The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 07, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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Monday, April 7, 1952 f
Weber Presented Ag Award
For High Freshman Average
Jim Weber, Ag college sopho
more, has been announced winner
of the Alpha '.Seta medal for hav
ing the highest freshman scholas
tic average in Ag college last year.
The award was made at the an
nual Alpha Zeta initiation ban
quet Thursday night. Twenty men
were initiated into Alpha Zeta,
agricultural scholastic honorary,!
prior to the banauet.
Weber compiled an 8.3 aver
age in winning the award. He is
holder of Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben
and Frisbie 4-T scholarships,
member of University 4-H club,
Builders board, Corn Cob work
er and member of Farm House.
New initiates in Alpha Zeta are:
Gene Holscher, Richard Gifford,
Carl Fox, Clinton McNaught,
Richard Petersen, Donald Ander
son, Buele Balderston, Calvin
Lepp and Clinton Hoover, seniors;
James Nissen, Howard Nelson,
Joe Roh, Joel Waddill, Wayns
Frost, Marvin Paneitz, Fred Cox,
a r A fs O
I IlSfi v, . Jk
Pierson Wins 3 Games,
Tops Ping Pong Tourney
Eugene Pierson won three out
of four final games to win the
Ag Union ping pong finals last
Pierson was champion over 10
weekly winners who participated
in the finals. His name will be
recorded on a traveling plaque.
He was also awarded a new ping
pong paddle.
Tony Woolman, who was in
, charge of the tournament, an
" nounced that another tournament
is scheduled for the future.
A-Z INITIATES . . . Twenty As college men initiated into Alpha
Zeta, Ag scholastic honorary, Thursday night are: (I. to r., back
row) Buele Balderston, Joel Waddill, Howard Nelson, Gene Hol
scher, James Nissen, Richard Gifford, (second row) Carl Fox, Joe
Roh, Fred Cox, Clinton McNaught, Don Anderson, Wayne Frost,
Keith Kreycik, Calvin Lepp, (front row) Marvin Paneitz, Richard
Petersen, Clinton Hoover, Jim Weber, Don Plucknett and Dale
Reynolds. (Daily Nebraskan Photo.)
ause $1,000 IF
lied flag Display M
Feature Editor
Acacia, its been nice having
you around.
Leslie Jensen, freshman in
Law college, reports that the
Acacia boys may be fined up
to $1,000 or be imprisoned up
to five years according to ex
isting Nebraskan statutes, for
Donald Plucknett and Keith land reform. He Is author of the
Kreycik, juniors; Jim Weber and book "The American Failure
Dale Reynolds, sophomores.
Also honored at the Alpha
Zeta banquet were Dr. Clyde C.
Mitchell and professor John
Schrunk, who were chosen as
associate members . of Alpha
NU Faculty
Three Books
Three new textbooks have been
written by four University faculty
Clifford M. Hicks, chairman of
the business organization and man
agement department, is the author
of, "Business Law," published by
Harper and Brothers of New York
iTi'hr Tha 1 IKK Ul
resejiis a iresn approacn to teacn-
Professor Schrunk is teaching: Sfs1-'w 'n that a11 ruies
and dome research work in the l "v:,l . ,
field of soil and water in the Ag'10.11 noe words of court de
engineering department. HeiClsl0ns- .W1 the, ufact being
served as designing engineer with j summarized by the author,
the Water Facility program in! Dr. Norman Hill, professor of
Dr. Mitchell is chairman of the southwest Nebraska and Okla-political science, is the author of,
Ag Economics department. He re- hma from 1939 to 1943. He was "International Organization," pub
., . , . . engineer in charge of all soil con- ashed by Harper and Brothers.
cently served as chairman of the sprv,tinn districts in so.ithwpsr The bonk dismiss the work-in
board of directors of the New Oklahoma from 1943-1947.
Korea Land company. As head of , pauj Stewart, agronomist and
this organization he supervised the general secretary for Robinson'
entire economy of South Korea Seed Co., was speaker for the
and administered a program of1 banquet.
ROTC Cadets Graf, Shipp Selected
For Trio To West Point Celebration
"" s - ft - t
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Cadet 2nd Lts. John A. Graf and
of the United Nations. Interna
tional Court of Justice, and other
governmental and private or
ganizations, but is not concerned
with international politics.
Dr. J. M. Reinhardt, chairman
of the sociology department, and
Dr. Paul Meadows, professor of
sociology, and the late J. M. Gil
lette of the University of North
Dakota, are the authors of, "Social
their display of a red, mock
Russian flag.
The Acacians represented
Russia at the mock United
Nations assembly last Thurs
day and Friday. Their flag
consisted of a star and a ham
mer and cycle on a red field.
Jensen quoted section 28-1104
of the Revised Statutes of Ne
braska, 1943: "It shall be un
lawful for any person to dis
play within the state of Ne
braska any red flag or black
flag." Provision is made, how
ever, that the railroads may use
red flags as signals and that
they may be used as warning
Section 28-1105 states that "It
shall be unlawful for any per
son to have in his possession,
custody, or control any red or
black flag.
Section 28-1107 sets the pun
ishment for the violation of
either of these statutes as "a
fine of not more than $1,000 or
imprisonment of not more than
five years."
The Acacians did run into
some mild trouble over their
flag when they were Visited
by detectives from the local
police force late Wednesday
afternoon. Pat Allen, junior in
business administration, re
ports that "the detectives re
quested that we take (the
flag) down for the evening
because of several complaints
over its display."
They took it down that eve
ning, Allen said, and put it up
early the next morning.
"Our purpose in the use of
the flag," said Allen, 'was to
obtain interest in Jhe United
Nations and cause the people to
get further enlightenment in the
proceedings of the U.N."
Or P
Courtesy The Lincoln Stf
. Pat Allen, representing Acacia, is
chairman of the delegation from the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics at the Mock Charter Amendment conference. He dis.
plays the Russian flag which subjected his house to police invest!,
Builders Seal Contest Entries
Must Be Submitted By May 2
Entries for the University Build-i separate sheet of paper,
er's seal contest must be submitted Miss Reinhardt said entries will
by May 2, according to Susan be judged on artistic qualities and
Builders publicity
Problems and Social Policy" pub- It was stated that Ed Weir, can-
lished by the American Book tain in 1924 and 1925, was the
Company. The book deals with last captain named by' plavers to
Raymond F. Shipp will represent some of the major problems con- serve for a full season. George
the University army ROTC at'rontinS society today and stresses Farley, elected ;n 1929, was the
activities celebrating the 150the.,?fel Since
incut uuuugu wcniuk-irttiu nicit luue game captains nave oeen
appointed by the various coaches.
anniversary of the U. S. Military: processes,
Academy at West Point.
Appointment of the cadets
was. announced Friday by
Chancellor R. G. Gustavson.
They were chosen frm a list of
candidates on the basis of their
military bearing
Sakai To Speak At History,
Social Studies Conference
Cadet Graf, a junior in the Col-, analyzed by the Nebraska his
lege of Engineering, is enrolled in' tory and sodal studieg teachers
ine corps oi engineers Drancn oi
Cadet Shipp is a junior in the
College of Agriculture and is en
rolled in the military police corps
Forty years of change will beltrast to current convention lec
tures he talked on "One Hundred
Years of Peace and the Dangers
Courtc? The Lincoln Star
University Army ROTC at activities celebrating the 15th anniver
sary of the U.S. military academy at West Point will be Cadet
2nd Lts. John A. Graf, jr., (1.) and Raymond F. Shipp. Graf is a
mechanical engineer enrolled in the corps of engineers branch.
Shipp is an ag student and enrolled in the military police corps
of the ROTC. '
Civil Service Calls For
Radar Instructor Trainees
of ROTC,
The Nebraskans are two of 80
cadets from senior ROTC units
in 40 colleges and universities in
the midwest who are visiting
West Point between March 27
and May 4.
Cadets Graf and Shipp will
spend four days at the academy
May 1 to May 4. During this time
they will follow the same routine
of study and living as the West
Point cadets.
assembled at their 40th anniver
sary convention April 25, 26.
University history instructor
Robert Sakai will be the prin
cipal dinner speaker, according
to J. L. Sellers, University pro
fessor in charge of the annual
convention. Luncheon lecturer
will be Professor E. N. Ander
son. An afternoon coffee hour
for all attending college teach
ers will open the convention.
The Saturday morning break
fast will be followed by a panel
At the first convention, held at
the University in 1912. Howard
Caldwell was the speaker. In con-
That Threatened It."
The Nebraska . History and
Social Studies Teachers associa
tion officers are: Mrs. Ruth
Dodge, Lincoln high school,
president; Prof. D. McFerren,
Hastings college, vice president;
and Elizabeth Shaver, Northeast
high school, secretary.
Entries are to be mailed or
turned in to the Builders office,
Room 308, Union.
Contestants are to submit draw
ings on a white sheet of paper
Judges for the contest are
Miss Mary Mielenz, faculty ad
visor for Builders; Dean Lin.
scott, president of Builders, and
a faculty member to be an
nounced later.
Th winnpr will rprpi7A 45 frnn
with their name attached on a Builders, the chairman said.
AUF Board Post Open To Applicants
Applications for All University weighted averaee of 5 or abova
Fund faculty solicitation board and previous experience in AUF.
member are now being accepted. Applications are available in
The position was left open after the AUF office, Room 306, Union,
the resignation of Sandra Walt. (Deadline for filings is Tuesday.
Applicants for the faculty solici- Interviews for board position
tation position must have a I will beein at noon Wednesday.
. ..: . 8 1 1 1 S I I iiSS:
12th Gr Q Sts.
Covert Scuff Mark I
f Mark I Give Sho Richer Color I
" " mm nc rwllMI jmm.
lC lH . MOWN . Iiul 01 lu . MIO IAM
Ask any
A civil service examination fori
radar instructor and radar in
structor (trainee) positions at the
Keesler air force base, Biloxi,
Miss., has been announced by the
U. S. Civil Service commission.
Entrance salaries are $3,410
snd $4,205 a year.
To qualify for trainee positions,
applicants must show they have
had at least four years of exper
ience in radar or radio repair and
maintenance, or in electronics re
search of closely allied fields.
College study in electrical en
gineering, or in courses which ,
have included study in engineer
ing, physics, mathematics, chem
istry or other related physical
sciences may be substituted for
all or part of the experience.
Teaching experience may also
be substituted.
For the higher paid positions,
applicants must meet the above
requirements and also have a least
a year of experience as a resident
instructor in electrical engineer
ing or physics in a college or uni
versity. The age limits, 18 to 62 years,
do not apply to persons entitled
to veteran preference.
Further information and appli
cation forms may be obtained at
most first and second-class r.-ost
offices, civil service regional of
fices or from the U. S. Civil Serv
ice commission, Washington, 25,
D. C.
QlaMikjd: (Ml
To place a classified ad
Stop in the BiuineM Office Room 20
Student Union
&Q 2-7631 Exu 4226 for CUmI
fied Service
Hours 1-4:30 Mon. ihro fri.
""No. words 1 day 2 days 3 dayj4 dayJJweek
M0 $i4Q I -w I J 85Lj1j L1L20
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" 16-20 .60 1 .95 1.25 1 .50J L70
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rtportl, OU. tiprIDCd. 2-82i3.
IH m m. Kmitmati Bound projector. Both
nenrly new, muet eeil immediately. Way
beiow lint prlcaa. If Richard Blevera at
3D2i Starr Htreet after 2:0 p.m. Pally.
The Daily Nebraskan want
ads have a reputation for quick
economical results.
I: M
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.SiZxrit'i nc much Milder
nj nive you the JWEEZ L-""
and give you - ,
a6k itnnnmmMti:r A
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