The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 24, 1952, Page Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, September 24, 1952 q
We Aren't So Different
"Just as soon as I get out of college, I'll slow ledge for the sake of knowledge and argue for the
down and assume my role in the community in sake of mental exercise. They discuss the size of
the" world," you often hear University students the universe, the development of human thought
say, whether as an excuse for not attending church, and the principles of Marxist Communism. They
worry about meeting assignment deadlines, lining
up a date for Saturday night and reading the
latest Pogo comic strip. They are concerned about
Nebraska's football team, the price of a train
ticket to Boulder and the distance they have to
walk from their cars to class.
No one else in the world has quite the same
problem as a university student nor quite the same
indifference toward where they're gcjing and why
they're here or any place else.
-or lacking interest in world and community af
fairs or for raiding campus sororities.
Upon the simple assumption that they are
different from everyone else, college students
. find it easy to justify draft deferment, to walk
- against the red traffic light and to wear out
. . landlsh clothes, to say nothing of hair cuts and
slang. Frequently they even imagine them-
selves so aloof from the rest of civilliation (if
anyone else is civiliied) that they resent com
munity interference Into their mob affairs and
their midnight pranks.
Actually, a college community is the most un
usual group of persons in the world. Not only
are their ages, interests and backgrounds more
nearly identical than those of members of any
other sizable community, but their understanding,
their goals and their attitudes toward the world
' in general are also more nearly similar. The col
lege community is simply an artificial, temporary
collection of half -matured adolescents living in an
intellectual vaccuum, or at least having access to
an intellectual store.
Because of the self-sustaining feature of the
college community and its continual concern
only for itself and written and spoken knowledge,
. . the student easily disconnects himself from any
institution or problem outside his magic circle.
True, he may apply his business or engineering
training in a mentally practical manner, bat he
still cuts himself off from the basic problems of
daily life.
A Sunday evening discussion recently disclosed
the belief of students themselves that they are too
busy running around seeking the final truth to see
where they are running. They search for know-
Participants in the discussion seemed agreed
that college life and its various facets are of no
real value unless the student asks himself, "What
does it mean? And am I relating what I learn and
do here with my life pnd its purpose?"
Two very serious, sobering questions perhaps
too serious and fun-dampening to be of much
concern to college students. An answer, how
ever, would dissolve the barrier between col
lege life and the world of mud and bread and
would link these four isolated years In a fleet
ing community to the chain of human daily ex
Consideration of "What does this mean?" would
not stop panty raids or discussions of the life on
Mars, but it should make students aware that they
are living in the world they are studying and that
their habits and attitudes very seriously affect
their lives tomorrow, next year and twenty years
from now.
If students became aware that they won't be
changing .masks upon graduation, the chances are
they would at least attempt to connect themselves
with the fellow who works downtown and with
the church around the corner.
It wouldn't be long before we realized that we
aren't so different as we thought. K.R.
nam wr-tkx vv
Poll Shows Students Favor
Colorado Migration Trip
BY JAN HARRISON rfere for wanting to go to Colo
Staff Writer rad. tncy told me they
With the controversial subject the Colorado - Nebraska game
of migration in mind this reporter, would be a better game than the
oil 1 the mat- Kansas - Nebraska game. They
ter to find out how student opin
ion is running.
As 1 well know the Student
Council had decided on Kansas
University as the migration
point for this year, however, re
membering their former deci
sion of last spring and the elec
tion of Colorado as the tenta
tive migration objective, I was
interested in discovering if the
students were satisfied with the
revised plans.
Visiting from booth to booth in
the Union Crib between the hours
of 2 and 4 p.m. I asked the stu
dents socializing there this ques
tion: "Taking into consideration
also thought Colorado would
break the monotony of always
going south for migration.
Sharing their opinion were
Fred Allen, sophomore in Agri
culture and Roger Sack, freshman
in Business Administrate n.
Thorn Snyder, senior , In
Teachers, said he would not
consider the price difference be
tween Colorado and Kansas to
be great enough to make any
difference In the student deci
sion. Many students wanted to head
toward the Rockies just to see the
sights. Others said they had
friends there and had hoped to see
"Oh, no one really learns much But I sure teach a mighty popu
lar seminar."
the distance and price to Kansas 'hem at the game. And many said
University or Colorado where
would you prefer to go for migra
In answer to my query, ap
proximately 75 of the 85 stu
dents polled preferred to go to
Colorado, and 25 to Kansas,
they were going to Colorado any
way so the problem of migration
seemed less important to them.
Most of the girls when asked
where they would prefer to go
just said "Colorado," giving no
reason other than the tone of
Asking Dick Claussen and Bob voice in which they answered.
Pecha, both juniors in Business
Administration, what their reasons
Once Over Lightly
Movie Madness Strikes
Ardent Flynn, Bogart Fan
Marlin Bree
"Movies are better than ever."
Whenever I go to a theater, I
Movies influence thousands
of people. What little boy has
not wanted to be like Hopalong
Cassidy? And what young girl
ItlC lllCllit-Cl O Ul lilt? IIUU'I IdlCllUlJ LUUUVU UlCTIW OJ'aidll UiXO lOU OCUtlJ UllOUlC IU H3n t Wanted tO DC mOV16
were in session Tuesday afternoon and shall con- found at this point Perhaps through enforce-1 star? who has not secretly
vene again today to hear the cases of 14 fraterni- ment of its often lax regulations, the IFC could wjsriecj f0 jje ne polished
ties charged with violating the IFC rules in re- change the fratenity attitude toward rush week 'characters on the screen?
What's The Solution?
see fhis slo-
Block and Bridle Meeting, 7:15
p.m., Animal Husbandry Hall.
TRI-K meeting, 7:15 p.m., Crops
VARSITY DAIRY meeting, 7:15,
Dairy Industry Building.
AIEE meeting, 7:30, Ferguson
meeting, 3 p.m., AUF office,
gard to men's rush week. No action was taken in
regard to the "offenders" Tuesday. The cases
were just heard.
It would appear that the IFC and its officers
are making a sincere attempt to clear up the con
fusion and legislate on the problem of fraternity
rushing on our campus. The hearings are at least
given those accused a chance to explain them
selves. The hearings bring up the fact that the en
tire Greek system took a beating and a severe
publicity blow during the recent men's rush
week. The IFC made rather unsuccessful at-
- tempts to do its part to enforce its own rules.
Many fraternities did not even try to live up to
. what they agreed to through their IFC represen
tative. However much complaining may be done about
.the problem and The Nebraskan has done Its
share no equitable solution seems at hand.
. Most fraternity men seem quite opposed to
running men's rush week on the order that women's
rushing period is conducted. The adhereice to
once and for all. Instilling a sincere and trust
worthy attitude in all Greek organizations would
undoubtedly solve the problem.
But IFC cannot become the conscience for
every male member of a Greek organization.
Individual action seems the only positive solu
tion of the matter. R.R.
Coffee Vs. Sparkman
Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock might have been
a good coffee hour and its also, for some stu
dents, might have been an hour to hear an ad
dress at the Coliseum by Sen. John Sparkman,
Democratic vice presidential nominee. Both ac
tivities undoubtedly have their merit and their
interest for University students.
But the age-old problem perhaps as old as
the oldest college In the countrycrops up in
regard to Cofee vs. Sparkman. Many students
are undoubtedly immune by this time to pleas of
intellect vs. playtime.
The call of the coffee-shops is quite an al
luring one even if the speaker for the convoca-
strict rules during rush week seems to carry with tion was as politically important a person as Sen-
it a connotation seemingly not conducive to the ator Sparkman. What this tantalizing allure is,
Last week I went to see a
Humphrey Bogart picture. He
was dynamic! He hit people, he Bree
pushed them around. I somehow fancied Hum
phrey, and a common bond grew between us.
When he was in danger, I was in danger. When
he was hurt, I was hurt. When he snarled, I
Even as I left the theater, I kept thinking of
how much 'ol Humphrey (as he is known among
his friends) and I had in common. In fact, we
were practically alike. An usher smiled at me.
I slapped him. When he went down I kicked
him in the teeth. He gurgled a little. I smiled
my best Humphrey Bogart smile.
It took me a week to get over the Humphrey
Bogart influence.
Then I saw an Errol Flynn picture. It was
remarkable how women were attracted to him.
My eyes shone with anticipation as I left the
thn tor
Sure enough, women began to notice me. They ,ORPHANGE COMMITTEE mass
mAAti'nff A en, rr 'Dnna-v Ol O T T 1.
,..orA utrrar-tprl to me. As I walked down the cam- . vmun.
pus, my presence seemed to have a marked ef
fect on the ladies. The bolder ones smiled their
most enticing smile, while the shyer of them hung
back and just snickered a little.
One young lady, ignoring her escort, flung
caution to the winds and flirted boldly with me.
Being a naturally cautious man, I tried to ig
nore her, but finally let down the barrier and
discretly slipped her a note with my telephone
number on It (After all, it isn't every young
lady that I go out with.) But, I fear that she
was illiterate, as I haven't heard from her yet.
But the picture I really liked is "Where's Char
ley?". How graceful the dancers were .
rhythmic and perfectly co-ordinated ....
As I walked out, passers-by paused to ad
mire my graceful, even step and the rhythmic
swaying of my body. So complete was the il
lusion that I heard one of them, a complete
stranger mind you, saying," He's crazy!"
Are movies better than ever? Brother, I hope
to kiss a pig they are! And, conditions being what
they are, I just may at that!
Worcester Relates
Trip To Germany
Wednesday at 3 p.m., Professor
D. A. Worcester, Chairman of tha
Education Psychology and Meas
urements Department, will discuss
his recent trip to Germany at the
first Psi Chi meeting in' the Union
Faculty Lounge.
Professor Worcester met and
discussed the application of psy
chology in German education with
how ten representatives of different
countries. Jack Monderey, presi
dent of Psi Chi, educational fra
ternity, said all members and any
one else interested are welcome.
Refreshments will be served after
the talk.
Sparkman Added To Demo Ticket
To Gain Bade Southern Loyalty
(Editor's Note: The following Imove to eet Southerner Johnl Stevenson stayed neutral
clipping was taken from the Sparkman on the ticket will not; throughout most of the conven
7" v
male poLit of view.
Conducting fraternity rush week without any
regulations whatsoever brings with it the predic
tion that for two or three years, the system would
'work. And then the evils inherent in the en
tire rushing system would raise their ugly heads
The IFC, in view of years of rush week prob
lems on this campus, formulated rules this year
presumably able to be enforced that were de
signed to weed out the wrong from the right
And those very rules, at this moment, have
posed an ethical problem for the IFC. Main
question sems to be whether those fraternities
"caught in the act" of improper rushing should
be penalized when it is conceeded that very few
fraternities followed the IFC rules completely.
The Nebraskan shall not attempt to analyze.
The call of a convocation should be just as
strong and is not Is it that University students
are too pressed for time that a recreation hour
is something to be obtained in any way possi
ble? Is it that University students feel that
Senator Sparkman's message is of no impor
tance? Are University students perhaps a little
fearful of being bored? Or is it the typical at
titude that of not attending University func
tions because it's not the smart thing to do
that guides the actions of University students
come convocation time?
We don't have the answer. And, obviously,
gain the Democrats any Southern 'tion. The fight shaped up overi
votes they may not nave naa any-1 me mooay resoiuuon, wun ine
way. I backers of Harrington and Kefau-
His nomination was a move to!'er on one side and Senator Rus-
ctr. ,v,,vt, f a nivipprat sell on the other. Stevenson was;
that it Is especially pertinent movement, and although there is,?11" lryinS siay menas wun
because or Sen. sparKmans ap- in0 more Southern third party the,"""1 Blue:
Daily Californian and was writ
ten by Norm Golds, assistant
city editor. The Daily Nebras
kan agrees with the general
thought of this article and feels
pearance on the campus Tues
day. If the student will remem
ber the point that is brought
out here that Sparkman was
chosen primarily to please the
Southerners he will find the
senator's points in the speech
more meaningful. This analysis
is also important since there
bave been many claims that the
real party split was taking
place with the Republicans.)
Governor Jimmy Byrnes of
fact that certain leaders are going
Republican amounts to the same
thing. They won't take Stevenson
with or without Sparkman.
Thus the Democrats may have a
white elophant (no pun intended)
When Harriman and other fa
vorite sons dropped, the Northern
vote became a choice between Ke
fauver and Stevenson.
Stevenson must have known
that Russell could not get the
on their hands. What Northern' nomination, so Adlai wanted to be
votes he might lose for the ticket'there before Kefauver was. Thus
could more than make up for any
help he could do in the South.
There is a vote in this country,
located in the more important
states, which does care about such
A solution to the definite set-back suffered by us. R.R.
neither does the University. But The Daily Ne-j South Carolina yesterday decided jssues' as cjvji rights, even though
braskan would like to put in the timeless plea to suPPort Eisenhower for the tne politicians have 'chosen to ig
fnr annriation and aerentanre of those thines Presidency. His chief reason M a nore it since the convention.
--- 1- iiear mat Aaiai aievenson wui
which matter when the University gives them to merely continue the policies of the
We're Not Afraid?
Sen. John Sparkman of Alabama, Democratic
nominee for vice president, continuously and con
sistent mentioned to University students in his
Tuesday morning address that the members of
this nation have security and are not afraid.
The "Southern Compromise" of the Demo
cratic party spoke in regard to the many gov
ernmental programs of the past 20 years such
as social security, bank deposit insurance, old
age pensions expressed strongly the attitude of
the Democratic party that the government's duty
Is to provide security for its citizens.
argue with Sen. Sparkman. Perhaps the Sena
tor's generation is unafraid. But our genera
tion seems unable to radiate such optimism.
Most college conversation these days when
elevated to a serious level centers around the
draft, possibilities of enlistment, Korea, corruption
in government, misplaced morals, the U.S. posi
tion in world peace leadership and such other
topics that find our world in a rather unstable
Perhaps Senator Sparkman would have changed
"K his viewpoint if he could have heard the remark
The Daily Nebraskan would like to disagree made by one University students following the
wun aenaior aparicman about the virtues of "se- address,
curity" as a master goal or motive. Our govern
mental philosophy of the past two decades has
undergone such a radical change that the individual
initiative and pioneering in the business world
are now shadows of pre-D.R. days.
la regard to his oft-repeated phrase "We are
not afraid" The Nebraskan would also like to
"Perhaps they aren't afraid to be old but we're
afraid to be young." R.R.
JJisl (Daihf 7lsd)Jia&Juuv
Associated Collegiate Press
Intercollegiate Press
Th Dallr Nebnwkaa h pabllsbcd by tht Undatf of Hit CKw
Ht of .Nebnuka u ttpmsloa oi nulmli' aewi and opiniou only.
Accord Ins tm Article 11 at Ike By-Laws corcning atodial aablka
tioss mmi adaUatolrrH by riw Board of Publications, "II to lha ot
rlmd policy of tao Board Out aabllcatJom, andrr In farMcMoa
hall bo free from editorial ceaaorshiii oa fba part of the Board, or
oa the ear! of aay aieaiber of (be faculty of the L nivenltr. bat the
member! of Ihe claff of Tha Daily Kebradua are personally re
ayonsible for what they say or do or rente to be printed."
rJobecrtplloa rates are fl.00 a eeajeMer, SS.S0 anlled or S.t.00
for the colleca year. S4.00 nailed. Blnale copy Sc. Pnblslhed
dally d urine the school year except Batardays aad ftaadayt, eacaltoas
aad enualnatioa period i. Oae fcua published darin the amila of
A East by tha University of Nebraska aadey Ihe saperrlsloa of tee
Committee oa ftrodeat Pablirattotrs. Entered as Second Class Matter
at tha Poet Office la Ilncnln, Nebraska, ander Art of Ceasreas,
March S, 17!. and at apeclal rate of postaae provided for hi Nec-
Nebraska anoears to have become, once again. M"" lIOS-Aet of Congress ef October , lair, aatborind Bepteai-
the Great American Desert, as innumerable (polit- EDITORIAL STAFF
leal) caravans tranverse its highways and street aZbufmi "DoarTper
Managing Editors Kee Corton. Ken RyJrom
Jiews tditors Sally Hall, Hal Hasselbalrh,
Dick RaUtoa. ban Hlepbeosoo, fat Hall
. To The University Symphony
The .Dally Nebraskan congratulates the 68
members of the newly-appointed University
Symphony and wishes them a good season. Their
first concert is scheduled for Nov. 9, under the
- direction of Conductor Emanuel Wlshnow and
Jeaturing a nationally-known guest soloist.
Sand Which Is (Sandwiches) There
corners. .Even if free lunches are not served to
participants, they should not starve with all the
political baloney flying again.
Daily Thought
Experience is the father of Wisdom, and
Memory the mother. Anonymous.
Sports Rdllor Olena Nelson
Ass'l Bportt Editor Charles Klasek
Kratnro Editor fat 1'eek
.lg Kditor Cback Beam
Society Editor Jaa Stellas
Hail nee Maaaner Arnold Blera
Ass I bails ess Managers Stan nipple, Pete Bergstea
boa Overboil
rirralatloa Manager , Ed Berg
Me;ht Editor Sara Stephenson
The fact that Sparkman has a
Truman administration, something liberal voting record on foreign
that former Secretary of State and; policy and certain of the New and
U. S. Senator Byrnes does not; Fair Deal domestic issues is only
approve of. , of minor importance to many peo-
This is the second important 'pie Sparkman is still from the
Southern Democrat who has de-j South.
cided to "place loyalty to his Exactly what led up to the
country above loyalty to his nomination is impossible to say.
party," the first being GovernorWe would have to ask Stevenson,
Allan Shivers of Texas, who Truman, Arvey or Farley for that
broke with Stevenson over the1 one. But we can guess, and most
Tidelands issue. of the guesswork boils down to an
, , attempt by Adlai to woo the
. No doubt there will be more to South, to get the nomination and
follow, perhaps proving that the 'then the presidency.
the promise on Sparkman,
So from another point of view
Sparkman may not have been the
wisest choice. He was supposed to
heal the split in the party, but
may have failed there too.
UTL1A1 it ccur,iu?. yLiCnVji ir
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