated fees,
amounts to $20,817,83822 per
cent more than the University had
for its total operation this bien-nium.
The largest single cash income
is expected to come from the
tuition paid by students. This
figure has been estimated at
NU Stevensonites
Lay Plan For Club
Plans are underway to form i
Students for Stevenson Club at
the University.
No meetings have been held,
tli i but interested students may con-
Uie T- V, ,(., A 1 ltr.r. iuii AviiuLcii, mite mjcio,
Ron Rader or Clyde Moore.
If sufficient interest is shown
an organizational meeting will be
held and plans will be laid out
whereby students will carry on a
campus campaign Tot the Demo
cratic presidential nominee, Adlai
NU Theatre
To Reserve
Arena Seats
Placement Begins
For Oct. 29 Opening
Reservations for student seating
at the University Theatre produc
tions may now be made in the
box office in Temple building.
With the first performance set for
Oct. 29 students are to make res
ervations for the nights they wish
to attend the Theatre presenta
tions immediately so that seating
facilities may accommodate the
number of ticket holders.
The University Theatre produc
tions will be done this year in the
Arena Theatre instead of a down
town theatre. Because of this,
seating will be limited to 125 peo'
pie per night for eight nights.
There is no guarantee that stu
dents will be able to be seated
at any of the performances with'
out making previous arrange'
Max Whittaker, professor of
dramatics, said that all tickets
were sold for the three produc
tions to be given this year. They
are: "Outward Bound, by Sutton
Vane; "The Circle," by Somerset
Maugham; and "Ghosts," by Hen
rik Ibsen.
$2,400,000. The other sources of
income and the estimated fig
ures for them are: Federal
funds, $1,656,414: University
endowment, $66,000; vocational
education, $39,420, and Univer
sity Hospital, $300,000.
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson said
the budget requests are an honest
and conscientious effort to solve
the problems of rising costs and a
stronger support for several Uni
versity programs. The programs
that will require the most addi
tional aid are in the fields of
Medicine and Agriculture.
About 60 per cent of the in
crease, he said, will be needed
to provide cost-of-living raises
for University employees and
faculty and money to meet the
Increased costs of supplies.
The new budget would include
a 15 per cent increase for Univer
sity clerical employees and labor
force and an average of 8 per cent
for faculty members.
Gustavson said that supply
costs have risen to the point
where a 17 per cent increase is
demanded for University supplies.
The remaining 40 per cent of
the increase, the Chancellor
said, is accounted for in the in
creased expenses of operating
the Medical and Agricultural
The budget request includes
items totaling $763,170 to aid in
strengthening the programs of the
School of Nursing and the College
of Medicine. This request for addi
tional funds stems from the fact
that the College of Medicine may
lose its accredited standing with
the American Medical Associa
tion's Committee on Education, if
definite steps are not taken in the
The College of Agriculture re
quest has been made to insure
the fulfillment of a program that
would call for $452,370 over and
above the present day activity.
Two of the principal items in
volved would be increased in
vestigation of livestock diseases
and the study of Nebraska
grasses in the range country.
A sum of $400,339 is requested
to assist the present programs in
the College of Engineering . and
Architecture, Law, Teachers, Arts
and Sciences, Pharmacy, Business
Administration and Dentistry.
"A Brief Case for Nebraskans,"
a 25-minute movie telling the
story of the six proposed amend- ted after 5 p.m. Tuesday,
ments of the state constitution, Candidates must be Seniors
will be shown at the coffee hour eligible for graduation in June and
Tuesday in Room 315 of the Union, have a weighted average of 5.5
The theme of the coffee hour,'0r better. i
which is sponsored by the Union Filings are on an individual
are cnargea
rather than an organization basis,
and there are no limitations on the
number of candidates from each
house, Cady stated.
Convocation Committee, is "Edu
cate the Voters."
The discussion following the
movie will be led by Robert
F. Lee, son of Sen. Earl Lee,
who. with his "Nebraskans," is
working for the voters' approval
of the six amendments.
The amendments proposed are:
1. To provide equal compensa
tion for members of the supreme
court and its officers; . Robert Crosby, Republican can-
2. To authorize the legislature didate for governor of Nebraska,
to establish a program mat win consented to change his plans ior
stop tax evasions on motor ve-j attending the Republican rally in
Professor Speaks
On Bacterial Virus
. fjmmmasZZZ v r " ' s
n u im S O SZ&mmmti
mm " -v f.n.ii ,mmmilittmmmmi
J. iwi.iarjJ
Davis and Wilson Architects
Dr. Lloyd M. Kozloff, professor;
of biochemistry at the University: j.-
ka iecton "the American Chem! NEW DORMITORIES.. . An architect's drawing shows how the men's dorms will look. The new
residences were nroviaeu ior d a i,vuv,uvv ivau ny me rcuerai uuumiik iiu uuurc m..v
ical Society at 7.30 p.m. Monday;
in Avery Laboratory.
Dr. Kozloff spoke on "Virus Re
production." Much of his research
work has centered around this
subject particularly the study of
Courtesy Lincoln Journal
iophage (bacterial viruses).
Crosby Skipping Toft Speech
To Address Young Republicans
3. To provide cost of living ad
justments for members of the unicameral;
4. To further saieguara iocai
control of our public schools
through the establishment or a
tuifh state board of education elected
throwing your mother-in-law out: by the people,
f tv window 5. To guarantee the people
Jomer I guess I did it without greater representation in a state
thinkine sir constitutional convention;
minKing, j". fi reduce cost, to taxpayers,
ior anyone pani6 . -."-
Hastings at which Sen. Robert
Taft is guest speaker and plans to
speak to the University Young
Republicans Thursday.
Crosby feels that the young
people on the campus should be
informed on the issues of the cam
paign because they are the future
Preceding Crosby's address at
8 pjn. in the Union Ballroom,!
there will be a general meeting
of all University students
Young Republican
work in the presidential cam
uan loiman, university senior
and Max Harding. Young Re
publican member in charge of
state organization, are the leaders
of the campus organization.
Research Teams Begin Study
On Nebraska Farm Housing
Ag Engineering, Home Economics
Departments Consider Space Utlity
University research
teams are
conducting a state farm housing
survey which, when completed,
will be used as a basis for recom
mending remodeling plans for
farm homes.
Making the survey are re-
P.M. Headlines
Staff Writer
Russians Arrive For UN Meeting
'Crafty7 Cornhuskers Develop Skills
With Tooled Leather, Textile Painting
Feature Editor
If the price tags on hand-tooled
leather goods shock you speech
less or your allowance refuses to
touch hammered copper utensils
the Union craft shop may be just
what you're looking for.
Jmm I5 ? ft f
i - r -
.r nnir ivn in tv ... a rrnnn of students cluster around the
table In the Union-sponsored craft shop to work on leather, meUl
or textiles, under the free lessons offered. They are (1. to r.) Wayne
Wolf. Jeanne and Joanne McDuffee, Gaylord Smith, Jim Hurley,
Ruth Coleman. Instructor; Connie Gordon and Bridget Watson,
student in charge of the craft shop. (Daily Nebraskan Photo by
Glenn Place.)
The craft shop, Room 14 in the
Union basement, is conducted by
Mrs. Ruth Coleman. Students in
terested in hand craft meet on
Tuesday and Wednesday at 7 p.m
in the shop.
Leather work seems to be the
favorite activity according to
Bridget Watson, student in charge.
Students also have the opportun
ity to work with soft metals and
with tetxtile paints. Materials are
purchased by the student. Some
tools are furnished by Mrs. Coleman.
All lessons are given free and
individuality is stressed. Students
may work in the craft shop any
time. The project was started
four years ago.
Hand-tooled leather belts,
monogrammed billfolds and tex
tiles are among the projects done
by 'the handcraft students. Cera
mic painting is also offered.
UNITED NATIONS. N.Y. Andrei Y. Vishinsky alng with four
other top-drawer Russian diplomats arrived in New York ready for
the United Nations General Assembly. Aided by Andrei Gromyko,
Georgi Zarubin, Arkady Sobolev and Valerian Zorin, he is the leader
of an obvious plan to split the United States and its Allies on the
Korean question.
Meanwhile Secretary of State Dean Acheson held a last-minute
conference with the U.S. delegation to decide American strategy for
the Assembly which opens Tuesday. He asked for first place on
the speakers' list in the Assembly s general debate in an eriort to
keep Vishinsky from setting the tone for the Korean argument.
U. S. straegy will be: (1) Preserve the unity oi tne western al
liance and (2) Obtain blanket endorsement of American "steward
ship" of the Korean war and peace effort.
Rosenbergs Denied Hearing
WASHINGTON Supreme Court has denied a hearing to Julius
and Ethel Rosenberg, spies sentenced to die for giving American A
bomb secrets to Russia. Their sentence of execution in the elec
tric chair at Sing Sing Prison still stands. The court voted 8-1 to
deny the Rosenbergs' appeal with Justice Black dissenting. The
death sentence given the Rosenbergs has been describd as th first
ever imposed in peace time by a civilian court in this country for
Bedell Smith Praises Truman
PHILADELPHIA If the next President, whether Democratic or
Republican, "does as well as President Truman" m fighting commu
nism in the federal government the American people "have little to
worry about." .
This statement was made by uen. waiter eaeu jsmiin testify
ing before the House un-American Activities committee, omitn,
director of the Central Intelligence Agency, was subpoenaed to ex-i
plain testimony he made at the McCarthy-Ben ton aoei nearing oni
Sept. 29. At that time he said Communists "are so adroit and adept
they have infiltrated every security agency of government." .
In answer to questions from the committee, Smith said he was;
morally certain that there may be Communists in the CIA but that
he did not know , who they are. He would not state that he was
"certain" that there were Communists in every government security
agency. ... ...
"I believe that there are Communists in my organization out
side of the United States," he said, "because in the past we have
from time to time discovered one or two in our ranks."
search teams from the Home
Economics and agricultural en
gineering departments. Mrs.
Virginia Trotter, assastant pro
fessor of home economics, who
started the project, said the
teams will determine the condi
tion of farm dwelling in terms
of space, room arrangement,
window and door placement,
utilities and storage space.
From the survey, she said, re
modeling plans may be recom
mended in terms of:
1. Basic space needs for mini
mum physical health standards.
2. Most efficient use of space for
better room arrangement.
3. Best possible placement of
windows and doors.
4. Best possible placement of
utilities and equipment such as
running water, adequate wiring
and heating and functional kitch
en .arrangement.
5. Determining the best kind
and place of storage facilities.
Mrs. Trotter said that the
houses to be studied first are
the older two-story "tee" type.
Many of these houses are found
she said, especially in eastern
Try-Outs Set
For Oct. 21
Swimming practice for Aqua
quettes will be held Thursday at
7:15 p.m. at the Coliseum pool,
announced Mary Mulvaney, wom
en's physical education instruc
tor. Students who are interested
should bring bathing cap, swim
ming permit from Student Health,
and 10 cents to rent a bathing
Aquaquettes tryouts will be
held Tuesday, Oct. 21 at 7:45 p.m.
I Students must attend the practice
Thursday if they wish to enter
the tryouts.
The Aquaquette's project for the
year is a swimming program to be
given in the spring.
If there are any questions on
tryouts students should call Sally
MaUory at 2-3287. .
Nebraska and in many cases are
in need of remodeling.
Besides Mrs. Trotter, others
participating in the interviews in
clude Mrs. Malmleaf, a graduate
assistant in home economics; Lor
raine Wilson, instructor in home
economics; Prof. G. M. Feterson
and Prof. M. P. Brunig of the Ag
ricultural Engineering department.
COA Dinner
! i ' ( " ;
tiwunrrr-lr-' 1 -"- "ttaM " '
urn- ,-, ,m.4
OFFICER TALK . . . Exchanging notes on military experience!
at a COA banquet Thursday evening are (1. o r.) Val MeCnrdy,
Dan Switier, Phil Reiland, Phil Albers, Richard McKee, Al Os
borne, Dave Phipps and Thorn Snyder. (Daily Nebraskan Photo by
Glenn Place.)