The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 30, 1952, Page Page 3, Image 3

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0 Tuesdoy, September 30, 1952
Poga 3
The Lineup
Chuck Klcisek
Improved Hushers
Role High Grade
The Huskers had, what you might call, weekly quiz on Sept.
20 against South Dakota and they passed 46-0. Last Saturday Ne
braska had a "six week exam" and passed agin 28-18. But let's grade
them as we students here at the University are graded. Considering
all phases. of Saturday's game the Huskers earned a grade of 6 or
percentage-wise a grade of 80.
Ten points were subtracted for the number of crucial fumbles
in the bacKneia. ine jjucks- iirsx xoucnaown came
as the result of a bad handoff from Bordogna to
Reynolds. Subtract another ten points for periodic
1 lapses in Nebraska's pass defense. A fourth down
riass completion by Oregon set up their second
Back Into Action
t ,
i k vS
pass completion by Oregon set up
On the other hand give the Huskers ten
points for the work of the offensive line for
the top-notch blocking they did in Improving:
the NU rround game. Add ten points for the
defensive, line which kept the Dock offense
stymied all night Add ten points for the offen
sive and defensive performance of Bobby Rey
nolds, who's back on the road to Ail-American.
Add ten points for the tremendously Improved
quarterbacking of John Bordogna especially from the split-T for
mation. Add ten points for Reynolds' punting and Evans kickoffs
which kept Oregon deep in their own territory. Add ten points for
the periods in which the Nebraska pass defense was clicking. Add
ten points for the Husker ground offense which ground out yard
after yard and finally add ten points for the Nebraska pass of
fense which clicked to Ted Connor and George Mink, rapidly im
proving sophomore wingman.
Add the points up and you get a grade of 80, or 6. Glance
again at the 28-13 score and you can notice a surprised West Coast
group of fans and sportswriters, who envisioned an easy Duck win, as
well as a few surprised fans here at home.
Next Saturday the Huskers begin Big Seven play and it is pos
sible that Coach Bill Glassford's charges will run up against an un
happy group of Cyclones smarting from a 33-7 licking by Illinois.
Many fans waited last week for the touted Husker spread formation.
Maybe it will be unveiled against Iowa State or should the Split-T
continue the success it experienced at Oregon Husker fans might
have to wait until the chips are really down.
We picked this little story up in Colliers this week and thought
we'd pass it on. It concerns Bill Glassford while he was still coach
ing at New Hampshire.
"As long as Bill Levandowski coaches football, hell always feel
a special comradeship for any quarterback he sends in to play his
first game.
"Levandowski is .now a coach at Pinkerton Academy, Derry,
New Hampshire. But he was an end at the University of New
Hampshire in 1948, when Coach Bill Glassford (since move o
Nebraska) converted him to second-string quarterback for his T
formation. The first-team quarterback was junior Bruce Mather,
and it was some time before Glassford got around to calling on
green-replacement Levandowski. When he did, however, Glassford
noted that Levandowski was very nervous.
boss out there. Don't let any of these seniors confuse you. You're run-1 t-onunuing wiugnt ana
t,; , cromoi vn' raiiinff fh- nlavs"" irest of this week, the I-M
Post Game
Staff Sports Writer
A tip of the hat to Bob Reyn
olds, Jerry Paulson, Kay Curtis,
George Cifra, Ray Novak and
Max Kennedy, but to Squire John
Bordogna, a bow from the waist
for their exceptional display pig
skinology at Portland Saturday
Rambling Robert gave a pre
view of what the Webfeet could
expect when he added insult to
Injury when he scampered
around end on the second play
of the evening for six points.
Oregon was hurt when Lou
Novikoff fumbled, but when
Reynolds went around the
highly heralded Emory Barnes,
who members of the press said
almost single-handed stopped
mighty UCLA just a week be
fore, that was insult.
Since this writer was unable to
make the jaunt to the City of
j Roses, I'll have to steal the words
of KFAB's Lyle Bremser in des
cribing the bruising play of
i guards Jerry Palson and Kay Cut
tis. "Tremendous, M a r v el o u s,
Crushing," those were the words
he used and if play like that
doesn't deserve a tip of the hat,
what would?
In backs Ray Novak and
George Cifra, coach J. William
should be given an assist. In de
veloping Novak, Glassford was
able to take full advantage of
his style. Whenever the Ducks
caught on to Cifra's style, in
went Novak to throw their de
fense completely off. Say Bill,
isn't it nice to have a couple of
excellent fullbacks around?
Speaking about having good
guys around, you don't have to
be a bruising fullback to be
wanted on the Husker squad. Let's
take little Max Kennedy. Standing
intramural tennis got oil to a, ting the results on the bracket beside Don Boll, you would say
flying start Monday night as 22isheeta on the PE bulletin board, he was a midcet. Anyone from
guraie tne io.i singles B th th winner and the actual' n.,, ic
first round play-: crores should be Dosted. iefnoL- niwioc. v ae in f n
"t ,
v - X
Kansas 2
Nebraska . 2
Colorado X
Iowa State 1
Kansas State
INJURED HUSKER READY . . . Bob Smith, who missed the
Oregon game last week because of a badly bruised foot, was again
in the thick of grid action Monday as the Cornhuskers began drills
in preparation for their first Big Seven game of the season with
Iowa State. Smith started at the offensive right halfback posi
tion In Nebraska's initial game of ths season with South Dakota.
(U. of N. photo.)
114 Men To Compete
In All-U Tennis Meet
Big Seven Standings
All Games
Oklahoma 0
Missouri . 0
Games This Week
Home Team Visitors
Nebraska Iowa State
Kansas Colorado
Kansas State Missouri
Oklahoma Pittsburgh
Coach Bill Giassiords corn-
1951 Score
,, no game
husker gridders, who now have
two victories under their belt,
pleased their coach with their
showing against the Webfeet of
Oregon last Saturday.
The Husker mentor Is far
from over-optimistic over the
win, however. Coach Glassford
'Cat Threat
Intramural Sports Columnist
Intramural tennis got off to a
All matches will be the best
two out of three. Winners of all
matches will be responsible for. take little Max Kennedy. Standing
men mau
competition in
for the
stack of Bibles he was 10 feet tall
I by the I-M officials. Participants
I not reporting by 15 minutes be
fore the scheduled time will lose
jby forfeit. Any questions should
be directed to Mr. Higginbotham.
i Tn r-9GP rrKtrhps arp nndnnnprl c.,-j :U4 i ..u
I - . . - - L -r- - iijdllil 11 ri V lllkfliL. I l V rl .1 UlCV LUU1U.
ning the ball game! You're calling the plays!" o 1 "f 1 fflSw because of inclement weather, they couldn't complete a pass in
"Mnra w frvrtifioH t .evnnrtnwciri riashpri hrnvpiw onto th fipiri. uui i iuuuvi ju. 4to vv"&;tnese matcnes will re rescneauiea 'v,.v i
1'iv. v..-u, . " - j ... - - - - - j . . Ilia iri I i III! V,
He tooK charge ot tne nuaoie witn a iorceiui aaaress. "rvo up irom - "rv "
any of you guys! ' he snarled. Tin running the show out here, and
the coach will back me up!"
There was a long, startled pause. Nobody said a word, while the
seconds ticked off. Then, in a meek, small voice, Levandowski spoke
"Anybody got any suggestions?"
For those who are interested and still haven't heard. The pert
majorette who performed with the South Dakota band was Miss
South Dakota of 1951. Marlene Rieb, a junior at the Sodak school,
placed first in the swimming suit division at Atlantic City and used
baton twirling as her talent. She is a sorority sister of Nebraska's
A grand total of 114 men have
entered this year's bid for the
All-University c h a m pionship
and all but 14 of these will see
action this week. Those 14 drew
first-round byes.
Four 32-berth brackets have
been set up by the I-M Depart-1
ment to facilitate play this fall. QreOOn In Opener
Men from the same organizations! O r
have been spread throughout the 1QM Cancon
four brackets as much as was pos-, 1 SJt 1 JCU3UIJ
sible with the final determination! Oregon is scheduled to play in
'Huskers To Meet
Nancy Norman, who represented Iowa tn the Miss America com- ,nf herth assienment beine decided Lincoln in the Husker nnener for
petition in the same year. !by direct lottery. 1953 on Sept. 19. The game will
The University of South Dakota band received somewhat of a All men should keep up to 'terminate the present home-and-rough
reception to Lincoln last Saturday. Just outside the capitol city aat concerning the pairings ihome two-year contract between
the three chartered busses which carried the band were stopped byj which are posted on the bulletin Ithe two schools,
the state patrol and arrested for speeding. Two hours later and minus t board in the physical Education I . Nebraska's schedule next fall
$36, the bus drivers were permitted to rejoin their passengers. I Building. Failure to know about 1 !nPiHPc ramP with ih ntw iv
. . . j i . .1 . :n i . i . .
He should come in right handy
against Iowa State Saturday aft
ernoon on Memorial field. Poor
little Iowa, they won't be walking
when they get to Nebraska.
It says here in the Husker
brochure of 1952 of John Bor
dogna, "... rattled a bit in
Fran Nagle's shoes last fall but
. . . should get about some
what noiselessly this fall." He
might have made that 66 yard
run very quietly, but in yours
truly he raised quite a storm.
Not only did the Squire handle
the squad with a bit of genius
in mixing his plays, but he also
strutted his own running ability.
' I. minm frm ' - - - "'
was particularly pleased with
the blocking and tackling dis
played in the game. But he
warned Husker followers of be
coming too optimistic over the
young season.
"We are a young team," the
coach commented following the
team's return, "so don't get too
optimistic over what we will do
in the future."
The Iowa State Cyclones, who
suffered a 33-6 setback at the
hands of Illinois Saturday, could
offer a much stiffer resistance
than their record shows ia the
initial Nebraska Big Seven en
counter of the -1952 season. .
The Husker team is still re
ported in top condition, having no
major injuries reported from the
Oregon contest.
Glassford had praise for the
showing of the NU defense, es
pecially in the line and on pass
coverage. Ball control, also, he
said, played a big part in Ne
braska's superiority during the
Duane Hess
Wins Crystal
Ball Contest
Hurlers Picked jMusidl, Fain
Win Crowns
tains only that match number and
the date and time.
Matches one to five were sched-
Stan Musial of the St. Louis juled for Monday at 5 p.m. and
Cardinals and Ferris Fain of the 'matches six through 11 were to
Philadelphia Athletics won the '' have been played at 7 p.m.
National and American Leamiel Tonight, Tuesday will see
iith.n.i, 1 mr P-ii-r m m uaiung cnampionsnips lor tne sec- i maicues at o auu huui-
throughout the major portion of nd year straight i1" 15r20 V P;m- WedPesdav,
the season, he has compiled a It was the first time in 38 years schedule calls for numbers 21
15-4 record. , that two league champs have re- j through 25 to be played at 5 p.m4
I peated the feat in a consecutive and,ma,tcs at prn;, .
year j All of Thursday's action will be
The man with the name on -' , 'at 7 p.m. with matches 23-37
California's team is fullback John1. V5aJ'' ""lischeduled to reach ccpletion with
oinitei ffig V2Si2WJtche, 38"42 scheduled
Oiaate lor au American nonun t-nicago to win nis sixtn national i jf0 specific times have been
and new holder of the all-time i-ague crown wun a .asxi aver-
rushin? mark !"e' 1 am lea -eveiana s uaie
rusning marK . .
Allie Reynolds has been chosen
by Yankee manager Casey Stengel
to pitch the opening series game
for New York. Manager Charlie
Dressen named Joe Black of the
Brooklyn Dodgers to face the Yan
kee all-star. Black is an outstand
ing- rookie on the Brooklyn cub.
Sav. toll trip taslrmastprs Stu-
his scheduled match will result I schools in thP Bis Seven race, and ber. Meek. Enele. Ward. Faurot,
in that player's match being jgames outside the loop with Ore-iSikes, Fesler and Wilkinson, who
forfeited. ,'gon, Pittsburgh, Miami and Illi-'are you going to concentrate on
All matches have been assigned i nojs. tstoDoine in the Nebraska lineuc
numDers ana ine scneauie
LANE BROWN ...Kansas
State's number one passer last
year, will undoubtedly be one of
the top wildcat threats against tne
Huskers on Oct. 11. Halfback
Brown gained 500 yards, com
pleted 36 of 96 tosses and kicked
7 of 11 points-after-touchdowns
last season as a junior. The 'Cats
dropped a close one to Cincinnati
U. last week, 13-6.
Lynn 'Pappy Waldorf, the highly-successful
California mentor,
has coached only one other team
that has met the University of
Missouri. That was his 1934
Kansas State club that whipped
the Tigers, 29-0.
Duane Hess was named the win
ner of the second Crystal Ball
contest, picking all but one win
ner correctly.
It was the Oklahoma-Colorado
battle, which ended in a tie, that
kept both Hess and the second
place winner, Paul Hoffman
from having clean slates. -Both
Hess and Hoffman failed
to call the Sooner-Buff draw, but
otherwise had perfect scores. Hess
was the fourth entry and Hoffman
the ninth and this determined the
Third place prize money goes
to Jim Wells, who missed the
Oklahoma-Colorado tie and the
Washington-Minnesota go. He
was the seventh entry and
therefore rated the nod above
the others who missed only two
First place prize money is five
dollars. Second place is three, and
third is one dollar.
California career
The well-knit Long Beach lad
set the new record by hurrying j The Cornhuskers have now com
for 122 net yards against College picd a greater total of yards
of the Pacific, and this total! gained by rushing than they had
boosted his all-time score to 1,785 j accumulated by the end of the
yards, incidentally, me name is;igsi season,
pronounced ( o-SHEVski )
Coach Bill Glassford called
upon every man in his 28-man
Main Feature Clock
Varsity: "Affairs In Trinidad." ' suad to see action gainst P"0"
set for Saturday's and Sunday's
action which include matches 43
through 50. Participants may
play at their convenience when
courts are available. They
should arrange with their op
ponents on a time. Courts will
be open from 8 a.m.until noon
on Saturday and from 9 a.m. to
4 p.m. on Sunday with sched
uled matches setting court pref
erence. Second round action be
gins next Monday.
1:09, 3:14, 5:19, 7:24, 9:29.
State: "The Wild Heart," 1:00,
3:47, 6:52, 9.55. "Lilli Marleine,"
2:22, 5:27, 8:32.
I. Trf-?
w f
U I v.- A
ri i .
' i V f
I '
1 "; -
' i -
QkAM$bd (Ma
To place a classified ad
Stop in the BusineM Office Room 20
Student Union
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fted Servico
Hours 1-4:30 Hon. thru hi
No. words 1 day j 2 days 3 daysJ4 days 1 week
1-10 $ .40 .65 $ .85 ( $1.00 $1.20
11-15 .50 JO 1.05 1.25 L45
16-20J 0 .95 1.25 L50 J 1.70
21-25 1 .70 1.10 J 1.45 1.75 J 1.95
26-30 .80 1.25 1.65 2.00 2.20
r Write a Lucky Strike jingleli
ot WSBER oil, 1J colon and use- Id wmo room Anlrew Hall: lane, man'i
aarlea. Durablt earTylnf can. CaU -15 old rln; crown ttlng. BentlmnUi
between 1:10 a.m. I p.m. value. Return to H07 Andrew ior reward.
for Bui Air Fore New "Officer Cnl- . 1
form. Tailor Mad, size 42. With Vv A kITP ft
Shirt, Tie, Belt, and Hat. And Officer TTll;fc
Green Blou. Nice 40. it intereited. Cashier for afternoon work H 30-5:30
call -TJl affr P.M. Apply to peraon Llneoln Theatre.
327 B. Uth. Two Urn Room, twin bed. MORROW'S Belf-Bervlce Laundry. 1034
boy, reasonable, Btudest Hotel. 6-3020. Que SW Ko (ervtc cnarge. 1
Just write a 4-line jingle based on the fact that
ftS ' ,m
L Write your Lucky Strike jingle on a plain
piece of paper or pott card and send it to
Happy-Go-Lucky, P. O. Box 67, New York
46, N. Y. Be sure that your name, ddres.
college and -cjaai are included and that they
are legible,
W Base your jingle on any qualities of Luckies.
"Luckies are made better to fas ta better,"
is only one. (See "Tip to money-maker.")
3. Every student of any college, university or
post-graduate school may submit jingles.
4. You may submit as many jingles as you
like. Remember, you are eligible to win more
than one $25 award.
Here's your chance to make yourself $25.
Just write a 4-line Lucky Strike jingle,
based on the fact that Luckies are made
better to fasfe better.
Then, if we select your jingle, we'll pay
you for the right to use it, together with
your name, in Lucky Strike advertising . . .
probably in this paper.
Read the sample jingles on this page.
Then get the gang together, break out the
rhyming dictionary, and start writing. It's
fun ! And we're buying jingles by the bushel !
Hint it you can sing your jingle, it's a
good one)
Hint tiit more jingles you write, the
more money you have a chance of making.
Hin r be sure to read all the instructions !
To write winning Lucky Strike jingle, you're
not limited to "Luckies are made better to
taato better." Use any other sales points on
Lucky Strike such as the following:
Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco
Luckies' cigarette-tearing demonstration
Luckies taste cleaner, fresher, smoother
Be Happy Go Lucky
So round, so firm, so fully packed
So free and easy on the draw
Buy Luckies by the carton
Luckies give you deep-down smoking enjoyment