The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 22, 1952, Image 1

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    P. M. Headlines
' R1CHARD NIXON ordered the books on his controversial
516,000 expense fund opened for public inspection Friday night The
Republican vice-presidential candidate said he told attorney Dana
Smith of Pasadena, trustee of the fund, to make public where the
money came from and how it was used. He told whistle-stop
crowds on the West Coast that the issue of the expense funds was
a "Communist smear." The California senator has been accused of
using iunas contributed by constituents to influence legislation
In a message to Dwight Eisenhower, his running mate, Nixon
said "The facts will show that not one red cent was spent by me
iui my personal use. ine iacis win make it clear that such a
legitimate political fund originated in an earnest and unselfish de
sire on the part of the contributors to support my fight against
Communism and corruption in government."
Several pro-Eisenhower newspapers have severely criticised
Nixon. The New York Herald Tribune said the California senator
should withdraw from the race. The New York Times and the
wasnington east also found fault with Nixon's conduct
GOV. ADLAI STEVENSON refused to condemn Nixon without
Knowing all the facts. He said, "Condemnations without all the
evidence, a practice all to familiar to us, would be wrong." The
Democratic presidential aspirant said the Remiblican nartv should
reveal all the facts concerning the expense fund privately financed
dj weaimy cauiornians.
SEN. ROBERT TAFT said he saw no reason why senators and
congressmen should not accept aid from their constituent "to help
pay even personal expenses in Washington." He said the only rea
son for criticism would arise if the donors asked for or received
special favors. The Ohio senator declared, "I know that no such
motive inspired the expense payments in the case of Dick Nixon."
SEN. HUGH BUTLER knew of several senators from both
parties who received financial aid in running their offices but got
no part or sucn funds lor pay. He said the practice was fairly com
mon in larger states "like New York and Illinois and California."
The Nebraska senator said ihe extra expense accounts allowed by
the government are not large enough "particularly for a young fel
low like Nixon who has no outside income."
ROBERT CROSBY. Republican gubernatorial candidate, said
Nixon's action in accepting between $16,000 and $17,000 from private
sources to defray expenses was "inexcusable," if it is true. Crosby,
addressing a Lincoln luncheon club Friday, said he knew little of
the details of the affair.
Highlights of Crosby's speech were that he favors a return to
the two-party system in the Nebraska legislature but supports the
present unicameral system. In answer to a question from the
floor, Crosby said he opposed a sales tax since the stale government
does not need more money except for the highway fund.
Voic of a Great Midwestern lnirenily
52 No.
Monday, September 22, 1952
To Begin
Tradition Explanation
To Open First Program
Union To
Five Day Drive Opens Today
To Fill Committee Vacancies
A concentrated Union membership drive for new
Union committee members will begin Monday and will con
tinue through Friday.
Applications for the committee positions will be ac
cepted in the Union Activities Office, Room 211, daily
from 1 to o p.m.
"Nebraska Does It This Way"
will be the first theme of the
Coed Counselor's Campus Know
How series Wednesday.
The aklt, beginning at 5 p.m.
In Love Library auditorium,
will explain various University
tradition such as Ivy Day, Col
lege Days, Farmers Fair and
the Military BalL
The series are designed to aid
freshmen coeds in gaining knowl
edge about college life.
The successive programs wiH be
Oct 1 and Oct 5.
The second skit is "College
Daze" and will also be presented
by Coed Counselors. This ski,
will tell the coeds such things ar
what to wear to the various
campus events, where to mail
laundry, and how to call Uni
versity telephone numbers.
The third skit will be pre
sented by AWS and will be ;
called -Preview to Activities
Mart," which will explain the
various activities en the campua
and will explain the working
and planning for the activities
Elizabeth Gass, President v.
Coed Counselors, urges all fresh
men coeds to attend the three
skits, as they can be very helpful.
yll.ij.i I ii ii i. urn. i i mil ji limy ffip. fa ay!, pa) mimm iipiuimi iiiiiiiiiiii bum n mm
; 7 i V -. I
i-n '-:.: in.,' ,y. . -,
x v-v v nit,
All upperclassmen and male
freshmen are eligible for mem
bership in a Union committee.
Each applicant will be inter
viewed by a Union committee
chairman r board member to
ascertain the committee In
which he would most enjoy
movie program. They also han
dle plans for an annual talent
show and keep a talent file
which is made available to stu
dent and Lincoln groups.
Connie Gordon, chairman and
Mary Ida Barnes, secretary, di-
Sua. ifit
JOwiva, if-n
Jane: 'I wonder why so many
girls rest their chins on their
hands when they are thinking?"
Jack: "To keep their mouths
rect tne arnvmes oi the v udiic shut so they won't disturb them-
mittee co-ordinates all releases
with reference to the Union or its
Positions are open on all Union '""" " u"iLUCS ,J1"U"
committees. Nancy Hemphill, 1
chairman of the Union Personnel
Committee, said that because of
the many .committee vacancies,
most students would probably be
able to serve on the committee of
their choice.
Union committees play an
important part in planning and
executing the activities spon
sored by the Union. Each com
mittee is in charge of a specific
phase of Union activity work.
by this committee.
The activities of the office
committee are directed by
Br id ret Watson and Sue Stack
er. This committee handles all
exhibits and displays held in
the Union. They are also in
charge of a Picture Lending Li
brary, the Book Nook and the
craft shop activities.
Win Martens and Ann "Workman
are in charge of the Square Danc
... . ; 'mg committee. 'The duties of this
ine "JTh sTh. tips, committee are to plan and execute
and secretaries , and toeu; rts r d square dance
are: Personnel, Miss Hemphill and . . "lc T,rlco. . . ti- -
Th Ponntirw r.nm. I f" "J
Lvnn Turner,
mittee is in charge of orientation
meetings, brochures and general
get-togethers including the Activi
ties Outing, the spring picnic and
the annual Union award meeting
Marilyn Hamer and Sherry
Clover are in charge f the Mu
sic Committee. Their duties in
clude keeping charge of the
Union music room, sponsoring
record sales held during the
school year and planning vari
ous concerts including the
Christmas carols concert and the
Spring Orchestra Concert.
The Budget Committee, under
the direction of Mike Holyoke, is
the all-over planning committee
of the Union. This group receives
The Hospitality Committee,
under the direction of Diane
Hinman, chairman and Mary
Claire Flynn, secretary, plan the
Union Open Houses, the Union
Birthday Party, and the numer
ous coffee hours held through
out the school year.
Stan Sipple, chairman and Jane
It was
1 v e t y
we had for
the game,
was n't it?
The weather
in an expects
much the
same thing
for today. My
opinion is
that it will rain, but I'm a pes
simist anyway.
A University student went to a
doctor, complaining of prolonged
headaches. The doctor told him to
stop smoking.
"I never use tobacco in any
form," replied the student.
"Well, then stop drinking,
suggested the M.D.
"I'm a total abstainer."
Late hours then, and fast
M - I If VV , ' w
SOCIAL OPENER ... In the receiving line (1 to r) Miss Mar
jorie Johnston, dean ef women: Mrs. R. G. Gnstavson, and Miss
Helen Snydeivaasistant dean of women, are greeting Shirley Deines
of Orchard.' Presidents of the women's organisations were present
to greet the students. (Photo by Bob Pinkerton.)
Dean's Tea
Social Whirl
700 Women Gather
For Official Greeting
T Visofr MU
All-Universify Convo
Slated For Tuesday
Staff Writer
Sen. John Snarkman. Democratic vice nrpsionfial
nominee from Alabama will be the first speaker this fall
at the University convocation Tuesday, 10 a.m. in the
The convocation is scheduled as an all-University event
ki.l M.1nnvn . : 1 1 a t j; ; i. .
Worcester Will
Address Psi Chi
for the speech.
Prof. Carl J. Schneider, chair
man of the convocations com-
i Senator Sparkman's appearance at
mc juivci7iiy cmiie irom vtiuara
Townsend, Lancaster County
Democratic chairman.
Senator Sparkman was born
in 1899 near Hartsell, Ala. His
father sharecropped, but was far
busier in the local politics of
the area. As a result. Spark
man's family had an income
that frequently dropped below
$200 a year.
After graduation in 1917, the
Senator borrowed $75 and left for
trip to Germany at the first Psi
Chi meeting Wednesday, Sept 24,
at 3 p.m. in the Union Faculty
Dr. Worcester met with repre
sentatives of 10 different coun
tries in Germany and discussed
J r; J ;.u I - "
the annual tea, given by the dean over toe United states t
Approximately 700 women stu--v,,v, mt,,r;,
denu attended the tea held in El- 1STk ndicapped cM-
Professor D. A. Worcester,
chairman of the Education Psy
chology, and Measurements De-!the University of Alabama. De
partments, will discuss his recent ing college he earned money by
len Smith HalL
Greeting the guest as they
arrived was Syvia Krtsne. Mor
tar Board president. In the re
ceiving line with Dean Johns
ton was Mrs. R. G. Gustavson;
Helen Snyder, assistant dean;
Mary Angusttne, assistant to the
dean; and Jean Loudon, AWS
The girls were then greeted by
the Mortar Boards. ,
Faculty women and one repre
sentative from each women's or
ganization on campus assisted
with the serving.-
Dean Johnston mid that she
was especially pleased that up
perclassmen as well as freshmen
attended the tea.
"The tea is one of the best
ways for freshmen women to
meet the presidents of the vari
ous women's organizations," she
said. "And also a rood way for
myself and my staff to ret ac
quainted personally with fresh
men women."
The refreshments for the tea
consisted of sherbet and cakes.
Haylett, secretary, direct the ac-r , . . .
tivities of the Recreation Commit- 1 m always in bed by nine. I m
tee. This committee sponsors such a bachelor and stay with my in
valid aunx. iow, Berjoufcij', i
causes my headaches?"
events as the Table Tennis Club,
L-ness L.1UD, Big Seven tourna
ments and Intercollegiate tourna
ments in bridge, tennis, and chess
Continued on Page )
OI xne union, ims yuup aemvra i , rri If ,
and screens each committees PerSH HIO KltJeS Unit
budget It also receives the finan-1
Plans Basic Smoker
cial summaries and keeps a gen
eral accounting of all committees.
Jean Davis, chairman and
Ana Skolfl, secretary are in
charge of the convocations com
mittee. Members of the Convo
cation Committee direct all
Union-sponsored convocations.
Jack Nelson, Delores Carag and
Marilyn Lane head the Social
Dancing Committee. This commit
tee sponsors Union dances. These
dances include everything from
free juke box dances, to combo,
orchestra and name-band dances.
ine planning wia uuuuu
Union dances are taken care of y
this committee.
Mary Ellen Elagle, Chairman
and Norm Ganger, Norma Came,
and Mary Lob Ginn, secretaries,
are In charge of the Union Gen
eral Entertainment Committee.
The major responsibility of this
committee is the Sunday night
Pershing Rifles will hold a
smoker for basic ROTC students
at 7:30 pjm. Tuesday in Union,
room 516. Speakers will be Col.
James Workman, Lit. CoL Alex
Jamieson, Maj. Bihlmeyer, spon
sor and Gen. J. A. Graf, Pershing
Rifles National Commander.
"I don't know," said the puzzled
i physician.
Virtue is learned at Mother's
knee, but vice at some other
'Is your daughter in tonight?"
"No, get out and stay out"
'But I'm the sheriff." '
"Oh, I'm sorry. Come in, I
thought that was a fraternity pin.
Debate Team
To Hold First
Meet Tuesday
All University students inter
ested in intercollegiate debate,
discussion or other forensic activ
ities are invited to attend the first
meeting of the debate squad Tues
day at 7:15 pjn. in Temple 203.
Previous experience is not
necessary, according to Don Ol- ,
son and Don Kline, co-direct- j
ors of the debate team. ;
Jack Monderey, president of
Psi Chi, said that all Psi Chi
members and any one else inter
ested are welcome. Refreshments
will be served after the talk.
Eight Coeds
To Start In
Tassel Work
125 Points Required
For Spring" Initiation
Formal pledging of eight newly
cbtsen members will take place at
the Monday night Tassel meeting
in the Union.
The new members are: Marian
Scott, Pi Beta Phi; Mary Fuel
berth, Alpha Omicron Pi: Jo
anne Villepique, Delta Delta
Delta: Sara Stephenson, Kappa
Delta; Claud ette Scbultze and
Eleanor Chapman, Ag-at-large;
Natalie Katt and Mary Anne
Schlegel. barb-at-iarge.
Girls interested in Tassels at
tended the last meeting and intro
duced themselves to the Tassels.
The eight chosen will fill the va
cancies for the coming year.
Forma! initiation of pledges will
be held in the spring. Pledges who
have made 125 points during the
Eemester and have a 5.5 average
will be initiated. Selling at games,
attending rallies, and selling Corn
huskers are a few ways of making
One activated, a Tassel is re
quired to make 100 points a semester.
"The approximately 55 Tassels
The national intercollegiate de
bate question for this year is. Re-, are expected to attend rallies, and
solved: Congress should enact a games and to creat a general feel-
pushing wheelbarrows of coal into
the University heating plant
In spite of his financial diffi
culties, he took part in many uni
versity activities. One of his
classmates relates, "John always
usea 10 ten me: 'JJon't watch a
parade get in it. If you get
in an organization sit in the
front row and be part of every
thing." !
Following college, he married
Ivo Hall and practiced law in the
city of Huntsville for 10 years.
The political fever which the
Senator contacted led him to
campaign for a house seat He
was so successful that a four
piece band, hired by one of his
opponents, shifted its alliance
and played at Sparkman's
Going to Washington as a fresh
man senator In 1937, he became
the protege of a senior senator
and, with his aid, Sparkman be
came a power in Congress.
Senator Sparkman's attitudes
on certain political points .is not
clearly known at this time, but
in 1950 he stated, "We Southern
democratic Senators 21 of us
are banded together and pledged
to use every pariamentary de
vice possible to defeat civil rights
In 1950 the State Department
selected Sparkman as one ef the
five V. S. delegates (3 the U. N.
General Assembly. Senator
Sparkman's hig moment came
when he delivered a brilliant
speech la answering the Polish
delegate's charge that the 17. S.
land-compromise program was
not as extensive as the program
i n Communist c on trolled
"Time" says of his work, "In
the Serate, Sparkman has not
been a standout on the floor. He
is roost effective in Senate com
mittees (Foreign Relations, Bank
ing & Currency, and Small Busi
ness."! His best work seems to
come when meetings become very
heated, and his great ability xo
use facts comes forth in the form
of acceptable solutions for all
parties involved.
Senator Sparkman and his
wife have lived in Washington
for 16 years. They have on
child, 28 year old Julia Ann,
whose husband is awaiting
orders for carrier duty. A mem
ber of the Methodist church.
Sparkman relaxes by gardening
and an occasional game of golf.
Sparkman's address Tuesday
might show clearly why "Time"
says, "Sparkman's continual
search for an angle here and a
formula there may help to re
unite a divided party."
Leaders To
Take Rally
Roll Call
Squads Will Find
Position By Signs
Corn Cobs and Tassels request
that all pepsters report to their
squad leaders before every rally
for roll call. Squad leaders will
be carrying signs with the num
ber of their squads. The follow
ing is a list of male pepsters and
their squad number and squad
Squad 1, Chuck Marshall
leader, Lee Meyers, Eueene Bal
lard, Don Moore, Warren McClv
ment. Bob Falk, Reg Roper, Jim
Snyder, Chuck Stuart, Lee Rob
erts, Doug Marti.
Squad 2, Chuck Beam leader.
Squad 3, Jay Benedict leader.
Squad 4, Jim Collins leader.
Shad Gager, Chester Coats, Rich
Eiscnon, Don Geisler.
Squad 5, Gerry FeUman
leader, Jake Jacobsen, Baldwin
Payne, Dick Conrad, Orris Wail,
Sigrid Lewis.
Squad 6, Tom Woodward
leader, Ron Ball, Jim Wood, Jack
Todd, Lee Harris.
Squad 7, Von Innes, Don Wal-
( Continued on Page 4)
University Marching Ban
Presents First full Show
"Maybe your halo is compulsory fair employment prac
tices law. The national topic for
discussion this year is: How can
we most effectively combat Com
munism. The debate squad for the com
ing 3'ear will be organized and
plans discussed at the meeting.
Last year 30 members of the
debate squad participated tn 20t
intercollegiate meets. Wayne
and Dale ohnson won second
place in the St Thomas soar
na.mer t at fit PaaL Minn. Paul
Laase and Jack Kogers won, the
Moorhead, Minn tournament
The Johnsons, Doris Carlson and
Joan Krneger won the Missouri
Valley .Conference.
According to Olson, the squad
is looking forward to another big
year this year and is anxious to
welcome prospective members.
Modern youth respects old
age only when it is in bottles.
Filings For Jr.-Sr.
Council Open Today
Filings open Monday lor posi
tions on Junior and Senior Class
Applications will be accepted
ihrough 4:80 pjn. Friday at the
Student Activities Office.
Six council members Irom each
class will be chosen from appli
cants on Monday, Sept. 29, from
4 to t p.m. in the Student Council
office. Juniors and seniors wish
ing to file roust have a 4.0 .cumu
lative average.
Don Pieper, senior class presi
dent stated that an active pro
gram is planned lor this year. He
also added that tht success or
failure of this year's program de
pends entirely upon the interest
shown by the members ofithe two
The University ROTC marching
band made its first appearance of
the season at the Nebraska-South
Dakota football game on Satur
day.. !
At half time the band formed
a large letter "A" in the center
of the field and surrounded it
with four letters "D" in such a
way as to form the word DAD,
In honor of Dad's Da;, They
played "What's The Matter
With Dad?", "For He's A Jolly
Good Fellow" and waltzed to
"A Wonderful Guy."
The second band formation was
one of a four-leaf clover accom
panied by, you guessed it, "I'm
Lookin Over A Four-Leaf
Coyote Band
The marching band from the
University of South Dakota also
entertained during the half time
with their version of "The
Greatest Show On Earth." The
show featured three rings, a
pair of baton twirlers, a high
wheeled bicycle and a merry-go-round.
The FDU banC formed an
outline of the Nebraska Etate
Capitol and faced the east sta
dium as they played "TJUere Is
No Place Like Nebraska." Their
last formation was SDU aceom- '
panied by "Hail South Dakota."
Following the victory over SDU,
the Nebraska band led a victory
'march downtown.
Throughout the rest of the year!
the band will have part an all
games and rallies. Tentative plans
are being made to attend the Colo-
rads game at Boulder and the
band will go along on the chosen,
migration trip. They will also play
for two ROTC parades ana the
Military Bait
After the football season the ;
band will be broken into two
groups, the concert band and
the brass choir. The concert
band will be heard at a per
formance in the spring and will
probably ro on tour through
several Nebraska towns.
The band also appears at every
basketball game played in the
Coliseum during the season.
Under the direction of Don
Lenta, the band will finish the
A F to Discuss
Cadet Training
An aviation cadet selection team
will be at the Union Sept 25 and'
26 to discuss recent chances in
policy in the aviation cadet pro
gram and to explain the program.
A man must have a minimum of
60 semester hours to oualify lor
caaet training. Ties Air Force is
primarily interested in men with
degrees, but applications will be
accepted from men who are dis-
continuing their college training
belure fraduauon.
Tne selection team will ?vc
preliminary eye examinations to
men who wish to qualify for pilot
or observer trading. If the man
passes this eye examination, an
application lor . training will be
sent to the Lowry Air Force Ease
Classification Testing- Detachment
in Denver.
The applicant will receive gov
ernment paid transportation to
Denver for further testing to de
termine his ability to fly. If qviali-'
f ied, the epplirant will be givtss a
season with performances at the four month draft deferment and
Ivy Day ceremonies in the .sprkigjwill be enlisted in the Air Force
'and at commencement Jfor two years as a cadet ,
ing of enthusiasm for student so
rial functions," according to Mary
Ann Kellogg, president
Other officers are: Cecelia
Pinkerton, vice president; Jo Foll
zoer, secretary and Sue Reinhardt,
Board Of Publications
Will Pick Photographer
The Board of Student Publica
tions will meet Tuesday afternoon
to select a photographer for the; names
Deadline For
Set Monday
Monday marks the deadline for
students to get complete informa
tion about their college, year, Lin
coln address, home address and
phone number in the 1952-53 stu
dent directory.
A list of names for which the
staff lacks information is listed
below. This list contains only
names of students whose last
begin with A or B. The
Daily Nebraskan. alphabetical list will be continued
At the spring meeting when the jin later editions of The Daily
other members of the Nebraskan
staff were chosen the board did
not appoint a photographer. The
job has been filled by part time
workers during the first week of
Air Force Blue
if - Lf - I f s
P7 1 M v
n hi h
i i. . ! ft
I. . I
Blonde Karen Decker and 1
brnnette Harriet Greenlee find the sew blue basic uniforms ef
Air Fore EOTC interesting. Bob VeiuiU fe one of the L0C5
University men assigned to Air Force training this fall. Formerly
nty advanced sir students wore blue ts&lf onns, (U. of N. hot.i,
Many fraternity pledges may
have the wrong address and
phone number in the directory
because they registered before
pledging. Any pledges desiring
to change their sew address and
phone number should call the
directory office today between
1 and S pm.
Person listed below would call
or drop into the Builders office
sometime today during the office
hours. The Student Directory of
fice is room 305, Union
To call the office call the Univer
sity and ask for extension 4231.
Ait At-m. Jamei Abourerk, Hwtxrt
Atrte. Ncst'ir AorvKto, Laurence A.cMn4,
C'nariw Adam Handtf Aam, ttetna
Adanx, Thomas Adam. John Adetaar,
Aden, Benon Afctson. Dennis Aksarna. jsn
C. Aiden, Jerry Alnutnder. Jotm Allen, tiotw
m Allen, Kxzvs Aixninm, . W, Almervo,
Carl Amato, Kobert Amick. Bettf Asdenen.
Lloyd Andersen, Robert Andersen. Anders
Andeon, Frances Anderson. Gayle Andenon.
fwoar Anderson, titunlim Anderson. Hehr4
b. Anderson, Eoland Anderson. Oeor at
dreasea. F'ranlE Andreeen. Wanes Aadwwa,
Tents Anvelt. Kobert Arctoer.
linbert AKSisdort, WiUtan at. Keiti)
Arndt, Ecdand Am4t. Oin Arriaa, Art
Aumapis, Arnis Aumalis. Kaniwl Aran.
Hamon Ayu. Don feaade. Jiaed RnH-n. iL.
Carl Backers. Richard Bacon. -
James Bit. Diana fcaker. .Tacit P-irte.
Ronald Ball. Alnhonac Ballard. Buanac Jbal
lard. fUama Balodis. Bubbr Banu. Gwr
Bannistpr. Md iaannwln. Keiaoa BwWr,
.Umn bar. Jv Barker. Kicmd Barneli.
Earl Bamette Garold Barney. Wanda Bar.
irix, Charles Barton. Jdm Bauer, lvta) Bao.
wan, sjawrenoe Jit'acD
3aries Beat, Thomas Beal, Warnoa
Jolm Jw-fker. Kobrrt Bcoker. Ricbard (seCKen.
bauer, Thomas Berikler. Lorea Ewkaaaasw
Billy Rednar. U1U B-'taner. Jvwd Bide. jwcH
Bellamy, .Mormaa Beller, Wimam Beltarr.
Francis Benedict, Allen Beniamia, Xxmstld
Benoit." Lowell Bem Cbaric bamtt Imam
Maun Seiainania, ftdbert Berkahita. Yrm-
neta Berm, Carleton Berrjecsoan. 4?lark
Bmcke. Robert Bias. William fcirourr, Joita
Bitaw, Wxlliaa Blaek. Bar Btacfcani, iasa
Blarok, Zevaeniii Blunnai'is. Janes Barkob
Andrew Boder, James Blake. Berraod Bo,
daroff, J .andall bocaetk. Donald bMMj.
anTiaa Bohaty, l4aru BohlmeMr.
Charlef Bohnrr. Arler Bondarin. TH
Borcnei, iciha Korducna. Ethel bow, Re
Bower, Ricnwd Bewwr. Lawreaor Btaraen.
fa rent Braodst-k. Robert Bra, or. Paul -W.
IScrie Brmtel. Imt Breyer, rrawicwc
B rant, Bert Brtnkaaeyec Barvars B'ttssau
Robert brodenilu Job Bjxnaaw tMmuA
Brand, Raynaud Breulr s.
Imt Bsown, 7m Brow. fH 1in,
James 9roam. Ratnoai Browa. i tcutsi Btowa
s;'.'s Bxown, Bonsud Creoa
Brunkbvau Crrd fcw, ( uars t- .
1iv4 Buoker. Rennet Bura trt, t:vH JnU,
Jonn Btmaer. lUmns Bwnwi, jnes i n
rtrinae, ionald Burttuc RotM-ft Bwrmwis.
K'ibert Buriusu JatjL Buaa. Xmx Luvml
j4 BmUtiTj S'tiitirT MiSsa JSatyaaasaft alawsas.