The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 17, 1952, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Thursday, Jufy 17, 1952
Cornerstone For New
History Building Is Laid
Surgeon General Says
Health Programs May
Conquer Communism
Scheele Speaks On'JKS' ad
" 1 T7 lT..r.lU The United States, he said, has
5trilCJSle t Or llealtll been the creative leader in this
. 7 j u'plan for helping underdeveloped
"The lance that finds th eicountrieSj and the .point Four
"U1UI lal. , 77 and Mutual Security programs
that is the international health !have been effective in setting off
program can icu uu ujr """"this chain reaction.
and the
United States in underdeveloped
areas of the world.
Courtesy Lincoln Journal-Star
PICKETS Shown here parading before the State Historical Society Building, were called off dur
ing the brief cornerstone laying ceremonies..
He added, however, that the dis
ease problem is "still staggering."
bucn was xne 'opinion .express ;miuion persons suffer from ma
by Dr. Leonard A Scheele sur-llaria nd m India aone thefe
f?01? geral of the U S. Public) 100 miUion cases and one mil.
Health Service, Federal Securityu deaths from this disease an.
Agency, m his address at the i third; n Th averagc life expect-
1" r ?U-Umverslty World'ancy in India, he continued, is
Affairs Clinic. about 30 years, as contrasted with
Speaking on "The World Strug- fi7 fn- the' United 'states, and
gle for the Health of Men Dr. j outheaBt Asia only one infant
Scheele said the health campaign . f. n t b'e old
is "a sector" in the world strug-, ,u 11.
gle for the "hearts, minds and As more and more "health
loyalties of nearly half the world's: teams" of nurses, doctors and san
people." These are the people, hejitary engineers go into backward
said, who live in countries where nations, he said, the world wide
"grinding poverty, famine and health movement is bringing free.
dom from, disease and a new sense
of well being to millions of
disease are the common lot."
Prvmtintr nut that t.hf wnrld
health improvement program people
started four years ago with es- Dr. Scheele's appearance
tablishment of WHO as a special marked the third and last of the
agency of the United Nations, Dr. series of summer session spon
Scheele said a chain reaction of sored World Affairs Clinics.
Unions Call Off Pickets For
Historical Society Ceremony
Strike Could DeUty Completion Date
The July 15 issue of the Lin
coln Evening Journal.
The July 16 issue of The Lin
coln Star.
The July 16 issue of the Omaha
World Herald.
The building, for which James
Olson, superintendent of the so
ciety, said the final overall cost
would near $500,000, was origin
ally scheduled for completion in
the sorintt of 1953. Olson said
Tuesday, however, that a pro
longed strike at the present time
by the workers could mate
rially effect" the date of comple
tion. The building, located just east
of the Student Union, will be used
for all Historical Society property,
now located in the State Capitol
Building. The majority of the
building. Olson said will be occu
pied by the museum and the li
brary, which he said would in
clude files of all Nebraska news
papers, the state's archives, a
photography laboratory, and man
uscripts and photographs of his
torical cignificance.
English Teacher Is
Invited To Sweden
Meet In August
Mamie j. Meredith, University
English instructor has been in
vited to' attend the Fourth Inter
national Congress of Onomastic
Sciences in Sweden this August.
The congress will be attended
by spcialists interested in determ
ining the origin of names of fam
ilies and places.
f U fl U in Jviiss iviereaun is one oi uiree
vxwmiuuiy uuu Electa women selected last spring as one
The Canterbury Club will meet on the srxmsors of the American
in the undercroft of the Univer- Name Society. Louise Pound, re
alty Episcopal Chapel, 13th & R, tired University English profes
Xor a six p.m. supper Sunday. sor, is also one of the founding
Carol Lundberg will prepare 'sponsors.
the meal to be served at cost.
Evening prayer will be read at
7 pm. and from 7:30 to 8:30 Rich
ard Rowen will lead a dfscussion
on "And Was Made Man" from
Chapter 6 of "The Faith of the
Church," an official book of the
teaching series of the Episcopal
It is open to the public.
The cornerstone lor the new
$500,000 State Historical Society
building was laid Wednesday,
marking what historical society
officials called a "milestone on
the road" to the new building.
In a brief ceremony, for whichj
striking construction unions
called off their pickets, Daniel
Garber, who as a state senator in
troduced the bill to the Nebraska
Unicameral providing funds for
the new building, applied tthe
trowel and guided the cornerstone
into place. James E. Lawrence,
chairman of the society and edi
tor of he Lincoln Star, presided
at the ceremonies.
The cornerstone box contained
13 documents of historical signif
icance. The documents are:
A copy of the Constitution of
the United States.
The Luisiana Purchase Treaty
between the United States and
The legislative act providing
for the organization of the Terri
tory of Nebraska.
The act enabling the people of
Nebraska to form a Constitution
and State government.
The proclamation by the Presi
dent admitting Nebraska to the
The Constitution of the State of
Nebraska, as amended and in force
in 1952.
The Articles of Incorporation
of the Nebraska State Historical
The Constitution of the Ne
braska State Historical Society.
A list of the members of the
Historical Society.
The June 1T52, issue of Ne
braska History.
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