Page THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, October 8, 1952 Jusf: Around Parties, Dates, Hour Dances Center Around Intramural Football Although the purpose of intramural football is hardly social, the games have become a popular gathering place for hour dances, partying and even dates. Lately when a fraternity house has a "func tion with a sorority, the men invite the women to watch their team in action. At Friday's fames at Ag College, there seemed to be more females rooting than males. And the women seem to like it. They figure that if some of the fellows are co ing to party while the rest play football, the coeds might as well he there too. evening. Larry "Blossom' pinning to Janet Rogers, Fi Phi. and Bob John son passed cigars for his pinning to Polly Stmt ton, AOPi. Another DU. Clyde Moore, announced his engagement to Mary McClntcheon, Baltimore, Mr. j'Living Series' !To Begin At Ag On Wednesday A Better Living Series, spon sored by the Ag Union, will begin I f. ft 'at 5 p.m. Wednesday in the Ag WUI1 JltUCIl Union lounge. Blaser announced his Stolen Goods Oklahoma Students Await Court Verdict On Anti-Subversive Oath Married in Omaha Saturday were Virginia Poppe. rts subject will be dating. The series will continue every At Oklahoma A&M a verdict is pending from the Tuesday and Wednesday for a pe- college supreme court involving the legality of an the campus. j Three office holders were ousted from their This week's speaker will be positions when they refused to sign the oath. The lTnrfH farmrm accictant nmfK,.JM4. i.i1aa ik MntK niprr. .. c aiuucuta aucrge vaui ,.. sor of the family Ufe division of:. . . te me2al , ."-V. and have asked to be reinstated ) V Steffen Among the cou- Farm House men and their dates were well pleased with their conclave dance in the Union Ballroom Friday evening. pies st the convocation dance were Wayne Moody and Joyce Bennington; Jim Weber and Elaine Mil len; Charles Harris and Virginia Reeves; Dan Johnson and Donna Doering; Rex Meyer and Mar lene Hutchinson; Dale Reynolds and Carol Siebers; Jack Aschwege and Williamette Desche; Junior Knobb and Martha Heurmann; Rolla Swanson and Margaret Smith; Dwigfct Jundt and Lee Lingren; Ron Reinmffler and Sandra Imm; and Marvin Cof fee and Irma Gill Monday night events: "Jim Tighe, Theta Xi, is pinned to his Sweety-Pie." Members of Theta Xi insist that "Jim Tigbe and his Sweetie-Pie" is a standard joke around the house, and Monday night they were able to make the little rhyme quoted. Incident, "Sweety-Pie is Betty Hall, Alpha Xi. The DU house was full of activity Monday DG, and Bob Peterson, Omaha. Another new idea for hour dances was tried by the Tri Delts and Sigma Nu's Sunday afternoon. They had an ice cream social. After the hostesses and their guests made, froze and ate the ice cream, they played cards, danced and watched television. One wedding, e pinning and one steady 'eon pie are on the list for last week. The marriage is that of Don Secord. Phi Delt, and Jo Gnnder son, Lincoln, which took place Sunday. Sept. 28. in Si. Leuis. Chi Omega is announcing the pinning of Rose Casrner and Bill Waldo. AGR, which was The series, which has been very! in office. popular in the past, is open to. all students. Next week's program, featuring dance floor etiquette, will be held at 5 p-m., Oct. 21 and 22, in the Ag Union Lounge. Nurses Will Sponsor 'One iWoman Show1 By RALPH XICKEL Staff Writer The president at Marshall College has labeled a sugges tion that all faculty members be required to take a quia in English as "unjust and unfair." Bartunek A tradition is gone at Michigan State College. Green and white signs placed near college build ings explaining that they were "erected without expense to the public vanished from the college scene this summer. The si ens served several purposes. They not Virginia Sale, the "One Woman ony indicated that the buildings were paying for Theatre," will present her "Amer-j held Monday, Sept. 29. Another Chi O, Barbara ;5Vara" sketches at St. Pail Meth 'themselves but provided many a tongue-tied per- Padley, is now going steady with i?n Kuniman, odist Church on Oct. 14. json with as handy a conversation saver as me Beta Sig. j Her appearance is sponsored by j weather. the Nebraska Nurses Association.! nd the name of the building printed on the Dates at the Phi Psi house party Saturday night 'gSJSdJt 2es Sbe d it frXJuenUy saved a freshman m askin included the following. 3pen a Lincoln headquarters of See j embarrassing questions when trying tto find bis -t-w yw 4 :,,,; tw,--. Tvnr h. tor the District 3 Nurses Asso-jway around. Barbara Hicks; Bob Reynolds and Cynthia Holy- Peg Bartunek From Purdue University comes good news for the prospective engineer in a report of a survey by the Manpower Commission to determine the shortage of engineers. According to the survey made in 378 com panies and government agencies, there will bo a shortage of 68.000 engineers If the progress made by the engineering profession intb last century is continued. "777" "-irr'" The the University of Iowa, co-education has taken another long stride. Men and women students are now enjoying physical education classes together. According to the heads of the women's and men's physical edu cation departments, "the new elective classes are in line with a trend throughout the couniri lo set up co-educational classes for instraeSOn the subject" Jets are coming to KU. The Unniversity of Kansas is to receive four jet engines for study in the aeronautical engi-. neering department and will be one of the few engineering schools to have operative and actual jet engines for students to work with. The engines are obsolete Nary equipment. Two of them are pulse jets similar to the type used on the German V-l missies. The other two are J-31 types and come from early Navy jet fighter planes. elation. Yireinia Sale is billed as one of oke; Bob Brittin and Nancy Norman; Bob Wallace the most versatile entertainers in Aquaquettes ney; Jack Ladds and Marilyn Siberia Tjlll IS""!" PrdCt.Ce and Carol Bachroan; Don Frei and Shu-ley Moore; 1 3. ,.. o-triiet he has anoeared and Ginny Franks; Bob Bachman and Joyce Fin- 'the country. She is best known as YM To Hold Political Panel and Sandy Stevens. Bibler Appears In 180 College Papers Are you a Bibler fan? Do youi enjoy seeing Professor Snarf tor-1 lure Our Little Man on Campus, Worthal, and vice versa? If so, you may enjoy a book of "Little Man on Campus, a col lection of SI of Bibler's choicest cartoons. Worthars sadistic little schemes to torture Professor Snarf, coeds, and the campus in general, and Professor Snarf s habit of piling inhuman study loads on students are published in over 180 campus papers. Dick Bibler first conceived Worthal while he was attending the University of Kansas about five j'ears ago. The series was first printed in the -"Daily Kan san"'gTid -was soon syndicated. Worthal began supporting Bibler and carried him through a teach ing degree at Colorado State Col lege and an MA. in art at Stan lord. " OUTWARD BOUND Crews For WU Theatre Announced Members of stage crews for the University Theatre production. "Outward Bound," -were selected by Stage Director Frank Boch Monday night : " Crew members are: Po$t Off iC6 RuIeS Lighting JNorma Erjckson, Pa tricia Hahn, Nancy Kelly, Marian1 McCullough. Sound EDI Walton, Bob Truitt : Make-np Betty Stratton, Val erie fiontes. Hand properties June Laase.j Peggy Larson, Noima Jean Barry. i Mary Middleton. ! Stage props Jean "Weddle, Ann Morrison, Betty Shannon, Doris Walton. Costume crew Charlotte Tum ble, June Dorset! lri i purpose of the discussion Is: (1) To discover the basic dif ferences between the Iemo critic and Republican parties on the basis of their platforms, past records, and presidential candidates. facial expression, posture and ming organization, wCl bold an , ,JZ t r": -.; , t voice. Never is the pertorroer ir- upperclass practice meeting; 7:15 c,f economics, and Adam Brecken-I sues for 1955, both domestic and ginia Sale because she gives the pjiu Qct lg st tte qq pool ridge assistant professor of politi- foreign., preliminary to selectine new 1 science will discuss "The Major' (J To show the similarities Bob Severs and Mort Dedrick; and Fritz Armbrust in some 600 cities and towns Ai Pnlirnmn across the United States. Each fl NUlldCUIII performance is accomplised with) raDid chanse of wig. costume.' Aquaquettes. women s swim- Differences between the major political parties will be examined gat the University YMCA meeting j Wednesday at 7:30 pxa. in the YMCA Lounge, Temporary L. The 'meeting is open to the public A political panel led by Dr. character she interprets. Miss Sale preliminary writes her own material for the members at a tryout session performance and creates her own Oct. 21. C05tui3 j e . i - Coeds who enjoy swimming and In Hollywood, Miss Sale ap-: . . peared regularly in a radio serial wbo mlea jonung an for years. Then New York called, organization that stresses precis and that has been her home for ion, synchronization, and team ftv 1five-yea,;s- ln York, encouraged by iJtrn nrjrr i&jvaL Jiva uhku.; Parties in 1952' According to Phil Mesner, city campus YMCA vice-president and program chairman, the of the two major parties and the accompanying strengths and weaknesses of the two-party system. over radio, Virginia advanced, too; Aquaquettes to come to the first writing, producing and PPtL: . i j i : r- . -2 . in her own iv program, ine ;r , 0 - " . irw.VKt Health swimming permit and a It was inevitable that Virginia!!" uo- should do character roles, for shCj11 ca" is the sister of the late Chic Sale.! Aquaquettes will display their one of the roost character-y of all labilities in an annual spring water those who made vaudeville a pageant. The show, completely great American institution in the 'original and developed entirely by days when it was. Miss Sale re-AsuaQ-Jettes, will consist of 12 reived her training from the cs evolving around a central Academy of Dramatic Art. Whilelheme. in school she was a member f Delta Gamma sorority, in which she was one of five ever to re ceive the Order of the Delta Gam ma Rose. Tickets for the performance, priced at $120 each, may be ob tained from the Student Health Center or from Bryan Memorial, Lincoln General and St Eliza beth Hospitals. The performance will begin at 8:15 p.m. George somewhai of a wolf) is taking a girl borne one nieM and be says. "May I tell yon something? I lore te take ex perienced girls borne. Grace Ca freshman) replies. Tm not an experienced tirl!" To which George answers, Toure not home yet either." Well, f see we have about a minute of class time left any questions." Spiral Rote Bosks Good Piper. Good Inline 15c 25c 45c Goldearod Stationery Store 215 North Kth Street 120 STUDENTS Earn Their Meals at The Student Union A Few Jobs Still Available APPLY ROOM I Overseas Packages Require Special Care To Meet Santa Claus1 Deadline By JAV HAEMSOX Staff Writer IThe Port Office recommends us- your return address. Gummed ad- ing two lengths rrosswise and two dress labels may become loose. Knit one, purl two! Better hurry , lengths lengthwise, jmotiea at the with those argyles and sweaters points the cords cross, if you want that fellow in Korea! 4- Gummed tape fastened wer or Germany to get them by openings will aid in streng-rt,;-k.. fit,,,.- r, theninff the rarton. Gummed tat Production manager Ruth Ann' the roung in nQ time flatf jrs alone will not be sufficient true, but Uncle Sam uses red lapel 5. wrap the box in Heavy Drown instead of reins lor his delivery P2per ana tie again. JUchmond. Two members of each crew wifl work four of the eight days the play will run. Boch pointed ut that the job of production wcrkers behind the scenes defi nitely af ferts the success or fail lire of a play. Here is a copy of one of the most passionate love letters I ever wrote I mean read: Dear John, Words cannot ex press how much I regret having broken off our engagement. Will yon please come back to me? Your absenee leaves a space no ne can fill. Fleae forgive me and let ns start all over again. I cannot live without yon. I love you. I love you, I love you' Signed, Tours forever, Emily. T. S. By the way, congratula tions on your winning the Irish sweepstakes. pfe 0ERG( 58 Aggies Get service. Jiov. 1 has been set by the poKtal department as the dead line for all Christmas packages and mail going the versas route and postal channels are expected te be jammed this year. However, if you're plan ning lo mail that bundle of joy via Air Mail, the deadline is 'ot. 25. Several rules for wrapping packages for overseas mailing have been set -up by postmasters and the public Is asked to observe them carefully to avoid damage to the gilts. 1. Use a box of wood, metal, solid liberboard or double-faced corrugated liberboard. 2. L'se stuffing secure packing prevents the box from being crushed in shipment. Tie the box with strong cora. H. Print or type the address and These are the prescriptions for a successful Christmas package delivery to that guy or girl oversea. One last reminder, don't for get to take the knitting steedles out of the finished product. It might poke a bole la the bot tom of the box. ' f f , -, : i ' , I , t rOTEANS WOO fUHN kSCAM GI BILL SUOULD UWE SOME MOME'OPTMP2 OWH TD TiDET4M CVEZ UNTIL TUSy CECEtVElUElC PEST GCf vCEU KENT CHECK ROM VA A OF Pin4S USE2 Ak-Sar-Ben Dinner Honors 11-15 1 0 ie-20 4 -eo 4 21-25 .70 1 1 J 0 t 26-80 1 iD 12 j The Ak-Star-Ben Knights played hort to SB Ag College students and faculty Tuesday evening in Omaha. The winners of the Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben scholarships were the quests of the organization at the rodeo and a banquet Tuesday evening. " AIbo present at the banquet and rodeo were the office! of the Block and Bridle Club. Four profesBors in the Voca- itionai Education department re vived the Ak-Sar-Ben Gold Service Keys lor long service at1 University. ' UIInbla. Wiutmin llmal V-ailil) Men honored at the banquet i ere Howard Dtfems, chairman of ACT 'the Vriration Educational detinrt- l-WJ I USE DAILY NEBRASAN QLaJbjdkd (Ma To place a classified! ad Stop in (lie BmineM Office Eooai 29 Student L nios Co0 2-7631 fied Serrire Eki. iZZf for Oum- Hours 140 Mm. firm tri THRIFTY AD RATES Mo. words I 1 day t fiaysJS days j4 days 1 1 lTiO $ AO $ B5 J $ 5 $1X J0! js r 1J5 1 "1A5J IS i 15 1-4S "17S j US" IM 28 Seen on Campus ROOMS FOR RENT t" f-n hitowtm n'i w nrnmt ,mLnt, M. C. McCreight, C. C. Mia-! . Itm rmun, S-1C7U. tumuA, SHORTHAND Kenull oT nmntrch: liirtnn) la SO tlv. Otw thai Jus a Jnnu -K2. JUS la. Sac. Hut. HELP WANTED Wintri bua buf ftb t 71 o'fllaoka. sutitir iiuuM. tikli s-ou?2. 'f r:rf jff H f Taro of our colloea beard mombots "lako tisso uf. Inr Thodo 03S &oa Eichords Jsdbot oriib lopela. V mad d en izBporiod clc4 iabxic end priced 4151 Ei slacks ro Vanity Town ssm!s, S2S. Sno Gorton is s-rer so ammt in Lor ?ndltoa Joirt end sHrl Tho plaid jocko! is pocd 1US; & skid, is rick void. ILK. Kofico hm mr Boar Yon S belt tSS. mi fl lurfo "Jwi boa." LS plus tax."