Wednesday, March 26, 1952 Little Man On Campus By Bibbs Barbed Wire Letterip EDITORIAL PAGE THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Five Hours Left For Fun If you are an average college student you study between 10 and 20 hours a week. You are in a tmall minority, If you study more than 30 hours. That Is what the results of an Associated Collegi ate Press poll indicate. A survey of college students throughout the nation showed that 45 per cent of students study from 10 to 20 hours a week, aside from mid term week and final exam week. The next largest group, composing 28 per cent of students polled, studies 10 hours or less. About 16 per cent study from 20 to 30 hours and about 5 per cent, 30 hours or more. Six per cent said they didn't know. Students in the latter category said they had a "very irregular schedule." Graduate students study the most according to the polL Thirty-five per cent put in more than 20 hours a week as compared to 19 per cent for freshmen and 23 per cent for seniors. A pre-law student at the University of Akron said that "most of the time you don't know what to study for." He studies less than 10 hours a week. A sophomore in music says she studies "whenever I get a chance," which amounts to about 15 hours a week. . A few other comments were: A business senior at Baylor maintained that his courses over lapped too much to require extensive study. A girl in liberal arts who spends 10 to 20 hours a week with books said that college work should be difficult, but not enough to keep' you forever swamped. If this poll Is anywhere near accurate there are plenty hours left over for part time jobs and (or) social activities and extra-cirrlcular ac tivities for students. i For instance, besides studying, a student must attend classes, take time to eat and sleep. Taking the maximum number of study hours of nearly one half of college student, 20, in addition to eight hours of sleep each night or 56 a week, and a maximum of three hours a day or 21 a week for eating and an average number of class hours, 17, this would total about 114 hours. With 168 hours in the week, this leaves at least 54 hours for activities, part time work and social activity. Even a part time job of 20 hours a week would allow about five hours a day of free time. College students evidently are not too pressed for time. Naturally, much is wasted, but much is put to excellent use. Good budgeting of time often will produce several extra hours a week for students who feel over burdened with college activities J.K. Figures Don't Jibe Forty-three freshman coeds, still instilled with Vigorous high school pep, will compete tonight for the two positions, on the 1952 yell squad. These coeds realize the large odds (one to 22) but will display all their pep and enthusiasim to gain the positions. Entered in the cheerleader competition are 13 freshmen men. However, in contrast to the coeds, approximately half of them will become squad members for three will be selected as cheer leaders and two named alternates. Next year, seven men and four coeds will be leading the Husker yells. The Daily Nebraskan suggests that the advisory board uke a look at the number of -interested candidates as compared to the small number which will be selected. The nunv ber does not seem to correspond to the interest shown by each sex. S.G. Let's Hear Senator Kerr A "100 per cent" Truman Fair Dealer, a man who was born in a log cabin and now admittedly worth at least $10 million, Sen. Robert S. Kerr of Oklahoma, will speak in the Union ballroom tonight at 8 p.m. As scheduled by the University Convocations committee, Senator Kerr will speak on education, foreign policy and his record as gov ernor of Oklahoma. Sen. Estes Kefauver, his only opponent in Ne braska, will speak in the Union ballroom next Monday night at 8 p.m. ic Main contention, in regard to the Nebraska battle ground, seems to be the natural gas bill, sponsored by Krr, passed by both Senate and House and vetoed by President Truman. The Federal Power commission then adopted a ruling In line with Kerr's suggested legislation. The FPC ruling removes independent gas produces from FPC price regulations like the original legislation proposed. Nebraska's Gov. Val Peterson protested the Kerr bill. And Nebraska's Sen. Hugh Butler voted for the bill. Hence, the injection of Kerr into the Nebraska Senatorial campaign plus his differences with Senator Kefauver. Kefauver has announced that Senator Kerr is backed in Nebraska by the "Quigley-Boyle po litical machine." James C. Quigley is a national Democratic committeeman from Valentine, and Bernard J. Boyle is an Omaha attorney heading Kerr's state forces. Senator Kerr is being recommended to fellow Democrats for many reasons, one being the "equal ity for all citizens" which he has advocated. Kerr backers include in this: appointment of Negroes to high positions, carrying precincts in Negro dis tricts by majorities of 3 to 1 and 4 to 1, using the full power of his office to give equal rights and opportunities to all citizens, regardless of race, creed or color and materially increasing the num ber of Negroes holding executive positions in Okla homa's state government. With his Oklahoma backing, in which state segregation is written into the law, Senator Kerr voted with the South against civil rights legisla tion. Senator Kerr is on record as voting with labor on 21 or 22 key votes listed by a national labor organization. He advocates 100 per cent of parity for farmers and says he will always give labor the benefit of a doubt. He favors unreduced spend ing for social services and public works. Following President Truman's dismissal of Gen. Margin Notes In Gov. Val Peterson's press conference this week, he pointed to specific instances of "un truths" published in the campaign of his rival for ft U. S. Senate seat, Sen. Hugh Butler. The Republican battle for the Senatorial position aeems to have degenerated Into a charge, counter-charge, campaign rather than a political race based on constructive platforms. The th3me of Search Week, "mapping a way to a more secure life," and the general atmosphere of the 'entire program seems to have been brought much closer to students and student religious prob lems this year. Congratulations tj the University pastors, student Search Week heads and all others concerned, with Injecting quite a bit of vitality Into an extremely vital project "At Student with religious difficulties might well take advantage of the personal Interviews being arranged with the Search Week speakers. Such a plan will be beneficial not only to those who have a speclfio problem to present but also to any University student that sees the importance of the guidance of the speakers, all of whom are national religious figures. Gen. Alfred M. Gruenther, native Nebraskan and General Eisenhower's chief of staff in Europe, told the Senate foreign relations committee of "in ternal" progress in the western European nations In regard to defense. General Gruenther quoted General Eisenhower as saying that the defense of western Europe must come from within the Euro pean nations and that progress in this direction is being made in good measure. It is encouraging to hear something besides conflict, coercion and con fusion come out of the politics and policies of the defense of western Europe. Daily Thought So every man tells himself, all the long day the story of his ego, canceling event .nd truth, losing his' hold on time. Philip Wyiie, Douglas MacArthur, Senator Kerr was one of the most vigorous advocates of the President's de cision. Senator Kerr's foreign policy is that "we can prevent aggression without provoking world war," and that . . . "we can establish perman ent peace in the world through responsible co operation with other nations." Senator Kerr favors a program for unified planning and development of river valleys, under direction of federal and state agencies and without the creation of a "fourth level of government." He has voted for price and rent controls, for reorganization of the Reconstruction Finance Corp oration, for stronger anti-trust laws and for Hoover commission plans to reorganize the government. Senator Kerr has also fought the Taft-Hartley labor law. The Senator from Oklahoma has a long record of devotion to the Democrat party, Jackson day dinners and President Truman. He has been her alded as a colorful figure stepping to the fore front of the Democrat party. His Presidential campaign is qualified in that he is seeking the Democrat nomination only if President Truman doesn't want it. Whether of voting age or not, University stu dents should hear Senator Kerr; should listen with discretion to his remarks and ask questions, if possible, of this candidate for the highest office of the nation. R.R. Policies Not Politics The action of the University convocation com mittee, in bringing Senators Kerr and Kefauver to the campus, meantime keeping themselves and their organization free rom political allignment seems to be a highly commendable piece of work. Dr. Carl Schneider, chairman of the Con vocations committee, has enumerated five points which is the committee policy on bringing political speakers to the campus. Theory behind the policy is that such speeches are educational. Only the political candidate or his University representatives are allowed to suggest to the committee the name of a desired speaker. Only candidates for national political office may be considered for scheduling through the committee. Some member of the faculty or administrative staff must introduce the speaker who is to consider current issues of national importance only. Classes are not dismissed for these extra-scheduled con vocations. The convocations committee met with student and faculty requests for political speakers on the caripus. They worked out a method whereby the University itself could not be charged with supporting any certain candidate for a national office. At the same time they have supplied in centive for greater and more informed political action by students in the future. Dr. Schneider, Dr. George Rosenlof, Dr. LeRoy Laase, Dr. Frank Sorenson, Duane Lake, Julius Cohen, Lynn Kunkel and Bob LaShelle have done a job for which they should receive student praise and thanks. R.R. Jim (Daily Thiha&huv FIFTY-FIRST YEAR Member Associated Collerfat Press Intercollegiate Press The Dally Nebraskan kt publUhei by the indents at the University of neoraslia m exp-essiou 01 siaaenie- newt ana opin ion! only. Aeeardlnf to Article U of the vy-Laws lovemlnx Indent publications and administered toy the Board of Publica tions, "It Is the declared policy of ii Board that publications, onder It Jurisdiction thall bo fret from editorial censorship oa the part of the Board, or oa the part of any member of the faculty of the University, but the members of the ataff of Tbs Dally Nebraskan are personally responsible for what they aay or do or cause to bo printed." , Subscription rates are fS.OO a semester, I2.SO mailed or SSt.OO for the collcre year, $4.00 mailed. Single oopy sc. Published dally dnrlnf the schcol year except Saturday and Rnndays, vacations and examination periods. One Issue published durtnr the month of August by the Unirerslty of Nebraska under the upenrlilon of the committee on Student Publications. Entered as Seopnd Class Matter at the Post Offlloo In Lincoln, Nebraska, wider Act of Conrrrss, March 3, 1810, and at special rata of pontare provided for tu Section 1103, Act of Congress of October S, 1011, authorised September 10. MM. EDITORIAL STAFF Editor Jna Kteer Associate Editor ........ Kaymonu Managing Editors Do" Pleper. Sue Gorton News Editors Sally Adams, Ken Rystrom, Jf-J Steffen, Hal Ilasselbalch, Sally Hall R ports Editor Marshall Knshner Assistant Sports Editor Olenn Nelson Feature Editor Kathy Radaker Ag Editor . Dale Reynolds Society Editor., .Connie Oordon Photographer . .....Bob Sherman Reporters nick Ralston. Sara Strnhennon. Leonard Zajleek, Pat Peck, Shirley Murphy, Boh Ptnkerton, llarlcne Podlesak, Jan Harrison, Lyle Dennlston, Jerry Robert son, rat Ball, Ann Tyson, Peg Bartunek, Ann Carlson. Elaine Millar. Agnes Anderson, Louts Schorn, Gi-rta Craig, Mary ane net iinoiigh. Bob Decker, Bea Beutel, Jan Hennlngson Natalie Katt, Ron Gibson and Ed Berg. BUSINESS STAFF Business Manager J'tek Cohen Assistant Business Managera. .... .Stan Slpple, Arnold Stern, Pete Bergsten rirenlatloa Mnnwnr. ........................... .George Wilcox Mghs Nun Editor Jane! SteffsB 'Searching' Questions Dear Editor: This uropu- ta CaarpVl Wpftlc here on campus, we are searcnuig ior brotherhood, understanding and a strong faith which we can hold I J. J ; , ai J A I U oil io tuning inese uayo. ni ure end of the week we will try to focus our thoughts toward a cam pus "bases for unity." In view of these thoughts I would like to raise a few questions; and let you as well as myseli think about them. Is your faith any stronger now than it was when you came to the University? If it is it may be that you are in the minority. Why do I say this? 'Cause a strong faith is one that is vital and a vital faith is one that is jelng practiced. In answer to the above ques tion one student said to me the other night that many students are afraid to think about build ing a strong faith during college days. I asked why and she replied: "Because they feel that a strong faith may hinder the frivolity of eolleee life and students want to be typical coed 'Bettys' or college 'Joes. Forgetting about religion is n protection to their consciences. But does a strong faith mean that you have to wear a black velvet sown and let your tace touen me. floor? No I surely hope not a strong faith is more than an etni eal code. Whv can't tvDical coed "Bettys" and college "Joes" take a vital faith with them to King's on Sat urday night or into the classroom with them on jvionaayr Keugiou today is more than a department of life it is all of life. Are we really protecting our consciences or are we just letting tnem sieep.' Another student repnea: "Definitely no I think it has weakened mine." What an in dictment, and this student's statement could have been true. Who makes up this campus community? You do, I do, fac ulty members, and other stu dents. The atmosphere is only as religious as we make it. Are we searching for truth in our classrooms or do we accept what somebody else has said? Are we disciplined students as far as stu dent habits are concerned? Do wc stand up for an ethical code of conduct? (When I say ethical code this is not by any means a take-off on the common sub ject of smoking and drinking.) Do we have wholesome rela tionships with the fellow next door to use? Are we our brother's keefer? Is there a brotherhood of unity among greeks, independ ents and faculty members? Is this a united campus community or is it divided? Granted you can be religious outside the student religious houses but I ask the question, are we? (I also ask the student houses, are we being religious inside or them.) Probably some of you don't come to the student groups be cause you feel that you don't and can't get anything from them. This could be true. It it is what are! we doing about it? We make up! the campus community and it is only as strong as the weakest link Are we all interested in help ing to produce a true religious atmosphere on our campus or are we interested in helping to promote University religious ''v t 1 " An' now, being carried off the field on the shoulders of his men, goes the coach of the LOSING TEAM." living which is just about as In- , talks sponsored by the three law toxicatlng as skim milk? fraternities at the Uniin, we want I don't know the answers. The to go on record as not being in problems may not even be here The decisions and answers are In your hands! PAT WALL Danforth Graduate Fellow No Endorsement Dear Editor: In order to clarify our posi tion and rebutt any inferences' arising from the recent political NU BULLETIN BOARD Wednesday 7:15 Tryouts for Yell Squad, p.m., Coliseum. YMCA Current World Prob lems, 4 p.m., Ellen Smith hall, Southeast room, leader, JNancy Dark. YMJA Battle for Ballots, El len Smith hall, Sou.hvest room, 4 p.m., leades- Syvia Krasne. Student uoancii, t p.m., noum 315, Union. ": treet scene," iNeDrasKa uiea- ter, 8 p.m. . Information on wave omcer training program available in Union Booth. Vocation Education banquet, 6:30 p.m., Union, Parlors ABC. Senator Kerr convocation, 8 n.m.. Union ballroom. Dr. . McfJiung tenting speaKS at Teachers college convocation, 11 a.m., Love Library auditorium. APRIL FOOL CARDS Send a friend an April Fool card. Tricky and funny Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 No. 14th Street support of either candidate for the office of U.S. senator. We do not endorse political candidates as a matter of policy. We endorsed the session only insofar as it might be of interest to the stu dent body as a whole. Sincerly, KEITH J. KOVANDA President, Delta Theta Phi Law Fraternity KNUS On The Air 870 ON YOUB DIAL Wednesday 3:00 Music from Everywhere 3:15 Memorable Musio 3:30 Your Student Union 3:45 Readings tot All 4:00 Musical Grab Bag 4:15 Moose Calls 4:34) UNESCO Show 4:45 Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody 5:00 Sign Off "' ' WkMaW BarbWyl'w I suppose everyone has their favorite story, so, per haps a good way to start this column would be to tell mine. The small boy had just come home from school and mother proceeded to ask him what he had done, during the day. The young son replied that his teacher had asked them where they were born. "Of course, you told her you were born at Children's Hospi tal," the mother said. "Oh. I know that," said soil. "But so they wouldn't think I was a sissy, I told her I was born at E b b e t s Field." A recent fad among ' college and high school students has been the wear ing of gray con federate or navy union hats to show their loyalty. It sooner does one than another takes its place. This latest fad I'm speaking of is the flying of a jolly-roger, skull and cross-bones or what have you from anything that will hold said object up. One recent morning, on my way to classes, I was startled out of dreamy reverie by a huge green Oldsmobile bravely flying the squll and cross-bones. Could this be a sign that spring is on the way? ' 0 Seems we of the younger gen eration are always hearing our elders preach about our wildness or wonder' what we are coming to. They call us the "silent gener ation" and predict what the world will be when our generation is in the White House. A recent story that turns the table is the one about the 97-year-old Michigan man who clumped anti-freeze in his -wife's bath water. What will THIS younger generation think of next? Stand on your nose. VVylie seems that no fad get started YOU WILL FIND IT A WON DERFUL WORLD INDEED IN YOUR FAMOUS COAT OR TOPPPER! because they are pretty and sparkle with the Master's Touch of Individuality. because Easter Is less than three weeks away. because for f25 00 you can find the coat you want . . . and others of course from $15 to 89.50 The Famous 1218 "0" Street of eourie you may charge 11 A rjet and u rn W As Bafrn Universe ft- U When nr'M i m m -.: ' nfcw .-.I m a "a m w jsfwui . V B - - "'A V m fc Sid l.r-lClfr v tsfiMZ In a cigarette, taste makes the difference and Luckies taste better! The difference between "just smoking" and really enjoying your smoke is the taste of a cigarette. You can taste the difference in the smoother, mellower, more enjoyable taste of a Lucky . . . for two important reasons. First,,-L.S.M.F.T.-Lucky Strike means fine tobacco . . . fine, mild tobacco that tastes better. Second, Luckies are made to taste better . . . proved best made of all five principal brands. So reach for a Lucky. Enjoy the cigarette that rasfes better! Be Kappy Go Lucky! Buy a carton today! L.S. M. f.Tr Vudky Strike Means Fine Tobacco AMBKICA'I LBADlMa MANUFACTURE: OT CIOARBTTlt