The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, May 05, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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Monday, May 5, 1952
, In
7 r I
X 7T
Irasne Tapped
Pagentry Reigns
... 16 Selected
Sixteen careers of leaderships, scholarship and service
to the University were climaxed Saturday by the traditional
masking of Mortar Boards.
Top on the list was Syvia
Krasne who was tapped as presi
dent by Sharon Fritzler, 1951-52
Mortar Board president.
Miss Krasne is a member of
Associated Women Students, All
University Fund board, Religious
Welfare Council, Tassels and past
president of Sigma Delta Tau.
She is in Arts an& Sciences col
lege, Second-tapped and vice presi
"pww dent is Virginia
- r- 1.1 PI I
" -I !
v i c e president'
of AWS, past'
rf, acting president
, - I 3f Nebraska
Courtesy The Lincoln Slate Journal
De Bord
Council on
World Affairs,
member of Al-
oha Lambda
Delta, Pi Lam
bda Theta, Phi
Courtesy Lincoln Star Sigma Iota,
Koehler Delta Gamma
and is in Teachers College.
Cecelia Pinkerton, a Teachers
College student, was picked as the
new secretary. Miss Pinkerton is
secretary of Builders, vice presi
dent of Tassels, member of Alpha
Lambda Delta, Pi Lambda Theta,
Newman Club, and Chi Omega.
Chosen as Mortar Board treas
urer was Mary Ann Kellogg. Miss
Kellogg is president of Tassels,
member of Women's Athletic As
sociation, AUF, Pi Lambda Theta
and recording secretary of Alpha
Xi Delta. She is a student in
Teachers College.
Nanci DeBord was chosen his
torian. She is in Arts and Scien
ces college, is secretary of Coed
Counselors, corresponding secre
tary of Student Council, Junior
Class council, Alpha Epsilon Rho
and Alpha Omicron Pi.
Joan Krueger was masked as
publicity chairman, a newly
created position. In Arts and
Sciences college, Miss Krueger is
editor of The Daily Nebraska,
president of NUCWA, president of
Delta Sigma Rho, vice president
of Theta Sigma Phi, member of
Gamma Alpha Chi, University de
bate squad, Kappa Tau Alpha and
past member of Builders. She is a
member of Gamma Phi Beta.
Other members tapped and their
activities are:
Gertrude Carey president of
Barb Activities Board for Wom
en, member of AWS, religious
Welfare Council and Pi Lambda
Doris Carlson president of
YWCA, University Debate Squad,
Delta Sigma Rho vice president,
member of Pi Lambda Theta, Phi
Sigma Iota, Gamma Phi Beta and
past president of NUCWA.
Adele Coryell past manag
ing editor ofthe Cornhusker, AUF
and president of Kappa Kappa
Elizabeth Gass Coed Coun
selors president, Home Economics
club cabinet, member of Phi Ep
silon Omicron and Kappa Alpha
Joan Hanson AUF president,
past president of Red Cross, 1952
Typical Nebraska Coed, member
of Alpha Epsilon Rho, Newman
Club, and Gamma Phi Beta.
Jean Holmes Alpha Chi Omega
president, past state Home Eco
nomics nresident and rsresent
Upsilon Omicron, Ag Union board A, ';
and Tassels. I
Jean Loudon AWS president,
member of Alpha Lambda Delta,
Pi Lambda Theta, Union commit
tee and Alpha Chi Omega.
Hester Morrison YWCA vice
president, member of Alpha
Lambda Delta, Phi Sigma Iota,
Pi Lambda Theta, NUCWA, Re
ligious Welfare Council, and Chi
Jeanne Vierk president of
Home Economics club, vice cresi-
dent of Ag Builders, 1951 Typical I
Nebraska Coed, Ag Builders board
and a member of Phi Upsilon
Omicron and Alpha Chi Omega. j
Artie Westcott secretary of I
Tassels, vice president of Phi Up
silon Omicron, vice president of
Ag YWCA secretary of Gamma '
Alpha Chi and member of Homci
Economics club. 1
-luinnm minim trntjmmhim-m an. n.mmmiMMmmmitmmmtmimi,.-ii'mi P J i,",TV V Vr' !"
ft 'rr v ,
Krasne f' ) 2a, ' J? X " " '
Courtesy The Lincoln State Journal I " wS-si - l
JU k "At m
Innocents Tackle
Number I Noble
Courtesy The Lincoln State Journal
iTY DAY COURT . . ..'May Queen, Delores grove reigns over Ivy Day activities attended by
her Maid of Honor on her right, Delores Irwin. In front of the Queen her court is (1. to r.) Page,
Shirley Murphy. Attendants; Norma Wescott. Janet Steffen, Shirley Coy, Pat Beechan, Marilyn
Bamesberger, Shirley Ransdcll, Elizabeth Moodie, Marilyn Cook, Julie Johnson, Mary Lou Flah
erty, Beverly Mann, Sue Brownlee, Sally Jo Speicher and Page, Georgia Hulac. (Daily Nebraskan
- ymmmm,. TA
I Krueger
I Courtesy The Lincoln State Journal
Carlson Carey
I -v v f j
j ) ' f ' J,
Courtesy The Lincoln State Journal ;
j Gass Hanson
i rr: ,, I
i I f !
Courtesy The Lincoln Slate Journal
j Coryell Westcoit
ueen iLoverove Liuies
vy Day Festivities
Wearing the pearl encrusted
white saiin 'crown of the 1952
May Queen Saturday was De
lores Lovegrove, brown-heared,
brown-eyed senior in Teachers
She reigned over the court of
honored women and festivities
at the 51st annual Ivy Day cere
monies held on the campus.
An art major, she plans to go
into occupational therapy work
after graduation. She was pre
sented her crown by Delores
Irwin, maid-of-honor.
The May Queen and her
maid-of-honor were selected by
secret ballot of junior and sen
ior women, and her identity was
not revealed until the court pro
cessional Saturday morning.
For her appearance as queen,
Miss Lovegrove wore a gown
of white satin, Chantilly lace
trimming the front from bodice
to hem in four panels. The
skirt flowed into a court train
and she carried out the Ivy Day
colors of purple and yellow by
wearing a gown of yellow lace
The May Queen is past presi
dent of campus YWCA; mem
ber of Panhellenic Council; Al
pha Lambda Delta, freshman
women's scholastic honorary;
Pi Lambda Theta, honorary and
professional education frater
nity for Women; Delta Phi
Delta, national honorary organi
zation for art students; and
scholarship chairman of Alpha
Xi Delta sorority.
Miss Irwin is past president
of Women's Athletic Associa
tion; member of Mortar Board,
senior women's honorary so
ciety; a n d a Teachers College
Members of the Ivy Day
Court included:
Attendants: Seniors E 1 i z a
beth Moodie and Shirley Rans
dell. Juniors Marilyn Bames-
berger, Patricia Bechan, Mari
lyn Cook, Shirley Coy, Kathleen
Dill, Mary Lou Flaherty, Julie
Johnson and Beverly Mann.
Sopohmores Sue Brownlee and
Janet Steffen. Freshmen Sally
Jo Speicher and Norma West
cott. Pages Georgia Hulac land
Shirley Murphy.
Children in the court were:
Lewis R. Anderson III, crown
bearer; flower girl; Susan Kay
Jenkins, flower girl. The An
derson children are a grand
daughter and grandson of Mrs.
Louise Barr Anderson, The first
May Queen.
Leaders of the Ivy Chain:
Nancy Benjamin, Marilyn
Clark, Clarice Fiala, Mary Ann
Grundman, Janet Ross, and
Mary Sidner.
Leaders of the Daisy Chain:
Barbara Bredthauer, Elaine
Fsch, Lois Gerelick and Ruth
Jean Loudon, Con VJoohine Win Honors
As 1952 Junior-Senior Prom Queen, Kin
... 13 Successors
The Innocents couldn't find their men
The Thirteen crossed and re-crossed through the Ivy
Day throng and still were unable to locate all of their unior
SUCCTeSnrminutes later, the Innocents reassembled. Presi
dent Jerry Johnson went after his man He walked around
one side of the crowd, crossed to the other side, shifted, re-
tllC6Cl IllS steps
And then he tackled Don Noble, new president of In-
n0CeluccesXtely tackled were Wayne White, vice presi
dent; Dean Linscott, secretary; Arnold Stern, treasurer;
an A .Tnbn Hrppr. serjeant-at-arms.
j o , -,, . j Tnnmft ivnm
vjiner lapycu umviiM
Dan Tolman, Glenn Rosenquist,
Robert LaShelle, Marty Lewis,
Art Becker, Ira Epstein, Bill
Adams and Don Pieper.
Former Gov. Dwight P. Grls
wold of Scottsbluff and Lt. Gov.
Charles Warner of Waverly
were announced as new honor
ary Innocents by Bob Mosher,
former Innocent and announcer.
Noble, College of Pharmacy,
is president of Corn Cobs, business
manaeer of the Cornhusker. mem-
Courtesy The Lincoln State Journal . j Sttirlent Council. University
I band, and of Phi Kappa Psi fra
White, Ag college student, is
treasurer of Student Council,
president of Ag Executive board,
manager of Coll-Agri-Fun board,
Ag Union committee chairman,
and vice president of Farm House
Linscott, Ag student, is presi
dent of Builders, business man
ager of Cornhusker Countryman,
member of Student Council, and
Courtesy The Lincoln State Journal ; vice president Of Alpha Gamma
f - "wJ
Jean Loudon ond Con Wool-'
wine were chosen Saturday to1
reign as King and Queen of the
Junior-Senior prom. They were
elected by the electric recording
of the applause of those attending
the annual dance. j
Miss Loudon, a junior in Teach
ers college, was nominated for the
twelve finalists. They were each
presented a crown which is a
traveling trophy for the Junior
henior royalty. , Bob Swaim
senior class treasurer presiding
in the absence of President Joe
Gifford, presented the new
queen with a dozen red roses.
Veakley, Pat O'Brien, Marilyn
Peterson, Jackie Sorenson, Dolly
McQiiiston, Jack Cohen, Bruce
Hendrickson, Don Winkelmann,
Gene Robinson and George Wil
cox. Dave Haun and his orchestra
ditional dance. It was sponsored
Rho fraternity.
Stern, freshman law student, is
assistant business manager of The
Daily Nebraskan, Interfraternity
Council treasurer, and president
of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity.
Greer, Teachers college, is a
member of swimming team, junior
class treasurer,, president of Arn
old Air society, and a member of
Beta Theta Pi fraternity.
Tolman, business administra
tion, is vice president of Corn
Cobs, Varsity track team, junior
Courtesy The Lincoln State Journal Class secretary, KISUS Sports di
rector, and secretary of Sigma
Chi fraternity.
Rosenquist, arts and sciences,
is vice president of Interfraternity
council, member of the Board of
Student Publications, junior class
council and treasurer of Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity.
LaShelle, business administra
tion, is president of Red Cross
College Unit. University convoca
tions committee, and Alpha Tau
Omega fraternity.
Lewis, business administration.
Courtesy The Lincoln Plate Journal, IS treasurer 01 Corn CODS, presl-
Mern ureer i
The candidates entered the
honor by Delta Tau Delta fratern- ballroom In couples and were in- ditional dance. It was sponsored
ity. She is a member of Alpha Chi troduced by Swaim. Mr. and Mrs. by the members of the Junior and f f
Omega. W. H. Carson and Sgt. and Mrs. Senior class officers and the class!"""""16 "
Woolwme was nominated by Henry OSJeil, faculty chaperons, councils.
Delta Delta Delta sorority. A took the readings from the ap-; For the first time, the Prom was
I senior in the College of Business plause meter to determine the planned as a climax to the events
ill"" (
- if - f ! I f
Administration, he is a member finalists.
of Phi Gamma Delta. I Serving as a court for Miss
The 1952 King and Queen Loudon and Woolwine were the
were selected from a group of other candidates Mildred
of Ivy Day. This was also the
first time that a King had been
selected to reign with a Queen for
; the dance.
Courtesy The Lincoln State Journal
NU Leaders
"7 W
r'niirlrfy The Lincoln State Journal
Morrison Vierk
Courtesy The Lincoln fitale Journal
NU WHEELS . . . Dr. Nathan Blumberg, Ivy Day master of ceremonies awaits his next cue while
Dr. T. J. Thompson, Dean of Student affairs, chats with Innocents president Jerry Johnson.
, h
Musical slotes
Auplha Phi, Sigi
Alpha Phi, using a song aboutiwith Janice Fullcrton and Johnl petition,
its sorority, "Alpha Phi Sweet- Nelson conducting the second! Charles Wiemalcr made the
heart," and Sigma Chi, singing a place winners. Nancy Norman award presentations for Kosmct
spiritual, "Jonah," took the top and Bob Van Voorhis lead the Klub in the men's division.
dent of junior class, assistant busi-.
ness manager of 1952 Cornhusker.
and vice president of Sigma Phi
Epsilon fraternity.
Becker. Ag student, is a mem
ber of University band, Alpha
Zeta Chronicle, president Voc Ag
association junior offices, presi
dent of Ag Lutheran Student as
sociation, president of midwest
region Lutheran Student associa
tion, and member of Farm Housa
Epstein, arts and sciences, is.
Yell Kinff. Student Council snora-l
i,K7:ncL'ncolniS.,,H'Vary. Ye'l Squad advisory board
LaShelle Lew la and presidcnt of sigma Alpha M
Adams, business administration,
is historian of Kosmet Klub, vice
president of junior class, treas
urer of Red Cross College Unit,
and Delta Tau Delta fraternity.
Pieper, arts and sciences, is
managing editor of The Daily Ne
braskan, vice president of Sigma
Delta Chi and a member of junior
class council and of Sigma Chi
Coed Chem Group
Initiates Members
Iota Sigma Pi, women's chem
istry honorary, initiated four new
members Tuesday, April 28.
Those initiated were, Annette
Luebers, Bernadine Robb, Alice
Joy Heiss and Anna Thurston.
After the initiation ceremony all
members attended a dinner and
Dr. O. J. Webster, of the Uni
versity agronomy department, ad
dressee; tne group. Dr. Webster
has returned recently from a
year's stay in Nigeria.
Courtesy The Lincoln 'Stall- Journal
Becker Epstein
Courtrty The Lincoln State Journal
Adams Pieper
Heels Up
NEW rREXY . . . r5haron Fritzler naslily llr) black msslc ever
fcer fhouen tuccetisor, Rrvl Krasne, as presidcnt of Morlar Board.
Another Mortar Board acclalmlnir the masking i Audrey Rosen
kaom, alumna, (Dally Nebraskan fhote.)
two places in Ivy Day sing com
petition Saturday afternoon.
Sixteen Inch lovlny cup trav
eling trophies and a plairue
were given to two winner.
Plagues were also given Delta
Delta Delta, Beta Sigma Psi,
second place winners and Pi
Beta Phi, Tan Kappa Epsilon,
third place winners.
The Tri-Delts sang ''Delta
Dream" while the Beta Sies won
jiwith "De Animals A-comin!"
II "Wunderbar" was the title of
I the Pi Phi number. The other
J, third place number was "Baby-
ions falling."
third place winners.
Virginia Cooper representing
Associated Women Students
presented the trophies to the
winners in the women's com-
i uiiuwuiK lilt; u tnKzi I una uuu Kl
awaras me aigma enrs recorciea
their song for transcription on the
"Your University Speaks" radio
program Sunday.
Two Pinmates Couples Tapped
As Innocents, Mortar Boards
Don were tackled for Innocents
a fact in itself quite a coincidence.
But the laws of chance were
Feature Editor
rinmates Artie Wescott, Don
Noble and Cecilia Pinkerton, Dean dealt an even grea'ter blow Satur
Linscott had ample reason for 'day. Artie and Don are both from
It was the second triumph In rejoicing Saturday night. Holdroge and although Dean hails
as many years for the Sigma Chi I Artie and Cecelia were masked from Blue Springs while Cecelia
director, Charles Curtis. Marcia for Mortar Board during the Ivy is from Beatrice they both went
Ireland lca,d the Alpha Thi song, Day ceremonies and Dean andl to Beatrice High School.
. . . ""V" ... Don Noble, Innocent presl
dent, elect, goes down before the Hying tackle of Jeiry JohmSt
president of the society. (Dally Nebraskan Photo ) Jonnmn