Page 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN f Thursday, September 18, 1952 Back At Work . Our Campus Legislators are back at work again, be abandoned. No one is trying to force anything Wednesday the Student Council met to open the down the throats of We student body and if the 1952 season and decided that as far as the Council was concerned, the University will migrate to Lawrence, Kan. It was further decided that the Junior and Senior Class Officers will again have the help of a Junior-Senior Class Council. The Legislators indicated that they would, re-approve the Class Council arrangements for another year. Last year, it will be remembered, the system was begun on the suggestion of re tiring Senior Class President Aaron Schmidt ' with the provision that this year's Student Council would review the utility of the plan and pass on it again. The review was rather pointed with a great many Council members wondering what good the Class Councils served last year. It was brought out, however, that most of the work done by last year's Class Councils was of the planning variety. The fruit of that work will not show up until this year when the Junior and Senior Classes begin selling class announce ments. Apparently the Council was convinced of the utility of the CJass Council plan because only four . members voted against it. As it stands now, the Council has approved the existence of the Class Councils for one more year the same arrange ment we had last year. This is a wise move be cause there are very serious doubts concerning the Interest students have in their government. Last year the Senior Class Council had only four mem bers Instead of the required six because not enough seniors were interested. If the same sit uation occurs this year, both the Student Council and the Class Officers feel that the system should system isn't wanted, it should be thrown out. The same method of choosing the Class Council members was suggested and approved. This method Involves the application at Dean Frank Halgren's office and an Interview before the Council's campus improvement committee. The president of the senior class will sit in on the Interviews and help the committee choose the six seniors and six Juniors that will make up the councils. It was mentioned In the Council meeting that this method would not produce a representative membership from the classes, but the discussion proved that this system would remove the selection from the political battle ground and put the juniors -and seniors with the best ideas for making strong classes on the councils. The Daily Nebraskan firmly believes in the Class Council system and is glad to see it con tinued. But the only way the system can be successfully continued ig with backing by the stu dent body. The Nebraskan would like to see great number of students apply. Only six from each class can be apopinted but the suggestions of the others will be considered and everyone is. in vited to Class Officer-Council meetings. Obviously, the thought behind this whole thing Is a strong class system. For as long as this year's seniors can remember, there has not been anything binding any of the classes to gether. Perhaps, this can be changed. Cer tainly, It is beneficial to have a feeling of unity and The Nebraskan hopes that enough Juniors and seniors feel the same way when the time comes to do the applying. Well, N Club? Thousands of enthusiastic Cornhusker sup porters are awaiting the first grid game of the sea ' son. Nebraska sports pages have discussed the Cornhuskers for weeks for the avid fans. Society pages have contained numerous pre-game gath erings for people outstate who will be journeying to Lincoln to view the Huskers battle against the Coyotes. The grid fever has swept throughout the state and settled right in our midst at the Uni versity. The fever has permanently been caught by the Corn Cobs and Tassels who have been planning card sections and rallies. The cheer leading squad, University band and 320 pepsters have been rehearsing for their first stadium ap-. pearances. Beginning Friday, the campus will be ablaze with the scarlet and cream colors sported by the 57 Corn Cobs, 59 Tassels and 320 Pepsters. How ever, an organization totaling 75 select members will only have a small percentage of its member ship wearing Husker colors this weekend. This organization originated the grid fever N Club. There is no part of the N Club charter re quiring its members to wear their sweaters at a designated time. The Dally Nebraskan would like to recommend that these outstanding Uni versity athletes who have earned letters In their respective sports at the University add their colors to the flaming group of 437. The University is proud of its fellow students who have merited numerals. So N Club, why not sport the scarlet and cream each football weekend? S. G. I . w mi Letterip Doting Possum ... Dcnr Editor: The Daily NebrasKan luesaay took one of the most asinine edi-m-inl stnnds that a college news- nauer can make. There does not Pfm to be a slnele excuse whnt- sover for the editorial, "Possum Politics," written by D. P. In the article, you win rc-can, D. P. (perhaps a Doting possum himself 1 railed for a University political organization to support the presidential candidacy of one. TWr. h Possum. ACiuany. in course. D. P. (Dang Pussyfooter) Lniv Hprlarfd that "there is no 'reason why other campuses should be more progressive (progressive, he calls it) than ours on this im portant matter (I quite agree it is important)," I object to no one s camnj for political support for candi dates. D. P. (Darned Politician that he Is), however, eclipses his right of free political speech when he Identifies the Daily Ne braskan's editorial policy and columns with a particular can didate. Ho riops this not only by pub lishing this ballyhoo but also by declaring, "Therefore, we ask that anyone interested write a letter to the paper (the Daily Nebras kan, I take it)." The identification or your news "I say, Dean, isn't there something that can be done about this 'B-average-in-the-major field' requirement?" tote means either that your policy is controlled by a political faction or that your staff consists of a group of juveniles which is un willing to weigh facts and issues in the coming election and which is so prejudiced that it makes its editorial columns a laughing stock by publishing political ma larky. My purpose, however, is not to criticize the editorial policy of your newspaper which Is actually your business but rather to call the attention of the student body to his Uni versity to the need for political organizations for the other major candidates for the presi dency, as well as for the gover norship of the state. As D. P. declared, "Leaders will be needed; rallies will have- to be planned. Help is needed right away to aid this worthy cause." So long as the University press remains free from politic poison (or rather so long as the University press fails to poison the minds of the student body with its propaganda), it makes little difference whether a stu dent participates in the activities of one party or another, or even whether he supports only a single candidate or an entire slate. The important thing is Univer- shouid paper witn one 01 me "nuiui . . actiye t j for the presidency at this early Notes On Half-Notes George Shearing Boohed For Omaha In October Danny Fogel Mud-Slinging Demos It must be a timeless adage that newspaper On the editorial page, as is quite proper, each editors are susceptible to every type of publicity editorial was a direct slam at the Republican nom . ever dreamed up by the press agent hucksters, inee for president Gen. Eisenhower. Another Every national council for the advancement of cartoon pictured the general surrounded by "Taft anything-you-care-to-mention keeps the U.S. mails Isolationism, Party Disunity, McCarthyism and Too flooded with their favorite themes and most of the Much Advice." A cartoon on page three showed fortunate recipients are newspaper people. In this election .year, the postmen have an especially heavy load of campaign literature. All kinds of political parties and some not so political keep their typewriters busy turning out reams of Tote-for-us." The Daily Nebraskan offices fare just as well as other newspapers in receiving their share of the campaign literature. Most interesting from a paradoxical standpoint is a certain four-page pub lication, presumably a mouthpiece of the Demo cratic party. , The staff of The Nebraskan is, in the ma jority, Republican, although many of us will not be allowed to vote in this year's election. How ever, we do have our political convictions and consequently might read a Democrat publicity sheet with very little objectivity. In whatever light the publication was read, to this writer one extremely amusing and perhaps rather disconcerting fact glared out from its pages. A large cartoon dominated the front page por traying the "split" in the, Republican party. Sev eral headlines carried the letters GOP. Nearly all stories carried some attack on the Republican party. Just as an example, the biggest headline in the paper was "Gen. Ike Sets New Record For Cam paign Confusion." Another large headline on page country must accept the job of thinking and vot one said "Midwest Farmers Puzzled By Eisenhower Ing on revelant subjects. The campaign Iitera Talk, GOP Record." A back-page headline read ture should not sway us. Or else should be "Nixon Says He's Party's Hatchet Man." written on a higher plane. R. R. figures of Jenner and McCarthy presumably pois oning the stream of the GOP campaign. In the maze of national politics, we have come to expect a certain amount of mud-slinglng to be present in any campaign. Even on our own campus, the campaign of rush weeks brings forth its quota of mud-slinging. The Daily Ne braskan would like to point out also, that the Republican party does not bear a pure and shin ing banner in this campaign. The Nebraskan is quite aware that this editorial might be branded by Democrats as just as mud slinging as the Demo publication referred to. How ever, It seems wise at this time to mention that in our world today with the U.S. in the forefront of world leadership, no campaign can be based on "We're good because the other side is bad." This Democrat publication based almost its en tire issue on the fallacies of the Republican cam paign. Keeping to the issues seems to be rather important in these days of constant debates on: foreign policy, international trade, aid overseas, cold wars and Communism. The candidates of each party should let the people vote on the issues not on their animosity for the other party. The national organizations cannot be held responsible. Each citizen of this In the music column this year, I am going to attempt to bring you brief sketches of some of the recording artists currently popular on this campus. I'll also tell how they got started in the music business; and, if possible, a little on that certain quality which is keeping them on the top. At the same time, I'll try to avoid selecting a single side and spending 200 words telling you what I like or dislike about it. However, the column will still feature in part those recordings that I . believe are all time greats, records that have a definite place in the collector's library. The form in which the column is set up today will be the pattern for forthcoming issues. To head the list of artists and kick off the first of the series, I could think of none better than George Shearing. His muslo dates back some 12 years to an English movie lot where George served as direc tor of a studio orchestra. It was there the late Fats Wal ler realized the keen sense of rhythm and the great arrang ing ability in Shearing, and predicted a promising future for him in American Jazz. Al though he realized that Shearing Togtl .was blind, Waller encouraged him to take his prodigious talents to the U.S. Shearing waited until 1918 to come here explaining, "I just wasn't ready for it then." The first several months were quite discouraging. His best job was as a Sixty dollar a week relief pianist in a New York jazz spot. But he decided to stay on and hope for the best. Meanwhile, he listened to the most advanced piano music being played in New York. As a result, such greats as Earl Hines and Art Tatum were very Influential in the type of mu slo we hear from Shearing today. In 1949 he formed a trio. Not satisfied with the musical results, he soon disbanded it. After much experimentation with various Instrumental combinations, he decided upon a quintet, con sisting of a piano, a bass, vibraphone, guitar and drums. Then tame the usual cafe dates and one nighters. The quintet made a few records for MGM one of which was "September in the Rain" that record began Shearing's first real popularity. People began talking about the won derful Shearing aggregation. Just about that time Shearing released "Roses of Ficardy" and that is all it took. The Shearing band-wagon grew and the music enthusiasts wanted more of the Shearing style. Then in 1950 he Joined force with Billy Eckstein for a cross-country tour that has now developed into an annual event. A dozen or so recordings, along with radio, TV and movies bring us to the present. The chief elements of the great Shearing style are his play on progressive chordal arangements, a refreshing beat, and cream-smooth harmony among the members of the organization. Because of these factors, I like to call his type of music parlor jazz, in contrast to the loud individualistic stylings of such men as Eddie vCondon and Louis Armstrong. Critics refer to thtljshearing quintet as the finest instrumental combination in jazz. George never lets a performance go by without a few gags and puns. One of his favorites is to refer to the tune, "Jumping with Symphony Sid" as the Ameri can musicians national anthem and calls it "Gy rating with " Concert Harry". Shearing remains among the few whose records are purchased not for the tune, but for the artist. Don't miss the third annual Shearing-Eckstein tour which will play in Omaha Oct. S. ' As I mentioned earlier, here are a few of the current discs heard around campus that for want of commercial appeal will never make the Hit j Parade, but nevertheless deserve top billing in anyone's collection. "Willow Weep for Me" . , . (Cab Calloway) . . . fine alto work. "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" . . . (Charlie Ven tura) , . . catch the trumpet break. "Early Autumn" ... (Jo Stafford) . . . beauti ful tune with wonderful vocal rendition. (The above records can be heard on Program Service.) , Watch for something big in November. pratical politics. Let the citizens of a nation become interested and con cerned In the politics of their government and one need never fear the corruption or dictator ship of that government. Unless some partisan paper should warp the minds of the citi zenry. , Yours for poltics for every one, FRANK PIERSON. Suggestion For NU (Editor'! Notn Tk following editorial U reprinted from fht Kansu But Collattaa t Manhattan, Kan. II ii titrtmulr ftrti. atnt, especially la Nebraska.) Homecoming is always a special time of year. The parade, decor ated houses, pep rally, and Home coming ball to honor the queen create an atmosphere of school spirit and loyalty that convinces everyone that the Wildcats can can beat old Mizzou (or whoever that year's opponent is). Homecoming 1952 will be Octo ber 4, two weeks away. To achieve those decorated fraternity and sorority houses, many actives will work many pledges many hours. Study time will be lost, sleep will be missed, and disposi tions will be ruined. The results last two nights (unless they collapse before then). When it's all over tho Manhattan police have a head ache from directing the traffic, and six houses have trophies. The others have loads of useless crepe paper and chicken wire. The decorated houses are fun to look at, whether they are funny or pretty. We wonder, though, If the net result is worth the effort. Have the houses ever considered putting the same amount of money into some fun such as the polio campaign? Such a move would publicize K-State, proving again that Kan sans have big hearts and a sym pathetic sense of values. Instead of putting all that work Into decorated houses, the sororities and fraternities could enter floats In the Homecoming parade. Floats are less expen sive and take less hours to pre pare. This way, they would b taking their arlstie expressiona of school spirit to the public instead of making the publie dent its finders coming to them. Think it over. Margin Notes Poor Ol' Missouri Pity on the poor ol' Missouri. Not only does it flood and wreak millions, of dollars of damage on religioug organizations on campus have chosen Friday has been designated as All-University Church Night. Certainly a night such as this de serves the complete support of the school. The the countryside and be cursed for the act,. but it has garbage dumped into its muddy streams. Gov. Val Peterson has stepped into Omaha's garbage disposal problem and has requested an Army En gineer investigation of the contamination of the Missouri. When and If ever the Big Mo' was Just a little stream, it probably never foresaw such question able publicity ahead. thi3 night to welcome the student body back and many activities have been scheduled. It looks like a good time to meet new friends and get re-acquainted with the old ones. Two On The Aisle By RUTH RAYMOND Daily Nebraskan Editor Ray Bolgar is biiled as the guy "where the fun's flowing and the gals are glowin' " in a musical comedy "Where's Charley?" play ing this week at the Varsity the atre which is just about the ex tent of its filmland attributes. "Where's Charley?" was a successful Broadway play but just doesn't have the same ap peal to at least this writer. Bolger and Allyn McLerie sing and dance their awy through pretty little settings and ridicu lous scenes without too much entertainment, More than faintly reminiscent of "Charley's Aunt" which left U. S. movieland scenes quite some time ago, the plot is slapstick which can be good on occasion but just isn't. Bolger s constant lapsing into appropriate song and dance gets a little tiresome before Charley's aunt arrives and smiles smugly to Down On The Farm Agronomy Department Shorn Big Change In Buildings, Personnel Your companions are your mirror, and "e hJ nwphew impersonating i ' iher. The hoofers facial expres- show you yourself. Anonymous, FIFTY-FIRST YEAR Member Associated Collegiate Press Intercollegiate Press Th Dally Nabmkaa It avbllfhcil br (ha students of flia Piker. sllr of Ntbraska a. expression or suidentr newt and opinion! eulr Aceordlni to Article II of the Br-Luws uoverulna atndent public Ho ni aad administered br Hie Board of Publication!, "II la the de clared policy of the Board that publication udor Ita lurUdcHloa hall be free from editorial censorship on the part of the) Board, or oa the part of nnr member of the fucultr of the University, bat the mcmhere of the staff of The Dally Nebraskan are personally re sponsible for what they say or do or cause lo be printed." ejubscriptloa rates are $2.00 a semester. $2.50 mailed or $3.00 for the eolleae year. S4.00 mailed. Hlnsle copy Sc. Fablilhtd dally riarini the school year except Saturdays and Sundays, racations aad examination periods. One luvs published during the moalb of Aurnst by the UnlTCrsltr of Nebraska under the supervision of the Committee on RtndeM Publications, entered as Second Class Matter at the Pott Office ht Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act of Congress. March S, 1879, and at special rate of postage provided for In Sec tion 110.1, Act of Congress of October 8, 1917. authorised, Septem ber 10, 1922. EDITORIAL STAFF rjii.a Btk n a start making plans. If you are 21-year-old, you do Associate Editor Don puP.r hnira -tK) ,,, t , . ... Managing Kditors Sue Gorton. Km Rysirom nave something you want to get done before that News Kdiiort Saiiy Hail, iiai iiawibaich, An,, i.;i,. 4U um K1M on, oara Stephenson. Pat Ball Any WOrdS proclaiming the Kports Editor Glenn Nelson Charles Klasek Pat PMk Aa Editor rumrk Rni Society Kdllor Jan Steffea New Course Needed The Wednesday evening news columns carried a story of Sen. J. William Fulbright of Arkansas meeting with Gov. Adlai Stevenson in Springfield, 111. Tho news said "Fulbright avoided giving a direct answer to the purpose of his visit." Since It seems to be the fashion in this cam paign season, perhaps politicians would welcome an extension course in "How to Side-Stetp the ' Press." The typical coyness of the modern poli tician might have to surrender to such outright honesty. But it might add help. Let's Register October 25 really isn't so far away and if you want to get anything done by theri, you had better sions and impressions can't be im proved upon which is the salva tion of "Whyere's Charley?" Love conquers all and the en tertainment is light in Holly wood's latest musical fabrication. Rtexm mm UAKirihCtUt! MrtMCVOkl 1 CI INSURANCE? PAVM3UR PGEMIUMS QUARTERLY, SEMI ANNUALLY OR ANNUALLY At A DISCOUNT... THE V-A OFFICE TO WW ICU YOU MAIL YOUR PREMIUMS WILL EE GLAD TO PLAIN THE PETAILS date register to vote. importance of the NoVember election would be "'i?f0!?..!ld"or useless Decause xnat importance has been em phasized many times. However, The Nebraskan would like to urge every eligible person, students an faculty members, to register so that they can take part la the festivities Nov. 4. BUSINESS STAFF Murines! Manager Arnold Stern Am'I Business Manager! Stan Sipple, Pete Bcrgstea . . Do" Oeerholt Circulation Manager Ed Berg Mfht News Cdltor Bal Ilasselbklch A Classes and activities at the Ag campus are off with a bang for the students. A number of changes are completed or being completed on the campus. Many instruc tors are returning from a leave of absence or Joining the staff for the first time. The agronomy department is the one which has the biggest change. They have a new department chairman, Elvln Frolik who replaces Dr. Keim many new Instructors and a new departmental build ing. Probably the biggest talk of the campus is the increasing of the Ag Exec Board representatives. The number has been increased to 18 members (both voting and non-voting). Each club or organ ization is entitled to one repre sentative. Many of the clubs are selecting their repreesntatives during the next week. Students, especially the fresh men, are busy attending the number of parties and picnics which are being held during the next week. Many organizations are starting their 1952-53 mem bership drives with a party. Two conferences or special days are on tap for the Ag campus for the coming week. The animal hus Chuck Beam bandry department and the Live- agronomy department has stock Breeders and Feeders Asso-j charge of the day. ciation are planning a "Rooters Ag Union activities will begin Day" for September 26. The1 topic with a get acquainted hour with will be the current swine research the faculty on Sunday night. Each program. week 50 new students will be in September 26 will also be the vited to get together with mem- "Hybrid Seed Corn Producers bers of the faculty in the Ag Un- Day" on the campus. The ion lounge. NU Bulletin Board The Daily Nebraskan strenouslv objects to having its news columns serve as a bulletin board of cam pus events. Despite our desire to aid worthy organizations and vari ous groups in any way possible. our nfews judgment prevents fill ing news columns with , meetlne- LACK OR LOSS OP AfVatTtUSS vomiting; indefinite tmiN3 Of UNEASINESS, OtSCCWPO(3TCftU3T-LESSNESS. SISTER ELIZABETH frt KENNY TREATMENT OFFERS FOLIO VICTIMS THEIR BEST CHANCERS RECOVER. RESULTS OP THE KENNY TREATMENT HAVE SHOWN A MARKED REDUCTION IN CR1PPUN3 AFTER-EFFECTS FOCMERLY ASSOCIATED WITH THE RSQSE I HEADACHE, USUALLY SEVERS ANO GENCftAUZEDJMODESAJS FEVCR SELDOM RSNS AQOVt ICC. STIFF HSX, STIFF &CK,PAJNPJL EXXREMITlES.MUSaj WEAKNESS $)WPTOMS REOUewTLV A BATS TEMtoftARliy AFTER AM INITIAL ILLNESS OP A80UT TWEWTy-FOWl rCURS, RECURRING WITHIN ZorSMff CAU YOUAPOCFOMtrONCIiftTXSSi SitmOMS ABB 08SRVO! schedules. i